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  • File : 1299221532.gif-(425 KB, 250x189, tumblr_lgsd7nR3jh1qe3vei.gif)
    425 KB Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)01:52 No.4200896

    I know the majority of you hate Kuroshitsuji, but srsly, what the fuck is this shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)01:57 No.4200914
    ... It's Nanjo_Koji. I don't like her anyway, lol.

    I can laugh about so many aspects of this. Photoshoooping. Lol. And other things xD
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)01:58 No.4200918
    I don't know a sane person who likes her
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 03/04/11(Fri)02:04 No.4200943
    GOD why. It lost all of the refinement and now looks like a bad Bollywood movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:08 No.4200956
    >Oh well that Ciel isn't so--
    >Well atleast Nanjo Koji has a nice wig--
    >Throws laptop off the bed
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:12 No.4200965

    THATS WHY YOU DONT MAKE COSPLAY VIDEOS ;______________; hurdur
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:18 No.4200985
    The majority of us either like or are ok with Kuroshit actually, just not the fandom. We are a chick board after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:25 No.4201004
    I'm the same. I'm actually a Kuroshitsuji fan but really hate the fandom at the moment.

    Especially the need to keep pairing the two lead characters. Ones a 14 year old boy for fucks sake!!!! Stop it!!! Makes me rage so much.

    This video isn't helping.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:28 No.4201014
    I kinda get why they do, the author heavily implies it. And she writes yaoi and her own doujinshi, so it's understandable why fantards would be into it.

    I just can't get over how stupid some of the fangirls are, like really really stupid. Whenever I see cosplayers at my local cons there will be 2 or 3 nice ones and the rest of them are just batshit
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:29 No.4201016

    It's so horribly dramatic. It actually reminds me of those "book trailers" they make sometimes. When I was taking public transit everyday I'd see them all the time and they were pretty much just like this.

    Actually yeah I love Kuroshits but the fandom is insane. So much second-hand embarrassment.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:31 No.4201021
    Ah yes, I forgot that the author did that. Yes, it just encourages the eye rape.

    The bad cosplays are now sadly out weighting the good ones.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:31 No.4201022
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    > seriously sleep deprived
    > watch this
    > wtf is this i don't even
    > mfw
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:37 No.4201039

    Her wig was something I was gonna laugh at |D (she's Sebastion, right?)

    I've heard a few bad things about her, haha. (Ttly keen to get this into a gossip thread |D)
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:40 No.4201048
    Okay, no, we are not the same. First of all, more than one exclamation mark makes you look like an asshole. Second of all, their relationship is 95% /implied implications/ of fucking. It is not exactly out of left field. I mean fuck, even if you doubted it after S1 (which would be dumb) S2 basically smashes your face in with the "SHOTACON/BUTLER" shit.

    People (including me) hate the fans because they shout, they're often fat, they're often young, they're bad cosplayers, and they have a big tendency to glomp. Not because they see what the author clearly intended in the work.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)02:56 No.4201089
    Okay far point. I just hate the pairing as it dose involve an underage person.

    I do agree that the fandom mainly consists of badly dressed cosplayers who shout a lot of the time and glomp each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)03:01 No.4201104
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    >Overdone to shit cosplay
    >mostly shit cosplays
    Please don't let it be Majin-sama and KayleighLoire, please don't...

    >it's Nanjo_Koji
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)03:19 No.4201167

    I kinda love the pairing but I am into the whole master/servant thing SO WHATEVS....Also, Sebastian paired with ERYONE.

    But yeah, bitches be crazy. Even if you're into it, don't make it so obvious and weird, okay? You're making the rest of us feel bad for knowing you exist.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)03:29 No.4201211
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    NGL I love the pairing because I'm a shotacon. But then S2 happened and husbando material was found. I honestly stopped giving a fuck about Ciel somewhere around when Alois was revealed to have little brother moe. All of my hnnngg.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)03:31 No.4201220
    I pretend to not like Kuroshitsuji all the time. I made the mistake of buying a keychain and putting it on my keys once, terrible mistake, some fangirl attached herself to me. She is the biggest bitch I've ever met. She started dating the girl I like and even though I don't hang out with her all my friends do, now I look like a bitch b/c I don't want to hang out with her.

    So never tell someone you like Kuroshitsuji or your life might me ruined.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)03:45 No.4201252
    S2 shouldn't have existed. It was a fan service season anyway! Go by manga and Claude and Alois dont even exist. It doesnt matter if S2 slapped the pairing in ANYONE'S face, it was made FOR THE BLOODY SCREAMING FAT SMELLY FANGIRLS!
    And yes. Im mad.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)03:45 No.4201255
    The video is not the worst thing I've seen but the costumes aren't great. The editing is good.

    btw, only just seen this but there appaers to be a fan group on deviantart
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)03:46 No.4201256
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    You should be mad. You actually thought Kuroshitsuji had value outside of fanservice. If I had taste that shitty I'd be mad too.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)03:48 No.4201266
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)03:54 No.4201282

    I agree I can't believe fangirls get so defensive over this series. It has no legitimacy pass shota fanservice and gothic victorian themes that geeky girls tend to drool over
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)05:07 No.4201431
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    To be fair, for a lot of girls it's their first "real" anime. So I understand that. But I also know once they watch more, they'll realize how trope-y and generic it is, and that the only thing it really had to add to the genre was an especially delicious pair of shotas. But it is tiresome to hear them go on about how it's a quality show that gets overlooked because ot stupid fangirls and their homolust. Girl, please. Even the str/a/ight boys realize it's a big slice of fag cake, why can't you?

