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  • File : 1302672130.jpg-(333 KB, 485x750, 454451.jpg)
    333 KB Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:22 No.4348620  
    >Work many months on a costume
    >Go to con
    >Everyone loves my cosplay, cant go 5 feet without pictures taken, compliments and praises everywhere
    >Put pics up in gallery. People comment right and left and love it
    >Feel happy and that the cosplay was a hit
    >Picture gets posted to /cgl/
    >People on /cgl/ just bash it, call me ugly, claim it's inaccurate and outright horrible.

    This ever happened to you?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:23 No.4348623
    Probably, now leave before it happens again and you get buttenraged and cry.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:24 No.4348627
    Yeah, but it was a complete vendetta and the thread 404'd within hours.

    If that happens to you, the best thing to do is ignore it. Because if you try whiteknighting yourself, you just make things a thousand times worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:26 No.4348635
    >Has it ever happened to me?
    >Do I let it bother me?

    /cgl/ is like high school. If you actually worry about the things people say about you there, you are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:27 No.4348639
    At least you get all of this:

    >Everyone loves my cosplay, cant go 5 feet without pictures taken, compliments and praises everywhere
    >Put pics up in gallery. People comment right and left and love it
    >Feel happy and that the cosplay was a hit

    That's more than some people ever get, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:27 No.4348640
    So agree~ that is because most trollers are retarded and have no life anyway :)
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:28 No.4348643
    yep, and I'm black, so mix in armchair racism.

    Forget about it if you can in fact don't even read the thread even if you are curious, then there is nothing to remember. That is what I do.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:29 No.4348644
    Jealous Fatties gonna Jealous Fatty.

    In most cases, you just can't win on /cgl/.

    Be fat,get bashed.
    Be ugly,get bashed.
    Be pretty,get bashed.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:29 No.4348645
    But the rest of life is like highschool t-

    Oooh, I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:34 No.4348660
    Yes but only once, thankfully. And I kinda deserved it that time (my costume was rushed)

    Usually though if I'm posted here no one says anything. So that's nice.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:34 No.4348662
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    I would think it's just an acquaintance you either knew beforehand or met at the con who had a vendetta against you. I notice that the people who do get bashed on in some way draw attention to themselves somehow (attention whore, snobby bitch, etc). Like that one Samus cosplayer from some con, someone mentioned she was ugly and a bitch and she went in a WK'd herself, and all this drama ensued. Even if you do have a shitty costume, most likely cgl will just laugh and move on.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:38 No.4348673
    OP, if you need validation, you're looking in the wrong place. /cgl/ hates everyone. Cosplayers have drama. Lolitas are catty bitches. Skinny girls are anorexic. Not skinny girls are jealous fatties. All women are whores. All men are either gay or misogynists. The list goes on and on.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:42 No.4348684
    THIS! Why would you want/need validation from the internet? The only people who really care about you or your life are your friends and family, let them do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:42 No.4348685
    >This ever happened to you?

    Nope. Even /cgl/ loves me. It's weird.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:47 No.4348704
    >The only people who really care about you or your life are your friends and family, let them do it.

    >Show cosplay (or any costume) to family and friends
    >Ridicule never ends
    >Every gathering stories about my costumes are brought up
    >Forever the butt of all jokes
    >"At least I have a normal hobby, unlike Anon's kiddie costumes/fetish wear LOLOLOLOL"

    Sometimes the internet is the only source of validation to be had.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:50 No.4348712
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:51 No.4348714
    I got posted by a vendetta-chan once. Saying I was fat and ugly and shouldn't cosplay as sexy characters. All because I argued with her on a different forum.

    No one else cared, someone said I looked like Precious in the face and then the thread 404'd.

    Shit like that happens all the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:51 No.4348716
    Sounds like you're hot, but make bad costumes.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)01:52 No.4348719
    Agreed. Pretty much everyone I knows thinks I'm nuts, but getting a ton of favorites on was a major boost to the ego.

    Fuck /cgl/, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)02:48 No.4348852
    o you must be new here
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)02:52 No.4348866
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)02:56 No.4348871
    unless it's horrid, most of us laugh off the vendetta chans
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)03:13 No.4348915
    cgl will pick up the tiniest things on a nearly perfect costume to be contrary. don't take it personally.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)03:31 No.4348938
    Damn Cosplay Snobs.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)04:19 No.4348998

    I was posted because one of my best friends is a bitch, and likes to make fun of people she doesn't know.
    Someone thought I was the same way, posted me here.
    Got really upset at first. Not gonna lie, I cried a bit.
    Actually read posts, laughed because they were all generic insults. Said I had a pretty face, but the costume looked like shit. Button not the right size, used black lining instead of brown, I didn't bind correctly. Just some silly, petty things.
    404'd quickly.
    Get posted again. Everyone flips a shit because OP kept posting my pictures and bumping to front page. 404'd even faster than the first one.

