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  • File : 1302795239.jpg-(10 KB, 340x255, rub616.jpg)
    10 KB Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)11:33 No.4353213  
    > "I really don't think you should spend more than $50 on this costume."

    > "aren't you way too old for playing dressup anyway?"

    PARENTS GENERAL. 'Cause even if you moved out, got your own funds and life, you still hear crap about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)11:35 No.4353216
    >Tell mom to mind her own damn business when I am spending my own money.
    >Grown ass woman.


    Grow a pair bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)11:36 No.4353218
    Also, threaten to put them in a home when they're old.

    Don't worry. We'll visit at least once a year.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)11:47 No.4353235
    My parents are both huge geeks who have made all sorts of crazy costume/prop shit (eg. mom made Star Trek uniforms, Dad made a neuralizer after MIB came out) so they think I'm awesome and I get JoAnn's gift cards every holiday.

    feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)11:47 No.4353236
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    Homefag here
    parents think its cool
    offer to help
    acknowledge its my money
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)12:22 No.4353289
    My Dad told me if he ever found out I was a loser like my friends, he'd put me on medication. I tell him that the con I go to every year is one of my opera competitions. I even work on an aria all year.


    I know he'll find out some day, I just hope its when I'm out of law school and with a job so he can't sabotage anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)12:30 No.4353303
    Moved out of my parents' home when I was 18, moved country too. Ever since we get along perfectly. Before, we used to argue at the drop of a hat, everyday, about everything. Since I moved to a different country we get along perfectly, even when we visit each other. Distance is awesome, does wonders for family relationships.
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 04/14/11(Thu)12:33 No.4353311
    My parents are just happy I found a way to do it and make a living. My mom thinks its cool, then again, she was the one that was dressing me up for years when I was little.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)12:39 No.4353324
    College kid, parents support me pretty much except for my work study checks. My mom is pretty cool with cosplay stuff, but sometimes she thinks I spend too much money on it. It's okay though. My dad has no idea about cons or cosplay and that's how it's going to stay.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)12:41 No.4353329
    Same here.

    When I was in high school my mother gave me and my friends a ride to a convention and decided to hang out in the entrance area to chat with all the other con moms and dads. She said it was nice that there's events like these where people can make outfits and hang out with others interested in the same stuff.

    I don't go to them as often because I do most of my shopping for anime/game merch online but she also liked how I use trading panels to get rid of stuff I don't want and still get things without spending more money.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)12:48 No.4353338

    Yes! Before I moved out I could never imagine having a friend-like relationship with my mom. Sometimes space is what you need. It worked for us.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)12:52 No.4353350
    My parents were going to sci-fi & fantasy conventions before I was even born. Cosplay's a family activity for us and we still meet up every year and the Emerald City Comicon.
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 04/14/11(Thu)12:54 No.4353355
    My mother is pretty accepting of all my odd hobbies.
    I told her i was going to MCM in lolita and the first thing she said was "where are you going to find shoes?
    >> Codename:Poison !!V/SKh83GTy1 04/14/11(Thu)12:59 No.4353362
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    >Get check from side job in mail
    >"No, we need that check to pay bills, buy food blahblahblah". *snatches check*
    >I work for free

    Since I don't get any income, I don't get to go shopping for cosplay stuff. I mean, my mom is supportive and likes cons a lot, like recently I sold my shit to go to Megacon and she helped me adjust me blouse and to make my arm glove things. Pic related, its me at Mega.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)12:59 No.4353363
    College girl here.

    My mom is accepting, realizes this is a hobby and that doing it makes me happy, so she's supportive and has even offered to help me pay for supplies on a few occasions.

    Dad thinks it's childish and that i need to grow up and get out of fantasy land. and generally stop liking anime and manga.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:00 No.4353364
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    >Ill be making 3 costumes (this that and that)
    >Oh cool anon, how?
    >Im not too sure ill just do some tutorials online and take my time
    >Why dont you just buy them?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:02 No.4353367
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    My mom's proud of me for being a dork. She was a dork throughout her school years. My sister is a social butterfly and she's kind of a priss so it's hard to relate with her, but I grew up a tech geek that loves animu and vidyagames and I embraced that fact. Where I live it's socially acceptable to be who you are though so I don't really care.

    I'm in college and I have a lot of health issues so I can't work but my mom happily helps me pay for my costumes and conventions. This year I'm also taking my cousin to sakuracon who has epilepsy and she's really depressed 'cause she just got some bad news from her doctor so she's helping her pay for things too....

    My parents are very well off financially
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:09 No.4353373
    >Get into cosplay at 16
    >Tell mom I want to make costumes
    >"Oh, I can totally help you, I won awards in school for fashion shows for clothes I made!"
    >Skip to every costume I've made since then
    >"Mom can you help me figure this article of clothing out"
    >"I don't know how to do that! :3c"

    I should probably stop asking at this point.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:12 No.4353374
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    >mfw people over the age of 18 still asking their parents for money for costumes
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:18 No.4353383
    my mom acts like an irresponsible teenager, skipping from job to job and boyfriend to boyfriend. I can't ask her for anything, yet somehow she manages to send me giftcards or random-ass books brand-new from Amazon that she thinks might help me.

