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  • File : 1302983843.jpg-(112 KB, 730x1093, yeek_no_by_pixyteriyaki-d3dvenk.jpg)
    112 KB Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)15:57 No.4359588  
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)15:57 No.4359590
    by that expression, I'm going to assume she's constipated
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:01 No.4359607
    slowly Pixyteri begins to undress as her camera firmly situated on it's tripod snaps away.
    She feels her flubbery vagina becoming moist as she unbuttons her tight white blouse.
    Her large pancake titties flop out and she begins tugging at her udder-like nipples, grunting, she inserts her sausage fingers into her thick fat pussy...
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/16/11(Sat)16:04 No.4359616
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    >> fuumuu !0dzsGKEjhk 04/16/11(Sat)16:04 No.4359618
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    i made this :3
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:10 No.4359637
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:18 No.4359655
    Remember when we had that thread with those scat and watersports stories about PT?
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 04/16/11(Sat)16:22 No.4359672
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:25 No.4359682

    >> Hakou !Girlm.WryU 04/16/11(Sat)16:45 No.4359729
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    Dear lord. She actually does think she's sexy.

    Look at that pose.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:49 No.4359737
    she strains against her hamburger pussy, a wet "shlop shlop shlop" noise emanating from her body as she shoves her fingers deeper and deeper, the camera continuing to click away as her arm fat jiggles with effort.

    "The internet will love this!" she thought, plunging her fingers farther into her moist flaps. "Aside from those idiots at 4chan, everyone knows I'm sexy and kawaii!"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:51 No.4359741
    it's because of all those BBW chasers that spam her pictures with; "WOW U SURE R SEXII" while stroking their half-inch members.

    Has anyone pointed out to her that the only people who compliment her are people with a fatty fetish?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:53 No.4359744
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:54 No.4359745 she wearing diapers?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:54 No.4359746
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)16:58 No.4359750
    Does anyone have her nudes? They were on ED, and I can't find them anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:03 No.4359764
    Her unusually long tits smack against her stomach folds, turning around she gets into doggystyle position. "This is my favorite pose! I know everyone loves my ass!" she giggles as she plunges three fingers in and out of her sloppy vagina. Her cottage cheese ass gleaming under the lights like a horribly deformed angel.
    "Mm yeah! Oh yeah!" she grunts and works at her meat, peering over her shoulder at the camera she pouts, her thin lips pushing out like a duckbill. "I can't wait to upload these pics!"
    >> Takahashi Ryosuke !F9AXKingDI 04/16/11(Sat)17:06 No.4359779
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:15 No.4359798
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:17 No.4359809
    Man... I already miss her ED page
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:18 No.4359811
    Did you save any of the pics on it?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:20 No.4359815

    yea, what happened to ED?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:26 No.4359836
    Bullshit, drama, legal issues, and it losts its advertisers, couldn't raise enough money to cover hosting fees so decided to "go mainstream".
    Any chance you could post a zip or something? I want to see her nudes.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:26 No.4359839
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:28 No.4359842
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:31 No.4359850
    You're shitting me, right? Jesus. They finally caved in.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:31 No.4359851
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:32 No.4359853
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:32 No.4359854
    These are the public webpages I've been able to find of her. Thanks, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:33 No.4359856
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:33 No.4359857
    When the money runs out, what the fuck do you do? It sucks, but I imagine sites like that take an immense amount of time, effort, and ad revenue to maintain.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:35 No.4359861
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:35 No.4359864
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:36 No.4359868
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:39 No.4359875
    Thanks again!
    >> Billy♂Herrington !vauozlQS2w 04/16/11(Sat)17:42 No.4359885
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    > why
    >> SWEET BRO cosplayer !VZ4aWqW0FA 04/16/11(Sat)17:46 No.4359896
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:50 No.4359904
    the nude pics combined with the PT masturbating stories in this thread have created a duo of gross. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:08 No.4359933
    Sarah frowned, shifting from side to side as she set up her tripod. She had to pee, but there were more pressing matters at hand. Once she was certain she was ready, she happily stood in front of her home. She's managed to take her cleanest bed sheets and hang them up as a makeshift curtain and she was rather proud of it.

    She pouted her lips together in her favorite way; her facebook friends were always taking pictures with duck lips and *they* got plenty of comments. A few pictures of her posing cutely as Mikuru, the cheesy peace sign, her face tilted to show off her god-given chin.

    And then... Sarah squirmed, trying to hold in her urine. Her bladder felt like it was going to burst, but she had to finish these pictures first.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:12 No.4359939
    She fiddled with her costume top, opening it up in preparation for her sexy pictures. Sarah smiled slightly, admiring her gorgeous bust and the pretty bra she had picked out today. She then began angling herself properly, making sure her tits looked full and every bit as large as the ones she'd dream of.