    Polite sage for /a/ shit.
    >> AschenDog 03/04/11(Fri)05:44 No.4201522
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    The amount of fun I have with Kuroshitsuji is inversely proportional to how seriously I take it.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)05:57 No.4201551
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    It used to be a weekly thing for me and some friends to watch it together and make fun of it, mst3k style. The show is seriously a goldmine. I don't think it ever intended to take itself that srs so it's ridiculous when fangirls do.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)06:52 No.4201616
    >gothic victorian themes
    this was half the reason i got into it. and it looked like some fairly interesting light reading. and it was, in my opinion, fairly interesting up until the jack the ripper arc ended. the last thing i liked was the circus arc, and even that felt like it ended lazily. i feel like it had potential to be something really neat, butnope.

    also, serious question, what's so bad about the fandom now? i haven't been too active in it since 09, and while being on the quiet side, i met some pretty awesome people at the AX gathering. did shit get exponentially worse in a year or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)07:00 No.4201629
    In the past year it blew up in a big way. It's cosplayed constantly, and lazily, and a big target for overweight girls glomping.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)07:27 No.4201661
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    >went to search through newest pictures on DA.
    >mfw the first 6 pages.
    and here i was excited because the outfit designs looked so nice. gdi.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)07:35 No.4201675
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    Still a fun show, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)07:46 No.4201691
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    >this video
    I honestly thought i was going to cry.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)08:02 No.4201715
         File1299243734.jpg-(54 KB, 453x604, 18556_307375579725_585199725_3(...).jpg)
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    This picture is EXACTLY how I feel about that video. Someone needs to be choked.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)08:32 No.4201773
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    oh jesus christ that was awful. what the fuck kind of fabric did they use for ciel? jesus chris it's almost shiny like pvc. how god awful...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)08:45 No.4201782
    This is my face from not only seeing this video, but now while research Code Gayass; I stumble upon pics of her as C.C...naked, with pics seeming like Suzaku is sexing her. words.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)09:00 No.4201801
    >mfw when they're German and I know some of these guys in person

    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)09:01 No.4201803
    forgot my face.
    >> China !0eICAU0W1A 03/04/11(Fri)09:30 No.4201829
    What're you talking about? Those C.C. and Suzaku getting it on in a lake photos are from the Russian group X-Projeckt.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)09:52 No.4201850
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)09:56 No.4201853
    According to her live journal she's in them
    >> China !0eICAU0W1A 03/04/11(Fri)10:15 No.4201877
    Are you fucking serious?

    The amazing KoujiAlone and the original work.

    DEMAND links to where NK claims she was any part of it.
    >> Pidge 03/04/11(Fri)10:20 No.4201881
    Thank you! As a Kuroshitsuji (Prince Soma) cosplayer, I can hardly stand going to the little group meet-ups at conventions, because of the others I tend to see there.

    There are a few decent cosplayers, sure. But everytime, the gatherings eventually turn into everyone trying to create crack pairings and taking pictures of each other in lewd poses. It's gross.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 03/04/11(Fri)10:23 No.4201886
    Heeeyyyy were you my Katsu Soma twin weren't you 8D.

    ITT - Kuroshit horror stories?
    >> Pidge 03/04/11(Fri)10:26 No.4201893
    Yes I was. And I distinctly remember having to tell that one Claude to calm-the-fuck-down because:

    A) The other other Claude looked extremely uncomfortable practically being molested by her.

    B) She was becoming very lewd and inappropriate in a place where small children were around.

    C) Was showing very little regard for everyone else's personal space.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)12:15 No.4202020

    NGL I'm pretty much a shotacon too, but my big vice is schoolboys. The thing that gets me with KS is the art and the fashion. oh Toboso-san please release an artbook. These books of the anime crap just do not doooo.

    I never watched second season because I just couldn't. I barely got through the first episode and dropped it on the second.

    I barely even got through the first season. I think I watched it all in a haze of wtf and just hoping it would get better since I really love the didn't get better.

    I couple of years ago I went to the meet at Fanime and it seemed okay, but it seems like the stupid has exploded since then. Sadly I think it's largely due to 2nd season.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)12:30 No.4202052
    Frankly I was depressed when it blew up. I started cosplaying Grell right after the Jack the Ripper ark came out in the manga. Then the anime exploaded, I wore it to a con, some girl stalked me the entire con!


    All in all it was a well made costume I put my blood sweat and tears into and I dont even want to wear it any more.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)12:37 No.4202057
    Jesus christ. I don't even like that show, and I can't even make it through this shit.

