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  • File : 1290239661.jpg-(146 KB, 500x375, ihop-los-angeles-la.jpg)
    146 KB Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)02:54 No.3807304  
    Let's do brunch sometime, /cgl/, I think we would have a good time
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/20/10(Sat)02:55 No.3807310
    fuck yes! ihop cosplay and lolita day would be fffffing amazing!

    everyone, make sure you invite a big sap with you so we have someone to stick the tab on
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 11/20/10(Sat)02:57 No.3807315
    i'm in
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)02:58 No.3807317
    My thought exactly. Plus, I've really been craving for some pancakes.

    So, /cgl/ IHOP invasion 2010, lets do this.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/20/10(Sat)03:03 No.3807334
    i suggest we make it during winter break. and all the /cgl/ers of every state will accumulate in one ihop. it will be fantastic.

    I will host the IHOP 2010 /cgl/ invasion of CA. i dictate that it shall be in LA or San Diego
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)03:06 No.3807342
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    Any New Mexico Cosplayers who wanna do this hit me up on AIM or shoot me an email. for either
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/20/10(Sat)03:06 No.3807345
    new mexico, wtv. just come to CA, man.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)03:06 No.3807346
    >fuck yes! ihop cosplay and lolita day would be fffffing amazing!
    Remember when we had an international "Cosplay at Starbucks" day?

    I wish I didn't.
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/20/10(Sat)03:07 No.3807348
    A lot of seagulls live in the IE/so-cal area. I vote for Riverside because I'm to lazy to drive and it's a semi-centralized location. If not my vote goes to LA, because there's a nice IHOP near the convention center.

    Thanksgiving break would also work because it's a excuse as it is to pig out and it's sooner.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/20/10(Sat)03:07 No.3807349
    that happened? uh oh... was it a catastrophe?
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/20/10(Sat)03:09 No.3807353
    riverside- oh i know where that is! and you are a lazy fuck.
    Riverside or LA then. And i suggest the saturday or sunday after thanksgiving.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno !Zqpd5FCvYY 11/20/10(Sat)03:09 No.3807355
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    The Ihop by my place is pretty damn awesome.
    >mfw no one shows up and I have brunch by myself
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)03:09 No.3807357
    >4channers meeting en masse under any circumstances
    Think about it.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/20/10(Sat)03:12 No.3807363
    yes i'm rather excited thinking about it. shhh, the 4channers thing i'm organizing a cosplay event.

    but i intend for it to be anarcy, drama and chaos. hopefully something that the drama bitches are wahhhhing over for weeks.

    or maybe just a few adults will show up, we'll have some pancakes and have some people to hit up at the next convention ( ALA )
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)03:12 No.3807364
    Except this is /cgl/, and anyone acting like an idiot will have a thread dedicated to them before they get home.
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/20/10(Sat)03:14 No.3807370
    I'm going to suggest this Sunday, if it's not too soon. I might be out of town after Thanksgiving doing family stuff.

    If you live nearby I would go! I WOULD.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/20/10(Sat)03:15 No.3807372
    alright guys, Knight is organizing the 2010 IHOP invasion.

    i'll check in on this thread in the morning
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)03:15 No.3807373
    And that's stopped them previously?
    lol nope. Take some normally nice people and add a dash of mob mentality and you'll get crazy. Even in small groups.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/20/10(Sat)03:17 No.3807379
    well that is essentially what i'm going for. meeting one or two nice people and having a little conversation is basically the worst thing that can happen. best case scenario, i watch from my car as the police have to mace some hetalia land whales out front.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)03:19 No.3807383
    This may be the case soon but regardless I want to see if there are any costumers worth their while in NM
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/20/10(Sat)03:21 No.3807389
    Knight, since your organizing the CA meet-up; question. Will we be doing cosplay at the gathering? I figured more likely than not, considering...well... yeah, cops macing a hambeast will already be on our list of worries.

    But closet cosplay that dosen't get us stared at would be cool, if /cgl/ could pull that off.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 11/20/10(Sat)03:25 No.3807401
    Let me put on my apron and make brunch for you all.
    >> Strawberry ShortCrew !6KMyhHELLA 11/20/10(Sat)03:25 No.3807402
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/20/10(Sat)03:27 No.3807406
    Made me laugh, uncontrollably.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 11/20/10(Sat)03:31 No.3807413
    You reminded me that the small IHOP by my place shaped the like one in the picture got bought out by some other restaurant ;_;

    I got to eat there once while it was still an IHOP and IT WAS ADORABLE.

