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  • File : 1298179666.jpg-(184 KB, 800x534, Set_of_Five_by_KoiCosplay.jpg)
    184 KB Original Designs good/bad? /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)00:27 No.4148689  
    Discussion question /cgl/

    Now I'm not at all trying to call anyone out (this is just a prime example)

    But what is your personal opinion on 'original designs for existing characters'?


    I'd like to know the differentiating opinions on this subject.

    If you do think it's cool, post some you've seen that you like.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:31 No.4148697
    I think its cool. Its nice to see something different amongst the clones. Also usually these people are really into the fandom they're portraying. Its also nice to know that there will always be accurate cosplay too, so I don't care. I have quite a few good examples I just need to find them.
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 02/20/11(Sun)00:33 No.4148705
    It depends. If it's done well and there's obviously been some thought and work put into it, I don't mind.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:34 No.4148706
    I don't like them because usually characters have 1 or 2 alt. outfits so making up your own design seems lazy.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:35 No.4148711
    Ironically, I think it lacks imagination.

    Like if you made up a character for Naruto or Bleach but only you & your friends really give a shit about it.

    If you have your own comic, then its ok.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:35 No.4148713
    Except when you have groups like Koi who get butthurt and rage when people ask if they can do something similar...

    I can understand about stealing the idea and claiming it as their own (I mean EXACT replicas) but come on, let them do the same idea. As long as it isn't patented it's fair game in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:36 No.4148714
    I think it depends. Like, OPs pic, bad.There have definitely been great original designs though.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:36 No.4148715

    Retard didn't read all of OPs post
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)00:37 No.4148720
    When I said 'existing characters' I didn't mean creating a whole new character. Character design as in 'outfit' is what I meant. Sorry if there was any confusion on my part.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:40 No.4148729
         File1298180427.jpg-(146 KB, 538x550, 285129.jpg)
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    If it is well thought out or there is an obvious joke behind it I like it.

    People who cosplay their supah kawaii desu Naruto OC are just silly.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)00:42 No.4148739
    Like I said before... I didn't mean OC

    I clearly state
    >original designs for existing characters
    The characters in this pic already exist in the series.
    >> Stupei, Ace Defective !1HOs/D5o7M 02/20/11(Sun)00:43 No.4148744
    This is awesome. So is the one Darth Vader hello kitty design that one person did. It all depends. I've found joke outfits are usually the most entertaining- granted, that they're done well.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 02/20/11(Sun)00:45 No.4148752
    Kingdom Hearts versions of anything piss me off to no end. The idea is cute, but for the love of god don't actually cosplay it.

    However, for a series like Hetalia where (I'm assuming) all the costumes besides WW2 uniforms are fan-made, making your own outfits can actually be pretty beneficial to the cosplay gene pool. Like, Matador!Spain or Space Race!Russia are really fucking neat ideas.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:46 No.4148758
    I like joke outfits, and alternate outfits if they are well thought out.
    For example, my friends and I like to do alternate outfits for Psychonauts characters.
    Like Oldeanders Obstacle Course Sasha, Black Velvetopia Milla, Waterloo World Raz, ect.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:47 No.4148762
         File1298180858.jpg-(489 KB, 900x675, 1279494860632.jpg)
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    We should post more well-thought-out original/crossover costumes.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:47 No.4148763
         File1298180866.jpg-(73 KB, 501x495, ladyluckACen.jpg)
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    Only pic I have saved with an original design
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:48 No.4148766
         File1298180917.jpg-(378 KB, 798x573, The_Kingdom_Hearts_princesses_(...).jpg)
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    Some of the kingdom hearts ones are pretty cool too though.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)00:48 No.4148767
    See now if more Hetaliafags did this.. I think the fandom would gain just a bit more respect. But sadly, it's just full of closet cosplay with no thought put into them... A shame.

    But it would be cool to see. Especially Matador Spain... that would be really neat.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:50 No.4148772
         File1298181039.jpg-(106 KB, 500x750, d1c26b5b693e546fc401383390a113(...).jpg)
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    Sheryl from Macross has a dress that is pretty much just a giant blue sack that I see people heavily modify quiet often to a good effect.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:50 No.4148774
         File1298181052.jpg-(105 KB, 640x453, 1263286265284.jpg)
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    Another pic.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)00:50 No.4148775
    This made me laugh so hard!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:52 No.4148779
         File1298181160.jpg-(45 KB, 330x440, 1263622860877.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:53 No.4148780
    That isn't an original design. It's from the game, one of their dress spheres.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:53 No.4148782
         File1298181200.jpg-(174 KB, 500x375, 1258541125733.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:53 No.4148783
         File1298181220.jpg-(105 KB, 435x415, khnaruto.jpg)
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    >Putting genuine thought, creativity and effort into making a design that is recognizable yet original
    >Can be cool

    >OMG let's take [series] and make all the characters maids/nekos/steampunk/pirates/lolitas!!!!!