    She means well and I love her for all she's done, but she needs to get her own shit together. I try not to ask her for money.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:18 No.4353384
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    My parents are fine with the money I spend, since even when it comes to cosplay, I'm pretty fiscally responsible.
    On the other hand, my mum gets all worked up about the time I spend on my costumes. Since I'm in a really demanding uni program, she's worried I'm blowing off school work to make my cosplays.
    mfw, I've got an 80 average, and haven't even started my costumes for Anime North because I'm focusing on studying for finals before I worry about costumes.
    tbh, though, she's getting better with it now that I'm not in high school, and I live on my own.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:19 No.4353385
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    >mfw you think people are magically handed jobs when they turn 18, especially in this economy
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:23 No.4353393
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    >mfw I started my own online business when I was 15, then got into stocks when I was 18 so I wouldn't end up as some beta faggot

    Seriously guys, it's not hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:25 No.4353400

    >implying you are everyone in the world
    Seriously, not everyone is in the same situation as you. It's not that hard of a concept.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:27 No.4353405

    you do realize that YOU are the exception to the rule, right?
    you're the odd one out for being that kind of person.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:29 No.4353409
    My mom's pretty chill about my hobbies, when I started attended conventions at 16 she dropped me and my friends in the hotel lobby and drove the 2+ hours back home and just left us there.

    Thankfully we knew what we were doing, probably more so than what she would have known.

    Since then I've moved across the country and we only speak occasionally, but she still asks me if I attend my "Tekkocons" [Tekkoshocon was the first convention I ever went to and thus in her mind is every convention I will ever go to].
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:30 No.4353412
    This post reminded me of this really weird kid who was in my art class in high school. He swore up and down that he had his own online business and was making SO MUCH BANK every day. Turned out that he just spent several hours a day filling out online surveys.

    Not saying that's what this guy does for sure, or anything, but most people who really need to boast about their awesome online businesses don't actually have awesome online businesses.

    I've been seeing a lot of money problems for my friends coming from not getting enough hours at work. A good friend of mine has been cut from a full time job to 1-3 hours per week. Who can live on that?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:32 No.4353415
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    Hey, uh, you're pretty.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:32 No.4353416
    Haha, I knew a girl who did that in highschool. Kept saying she was making all this cash. Turned out it was like twenty bucks a month. I did try explaining to her that she could make a whole lot more money by just utilizing the power of craigslist with Ebay, but she wouldn't listen. She's 21 now, still living in our shitty hometown, still living with parents, and now she's fat. So sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:34 No.4353419
    Haven't actually cosplayed yet, but I told my mom about it and she just kind of rolled her eyes and said "Oh lord." She doesn't seem to really care outside of thinking that I'm a huge nerd.

    Haven't had to beg for money from her to attend cons. She supports me via letting me stay at home and commute to college, in return I make my own money to support my hobbies.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)13:36 No.4353424
    I've grown up in a house with a mother who still loves dressing up for halloween or any fancydress parties so she really takes an interest in my cosplays. Yeah she thinks its weird but she can't really talk.

    My dad is a massive sci-fi nerd and thinks its cool. He took me to my first convention.

    TL;DR both parents are cool with it and I have a well paid part time job to fund it. Also it doesn't really interfere with school cause most cons are during the holidays
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)14:23 No.4353539
    Me too. The downside is my mom doesn't realize this, and thinks with our newfound friendship she needs to move closer to me. No, mom, 1,000+ miles is the best thing for us.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)14:37 No.4353561
    Besides a recorrent "you should study more instead of losing time on that", my mother is cool with it. She goes with me to fabric stores she likes and most of the times buys me stuff. If I'm in a pinch, she supports me.

    My father, by his side, LOVES that I cosplay and loves to help me making props. He too says I should study more.

    Truth to be said, when I'm about to have exams I study more than one can ever imagine. Rest of the time I slack off.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/14/11(Thu)14:43 No.4353570
    >Get into cosplay
    >Mom thinks it's cute or something
    >Dad feigns interest
    >No one gives a fuck

    Only awkward is Mom wanting to take photos of me to work to show her coworkers, because she thinks it's so imaginative and cute. Wat.
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/14/11(Thu)14:54 No.4353595
    Mom tells me (rightfully so) that she has no money to help me and I shouldn't waste my money.

    She also can't sew worth a damn, and just told me to get her friend to help.
    My dad makes fun of anything I do and says "aren't you too old for that?" even when the new hobby I'm trying to get into is marketed toward the male 18-35 demographic: Video games, roleplaying games, Magic: the Gathering, LARP, anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)14:59 No.4353609
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    My mom doesn't really give a shit, so long as I have a good time and don't neglect other responsibilities.

    u mad?
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 04/14/11(Thu)15:01 No.4353612
    Every time I see one of these threads I seriously ask myself "Why do I do this?"
    I guess it's just all about spending massive amounts of time with friends making costumes and getting to show them off at cons. If I was all by myself, I don't think I'd do it anymore.

    Also this board gets worse and worse every day, so that isn't helping either.
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 04/14/11(Thu)15:03 No.4353619
    Homefag and collegefag here. Dad cosplays with me, and supports what I do, but wants me to focus on college when I'm not preparing for a con, unless there is a test coming up. Step mom is the same way, just less vocal about it. Mom knows I do it, and wants to get into it, but can't as she has to work to live at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)15:18 No.4353678
    When I lived with my parents my mom used to help me out a bit, painting shit and whatnot. She doesn't sew so I had to learn by myself. My dad was neutral, he knew what I was doing and sometimes liked the pretty dresses I made. Once he drove me and my friends to a con because he's nice.

