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  • File : 1298975763.jpg-(275 KB, 1002x763, dc_cosplay1.jpg)
    275 KB Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)05:36 No.4187692  
    hi /cgl/. First time poster..long time lurker. I mainly hail from /co/.

    So I'm fascinated by cosplay and wanna give this a try just from comicon. However..I notice you all seem to enjoy your drama... and I don't want that.

    So what are your tips and advice to avoid this? who do I do and not do? how do I avoid getting posted here (if I can try) I wanna cosplay real bad. it looks fun..but the fear of people hating me and being involved in drama makes me fearful and doesn't seem very fun anymore.

    what are your tips for a first time con goer and comicon of all places? I know common courtesy and don;t act like a fool. got it. But what else do I need to know? like safety and whatever?

    Thanks in advance.
    >> Sergeant Forge !RU9HPiLqCc 03/01/11(Tue)05:50 No.4187702
    /v/ here. That Bane and Two-Face should switch outfits, lol.
    >> Clau 03/01/11(Tue)05:52 No.4187706
    Don't worry about drama, man. Really. If you're a pretty chill, friendly person and you don't tend to associate with socially dramatic people, then it's really no problem. Cosplay IS fun, and the vast majority of cosplayers just want to hang out and meet fellow fans, so don't be too worried.
    If you've never been to a con before and you're going to Comic-Con (I'm assuming SDCC?) you may be a bit overwhelmed by the crowds and sheer largeness of it all, just saying. Safety-wise, keep yourself fed and hydrated, and use common sense.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 03/01/11(Tue)06:12 No.4187730
    don't be attractive.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)06:17 No.4187734
    don't be ugly
    don't be fat
    don't be good at cosplay
    don't be bad at cosplay
    don't win awards
    don't date people
    don't hit on people
    that's about it I think
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 03/01/11(Tue)06:18 No.4187736
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)07:02 No.4187787
    oh wow..screw this then. Maybe cosplay isn't for me :(
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)07:08 No.4187795
    Honestly, don't worry about the drama. Unless your costume is INSANELY bad or you're incredibly ugly then you're fine. If you're just going to events for fun and cosplaying there, you're more than likely going to just fly under the /cgl/ radar and therefore avoid drama. Most people that cosplay don't get posted here. The ones that do are usually e-famous in some way or have done something to deserve the ridicule (although sometimes it does go a bit far).

    tl;dr, do it, don't worry, have fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)07:12 No.4187798
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    or, go to a con, have a fantastic time, some bitch will post you to /cgl/, you'll never know about it, who gives a fuck

    toughen up, drama =/ serious business
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)07:57 No.4187867
    I think it's the opposite. It's all the pretty bitches with the well designed costumes that are the center of the drama. The ugoz and fatties are alright in my book.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)08:52 No.4187940
    just don't be e famous
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)08:54 No.4187942
    Easy. Don't post with a trip on here, don't post your pictures on here, don't post anything on Deviantart.
    >> bonk 03/01/11(Tue)09:00 No.4187950
    /co/mrades are the best.

    Go to SDCC, cosplay, and you probably won't show up on here at all. /cgl/ mostly doesn't give a shit about /co/splay (unfortunately) unless it's incredibly horrific and Batman or Wonderwoman related.

    I love /co/splay. Between that and /vg/ cosplay, I hardly ever want to cosplay anime again.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)09:17 No.4187966
    Is it too late to get a ticket / room for SDCC?

    My friend just told me last minute that he would like to go.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)09:35 No.4187992
    way late sadly. sorry dude...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)09:38 No.4187998
    Oh well, there's always next year.

    Are there any other big comic book conventions coming up this year? I'd like someplace to wear this Shredder costume I'm making.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)09:47 No.4188008

    It's my first year trying /co/splay, too. I've done anime stuff for years.

    If you don't mind a multi-fandom convention, one of the best places to cosplay is Dragon*Con in Atlanta. There's lots of /co/ representation and it's a lot of fun. Hotels might get tricky at this point but there's still badges available.

    Otherwise, I can think of MegaCon, HeroesCon, C2E2, and the Wizard World events.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)09:56 No.4188027
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    It's pretty easy I think. I've been posted a couple of times here (in con related photo dumps) and no one bats an eye.

    If you're average looking, you're safe. If you look horrible and do a horrible job, your photo might eventually find its way in a Terrible Cosplay thread, but no actual drama will actually stir unless you act all butthurt and/or try to white knight yourself. If you look good and do an awesome job, just don't get all cocky or whatever.

    If you buy your costume, don't tell people you made it and for god's sake, don't enter a contest. Don't constantly post your pic here looking for praise, don't take photos that are obviously attention whoring, and don't act like an annoying self-absorbed cosplayer. I mean, yeah. Obviously cosplayers want attention, but you don't really have to try and get it when you're dressed up in a costume.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)11:41 No.4188237
    /co/splay sucks anyways
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)11:46 No.4188253
    Dragon con is on labor day weekend, just don't expect to get a hotel booking. Shit's crazy, yo. May be too much for a first time con goer, but if you're the type that wants to cannonball in the pool instead of tiptoe at the shore, than dragon con is a pretty fun con all around.
    >> Potato 03/01/11(Tue)13:09 No.4188452
    Don't even worry about it. The people who have drama here tend to be the ones who bring it on themselves- and the vast majority of /co/splayers I've seen never get posted here.

    Just wear your costume and have fun. Fuck the haters.

    Who are you planning to /co/splay?

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