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  • File : 1299352921.jpg-(28 KB, 300x225, God_Hates_Nerds.jpg)
    28 KB Westboro Baptish Church is picketing Comic Con Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)14:22 No.4205701

    The Westboro Baptist Church, famous for it's "God Hates Fags" signs and the picketing of soldier's funerals, has a new target in sight: Comic-Con in San Diego, California. Now when convention-goers dressed as their favorite hentai, Marvel, DC or Star Wars characters walk outside, they will encounter the real freaks and their picket signs... at least they will for the 45 minutes (1:15-2:00 pm) the protest is scheduled to last on Thursday, July 22nd.

    Continue reading on God Hates Nerds! Westboro Baptists to picket comic convention - Los Angeles atheism |
    >> Holden Caulfield !!m7XhxC+5SQm 03/05/11(Sat)14:26 No.4205709
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    What the actual fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)14:27 No.4205712
    I honestly wish they would picket a con I go to. But I go to tiny, home town cons, so that'll probably never happen. I think a photoshoot with them in the background would be pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)14:28 No.4205714
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    old news
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 03/05/11(Sat)14:29 No.4205715
    Romans 9:13 lookup:
    >As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
    Yeah, fuck that dweeb Esau.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)14:29 No.4205716
    OMG! I need a corset and a SDCC ticket, NOW! I love trolling Bible thumpers!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)14:30 No.4205719
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    >>Publication date: July 16th, 2010

    Also, not surprised. They're just looking for more attention at this point.
    Society needs to just start ignoring them.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 03/05/11(Sat)14:31 No.4205724
    This already happened. There was a counter protest that went on.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)14:31 No.4205725

    I just hope it spawns more pictures like this

    Don't see how anyone could take them seriously with this...
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)14:39 No.4205743
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    I usually see them at Fanime.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)14:50 No.4205777
    So I'm taking my Bible with me to any convention I go to now. Gonna hit em right back with some ACTUAL words from Christ, the ones saying you're not here to judge others, and to LOVE everyone as he has loved us.

    Fuckers like these give us a bad name.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)14:54 No.4205787

    The Fanime protesters aren't the Westboro Church. Those people actually just go now because there is a large crowd that they can speak to. They started out as protesters and now they just go because there are people there who can listen to them talk about Jesus.
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 03/05/11(Sat)14:57 No.4205798
    This. When it's Westboro, you will know. There will be cops everywhere to make sure the rage stays in check. Also, their signs always have that weird multicolored effect like in OP's picture.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:01 No.4205812

    Also fuckyeah, trip 7's. I got God's endorsement on this.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:02 No.4205814
    I hope they do this again.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:27 No.4205871
    Counter-protests are just as retarded as protests. Of course, you nerds would give these people attention. You're still children. You see, childish people can't stand it when they find out there are people with different views. So, they ridicule them, etc. An adult would just move on. But no, not you woman- and men-children.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:30 No.4205880
    Ha! i saw them at comic con last year, they had 2-3 people with 4 signs each and across the street there was a crowd of 100 people with supportive nerd posters or anti westboro posters.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 03/05/11(Sat)15:31 No.4205883
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    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:31 No.4205885
    >An adult would just move on when they find out there are people with different views.
    Oh hello there, do you own a television? No? Must be nice.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:32 No.4205889
    >Now when convention-goers dressed as their favorite hentai, Marvel, DC or Star Wars characters
    >dressed as their favorite hentai

    Is it sad this enrages me more than the protest? I have a lot of friends that have to be vague about their cosplaying and anime fandom to their parents, and if a parent saw that and decided to google "hentai" and see something very similar to what they know their child keeps dressing up as...
    Well, why couldn't they just have said "anime"?

    sage for off topic
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:33 No.4205891
    I agree that people should ignore them because they only do this shit for attention.

