>Browsing Amazon>This is in my recommendations...
looks pretty good to me. what's wrong with it?
This would be a great Lolita costume for anyone to cosplay.
>>4206223Horrible art, plus horrible loli. Everything is wrong with it.I can't believe things like this get published.
>>4206298All how-to-draw-anime books are shit, why does this surprise you?Btw, maybe that where italolis get the idea to wear a blue wig with an outfit that didn't even call for blue hair.
Jesus titty fucking christ kill it with fire
How do these shit artists get book deals. Seriously. Even the scribbles on my notes are 10x better than this pile of garbage.
i dont know what your talking about OP, thats really nice flirty lolita
Wow, she looks either high, or like she hasn't slept in four days.Or both.