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  • File : 1303244497.jpg-(19 KB, 311x400, 0Vic-Mignogna.jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)16:21 No.4370187  
    Hey /cgl/ I heard you really like this guy.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 04/19/11(Tue)16:28 No.4370221
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    So much so that some of us even cosplay as him
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)16:30 No.4370230
    I've got nothing on that
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)16:33 No.4370242
    > Met Vic at Noobie-con
    > Doesn't know what a charizard is
    > he acts like an asshat all day to the staff
    > No sir, I do not.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)16:36 No.4370256
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)16:40 No.4370271
    Isn't he the host of that show Extreme Home Makeover? How is he cosplay related if all he does is go and builds houses?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)16:42 No.4370281
    I've always tried to understand this guy. I go to cons and see 16 year old girls get so wet for this guy and he's almost 50. What is it about him that is so hot?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)16:47 No.4370301
    Cause 16 year old weeaboos are as dumb as a box of rocks
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)17:06 No.4370369
    I've seen him a few times at various con panels. Seems like a nice, very positive guy.

    Not sure where the hate comes from.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)17:55 No.4370507
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    50 year old man at con talks to girls

    Guy of similar age with similar interests at con talks to girls
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:08 No.4370532
    -Forcing cons to let him hold Church Services on Sunday
    -He makes crap up about his characters to make them suit his moral views. An example of this is 3:24 . He never talked to CLAMP.
    -He also insists that he never said what he said at 3:24
    -Fullmetal Fantasy
    -He sent his fan girls to hate spam /cgl/ before
    -Making unauthorized dubs of Anime songs
    -Is generally excessively demanding to con staff
    -Will crash other VA panels for attention
    -I believe there were some masqs that went to the shitter because of his band

    I'm forgetting some stuff but generally that
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/19/11(Tue)18:12 No.4370542

    Not too sure. Guess it's a combination of a very strong fangirl filter and personal tastes. Guys that look like him really don't do it for me, but he might do for someone else.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)18:13 No.4370546
    Just sounds like a bunch of dumb rumors.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:14 No.4370552

    He also flirts with underage girls, more often ones who cosplay characters he voiced.

    I believe he's been banned from cons before for being such a dick to con staff.
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/19/11(Tue)18:18 No.4370570
    One thing that makes me a bit '...the fuck, really?' about him is how he said that Ed wasn't really an atheist, specifically from the first anime.

    Other than that, his panels with Travis Willingham are pretty epic and I would like to go see a QnA panel of his. He does seem a bit of a douche and yes, his fangirls are fucking batshit insane. Met 4 of them at Otakon and dropped the Vic conversation as quick as I could when the started gushing about him, then they turned bro real quick and I had a pleasant time chatting with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:18 No.4370571
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    bumping for more mangina con stories
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:22 No.4370589
    None of them are rumors.

    Ask him about the CLAMP thing, I did. Someone from the Risembol Rangers did come here around 2008 or so and flamed us. It's because of our retaliation that their forums are members only now. . He's banned from a lot of cons. He has crashed other VA panels before but it's been a while. There were masqs where his band left equipment on stage or basically made the award ceremony a quick trophy hand-out.
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/19/11(Tue)18:22 No.4370591
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    Maybe so, but these three are truefax.
    >Fullmetal Fantasy
    I just wanna see it for teh lulz.

    >He sent his fan girls to hate spam /cgl/ before
    There are screencaps of this shit somewhere.

    >Making unauthorized dubs of Anime songs
    Square Enix (or someone over in Japan, I'm assuming it was them) threw a shitfit when he did an English version of 'Brothers' and made a profit from it, even to the point of suing.

    I will admit, for some reason, I love his voice.
    God shoot me now.
    >mfw I hear his voice
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)18:26 No.4370610
    Despite how convincing you shaking your head and saying "nope" is, it's still pretty obvious you're just making up rumors. And even if half of your rumors were true I don't see how any such petty nonsense would even matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:30 No.4370625
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    It's okay if you don't want to believe a few of those things brah but even his fans will admit to Fullmetal Fantasy, Church Services, Con bans, and copyright violations. You can just Google those.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:32 No.4370632

    They aren't rumors princess, and adding up all that behavior means he's a real douchebag.