    Way to sound like the biggest, most pretentious douche possible though.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:33 No.4205892
    So much this. Also, when people feel the need to make out with people of the same gender to "prove a point" and "troll". Like, I don't even care about gays, and I support gay marriage, but it's fucking embarrassing to watch. Oooh you're so original and edgy. No. You're not kissing in love, you're kissing in hate and that's uncomfortable and unconvincing.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:34 No.4205896
    What are you trying to say? That because there are childish people on television who can't tolerate opposing views, then it's OK for you to not tolerate opposing views?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:35 No.4205898
    Hentai, anime, both weird Japanese drawings amirite? Basically the same thing~
    research? what? no that's hard
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:36 No.4205902
    You guys realize that the Westboro Church is fueled by attention, right? That is why news stations try to ignore them nowadays. They do this for the attention and the money. During protests, they have lawyers on standby in case anyone gets upset.
    That is why they protest funerals for soldiers. They are hoping that a grieving family member will strike at them, so they can sue their ass and get money from it.

    Starting a counter protest is retarded. It's giving them what they want.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:38 No.4205909
    No, just that you clearly have never seen an adult in real life. Adults get more fired up over opposing view points than any child I've ever met.
    So, if we're going by the real world, the ones who walk away calmly are actually the children and the ones getting in retarded, fruitless pissing matches are the adults.

    In other words, children are more grown up than adults.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:38 No.4205910
    No. Those people are nuts.
    I'm saying that being an adult does not automatically give someone the ability to handle situations maturely. I actually agree with what you're saying but like
    said, you could've worded it better.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:40 No.4205915
    actually, if the counter protest is done right it can help.
    At Mathew Shepards funeral, the entire town surrounded the westboro baptists dressed as angels, so that their wings covered them and no one could see their dumbassery.

    At cons, people make funny protests. No matter what you do, they will get attention. If you encourage everyone to laugh at them, though, they can't sue anyone for money. Thus funny protests with funny signs and hard gays.

    I've been considering starting some sort of foundation that reports on when and where the westboro baptists will be, so that angels or clowns can come and counter balance them. I have no idea where to start, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:40 No.4205917
    >See this
    >Be a Catholic
    >These people piss me off
    >Fuck this shit I'm totally cosplaying Teresa from Seikon No Qwaser to one of these protested cons and I'ma tell them all that I'm a nun.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:43 No.4205927
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    did anyone else lol hard that they let their daughters read twlight?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:45 No.4205937
    we should all cosplay jesus
    and then do something to piss them off
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:46 No.4205942


    BRB throwing laptop out my window.
    >> Kitsu !!cfRjZvpoGLz 03/05/11(Sat)15:49 No.4205952
    Shirley Phelps-Roper has a kid out of wedlock. It seems to be a bit of a sore point for them.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:50 No.4205954
    that is offensive. my parents are perfectly well-adjusted to society.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:54 No.4205969

    My reasoning is because they're wrong. They want to use God's teachings from the Bible, but they're only using certain verses out of context to push their crap.

    Anyways, wouldn't pursue it with anger. Would talk to them like a normal person...then pwn them Scripture-style when they start talking shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)15:56 No.4205981
    don't bother. People have tried and given up in fits of rage. They just swallow the shit that Phelps spews all over them. Even if you bring a bible and show them the scripture as it stands, they won't believe you because "their prophet says this so it must be true"
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:04 No.4206007
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    I don't think this is the best way to deal with them, but damn is it funny.

    I think its important for people to stand up against the westboro baptists. I have gay friends, and you don't know how much it hurt them for the supreme court to say its ok for these people to keep doing what they are doing.

    It may be their right to protest, but its our right to protest right back. Laughter is the best medicine.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:07 No.4206016

    Damn zealots...this is why Waco happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:10 No.4206020
    That dog is so adorable. I love scruffy looking dogs. <3
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:12 No.4206025
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    trust me, I deal with people like that every damn day.

    I'm actually in Texas. I really hope they come to A-kon this year. I love making people laugh, and if I can do it at the westboro baptists expense it will be a million times better.

    MFW it was on John Stewart like 3 days ago
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:13 No.4206031

    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:13 No.4206032
    meant to refer to the guy who said the media gives them no attention...
    but both of them are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:18 No.4206043
    I have never wished death upon any person before. And I really hate to say this...
    But I kind of wish someone snaps and kills Fred Phelps. Of course, that would either have one of two possible out-comes:

    A.) The rest of the church pussies out, realizes that they are treading on dangerous ground and back off.
    B.) They treat Phelps like a martyr and the next messiah and get worse than ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:20 No.4206046
    I'm not religious or anything, but part of me thinks it would be hilarious to have these people die and get to heaven. And when they get to the gates, God personally comes down and tells them to fuck off. Then sends them straight to hell.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:21 No.4206048
    >only using certain verses out of context to push their crap.