    Dude, I'm not driving to Fontucky.
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/20/10(Sat)03:37 No.3807425
    >insinuating Fontana is just off the 91

    I wouldn't wish a drive through there on anyone.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 11/20/10(Sat)04:12 No.3807499
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    >> MOOGIE !A8981mLiig 11/20/10(Sat)04:26 No.3807524
    fffffffffffffuck I really want pancakes now
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)04:31 No.3807528
    Where you live moogie? You should start up a group for this weekend, because I want some too! If you're in CA I'll totally go.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)04:53 No.3807562
         File1290246800.png-(318 KB, 1080x936, Cooking_GaGa_by_capitannathan.png)
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    Not interested in traveling coast to coast for a meetup, but I got a good brunch story. For AUSA, a lady friend and I went out on Saturday for brunch as we were craving eggs. We hit up the Crystal City (Cesar's) Diner on 23rd Street about a half mile from the Hyatt, and the result was awesome. Food was the best diner food I've had in the D.C. area (and of course out of Jersey) and cheap too. Every time one waiter came past my friend and my table, he let out a bombastic "To protect the world from devastation!" (which sadly seemed to be all of the motto he knew), and our waiter stopped to inquire about our cosplays and the con throughout our meal. Best line of the day though was when a couple came through the door--a guy and girl both badly crossdressed--and our waiter said to us in his heavy lisp, "Well, at least I got the good looking ones."
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)11:11 No.3807878
    There's an iHOP on Sepulveda Blvd just south of LAX.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/20/10(Sat)11:33 No.3807913
    closet cosplays, whatever, i dont mind. i'm probably going to wear an actual cosplay because i dont mind dressing up in public. furthermore, i don people to be like "is that... is that a cosplayer or just an unfashionable person?"
    i'm not doing this sunday because i'm celebrating thanksgiving in two parts. and this sunday is part one.

    I may have misunderstood but when they said riverside i assumed they meant the one that's like... an hour away from where i live in LA. My sister is in Riverside and I'd lol hard if i got to go pick her up and take her to IHOP and we come in to see cosplayers. everywhere.
    >> MOOGIE !A8981mLiig 11/20/10(Sat)16:46 No.3808526
    alas, I live in Colorado. far from most anybody and everybody, haha.
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/20/10(Sat)19:41 No.3809059
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    You're thinking the right Riverside, the area I'm suggesting is right off the 91, not that close to Fontana as someone was thinking. Depends on which way you're driving from. Yeah it's like an hour from L.A.

    Also, if we're doing cosplay I'll whip something together for your sisters benefit of cosplayers, cosplayers everywhere.

    But yeah, if you're busy this sunday I suggest maybe something during winter break
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)20:47 No.3809286
    Bumping for delicious pancakes
    >> Anonymous 11/20/10(Sat)20:53 No.3809311
    Here's an idea

    ITT Post your state/city, everyone nearby the most populated city meets up and has delicious pancakes.

    We can call it International /cgl/ day of Pancakes and Brunch.
    >> Siliconmage !!Q0aKb/ubkoa 11/21/10(Sun)00:32 No.3810037
    I know there's a few Utards. Anyone have a place in central Utah to go?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)00:36 No.3810055
    Lets do i!

    If is before Tuesday, Ill be in Philly, if its any later, Ill be in the poughkeepsie area of NewYork
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)00:42 No.3810073

    When and where Iowa seagulls?
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 11/21/10(Sun)00:43 No.3810078
    I like this idea.

    Vancouver, Canada here. Wouldn't mind going to Seattle though, so long as it's on a weekend.
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/21/10(Sun)00:43 No.3810079
         File1290318239.png-(270 KB, 530x530, 1287904251363.png)
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    For the CA meet-up, I'm going to go ahead and throw the date December 12th out there? By then most students are out of school, and since it's a Sunday all workingfags should have time off.

    Also, here's the adress for the IHOP in Riverside
    10301 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside
    Google it, find out of the drive is good for you and get back to us.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)00:48 No.3810096

    Vancouver here too.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)00:52 No.3810105
    San Ysidro/San Diego CA fag here, really quiet but will laugh and chuckle at the scene. I can offer awkward moments as well.
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/21/10(Sun)00:54 No.3810110
    Hey bro, you're welcome to come with us, of course if you're up for the drive. I know Knights and Hobbes are in the area.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 11/21/10(Sun)00:56 No.3810117
    Awesome. How should we go about creating this event?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/21/10(Sun)00:57 No.3810123
    Sooo... Philly anyone? I suggest either the Ardmore one or South Philly (Columbus & Snyder).
    The one on City Line is kinda crap.

    If we do South Philly, we can go to Jomar, the wonderful land of $1-2/yd fabrics.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)00:59 No.3810128
    Sure! I have had cravings for waffles for a while.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)00:59 No.3810129
    Im from Philly!!!
    Just outside Philly, actually. North Wales area!
    Do you know the one by Calvary Church/school?
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/21/10(Sun)01:01 No.3810141
    Hell yes!

