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  • File : 1298341270.jpg-(46 KB, 400x400, themostbeautifultrees.jpg)
    46 KB Awesome Places to do a Photoshoot Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:21 No.4156342  
    Hey seagulls. Remember that awesome photoshoot location thread we had a while back? Let's do that again.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:31 No.4156374
         File1298341867.jpg-(195 KB, 399x600, setting6.jpg)
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    I love these threads! OP, permission to dump everything I've got? Or just a few?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:33 No.4156384
    Everything you got would be great! <3
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:33 No.4156386
         File1298342033.jpg-(65 KB, 400x400, 1298341270383.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:34 No.4156388
         File1298342045.jpg-(176 KB, 800x1173, alice1.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:35 No.4156392
         File1298342109.jpg-(100 KB, 400x600, disney29.jpg)
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    Oh yes, here we go.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:35 No.4156397
         File1298342143.jpg-(98 KB, 397x640, lastunicorn7.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:36 No.4156403
         File1298342199.jpg-(89 KB, 335x496, disney39.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:39 No.4156411
         File1298342344.jpg-(703 KB, 533x800, disney40.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:39 No.4156413
         File1298342381.jpg-(85 KB, 900x600, disney44.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:41 No.4156418
         File1298342479.jpg-(34 KB, 622x350, lastunicorn1.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:45 No.4156429
         File1298342755.jpg-(278 KB, 700x460, 1250391455422.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:46 No.4156432
         File1298342814.png-(775 KB, 689x543, Millenium Park Parking Garage&(...).png)
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    No cosplayers have actually (for my knowledge) made use of this location that I've noticed! It's a shame because it's really visually interesting. (Milenium Park Parking Garage, Chicago)
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:47 No.4156436
         File1298342843.jpg-(56 KB, 590x443, building.jpg)
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    I'm seriously gonna recommend any traveling cosplayers to take a stop in Buffalo NY if they want cool sites for photoshoots.

    I stop by there every year to visit my gramps and it's a gold mine for locations.

    If you walk around you can find torn down industrial buildings, burnt out sites, old churches, and a shit ton of sites perfect for photoshoots.

    Just y'know, watch out for the crime and everything.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:48 No.4156444
         File1298342938.jpg-(141 KB, 480x721, setting11.jpg)
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    So that's where that is. I definitely have seen cosplay photos taken there, but I don't have them on hand.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:51 No.4156454
    As horrible as it is, in light of the disaster which happened like two hours ago...Right now, Christchurch would be awesome for any post-apocolyptic photoshoot.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:54 No.4156470
         File1298343270.png-(595 KB, 689x543, chicago.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:54 No.4156473
         File1298343290.jpg-(87 KB, 600x400, 2826150.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:56 No.4156479
         File1298343373.jpg-(461 KB, 667x1000, setting7.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:56 No.4156483
    Good in theory but you'd probably be photobombed by emergency services guys in fluorescent vests and crying bystanders. Also may or may not have to photoshop out lifeless limbs dangling from inside the rubble depending on what theme you are going for.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:57 No.4156485
    Funny you should say that. I'm going to Buffalo this weekend to visit UB.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)21:58 No.4156491
         File1298343526.jpg-(74 KB, 480x640, 1348309.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)21:59 No.4156498
         File1298343595.jpg-(859 KB, 667x1000, setting8.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:00 No.4156502
         File1298343628.jpg-(53 KB, 385x640, narnia1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:00 No.4156503
    and here I thought this would be the only place on the internet where I wouldn't be hearing stuff about ChCh D:
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:00 No.4156504
    Man the area around UB is cool. Especially the art/hipster district.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:02 No.4156511
         File1298343723.jpg-(90 KB, 480x640, narnia2.jpg)
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    >lifeless limbs dangling from inside the rubble
    First thing I thought was L4D photoshoot. I'm going to hell.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:02 No.4156515
    /r/ing the picture of Madotsuki on the red staircase.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:02 No.4156518
    I'll have to keep an eye out! It would be fun to ride back for photos. Any specific locations you say one just shouldn't miss?
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:02 No.4156519
         File1298343776.jpg-(81 KB, 426x640, unknown8.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:03 No.4156521
         File1298343814.png-(362 KB, 309x479, 1253350281507.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:05 No.4156529
    Downtown, around UB, the museums - the history one has a very nice Japanese garden, and the Elmwood area which is very Victorian styled.