    Vendetta-chans are easily smelled out
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 04/13/11(Wed)04:39 No.4349015
    Honestly OP /cgl/ isn't as bitchy and catty as people tend to think it is. Sure there are vendetta posts but you can fine lots of good advice and encouragement from general con threads and progress threads. I mean I've had more than my fair share of good comments thrown my way and my outfits are nothing special construction wise.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)04:49 No.4349023
    Nope, I'm not well known enough. I also don't go out of my way to make drama and I'm just way too shy. I'm worried it might happen but what can you do?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)08:32 No.4349282
    Besides everything else said in this thread, good cosplay tends to stand out in the limited setting of a con. But on cgl we are spoiled with good stuff, so you get compared with the best all over the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)08:49 No.4349299
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)09:36 No.4349336
    Yes, and it bothers me slightly. The person had enough info to be considered a friend by me, and still hasn't come out about it. I'm not paranoid enough to just start dropping friends because "it might be them." But still having that person inside my friend group does kinda bother me.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)09:53 No.4349372
    The only time I've ever been posted on here, I got called pretty by a couple tripfags, and then no1curr'd. everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)10:00 No.4349384
    I'm neither good enough, nor shit enough to ever be posted.

    Only time I've ever been posted was in a con photo dump thread, where no one commented at all, and in a self-post thread, where no one commented at all...
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 04/13/11(Wed)10:52 No.4349468
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    But I had to laugh because one Anon was like


    And I asked politely "Well, what about me is ugly, specifically?"


    "Well, obviously if it's something big, I already know about it, but you know go ahead and tell me so I know we're on the same page."

    >"...You're a little fat in the face."

    I'm all for criticism on my looks, because I know I'm not good looking, but really? Some people just get all kinds of mad when they're bashing. Atleast you know, offer some kind've constructive criticism like maybe "Contour your eyes more" or something.

    But not all of /cgl/ is like this, like G said. Just the angry people.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)12:25 No.4349636
    Maybe you just need to lose weight.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)12:33 No.4349650
    I got trolled here badly over three years ago and had an anxiety attack to the point where I threw up. I was young and sensitive and felt helpless in terms of damage control. I still got trolled to a lesser extent for about a year after that but as I faded out of the spotlight people generally left me alone.

    These days I only get posted in series-specific threads, and since it happens so frequently I'm used to it. Nobody ever says anything, or anything negative at least, and even if they did, I've grown a much thicker skin and probably wouldn't give a shit. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)12:35 No.4349657
    I never hear anything nice from progress threads or anything at all. Tripfags get like >9000 replies and no one ever says anything about my shit. Not even mean things.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)12:38 No.4349668
    I think part of it might be that with tripfags, people know what they look like, so even if they don't post their faces people will be excited to see their costumes on them. Without knowing who will be wearing those costumes, people will be less excited, perhaps.

    that and a lot of it is just circle-jerking but whatever
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 04/13/11(Wed)14:02 No.4349935
    Also keep in mind that a busy progress thread means that a TON of people post so your pictures might be lost in the crowd. Don't feel too bad though it just means at that particular time you've chosen to work on something that people aren't super interested in. Do not let the lack of comments reflect on your costume's quality. It's better to be ignored than to be yelled at. Also you're still being seen and one day you'll find someone who will take interest in your work.

    The same thing happens in self post threads as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)14:43 No.4350013
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    The pic is for you.

    Don't let it get to you OP. It's better to ignore the thread because if you contribute, more trouble can start. Just sit back and watch the fireworks.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)14:56 No.4350042
    And who are you?
    >> Potato 04/13/11(Wed)15:04 No.4350080
    1/2, because I tl;dr:'d myself.

    I know there's been at least one vendetta thread about me here, saying that I'm ugly and shouldn't be allowed to cosplay Touhou, and it wound up being "her construction is good," "she's nice," and "no1curr," and then it 404'd. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy to have people defending me.

    When I was a cosplaying nooblet (three whole years ago, hurr), /jp/ did make me cry once. It was after my first AX (and first real cosplaying convention) so I was already overwhelmed, but the comments like "that Eirin is a dude!" "So ugly, get that man out of there" and so on were just too much.

    I've gotten used to it, and since my skills with makeup and sewing have improved, I haven't noticed that kind of bashing as much. Then again, I gave up on /jp/ a long time ago so they could be bashing me every day and I wouldn't know it. It amuses me now, especially since I've realized the extent of the double standard against girls cosplaying Touhou, but at the time it really discouraged me.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)15:05 No.4350087
    If that pick is OP, I say DAMN! Hawt.
    >> Potato 04/13/11(Wed)15:07 No.4350098
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    Honestly, though, the nastiest comments I've ever received have been from places like gaming websites when my /co/splays are posted in convention report dumps and things like that. Then it's a never-ending parade of "ololol #so-and-so is an ugly dude," "IT'S A MAN," "someone get Admiral Ackbar up in here!," etc. Marvel has cosplay galleries on their facebook, and the vast majority of the comments are from the type of person who honestly thinks they're being witty when they call someone an ugly whore. This boggles my mind because those comments are linked to your name and picture, for chrissakes! I just don't get it. /cgl/ at its worst is nothing compared to these comments, and they don't have the benefit of anonymity.

