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  • File : 1256529181.png-(195 KB, 568x624, a03584bdbd519a776fe0e49d1eb0c38c03c3d505.png)
    195 KB Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:53 No.40863628  
    >> Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:54 No.40863737
    Why does he have Edgeworth feet? What's the point?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:54 No.40863740
         File1256529299.png-(65 KB, 293x364, urgh.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:56 No.40863814
    Oh my god
    >> Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:56 No.40863823
    it is...the greatest hero...of all time...
    >> Mr. Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:56 No.40863865
    >> Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:57 No.40863917
    He's got the cravat, too.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:57 No.40863944
    >greatest hero
    >death note
    >> Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:59 No.40864070
    He could beat anybody
    >> Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)23:59 No.40864081
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:01 No.40864168
    So, who wants to list out each feature and what anime it was taken from?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:05 No.40864380
    the mask - bleach
    the sword - inuyasha
    right arm - full metal alchemist
    the arrow on head - avatar the last air bender
    the yellow skin - sponge bob?
    the feet - edgeworth from ace attorney
    the pokebag - pokemon
    that's all I got right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:08 No.40864531
    The omnatrix from Ben 10 is on hi-... its left arm.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:09 No.40864585
    the hair, I am gonna say cloud from FF7?
    and that hair badge...I wanna say soul eater..
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:10 No.40864643
    fuck there is a headband from naruto in there.
    the death note notebook
    that pin is from the watchmen, laughing man I believe.
    no idea what the badge is for, or the eyes or face.
    >> ASS EFFECT Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:10 No.40864662
         File1256530237.gif-(96 KB, 406x429, TengenToppaGurrenLagannYOKO01.gif)
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    hairpin is from yoko. gurren lagann
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:10 No.40864668
    Yoko's hair badge
    Ema/Hobo Phoenix's pin
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:11 No.40864684
    smiley-face button - watchmen
    sword - inuyasha
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:11 No.40864689
    Yellow body may be from Bobobo, not sure.
    Smiley face from Watchman
    Wrist is from Ben 10

    Odd, I thought this was supposed to be all anime.
    >> ClubMeSoftly !vjX/b/51.s 10/26/09(Mon)00:12 No.40864731
    Naruto head/neckband
    Watchmen smiley
    Wouldn't be at all surprised if the bow was from pokemon, too.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:12 No.40864739
    Every shitty anime, cartoon and vidya combined into one.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:12 No.40864741
    This is the only... true neutral being in existence.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:13 No.40864796
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:13 No.40864807
    Right arm - FMA
    Death Note - idk lol
    Tattoo - Avatar
    >> ClubMeSoftly !vjX/b/51.s 10/26/09(Mon)00:14 No.40864853
    The eyes are from the infamous "Desu". Rozen Maiden, I believe it's called.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:14 No.40864864
    ok, so here is the full list we have now:
    the mask - bleach
    the sword - inuyasha
    right arm - full metal alchemist
    the arrow on head - avatar the last air bender
    the yellow skin - spongebob? or from BOBOBO
    the feet - edgeworth from ace attorney
    the pokebag - pokemon
    hairpin is from yoko. gurren lagann
    headband - Naruto
    Notebook - Deathnote
    Pin - Watchmen
    Wrist - Ben 10
    Ema/Hobo Phoenix's pin

    anything we are missing?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:14 No.40864889

    what an awful character design
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:15 No.40864916
    I thought the hair looked more like Tidus' hair, myself.

    Then again, they are all the same, so it really doesn't matter all that much.
    >> Digivolver !!PKAn9ShOCgG 10/26/09(Mon)00:15 No.40864917
    what about the bow? only one i can't figure out
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:15 No.40864925
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:15 No.40864940
    The eyes are that Rosen Maiden chick.
    It also has Naruto's headband like a sash and the facemarks Naruto has.
    And it's god damn Sponge bob.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:16 No.40864956
    Don't know her name, but the eyes from the chick who spawned the Desu~ meme?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:17 No.40865016
    The real question is, does it still like krabby patties.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:17 No.40865047
    Hair is from Cloud Strife and the eyes are from either Suiseseki or Ragna the Bloodedge. More than likely Suiseseki.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:18 No.40865100
    Atleast thats how I think her name is spelt.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:18 No.40865120
    the mask - bleach
    the sword - inuyasha
    right arm - full metal alchemist
    the arrow on head - avatar the last air bender
    the yellow skin - spongebob? or from BOBOBO
    the feet - edgeworth from ace attorney
    the pokebag - pokemon
    hairpin is from yoko. gurren lagann
    headband - Naruto
    Notebook - Deathnote
    Pin - Watchmen
    Wrist - Ben 10
    Ema/Hobo Phoenix's pin
    Eyes - Suiseki (spelling) from Rozen maiden
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:18 No.40865125
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:19 No.40865151
    other then watchmen, i HATE everything about this shitty character
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:20 No.40865218
    No wait It IS Spongebob, but with the face of that sun guy from Bobobo.