    He actually held a panel about that crap and pretty much told the Rangers to attack any site that was bad mouthing him. /cgl/ and Cosfu included.

    And it's in his contracts for most conventions that he be allotted panel time for a Sunday Service.

    When you're a douchebag, people talk. Especially constaff. No one wants to deal with a douchebag.
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/19/11(Tue)18:35 No.4370643
    Hi Vic, how's Texas?
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)18:37 No.4370647
    Since when do convention guests get contracts?
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)18:38 No.4370650
    Pretty good. The weather is a little on the hot side but luckily I wore--- I MEAN, UH... I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:40 No.4370657
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    Are you fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:41 No.4370658

    Since forever. They have fees and certain stipulations for appearances. This is the way it has always been.

    Hence why they take so long to announce guests, they're negotiating.

    Are you stupid or just naive? If there wasn't a contract of some sort people could just take the money and run, it's a legal thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:42 No.4370662
    I saw Fullmetal Fantasy. It wasn't just him. It was all of the major FMA voice actors. Corny, yeah, but they looked like they had a blast doing it. The stupidity of it was the funny part. It was a bunch of VA's goofing off. I see no problem.
    >> Banjo 04/19/11(Tue)18:44 No.4370667
    Oh dear god, he sounds like a complete tool. Sorry for sounding like a newfag, but what's Fullmetal Fantasy?
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)18:45 No.4370669
    :( Pretty much all this is true, guys.
    Sakuracon has church services every year he's there, he HAS walked in on other panels, and HAS skipped part of his own before. (And I was the one looking for his sorry ass.)
    He also runs over his allotted time. A friend of mine was handling panels at Sakuracon...either last year, or before that, and she actually had to get his liaison in there to cart him off, because someone else wanted to set up.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:45 No.4370670
    Copyright violations, they were making money off of it, and it makes Funi look unprofessional to Japanese investors.
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/19/11(Tue)18:46 No.4370671
    Link? I SO wanna see this. I fangirl over Travis Willingham and I know he was in it. I can pick this guy's voice out a mile away.

    >captcha: ingegyp *FUCKING PI*q
    Seriously Captcha? You suck.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:46 No.4370673
    He directed this.

    We were spammed with that for MONTHS.
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/19/11(Tue)18:48 No.4370678
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    Oh god, NO NO NO! I was on dA when all this shit went down. It was everywhere....
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)18:50 No.4370688
    Convention guests aren't paid. There's nothing to "run away" with. They don't have contracts.

    Put that little tidbit of information in your memory for your next fabrication.

    It's a little fan-made movie he and his buddies made about vic becoming Edward Elric and imagines fighting the FMA villains in real life. He wanted it to be a feature in the Japanese FMA DVD.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:51 No.4370692
    >Forcing cons to let him hold Church Services on Sunday
    I seriously doubt this. They probably just give him a regular panel on Sunday, and if he wants to make it into a church service, then let him.
    >Making unauthorized dubs of Anime songs
    So do other people, including another VA, Christina Vee, doesn't mean people hate her.
    >Will crash other VA panels for attention
    Other VAs do this as well.

    I'll give you the some of the other stuff you've said, but others seem like exaggerations.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:51 No.4370693

    I crack up every time...
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)18:52 No.4370695
    Uhm... yes. The VAs are paid to be guests. and Vic is one of the most demanding in cost. After Akicon, their people were saying something about how expensive he was and how they weren't sure if they'd invite him back.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:56 No.4370706
    lol. VA's WISH they got paid for cons.