    Other than just growing a thicker skin and letting it roll off of me, I take comfort in the fact that they're just bashing my looks, not the construction of my costumes. It does hurt, but remember that you're the one going out and having fun, and they're the ones hiding behind a keyboard getting their kicks from bashing strangers on the internet.

    tl;dr: It happens, not much you can do about it. Just ignore the threads and let them die. The worst thing you can do is reply. Have a Blue Lantern corgi to make you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)15:44 No.4350216
    This. If you get posted in here a lot, you learn to not let their comments get to you. /cgl has been good with identifying vendetta threads though pretty quickly. It's always fun watching a hate thread backfire.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)15:49 No.4350234
    Nobody significant, honestly.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)15:53 No.4350244
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    There was a Reddit thread about me once where somebody said that they would like to have a three way with me and my boyfriend.

    It actually ended up archived.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)15:58 No.4350259
    Once, but I kinda deserved it because it was a self post. I learned to not do that anymore >>
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 04/13/11(Wed)16:11 No.4350294
    They way I see it, if someone has a vendetta against you then that means you're important enough in their eyes to try to bring down. That is some silver lining with all the bitchy comments.

    Another thing to think about is that /cgl/ in general looks down on self post unless its in progress threads, self-post threads or convention threads. Nine times out of the when someone makes a thread going "I just finished my cosplay what do you think?" they're going to get bashed on on account their actions are both arrogant and attention whoring. Western Fella and Berserk Armor Maker avoid such negative feedback mainly cause they post with humbleness and are asking more for constructive criticisms than just to say "HEY LOOK AT ME!"

    If you hang around /cgl/ enough you'll notice that people who are generally helpful, supportive and make meaningful posts are less likely to get bashed on than someone who doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)16:28 No.4350328
    >This ever happened to you?
    Nope, i expected some "HURRR UGLY COSTUME"
    but it for some reason they liked it.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)16:33 No.4350334
    >Western Fella and Berserk Armor Maker avoid such negative feedback mainly cause they post with humbleness and are asking more for constructive criticisms than just to say "HEY LOOK AT ME!"

    They're also male.

    Just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)17:16 No.4350410
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    This happened to me. Soni and some anons offered some concrit. I still hate my face and the color is off but everyone at the two Otakons I've worn it to loved it.

    Sage for blatant self-post.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)17:55 No.4350522
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    Oh, you have NO idea.

    I think it's safe to say that everyone who gets posted here gets bashed.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)17:56 No.4350531
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    That's because 4chan is either filled with trolls or people who really know what they are talking about.

    People at cons and online will call any cosplay amazing as long as they are a fankid.

    for example, the picture on the left is on the third page of most popular when you search Roxas cosplay. Since Kingdom Hearts has a big fanbase, many people tell them how awesome they look. I'm sure at a con, they would get stopped every minute for a picture.

    I'm not saying your stuff is terrible but just letting you know the reality.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)18:14 No.4350593
    I've been randomly insulted before in progress threads for non-construction things (ie. "fat" even though it was just a picture of my arm which is... not fat?), but that's about as much attention as I ever get.

    The last few times it happened I thought I let it go but I realized it was getting to me and I had to swear off of cgl for a good 24 hours to get over it.

    Guess I don't have as thick of skin as I thought I did, but at least now I can work on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)18:17 No.4350600
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    One of my friends got posted on here about some Hetalia related bullshit.

    But she was a real cunt about stuff so I see why she got attacked.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)18:29 No.4350624

    Is that Suiseiseki from Rosen Maiden?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)20:43 No.4351098
    who is the girl in the op pic and what character is she?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)21:04 No.4351187

    Simca from Air Gear
    >> Lunaladyoflight !!fRcej/PDl7N 04/13/11(Wed)21:07 No.4351212
    I get posted from time to time, its best to just ignore the haters. I did just that and was able to improve myself greatly!
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)21:14 No.4351252
    Most definitely.
    That's kind of how it goes. I can't really say anything that hasn't been said, like people being unnecessarily dicks just because they're anonymously on the internet.
    Personally, I think my cosplay was the shit. I don't think anyone could have done it better, hardly. However, what I got called out on was my not-quite-ideal build, which was, admittedly, at least 20 lbs and quite a bit of toning away from perfection.
    Sometimes people are assholes to be assholes.
    But sometimes they're just more of an asshole than they need to be about something.
    A non-anonymous person with the right to criticize your cosplay (i.e. a friend) would employ some tact. But you just don't NEED to over the internet.
    So, basically, sometimes you just have to take it in stride and either learn from it (while trying not to take it too seriously since they were probably just being a dick because they don't have to NOT be a dick) or blow it off as douches that get a kick out of being douches.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)21:17 No.4351269

    Why does it have to be a friend?

    Too scared to hear the truth?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)21:18 No.4351275

    I don't know about you
    but personally I don't think offline it's normal to walk up to someone and say "you look like shit"
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)21:21 No.4351290
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    Wait hold the fuck up! The hell you posting in here for?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)21:22 No.4351297
    Wanna bet....
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)21:24 No.4351308

    It's not impossible.
    But that doesn't mean it's something people do.

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