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  • File : 1302393259.jpg-(81 KB, 540x720, 208533_201766756513038_120429834646731_5(...).jpg)
    81 KB Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)19:54 No.4337288  
    Hey /cgl/ what drives a man to crossdress?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)19:57 No.4337296
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    i don't know anon i really don't. i guess they like the character but k-on really?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/09/11(Sat)19:58 No.4337298
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    I can imagine it's a number of things for different people and that there is not one defining thing.
    Many people do it for the fun of it and it's a fetish for others.

    I've considered it quite a few times for a laugh, so I suppose that's another one I you can add to the list of reasons.

    >doesn't like k-on
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)20:01 No.4337304
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)20:02 No.4337306
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    They want to be the little girl. I learned this from /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)20:15 No.4337328
    Who are you, theres a funny store behind that picure
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)20:28 No.4337353
    sup joe
    >> Rock !0VOXtTopuM 04/09/11(Sat)23:01 No.4337749
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    I've been tempted to get a genderbent K-On group together but none of my boyfriends are interested in the show. Too bad for them. I've learnt all the ending songs on bass by now. Fun stuff. But if you are clearly a hairy man or a hambeast, for the love of god do not crossplay. Well, that goes without saying..


    You seem like a cool guy. Let's touch dicks.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/09/11(Sat)23:04 No.4337754
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    I can also be a warm guy.
    But okay, let's touch dicks.
    After a date or two first.
    >genderbent k-on group
    Fuck, I really want to do that.
    >> Rock !0VOXtTopuM 04/09/11(Sat)23:16 No.4337771

    Warm is good, as Canada is cold.

    I've only seen a few good ones, the rest are just men like this guy. I peeked at a previous thread and saw you are from England, and I died a little a bit..
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/09/11(Sat)23:23 No.4337792
    Well, I tend to travel quite a bit, so who knows I may end up in Canada one day.
    But I'd love to do a genderbent Yui, and do it well, it'd be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)23:25 No.4337798
    Don't do genderbent k-on

    Do Crossplay K-on it's more manly.

    This is coming from someone who did a Azunyan Crossplay as his first cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)23:26 No.4337806
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    For fun I guess why not. I'd do it but I care way too much of what people would think and if some people found out I couldnt think of an excuse, shit sucks.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 04/09/11(Sat)23:28 No.4337813
    Estrogen. Lots of estrogen.

    Also: Fun, whatever that is.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/09/11(Sat)23:28 No.4337816
    I'm feminine, but I don't think I'm THAT feminine.
    And anyway, I think I'd feel pretty manly being genderbent Yui.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)10:27 No.4339235

    Show us, mister.


    Is it in your profession or do you just love to travel? I don't have enough money to do so, but you do have a good point. I look old for my age, it is weird..
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)11:15 No.4339285
    For much the same reason as women crossplay - because it really tickles my fancy as something fun to do. I always pick female characters in games, and have a lot of love for females in general.

    But I'd probably never do it for fear of being labelled a sexual deviant. Maybe one day I can be a bearded Daisy.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)11:39 No.4339308
    HI GUYS!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)13:27 No.4339415
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    This thread is too funny.

    Some some tard posted a picture of Mugi trying to troll him, but someone posted a picture of the OP crossdressing from touhou
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)18:07 No.4340005
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    Could you really call that crossplay, or just a guy cosplaying a reverse trap? but I don't think that would count as crossplay
    >> Windmill !!zpOncy44Z9t 04/10/11(Sun)18:26 No.4340057
    Bitches love men in dresses.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)01:39 No.4341829
    i'm planning on doing this, just for the lols
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)01:40 No.4341831
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)01:41 No.4341835
    I like tricking straight men, because I am the body beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)01:49 No.4341852
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    with good makeup and fake bewbs you'd look convincent
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)01:54 No.4341865
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)03:10 No.4342031
    I'm going to give this guy props he went all the way and shaved his legs.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)03:24 No.4342076
    I do it because I hate myself and want to be attractive.
    When I'm asked why I brolita by women I'm often met with "but girls don't find that attractive" and I'm like "I'm not doing it for girls".
    I'm not gay, I don't do it to 'get attention' from men either.
    It's just the only way I can be comfortable with myself is when I'm in a big frilly dress.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)03:30 No.4342090

    Fuck those bitches who say that girls don't like that shit. It's like my one dream to be rammed in the vagina by a sexy man in makeup and a pretty dress.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)03:33 No.4342099
    Ehe, thanks, in the past few months I've made friends who feel the same way yet I still don't get that kind of attention, closest thing is my lesbian friend sitting on my lap, leaning into me and wishing I were a girl.
    Which, admittedly, makes my heart race.
    But yeah, dead end there.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)03:39 No.4342122
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    What Motivates a Man to confront the Challenges that most of us would run from?

