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  • File : 1296346966.jpg-(15 KB, 506x332, 1295148265070.jpg)
    15 KB Serious Question about Lolitas/Dramalovers Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:22 No.4066589  
    Serious question..

    Why do you like drama so much? Yes, you, personally. Why do you get your kicks from drama? How does it make you feel?

    Tripfags, drop your names if you want. I want to hear from everyone about this. I really want to understand the reasoning.

    Also, why do you like/partake in bullying?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:25 No.4066601
    Disclaimer: No, this isn't a thread for me to call you "stupid/bitches/trolls/jelly" nor tell you you're stupid after you've said something, or that you're a terrible person.

    I just want to know your point of view. I want to understand a little more. That's all.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:26 No.4066605
    It's all about the schadenfreude, if you really get down to the basics for me.
    It doesn't make me feel like anything... just something entertaining to fill my time with. Yes, there are always much better things to be doing, but I enjoy the drama.
    Though I 'understand' that much of it constitutes bullying, I don't feel like I care. The internet makes everything detached and reduces empathy almost to nil. I'm not trying to make an excuse, it is shitty behaviour I guess - I'm just giving my reasons for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:28 No.4066612
    Thanks for your extremely honest answer!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:29 No.4066614
    Laughing at mistakes isn't unique to dramamongers.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:30 No.4066619
    My high school didn't have any. When I eventually met /cgl/, it was when we discovered Crystal Moon. I mean, just the jokes, the bitchy humor, everything about it was delicious. I don't like when someone tries to go after those who don't really deserve it, but normally seagulls can see when it isn't worth it. Plus when you have those who think they're too good for 4chan, who have a holier-than-thou attitude suddenly exposed as a shitfucker, I mean, how can you not enjoy that? When you get those posts that make you laugh and say "oooohh fuck, shit just got real" like the PZ/faerydragonet showdown, you just want more.

    Plus, girls are really only funny when they're being mean.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:31 No.4066625
    I don't really see it as bullying all of the time. Sure, sometimes, but alot of the times we're just giggling about how someone's being a fucknuckle somewhere else. I'm jsut a giggling bystander, I form no opinions nor do I really join in.

    I like to know that the bounds of stupidity can still be pushed.

    But petty drama and vendetta-chans are boring, I like the real deal.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:33 No.4066634
    I'm genuinly here for the fasion and cosplay and don't really take part in the dramu/bully shit because I kind of know what its like to be on the recieveing end.
    Although I could understand people getting annoyed at girls who are the same size/rating as them getting tons of positive attention when they themselves don't feel confident enought to dress/cosplay like that. Well least thats how I react but I'd never bitch to them or about them here just rage irl.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:33 No.4066635
    Because people have REALLY great reactions, especially to things like bullying. Whether they're the one being bullied, a bystander, a moralfag, the one doing the bully, whatever!

    dem reactions hnnngh
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:35 No.4066644
    It's honestly one of the most satisfying things ever. It's better than food, than finding that perfect/rare item, or anything else. When I find the newest piece of vicious gossip, I just think how great it's going to be to share it with everyone.

    It's a massively entertaining spectacle where I can indulge all the malice and self-righteousness in my soul, and even air a few real grievances.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:38 No.4066650
    1) It's entertaining.
    2) You get to know others better, even if alot of it is made up, half truths, and rumors.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:39 No.4066652
    You know anon, I'm gonna answer this honestly.

    Most of the drama threads that I post in (usually chiming in with only a couple of posts, I've never gotten in a serious argument here) are people who have been asses to me on other websites and/or are known to be bitches, or people who honestly confuse the shit out of me (like PT, why is she doing these "mature" theme pictures, seriously, wtf?)

    Also, if you put pictures and info on the internet, be prepared for people to talk about you behind your back, laugh at you, at criticize you. It's always gonna happen if someone knows your name.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:42 No.4066663
    I don't care about drama that much, I read it sometimes because it is entertaining, but I don't crave it like some people do.