    Head into the ghetto if you want some good industrial urban shots.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:06 No.4156531
    Also since there's lots of aftershocks still happening you could be crushed by falling debris.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:07 No.4156533
    Wait, what happened?
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:09 No.4156540
         File1298344145.jpg-(149 KB, 500x376, yoko24.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:09 No.4156541
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:10 No.4156544
         File1298344207.jpg-(63 KB, 329x600, yoko13.jpg)
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    Google, yo. Try "Christchurch." There was a 6.3 earthquake in New Zealand.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:11 No.4156554
    Whenever the next big west coast quake happens I hope people don't pull that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:12 No.4156556
         File1298344333.jpg-(342 KB, 600x900, Okami___Tsuzurao_by_Andy_K.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:12 No.4156558
         File1298344346.jpg-(218 KB, 481x700, tb7.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:13 No.4156564
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    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 02/21/11(Mon)22:14 No.4156569
    Are you a retarded child? Even Broodmother manages to keep up with current events.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:15 No.4156573
         File1298344500.jpg-(251 KB, 640x425, penelo2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:16 No.4156579
    Bro I just found out that New Zealand wasn't a part of Australia.
    Had no friggin idea this had happened. Best wishes out to you seagulls in Christchurch :(
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:17 No.4156588
         File1298344649.jpg-(44 KB, 720x480, os14.jpg)
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    I feel bad because I live near dozens of potentially interesting and beautiful photoshoot locations, but I don't cosplay many characters who share those environments.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:18 No.4156590
         File1298344730.jpg-(133 KB, 640x480, os11.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:21 No.4156604
         File1298344918.jpg-(112 KB, 640x480, os1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:23 No.4156608
    Instead of just posting cool pictures, can we share actual locations? Some of these settings are awesome, but they don't do much good for the thread if we're just left wondering, "Where the heck is that?"

    Not saying the photos aren't awesome, they're some of the most epic cosplay photos I've seen. I'm just curious about actual specific locations that'd be cool for photos.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:24 No.4156609
    Well said, anon. I was thinking the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:25 No.4156615
    oh dear lord people /actually/ think that? I was hoping that was just a joke....
    cnzers are working to find out how cosplayers in chch are doing.
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 02/21/11(Mon)22:25 No.4156618
    >Bro I just found out that New Zealand wasn't a part of Australia.
    The genlocks want to know if you've ever finger-painted with your own poop. And also if you have to wear a helmet. And what color it is.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:26 No.4156623
         File1298345204.png-(245 KB, 267x395, okami3.png)
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    I know of a few but I don't like to self-post much. If it's relevant to the thread, though, and to your liking, I could share a few locations.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:27 No.4156626
    That's specifically what the thread was made for
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:31 No.4156645
         File1298345474.jpg-(125 KB, 691x466, zelda6.jpg)
    125 KB
    No need to be snippy, really. The thread just said "awesome photoshoot locations," it wasn't specific on whether that meant "beautiful places photoshoots were taken at" or "beautiful locations where one could do a photoshoot."
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:33 No.4156667
    They were asking for another thread that was like a thread we had a few weeks ago that was a specific things and than your dumbass started an imagedump in what was supposed to be a discussion.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:35 No.4156683
         File1298345721.jpg-(440 KB, 531x800, 2815457.jpg)
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    So I'll start with the beach (I'll get the name when I find out what it is) on the shore of Lake Michigan--Wisconsin side.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:37 No.4156696
         File1298345822.jpg-(293 KB, 531x800, 2742907.jpg)
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    I saw a "pretty backgrounds" thread a few week ago, too, so that's what I was posting. Calm down, it's only 4chan.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:38 No.4156703
         File1298345925.jpg-(291 KB, 531x800, 2817519.jpg)
    291 KB
    Bradford Beach. There we go.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:39 No.4156705
    I'm not even mad but you still ruined the thread with your repost image dump. Whatevs brah.
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 02/21/11(Mon)22:40 No.4156712
         File1298346019.png-(886 KB, 746x615, broodmotherpicturechristmas.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:40 No.4156714
         File1298346019.jpg-(10 KB, 500x333, gurl.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:43 No.4156739
    This thread should be turned into a broodmother dump.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:43 No.4156743
         File1298346222.jpg-(389 KB, 550x825, 2596123.jpg)
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    You're right, we'd better get as wound-up and butthurt about it as we can even though I've switched to posting locations already and it's not even a big deal.
    Anyways, if you're quite done crying about it, have some Chicago Botanical Gardens.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:46 No.4156760
         File1298346415.jpg-(428 KB, 550x825, 2596121.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:47 No.4156768
    i had my christmas tree up til june once.
    we should have just left it up because december was only six more months away
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:47 No.4156770
    I just want you to realize you're a shit poster is'all.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:48 No.4156776
         File1298346530.jpg-(61 KB, 421x634, 2377318.jpg)
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    The First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:49 No.4156779
    Wouldn't have been all dry and dead by then? It'd be like putting presents under a skeleton.
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 02/21/11(Mon)22:49 No.4156780
    We don't even celebrate Christmas.
    Broodmother suspects that the decorations are DLC.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:50 No.4156785
         File1298346605.jpg-(69 KB, 634x421, 2377325.jpg)
    69 KB
    You're right. Look at all the content you've contributed. It's a veritable gold mine of information and class.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:53 No.4156801
    No, no, no, think about it

