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    File : 1289776124.jpg-(20 KB, 211x155, animeusa.jpg)
    20 KB AUSA Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)18:08 No.3784298  
    AUSA thread? AUSA thread. I know it's still Sunday, anyone back yet? Have a good time?

    Sadly, I didn't take any photos. Normally I get a ton but my camera broke. Sadface.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)18:39 No.3784344
    I dont have any photos---but i would love to see some
    and i really liked the con this year- good skits- good cosplay
    not bad at all
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)18:42 No.3784357
         File1289778128.png-(84 KB, 759x538, sadlonely.png)
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    I noticed a lot of pretty decent cosplays and I was really sad my camera broke on me. I should be able to get a new one soon. But I swear, as soon as it broke I found a bunch of stuff I wanted photos of.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)19:00 No.3784420
    Anyone got Masq footage?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:07 No.3784649
    Anyone else have trouble just finding places to sit down that weren't panels or viewing rooms?

    Also, is the staff normally this strict? I felt like they got a bit insane at times
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)20:10 No.3784670
    From what I heard they were kind of strict on weapons and what not. There was people around checking IDs for stuff but nothing unusual. The sitting thing was a bit of an issue, but with the space and the amount of people I wasn't too surprised.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:13 No.3784685
    Staff this year was a bunch of nerds that went mad with a bit of authority. They took their positions a bit too far and acted in the douche bag way mall cops act. From some people I talked to, they really didn't have fun at the con because of the staff. However, some of them were pretty cool to be around. I had a lot of fun chatting with a few of them.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 11/14/10(Sun)20:15 No.3784693
    First time there. it was quite nice it was worth me driving to DC
    >> Plutonian !!fyW0lESYsdg 11/14/10(Sun)20:15 No.3784694
    I had such a good time. I met a great girl on Friday morning and spent the whole weekend with her.

    I fucking hate it when cons end.
    >> Plutonian !!fyW0lESYsdg 11/14/10(Sun)20:16 No.3784699

    Definitely. I was lurking in video rooms a lot when I wanted to rest.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:19 No.3784716
    Anyone have pics?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:28 No.3784754
    Fucking inundated with retarded weeaboos and people who can't behave themselves. The shit I saw/heard going on in hotel rooms was atrocious. No wonder otaku have a bad rep.
    >> Plutonian !!fyW0lESYsdg 11/14/10(Sun)20:32 No.3784767

    Tell us what you witnessed.
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)20:32 No.3784770
    There was people with silly string on one of the floors. Someone kept telling me they smelled a stink bomb, but I can't confirm that, I didn't really notice anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:33 No.3784775
    Had con drama. Always the worst! Other than that, it was fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:36 No.3784785
    A bunch of fatasses screaming like they were being murdered in their room, slamming the door and nearly breaking it because they had the privacy lock on while they were trying to get out. Running up and down the hotel hallways screaming, shoving 25 people into one room, etc. These people were the worst con idiots I've ever had the misfortune of seeing.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:41 No.3784806
    what was the story with the ball? I heard there was dramu.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:43 No.3784815
    The beginning was kind of weird because it was some steampunk narration thing. Everyone was kind of looking around wondering if this was really the ball.

    Also there was a creeper asking girls to dance. I mistakenly danced with him unaware that he was a creeper and the first thing out of his mouth was, "So, what's your last name?"
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)20:43 No.3784816
    >shoving 25 people into one room
    ffffff that made me think of the elevators. At one point on Sat I'm trying to make my way to the lobby and when I got on it was fairly empty. But they kept shoving more and more people into it. Like, really badly so. To the point where I was pressed up against everyone against me, I could not move. And they still wanted MORE people on. I got to the third floor and just had to get off.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/14/10(Sun)20:44 No.3784818
    Fucking boooorrrriiing.
    >> hello !TJ9qoWuqvA 11/14/10(Sun)20:49 No.3784840
    There weren't that many rednecks thankfully
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 11/14/10(Sun)20:56 No.3784868

    elevators were a fucking nightmare. I raged when people were using them to go from the basement to the lobby when they should have taking their fat ass to the escalators
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)21:02 No.3784903
    Holy fuck yes. If I had to go down for the most part I tried to use the stairs. But just once I try and use the elevators and it was a mess. From the lobby I could see people dancing and jumping around inside of them. I was just...really?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:04 No.3784915
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:05 No.3784921
    The worst.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:26 No.3785030

    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/14/10(Sun)21:48 No.3785116
    I've been to at least one con every year at that hotel for the past seven years... And every time the elevators fucking suuuuuck. No exceptions. You'd think with SIX of them and ESCALATORS they wouldn't be that bad, but no...

