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  • File : 1302195289.jpg-(315 KB, 768x1280, IMAG1023.jpg)
    315 KB God !BrODINgKJM 04/07/11(Thu)12:54 No.4329796  
    I found you at the dmv /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)12:55 No.4329801
    Stop stalking me god damn it I'm not going to fuck you
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 04/07/11(Thu)12:56 No.4329803
    >> Hobbes !LOLZYJC1iU 04/07/11(Thu)12:57 No.4329808
    >azn at the DMV
    they just give out tags to anyone these days huh?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/07/11(Thu)12:59 No.4329813
         File1302195568.jpg-(543 KB, 768x1280, thereyouare.jpg)
    543 KB
    holy shit there i am
    >> Anonymous 04/08/11(Fri)01:56 No.4332553
    you're a pair of shoes? good for you for coming to terms with your condition
    >> Anonymous 04/08/11(Fri)01:58 No.4332565
    hmm looks like the Santa Clara dmv.
    stoping taking pic of random ppl, she probably thinks you're gonna fap to it.
    >> Stupei, Ace Defective !1HOs/D5o7M 04/08/11(Fri)02:15 No.4332610
    looks like the poway dmv

    oh wait all dmvs look like shit
    >> Lace❣ !Z8CM53dU66 04/08/11(Fri)02:30 No.4332647
    What am I looking at?

    You took a random picture of some chubby girl at the DMV and you're saying that's what the girls of /cgl/ look like?

    Most of them don't actually seem to be bad looking. Stop being a skeev, God.

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