    Their rooms and arifare are paid for, but they sure as hell dont receive money.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 04/19/11(Tue)18:57 No.4370708
    Makes me wonder why though cause Vic is almost at every con in the US. Hell he showed up to Sacanime.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:57 No.4370713
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    Once again...are you fucking stupid. Why do you think some cons are priced high? It's not just booking the spaces and such. They have to make back the money AND profit from the guests they CONTRACT to come.

    And why the fuck would someone fly out to a con and talk to greasy weeaboos if they weren't getting paid.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)18:58 No.4370715
    The fact that he showed up at Akicon's first year was weird too. Something like 1000 people, first year con, tiny venue...
    He mostly does it because he's an attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:01 No.4370727

    Umm, yeah. Yeah they do get paid. It's called an appearance fee. You really think these people would be showing up for cons so much if they WEREN'T getting paid?

    They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.

    You guys need to learn something about how conventions and industry guest appearances work before you start spouting off stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:02 No.4370728
    Con guests do not get paid. Ever. Even the big name celebrities come for free.

    I'm surprised there are people out there that still didn't know this common info.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:02 No.4370730

    Sometimes he just shows up for the attention. I remember someone relaying a story about how they were running a first time con and Vic emailed them about how he'd come if they paid him $5000 and they were like "Bitch, 5000 is our whole budget, WTF."
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:04 No.4370733

    Well now you're just trolling. Subtle but still obvious. Especially since there are people who actually are Con staff that visit this site.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:05 No.4370737
    This is true. I don't doubt he's shown up once in a blue moon for free. But he's still getting paid normally.
    And yeah, I think he pulled something like 5000-6000 on Akicon? I remember a 6 and several zeros.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:05 No.4370738
    lol con guests most certainly do NOT get "appearance fees".

    They attend as guests either for fun or to promote something. Most industry guests are asked to come by their supported company when they have a release of something.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:06 No.4370741
    He charges it because he can. Fangirls are idiots and don't know what a dick he is. But if I were him I'd charge people as much as I could.

    troll or idiot?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:07 No.4370743
    You can be persistant all you like, but no, con guests are not paid.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:07 No.4370744

    Yeah, you're retarded. I've worked guest relations for Dragon*Con, AWA, and smaller industry cons like Mythic Journeys.

    Them bitches get paid.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:07 No.4370745
    ...are you trying to say that Funimation or whomever makes them go there for FREE?
    Hell no, man. They charge for this. It's their job, they're getting paid, and whatever company is getting paid.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:07 No.4370746
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    >Vic Mangina
    >Ty Pennington

    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:09 No.4370748
    That's exactly right. They're asked to go to promote their products. All expenses are paid, but they do not receive money. Ever.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:09 No.4370750
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:10 No.4370751
    Sorry but I know people who work for Funimation. A lot of the time their company will send them to promote shows, but yes they are still paid to go to conventions.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:10 No.4370753

    I'm pretty sure this is Bunny Mage losing the trip and trolling us. For real, it's pretty common knowledge about these things.

    Hell it's why Scott McNeil isn't at a lot of cons because he charges so much.

    The only con that people go to to promote stuff is industry cons like E3 or SDCC.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:10 No.4370754
    (PS: It would be a money pit for the company if that was true. They have to make money off it. Period.)
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:12 No.4370756
    I've attended the "gripe panels" for Anime Expo, Otakon and Comic-Con and all of them at one point or another have stated clearly that they absolutely do not pay their guests of honor. I don't know about other cons, but I sincerely doubt it's any different anywhere else. Especially smaller cons.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:12 No.4370757
    holy shit, troll. What kind of VA guest doesn't get paid an appearance fee? Only the (very) small time VAs or very desperate ones do that.

    As con staff for a relatively small con, these are the fees that I've seen been paid to third string VAs: hotel, airfare, appearance, AND per diem.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:14 No.4370764

    >implying those cons don't pay Japanese bands to come be their guests of honor.

    Yeah, cuz I'm sure any of those bands would want to fly all the way to America for a con and NOT be paid when they can make money.