    Now they sometimes ask about cosplay and if I'm still into it. Last year I appeared on TV on a segment about cosplay and they were proud and told all their friends and shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)15:19 No.4353680
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    >never talked about cosplay with parents
    >move out
    >parents visit
    >decide it can't hurt to show off some of the cosplays I've made
    >dad doesn't say a word
    >mother asks the following:
    "Anon are"
    "This is what you've been wasting your money on?" "Can you even imagine how much you would have saved up by now if you WEREN'T in this...'hobby'?"
    "Anon really are you gay? Is this your weird way of coming out?"
    "Why do you have a purple wig? Of all colors WHY a purple wig?"
    "What about school? You'd waste three days doing nothing when you could be studying?"
    "Anon please don't tell me you want to become a fashion designer."
    "Have you told anyone else in the family?"
    >mfw I had to tell my parents to gtfo after only visiting for a few minutes
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)15:30 No.4353706
    ... Aaa that blows! I'm sorry.

    Mines nothing like that one but irksome as shit.
    I can't step away from my parents, I work full time but live at home due to economy. I work at the same place as my father (in a different department, but we see each other and people know I'm his son)

    My clothing gets critiqued every morning to make sure I'm "professional" by my mom, my dads idea of workplace advice is scolding, and I'm being strongly encouraged to not go to Comic Con cause of again "being professional." What're you thinking guys, "I'm sorry you've done great work but you dressed as a superhero one weekend so you're fired clean out your desk."
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:00 No.4353786
    >>not a lolita
    >>not a cosplayer
    >>dress normal and fashionable
    >>talk about lolita
    >>mom's like "yeah that'd be cute if you were 4 and lived along time ago ....those people are wierd.
    >>talk about cosplay
    >>mom's like "its really weird people want to dress like cartoons and super heroes"
    >> mom tells me to focus on my art
    >>draw girls in gothic and lolita clothing
    >>mom tells me to quit drawing all the time...whys it gotta be goth?

    geez mom leave me alone i like fuckin alternative
    fashion... gah drawing t shirts and skirts is boring yo
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:02 No.4353795

    your parents sound like sweet supportive people.
    lucky bro you are
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:05 No.4353801
    My parents have never actually hassled me about it, even though I don't think either of them really understand cosplay.

    The nearest I get to hassle is my dad frequently looks at dresses and things that I've made and says "so have you ever thought about trying to make money from this?", forgetting that he's already asked me that many times before. I'm not even that good. It's nice that he has faith in me though.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:09 No.4353807
    >mom loves the cosplay I do, and loves the lolita fashion as well, even if she's not into it.
    >doesn't enjoy funding it though, but still helps me out.
    >rest of family thinks anime is "weird" or "goth" or "lesbian"
    >hide it from them. -shrug-
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:09 No.4353808
    My parents doesn't mind. I wear lolita and have tried out cosplaying, want to do it more.
    Mom just think that I spend a lot money on it, but since it is my own money she doesn't say anything. She thinks lolita is cute but a bit overdone sometimes. I don't see my dad often, but he just says that if it makes me happy then do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:11 No.4353814

    They really are, I'm very grateful. The rest of the family think it's funny that I sew and all, but probably talk shit behind my back. Don't really care.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:11 No.4353815

    Myself and my parents are strict followers of the Western Zodiac.

    Now despite this strong belief, we're your average family. I'm the oldest and the only male in the family (2 little sisters 12 and 15) so naturally my dad believes I should be alpha. He knows I want to go into acting and he supports that.

    Yet I never told them about cosplaying. My sisters know and my 15 year old sister came to my flat to make her first cosplay of some obscure Anime I've never heard of (it ends with Index, I know that) so my parents drop her off and then come to pick her up. My mum asks if I've done it before and then I reveal my cosplay collection, including one brolita dress I made as a joke.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:13 No.4353816
    My dad called me a faggot when I was about to go to a con in my outfit. But he also called me a faggot in highschool when I got a 88 in my English class...
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:13 No.4353820
    >Parents are cool with cosplay
    >Start taking intrest in lolita
    >Show mom some BTSSB
    >"omg, Anon, these dresses are so pretty, you'd look so cute in them!"
    >Start saving money in a seperate account with her credit union that I've had since I was wee to buy some ~burando~
    >Tell mom how much I'm trying to save
    >"No, you can't spend that money, it's your life savings!"
    >"You should save that money for your first place"
    >"You should save that money for a new car"
    >"You should save that money in case I ever decide you owe me money so I can transfer it from your account to mine without telling you again"
    >I already have a savings in a seperate bank for my first place, fine with the car I have, also have a few other emergency savings account in various places

    Get off my nuts mom, it's my spending money!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:15 No.4353825


    Then my dad realizes I've been doing this for a while.


    and so on and so on for the next 10 minutes. My mother sees that I'm straight and just enjoy this as a hobby and simply replies:

    >Anon is just exerting his inner Pisces. Clearly you can see that Anon's dad? Look how each costume is different and made with artistic beauty (found it funny that most of them were my early ones which were HORRIBLE), it's because he's a Piscian, not because he's gay!

