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  • File : 1298838225.jpg-(27 KB, 266x400, Joker.jpg)
    27 KB Rule 63 Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:23 No.4180439  
    What does /cgl/ think of rule 63? inb4 terrible genderbend panty and stocking, but I'm talking about well done, well designed female and male versions of characters.
    Aslo inb4 women who are too lazy to bind.
    I (femnon) am planing a rule 63 cosplay myself, and was wondering if I should go for a longer wig or an accurate wig when translating the design.
    And yes I hate girls wanting to go as sexy out of character versions. I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible.
    Advice? Opinions? Let's go /cgl/ let's see some awesome (and less than awesome) rule 63.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:26 No.4180457
    Most of the time it irritates me, but if it's really well done and thought out, like your pic, then I can appreciate it and enjoy it. As long as it isn't half assed or SNJ tier, I don't mind basically.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:27 No.4180464
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:36 No.4180514
    I'm in the same boat, anon. Even with binding I would never pass as a guy (binding hips doesn't work so well) but some of my favorite characters are dudes. I've been wanting to do a Spike Spiegel gender-bend for a while, but the only ones I've seen are a total suckfest.

    As for the wig thing, I'd say why do the two have to be mutually exclusive? You can certainly have a wig that's more feminine but still in keeping with the general feel and style of the original.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)04:51 No.4183314
    Fucking sauce on that chick.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)04:57 No.4183321

    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)05:06 No.4183333
    I'm only for rule 63 cosplay when it does proper justice to a character. Also, because most of my favourite comic characters are male and I still want to cosplay them, fem version seem like the only route that wouldn't end in failure.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)05:16 No.4183348
    I like it. Even the bad ones are fun just for novelty. A good crossplay is just good crossplay. but a good genderbent cosplay is good and unique.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 02/28/11(Mon)05:42 No.4183411
    I'm not going to lie to you, OP, I think genderbent cosplays are very silly. I'm aware that my opinion will probably be very unpopular on /cgl/, seeing as how most women here have probably done genderbending cosplays themselves, but bear with me here because I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Many people on this board are of the belief that in order to cosplay, you need to not only just 'look like' the character, but also have the correct body-type, right? For example, you can't have Beatrice's face, outfit, et cetera while having a stomach many sizes larger than her and still be considered a good Beatrice. It just doesn't work that way. I happen to be of the opinion that gender factors into such a determination; you could have the best costume and wig in the world, but unless you truly look exactly like a man, I would have a very hard time believing that you are truly a good Battler.

    Like I said, there are a lot of women on this board who like crossplay, and so my opinion will probably be very unpopular. However, consider this: when you see a man who is cosplaying as a girl, you usually either laugh because it's a bad cosplay, or you think he's creepy, right? Typically this isn't just about the quality of the costume, either; you could be the best male-Beatrice in the world, and someone would still call you creepy, even if it was out of jealousy for your awesome craftsmanship. Well, ladies, not all guys will share my opinion, but I really think you look just as strange when you cosplay a man. "Why couldn't they just find a female character to cosplay?" is my first thought. "How lazy" is my second.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 02/28/11(Mon)05:52 No.4183439

    However, a good cosplay is a good cosplay. If you really look exactly like the character, sound exactly like the character... and not just 'pass as', but really make me think that you are the gender of your character, then you should definitely consider the crossplay.

    There are also some special exceptions. For example, Mana should really only be cosplayed by an effeminate man, because Mana is an effeminate man. Same thing goes for Maria from Maria+Holic, and similarly cross-dressed characters. They are becoming more popular nowadays, so if you have a burning desire to crossplay, then you should consider cosplaying a character who crossdresses; that way, even if you aren't the best cosplayer, you'll at least be gender-accurate.

    Bad crossplays are even worse than bad cosplay. While I am admittedly more critical of crossplay than cosplay, seeing a bad crossplay done seriously is the worst. It practically screams, "I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks of my embarrassingly bad outfit, I'm only cosplaying for myself."

    And cosplay is not something you do expressly for 'yourself.' You do it so that other people can look at your costume and enjoy the visual, not be repulsed by a bad outfit and/or unfitting body.

    [Hetalia hambeasts are especially guilty of this. It makes me want to puke.]
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)05:56 No.4183453
    I think some genderbends are okay. If it is accurate, not just the character in a random dress with their boobs and ass poking out. OPs picture would be fine if it werent for the tits.

    To sum it up: look like the character, alter their outfit in a way that looks feminine (or masculine) without having your tits pop out of the top, unless it's something that would fit with the character. And dont just put on a dress.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 02/28/11(Mon)05:57 No.4183456

    The things some crossplayers do are just silly. For instance, why on Earth would any female fan of Vocaloid songs even consider a Len cosplay? Rin Kagamine essentially has the same body as Len; they aren't particularly taller or shorter than the other, and the official knowledge of them considers them a 'mirror image' of the other one, though there are differences in outfit and voice which distinguish their genders from one another.