    She had to make sure she had enough cleavage, so she took several sets of photos in different poses, trying to find out which way was the most flattering.

    Her need to pee increased; she could feel her pee hole burning and she desperately clenched her legs together. She chewed on her lip, placing a hand on her bulging stomach. It was rock hard, filled to the brim with liquid.

    One more set of pictures, then she go inside and pee real quick. Sarah squeezed her thighs tightly for a moment before getting ready for her next pose.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/16/11(Sat)18:15 No.4359946
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    i'm killing myself so that i don't have to hear the rest of this story
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:22 No.4359957
    She maneuvered herself so that her luscious ass was facing the camera. Truly the best of all her poses. She smiled to herself, making sure to capture all the glory of her buttocks and adorable white panties in the camera. She squatted down and finally managed to drop to her knees, omfping at the way her bladder jiggled within her.

    She took a deep breathe, then began. It started out well enough, but she could quickly feel her control wanning. Sarah groaned and she shifted to the side, giving the camera a coy, but strained smile.

    It seemed she had reached the end of her rope though. Without warning, pee squirted from her pussy, filling her panties. She gasped, feeling her warm pee come out in several short bursts. She tried to stop it and hold on, she even reached down to clutch at her pussy to help hold on. But it was no use. Her pee came out faster and faster, pouring through her thin panties and spilling down her thighs.

    Sarah sniffled, removing her hand and just letting her body relax. She could feel her panties start the sag from the weight. Her photo shoot was ruined!
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/16/11(Sat)18:27 No.4359967
    >Oh God, what am I reading and why
    Or made BETTER.

    But seriously, this is one of my fetishes.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:27 No.4359968
    Jesus Christ why can't I stop F5ing
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:37 No.4359989
    Pixyteri had to pee, badly. She sat in the driver's seat of her car, on the way back from the store with her Easter picture supplies. She had meant to go before leaving the shop, but had gotten so caught up with accessories, she had forgotten all about her need. Until she was sitting at a red light and could feel her bladder literally throbbing within the confines of her abdomen. Since the weather was getting nice, she'd gone out in her ~official Japanese schoolgirl gym uniform~, and was now regretting it. The buruma was tight across her stomach, squeezing her bladder.

    She groaned, shaking her legs rapidly and willing herself to hold on just a little longer. The light finally turned green and PT hurried on her way. She bounced in her seat, holding the steering wheel with one hand and holding her crotch with the other. All that pee felt like it was ready to explode out of her. The last time she'd gone to the bathroom was over five hours ago, and she'd had a considerable amount to drink since then.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:42 No.4359994
    She whined in the back of her throat everytime there was a red light. At the very least, traffic wasn't bad. But she was so far from home, these red lights were going to kill her. She chewed on her lip, counted streetlights, read license plates, anything to keep her mind off her urgent need.

    Only halfway back to her house, Pixyteri came to the daunting realization that there was no way for her to make it. Her pee was going to come out within the next few minutes, with or without her permission, and there was nothing she could do. She scanned around, still clutching at her pussy for dear life, and found an off street. With speed and skill she normally didn't have, PT turned the corner and sighed with relief that it seemed to be empty. No houses, no people, no cars. Perfect.

    Quickly, she put the car in park and struggled out of her seatbelt. It seemed to take longer than usual and she growled in frustration, wiggling her legs to help her hold on.
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/16/11(Sat)18:45 No.4359997
    Damnit, if you say "Pixyteri", I can't pretend it's someone more attractive.

    Oh wait, yes I can.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:46 No.4359998
    Finally, she managed to get herself out of her seatbelt and flung open the car door. She hobbled over to the passenger side of the car for privacy. As she made her way over, however, she could feel the first few drops leak out. She'd gone commando under the buruma, and the material of the shorts was hardly made to hold liquid. She could feel herself loosing control quickly, the few drips turning into a steady, but slow, leak. Down her legs and through the crotch of her pants her hot pee leaving stains as they traveled out.

    Finally, she was on the other side of the car, and she was able to pull down her pants quickly. Even before she was squatted down completely, her pee burst out, splashing onto the ground and even back up towards her thighs. She sighed in relief, and causally inspected her buruma. The crotch was wet, but hopefully no one would notice.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:52 No.4360003
    ...this is gross /cgl/
    never change
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)22:19 No.4360520
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    I finally have an appropriate thread to post this reaction.
    I haven't even read it all, but this is my face all the way.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)00:17 No.4360974
    Content has been saved but the pictures are stuffed.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)00:43 No.4361089
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    It's ok. She can be hot. Post shoops to counter the ugly.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)01:56 No.4361308
    bump for great justice.
    >> fuumuu !0dzsGKEjhk 04/17/11(Sun)05:23 No.4361587
    Hilary? Is that you?

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