    Also, I was wondering if you guys wanted to do something after? As far as "fun stuff" there is a ice skating rink like a three minutes walk off. But if people are driving ( or even getting dropped off, I can drive some people ) we could head up somewhere and do a /cgl/ photoshoot.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:02 No.3810144

    You pick a time and place. Try to find some other cosplayers or so from here or that you know. I'm on break from school at the moment so I'm pretty much always free.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/21/10(Sun)01:04 No.3810146
    I'm out in Newtown Square, so the Springfield one is technically closest to me, thus I suggested ones closer to the city itself, heh
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:06 No.3810158
    /cgl/ photoshoot? sounds interesting, but ice skating does too..Hmmm
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/21/10(Sun)01:06 No.3810159

    So intense
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:07 No.3810164
         File1290319637.jpg-(41 KB, 550x412, jones-philadelphia-pa.jpg)
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    South Jersey here.

    Potato Pancakes at Jones, y/y?
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 11/21/10(Sun)01:08 No.3810166
    I wonder if early december would work for anyone or if finals will get in the way.

    I was thinking lunch, december 4th? Anyone else in Vancouver got an idea?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:12 No.3810180
    oh christ. You're pretty far off. Hm.
    Im trying to find one that is between us
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:14 No.3810185

    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:15 No.3810188

    Good for me
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:18 No.3810191
    Looks to be about 45 minutes from me.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:22 No.3810204
    I'm not 100% certain, but I think IHOPs with that roof style were formerly Howard Johnsons that were remodeled after they went out business and got bought up by various companies, that roof style is reaaaaaally distinctive.

    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/21/10(Sun)01:29 No.3810222
    I'll take that as a yes?

    /cgl/ IHOP invasion 2010
    This year's theme; COSPLAY, ON ICE
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/21/10(Sun)01:33 No.3810235
    Never been. (I'm terrible, I don't get in and around the city much) Menu looks delicious, if not a bit fancy and possibly expensive.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:40 No.3810258
    Pfft. How about some East Coasters?
    Richmond. VA here :)
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:44 No.3810267

    That makes 3 of us.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno !Zqpd5FCvYY 11/21/10(Sun)01:47 No.3810275
    I know there's Utards here. Come on, get out from under your rocks. :c
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:51 No.3810281
    Richmond here as well, but unless there's an IHOP on southside somewhere that I don't know about, hopefully in the not-super-ghetto part, the only other option is the closes-way-too-early and staff-doesn't-give-a-shit one out in the west end towards short pump.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:54 No.3810287

    2 richmond, 2 vancouver. We could probs meet somewhere easily accessible via skytrain. I'm sure there is an ihop somewhere near one of the stations.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:54 No.3810290
    I'm down. I'm from Philly.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:56 No.3810297
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    Food there has a bit more zazz than a traditional diner, but the price is still pretty reasonable and on par with chain restaurants. It's certainly no Le Bec-Fin; I can tell you that much. It's zetta convenient too, about two blocks from the 8th & Market stop on PATCO and the Market-Frankford Lines.

    Pic unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)01:59 No.3810303
    got 2 more Phillyfags (Phillyphags?)
    In here.

    What part?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)02:08 No.3810319
    +1 Phillyfag.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 11/21/10(Sun)02:10 No.3810324
    Richmond, Virginia

    Not richmond vancouver my friend.As for the vancouver group, there is an ihop next to Lougheed station. We could meet there?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)02:12 No.3810330

    I guess, iirc Lougheed is on the Millenium Line? Might be an idea to meet at the station, then just head to the IHOP together.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)02:13 No.3810337

    So, guys, where are we going???
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)02:17 No.3810346
    Morning Glory in Southish Philly is amaaazing!
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)02:19 No.3810356
    Ah, almost an hour away. :(
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)02:38 No.3810388
    There's the one down midlo turnpike that's really good.
    If you want, and anyone else near central VA my email is
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 11/21/10(Sun)02:43 No.3810401
    Very possible. So lougheed station Ihop and at what time? December 4th... 12pm?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:29 No.3810658
    I love ihop
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:33 No.3810671
    Oh boy, awkward small talk with random strangers at a white trash restaurant with awful food. SO KOOL.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:45 No.3810700
    Am I seriously the first Portlander? I'd suggest the one by PDX so the Vancouverites can come along too.

    ...then again, Portland is supposedly having their own meet-up in December...
    >> sage sage 11/21/10(Sun)04:48 No.3810706
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:10 No.3810746
    only Ihop canada has is in Niagara Fails Falls
    shit even that's a drive from where i live.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/21/10(Sun)13:18 No.3811536
    Nothing's going to be any closer to North Wales :|
    I still suggest the South Philly IHOP for reasons of being near Jomar's.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:22 No.3811554
    No Az folk? ;c

    They have awesome holiday food out right now. :B
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:28 No.3811574
    Every Ohio /cgl/er want to eat at IHOP in North Canton? Oh wait, we already do multiple times a year.

    Seriously I'm starting to think my friends and I are the only Ohio /cgl/ers. Where y'all at?
    >> Elite Four Will 11/21/10(Sun)13:31 No.3811583
    I'd be up for a meetup with WA cosplayers. We could probably find a diner near Seattle, since that seems to be the central hub of cosplay in WA.