    Why, in the name of all things holy, would any girl consider a Len cosplay, when Rin Kagamine has the same appearance, but the correct gender? Bear in mind, this is excluding an event where one person is cosplaying Rin and the other one Len... obviously, a group cosplay would want to have both. But it is astounding how many (bad) Len crossplayers there are, yet no Rin cosplay? They'd at least look normal in a Rin cosplay; maybe not good, but at least normal.

    I digress; I didn't want to get into specific examples, because I feel they'll distract from my main point. All crossplay is this silly to me; not just Vocaloid, not just Hetalia. All of it, unless you can really convince me that you are the gender of your character, be that male or female.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)06:19 No.4183503
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    Holy fuck nigga, no one wanted a goddamned essay.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)06:25 No.4183509
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    >Implying Rin and Len look the same enough to be considered as such
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)06:31 No.4183514
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    Another example of doing it right.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)06:46 No.4183534

    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)06:46 No.4183535
    Monoclancer, I just wanted to say that I don't think I've ever seen you post and not be a colossal faggot. Please gtfo. You are the worst tripfag on this board, which is seriously an accomplishment.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)06:57 No.4183548
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    Drop your trip and walk away. You are possibly the worst tripfag on cgl, and considering this is land of the trips..
    >> Sexpot !ksExPOTato 02/28/11(Mon)06:59 No.4183553
    I wouldnt do it myself. I never see the point in spending so much time and effort for what isnt actually a canon outfit. Especially when girls cosplay male versions of female characters... it makes no sense.
    In a way the SNJ cosplays are slightly better, because they have a grounding in the canon (or other series where genderbending could legitimately happen) but stuff like PSG... I really dont get it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)07:00 No.4183555
    >Joker girl with big tits

    I have the weirdest boner, seriously
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)07:04 No.4183559
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    What's wrong with you people? It's TL;DR for sure, but he makes some valid points.

    Oh, wait, you must be one of those people who closet crossplays and thinks you're ~*SO KAWAII*~ with your **totes original genderbend do not steal*

    Go die in a fire. He (she? Idk tripfags) answered the question posited in the OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)07:07 No.4183560

    Why is gender so important anyway. If crossplay offends you do transvestites too?

    If this is your honest opinion then I pity you. A good cosplay is a good cosplay reguardless of the genders that are being conveyed through it.

    I don't think your problem should be with crossplay as a whole but with people who do not put enough thought into their outfits.

    I don't think gender should be an issue at all as long as you put enough effort into whatever it is that you are doing and keep in mind that your body type limits what you can look good doing.

    And looking 'normal' what is that shit all about? If you're cosplaying chances are you don't look 'normal' anyway! Normal is so subjective I don't even know what you're trying to say here. In the Len/Rin instance... THE COSTUMES ARE NEARLY THE FUCKING SAME! Only the male variant wears more fabric... If you hate hambeasts so much surely you'd support that idea.

    ARGH! I'm mad tho.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)07:09 No.4183565
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    Did you even bother to read what the fuck his shitty arguments were?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)07:10 No.4183566

    Because believe it or not, Rin and Len ACTUALLY look different. Different hair styles, tops, and short. (Oh look, like, most of what they wear). Sure, not huge differences, but enough to make other people like one costume more. (Like Len has longer sleeves, while Rin has no sleeves. Some people might not like having no sleeves.)
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)07:12 No.4183571
    The first of those posts here. Nope, Monoclancer has been a faggot for a while. This thread =/ the only reason I can't stand him. Literally every post he makes is
    >I hate fangirls
    >I miss /r9k/
    >Why aren't you paying attention to me (in tripfag-circlejerk threads)
    Obnoxious as fuck.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 02/28/11(Mon)07:12 No.4183573
    Rule 63 should not be complained about in a few situation:

    If it's a canon outfit
    If any of the original artists have drawn a genderbent version
    If it's widely accepted throughout the fandom

    But on the topic of Rin and Len: They are NOT the same. You wanna know why someone would cosplay Len before Rin? Because They don't wanna dress like a prostitot. Len has glorious long shorts, and sleeves.

    But using the same argument you are using since they're a mirror image of each other someone would be able to pull of RIn JUST as well as Len because they look 'THE SAME'. herpderp.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 02/28/11(Mon)07:15 No.4183576
    Hey. Some people actually put effort into making and designing their own GB versions of characters based off of already existing designs etc.

    Also his arguments are pretty fuckin stupid
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)07:40 No.4183596
    >He answered the question posited in the OP
    >Question was about r63
    >He went on about crossplay
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 02/28/11(Mon)08:23 No.4183654
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    Thank you :) I figured it would be unpopular, but worst on the board? Ouch. I'm happy at least one person didn't immediately hate me for saying it.


    Point taken, I get that not everyone has the ass or confidence to wear Rin's shorts. And I also get that they're not 100% exactly the same, but they look pretty damn similar and most people who can pull off a good crossplay of one should be able to cosplay the other just fine.


