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  • File : 1297378405.jpg-(1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 12678_puella_magi_madoka_magica.jpg)
    1.93 MB Anonymous 02/10/11(Thu)17:53 No.4116091  
    Is anyone planning to cosplay Madoka Magica?

    Otherwise, general thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/11(Thu)22:53 No.4117282
         File1297396391.jpg-(364 KB, 400x548, 2844937.jpg)
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    Just watched episode 6 a few minutes ago, and if I was more or less convinced that I was going to cosplay Sayaka in the future, now I'm totally sure I'll do it this year. Seriously, this series is awesome.

    I found the first non-japanese Madoka cosplayer (in progress) on today, as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/11(Thu)23:11 No.4117356
         File1297397480.jpg-(146 KB, 600x901, a1ee9a165cb56bf77e821443fa4ca1(...).jpg)
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    Cure, I'm disappoint. Creepy looking Madokas (and none of them with a wig that at least try to look like her shade of pale pink), one shitty Sayaka and a few meh Mamis. This was the only exception.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/11(Thu)23:15 No.4117378

    Dat wig
    >> Anonymous 02/10/11(Thu)23:15 No.4117381
    I want to cosplay Charlotte.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/11(Thu)23:16 No.4117387
    Just watched ep 3. This shit is fucked up and twisted. And thus, awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)00:23 No.4117729
    just started to get into this. i was expecting MOE MOE CUTESY shit but was pleasantly surprised at the more twisted plot elements.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)02:25 No.4118309
    That wig is missing the drills.

    And is there no way to wear a waist cincher/corset without looking bulky? I swear she's achieving the opposite intended effect of a waist cincher here. It added 10lbs to her waist.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)13:55 No.4119566
    Bump for answer to preventing a corset from adding bulk.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)17:34 No.4120362
    Seconding this. Not related to Madoka, but I have the same problem with my Mikuru cosplay and could use some tips.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)18:26 No.4120647
         File1297466783.jpg-(640 KB, 1400x962, 1292046155784.jpg)
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    I can't decide which one I'd like to cosplay...It's going to be between Sayaka,Kyoko,or Homura. I love look of Madoka's outfit,but man,all that pink would look bad on me ;~;

    I'm thinking about doing a human version of Charlotte too,I need an excuse to buy a pink twintail wig.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)18:45 No.4120709
         File1297467937.png-(184 KB, 2190x788, 1296618640308.png)
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    I'd like to make Mami eventually but I'm looking to lose some more weight first.

    Also someone on /a/ posted some references for her muskets.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)18:46 No.4120711
         File1297467968.jpg-(259 KB, 1142x1087, 1296618525022.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)18:47 No.4120719
    Madoka is a spineless MC like every other MC in recent anime.
    ...I still like the change of pace for a magical girl series though but I still won't be cosplaying from it unless something awesome happens and I end up liking the show a lot more than I should.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)18:53 No.4120737
         File1297468394.jpg-(84 KB, 787x591, 1296274420365.jpg)
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    I think she reacts to all of the crap they're going through pretty realistically.

    That said what she did in the recent episode was a very stupid move. But she had no idea that things would turn out like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)18:53 No.4120742

    Yeah. It doesn't help that whenever she tries to be courageous, life becomes instantly a bit more horrible.

    I had wanted to do Mami. I was about 2 minutes away from driving to the fabric store. But now I'm beginning to ponder doing Kyouka instead.
    >> <3 02/11/11(Fri)18:54 No.4120746
    I want to see this cosplayed so bad. I don't think I'd make a good ...anyone from the series, but I'd love to see cosplay of it. In full support of anyone who wants to do this.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:08 No.4120776
    Not really cosplay but I'm working on a Charlotte plush for my boyfriend as I type. A little fucked up for a v-day present. But he'll like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:08 No.4120777
    >Madoka is a spineless MC like every other MC in recent anime.

    You don't really get the point of this show, do you?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:17 No.4120794
    to prevent the corset looking bulky, probably should:
    make it tight ( or maybe build it on a real corset!)
    dont make it long enough to go over hip bones(there's where the skirt should start)
    bigger poof = narrower waist
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:18 No.4120796
    Kyubey is evil.
    Called it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:19 No.4120803
         File1297469966.jpg-(173 KB, 640x479, 1295031371545.jpg)
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    He's not exactly evil he just doesn't have any morals.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:20 No.4120811
         File1297470040.jpg-(114 KB, 640x480, 1295031416656.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:20 No.4120812
    No, he's seriously going to be the ultimate boss battle.
    Just think about it for a minute.
    He's evil.
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 02/11/11(Fri)19:21 No.4120814
    I really want to cosplay Sayaka. Kyoko is fucking badass though, so we'll see.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:22 No.4120818
         File1297470163.jpg-(307 KB, 614x461, 1296113309982.jpg)
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    No the witch from the beginning of the first episode is going to be the final boss.