    I fucking love my mum, my dad believed it and she was either clearly bullshitting or just decided to make my dad shut up.
    >> Ukraine 04/14/11(Thu)16:16 No.4353826
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    They find it weird. They thought my LAST CONVENTION EVAR was going to be AX 09 so they helped me with the plane ticket, which I'm really greatful for. But they really don't like me going to it now that I'm older. They don't get the cosplay thing. To this day my mother calls conventions "Anime Movies".

    But I'm an adult and live out on my own now and pay for shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:16 No.4353829
    >every time my mother visits she asks me what I've been doing lately
    >sometimes tell her I've been working on cosplays
    >she asks me what I need to work on and I mention a few things

    Every time, I swear. I never actually ask her to do anything for me.

    My dad is a boss and has usually played/read/watched everything I cosplay from. He's either indifferent about it or thinks it's mildly amusing, I'm never quite sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.4353835
    My parent's think its cool because they love anything creative. I even got my mom into making jewelry again through my cosplaying.
    >> HAPPI !!1JaYLEa+Lm0 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.4353836
    >"why don't you spend that money on jeans, instead of looking like a freak"

    hey fuck you! I only wear them when there is a meetup. which is like what, 1 every 2 months. stfu mom. and I'll be a freak if I mothafuckin' want to >:|
    >> RemingtonSteel 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.4353838
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    >ease mom into the fact i cosplay
    > she just rolls her eyes "oh lord"
    >dad said why the hell is there a wig down here,
    >show dad props
    >he says "oh im not worthy to be in the presence of such amazing artifacts!"
    >mom helps sew for me on occasion because i dont know how...
    >sisters think im stupid for making costumes for my "nerd convention
    >Mom gives me extra spending money for conventions under the table saying its a "treat"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:22 No.4353841
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    Was this the costume your sister was making, anon?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.4353843
    My mom was actually very disappointed when I stopped cosplaying and started getting serious about school. (I can't do both - I'm too extreme, personality flaw a-hoy!)
    She said I was "losing my inner child/my creativity/becoming a hipster piece of trash" depending on when she was saying it. She's unhappy that I "don't play dress up anymore!"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.4353845
    Nope, but there was one that looked like that in the reference she gave me. It was a modified brown school uniform and I made her a sniper rifle (much like Yoko's from TGGL), a pair of goggles and styling her brown wig.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:26 No.4353848
    >Only awkward is Mom wanting to take photos of me to work to show her coworkers, because she thinks it's so imaginative and cute. Wat.

    My mom does this too! I'm so appreciative that they're proud of me but I know for a fact her coworkers are creepy bible thumpers (She works at a christian college) so I can only imagine what they really think D:

    She sends pictures to my family too and they all seem to to think its pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:27 No.4353851
    gothfag mode

    >I thought this was just a phase aren't you a little too old for this
    >well considering one of my friends is 36 and looks awesome...
    >uuhh, what

    I'm 25, mom. Stop trying to fuck up my life and social circles
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:28 No.4353853
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:28 No.4353856
    That's the one, but I made a different gun to that!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:30 No.4353861
    Lucky. My relatives are the bible thumpers and until I 16/do-want-i-want age, I wasn't allowed to enter their houses if I wasn't wearing an ankle-length dress.
    Finally at least one of my relatives are cool now. They moved out of the little mennonite town the rest of the family lives in, and they encourage their daughter to do what she likes. Of course, they had to start keeping up with modern things after their older children rebelled (one became a drug-dealer, the others wanted to get jobs and move out).
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:33 No.4353873
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    My family doesn't care what I do. The only negative aspect of my hobbies for them is that I get rather bitchy while I'm working on a costume. Which I'm trying not to do anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:44 No.4353898
    Ugh I have relatives like that too! They don't let their kids celebrate Halloween or anything like that. We don't really even speak to that part of the family though because they're too batshit. We stick with the cool ones.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/14/11(Thu)16:50 No.4353912
    My mum likes that I'm not a stupid whore with twelve tattoos and piercings smoking pot behind the mall. She really doesn't give much of a shit that I'm making costumes instead.

    My dad helps me make all my props and loves people-watching at conventions.

    My older sister thinks I'm weird for cosplaying a dude that required gluing on a beard, but she's from Missouri so anything other than fishing or joining the Air Force is strange to her.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:51 No.4353914
    Cue in my mom telling me to save up my money (when I already have a hefty amount saved), when she gets mad she then calls my cosplay crap that needs to be thrown away and calls me fat infront of my 200 pound overweight sister. I'm half their sizes.
    I hate my family
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:53 No.4353920
    >stupid whore with twelve tattoos and piercings
    >implying tattoos and piercings are an indicator a person's intelligence or profession
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:56 No.4353926
    To a mom they are!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:10 No.4353951
    I hope not... I dunno, I was silly when I was young and I got covered in tattoos, but my folks never judged me for them.... If you do well in life, no one gives a shit about your tattoos and piercings...
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:14 No.4353963
    >You're paying over $30 for a wig that will only work for ONE costume you're working on?! Why not just get one from Party City?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:16 No.4353969
    Nope. My mom has five tattoos.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:19 No.4353975
    Ooo don't forget
    > why can't we just buy a shirt that looks close enough? I bet Gap has one.
    (verbatim quote)
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:20 No.4353977
    Don't worry. Your dad is an asshole, but he can't put you on medication unless he has a license to practice medicine, and even then he can't force it on you. There isn't any diagnostic criteria for "being a loser" listed in the DSM IV, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:22 No.4353986
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    >mfw my mom does some cosplay with me
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:23 No.4353988
    This is my dream T3T
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:29 No.4354002
    >Ugh, you want to DYE it? That sounds messy...Soo...I guess you should probably start asking around for someone who wouldn't mind you turning their washing machine magenta.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:40 No.4354029
    "Are you really making and buying clothes you'll only wear once? Even if you're the one paying for it, you're not made of money."