    1.You're a trip fag
    2. You misinterpreted OP's request and took it in your own direction
    3. When people told you the thread was for something else you just kept doing the same thing and insisted that everyone else was being whiny
    4. All of your comebacks towards me have been Ad Hominem instead of discussing the issue at hand.

    Shit poster
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 02/21/11(Mon)22:55 No.4156823
    Broodmother feels uncomfortable.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)22:58 No.4156838
         File1298347128.jpg-(102 KB, 640x427, 1952168.jpg)
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    Kept doing the same thing? I've begun listing locations and supplying multiple photos to show the location's variety. You've been whining about me the whole time. If you could contain your poorly founded and undying hatred for me and contributed to the thread instead, we could have an actual location thread here.
    Hakone Gardens.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:58 No.4156841
    Er, OP here, I meant the thread to be either photos with beautiful locations or beautiful locations for photos to be shot at...
    So, uh, can we have more photos and less bitching?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:01 No.4156850

    Actually the thread said "Hey seagulls. Remember that awesome photoshoot location thread we had a while back? Let's do that again."


    Stop grasping at straws, cunt. I'll fuck you up.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:01 No.4156854
    Hey I'm bored and this is fun.

    I never said I was a good poster just that you're a shit one. Together we can take shit to levels shit has never been on before. COME MY QUEEN!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:04 No.4156869
    lol watermark on her leg
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:04 No.4156873
         File1298347482.jpg-(88 KB, 391x521, hakone1.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:07 No.4156891
    That's cute. Your opinion doesn't matter to me. I don't even know who you are.
    Also, do read this post by OP on your way out:
    I wasn't in the wrong. You were just hunting for things to bitch at tonight. Go back to your lolita drama.

    At your request, OP, back to posting beautiful locations like I originally was. My Okami photos have some lovely ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:07 No.4156895
    forgot to mention; it's a fake tree
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 02/21/11(Mon)23:08 No.4156897
         File1298347680.png-(422 KB, 610x343, broodmotheruncomfortable.png)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:08 No.4156901
         File1298347704.jpg-(67 KB, 399x509, hakone2.jpg)
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    Oh internet connection, eating my images.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:08 No.4156902
    >Implying that wasn't you without the trip

    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:09 No.4156907
         File1298347756.jpg-(102 KB, 400x605, doa1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:09 No.4156908

    I wasn't talking to you either, I just felt like snapping at the person that was responding to you, but I didn't do it just because it was you she was responding to.