    I just have to be not working, or not going to school, and I'm almost always doing one or the other.
    >> Codi 11/21/10(Sun)13:51 No.3811644
    Lolling, not in fucking North Canton. Only IHOP in Columbus is in Reynoldsburg.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)14:27 No.3811766
    >implying Columbus is better than North Canton
    We are not Canton. We are a separate city entirely. A very nice city. A hell of a lot nicer than Columbus.

    The only reason I agree with you is because Columbus is smack dab in the middle of the state so it only seems fair.
    >> Funk Brothers !xi8/JKFwzo 11/21/10(Sun)14:32 No.3811780
    I went there two weeks ago and it was packed. I didn't get a seat. :(

    Columbus < Canton

    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)14:35 No.3811787
    What's that slang (seagull) mean?

    Also, anyone in the North & South Carolina and Georgia area?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)14:36 No.3811792
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)14:38 No.3811795
    North Canton is not Canton. It is not even a part of Canton. I'm not talking about a section of the city of Canton. I am talking about a different city entirely.

    This is clearly difficult for you guys to grasp.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)14:40 No.3811803
    ohhhh. gotcha. thx
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/21/10(Sun)17:51 No.3812484
    Bumping with more info on Riverside So-cal gathering.

    How does December 4th at 11 A.M. sound?
    I already posted the address for the IHOP, so check out and see how the drive is.
    Going to try and get a rough number of attendees and then I can go and make reservations so we don't get stuck waiting forever.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)01:43 No.3814240
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)02:11 No.3814402
    No NorCal love? C'mon guys. What about San Fransisco?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)02:12 No.3814405
    >> ⓈⓊⓃⒷⒺⒶⓂⓈ !!zH68YZBImON 11/22/10(Mon)02:13 No.3814412
    only at Dennys though.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)02:14 No.3814415
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    nope. I'm going to kill everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)02:25 No.3814453
    December 4th at 11 A.M. for the riverside meetup sounds pretty awesome...although I am cosplay-less, I'd still dig showing up to hang out and get my pancake on
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)02:27 No.3814460
    Is that a Daisy ad?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)02:36 No.3814485
    same here, we could both go fancy.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)02:41 No.3814500

    Fancy as in shirt, tie, slacks?

    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)02:45 No.3814515
    fancy people!

    Ah, I wouldn't really know. Hahaha...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)02:49 No.3814535
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    I was just gonna dress normal and join in if ya'll weren't too weird...maybe throw on my Optimus Prime helmet.

    Pic related
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)05:16 No.3815004
    Bump cause /cgl/ is full of lonely people who need friends :D
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/22/10(Mon)12:42 No.3815705
    You don't have to be in cosplay, though fancy dress works just as well. Suit and tie for the win.

    Also, I'll probably give it a few days and check back to see how many people, but should I go ahead and make reservations? Weekends can get a bit crowded.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)12:47 No.3815719
    woah i thought this thing died.

    i've got to ask people, what are people's restrictions? Do you guys have restrictions such as how far your parents will drive you? when your parents will drive you? how far you can afford to go? not being able to afford to eat?

    my only restriction is how far i feel like going, and other commitments.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)12:53 No.3815730
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    CA has got their shit together. i want to start collecting roll to get an idea of how many CA seagulls will be coming.

    Dec 4th sounds like an alright day to plan for. since it wont be an all day thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)12:54 No.3815732
         File1290448490.jpg-(54 KB, 438x516, 1276798606312.jpg)
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    Do want..
    But live all the way in New Hampshire.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)13:04 No.3815748
    No Jeresy or NY?
    disappoint.jpg :(
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)13:13 No.3815773
    no pa
    im dissapoint
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/22/10(Mon)13:17 No.3815781
    You must be Pittsburgh or fuck-all Pennsyltucky, because we have had Philadelphia discussion

    Captcha: Rural Guttly. hah.
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/22/10(Mon)13:19 No.3815784
         File1290449942.jpg-(820 KB, 1000x667, Pacific Media Expo cgl meetup.jpg)
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    Okay, so in order for there to be a bit more organization for the SoCal meetup, I did this!

    This is the SOCAL meetup in December. Let us finalize plans and such and then take roll there. If this post gets buried, please repost it so people see it.
    >> bigdumbhippy 11/22/10(Mon)13:28 No.3815803
    another philly here down for some pancakes
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)13:41 No.3815827
    I'm leaving to take care of some stuff. Be good CA seagulls. and we'll continue this IHOP invasion planning upon my return!
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)13:44 No.3815829
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    u have a beard don't you T_T
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)13:52 No.3815845
    Not at all.
    That's Maine. We have a lot of people from MA in the state, so I suppose we're more influenced by them? LOL
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)13:59 No.3815870
    I don't know if I would be welcomed at the SoCal meetup, since I am an underagefag even though it's only by one year.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)14:00 No.3815873
    I wish there were cosplays meets in Belfast ;_;
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/22/10(Mon)14:04 No.3815888
    That depends. Do you exist, and can you show up? If both of those are true, then I think we'd be cool with it.