    I know, that's why I save u-

    "You're saving up? Great! I'm going to take you shopping with me for REAL clothes you could wear out in PUBLIC."

    She then proceeds to spend my money on shit for herself by carefully planning how much money she brings with her.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:47 No.4354056
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    Mum helps me sew, style wigs and find cute accessories for to match my loli.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:58 No.4354093
    Dad is ecstatic about it, but wishes I'd do American series instead of "that Japanese crap." I've got nothing against the superhero-type stuff he reads, but it's a little creepy because the comics he wants me to cosplay all have really scantily-clad heroines. Mom loves it because she sees it as me finally leaving the house and making friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)18:00 No.4354094
    >my mom calls cosplaying stupid and cosplayers are freaks
    >sees a picture of someone cosplaying as the Flaming C from Conan o'Brien
    >she adores cosplay now
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)18:06 No.4354110
    My dad helps with the props that are over my head. The people at Lowe's know us now. "Oh hoho, so what're y'all makin this time?" And every once in a while we'll get the occassional "Oh, man, this one chick wanted to make a giant folding fan" or "giant hammer". Which would be me.
    My mom's cool about it. She used to be the Con Mom for my friends and me. She'd hang out for a while and look at people's costumes. She's the most fucking critical person ever, though. Sometimes it pisses me off, sometimes it's great. She'll find those little loose threads or crooked seams I overlooked.
    My little brother's actually cool too. I'll let him know I'm cosplaying certain characters he knows (Zuko, Lavi, Temari). At first he'd be surprised at certain things. Last time I told him I'd be cosplaying Shitt P., he looked at me for half a second, shrugged, and went back to playing...whatever he plays now.

    My family's pretty cool. We all look at the pictures I get, Dad'll ask me if I saw __x__ from ___y___ game, mom'll ask what the best costume was.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)18:08 No.4354116
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    >That feel when I keep my family on a need to know basis when it comes to cosplaying
    Shits inconvienient
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)18:14 No.4354135
    >tell mum I cosplay
    >stepdad doesn't mind so long as I clean my fabric scraps and stuff up when finished
    >get a sewing machine from nan
    >sew stuff up with mum's tailor background help
    >show nan
    >get a better sewing machine (two sewing machines and an overlocker now! :D)
    >laughs and photos all round when we try on wigs

    My only biggest nag is not having the right pattern and my mum nags me about it, but thats just it. I sometimes even get my little brother to cosplay. (Hes done Gohan, Ben Tennyson and White from Tekkonkinkreet~)
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)18:36 No.4354188
    My mom's always been into sewing and creative crap so she was overjoyed when I got into it... she's always had a crap-ton of expensive machines and fabric so now it encompasses almost the entire bottom floor.... My dad thinks its weird and that I'm weird but will buy me what I want or forces me away from a prop and does it himself... he also harps on me about how I don't go to as many cons as I did in highschool.... but back then my mom yanked me out of school to go to cons and I was also sick a lot so the school knew me as the "sick girl" and sent me home on the days I was recovering from con.. So my parents are pretty boss
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)18:42 No.4354202

    Your parents pulled you away from school to go to cons? Thats cash, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)18:45 No.4354211
    Arrgh this! My mother does the same thing.
    I have to hand dye everything and even then she nags me that the bucket is going to get stained.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)18:53 No.4354235
    >Find out my mom has been stealing the money I've been saving up for an entire lolita wardrobe
    >It's about $10,000
    >All gone
    >Friend is lawyer
    >Sue the bitch
    >Get my money back and then some
    >Mom never speaks to me again
    >Not a single fuck was given that day
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)18:54 No.4354238
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    My parents are so amazing about this shit. Got a few stories:

    >be 14
    >working on first cosplay
    >parents don't get it at all but think it's cool I am excited about a new hobby
    >ends up looking pretty shitty but was proud as hell becasue it was my first costume
    >mom takes pictures and shows to relatives because she's proud

    A few years later:
    >be 16
    >getting pretty good at sewing, decide to expand to prop-making
    >mom now thinks cosplay is awesome but dad still doesn't get it
    >dad offhandedly asks me if I am working on a costume at the moment while driving me to my place (I moved out to live with my gf when I was 16)
    >tell him about my costume, he comes to my place for a coffee and I show him pics
    >tell him I am still trying to figure out how to the sword
    >a week later he calls me and says he will come and pick me up, he had bought some wood and tools and we started working on my sword together in his garage
    >mfw dad's a total bro about it even though he doesn't get it