    Pic related, it's an example I like. And I'm not even into Naruto.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)00:53 No.4148785
         File1298181238.jpg-(111 KB, 800x475, The_calm_before_the_storm_by_K(...).jpg)
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    Sorry... I know Koi is frowned upon here but I actually did like this idea they had for the Anbu outfits.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:54 No.4148786
    I think shes talking about the Lynn (that's her name right?)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:54 No.4148787
    The Lynne one is an original design.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:55 No.4148796
         File1298181352.jpg-(274 KB, 1280x854, 1278730466975.jpg)
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    These Princess Tutu cosplayers made Tutus that were more accurate to what would actually be used in a ballet performance than the original designs.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)00:56 No.4148798
    I saw them at that con... I really liked the outfits too. Very creative but staying true to the characters proper design.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:57 No.4148802
         File1298181429.jpg-(2.12 MB, 2736x3648, 1258538712958.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:57 No.4148805
         File1298181458.png-(7 KB, 191x234, 1297143041415.png)
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    If it's well done, recognizable, and it looks like you put some goddamn effort into it, then good for you. Great job. Pic related.
    These two are a good example of what I'm talking about.

    But if it looks like you just pulled shit out of your closet/Hot Topic and slapped on a wig (poorly styled or not) then you can just fuck right the hell off.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:58 No.4148808
    Far right is the original design
    I think you mean Lenne
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:58 No.4148809
         File1298181501.jpg-(141 KB, 487x650, 1258514421500.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:58 No.4148810
    I see most original designs as just another bid for attention. I'm going to make some generalizations here, but understand this doesn't apply to everyone, everywhere. Just most, in my opinion. To move forward, usually, original designs come out of huge fandoms, with a huge base of cosplayers. Speshul snowflake cosplayer wants to stand out at her next con so she chooses an original design as opposed to maybe looking for alternative outfits from OVAs or the manga. To me, original designs are often uninspired and just another bid to stand out from all those "others" in your own fandom.

    And then, of course, there's the slutty/lazy/closet/inside-joke-no-one-but-your-friends-get aspect that sometimes comes into play with original designs.

    Despite my hang-ups, I won't tear-down a good original design if I see one. That Paine a few posts up is hilarious and well-done. I haven't seen too many original designs of that calibur and it would be fun to see more like her.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:58 No.4148811
    Oops, meant to quote >>4148766
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)00:58 No.4148812

    OH, OOPS. Neglected to see her.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)00:59 No.4148815
    Yeah but I don't think even closet cosplayers consider their outfits 'original designs'

    Closet cosplay usually is seen as 'casual cosplay'
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:00 No.4148817
         File1298181609.jpg-(120 KB, 600x900, 1278820784362.jpg)
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    Another shot of the Tutu cosplayer.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:00 No.4148819
    hurrf durff caliber
    I'll try better next time.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:01 No.4148826
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:02 No.4148828
    It's worth noting that that probably wasn't their idea, though. The fanart has been around for a while.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:05 No.4148838
    >Casual cosplay
    That's kind of what I meant. Sorry if it wasn't clear.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:07 No.4148842
    I don't see whats wrong with cosplaying something only a few people would get. That can be part of what makes the outfit fun to wear. For example not everyone is going to get that Paine. However I mostly agree with you.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)01:07 No.4148843
    Oh.. well then disregard my comment then.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:08 No.4148845
    There are a couple times where I've found original designs awesome.

    Like a France, America and Britain dressed in couture, grunge and punk fashion respectively. Lazy? Maybe, but the concept was cool and they themselves weren't your typical Hetalitards.

    Rule 63 is alright as long as its not just the original outfit but the chick was too lazy to bind her chest.

    I think my biggest issues would be bad/lazy designs or people being extra out of character. Like I was at a Phoenix Wright gathering one year and this one chick was Edgeworth with cat ears and wouldn't stop running around squealing out meows and rubbing herself frantically against everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:11 No.4148860
         File1298182281.jpg-(126 KB, 518x680, Naruto_Artbook_Cosplay_by_Mira(...).jpg)
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    I know this isn't an original design. But I still llike when artbook outfits are done because few people even take the time to notice that there ARE alt. outfits out there.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:14 No.4148882
         File1298182480.jpg-(87 KB, 400x400, 1263621227177.jpg)
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    That can be funny if the cosplayer can take it in the right direction instead of just being "lol so randum! XD" .
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)01:26 No.4148933
         File1298183204.jpg-(351 KB, 850x667, Bleach__Asterisk_by_behindinfi(...).jpg)
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    Wow more people are accepting of this than I thought...