    Kyubey is just the ultimate "I don't give a shit" character.

    Lets not get too into this since this board doesn't have spoilers tags.
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 02/11/11(Fri)19:22 No.4120820
    Oh, I almost forgot.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:23 No.4120824
         File1297470221.jpg-(132 KB, 640x480, 1296550715167.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:24 No.4120829
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:25 No.4120834
    Alright but I still called it.
    Er, anyway, got any Sayaka refs?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:26 No.4120840
         File1297470410.jpg-(69 KB, 1024x576, 1296778292855.jpg)
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    I'm working on it. I'm trying to find good pictures of her swords. They have triggers so I'm wondering if they have some kind of gunblade function.
    >> <3 02/11/11(Fri)19:27 No.4120841
    He's trying too hard to get madoka to contract with him.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:29 No.4120851
         File1297470567.jpg-(546 KB, 1920x1200, 1297468344603.jpg)
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    Charlotte's grief seed
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:34 No.4120871
    Stupid question, but is Charlotte Mami?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:37 No.4120880
         File1297471048.png-(678 KB, 800x3000, 1297400906122.png)
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    It's difficult to say. Lets try not to speculate too much in this thread though since /cgl/ doesn't have spoiler tags and I'd imagine that many people on here haven't watched it yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:39 No.4120888
    So, are these people that are referencing the manga? Because, as far as I know, there are only six episodes and I'm avoiding reading the manga since I started watching the show first. It's more fun for me to eagerly wait the next episode instead of spoiler myself by running to the manga whenever I want more (though it's so tempting).

    I'll just wait for Charlotte to pop up. Haha She hasn't at all yet in the show, as far as I know (unless there are episodes released that I don't know about yet)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:44 No.4120900
         File1297471453.jpg-(8 KB, 130x185, charlotte_mahou_shou_20927.jpg)
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    No no no. Charlotte was the witch in episode 3.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:44 No.4120902
         File1297471456.jpg-(169 KB, 1280x720, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica - 0(...).jpg)
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    It's being scanlated but it doesn't have as large of a following.

    Wait I'm confused you know this witch from episode 3 is Charlotte right?

    You can read all of the big fan theories and such here. Spoilers everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:58 No.4120949
    hahah I had no idea that witch was charlotte. Why does it have a name? Didn't it just get killed like all the others? Or is that like some unofficial name or something?
    (I also asked if Charlotte was mami lol Whenever I searched "Charlotte" with the series name, I always just got a bunch of pics of Mami, so I was confused)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:59 No.4120950
    you seem to know a lot about the series. WHy are they called Puella Magi? Like, where does that come from, I never see it anywhere in the anime.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:01 No.4120957
         File1297472463.jpg-(2.15 MB, 2544x2238, Runes_translated.jpg)
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    The Runes that you see under Charlotte and throughout the show are a cipher

    Each witch has a card on the official website with her name on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:02 No.4120961
    It's on the logo. It means the same thing as Magical Girl or Mahou Shoujo. Some subs just use Magical Girl which I prefer because that's what I hear when they say Mahou Shoujo.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:13 No.4120995
    Hey thanks! I didn't know that, either! lol
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:19 No.4121011
    Does anyone have a link to dental mods that don't look ridiculous? Because I want to get fangs for Kyouka. But I don't want them to be excruciatingly obvious.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:31 No.4121056
    I'm pretty sure you can sand these down. I have a tutorial for making them out of sculpey somewhere too.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:58 No.4121159

    Thank you so much! I saw these earlier and was wondering if you could sand them down.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)22:32 No.4121577
         File1297481524.jpg-(1.52 MB, 920x1735, d0a82e06124b40f138c19acf320c18(...).jpg)
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    maybe you're talking about this one?

    I'm a bit iffy about having sculpey/fimo inside my mouth, though..
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 02/11/11(Fri)22:43 No.4121616
    The whiteness of the fimo is kind of odds with the lower teeth....then again, Fimo has a tranclucent effect version, that might blend in better. As far as the safety of sticking clay in your mouth, the internet says fimo is non toxic. I can't imagine it would taste pleasent though.....
    huh, the first word in my capcha is hazard...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)22:48 No.4121641

    Well, it says on the package not to make anything you eat off out of it. So I would assume it is not safe to have in my mouth for a few hours.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)22:53 No.4121654
         File1297482788.jpg-(685 KB, 1000x800, 942e5a9a5aa3d5aa7f5a53f3bc6f46(...).jpg)
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    I'm totally gonna cosplay this show next. Hopefully I'll get my friends into it too. Problem is, the only girl I could probably pull off is Madoka. I'm short and cutesy. Maaaaybe I could pull off Mami, but...

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