    Same year:
    >mention going to a con that month and how trains are expensive for my budget
    >dad's goes "lol you and your student budget"
    >I forget about even mentioning it to my parents
    >two days before the con he calls me and says he will give me and gf a ride to the con 200km away
    >both parents come along and hang out at the con for a few hours oogling at everyone's costumes
    >I love you, parents

    Even later:
    >be 20
    >get back into loli crap after not really dressing in that stuff in five years
    >live in another city now, so mostly keep in touch via phone and IMs
    >show mom a picture of one of my aristo outfits
    >she says she wants me to make her a matching outfit and go to a con with me dressed like that

    >mfw all of these
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)19:06 No.4354283
    Oh god so many grammar mistakes, nvm drunk poster here.

    Forgot to mention in the last one but my mom is a total closet got, I have made her a few goth dresses for events. She'd like to wear gothic stuff more often but her work wouldn't allow it and she thinks it would be a waste to spend money on clothes she can't wear daily. She's retiring in a few years though and I'm sure she will turn full goth after that, lol. She's also "cosplayed" when she was younger, she showed me a picture of a Catwoman outfit she had made for a costume party back in the 80s and I pretty much shat bricks because it was actually really well made. Mom's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)19:10 No.4354290
    > Have a friends birthday to go to
    > Sewing my first Lolita dress + Blouse
    > Finish dress easily
    > Blouse is another story
    > Pin tucks, lace, everything
    > Night before party, have had to un pick blouse about 5 times.
    > Crying, panicking, it's midnight and still getting no where
    > Mum puts her hand on my shoulder and says "Anon, you can finish it in the morning"
    > Go to bed
    > Walk to sewing machine
    > Blouse is finished, everything is perfect

    thank you so much mum!!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)19:14 No.4354305
    >Mom has raised you since birth
    >Probably spent over 500,000 dollars on you, maybe three time as much
    >She takes some money that isn't even half that.

    Maybe you should have just asked why she took it, and handled things more maturely instead of being a sue happy bitch.
    >> Norge 04/14/11(Thu)19:16 No.4354308
    my step father doesnt like anything i do so i dont talk to him anymore
    my mom does not like that i spend to much money on cosplay
    I live in the dorms now so she cant really tell me anything and its my money also
    now that i have gotten better she like the stuff i made but still tells me that i spend to much
    i think it has gotten better i guess...
    still i dont talk to my family much so is not like they see everything i do
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/14/11(Thu)19:20 No.4354318
    Awwww. ;__;

    I'm so jealous of all the nice stories. Least my Mum isn't crazy I suppose. Got to be thankful for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)19:21 No.4354319
    My mom was a crackwhore who left the family and only came back when my dad died because my aunt told her it was her responsibility. That was when I was 17.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)19:31 No.4354342
    >too young to understand what 10k is


    >old and has ungrateful kids she'd like to get all the money back from
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)19:32 No.4354346
    Currently working on a Granado Espada costume. Mum fnds out how much I've spent on fabric, flips her shit, and starts drawing up a business plan so I can claim costs back from taxes or some shit. Calm yo shit momma - my money, my epic fucking costume! I don't even live with her and I still get it. Also - business plan?! What?!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)19:43 No.4354387
    My parents actually support my hobby cause unlike the rest of you I have a job, get good grades in school and I make good costumes and I'm not a total cunt to everyone over a bunch of shitty jap fashions no one even wears outside of cons.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/14/11(Thu)19:44 No.4354392
    yet another reason as to why it would be awesome if tiny started cosplaying
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)21:38 No.4354748
    My mom is glad I have a creative hobby but always thought it was a phase (started at 14, now 22) and even helped/made some of my first cosplay! Now she is worried about how much money I spend on both lolita and cosplay as I have looming school debt. She tends to call anime conventions "conferences" though I think to make it sound neater to her friends haha. Overall though I think as long as neither interferes with my schoolwork she's pretty happy.

    My dad likes lolita (since it's fairly modest) but has not voiced an opinion on cosplay as of yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)21:50 No.4354775
    My mom was happy for me when I said I met a nice girl and was going to see her this weekend. But then I said she likes lolita...
    And all hell broke loose.

    She doesn't think lolita is as bad as cosplaying, though... Eh. I have my own place. At least I don't have to deal with it every day.
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 04/14/11(Thu)21:52 No.4354786
    lol, Tiny should get into anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)21:59 No.4354808
    My parents are supportive, and have expressed interest in cosplaying as well. My step-grandmother used to be a leading seamstress until her arthritis played up so badly, so she loves seeing what I make.
    My job, my money, my hobbies. My priorities are right, and they know it.
    >> Moose 04/14/11(Thu)22:05 No.4354825
    My mom is my con bro, we goof off so much and she loves meeting all the people and seeing the cosplays, not to mention she helps me with my costumes when she can, like tips and things to improve my costume, so I'm glad she's so cool with it.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/14/11(Thu)22:07 No.4354832
    i like your mom
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)22:56 No.4355019
    My mum is 85% of the time cool with it.