    Most churches do this. There are some that don't, but the westboro baptist church isn't the only one.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:21 No.4206049

    B is more likely. I know exactly which verse they could turn to also..."They will hate you because they hate me."
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:23 No.4206054

    true to an extent, but the westboro 'baptists' take it to a new extreme that is offensive to anyone who is actually christian.

    They aren't even actually baptist. The baptist church disowned them years ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:26 No.4206063
    WBC headquarters is in Topeka, Kansas.

    Fuel up your molotovs and start throwing, gents. Or just drive-by any protestors you find. It's Kansas, I'm sure nobody will notice. Hell, let's invite some guys from /k/, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:28 No.4206066
    violence only gives them what they want! The way to really piss them off is to treat them like the joke they are. Then they will eventually all starve to death because they won't get anymore money from suing people. It's not like they get donations from church members, considering theeir only members are their family. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:28 No.4206069
    Wait, wait, hold the phone. I'm from Utah and these people have actually protested at the Mormon Temple before.

    ....And yet, they let their children read Twilight...?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:29 No.4206072
    having personally experienced westborofags up close, i will say that, yes, while they are fueled by attention, counter-protests do provide a benefit.

    1. It helps to provide some means of solidarity/support to the people the westboros are proesting. Thus robbing the westboros of some of their impact.

    2. It provides comic relief to passersby and gives the community the sense that Westboro is not cleanly getting away with their retardation.

    3. By upping the ante and making the counterprotests funny/ridiculous, you turn an ugly scene of bigotry into a more palatable spectacle of shenanigans that everyone can enjoy.

    A contingent of westboro protesters came by gainesville, FL April of last year. Seems their general strategy is to stage several rapid-fire half hour protests in any given city, and then bug out to the next city. What ended up happening was that each protest, we had twice or more times their number in counter protesters, made the whole thing look ridiculous, in some cases crowded areas so much that their signs could barely be seen from the road, and at the same time, elsewhere had fundraisers going on, donating in support of the places the westboros were protesting.

    Our efforts were so effective that those assholes ended up skipping town early and never got to do their 4th protest.

    heh, the last protest westboro had that day, their usual tactic of singing their stupid songs was countered by guys in purple gorilla suits playing marching drums so loud it drowned them out.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:32 No.4206078
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    >> S 03/05/11(Sat)16:34 No.4206090
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    In other news, I just got the same word twice in my captcha
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:43 No.4206121

    But if the church burns down and they're all dead, who's left to protest?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:45 No.4206126
    >Implying they all live inside the church
    >Implying they all go to church at the same time
    >Implying people can't survive a burning building by some stroke of luck

    Basically if you burn down their church and there's even one survivor, you're going to have a hell of a rage fest from them and they'll use that as martyrdom.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:45 No.4206129
    they are rarely all there at one time, given that they protest.

    Besides, violence brings you down to their level. There are better ways of beating them. Letting them make you enraged enough to attack them is exactly what they want.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:53 No.4206160
    Why don't you smoke weed, chill out, and stop getting so annoyed by other peoples' opinions? You'd be accomplishing as much.

    Counterprotests legitimize the protests they are against. You people are no better than they are.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:54 No.4206165
    >>>telling people to not judge other peoples lifestyle
    >>>insult and judge other peoples lifestyles

    lol k
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:55 No.4206166
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    I found the solution!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)16:58 No.4206177
    Where did I insult and judge a 'lifestyle'?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:06 No.4206194
    I approve of this.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:09 No.4206202

    It's not opinion, they're WRONG. The Bible doesn't say what they claim it does. If they go around waving banners claiming God says that He hates nerds. I have every right to walk up to them, open my Bible and show them every verse that proves otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:09 No.4206205
    True Story: On that one day that one guy in Florida wanted to burn a Qu'ran, WBC decided to do the same thing. And while the Florida guy got all the attention and all the sandnigger butthurt to the point where he had to cancel, Westboro still went and did their Qu'ran burning. No one gave a shit about Westboro's burning, and even the local sandnigger community in Topeka was all, like, "Oh, it's just THOSE guys. Forget them.".