    The only case where I really love drama is when it has to do with someone I know in real life and know for a fact that they are a complete fuckwad. In that case, it gives me great pleasure to see them outed on the internet by complete strangers.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:49 No.4066693
    I do it so people don't know just how much of a loser I actually am. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)19:55 No.4066717
    >implying most drama comes from lolitas
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:01 No.4066747
    So many thorough responses!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:02 No.4066752
    I like drama because it's interesting and it doesn't involve me. Also, I don't bully anyone. Hope this satisfies you, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:32 No.4066838
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:36 No.4066851
    99% of the vendetta threads on this board are nothing but "look at this lolita she's a bitch amirite" threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:39 No.4066864
    Bullshit, there are just as many cosplay vendetta threads as their are lolita ones.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:40 No.4066866
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:48 No.4066894
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    I don't like it and I report all the drama threads, and I encourage others to do the same.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:52 No.4066906

    Honey, they don';t call this board /drama for nothing. You might feel more at home, say, /co. I hear /co is love.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:53 No.4066912
    /co/ chased off one of the Adventure Time animators who was drawing requests by saying she had an infected vagina. No thanks.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)20:57 No.4066932
    I love drama. I'd love to know what happened with that.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)21:00 No.4066943
    It's exactly as I said. The last thing she drew for them was Marceline at a computer saying "bye."
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)21:09 No.4066978
    Maybe the lolita ones are noticed more because theyre not always about the same people? PT/Yaya
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)21:10 No.4066985
    >99% of drama threads are "what's the drama on this girl, with a picture of some cosplayer previously unknown to the world"

    Fixed that for you
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)21:50 No.4067124
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    I realize most of you said that it's just for entertainment, but I also noticed that a few of you said that you don't see it as bullying sometimes.

    I've been pondering, do any of you know what it's like to be bullied or at least have someone picking at you?
    Again, not trying to moralfag, just to understand.
    Did it harden bullying to you? (Example: I could handle it, so she can too!) Or just never been the recipient?

    Any of you been the target of the online or irl cosplay/lolita community for even a short amount of time?
    Ever try to get back at someone after they targeted YOU in person, by getting back online?

    How many honest-to-God actually have jelly-fatty syndrome? Not saying you're fat. But the whole "I feel she's smaller/shapelier/pretty than me, and somehow.. I ended up hating her without realizing it until later."
    I know a lot of pretty girls that mistakenly think someone is more attractive than them. So again, I'm not saying your fat or less attractive if this has happened to you.

    Brand jealousy? Rich bitch hate? Would love to just tarnish someone's silver platter and spoons to give them a taste of what you've had to live with?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:02 No.4067174
    Hmmm, I have been bullied, yes, but I don't really see that as a factor to my love of drama (although who can say really.)

    I just love to hear stories about people. Good ones, bad ones, I don't care. My life is rather boring right now, so I enjoy being entertained. Probably much like the Romans with their gladiators, although with less physical bloodshed.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:10 No.4067199
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    I was bullied and beaten up by these fat chicks back in middle school and high school.

    So it feels good being able to pick on fat girls for wearing shit they don't look good in and acting like their the shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:13 No.4067210

    Whoops, I meant "they're".
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:15 No.4067218
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    >bullied and beaten up by these fat chicks

    what for?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:19 No.4067238
    I lurk here mostly, specifically for the drama/cat fights. I just think it's funny how people can get riled up over the stupidest things, and it's interesting to see how people handle shit that annoys them/pisses them off. There are occasions where the rage is understandable, however, and that's just as entertaining.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:20 No.4067242
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    Hell if I knew.
    I think it's because I never talked and I had blue hair so I was singled out as a "freak".
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:34 No.4067287
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    Sorry to hear that sis.

    Personally, I never try to get back at the bitches from highschool and such. Why? I don't have to try very hard. I'm thinner now than they ever were when they tried, bigger tits without the implants, and best of all... no babies.

    Someone who used to be cunt rolled her baby into the fitting room area where I worked one day, and she didn't even look me in the eye. It felt glorious.

    I don't usually say anything or even look at them very long when they've gained 50-100lbs. Because I know they're feeling like shit now. And all I can think is "shouldn't have been such a self-centered cunt back then, should ya? I hope that was karma."
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:34 No.4067294
    This is my response, to add, I was never really violently bullied, but I was picked on and made fun of for being too quiet and a weirdo when I was about 12-16. I have zero sympathy for people who are picked on, especially when people try to use it as a sob story, because my feelings on the matter are "Whatever, been there, it wasn't that big of a deal. I grew up and got over it and you should too".

    However, I'm talking about relatively mild teasing, not some of the constant, everyday, scrutinizing that some people do over other people's every little move. I just feel bad for people like PT and even PZ.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:36 No.4067303
    When I first came on this board, I really only wanted to see the cosplay... and then out of boredom I started reading about the drama due to the lack of good cosplay.