    Ok, let's raise the bar here.

    What about Casual cosplay? How do you portray that?

    For me, if the character really does wear casual like clothing in the series, then I think a cosplayer can really wear any normal clothing they want, as long as it is something similar to the character's clothing likes/style

    Bleach for example is an OK series to do this with.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:30 No.4148945
         File1298183408.jpg-(125 KB, 1023x685, 32958..jpg)
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    Speaking of which

    It's Gendou.

    Duh nuh nuh. Duh nuh nuh. Duh nuh nuh.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:30 No.4148946
    the cosplayer better look a LOT like the fucking character and make up for a casual cosplay with a ROCKIN' face and body.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:36 No.4148968
    >For me, if the character really does wear casual like clothing in the series, then I think a cosplayer can really wear any normal clothing they want, as long as it is something similar to the character's clothing likes/style

    Now THAT is fucking lazy. If they wear casual clothes I think you should try to wear what they wear. Otherwise this >>4148946.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:37 No.4148974
    I agree.

    I don't mind casual cosplays if the person is stunning.
    If they're fat, average, or have a shit wig, then I rage.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)01:38 No.4148977
    I guess it is kind of lazy. But I think it can be pulled off well sometimes. Especially if it's a whole group with a set theme.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:50 No.4149014
         File1298184657.jpg-(88 KB, 427x640, Kingdom_Wands_by_MitchisSuperC(...).jpg)
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    This has to be one my favorite original cosplays. The skit is still one of my favorites
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:51 No.4149018
    Just going with my train of logic that someone does originals for attention, it seems counter-intuitive to wear an inside joke. Gag costumes can be great, I just don't undrestand why one would wear something only your group of friends would understand that might, to the outsider, look overly ridiculous, out of character, or just plain stupid. If you want to wear a subtle gag costume, why not do a personal photoshoot as opposed to wearing it to a convention, where the meaning is lost? And, if cosplay is about attention, then why not put the effort into something more people will like and understand?

    Not the most water-tight argument but I'm not a fan of originals. I'll give props where they are due but I don't find many as impressive or inspired as they could be. That's my opinion, anyway. You're welcome to disagree.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:54 No.4149028
    It can be pulled off, but its still lazy.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)01:54 No.4149030
    My main problem with "casual clothes" cosplay like that is when the cosplayer bitches about not being recognised.
    Very few characters are identifiable by only their hair. You can't strip the costume to a wig and make it up from there, then expect people to recognise you.

    To make an "original design" cosplay work, you need to keep elements of the original design, just the colour scheme or something. Bonus points if you keep an iconic prop belonging to the character.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)01:56 No.4149040
    Yeah but my thing is, that's the only option for some just starting out. Some may not be able to afford a sewing machine or to commission/buy a costume. Wigs aren't that expensive if you know where to look so I don't think there can be an excuse for lack of or shitty wigs...

    But again some may just not have the means for the official costume.
    >> fireside !tRDr4b2x2Y 02/20/11(Sun)01:57 No.4149041
    I think original outfits are fun if you can get a group together to wear similar stuff, and it makes sense with the character.

    Sadly, I havent seen many personally that fit that. A girl I know likes do make her own designs for outfits only, never cosplays official ones, and they're always over-sluttified and make zero sense.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)02:00 No.4149057
    See I don't mind 'casual' or 'original designs' at all if the cosplayer ALSO does the official cosplays... If someone can do it but only does casual then that's where it's a bit like ??? for me.

    I mean, if you can do/afford it, why wouldn't cospaly the official outfit, you are wanting to cospaly the character because you like them right? It only makes sense to be true to them, at least at first.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:01 No.4149065
         File1298185311.jpg-(83 KB, 500x604, lol1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:02 No.4149068
    Wait, are we talking about closet cosplay or people just throwing on clothes that look like the character. If its the latter, then that is what I'm talking about. I just think its lazy to that unless your doing a humanized version of a character.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)02:06 No.4149079
    I'm talking about taking a character and putting them in 'civilian' clothing basically. I'm talking about the ones that actually create a theme but it's still closet cosplay really.