    Dude, staff already proved you wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:14 No.4370765
    airfare and hotel for a few people is pretty small on the list of typical industry expenses.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:15 No.4370768
    Those bands are trying to promote their albums. Many of them sell their albums AT the con.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:17 No.4370772
    You can scream and yell all you want to, but your belief is false. Voice actors do not get paid for con attendance. Nor do any other guests.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:23 No.4370789
    ...You do realize that depending on the band, the amount made from those sales are small. Bands make the most money from touring and doing gigs (ticket sales) and that is how they also promote their items. Merch is second, followed by record sales.

    While getting their name out there among people who will listen to their music is good, getting flown halfway round the world for a few days at a con and some expenses paid wouldn't be nearly as beneficial as getting paid to come as well. Because they are not going to see ticket sales

    Also, on the Otakon guest boards there is often talk of price raising due to what guests are booked to come.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:27 No.4370798

    Guys, we're being trolled. The anon wanted us to stop talking about how Vic is a douchebag and low and behold we did.

    Tricky, but still.

    Con guests get paid and Vic Magina is still a raging self-absorbed douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:32 No.4370808
    Yes, getting paid extra for coming would be more beneficial, but its not the case. They come to promote their stuff. I don't see why you would think a band would be any different than any other con guest. Japanese bands want more than anything to make it big in the US and struggle to do so.

    Con guests never get paid. Period. Even big name celebrities at comic-con like Robert Downey Jr. or Hugh Jackman dont get paid for going. It's promotion.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:34 No.4370811
    This. I remember way back in AX 2000 when Mike Tatsugawa himself said during the panel explicitly that they do not pay their guests of honor.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:35 No.4370815
    Crafty troll this is.

    And yes.
    Vic is a terrific douche.
    Anyone have any stories so we can rerail ourselves here?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:36 No.4370819
    So, Vic Horror Stories thread? Vic horror stories thread.

    He seems to have it in his head that he's this hyper popular celebrity for some reason. Let's run with that.

    So, a few years ago they got Vic as a guest at Dragon*con, guy seems happy because he's a "Huge Star Wars nerd" knows everything about Star Wars has been a fan since the original trilogy. Even dresses up as a Jedi.

    Few years later Star Trek came out. Suddenly it was the exact same story for Star Trek. Even hosted panels entitled "Ask me anything about Star Trek".

    When he was doing the Star Wars thing was around the time the last of the prequels was being released.

    Apparently he's a bandwagon whore as well.
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/19/11(Tue)19:38 No.4370826
    Lulz, he's also trying to direct some fan made Star Trek episodes.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:39 No.4370832
    >Star Trek

    RRRG. I noticed this at last Sakuracon. He had some Star Trek panel.
    My friend and I are Star Trek nerds- her more so than I. (My mother was a Trekkie back in the day, so I kind of got a bit of second hand from that.)
    She went to the panel without me, and told me later that she had never been more disgusted in her life.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:40 No.4370840
    Talking to yourself is fun, isn't it?

    When you get proven wrong, just scream "troll" a lot to try to take the pressure off. Nice tactic.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:41 No.4370843

    Well he does have one small connection with Star Trek. But it's not a I'M THE BIGGEST FAN EVAR. There's a reason he only pulls the panels at anime cons, he doesn't actually know all that much.

    But apparently when they tried to make an ST Animated Series, he voiced one of the characters.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:42 No.4370845
    >never removes trip.

    You sad because no one wants to respond to you? :( I stopped responding many posts up. Find someone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:42 No.4370850

    No, you were proven wrong. You just keep saying the same thing over and over and talking about panels.

    We had someone who actually DOES con guest relations say you're wrong.

    Besides, we all know you're just one anon.

    Sage for feeding the troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:43 No.4370851
    Whoever keeps saying that con guests get paid is a fucking moron. That has NEVER happened.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:43 No.4370853
    ...That sounds painful. His voice in general is painful.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:46 No.4370862
    Out of curiosity, do you ever attend convention feedback panels?