    I've not entered into the bullying. If I post, I post to be helpful... not to be a bitch. I do think you see a full scale of what humanity is cable of.

    The drama sometimes isn't there, meaning they're trying to start shit over nothing. But in other cases the drama I feel is justified (not sure if this the right word to use but all I can think of) because in reality it would happen any way. Even with being an anon, the social standard is still there, it's just you can be more harsh or cruel.

    tl;dr - It's all about the entertainment, and the fact that the world is cruel is nothing new.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:50 No.4067357
    I was picked on here and there when I was a kid. It hurt my feelings, sure, but I also took it as cues to adjust myself.

    And honestly? I think that as a result of a little shaming, I refrain from saying and doing stupid shit.

    It also keeps me from outright confronting PT, too. All I really do is go to drama threads and talk about why people like PT should just stop. Reality check needed.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)22:53 No.4067371
    I have tons of jelly for a lot of people. A lot of it is because some have parents that buy them almost all of their brand, while I have to work and save up for it. Still, I don't hate those girls, I just mega jelly. It's the ones who act like outright bitches that I just can't stand.

    I was "bullied" for the last two years of high school for various reasons, and I say that hesitantly because it was more like 4 people hating me, and me not giving a fuck. Whenever they'd sneer something at me, try to put me down, or be nice to my friends in an attempt to turn them against me, I'd just shrug it off. It was no big deal and I didn't let it envelop my life. I think lolitas should do this, rather than posting the link to a /cgl/ drama thread on their facebook to call in their whiteknights, because it just makes them look dumb. Seriously, we're a small community of people who dress up like retards to everyone who isn't us. Who-copied-who's-outfit is nothing to get SUPER WORKED UP about.

    This is one of the reasons I don't hate on people like Meow-Tan, sure she's said some of your typical "dumb teen" stuff, and she did come on here and whiteknight herself occasionally, but I haven't seen her namefagging anymore and she seems just just post her stuff on tumblr, enjoy lolita and continue to improve, and not try to give excuses and crap on here anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)23:08 No.4067445
    I've been bullied, physically and verbally.

    That said I love the drama. It's funny and entertaining for when I am bored. Yeah it is bullying, but I only feel bad occasionally.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 01/29/11(Sat)23:18 No.4067489
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    soap operas couldn't come up with half the shit i read on here, not to mention there are no soap operas about people with my hobbies soooo drama on /cgl/ is the best popcorn material I can find sometimes.yeees I know it is kind of pathetic to enjoy reading drama as entertainment but there ya' go.

    As for me participating in drama, I never do so willingly. I would like to say on my end I am damn near drama free! :D
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)00:11 No.4067783
    I want to know who to avoid at conventions, frankly, because I want no drama IRL. (This includes both dramafags and vendetta-chans.)

    But my feelings are a bit of a paradox, really. Life's too short for drama... but it's a great way of killing time online.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)00:38 No.4067912
    I read the threads but won't participate in drama or bullying online. I was picked on as a kid too, and stood up to it. (Beat the fuck out of a local bully in one incident. Me girl, he guy. He was shamed, calmed down afterward, apparently learned from it.) So I get a kick out of seeing other people effectively call down vendettafags who are just being petty and immature or socially maladapted.

    --Unless the subject of the drama is clearly cruising for it in documented fashion. Because sometimes when your name shows up on 4chan, you've done something to deserve it. Not always. But sometimes. This is where the cosplay community gets its reality check.
    >> SAGE Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)01:11 No.4068086
    I was bullied in school. But, I think it made me a stronger person today. I'm able to ignore the strange stares I get when I go out in lolita. That is not to say that I think bullying of any kind is ok. What is done here on CGL often times is bullying. It upsets the girl in question to the point of making her sometimes severely depressed or even suicidal. How can you not call it bullying when it hurts someone that much? That is bullying! Plus,you are doing it annonymously.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)01:11 No.4068090
    That is also bullying, that is MUCH worse then bullying. That just makes you an insecure bitch!
    Within the last 2 months, I have seen 3 girls who have been the targets of CGL's wrath totally distance themselves from the community. They can't trust hardly anyone anymore. They become
    afraid to even go to meetups anymore worried about how their community will judge them now even if the members of their community may not have had any previous opinions about them. They
    totally shut down from the community out of fear. Don't make it seem like what goes on here on CGL is alright because it is not! You would definately not do these things to these girls faces.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)01:12 No.4068094
    You're too chicken shit to do that, so you just do it behind a computer screen.......annonymously! These girls don't know who it is targetting them. They become worried that you may begin to stalk
    them just to dig up more dirt on them and see whatever other things they may do next that you may deem stupid or ridiculous. Online bullying is worse then bullying irl. Throughout school, my only friends were the few porcelain dolls my mother had given to me. Bullying makes me feel suicidal at times. I feel like no one cares
    about me and that I am worthless. I feel that killing myself will just end the pain forever and I wouldn't have to deal with the hurt anymore that this world brought me. I once even got in trouble for being beat up because I was blamed for fighting and no one beleived me. You may be able to handle the bullying, but that does not mean that everyone can handle it. We all handle things in different ways and what works for one person may not work for another. We react to situations differently and sadly some people react to bullying in an extremely negative way.