    Captcha: frinch this
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)14:56 No.3815995
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)16:42 No.3816203
    i anticipated there would be some that are younger than 18. its not a bad thing, so long as you can act mature. if you cry because they ran out of chocolate milk... well, never mind, i'd cry too.
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/22/10(Mon)17:05 No.3816286
    I think we'd all cry.

    Also, bumping with the link for the facebook event page

    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)17:07 No.3816295
    Is there really only one arizonian? When we bringup shit about Pcc, Taiyou, or Sabo you all flock. Where are ya? >:[
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)17:38 No.3816414
         File1290465533.gif-(484 KB, 320x240, LOL_yuicrying.gif)
    484 KB
    Dude, Riverside?

    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)17:45 No.3816446
    good thing i'm not alone!
    yeah keep bumping that. though i dont know how many seagulls actually have facebooks
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 11/22/10(Mon)17:47 No.3816453
    Faggot hipster
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)17:52 No.3816475
    just for you.
    no homo though.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)17:53 No.3816478
    Think he's implying that SoCal is in the boonies of Riverside.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)17:54 No.3816488
    Wow, there's actually other people in New Mexico?

    I'm willing to bet that you're in the Albuquerque, though. This state is huge.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)17:55 No.3816491
    dont cry. riverside is eeeasy.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)17:58 No.3816506
    Of course it's easy. There's nothing out there but whoring yourself out.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 11/22/10(Mon)17:59 No.3816510
    Riverside is faggots.
    >> denver max !!vP6YmxK7xcL 11/22/10(Mon)18:01 No.3816516
    i am in santa fe
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)18:01 No.3816517
    Well so long as the faggotry isn't contagious i'll probably be okay.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)18:03 No.3816520
    azfag, reporting for duty.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)18:04 No.3816527
    Southern NM here, Sierra Blanca area.

    >> denver max !!vP6YmxK7xcL 11/22/10(Mon)18:06 No.3816531
    does the rail runner go anywhere near you?
    i'm a new mexico transplant lolol and i don't really know the southern half of the state
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)18:10 No.3816545
    About fourty minutes away in Alamogordo, near Holloman AFB.

    I'm about an hour from Roswell, if that helps any. There's a whole lotta nothing but trees and frozen weather.
    >> denver max !!vP6YmxK7xcL 11/22/10(Mon)18:16 No.3816567
    i'll probably be down in the area in the spring to see the trinity monument. nuclear /cgl/ meetup?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)18:21 No.3816585
    Trinity is still pretty far from where I am. In all honesty you'll have better luck up there, since most NM /cgl/ lurkers are in the Albuquerque/Rio Rancho/Santa Fe area; maybe a couple in Las Cruses.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)19:12 No.3816831

    But it's so far. ><
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)19:14 No.3816840
    how far is it from you? its just an hour and a half from me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)19:16 No.3816859

    It's an hour from me, need a lift? Cause you should totally take rides from internet strangers...

    ...want some candy?
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/22/10(Mon)19:18 No.3816870

    Bro sounds legit. Plus, free candy.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)19:24 No.3816905
    This is a bad idea waiting to happen. Knight, I highly suggest you stop before you get in too deep. For both yours and Charlotte's sake. Being popular on /cgl/ will bring you nothing but trouble, Charlotte has worked too hard to get out of the spot light.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)21:01 No.3817407

    I...think it's the same for me. :\


    LOL, I'll pass, tha--candy? o-o
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)21:05 No.3817424
    lol, please dont say yes here. i'm going to face palm and be really annoyed if the news reports 4chan as an internet pedo site because someone accepts a ride from a stranger, like this
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)21:14 No.3817458

    Now hold on, I'm just trying to be nice here. My intentions are pure I assure you.


    And yes, I always hit up 7-11 for snacks on any ride taking an hour or longer.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)21:37 No.3817539

    lolol, of course I'm not going to say yes. It's cool, bro.


    Haha, thanks but I really will pass. :T
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/22/10(Mon)21:57 No.3817662
    You need to show up at IHOP with candy anwyways anon, or we will all be upset.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)22:06 No.3817708
    when? I'm from Idaho, but will be down there during break.

    If we do Ihop I'd prefer it not to be the 82nd one, it's full of hobos.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)22:30 No.3817793
    Ahhh, but I'm anon, you won't know if I'm the one who promised candy or not.

    Good, I'm actually terrified of jailbait...I really don't want to go to prison.
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/22/10(Mon)22:47 No.3817898
    But..what if we all bring candy?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)23:00 No.3817964
    That's why it's called a Party *Van*. There's room for everybody!
    >> Codi 11/22/10(Mon)23:29 No.3818075
    >implying I give a fuck about Ohio

    I'm not from here originally, I don't like Ohio at all. Sorry to (somehow?) insult your town.

    Cbus is centrally located, however, the IHOP is in Reynoldsburg, which is the southern most point of Cbus. It's not convenient at all.