    Mystery solved.

    Can't explain the eyes though.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:20 No.40865228
    the mask - bleach
    the sword - inuyasha
    right arm - full metal alchemist
    the arrow on head - avatar the last air bender
    the yellow skin - spongebob? or from BOBOBO
    the feet - edgeworth from ace attorney
    the pokebag - pokemon
    hairpin is from yoko. gurren lagann
    headband - Naruto
    Notebook - Deathnote
    Pin - Watchmen
    Wrist - Ben 10
    Bow - Sailor Jupiter.

    I think we have it all done here guys. well done.
    >> Igor 10/26/09(Mon)00:21 No.40865275
    It's spelled SuiSEIseki you baka. JK But honestly a quick google search fixes the name for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:21 No.40865281
    >laughing man

    The Comedian?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:21 No.40865296
    Ichigo's mask is fucking nightmare fuel
    >> JT 10/26/09(Mon)00:21 No.40865297
    What would his game be like?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:21 No.40865306
    what about nose and mouth?
    >> Baman !!8QK7u98khPw 10/26/09(Mon)00:22 No.40865330
    made me lol.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:22 No.40865347
         File1256530958.jpg-(84 KB, 400x485, Jaden_(Yubel's_Eyes)..jpg)
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    I think the eyes are supposed to from this guy.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:23 No.40865393
    You forgot Cloud hair and Suiseki eyes.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:23 No.40865424
    What about the frilly white thing?
    >> Lamer Gamer !XwRXAZB.36 10/26/09(Mon)00:24 No.40865452
    ...I-Is that SpongebobCloudYokoIchigoInuyashaEdgeworthWatchmenKnightKiraNarutoBen10Pokemon?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:25 No.40865519
    the mask - bleach
    the sword - inuyasha
    right arm - full metal alchemist
    the arrow on head - avatar the last air bender
    the yellow skin - spongebob? or from BOBOBO
    the feet - edgeworth from ace attorney
    the pokebag - pokemon
    hairpin is from yoko. gurren lagann
    headband - Naruto
    Notebook - Deathnote
    Pin - Watchmen
    Wrist - Ben 10
    Bow - Sailor Jupiter.
    hair - cloud from FF7
    eyes - Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:25 No.40865539
    you mean SpongeCloudYokoIchigoInuyashaEdgeworthWatchmenKnightKiraNarutoBen10PokemonSailormoonbob pants
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:25 No.40865550
    The eyelashes indicate a female source.
    As much of a pussy he is, they aren't Jaden/Judai's eyes.
    >> JT 10/26/09(Mon)00:26 No.40865583
    Spongebob Skin and Simpsons arm/hand by the way.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:26 No.40865605
    wow, lol what a fucking nerd
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:27 No.40865697
         File1256531275.jpg-(183 KB, 500x696, bobobo-bo_bo-bobo_box-3.jpg)
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    Ok I had to look it up, and the face looks nothing like the sun guy(I have no idea what his name is). I guess it's just a generic animu face.

    Scratch bobobo from list.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:28 No.40865702
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:29 No.40865782
    Edgeworth's cravat.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:29 No.40865800
         File1256531351.jpg-(30 KB, 400x300, Suiseiseki is disappointed wit(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:29 No.40865809
    >Simpsons arm

    FFFFFFFFFFFFF. Good eye.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:29 No.40865813
    Dan Pachi. And I see OP picked this picture up from a thread either last night or earlier this morning, I can't remember
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:30 No.40865863
         File1256531404.jpg-(88 KB, 928x767, 1254104202866.jpg)
    88 KB
    Gentlemen... Behold...
    Timed Underwater Escort With Stealth: The Game

    A first-person, timed underwater escort level with stealth. There are no checkpoints, added momentum to your controls, and constant environmental hazards that kill you in one hit. When you or your escort are caught by one of these hazards, there is a long animation with slow, brooding music as the screen turns red and you slowly surrender.

    If you move too far ahead, your escort gets lost. You have two movement speeds, the escort swims at a speed between them. There are also awkward camera controls that irrationally zoom in on unimportant objects, and random artsy angles which show nothing at all. Every few moments, you must stop to use a breathing apparatus. The timer, which starts 3 minutes before the level begins, is 10 minutes long. When the timer reaches 7 minutes it begins beeping every second. The beeping is in the sound of a bicycle horn.

    There is a seemingly unimportant plot item near the start that you aren't told about until near the end of the level. You use this item to fight a boss you have previously defeated.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:30 No.40865874
    Sidescrolling Action RPG
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:30 No.40865875
    the left arm may be Simpsons
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:30 No.40865885
    No we didn't because we aren't on the same level of faggotry as you.

    Also vidya
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:30 No.40865902
    Who drew this?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:31 No.40865973
    This is mostly common knowledge on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)00:32 No.40866020
    Looks like a pipboy or that ben-10 thingy

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