    tl/dr: Girl targetted on CGL are victims of bullies. Internet bullying is often worse then irl bullying, especially when done annonymously.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)01:14 No.4068109
    I don't participate in any drama. I like to know just so that I don't buy from a scammer or can stay away from someone likely to do something stupid but otherwise I really don't care. It has yet to be any of my business and until it is I intend to continue my policy of non-participation.

    Yes, I have been bullied severely from 6th-12th grade, and then some more in college by my dorm-mates (shit sucks.) I've tried just about everything from arguing back, ignoring, making snotty comments, avoiding these people, but the only thing that has ended it completely has been to make sure I never see those people for a long period of time until they lose interest. Luckily, I've found that outside these environments I have no trouble getting along with others and making friends, but yeah, life sucked pretty hardcore for a while. Most of the people who get posted I just hope don't know about it. However, a couple of people, like PZ, Talia, and other scammers, really did bring it on themselves past a certain level. Their actions resulted in their being called out; they had time to change or stop and they did not. I don't feel bad about scammers being posted at all. It's mostly the ita's I feel bad for, and the vendettas, especially pretty girls who get called shit because they have nice closets or whatever. That's just stupid.
    >> Taco !kwY3/ 01/30/11(Sun)01:23 No.4068171
    My life is already so crazy and event filled by it's self( Not the good kind) That reading, or listening, in on others peoples problems is amusing to me. Especially the stories that my coeworkers tell me about their drinking nights/ when they bitch about other coe workers.

    I like knowing about other peoples controllable drama that's not my own uncontrollable one. And more-so just having a good laugh.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)01:33 No.4068228
    Usually the people who are dramu'ed out on /cgl/ are quite bitchy/hypocritical/douchy in real life. From what I've seen, as a person who's passively read and actively participated in threads like those, seagulls don't go after people who don't deserve it and just curse out the vendetta-chan.

    I also just love the hilarious hate that people put on those guys. It feels like I'm in some secret club/clique or something, except without the downside associated with non-anonymity.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)01:44 No.4068268


    I compare this drama to following/watching Jersey Shore, or reading about the lives of celebrities. Except this is a lot more relevant to my interests, and the people are crazy on a different scale. I don't really contribute to it, but I'll be damned if it isn't entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)01:52 No.4068295
    I think a lot of the drama is WAY overblown and people spend far too much time rehashing it and making mountains out of insignificant molehills. I also really hate it when a person gets targeted and then everyone starts digging through her journal archives/old photos/Facebook/anything that can be pulled out of context and mocked. I used to have a "friend" who would copypasta things I said in AIM into other conversations in order to mock those statements and make me look bad, and the lack of context allowed her to twist everybody's entire perception of me into something totally different.

    I do like the kind of drama where people have said or done dumb things that they deserve to be called on. That's way better than random petty vendetta, and it doesn't cross that creepy bullying line of actively harassing someone just because of say, her poor taste.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)09:54 No.4069225
    I went to an inner city school at age 11 and was severely bullied for 4 years. I never was the most popular kid but in middle school I didn't get to partying and didn't dress up like a slut so I was ostracized. I was beaten up a lot and called names (even by my friends), got prank calls and people broke my stuff etc. The teachers didn't care. Everything turned out well after I moved and I got lots of friends at my new school, but the experiences still haunt me. I'm probably never going to "just get over it" even though I try as hard as I can to forget about everything that happened.