    And we've met, so you ought to chill out too with the attitude.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:09 No.4156909
         File1298347764.jpg-(47 KB, 689x634, 9568568456.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:10 No.4156917
         File1298347845.jpg-(108 KB, 640x480, jill11.jpg)
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    I don't take down my trip. But don't you worry. Your period will be over soon and you'll feel all better. Loves!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:12 No.4156929
    I already declared my love for you. And I'm the man.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:13 No.4156937
         File1298348009.jpg-(149 KB, 616x498, lara1.jpg)
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    Oh dear, my physical safety has been threatened by an anonymous person on the internet. I'd better shape up.
    If you're anyone that matters, you'd discuss things with me personally. But, you won't, because you'd rather hide and try to nip at my ankles from underneath the murky water of 4chan.
    Enjoy your vindictiveness, I'll be posting lovely cosplay photos.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:13 No.4156938
    The worst part is that my comment which apparently made people perturbed was not made with an angry mindset.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:14 No.4156943
         File1298348084.jpg-(432 KB, 800x536, okami19.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:15 No.4156946
    Tone is hard to convey over the internet.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:15 No.4156947
         File1298348122.jpg-(435 KB, 800x536, okami13.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:15 No.4156948
    My feelings exactly.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:16 No.4156960
         File1298348211.jpg-(34 KB, 300x400, okami16.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:17 No.4156963
    Indeed. Rage seems to be a common response in the face of uncertainty.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/21/11(Mon)23:17 No.4156969

    Does this help?

    I'm not threatening you, I'm suggesting that you're overcompensating with the bitch-factor. Lighten up.

    I'm pretty sure between the difference in height between you and me, you'd be the one nipping at ankles (and grasping at straws too for that matter)