    Who the fuck thought this was cool? Like this was just ok to do?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)12:40 No.4202060
    >Second of all, their relationship is 95% /implied implications/ of fucking

    I am of firm belief that the only person that could "melt Ciels heart" is Lizzie- hes known her the longest, she cares for him, hes also ultimately engaged to her. He does seem to show genuine affection to Lizzie. With Sebastian and Ciel, if there is "fucking", that is all there is, which is disturbing enough (notice how no one cares about the shoutacons, but Lolicons are satan?), their relationship would/is a disturbing one. Theres no affection or anything. What are Sebastian and Ciel going to live happly ever after and get married (Ciel-Kun kawaii corrosudoressu~ >////<) and live happily ever after?

    Point is, CielxLizzy is equally as implied.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)12:42 No.4202063
    ajajaja! Ripje-van-winkle/Starla is so going to shit her pants when she's going to see someone else made an attempt at a rubbish Kuro pseudo-movie...

    International hateful attention whores war IS ON again Seagulls

    WTF is wrong with those girls?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)13:03 No.4202093
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    >oh lawd, Kuro topic
    >holy shit WTF did I just watch

    I met lots of sane, nice Kuro fans online, aged 20-40. Then I go to con and see cosplaying hambeasts squealing about kawaii Sebasu-chan in public. Where the fuck are all these sane people??
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)13:09 No.4202099
    They probably have jobs and families, you know living a life that doesn't revolve around anime and yaoi.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)13:18 No.4202111

    SebastianxCiel just upsets me. Ciel's a twelve year old boy from the Victorian British Aristocracy. He's not having sex or romantic episodes with anyone, let alone a man, let alone a man whose his servant, let alone a man who was old when Hammurabi was walking around.
    The idea of doing so would be unthinkable because of Ciel's social class and the simple fact that in 1880's in Britain, if anyone found out about you banging dudes, you'd be thrown in Jail and your family would be shammed.
    Britain had "buggery laws" back then and unforced them as well. Not to mention, since he was apparently raped during his "slavery" the pyschological damage would cause him to have aversion to that act because of it's negative connotations.
    Most importantly, he's fucking 12. I can't say this enough...he's 12. There are many examples in the manga and the anime were people make romantic or sexual gestures towards Ciel and he gets all awkward and uncomfortable. So sexytime with "Sebastian." Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)13:23 No.4202123
    It's Nanjokoji. What do you expect? She does this stuff and her fanfucktards just lap it up.

    >basically this
    I laughed my ass off
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)13:27 No.4202133

    No. We're there...we're just getting trampled by the hambeasts and droned out by the loud and obnoxious fangirls. You know, because we aren't idiots.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)13:28 No.4202138
    This should get posted in /cm/ sometime. The retard levels are high in the Kuroshit threads there.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)13:31 No.4202144
    Yup. This, this, and this. The way this fandom relentlessly sexualizes a couple 12-year-olds makes me want to vomit. It's also the reason I vastly prefer the manga. To be sure, there's a fair amount of homobaiting shenanigans to be had, but the anime kind of took that and ran head with it. If Ciel and Sebastian have any affection for each other, the only real vibe I get is Vitriolic Best Buds - screwing with each other for shits and giggles. Also I can't tell you guys how happy the recent manga chapters made me - it was up to its eyeballs in Ciel/Lizzy shiptease and I could taste the bitter bitter tears of yaoi fangirls from here.

    And about the "shotacon is okay but lolicon is evulz" - I at least don't think that's true. They disgust me equally. I think the only people who find Ciel or Alois attractive are those who have never had a 12-year-old brother.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)13:45 No.4202187
    Or were unconscious throughout sixth/seventh grade. Although I think comparing Ciel and Alois to modern 12 year old boys is a little unfair since kids acted differently back then. If you were a 12 year old in Victorian England, the chances are high that you watched most of your siblings and at lest one parent die and depending on your social class, you were already working. In a lot of ways, you would have already been a world weary adult as far as experience is concerned.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)14:36 No.4202280
    Glorious trips fellow pervert. S2 gets a bit better, but yeah, if you weren't into the whole slutty blonde with zettai ryouiki abandonment issues and a love of bursting into treats, it would probably not be worth it.

    But S2 isn't the reason it blew up, most of the little fantards consider it an abomination unto their Ciel/Sebastian ship.

    Wait... CC/Suzaku? That's a thing? I honestly had no idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)14:42 No.4202286
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    So what? It could just as easily be argued that Ciel only treats Lizzie well due to his belief that he must as a gentlemen. Ciel is a pretty reserved guy, eh hides his emotions and doesn't afraid of anything.

    On the other hand, he never blushed for Lizzie, did he.

    But no, there were no implications at all. Not when he got tsundere at the ball, not when they did that "lol they're not fucking but it sure sounds like it" corset scene, not when Sebastian appears in his magic love love photograph. And of course things like "eating someone" and "devouring them" are to be taken at face value and have no sexual implications. Those crazy fangirls, trying to gay up such a straight boy like him.

    I swear to God, next you'll go on about how Lestat was so fucking straight you guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)14:44 No.4202290
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    >she thinks anime doesn't pander to lolicons all the time

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