    That said, I know what it feels like to be tortured by your peers. But on the other hand, it's very satisfying to see drama concerning someone who actually deserves being called out for being a self-centered idiot (such as good old Usagi Kou). It's amusing, l always feel better about myself knowing that I could never make it to that kind of level of assholery. That's pretty much the main reason I follow the actual drama, not just something like "OMG PT IS SO FAAATT HURRR HURRRRRR".

    Vendetta threads are always 100% jelly shit made by someone equally retarded so I just ignore them.

    Also I don't give a shit about tripfag social drama. I really don't care who maryjane sucked off at the last con. I really, really don't.
    >> RX !!4OUCVHhUOgB 01/30/11(Sun)12:18 No.4069436
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)12:43 No.4069487
    Not a fan of much of the drama, But I've noticed that a large majority of Drama threads are Purely vendetta, and the people are actually really nice in person.

    Ii've noticed a few girls having rumours made up about them, where actually it's something at the total opposite spectrum of what they would do. I don't mind the drama threads if the person actually deserves it and is getting called out on doing something, but the petty little ones picking on random cosplayers they don't even know in person are a little pathetic, and totally unentertaining.

    Sorry for bad spelling, still sleepy.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)16:22 No.4070295
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    I like lurking, and reading the drama. It makes me realize that MOST things people get annoyed over are trivial as fuck.
    It really helps me put my own annoyances in perspective. I guess you could say the online drama helps me control myself in real life.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)16:24 No.4070302
    I like being able to watch from the sidelines while thinking "Thank god I'm not THAT fucked up" or "Damn, my life is cake compared to that trainwreck."

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)16:39 No.4070362
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    This. My own life has absolutely zero drama. I never fight with my friends or parents, and they never fight amongst themselves. Any time I pick up on some kind of gossip it's about a friend of a friend of a friend that I've never met or even heard of before. Online drama in small quantities is amusing and makes up for this gap.

    Also OP pic is fukken saved.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)17:11 No.4070458
    I've been bullied when I was younger, up until about 11th grade I believe. I used to be the fat kid (145 lbs when I was 9). I wore clothes from the thrift store, and was kind of a weird kid. I was friendly, but weird. So I was an easy target.

    I'm glad I was bullied though. It really helped me learn more about people. I don't hate the people who did it either. I feel sorry for most of them. Most of the people who bullied me had shit lives. I recently found out one of my worst bullies had their parents beat the shit out of them every day. That's fucking sad.

    I like the drama here mainly because it's so fun to people watch and see these girls sling shit at each other. I also get pissed off at some of the "victims" that cgl targets as well. They usually have great lives, friends, etc. and they have an awful victim complex. I used to sit there and feel sorry for myself, and think other kids were just evil. But they aren't. Bullies aren't evil. Sometimes when you get made fun of, you do need to change yourself if you don't like the negative attention or can't handle negativity. These girls who are "bullied" need to learn that sometimes their behavior isn't acceptable, and realize that haters gon' hate no matter what you do. If they didn't react to this shit, everything would stop. But they have so much pride, and think they are so much better than everyone else, and put on a victim complex to justify stupid things they do.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)17:13 No.4070473
    Because we're all spiteful losers.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)17:51 No.4070590
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    OP here,

    This thread is made of pure knowledge and understanding for me. You guys... kind of rock for taking the time to help me 'get it'.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)18:02 No.4070625
    I just really enjoy schadenfreude, I guess I have kind of a bizarre sense of humor because I love the absurd and ironic, and I love watching the ridiculous things people get themselves into. It's just funny to me.
    I never really considered it bullying - I don't really join in on the PT nonsense and stuff like that but I do love laughing at bad costumes and over-the-top weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)18:10 No.4070654
    "Nerds who get wedgies all day at school don't dream of equality -- they dream of being the one doing the beating and humiliating."
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)18:15 No.4070664
    trolling is a part of 4chan, no matter which board you're on
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)18:20 No.4070676
    I like the drama because I just like seeing people freak the fuck out over NOTHING.

    I never post in drama threads anyways, I usually read and crack up.

    You guys act like you're still in high school sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)18:24 No.4070684

    o-o;; you're not in high school? pedo!!! 4chan is for 12 year olds only!
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)18:49 No.4070761
    I was most definitely bullied in school. Yeah, I was fat. I am still fat, but not as much as I used to.
    What I think most dramamongers seem to neglect is that, especially with the many young lolita aficionados and cosplayers that are just starting out, they haven't received such attention and criticism before, and in some cases, it goes too far. Would you think it's right for a mediocre (not horrible/bad, just mediocre) cosplayer or lolita to be given death threats by people he or she doesn't know, with no aware provocation on the cosplayer's part? And then having people gossip about her behind her back, digging up things in her past that don't even matter to anyone except for the people that bully her?
    It's the same thing that bullies in standard high school do, and it only serves (in my eyes) to do nothing except give a false sense of self-righteousness and willpower over an innocent. And frankly, there really is no excuse for most of the drama that this board seems to dredge up about unknown cosplayers, who did nothing to draw this much attention to them.