    For me.. it was the sheer laughter of my Mankura Haruno cosplay
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)03:42 No.4342134
    Man, I'd be happy they way you were. Pretty boys are badass awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)04:05 No.4342205
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    I've always identified myself with the female characters instead of the male ones. Also the women have more options when it comes to what to wear. I'd be more incline to wear what society would deem "women" clothes all day every day if I wasn't afraid to be disowned from my family and fired from my job.

    >captcha: she ecdave
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)04:09 No.4342212
    Are you me Anon? Because that's my secret fetish.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)04:43 No.4342261
    >Genderbent K-on group
    >I did it with a couple of friends, never heard a complaint.
    It was fun!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)09:37 No.4342651
    Girls have the better clothes. male characters either look so over the top and FABULOUS, which can be a nightmare to get right. Or they look like everyday clothes which begs the question on if you're in cosplay at all
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 04/11/11(Mon)09:48 No.4342664
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    >implying there's something wrong with haveing tea with bros in silly outfits.

    You people are awfully conservative.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)20:45 No.4344381

    Seriously considering for a future convention, most of the costume are simple. Saving up for an actual Jazz Bass as I have wanted one since birth practically, but I am glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, K-ANON!

    (I can't believe this is still alive, where is BLUE?!)
    >> Rock !0VOXtTopuM 04/11/11(Mon)20:49 No.4344402
    * costumes and forgot
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/11/11(Mon)20:53 No.4344416
    >where is BLUE
    Lurking softly.

    Also, I'd love to do a genderbent K-ON cosplay group, but none of my friends watch anime and I doubt they'd watch K-ON anyway.
    >and gibsons are so expensive, fuck.
    >> Rock !0VOXtTopuM 04/11/11(Mon)21:00 No.4344449

    You shy devil..

    I mean, I play every day for at least an hour, before I do a good half hour of exercising so I have goals. I'd need to save up for awhile, but I am performing more and more and I think it would just be great to add to the collection. Do you play guitar much?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/11/11(Mon)21:02 No.4344461
    I play almost every day, but to be honest I'm not that good. Only started a couple of months ago, and I've been teaching myself.
    Got a nice little Epiphone which I play.
    >> Rock !0VOXtTopuM 04/11/11(Mon)21:12 No.4344517

    I've been playing since I was young, 5+ years? I still can't remember everything from Cagayake Girls without looking back at a few parts, but I have been playing a Epiphone Thunderbird for a year or two now and the pickups are getting in my way. If you haven't touched the songs yet, start on Fuwa Fuwa Time..

    (I'll be back some othertime! Mwa.)
    >> Rin !U3IN2bbvg2 04/11/11(Mon)21:14 No.4344522
         File1302570875.jpg-(236 KB, 640x480, IMG_0570a.jpg)
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    Crossdresser here.

    From my experience, I adore women's fashion. The styles, colours, coords, everything!

    Surprising people in a variety of ways is always great too.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/11/11(Mon)21:19 No.4344537
    I used to take lessons when I was about twelve, but I stopped for some reason. To be completely honest, the only reason I picked playing back up was to impress a girl I used to like, and then got hooked on it.
    I'll start with Fuwa Fuwa Time, thanks for the suggestions. Sadly the only anime related song I can play is My Song from Angel Beats, and even then, that's fairly basic.
    >> doublezed !!i9+O7PR+DB3 04/11/11(Mon)21:21 No.4344543
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)22:37 No.4344839
         File1302575863.jpg-(61 KB, 453x604, wtfusa.jpg)
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    This guy is a regular at Canadian cons, always cosplaying Sailor Moon characters. I thought for years that he was trying to look as ridiculous as possible as a gag, because he's a stumpy little guy and nothing about him looks feminine. I found it to be hilarious and the thought the guy was really dedicated to amusing con attendees.

    But it's no joke, he's serious, just a huge fan who wants to be a pretty princess. I never realized until people here made fun of him and he removed all of the pics from his accounts in response.

    I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)15:27 No.4346759

    Neither will I, I have seen him here and there but this looks slightly recent. Prove me wrong though..


    I started because I just couldn't stand playing soccer and bass seemed more intriguing. I don't have enough energy to drum and my hands seem big on guitar and keys, so I guess it suits me well. The quite one playing in the background to the rhythm of others.

    (Don't Say Lazy is probably easier. Thinking about doing a quick record of it anyways, I'll post results if this stays alive. Either way, if you want to talk on then I am down!)
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)16:14 No.4346889
    Crossdresser/brolita here.

    I like tricking people into thinking I'm a woman. Also, my girlfriend loves it.
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/12/11(Tue)16:24 No.4346917
    Because I've always wished that I could be a woman, but don't want to be what I see as a mockery and cruel settling for less that is sexual reassignment surgery. Also, I just like genderbending. I semisort of blame 4chan for it, but really I liked genderbending before 4chan, it just helped me get into it more.

    So my goal is to be able to pass myself off as a woman. But I don't know if I'll ever reach that goal. I've got about 100 pounds to go, and I guess we'll see then...