    And not a single fuck was given that day.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:10 No.4206208

    I would but I have a vagina. ):
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:13 No.4206220
    So, you have a different interpretation of the Bible, and people who have a different interpretation are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:16 No.4206230

    No, it's not interpretation. Christ says the greatest commandments are to LOVE. He says this more than once. It's all over the New Testament. It's also written to come at others with RESPECT and UNDERSTANDING.

    So, I respect their views and understand what they're trying to say. However, they still are flat out wrong in preaching hatred in the name of God.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:18 No.4206237
    Nope. That is still an interpretation. A more literal one, I might add.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:18 No.4206238
    That doesn't seem the be what anon's saying, anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:21 No.4206241
    there is a difference between interpretation and flat out changing.

    They take a scripture completely out of context. Not saying other religious people don't do that to, but the way they do it is far more inflammatory.

    thats like reading a book ( for example slaughterhouse 5) and saying that it supported the Nazi agenda. It isn't just an interpretation, its flat out wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:23 No.4206245
    Ignore them. If you counter protest, make signs and try to debate or engage them by shoving your bible at them, they win. Why?

    They want attention. They want your hate. They want you to make a scene. If you completely ignore them, pretend they literally do not exist, they will go away.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:24 No.4206248
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    isn't their a PT thread you could troll instead?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:25 No.4206251
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    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:26 No.4206255
    The poster is implying that he has the true interpretation by explicitly saying that the particular interpretation that these people have is wrong. How on earth can you say this isn't what he's saying? He's claiming the supremacy of his reading over that other reading.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:28 No.4206259
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    you seem to implying that they were implying

    Oh wait. No. No one is implying here! Just a mad troll.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:29 No.4206261
    You can't interpret a square as a triangle. They're two completely different things. If you say a square looks like a triangle. I will tell you that you're wrong. Because it clearly has four sides, not three.

    If you're just insane and see a three-sided square then that's a whole nother story.
    >> nosebleeds !WOKSXBTrMs 03/05/11(Sat)17:31 No.4206264
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    considering these people scream, yell, and attack others with their words and "opinions", it makes sense people will be a little pissed.
    if someone just came up to me and said "god hates gay people", i would roll my eyes and walk away. i've done it more than once.
    these people hide behind the very laws and protections made by the people they say god hates, protest at funerals, put their own children in danger, and show a complete disregard for the living and the dead.

    i'm so ever sorry that such asinine, hateful behavior annoys me.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:34 No.4206270
    And no, I'm saying that taking things out of context and warping them to say what you want is wrong.

    Capcha "object harras"
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:36 No.4206274
    Let me explain to you why you are wrong.

    >there is a difference between interpretation and flat out changing.

    There is absolutely no difference. "Changing" is still an interpretation. Claiming that the the events of The Odyssey happened before the events of The Iliad is an interpretation. Claiming that the Star Wars prequels aren't canon and have no relevance to the Star Wars saga is an interpretation. Saying that God hates nerds is just another interpretation, and if you don't believe in God, then all interpretations of the Bible are equal in worth. Sorry, but saying Jesus was a man of love is just as much of an interpretation as saying he was a man of hatred.

    >They take a scripture completely out of context.

    In their view: no, they don't. The reader defines the context, and saying God hates everyone who doesn't agree with them is within the context of their reading of the work.

    >thats like reading a book ( for example slaughterhouse 5) and saying that it supported the Nazi agenda.

    What makes you think that it isn't?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:39 No.4206279
    So, if I say that you have purple skin, eat bricks made out of cement, shit gold and fly with wings made of dicks. I'm not wrong?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:44 No.4206287
    You're just thin-skinned. They protest at funerals? Well, so what. If you left your little bubble, you'd see the world isn't the perfect utopia you want it to be. There are people who hate other people. There are people who don't believe in the same things that you do.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:46 No.4206288
    It all depends on your assumptions.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:49 No.4206295
    Shut up about the fucking bible, I wanna hear about WBC
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)17:49 No.4206296
    You're an idiot. No human has wings made of dicks, no human shits gold, THIS IS FUCKING FACT.

    You're just a contrarian asshole.

    By they by, nice trolling.

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