    As for the Ohio seagulls, they're here, but they don't trip, and are also too busy in-fighting and bitching about Ohayocon.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)23:32 No.3818093
    >to busy in-fighting

    But...I thought Ohio was for lovers?
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/22/10(Mon)23:35 No.3818101
    i'll bring candy. and i'll be really creepy about it too to make anon jealous and bring you more candy. dont worry callenger, i've got your back
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/22/10(Mon)23:46 No.3818146
    Part of me ecstatic, but the self-preservation part of my mind is kicking in and telling me not to drink the kool-aid.

    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/22/10(Mon)23:47 No.3818150
    is estatic* jesus I sound like I have downs. HURR CANDY YES HURR.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)04:24 No.3818929
    I'm in Reno, do any Nevada fags wanna do a meet up?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)04:36 No.3818940
    >ohio was for lovers
    >ohio is for lovers
    Oh you.
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/23/10(Tue)14:14 No.3819823
         File1290539699.jpg-(93 KB, 406x586, 1216167787409.jpg)
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    Bump with Waha.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)14:25 No.3819841
    Vancouver, anyone?
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/23/10(Tue)19:45 No.3821016
         File1290559520.jpg-(450 KB, 1280x1024, mikubot.jpg)
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    Bump again.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)19:48 No.3821029
    Anyone in DC?
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/23/10(Tue)19:56 No.3821060
    The tentative date for SoCal is December 4 at 11:00 AM in Riverside. This is a reminder, I guess.

    Here's the Facebook link again.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)20:00 No.3821075
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)20:01 No.3821080
    France has [spoiler]NO BRUNCHES[/spoiler]
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/23/10(Tue)20:09 No.3821108
    keep bumping this to keep all the CA seaguls informed
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)21:11 No.3821384

    Yeah, true...I won't know. :[

    Rofl, I'm actually 22. :|
    >> hahanonotreally@gmaIL.COM Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)21:38 No.3821478
    Philly fags...can email me if we do this.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)22:12 No.3821580
    I'm in NC. Durham to be exact.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 11/23/10(Tue)23:49 No.3821870

    fuck yeah, I'm in Chatham Co.
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/24/10(Wed)00:16 No.3821945
    Bump. Again.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/10(Wed)02:27 No.3822302
    any one in az cosplay 928 area
    >> Anonymous 11/24/10(Wed)05:02 No.3822572
    Any fags in Las Vegas wanna do a meet up? I'm down for pancakes and waffles.
    >> Hey look it's bumped again Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/24/10(Wed)13:58 No.3823437
         File1290625101.jpg-(218 KB, 586x438, polar bear eats watermelon.jpg)
    218 KB
    The tentative date for SoCal is December 4 at 11:00 AM in Riverside. This is a reminder, I guess.

    Here's the Facebook link again.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/24/10(Wed)13:59 No.3823441
    you're so good at this. you keep finding the thread!!
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/24/10(Wed)14:02 No.3823449
         File1290625376.jpg-(21 KB, 401x158, Capture.jpg)
    21 KB
    Yeah, I just go back about three pages and look from there, lol.

    Also look at this ridiculous captcha.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/24/10(Wed)14:04 No.3823454
    I have this bad habit of typing the first word and then seeing the second word and realizing i cant possibly figure it out. One of my kaptcha words was fuckin kanji!
    worst part, i stared at it for a long moment then looked down at my keyboard to see if i there was a kanji button like that whcih i'd just never noticed
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/24/10(Wed)14:08 No.3823462
    The captcha system is pretty easy to mess with. You know how it works, right? Only one word is the one they know, and the other word is something they have not yet transliterated. They are using Captcha as a way to digitize books, essentially making everyone do work without noticing it.