    Whenever the topic is brought up on respect to guests it inevitably gets mentioned that the guests are there solely for respect of the con or for promotion on behalf of the sponsoring company and that they do not pay them.

    Perhaps you should do some research before stubbornly clinging to some kind of idea that isn't true.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:47 No.4370865
    You know who's a nice guy? Brad Swaile. That is a NICE guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:48 No.4370868

    Haha, it's actually out now. I guess I caught the information last year but I didn't look closely at the date.

    It's actually the "fan episodes" people were talking about but they're actual accredited Webseries that existed before he showed up.

    He did a Klingon if I recall right.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)19:50 No.4370878
    At certain scifi or film conventions guests will get paid for things like autographs or meet-and-greet events, but those do not apply to anime conventions.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:50 No.4370879


    Say that again? Who would know more? Someone who actually does guest relation work for a con, or some congoer who claims they heard it in a "feedback" panel?

    I'll take constaff for 100 Bob.

    6/10 for persistence though.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:50 No.4370880
    I might have to look it up, just to see if I can pick it out.
    He surprises me sometimes, and his voice CAN be either unnoticeable or bearable. Sometimes.
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/19/11(Tue)19:51 No.4370884
    Hey guys, remember this?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:51 No.4370885

    I've always wanted to meet Brad Swaile.

    Scott McNeil is also one of the nicest fucking dudes in the world. Love that man.
    >> Holden Caulfield !!m7XhxC+5SQm 04/19/11(Tue)19:52 No.4370888
    Dude, Vic is creepy as hell. I was at Shado-con and since the line for his meet and greet was short I figured why the fuck not?I liked the FMA dub at least....and it struck me as odd he would be at Shado-con in the first place.I mean, its the cons 1st year for starters and it was teeny tiny.After talking to some pretty chill kuroshit fans, I wasn't expecting much.I mean, I figured most of the shit on the Internets was BS due to his fan girl status.I was wrong.Since I was sick, I decided i'd just ask for a signature as not to possibly give him my cold( inb4 why were you at a con with a cold). He insists on giving me a hug and I was kinda taken aback. I mean, I'm probably blowing out of proportion but then again, I was underaged at the time....
    It just felt weird.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/19/11(Tue)19:52 No.4370889
    I agree with that bit for Scott. He's pretty damn amazing.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:53 No.4370894
    You saying "shut up I werk 4 conz" isn't convincing in the slightest. Most people know that con guests arent paid salaries to be there. You're just being persistantly dumb.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:57 No.4370908

    >As for myself, I've noticed that most conventions automatically give guests about $150 in cash when they arrive to cover incidentals and any minor emergencies that might arise, and I think that is simply courteous, and not too much to ask, and I think it would behoove all cons to adopt this practice, especially if they absolutely refuse to pay appearance fees.

    >I have a few friends who charge appearance fees, and they are some of the biggest draws at conventions.

    Direct from Chris Patton's mouth ladies and gentleman.

    Guests get paid.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)19:59 No.4370915
    Thanks for that, I was starting to get confused.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:05 No.4370923

    Welcome, that was actually from a thread listed in 2008.

    In fact...from a conchair themselves talking about Vic:

    >I remember I talked to Vic Mignogna a few months ago about booking him for this years con (which we ended up not being able to afford) but he was very nice and sweet about it and justified his reasons for charging so much. He has to a day off for the travel, time of for the con, and day off for the flight back which can cause a crunch for someone who works. Such things as food, travel expenses are acceptable to a point as long as they aren't outrageous.

    Vic indeed DOES get paid for his appearances at cons, as do all major guests because they are WORKING PEOPLE.

    In the early days of just a few cons that wasn't the case. Now, it's common practice. With the changing market of more anime cons, there's more competition for who gets what guest.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:12 No.4370944
    My local con got "Mignono" a few years ago; his appearance fee back then was $500 for a one day con. All together, it cost over $1000 to have him there.