    I will, however, make an exception for the truly horrible cosplayers, the ones who think they're self-entitled to being the greatest when they really aren't. The landwhales, especially the delusional ones. The people whose "drama" is actually legit, stuff that is worthy of attention. Fuensalida, with his whole shtick about gay rights and transsexualism and communism, THAT's stuff to call their bullshit out on.

    Look, all I'm saying is that there really isn't much of a need for drama for innocent cosplayers/lolitas. The people that try to cause that much hatred don't appear much better in my book than the people that there's so much "drama" about.
    And quit using "/cgl/'s always been /DRAMA/" excuse, that shit isn't an excuse and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)19:33 No.4070900
    >I don't like the drama/vendetta threads, except when it's against someone who deserves it by being a bitch/fat/selfish/attention-whorey

    You do realize this is exactly what bullies use to rationalize their actions?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)22:30 No.4071750
    it's 4chan.... here in the cosplay thread, bad, good, great, egotistical and average cosplayers argue over who's 'better' looking. That's all. We insult the 'bad/whoreish/fat' cosplayers and get away with it b/c of anonymous. It's not that the cosplayers bad or mean or a whore, it's because most people here aren't true to themselves and to boost our ego, we need to criticize what we cannot be, good cosplayers/good people.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)23:42 No.4072165
    especially the rationalization that Pixyteri "deserves it" for posting skimpy photos...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)23:47 No.4072194
    Are you fucking with me? 4chan has bullied kids to suicide before. We have bullied the grieving, the disabled, the innocent. I'm not really a fan of the whole "Anonymoose is legun" shit, but trying to moralfag the bullying on 4chan is fucking retarded. If it really upsets you, just get the fuck out. Everywhere else on the internet is hugboxes and big happy families, I'm sure you can find a new home.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 01/30/11(Sun)23:47 No.4072195
    I like reading it. Gives me a laugh.

    I'd give you a story about how BAWW I WAS BULLIED. I WAS FAT. But I wasn't. I don't have some "hard childhood". But I've made my share of mistakes, and I'm sure people have laughed at me over the internet for it. I'm actually surprised I've yet to be posted on here with all the shit I've done. Other people have every right to laugh at my mistakes, so I have the right to laugh at theirs.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:18 No.4072390
    >4chan has bullied kids to suicide before

    And that is why those people deserve to kill themselves. If they can't handle what people say about them online, the should take their own life. Weak pieces of shit. I personally know folks who were harass by other people by 4chan and they laughed it off and even went as far as to get revenge (granted we found out who did it).

    Seriously, gettin' upset over by some fatfuck cosplayer talking shit online to the point you wind up killin' yourself. Boo fuckin' woo.

    People like that are weak as well. Get over the fuckin' past and stop attacking other people because you were bullied yourself. In act, kill yourselves along with the sorry losers who can't handle being bullied online.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:26 No.4072437
    Oh wow. People like me come here to make horrible cruel jokes because nobody else appreciates them. You're not actually supposed to you know, believe these things.

    You are the type of kids who think they think so much differently from the rest of the world. You delude yourself into thinking that you are the philosophers of your time because nobody understands you. You tell people you hate people who try so hard to be "edgy", yet you know deep inside you are doing the same. You do it for attention, and the approval of other like-minded individuals who are, in reality, the stupidest, delusional individuals that will never go anywhere in their lives because they waste their time pretending to be better than everyone else, and feeling sorry for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:31 No.4072462
    Sorry? I couldn't hear you policing me over the beautiful orchestral score of the soundtrack that is "Nobody Gives A Fuck"?

    >You delude yourself into thinking that you are the philosophers of your time because nobody understands you.

    Shit bro, I have an ego, don't call me a Philosopher. It'll only make me ego larger.