    It's when I make a big fucking mess/do last minute shit she hates. Other than that I think she sometimes gets a bit sad that I never ask her for help anymore. She used to make all my outfits for primary school dressups and she used to love costume parties. Bu she does get amazed at some stuff I pull out my ass.

    Also, she occassionally throws out there that I waste so much money on outfits to wear to photoshoots/people's parties/etc. Then remembers I never go out and drink myself to oblivion/don't have any other hobbies.

    >mfw all those costumes combined have cost me only $150 over the course of 3 years.

    Yes, I probably should be saving mone....Oh hang on a minute, I am!
    My mum is fine with it as long as I can do the following:
    -give her money to pay bills
    -buy my own fuel
    -service my car
    -buy credit for my phone
    -buy my own pills
    -pay for car rego/insurance
    -pay for my own haircuts
    -buy my own clothes
    She sometimes gets mad I buy food for the house if we run out. Mum, dude, it's what my money is for.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)22:57 No.4355024
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    derp, forgot my mfw image...
    >> Moose 04/14/11(Thu)22:57 No.4355025
    She likes you too, nohomo.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:08 No.4355061
    >Want to get Stormtrooper armor to join the 501st
    >Want to buy a kit
    >Tired of hearing her whine I buy a used suit from a friend
    >The suit is yellowed and needs paint/mods
    >Has already gotten everything I need/need to do to it figured out
    >No need to help mom
    >She paints with paint made specifically for wood which cracks and feels horrible
    >She tries to come up with her own lazy ass solutions for everything
    >Rough jagged cuts on the armor
    >Painting OVER decals
    >All this shit while I'm out/sleeping
    >Armor is ruined
    >Mom: never going to help you again! blahblahblah
    >I never needed/wanted your help in the first fucking place

    Great way to ruin a $800 armor set.

    Now I need to repaint it polish it completely fucking redo everything, so it's become my side project to turn it into a sandtrooper while I save up to buy a new more accurate stormtrooper KIT.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:12 No.4355076
    Holy shit! How old are you? If my mom touched my femtrooper I'd stab her in the eye!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:14 No.4355084

    I'm 18 but I was 16 when I got the armor which is now sitting in a pile behind my TV, under tons of SH figuarts, Chogokin, and model kit boxes
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:34 No.4355157
    >You're spending 30 bucks on a wig? Why not just use green hair spray?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:45 No.4355193
    My mum likes it a lot more now that I've moved on from mostly anime related cosplays, to historical and film based ones... I dunno, apparently in her mind it's better...

    Dad likes any costumes until they start to get revealing, and weirdly enough he likes it when I crossplay, I guess because I won't get any attention from guys...

    Lolita on the other hand... mum hates how expensive it is, but stopped bitching when I showed her how much all my non-weeaboo goth shit cost.

    Again, dad likes it because of the modesty. He only likes gothic and classic though-showed him some pics of OTT sweet and he just thought is was too close to age-play to be decent in public.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:46 No.4355199
    Biological mom thinks it's immature. BUT It's better than causing trouble all the time like I used to.

    Adopted mom thinks it's pretty cool that I found something I'm so interested in, and she thinks it's neat how I make my own costumes ect...
    She probably thinks it's weird, but she's used to my antics by now~

    Dad thought it was just a stage. Always gives me money for conventions, whether I ask or not. Also thinks I'm too old to be going to conventions/watching cartoons.
    But I'm daddy's little girl, so he would never make me stop.

    My family's pretty understanding over all. But I'm still youngish. Give it a few years and they'll complain more about how 'immature' I am.
    At least I don't drink every night/slut around like my sister.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:52 No.4355221
    Mom likes it. Her mother was a seamstress, but she died before I was born. My mom thinks that by sharing a hobby I'll have some connection to her. She'll offer to help with things that aren't sewing, since she can't sew.

    My paternal grandparents love it, but mainly because they're of the opinion that girls should be good at cooking and sewing and their own daughter failed at both.

    Dad thinks it's weird, but he doesn't complain since I spend my own money on it and it's not like I'm causing harm to myself or others.

    Stepmother hates it, but she hates everything about me so I don't really give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:57 No.4355239
    my parents just like anything that gets me out of the house
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:28 No.4355370
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    My parents like it and support it for the most part... but a month or so ago dad flipped shit because I was getting Adiane (Gurren Lagann) commissioned for 180 bucks. Now, this was an absolute STEAL - the commissioner was going to make the kimono with the detail/applique, the corset from leather and the attached tail all for that price, shipping included, and I spent a lot of time researching and comparing other offers before taking this. But, no. I left myself logged into my email on mom's computer and he got into my inbox and found the payment I had sent for it. Nevermind that I CLEARED this with my mother and let her know I was doing this with my own money... because when he started yelling at me about it she suddenly forgot I had even told her.

    Guhh. That was a very bad week between us - mom went out of town during the time I had to try and get a full refund for the costume. The commissioner, thankfully, was so nice and sent me back every penny though she had finished and was going to send it to me the very next day.

    Though my dad and I are okay now, I'll never forget what choice phrases he said to me. "You shouldn't spend all your money on Freakland" But I earned this money at MY job? "when was the last time you worked!?" Uhh, like two days ago? "It's Fantasyland. it's for freaks."