    Like rocker, punk, kimonos, ...
    That kind of thing
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:13 No.4149105
         File1298186038.jpg-(71 KB, 800x600, afro yoko.jpg)
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    Joke cosplays are awesome, I always get a kick out of them. Like that one Afro Yoko? Pure awesome.

    For some reason, it kind of irks me when I see cosplayers do the maid version of a cosplay. Like in K-ON, they do wear maid outfits in a single episode but.. for some reason even though it's canon it just pisses me off. It feels lazy to slap on a maid outfit, a wig, and carry around a Guitar Hero guitar and call oneself Mio.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:17 No.4149117
         File1298186249.jpg-(52 KB, 796x718, 1288145540361.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:21 No.4149130
    Oh! I get what your saying. A lot of Kingdom hearts cosplayers do that. I don't really care as long as they look good.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:23 No.4149144

    they think because it is black that it will work.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:23 No.4149145
    How many people do you know that have a kimono in their closet?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:25 No.4149153
    this IS /cgl/
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)02:27 No.4149157
    Well... it's not really 'closet' cosplay perse but it's not an original design either. So I kind of lump it in with the 'casual/closet/random' outfit category.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:27 No.4149161
         File1298186870.jpg-(64 KB, 640x481, 1656394.jpg)
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    here some cosplay i did KH style
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:29 No.4149169
    Is this design based off something, or is it just a made up design completely.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:35 No.4149183
    It was my understanding that "KH style" meant taking characters from other series and making them look like Kingdom Hearts designs. (Like >>4149014.) Not original designs for KH characters.

    So, who's wrong here? Because that does not fit my definition of "KH style"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:35 No.4149186
    Mostly all base on a fan art we saw on DA
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:42 No.4149217
         File1298187778.jpg-(51 KB, 818x614, screencap_32-3.jpg)
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    That Kairi really reminds me of Sakura for some reason.
    Maybe it's just the pose?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:44 No.4149232
    yeah kinda she did a cosplay of sakura at one point kinda funny now that you mention it
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)02:49 No.4149250
    I'm sorry but that's a gear grinder for me... If you're going to base your cosplay off of someone else's fannart, why not try and come up with your own design instead?

    I'm not trying to burst your bubble but this actually applies to all those who do this.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)02:50 No.4149254
    I just murdered the word fan art... excuse me
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:52 No.4149264
    well ME roxas was made by my girlfriend so it is a original fanart and for the other 2 we did ask the person to do it and she say yes and unlike most people that cosplay Orifinal stuff we did not just wear normal clothes with a wig .
    With so many KH cosplay out there we try to stand out of the crow and it work we wont 2 price .
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:57 No.4149279
    In the name of the English language, I beg you to stop.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)02:59 No.4149287
    Fine i be more careful with my grammar.

    English not my 1 language.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)03:01 No.4149292
    Protip: To quote previous post

    >>number of post you are responding too

    This makes it easier to figure out who you're talking to.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)03:27 No.4149377
    I don't really care, they're freaking cartoon characters and you shouldn't take dressing up as them so seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)03:30 No.4149389
    No need to get your panties in a twist..
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)11:07 No.4150024
    This. Damn, I say this all the time. There is no need to be so freaking attached to a fictional character.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)16:30 No.4150764
         File1298237424.jpg-(583 KB, 347x500, CardcaptorSakuraV2.jpg)
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    Recognized it instantly- pic related.
    There's another one where she wears a dusky rose crown, but can't find it.
    Subconscious inspiration?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)16:59 No.4150876
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)17:16 No.4150957
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)17:37 No.4151048
    I love this and the skit
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)17:38 No.4151057
    They're cool if they're done well. Otherwise, no. Just no.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)17:59 No.4151164
         File1298242767.jpg-(28 KB, 414x552, card board storm trooper.jpg)
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    Depends I like when people take costumes and make them in other styles like steam punk, cyber punk etc. But for me it should be something really recognisable to do it well.

    Heres one from a friends pics. Cardboard storm trooper.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)18:30 No.4151291
    I don't understand how you are connection being attached to a character and 'closet cosplay'

    The whole point of cosplaying a character is because you are fond of that character is it not?

