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    UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming response, we will stop accepting applications at approximately 3:00PM EST on Monday, January 24. Get your app in! We will not accept any late applications—no exceptions.
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    File : 1295855721.png-(521 KB, 600x1105, con types.png)
    521 KB Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)02:55 No.4044367  
    Any seagulls have more of these to contribute?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)02:57 No.4044376
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)03:00 No.4044391
    "the boyfriend" does not exist.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)03:03 No.4044400
    That actually does describe my bf to a T. Except I'm not a raging fan girl but he does love Cowboy Bebop and I would bribe him with sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)03:04 No.4044405

    Gah fuck, I'm the bystander.

    The only anime I knew of was DBZ.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)03:06 No.4044412
    Wow, those are disturbingly accurate.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)04:39 No.4044603
    I'm a fangirl for Eyeshield 21. Since that's not all that popular a series I usually act more like the Journalist (without the blog).
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)05:12 No.4044656
    I have the boyfriend+gamer combo by my side.

    -feels guilty-
    Only last con he was doing more hitting on my friend then calling everyone sluts.

    oh bad memories, y u no leave.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)05:28 No.4044692
    Journalist minus the blog.

    Tell me, which one is the worst for you?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)05:48 No.4044715
    I don't look like it but deep down I'm a greasy otaku.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)05:49 No.4044718
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    Those are pretty accurate but I don't fall into any of those categories.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)05:50 No.4044723
    The otaku.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)05:57 No.4044740
    fuck, I'm the otaku only because I liked Evangelion. (the only animes I even like are princess tutu and eva. I fucking hate anime)

    I guess I'd probably be the bystander then.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/24/11(Mon)06:04 No.4044756
    The betterthanyoubro.
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 01/24/11(Mon)06:25 No.4044783
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    the con elitist
    The "things were so much better x ago" One -where is a length of time between 1 year and 3 millenia-. Full of improbable stories -and prices- of cons in yesteryear. Spends entire con whining about how much sutff costs and other con goers being con goers.

    Uniform: err dunno

    Favorite Anime: you won't have heard of it

    Warning: Euthanising them is still murder
    >> YawningGlory !pwFT01FCm. 01/24/11(Mon)06:44 No.4044796

    Both of these.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)06:51 No.4044799
    We're pretty much all Otaku by default from what I've seen, while cosplayers tend to be cleaner and maybe a bit more personable the informed tastes and disgust for the hordes of posers and shitty Big 3 cosplays is ever-present
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:16 No.4044819
    lolita-fag here, with otaku boyfriend.
    I only go to appease him and chillax with my lolis while avoiding as many otakus as possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:32 No.4044838
    Subject M (which is not shown):

    The S.O.L. hobbyist.

    Uniform: Usually something of decent originality. Not just the same recycled characters over and over again.

    Favorite Anime: Zach Bell/ something well liked but not too fangirl-ish

    Warning: Goes to cons to meet people to discuss they're likes and dislikes, doesn't know what the fuck happened to all the "normal" fans. With that said, will look at you like you're crazy and need help
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:40 No.4045319
    Where's the cosplayer? I don't fit any category.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:53 No.4045370
    The tripfag:
    Description: Goes to cons to drink, meet with other tripfags, and circlejerk.
    Uniform: Decent cosplay, probably soaked in booze from the previous night.
    Favorite Anime: Vocaloid, Reboot, Duck Tales
    Warning: Probably drunk at any given time during the con. Is superior to all other congoers.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/24/11(Mon)13:57 No.4045376
    dat stereotyping!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:59 No.4045381
    Normally I agree with your posts...but lamenting that prices for admission to Otakon now cost 70 bucks and everything you're paying for has gone downhill in quality or been cut from the con is not being an elitist. It's called realism ;__; I don't whine about it the whole con, but it hurts the wallet considering you're not getting anything more for your money...if anything you get less.

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