    I distinctly remember a horror story about him where he ended up taking an earlier flight to our city than the one that the con had paid and scheduled for him. I think it was just because he could.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:19 No.4370967
    >$150 to cover minor emergencies
    >to cover such things as food and travel expenses

    Thank you for proving that 'expenses' refers to accomodation expenses, not salaries.

    more made up horseshit.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)20:22 No.4370976
    anime cons aren't a market. They're trade shows.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:26 No.4370988
    Are that fucking retarded? I am apart of a large con and we deal with guest contracts. We have to because guests have fucked us over so we now have to cover our asses so they don't take the money and run.

    BTW, Vic has gotten an upward of $2500 in appearance fees from cons who don't know how to negotiate with him. On average he pulls in around $1500. We paid him $1k to come to our con (pre-Brotherhood). We won't let him come back even when he asked us to come back.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)20:28 No.4370997
    I've spent enough time on this board to be immune to the "trust me i r xpert" replies because they are never true. You're also wording your post in the exact same format as before, so don't try that either.

    As the King of Spain I can assure you that I am correct in all accounts and that your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:31 No.4371005

    That's for people who don't request appearance fees, which Christ Patton does not. I should've copied that line. So even if someone DOES NOT request an appearance fee, the con still pays them to be there with an incidental fee of 150 dollars. That's in addition to flight and accommodation which are NOT included in appearance fees.

    What Vic is describing in that is the cons are compensating him from time he could be spending working.


    They are a market hun. When you have multiple cons on the same weekend they are indeed a market.

    BUT Anyway.

    Horror stories.

    Who else has heard the story about Vic ditching a 11-year olds birthday party at a con?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:32 No.4371006
    I know what Scott charge, it is more than Vic but less than Steve Blum. Just say it was in the thousands range.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:33 No.4371013

    Actually hun...the one that's not me. The previous guest relations person (IE Me) is the one quoting the con guests.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:34 No.4371018
    Those travel expenses are more like "taxi to get to the airport" and things like extra luggage fees. I remember one guest telling us she asked for a per diem for things like getting a catsitter for the weekend. I've mostly seen the per diem goes towards getting trashed on the Saturday night of the con.

    If guests didn't ask for appearance fees, my con would have had Steven Blum like two frikkin' years ago. Unlike most other guests, who are more easygoing about when they get their checks, he asks for his appearance fee up front before the con. :< That's the one thing we can't contractually do.

    More Vic stuff... hmm... he once decided to start giving out signatures at the end of his panel, without letting staff know. It's not normally a problem if guests do that, but when it comes to Vic and his fangirls, well, that just plugs up the room for another hour or two. :/
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:41 No.4371037

    I want to say his is around 5000. Hell if you get into more Western Industry guests (IE Bruce Campbell) they can charge upwards of 10K and have stipulations where they can keep that money even if they cancel because they got an acting gig. I think Bruce's fee is around 40K.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:44 No.4371044
    He's Bruce Mother Fucking Campbell. He can do as he pleases, including ask for your soul.

    not that I am saying anon is butthurt over the fee, I'm just's Bruce Campbell
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:45 No.4371055

    It's true, just pointing it out because the other anons in this thread are all "NO ONE NOT EVEN BIG NAME HOLLYWOOD GUESTS GET PAID".

    And that's not true. Bruce Campbell, though awesome, is small potatoes compared to the likes of Johnny Depp and the Twilight cast and he asks 40K. There's a reason only SDCC gets guests THAT huge.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)20:49 No.4371067
    It's all you. But I'm sure you'll continue to claim otherwise, which I assure you is very, very convincing.

    When I go to cons I charge 100k. So long as we're throwing around fabricated numbers that don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)20:51 No.4371074

    You're cute, Bunny Mage, but you don't have to try so hard anymore. We've already been derailed off the topic of your precious Mangina.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/19/11(Tue)20:53 No.4371084


    ...wait, what?

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