    >Yeah, okay, I have actually been saying that a lot lately, haven't I? I'll stop that, if you hate it so much.
    >I couldn't give a shit about /r9k/. I said something like, "I was there when it was made" maybe once, and how it was good for a few weeks in that same thread.
    >I post once per thread as a joke because those threads are silly and everybody is AM I KAWAII ENOUGH TO BE ON THE LIST YET?

    Do you really read my posts? Usually I'm just making fun of Maryjane or posting in con horror threads. I'm honestly surprised that anybody even remembers my trip, let alone hates me.


    >I'm a faggot for not getting off to girls dressing up as guys or making girl versions of a male character.
    >yeah okay.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 02/28/11(Mon)08:23 No.4183655
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    >> Kitty !d75etXAowg 02/28/11(Mon)08:38 No.4183677
    I hate 99% of genderbent cosplay. I know that might be unpopular as an opinion, but it's how I feel. Mostly because that 99% is done really terribly and for a character to look like a slut. I don't think Edward Elric is going to suddenly start wearing a dress, girl or not. I think people don't think like the character would when it comes to clothing choice and just put together something generally stupid looking (and as I said, generally slutty) and go 'lolgenderbent'.

    On the other hand, despite massive cleavage which points a little in the direction I was mentioning, I actually like the OP pic. It's fairly well done. That's a rarity by far.

    Otherwise, it just seems like women (since it's very rare to be men and even less female-characters-turned-male) just use it as an excuse not to bind, or don't like 'teh yaoi' and decide to turn their favorite character female so they can do naughty things to their other favorite male character.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)08:50 No.4183693
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    You must be among the worst tripfags on the board because you don't like my super original "America with boobs" closet cosplay. STOP DISLIKING WHAT I LIKE.

    - Anon-chan, aka neko.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)08:53 No.4183696
    Look Monoclancer, that wasn't why anyone was pissed at you and your inability to read just makes you look like more of a douche.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)08:56 No.4183699
    Well, I both remember your trip and hate you. Your constant angry rants about fangirls brings with you the general stench of genuine misogyny, which kind of sticks out in /cgl/. And the reason I notice you is whenever someone's being an obnoxious, self-important faggot with a sheen of woman-hating, it always turns out to be you.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 02/28/11(Mon)09:11 No.4183709
    yeah I gotta agree with you. I have very 'firm' breasts and for me to bind is pretty painful and if I remain bound for several hours to like an A-cup or lower (I'm a 36C) I can actually bruise but I do my best to bind and make my costumes so that it isn't BLATANTLY obvious I have tits.

    I guess complaining about this though is kind of like complaining about people who cosplay MisaMisa or Kingdom Hearts characters with outfits from Hot Topic.
    >> Kitty !d75etXAowg 02/28/11(Mon)09:27 No.4183738
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    Oh noes, I is a terrible person.

    I can only bind for a short time myself, as damage from a childhood illness left my chest muscles pretty weak and I have a good bit to bind back. I can totally understand people who hate binding as I despise it (though my new compression shirt makes me hate it a whole lot less, it's actually fairly comfortable) but genderbending generally just irks me to death.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 02/28/11(Mon)09:42 No.4183761

    I'd just use my trip if I were going to shitpost.


    Constant? Eh... well okay, I guess I forget that /cgl/ moves a lot slower than other boards. Not a misogynist though; all I said I hated were fangirls, not reasonable women, and I do mean the crazy kind of fangirl. I also hate fanboys. I don't really hate one more than the other, though I do typically use the word 'fangirl' for convenience, and I did mention one time that women tend to be more along the sloppy glomp-happy variety of crazy fan, where as the guys just bitch more and it's usually more about video games instead of cute boys. I can see how I gave you the wrong idea, so I apologize if I gave you a bad impression or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)09:49 No.4183766
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    So is this not okay? I am debating on whether or not to do it for various reasons (walking around in undies, have thunder thighs, how do I do the fro, etc). I know some people doing a PSG group and so not sure what to do.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)09:58 No.4183785
    I usually do female versions of male crossplays I've done. Why the fuck not, it's fun to be the character without having to bind. And it gives room for a bit of creativity.
    >> Kitty !d75etXAowg 02/28/11(Mon)10:02 No.4183796
    Is that canon or a fanart? Don't watch the show itself but it looks pretty similar to what I've seen of the art style.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)10:07 No.4183805
    Not her, but I'm pretty sure it's fan art. I'd say it's okay. Maybe just because I like the design and the fan art is so well done. I'd like to see a rule 63 garterbelt next to regular garterbelt, think it would make for cute pics.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)10:10 No.4183809
    I *hate* genderbent Joker cosplays.

    What I hate even more is Rule 63'd cosplays by chicks who want to make the character sexy when they weren't sexy to begin with. Your pic, fucking related.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)10:15 No.4183816
    no, that is not ok. You should feel terrible for even thinking about doing it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)10:16 No.4183819
    See, this one I actually like as it. You know. Stays in character.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)10:22 No.4183828
    Was this actually from an episode or? I watched through the series and I don't remember it...though I may have accidentally skipped that episode?

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