    You can basically just type a jumble of crap for the unknown word. To be fair, I got some kanji once, before I knew how easy it was to fool his junk, so I typed the kanji.
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/24/10(Wed)14:11 No.3823474
    you know.. that explains alot. because theres's been times that i've typed it out all nicely and it has rejected my answer as wrong, and then there's been times when i typoed and jumbled up the last 3 letters of one of the words, and it claims i read and repeat like a pro.
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/24/10(Wed)18:27 No.3824388
    Bump for SoCal Seagulls.
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/24/10(Wed)21:04 No.3824827
         File1290650694.jpg-(17 KB, 396x222, jim_halpert_396x222.jpg)
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    Bumping for delicious pancake tiems
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/25/10(Thu)00:15 No.3825538
    Bump again.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)02:44 No.3826085
         File1290671070.jpg-(194 KB, 570x309, metro2.jpg)
    194 KB
    I was in D.C.
    ...but I had to move away a month ago as I couldn't find a bloody decent job after a year-long search because I had never worked as an unpaid slave for some worthless asshole Congressman to gain political patronage just to get my resume looked by an employer worth a damn.
    To hell with that gilded, cronyist swamp. (Also, there were hardly any decent places to get a good breakfast.)
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/25/10(Thu)13:31 No.3826837
         File1290709884.jpg-(648 KB, 683x1024, Pacific Media Expo 2010 Maggie.jpg)
    648 KB
    Bump again! Seriously this thread gets LOST IN TIME.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 11/25/10(Thu)13:52 No.3826871
    I'd be up for it, probably in like a week or two if anyone is interested. I know of many an IHOP some close by but probably like a central location for all to meet at.
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/25/10(Thu)13:56 No.3826883
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/25/10(Thu)15:48 No.3827101
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/25/10(Thu)19:59 No.3827971
         File1290733182.jpg-(175 KB, 750x1065, terrifying samidare.jpg)
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    Bump, again. Honestly I wonder if there will be more than 4 people at this thing. Either way I will be going.
    The Facebook event page for the SoCal eatup (ha, it's clever because we're /meeting/ to /eat/! Ha, ha...) is as follows:
    >> Knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/25/10(Thu)20:17 No.3828040
    we're 'meating'. lol. well the people who say they might go, of them, more of them will probably come, i'm sure.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)22:40 No.3828530
    I'm goin, don't have a facebook though
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/26/10(Fri)02:05 No.3829266
    Bump. Endlessly.
    ONCE EVERY FEW HOURS UNTIL YOU LIKE IT, or some such bollocks.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)02:14 No.3829287

    which one
    >> Moose !BLUH.zzJuM 11/26/10(Fri)02:19 No.3829302
         File1290755956.png-(188 KB, 599x730, 1289456572276.png)
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    >mfw when no Michiganfags post in here
    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)02:32 No.3829319
         File1290756725.jpg-(153 KB, 540x720, ihop_alone.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)02:36 No.3829324
    Mika I think we're still having that Portland meetup in December. No one's put their foot down and set a date yet though.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)02:36 No.3829325
    What prevents me from fully committing to Riverside meeting is its location. Even from Fullerton, that's still far off.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 11/26/10(Fri)02:38 No.3829331
    Sadly I don't know if I can actually make it down there for it anymore. I've got some stuff that came up, and portland is being pushed back.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)02:45 No.3829347
    lets hit up the new down by the ikea in west sac

    i went to that shit, was p raw if i say so myself
    >> JABI !Amna74sYWM 11/26/10(Fri)02:47 No.3829355
    I'm also in AZ. Scottsdale area.

    I move out of SoCal and everyone lives there 8(
    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)02:49 No.3829361
    Oh that's too bad. Well you need to come down here soon anyway don't you? There's a few of us that'd like to see you anyway. I'm not even sure if the meetup's happening anymore 'cause Nikki's leaving in December now. I refuse to go on the 11th too 'cause FUCK YEAH ROGER WATERS and no one seems to want to plan it. Meh, no one seems to care too much. I'm bound to start getting iced in at my house soon anyway.
    >> UNTIL YOU LIKE IT Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/27/10(Sat)00:16 No.3831510
    The Facebook event page for the SoCal meettup is as follows:
    >> Anonymous 11/27/10(Sat)00:19 No.3831518
    Almost a full WEEK /cgl/! Goddamit I'm so proud!
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/27/10(Sat)00:20 No.3831521
         File1290835228.jpg-(161 KB, 912x613, philadelphia-at-night.jpg)
    161 KB
    Fuck it:
    Philly fags.
    IHOP in South Philly (Columbus/Snyder, next to ChuckECheese)
    Sunday, Dec 5, 1PM
    Delicious pancakes, followed by a walk over to dollar-a-yard fabric heaven, Jomar.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/10(Sat)00:38 No.3831570
    Anyone in north Texas willing to give this a shot?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/10(Sat)03:38 No.3832005
    oh man, sorry to hear that; they opened a new IHOP in Columbia Heights recently though. )':
    >> Eri !/YbHGiyNtI 11/27/10(Sat)03:40 No.3832011
    *flail* I'M GUNNA BE IN OHIO!!!! T_T I want some yummy goodness damnit
    >> EVERY DAY Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/27/10(Sat)13:12 No.3832784
         File1290881555.png-(129 KB, 251x234, brb gensokyo.png)
    129 KB
    The Facebook event page for the SoCal meetup is as follows:
    >> £¥∩× 11/27/10(Sat)14:16 No.3832858
    Arizona as well. Guessing no others in the west here?
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 11/27/10(Sat)14:25 No.3832871
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)10:08 No.3835651
    bumping for delicious SoCal Pancakes
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)11:13 No.3835732
    Seriously? No one from VA?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)11:23 No.3835753
         File1290961432.jpg-(152 KB, 720x480, UMAD.jpg)
    152 KB
    Aww, someone didn't get their slice of cantaloupe at the end.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)11:36 No.3835777
    I would totally be up for it if I didn't have to work.
    >> knight !!M3/7YcFJfoT 11/28/10(Sun)11:41 No.3835788
    Just reminding y'all about california. Riverside ihop invasion. yessire
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)11:58 No.3835810