    I know he probably didn't mean this and if I were to bring it up now he'd probably apologize for these comments... but it's hard to shake them away. I get it - cosplay isn't exactly the most coolest fucking thing ever, but he really hurt my feelings.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:34 No.4355387
    Same here. As long as I'm not killing someone, getting pregnant, or doing drugs, they really don't care what I do with my time/money
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:35 No.4355390
    >My mom was happy for me when I said I met a nice girl and was going to see her this weekend. But then I said she likes lolita...And all hell broke loose.

    Well, what tends to come to mind when people say "lolita"?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:44 No.4355429
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    My mom wants to cosplay with me. Feelsgoodman.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/15/11(Fri)00:47 No.4355442
    twelve year old girls
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:50 No.4355451
    My fiancee does costuming for herself, and takes commissions for (comparing quality of her work to the cost compared to 40 dollar mass produced outfits made of shit fabric sold at tables at cons) relatively cheap. One of our friends who commissioned a Roy Mustang came over for a fitting, and her mom derided him on spending his money on something so frivolous. Neither she, nor I could comprehend it...though now it is water under the bridge...still, massive man what moment.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)01:57 No.4355654
    I'm not underage so I no longer live with my parents. Sometimes my mother is horrified when I tell her how much I spend money on one costume but I have a job and I never leech off my parents so it's fine as long as I have money to eat and pay for the rent as well. Once she sees my finished costume she's amazed that I was able to do something like that since I used to be so bad at sewing. Dad probably thinks it's kind of funny that people dress up like that in public but he's always praising my costumes too. I think they're happy I have a productive hobby that keeps me from spending all of my time online...

    I understand if parents get mad when you're living with them and ask them to pay for your shit. If you want that most expensive wig then stop being an ungrateful brat and get the money for it yourself. If you're 18 years old, still live with them AND expect them to pay for this hobby of yours... Jesus, get a job.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)02:28 No.4355723
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    >MFW I'm a senior in high school and have no funds of my own to use
    >Use only saved money from previous birthdays.
    >down to $18.
    >Been applying for jobs since December.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)02:32 No.4355731
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)02:35 No.4355740
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    Mom says, because she spends so much on my disability, that I can't borrow any money. My deadline is coming up quick.
    That, and I have to pay my way through college. I don't know what I'll do if I can't get a job soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)02:35 No.4355741
    My dad could care less
    My mom thought it was cute when I stared cosplaying.
    She's now working on her first costume. She's coming with me to Sakuracon this year like she has for the past 3 years.
    Yeah, I think it's fun. Better than having a parent who flips out about cosplay and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)02:39 No.4355754
    That is the sweetest thing ever
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)02:42 No.4355761
    That sucks. What's your disability, if you don't mind me asking?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)02:44 No.4355764
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    Type one diabetic. I understand that insulin pods are expensive, but I volunteered to go back to needles.
    She said no.
    It's also a hassle at cons. Have to keep myself fed well, or my blood sugars tear the hell out of my health.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)03:18 No.4355893
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    My mom loves when I cosplay, last time she went with me to my cons because she "wants to go to the costume party with anon too!". So I took her, and she hung out me and my friends. She loves that I'm learning skills and hanging out with nerds, instead of throwing out gangsigns and drinking 40's like the rest of my family is apt to do.
    My mom is so cute at conventions too. "Look! Anon! Look! Sailor Moon! Did you know she'd be here?!"
    >mfw my mom is actually Yotsuba all grown up.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)03:38 No.4355948
    hahaha aw that's so tender.
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/15/11(Fri)04:25 No.4356053
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    Not only my mother, but most of my family is waiting for me to grow out of 'this phase'.
    Lulz, NEVAR!

    >MFW the only person who accepts me for who I am is my uncle, who's also a pastor of a conservative Christian church.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)04:43 No.4356066
    I envy you, your mom sounds awesome.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/15/11(Fri)04:59 No.4356077
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    My mom got me into cosplay, my dad helps with props sometimes and if I am very very lucky I can get him to put on a costume. Pic related, my mom is the hunter and my dad is Bill.

    oh, and yes the gun is tiny looking, it is normal sized for me and my mom, but my dad is TALL so normal looking stuff for me, is like, super tiny on him. If only I was smart and realized that beforehand...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)05:04 No.4356084
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)05:05 No.4356086
    Not a cosplayer, but I am a lolita who loves anime and I colled BJDs and Blythe. My mom likes the art of anime a lot and loves to watch it with me when I was a kid she used to watch Ultraman and Kamen Rider with me and would take me to shows.

    But now living in the U.S. I got into doll hobby although it's not the same dolls she was into and one day I came back home and she was dressing up my doll. My mom really liked to play with them and so we now go together once a year to doll convention and have a mother/daughter bonding trip.

    Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm not all that good at English.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/15/11(Fri)05:20 No.4356101
    that's a good thing right?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)05:22 No.4356103

    That's sweet. Makes me want to find more common hobbies with my mom.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)05:35 No.4356109
    It's a very good thing.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/15/11(Fri)05:41 No.4356111
    I have always wanted to get my dad to cosplay Captain Gloval or more recently Jim Gordon with me as Batgirl! all he would have to do is put on a tie and trench coat, but getting my dad to wear a tie is much like getting a narutard to wear deodorant. You have to blackmail them. My mom and I on the other hand are always looking for costumes to wear together.

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