    And if you haven't notice, I've talked shit against both the bullies and the victims. So yeah, take your false-intellect shit on somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:33 No.4072470
    I'm male, so my perspective is a lot different. I came to /cgl/ when I was 20, using you guys as a tool essentially. I didn't quite understand the dynamics of /cgl/ then, so I caught a lot of heat for it, but I didn't really care. I've dealt with people not liking me for the most stupid of reasons since high school; I learned how to weed out good people from bad people really easily.

    Eventually I learned how to manipulate anonymous for my own gain, it's not that hard. You just have to be subtle. As for actual drama, I don't really give a shit about other people's problems, but I do hate it when I see cowards online try to cause trouble for someone, and I can't do a thing about it.

    If you have a problem with someone, confront them about it. Otherwise you create your own trainwrecks like Pixyteri, but the worst part about it is you people actually get off on that.

    At least I use you people for something positive. I sleep well at night knowing you all help me unwittingly accomplish what I need done at cons without even knowing it. Compared to what you fucks do to get off on the internet with your ill intent, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:33 No.4072471
    And see, if you actually didn't care, you wouldn't of bothered to reply. I'm not even being an ass, dude. I truly feel sorry for people like you. I'm sorry I bother you so much.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:41 No.4072506
    Usually when I enjoy drama is when people who are deliberately stupid get what they deserve. Attention whores, ignorant fuckers, people who stalk/creep out other members of the community, etc. I love when they get their asses handed to them, because that kind of shit doesn't fly IRL so why should it online?

    Although I have to admit, some of the petty stuff I don't really read unless bored to death (some posts on getoffegl have been like this recently)
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:44 No.4072523
    Please, don't feel any pity for me. I'm an asshole and I know it. I chose to be an ass by my own accord. Granted maybe the years of being harassed in high and middle school may be affecting my actions and you do have to see some pity in me but seriously, don't feel sorry for me bro.


    >Eventually I learned how to manipulate anonymous >for my own gain, it's not that hard. You just have to >be subtle.

    Pretty much this. If you play your cards right, don't be a retard and obvious to what you have in mind for you goals, you can pretty much trick an anon on /cgl/ to say some shit. Granted, it is not easy to do and it is not simple.

    >As for actual drama, I don't really give a shit about >other people's problems, but I do hate it when I see >cowards online try to cause trouble for someone, >and I can't do a thing about it.

    This as well. I'm an asshole, but I'm also somebody with a heart (to a degree). I fuckin' hate how people use 4chan to talk shit about people behind their backs and being completely anonymous about it. Playing on an unfair level as to speak.

    Shit, the singer Mandy Lion even had a video about this. Here, check it out for a bit:
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:52 No.4072565
    Please don't take this as me mocking you, but you remind me a lot of myself quite a few years ago. I always claimed to be an asshole, pretended to enjoy it because I felt as if nobody else understood me, or that I would actually change people if I didn't act kindly to them. No, you just make the problems you have with people worse. Nobody listens to you if you're a dick.

    When you truly realize everyone is different, you begin to feel sympathy because you know that everything that is mental is also physical. Anger is a healthy emotion. But it doesn't need to be wasted on petty, ignorant bullshit. If you want to prey on and get rid of truly weak people, get involved in world issues and fucking do something about it. People that commit suicide because of what someone said to them on the internet aren't necessarily weak. You don't know who they are. You don't know their potential. In reality, you're the weak one for having to "kill off" people who you deem as weak because it makes you feel like you're doing something, when in reality you're making things worse for everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:59 No.4072598

    I dunno. I'm 23 now and I've gotten enough practice at it that I pretty much make /cgl/ do what I want it to do for me reflexively now.

    But with great power comes great responsibility, and I don't abuse it, nor do I have ABSOLUTE control over everything. I just exert a shit ton of influence. The older I get the more my heart grows, so I try to always do the right thing.

    I've been called an asshole too by people that didn't know me personally, but people I talk to on a more regular basis know how I am. I know how it is man, just fuck the haters, essentially. I've learned in my time on this earth that anyone that isn't willing to give you a chance isn't worth your time, especially if you know deep down you're a good person.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)01:40 No.4072719
    It's like you didn't even read my post. I don't believe the "Anonymous is legion" shit, that's why I left /b/. But to deny that it's an inherent part of what 4chan does is ridiculous. If you want a site that doesn't bully people you can have literally every other site on the web, why stay here if the antics bother you so much?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)05:54 No.4073435
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 01/31/11(Mon)14:55 No.4074507
    >Why do you like drama so much?
    because my life is really boring.