    Just chill out already. Lol. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to go back to removing the name field.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:17 No.4156971
         File1298348279.jpg-(194 KB, 600x900, okami17.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:19 No.4156986
         File1298348396.jpg-(73 KB, 443x640, muramasa18.jpg)
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    Charming Masa, of course, 'tis you.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:21 No.4156992
         File1298348480.jpg-(85 KB, 426x640, muramasa17.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:22 No.4156996
         File1298348550.png-(361 KB, 332x499, muramasa2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:23 No.4157002
         File1298348593.jpg-(323 KB, 1424x2144, _DSC2084copy.jpg)
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    Thank you.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:24 No.4157013
         File1298348686.jpg-(83 KB, 400x600, lilith9.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:25 No.4157021
         File1298348741.jpg-(103 KB, 640x623, morrigan5.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:26 No.4157027
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:27 No.4157030
         File1298348863.jpg-(80 KB, 640x425, muramasa3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:27 No.4157031
    This is an extremely good picture, but it would be improved a million times if we could not see the shadow of her hoop through the skirt. Can't that be shooped out?
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:30 No.4157045
         File1298349027.jpg-(139 KB, 614x721, zelda12.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:31 No.4157050
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:32 No.4157058
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:35 No.4157078
    oh god that photo has all of my love.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:37 No.4157090
         File1298349454.jpg-(79 KB, 427x640, link16.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:39 No.4157099
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:40 No.4157105
    LOVE this photo.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:42 No.4157115
    I love this thread.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:42 No.4157116
         File1298349747.jpg-(170 KB, 321x491, ff10.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:43 No.4157122
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:44 No.4157131
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:45 No.4157136
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:46 No.4157140
         File1298349967.jpg-(92 KB, 600x400, ff31.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:47 No.4157147
         File1298350051.jpg-(161 KB, 400x600, ff20_2.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:49 No.4157152
         File1298350166.jpg-(451 KB, 800x600, ff44.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:50 No.4157157
         File1298350209.jpg-(52 KB, 413x640, sephiroth1.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:53 No.4157164
         File1298350380.jpg-(74 KB, 624x468, vincent7.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:53 No.4157166
         File1298350437.jpg-(191 KB, 800x1176, yuna2.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:56 No.4157175
         File1298350618.jpg-(69 KB, 623x510, vincent3.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/21/11(Mon)23:58 No.4157179
         File1298350706.jpg-(240 KB, 430x645, loz41.jpg)
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    I wish I knew where this was. It's perfect for Hyrule castle.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:00 No.4157185
         File1298350806.jpg-(39 KB, 415x622, sheik5.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:00 No.4157189
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:01 No.4157196
         File1298350887.jpg-(653 KB, 1024x683, mgs15.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:02 No.4157199
    maitland art center in Florida
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:03 No.4157201
         File1298350999.jpg-(148 KB, 390x575, rozen4.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:04 No.4157207
         File1298351066.jpg-(48 KB, 320x480, suisei9.jpg)
    48 KB
    Thank you!
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:07 No.4157217
         File1298351273.jpg-(146 KB, 505x673, sailor11.jpg)
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    Oh, boo, I'm almost out.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:09 No.4157221
    If I could make a request, I would love to see a recreation of Naked Snake's fight with The Boss over a field of flowers.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:10 No.4157225
    she is such a beautiful Princess Zelda
    exactly how I imagine she would look irl
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:11 No.4157229
    I agree. Everything about her and the costume is perfect. She even has the silhouette/shape of it all perfectly.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:13 No.4157239
         File1298351583.jpg-(71 KB, 368x550, miyazaki23.jpg)
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    Her name is Akuriko and she is just as beautiful IRL.
    I've only seen a couple photos like that. I'll see if I can dig up the photos; I don't have them saved. The MGS community is tragically lacking in thoughtful photoshoots.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:15 No.4157249
         File1298351755.jpg-(100 KB, 640x480, 2274372.jpg)
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    Not quite what you asked for but those are coming up. Have some Sorrow.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:18 No.4157263
         File1298351921.jpg-(118 KB, 500x375, 1358438.jpg)
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    Is this what you were looking for?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:22 No.4157279
    OR here, oh hell yes.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:22 No.4157282
         File1298352179.png-(29 KB, 522x399, 1285562740159.png)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 02/22/11(Tue)00:24 No.4157288
         File1298352282.jpg-(174 KB, 900x600, muramasa8.jpg)
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    Her name is The Boss on Coscom; she's a MGS cosplayer from Germany. Nice girl.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:35 No.4157330

    I can't help but laugh at this picture every time I see it. There's no wind. They shouldn't have shoop the hat in.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:42 No.4157360
         File1298353322.jpg-(403 KB, 1044x522, GuildwoodPark11panoHDR.jpg)
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    If you are in the Toronto area, Guildwood Park.
    I'll let the pics here speak for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:45 No.4157373
         File1298353524.jpg-(181 KB, 800x600, 25.jpg)
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    Also in Toronto, is the Distillery District. Great for more urban shoots, and also amazing for some steampunk stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:46 No.4157378
         File1298353580.jpg-(145 KB, 800x600, 21.jpg)
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    Forgot this gallery link
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)00:48 No.4157390
    the truck in the background just ruins it
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)13:22 No.4159162
    does anyone know where this was shot, or similar places one could shoot in California?? I've always wanted to do this kind of shoot. The only spot I know of, off-hand is Huntington Gardens... but I don't think they allow shoots in their Japanese house. (and ANY shoot at Huntington is redonkulously expensive, too)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)13:29 No.4159166
         File1298399375.jpg-(270 KB, 825x980, cosplaypingol04.jpg)
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    mare island (norcal)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)13:31 No.4159173
         File1298399491.jpg-(283 KB, 800x533, dwvr9.jpg)
    283 KB
    Vasquez Rocks, Southern California
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)13:32 No.4159176
         File1298399570.jpg-(133 KB, 700x467, ffa004.jpg)
    133 KB
    anthony c beilenson park, Van Nuys, CA
    This is the park you see so many cherry blossom photos in... but there's also some cool fields here.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)13:34 No.4159181
         File1298399644.jpg-(309 KB, 800x532, anotsu00.jpg)
    309 KB
    same park

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