    I also like girls dressed as guys. In fact, I wish that I was a girl so that I could pass myself off as a guy.
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/12/11(Tue)16:28 No.4346932
    I'd wear a mix of girl and guy clothes if I could pull it off.

    Shit, if and when I can get my weight down to sexy territory before I'm, like, thirty, I'm going to wear the fuck out of skinny jeans and maybe some female low cut exercise pants.
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/12/11(Tue)16:30 No.4346938
    Triple post here, but I want to say that you're very pretty and I envy you.

    Man, I seriously hope I'm not that forty year old guy who has a hidden closet of bras and panties.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 04/12/11(Tue)16:37 No.4346963
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    For me it was about damn time a guy cosplayed Alice Teddie and I wanted to be the one who stepped up to the plate.
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/12/11(Tue)16:41 No.4346976
    I want to see how feminine.
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/12/11(Tue)16:54 No.4347010
    I suppose with longer hair and a bit of work
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/12/11(Tue)16:56 No.4347017
    >longer hair
    Gad Damn.
    I just got it cut short today.
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/12/11(Tue)16:58 No.4347022
    You fool!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)17:07 No.4347042
    are you me, anon?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)17:11 No.4347052

    You replied as I expected that you would. It seems like you "self-conciousness" is the center of your appeal, though. You're to be far too polite when compared to the other males in this board which no doubt is gonna get you female attention. It doesn't seem like you're not feigning this attitude to get the attention but no matter.

    I apologize for my incoherent babbling . I'm a girl and I honestly find it difficult to be as polite as you. :\

    I had a friend like you once, she was a total doormat and as much as I tried to explain to her hat she was an intelligent person that didn't need to to yield to everyone's demands but she never listened. It was incredibly difficult to offer criticism to her too, because her ego was so fragile. I guess that is what caused our friendship to end, our personalities just weren't compatible.


    Femanons love to compliment "nice" boys because they seem rare to them. Especially if they come from societies where so called "masculine "males are more commonplace.
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 04/12/11(Tue)17:12 No.4347055
         File1302642778.gif-(493 KB, 275x155, tumblr_lfpkijXgMq1qaxzxvo1_400.gif)
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    I trap because its fun, I look good from the neck down and because girls clothes are so freaking comfy.
    I'm moving into brolita soon too, I just wish I could lose some of my height

    Dammit Blue, I want to pinch those cheeks.
    With longer hair you would make an amazing trap and a very cute girl.
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/12/11(Tue)17:16 No.4347062
    Man, you adorable little thing...

    <--- This is me right now. I wish I could be as cute as you.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/12/11(Tue)17:17 No.4347064
    I'm somewhat a 'what you see is what you get' kind of guy, so I can see why you expected such a reply.

    And don't worry about this "babbling", it's quite interesting to see what people think of me judging from what I post on the internet.

    I don't really want to be a trap nor a girl, as I'm fairly happy with being a dood, but thanks Zom it's always nice to hear I could pull of being a girl.
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 04/12/11(Tue)17:18 No.4347067
    That's not me, i really wish it was though.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)17:39 No.4347128
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    If you're this 'nice' in real life girls must flock to you, huh?

    mfw didnt notice there were so many grammatical errors in my post..
    I shouldn't be judging you when I can't even communicate properly.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)17:57 No.4347173
    It's fun.
    Also girls clothes are so comfy
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/12/11(Tue)18:24 No.4347228
    >girls must flock to you
    Uhh, no.
    That doesn't happen.
    Can't really blame them though.
    >> That_Violin_Man !CXowQdGxzc 04/12/11(Tue)18:46 No.4347290
    I'm only crossplaying/dressin' if i lose this bet during Anime St. Louis this weekend.
    That's my only drive.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)18:51 No.4347307
    That's how it started with me. Lost a bet, had more fun than I thought I would. This starts playing in my head.
    >> Rock !0VOXtTopuM 04/12/11(Tue)19:26 No.4347384

    Tried Googling it, as I have been playing Persona 4 often I grow quite curious. Do you have the photo? Or maybe even a link or something? I saw a good group in that one Persona thread that is kicking around but I can't find one just kicking around. doitorbearpuns.


    twas' me being forgetful.


    My thoughts now though, as long as they are having fun doing it then go for it. I will admit, it does seem fun but I don't know, I couldn't see myself doing it..
    >> Rin !U3IN2bbvg2 04/12/11(Tue)19:36 No.4347396
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    It's fun, if you like that type of attention. Some people are cool with it, some people aren't.

    Some CDers might take the negatively badly and do what >>4344839 did.

    Then there are some CDers that use it primarily to fulfill some of their fetishes.
    >> Rock !0VOXtTopuM 04/12/11(Tue)19:52 No.4347426

    I'm fine with it, I'd understand better if I tried it but you know. Some men want to be women and others just find it fun. Either way, I am happy to see people cosplaying from K-On! as it is a great series. I tried to do a quick run of Don't Say Lazy, a few mistakes but it was mainly because I was following a scrolling tab.

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