    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)18:30 No.4151293
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)19:24 No.4151479
    I think they meant cosplaying properly, and trying to accurately recreate the character's clothes means you're obsessed.
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/20/11(Sun)19:29 No.4151499
    Interesting logic to that anon... too bad it makes no sense.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)21:06 No.4151976
    Your friend looks sort of like Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)04:59 No.4153837
    Chavez that that time of day...with that many ugly girls. That photo should not exist. Both the cos-players and the photographer need more work
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)05:05 No.4153856
    For the record, that picture is a few years old by now.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)05:13 No.4153885
    Well you have a comparison shot so I can see improvement, because right now it's making SJ look bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)06:04 No.4154022
    Im going to say this
    >closet cosplay/casual cosplay where you go through your cupboard and go "This'll do! I'll look so awesome!" for a con is a bit lazy. I understand if its a bday party or a casual meetup; by all means do so.
    >Making original designs for characters you love that fit with the theme are usually pretty cool.
    >Making gag costumes always rule

    On that note; I'm considering making an outfit for China to fit into the "APH Pirate theme" however it wont be a pirate outfit. By the theme I mean that era; and I think China would have been wearing a Hanfu (Imperial outfits that the royals used to wear) To represent time. Would I be ratted on for this? (Also noting I've made China's military outfit before).
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)06:25 No.4154059
    No. That Kairi is so unappealing, looks nothing like Kairi, and has too many original (badly designed) costumes. It's THAT Kingdom Hearts shit that pisses me the fuck off. Wtf is that other shit, Cinderella and Xion? REALLY? Excuse me while I go gouge my eyes out...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)06:28 No.4154063
    As something that is so easy to get wrong and seems attention-seeking, I'm not that much of a fan, but ho boy can I appreciate a decent one, like this one >>4149014

    And seeing as though there are some mixed reactions, I'd like to get a balanced opinion on a K-ON cosplay I'm planning on doing.

    Thug Mio and Biker Mugi. How would you react if you saw this?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)06:30 No.4154065
    Oh fuck me, I just realized the 3rd abomination of a costume is Namine. I mean there is just nothing pretty, cute OR kingdom hearts-ish about any of those...what is the point of using cheap satin to make something that's not even flattering?

    Sage for my stupid. Or for their failure to make a convincing Namine.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)06:45 No.4154081

    It would be better if you did a Chinese sailor's outfit from that era instead. It would fit the theme better.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)06:58 No.4154089
    Huh. Didn't even think of that. Thanks for the suggestion!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)12:46 No.4154552
    You didn't think of using a Chinese sailors uniform as a basis for your Chinese pirate costume...
    >> /cos/player !!tKtm+pj2oM2 02/21/11(Mon)13:59 No.4154792
    That's actually the last con that those outfits were worn.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)14:27 No.4154871
    >A few years old

    That was taken in '09
    Not THAT long ago. And it's never been worn to a con since...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)14:30 No.4154877
    Two words... Death Note

    Another prime example of how easily you can fail at wearing everyday clothing.

    I mean, it's pretty much closet cosplay on it's own (with the exception of maybe Misa) So why not just wear the outfit the character wears?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)14:36 No.4154886
    Slightly OT: i saw one of Light's artbook shirts at Abercrombie for like $80.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)14:39 No.4154894
    It's easy to find that shit

    Hell my gf bought her outfit for Light (the first one he wears in the series) at JC Penny and it looks pretty much identical.

    So no one really has an excuse not to do the original outfits

    Although... I don't think I'd pay $80 for a shirt, I'd be better off just making it hahaha
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)22:46 No.4156761
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:03 No.4156866
         File1298347390.jpg-(80 KB, 540x720, steampunkmario.jpg)
    80 KB
    It can be a beautiful thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)23:12 No.4156927
    I wouldn't care, in fact I would like to see that very much.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)04:05 No.4158135
    Maybe Death Note could be a good target for original design cosplay because the official designs are so plain, bland when you think about the clothes you see in some other anime series.

    It might be cool to see a cosplay of a plain-clothes series like DN "if the costume designer was..." or "if it was set in the world of..."
    Making the designs more showy, more like something you'd see in a fantasy anime or RPG.
    "Original design" doesn't have to mean closet cosplay or making the design simpler.

    Of course, the Death Note fanbase is rather crazy on the whole, so they'd probably screw it up.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)04:50 No.4158286
    It has been done... failed miserably because of exactly that reason you stated.

    Plus, those who haven't gotten over their DN craze are pretty much nut-jobs anyway. (not all mind you)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)06:13 No.4158500
    >sailor outfit
    >pirate outfit
    >2 different places in timeline
    >why would I think this straight away?
    >still making a Hanfu anyway because fellow Hetalia friend wants to see it
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)06:40 No.4158527
    props to good original designs.>>4148809
    i'm all for it if it's done well. usually doesnt work as well for obscure/lesser know anime though

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