    Come on North Carolina, let's do something!
    >> Hobbes !XPRIDEeHRQ 11/28/10(Sun)12:02 No.3835816
    duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude I dont feel like driving 50 miles just to eat pancakes with you :\
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)12:23 No.3835849
    Fuck off hobbes. Your faggot ass got banned an hour ago, you evade and now you're back here again. You got no fucking life.
    >> Hobbes !XPRIDEeHRQ 11/28/10(Sun)12:26 No.3835858
         File1290965191.gif-(77 KB, 333x500, 1288923551467.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)12:32 No.3835878
    Lets give it a shot
    >> melvin 11/28/10(Sun)17:50 No.3836876
    GREENSBORO IS IN THE MIDDLE. And I'm lazy. And there are several NC fags in Greensboro already, so good option?

    Haven't actually read the thread, so if there are other NC folks in here, awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)19:08 No.3837092

    Aha! I'm actually close to Greensboro! I can see if any of my other cosplay buddies are up to go.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 11/28/10(Sun)19:10 No.3837098

    alright ill give this a shot NC. Do ya'll wanna meet up in the Raleigh area or G-boro area?
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/28/10(Sun)20:00 No.3837303
    So I was gone for Thanksgiving, whats the word on the SoCal meeting right now? I can't believe this thread is still up.

    >> Coffee !BRO69tyas6 11/28/10(Sun)20:03 No.3837310
         File1290992603.jpg-(9 KB, 210x230, 1267507367098.jpg)
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    I would be down for an East coast meetup. I'll be up in Raleigh/Charlotte around Dec 17.

    Winter meet up? :3
    >> The Challenger !XjclNVxL3M 11/28/10(Sun)20:04 No.3837316
    Hobbes, drive your ass down here, it's not that bad.
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/28/10(Sun)20:15 No.3837358
         File1290993353.jpg-(480 KB, 1400x1409, Booklet 01.jpg)
    480 KB
    The Facebook event page for the SoCal meetup is as follows:
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 11/28/10(Sun)20:19 No.3837377

    can you make the 18th in Greensboro or Raleigh?
    >> Coffee !BRO69tyas6 11/28/10(Sun)20:24 No.3837393
    Most likely Raleigh. I'm not sure how far Greensboro is from there though. :/
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:27 No.3837408
    any Atlanta fags wanna do this at the IHOP right near the AWA hotel?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:54 No.3837509
    Anyone in Northern Illinois? Brunch at IHOP sounds good
    >> pia 11/28/10(Sun)20:59 No.3837539
    so is anything confirmed yet for the NC meetup? if it were to happen, I could probably stick around for an extra week in order to go, but probably not if it's on the 18th.
    >> Coffee !BRO69tyas6 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.3837551
    Hell yeah. That would be ideal man.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 11/28/10(Sun)21:33 No.3837684

    ok so Dec. 18 would be the day but what city though. I like Raleigh my self but I know there are a few seagulls in the G-boro area
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:41 No.3837713

    About 2 hours
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/28/10(Sun)21:43 No.3837721
    I'll gladly move it to the next weekend; I just thought we were all going for the 4th/5th like SoCal. That weekend is booked enough for me as-is.
    >> melvin 11/28/10(Sun)21:50 No.3837759
    Oh damn. I'm actually going to be in SC then probably. :<
    Hour and a half from Raleigh. It's about halfway between Raleigh and Charlotte.
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/29/10(Mon)01:35 No.3838545
         File1291012553.jpg-(263 KB, 987x862, 1287892171102.jpg)
    263 KB
    The Facebook event page for the SoCal meetup is as follows:
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/29/10(Mon)12:14 No.3839792
    Page 10 Resurrection.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)23:52 No.3842343
    >> knight !ospl2atY3Q 11/29/10(Mon)23:53 No.3842345
    how's the socal attendance doing?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)00:48 No.3842533

    DC (surrouding area anyway) here too...but it looks like it's just the two of us here haha.
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 11/30/10(Tue)01:10 No.3842578
    Still only about 4 people confirmed.
    Speaking of such a thing!
    SOCAL meetup!
    >> Jynx !meowmdWTo. 11/30/10(Tue)01:12 No.3842583
    Would go, but an hour and a half drive is a bit for IHOP. Sorry mang.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)01:13 No.3842586
    I'll be super-close to DC for the next four weeks, fellow East-coasters.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 11/30/10(Tue)01:13 No.3842587
         File1291097615.gif-(1.66 MB, 388x291, 950.gif)
    1.66 MB
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)01:14 No.3842588
         File1291097648.jpg-(16 KB, 300x197, ladd_russo_on_ice_by_eemee.png(...).jpg)
    16 KB
    >Times Arcane has bumped the thread: 15+
    >Attending: 4
    >> knight !ospl2atY3Q 11/30/10(Tue)01:15 No.3842591
    it'd be worth it... probably. i dont know why God wants you to go.

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