/cgl/, /d/ here.We were wondering if someone would like to try this on for size.
There is only one cosplayer,who is fit to be the Whale Queen,her name is Pixyteri,her rolls cannot be unseen.
>take requests from the sickest board after /b/
Cept she'll just say she needs to GAIN weight to cosplay that.Though...it does have her pose....hmmmmm
>>4059326Oh god someone please tell her to do this.
>>4059360and with that said... somebody shop a picture of her wearing it!
>>4059360Someone redraw the picture to be mega skinny, but still an orca, and show her the skinny version instead.GET CREATIVE, MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Hey /d/, sup?Like what you've done with the board.I don't think any of us are up for that just yet, but we've got plans for the Monster Girl Encyclopedia. We'll see how that goes first./cgl/ <3
>>4059403Drawfag on it.
>>4059326PT can't make a costume like that
Is it sad that I think that outfit is kinda cute?
>>4059448That is most certainly a man.
>>4059427Yes, since the character is Orcadiaper, that means you are a diaper fur. (I saw this on /d/ a couple days ago)There have been epic stories about the smells emanating from the diaper fur "nursery(s)" at furry cons.
Drawfag delivers.Sorry it's not AMAZING, but I tried to include all the things PT seems to go for in her cosplays.
>>4059542I'm afraid a number of /d/eviants will be disappointed by the lack of diaper, but that aside:Send it to her.Send it to her now.
this whale shit, send it to the moon!
>>4059480.... i did not realize it was a diaper until I looked at it again....i need reevaluate my life....
>>4059593Goddamit, orca stacks is one of the most venerable memes on 4chan. That's where the whole bawwwww thing comes from.
Wait, this is all a result of orca stacks?...my mind.
>>4059556Pixi wouldn't cosplay it if she knew it was a diaper.
>>4059731So she'll do the drawfag version?
I'm just going to pretend those are cute little buttfrills and not the remnants of a diaper.
>>4059990No she'll do the OP version. She'd try to do the drawfag one, but would fail.Dammit, ignoring the diaper, that's actually really cute. I love the flippers.
>>4059990Doesn't look like a diaper in drawfags version.Looks like frills.
Maybe it's not a diaper.Maybe... maybe it's just inflatable?
>>4060005And she just has some manner of large tumor on her rear end.
Think it should be a zentai suit with a tail attached with similar material?Or inflatable?
>>4060037Inflatable rubber suit.>>4059448 has roughly the right idea, it just needs tweaks.
She's cute, what's her name? (Ugh, I feel kind of bad for liking a diaperfur character.)
>>4060084/d/ refers to her as Orcadiaper. She doesn't seem to have a real name right now.
>>4060139Listen, we have to make something up then. Because PT will ask questions and we need some kind of answer other than"Ocradiaper named by /d/eviants/ "Then it's an obvious(er) troll.Make some shit up. Something that no matter how hard she googles she won't be able to find it.
>>4060147How about just Orca-tan?
>>4060147Omutsu Ouka
>>4060161That sounds insulting.>>LOL HER COSPLAY THIS CHIC WHO THINKS SHE'S A WHALE.PT seems to only respond to flattery.Unless Orca-tan is saving the whales or something. lolol
>>4060217Ouka-tan, the more personification of Greenpeace.
>>4060234THIS THIS. SOMEONE. SEND IT. SAY IT.If she refuses...
>>4060232I like Ouka-tan. Do you think she'd figure it out though?
>>4060245There's a lot of art of the character out there, but you can't really find it through googling.
>>4060232I'm just worried about PT's love of Japan.The Japanese are the ones killing the whales, so do you think PT would be willing to cosplay the hero who fights against Japanese whalers?
>>4060245I doubt it. As long as no one opens their fat mouth and outs it.
God dammit...I kinda wanna cosplay it now. FUCK.She's actually kinda cute minus the diaper.
>>4060267Oh god lol
>>4060267Internet fame > The whales = PT's state of mind.Internet sympathy for siding with the whales means more views.
You guys are forgetting that PT browses /cgl/.She always says she doesn't, even though she's constantly posting "/cgl/ said this about me, waaaah bitch bitch moan whine bitch."
Question... why don't we have one place to troll PT where she can't find us? /cgl/ is so obvious. DA accounts get deleted. Gaia is garbage...Just wondering.
I don't even think that looks that fat from here...I agree that minus the diaper she's pretty cute, though, and I'd like to see her cosplayed sans diaper now.
bump for epicness