Previous Thread: >>4041284
Dumping terrible Faris cosplay anon asked for. From FFV.
Samurai Deeper Kyo needs more love! I never see much of this at all and it makes me sad.
That's all I have saved of THAT Faris cosplayer. Got a shoot of another.
ika musume
my sims
>>4042144That is so adorable!
>>4042098I don't know why but I LOVE this picture.
beetle ball Thumbelina :D
Could have sworn I had better Swan Princess pics. Anyone got any?
>>4042205This is fantastic
>>4042206 My life is now complete.
Doing Princess Bubblegum for Acen :D
Last of my random U.S. folder. Now onto Vocaloid which is my last folder. THANK GOD.
>>4042233oh my goddddd I love this <3also just love this thread. in general. :'DGuu from Hare & Guu
Just gonna post uncommon outfits/ characters of Vocaloids
What mv is this from?
Detroit Metal City :D
Not technically Vocaloid, but whatever.
>>4042257...I'm glad you enjoy it?Also don't know this mv
need moar Ergo Proxy cosplays
>>4042263lol yes, he's a good Gakupo
Kind of getting into realm of common, but whatevs.
Bellatrix :D
damn good Snape
>>4042278Holy shit an actually decent Miki cosplay.Polite sage for no contribution.
Igor from P3
Does anyone have some Jojo cosplay? Started reading that yesterday.
I don't suppose we could cut down on the vocaloid?
>>4042374Fine, I'll cut it down
>>4042374But Vocaloid is all I have left, so it will still seem like a stream of Vocaloid, but I'll try to only do the best ones.
sweet bro & hella jeff
Vocaloid ≠ uncommon, especially in this thread. let's try posting something different
Maria Holic
>>4042307Oh shit. He looks all kinds of fucked up here, but kind of in the way that I would imagine Igor would. Awesome.>>4042255DMC cosplays are always awesome. This guy pulled it off so well.>>4042405oh lol
>>4042413Fine.Last one. Finally out of pics to post then. It's been a good 3 threads with you guys. Keep postin away!
Eden of the East