    >Yes, you, personally. Why do you get your kicks from drama?
    same as watching a dramatic TV show. it's interesting.

    >How does it make you feel?

    don't like drama IRL, though. that's dumb. bitch anon-ly online. leave it there.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)14:57 No.4074525
    If you actually read MY first post, you would see the reason I come here. I also don't like any other forums.

    There's a huge gray area of the type of people who come to 4chan. People tend to forget that.
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 01/31/11(Mon)15:03 No.4074560
    This will sound very strange, I think, but I'll try and describe it. I really love looking at cosplay and tutorials, but I also love learning about people. I don't have any desire to use gossip or information I learn here, and when people tell me things, if they want no one to know I wouldn't dare say it.

    The best way to answer is that I just like to know information. I like to know everything- I don't look down on the drama, or support it, and when I read it it's in this weird, objective way. I guess calling it extreme curiosity without the desire to share it, or just learning about people. It's fascinating how people have acted or act, but I don't mean that in a bad way at all.

    It's like reading a good bit from a history book, or when you finish reading a good series and you scour the internet for author interviews or random facts- you just want to know.

    This sounds silly, I bet. I hope it makes a little bit of sense at least.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)15:13 No.4074612
    Honestly, I don't mind anything directed towards adults--most of the drama is caused by women old enough to fucking know better. However, I can't get behind the shit where anyone under 18 is mocked (18 is like the magical dramu barrier for me for some reason).

    Also, if you feel like you're being bullied on the internet, GET OFF THE INTERNET, DERP.

    Anyone saying online bullying is worse than rl bullying is effing retarded online bullies can't break your bones and strip you naked and make you walk in the cold or throw food on you for christ's sake they just type some shit on the internet
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)15:34 No.4074682
    I only took part in what OP is defining as "bullying" on here once, and it was for a completely legit reason. I know the person irl, and she had hurt someone I love in the past, and has e-fame, so I tried to take her down in the only way I could - online. We have since talked out are differences, though, and I now I just read threads about her when they come up.

    And as for the rest of the drama, I follow it because I'm a gossipwhore. I LOVE hearing about who's lying about what, who fucked who, and all that jazz. It's just entertainment to me. Like story time. Sometimes I'll toss in my two cents about a situation, but I wouldn't call that "bullying"
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)19:28 No.4075601
    bump for a few more replies
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)19:30 No.4075608
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    Because I cause most of it and I like watching lolitas grab at each others throats and getting a bunch of strangers worked up over other lolitas and getting them to post comments on the LJ.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)19:54 No.4075751
    When you say you 'cause' most of it, do you mean that you'll occasionally throw up an unflattering picture of someone? Derail a thread by saying something out of character? Make a thread then post things about the person that are untrue or taken out of context? How do you mean?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)10:42 No.4078400
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)12:02 No.4078522
    Haha, you're an awful case on sobbing and bawwing. It's like a cliche'd cartoon villain. BAWWWHH I WAS BULLIED IN SCHOOL I'M TAKING IT ON THE WOORRLLDD

    I was severely bullied but I never wanted to take it out on innocent people. As said before, I love when assholes get a can of karma opened on their ass but it's not really a reason to start a drama if someone's fat or has poor sewing skills. Yeah it's stupid to dress in a skimpy costume if you are 50lbs overweight but it doesn't really hurt anyone, it's not a reason to start a fight. But if the fatty thinks she's hot shit and starts bitching at other people and harassing them, that's a reason to get called out.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)12:15 No.4078547

    Except I've never really fueled drama nor do I care to follow other people's. Also, those were two different people you quoted as the same person, because I'm ( >>4072598 ) only.

    Look grasping at straws is cute, but I don't take it out on people because of how I grew up. I'd say the exact opposite happened; I empathize because I've been in a shitty situation too, and I'm not afraid to stand up to assfucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:21 No.4078699
    I've known so many jealous fatties in my life time, that it just feels so good to take them down a notch.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:24 No.4078707
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:26 No.4078711
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.4078722

    The only real answer.

    Thanks for revealing to the rest of 4chan that you're all a bunch of psychic and emotional vampires. You drama queen faggots should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.4078725
    Fucking awesome. Is there one in giraffe flavor?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.4078727
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:33 No.4078729
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:36 No.4078740
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:38 No.4078742
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:38 No.4078746
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)13:41 No.4078755
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)19:04 No.4079872
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)05:15 No.4082377
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)13:08 No.4083155
    Any more responses?

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