    My room was on the 4th floor, took the stairs all con. Fuckyeah.jpg
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 11/14/10(Sun)21:49 No.3785123
    oh yeah one of the elevator i got in was filled with balloons
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 11/14/10(Sun)21:50 No.3785126
    Was it absolutely packed this year. Most of my friends and I didn't go because the past couple of years it's been super full of people, and we're all broke. Also I moved so I'd have to get a hotel room rather then go home every night like I did before. Also someone has to have taken photos. For a smaller convention AUSA has a lot of good cosplay and skits... at least that's what I've noticed.

    Rednecks in NoVA oh no, all of the civilized, multicultural people got rid of those. This is the first year I've not attended AUSA in a few years, I never noticed Rednecks before.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:53 No.3785150

    DUDE! Was he dressed as a shitty prince from princess tutu? that guy wanted me to fuck him in a princess tutu costume he made ><
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:56 No.3785158
    Speaking of the ball, did you guys see the girl in the poofy pink dress?

    I thought she was kinda cute...
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/14/10(Sun)21:57 No.3785159
    No, no, completely the fuck opposite of past years, it was rather sad. They took a huge hit on attendance. And there really wasn't much out there cosplay-wise. A dozen skits in the masquerade, a dozen entries in hall cosplay... Fucking barren man.

    I took some photos, mostly of the hall contestants and the masquerade, I'll have them on ACP and Cosfu over the course of this week.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:57 No.3785164
    Elevators < Stair Case
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:59 No.3785176
    Around what time was this? I had me and my friends in one elevator for about 20 minutes, and the people that got on had a damn good time with us.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:00 No.3785178
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 11/14/10(Sun)22:02 No.3785188
    Really it must have been because my crew and I didn't go this year... just kidding. I was asking around at Otakon who in my group of friends would be going to the con and only three girls (who despite being high school sophomores are all pretty chill) said maybe. So us older people decided to skip it and just go full force on Katsucon and Otakon. I'm kind of glad to hear that I didn't miss out on anything really good then.
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)22:03 No.3785193
    It was Sat around...maybe 7 or 8. The elevator I was on people weren't dancing. There was too many people on there, we actually couldn't move.

    The dancing and stuff is only what I witnessed looking up into the elevators.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:04 No.3785196

    >dozen skits

    there were 35....
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:06 No.3785203
    Yeah, that was probably us. We had a Gold and a Red, a few Team Magma members, and a few random people in there. Shit was so cash, Red had a mini iPod speaker with him and was playing Pokémon tracks from the games the entire time.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:08 No.3785217
    11 D: I was in one, so I know.

    We had people like that next door. I went over to their room, in cosplay, and told them rather politely to knock it the fuck off. We had someone in the room that really wanted to sleep, and they couldn't. Good thing the rest of us didn't sleep much at all.

    I got in an elevator at the basement level, I had forgotten a bag and went to get it, cursing myself as I went. As I stepped in, the man across from me started vomiting. I, being extremely phobic when it comes to vomit, pushed people out of my way, telling them I needed to get out, and falling to the ground once I got out. Looking and seeing him on his way out, I crawled, on my newly scraped knee, until I found leverage to stand and moved out of the elevator area. I know it's not his fault that he happened to be in the elevator with someone that had that problem, but he had come from the rave, and from what his friends said had had a shit ton to drink BEFORE the rave, and who is stupid enough to fill themselves with liquor, and then dehydrate themselves MORE by going to the goddamn rave? Which I heard was pretty lame anyway. Ah, just rambling now.

    I really did have a great time, overall. But my friends are what made the con, not the con itself.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/14/10(Sun)22:24 No.3785273
    OMFG I SAW YOU GUYS! :D I was wondering why there was Pokemon battle themes playing outside!

    Did anyone see those Tsubasa cosplayers? I heard that they showed up really late, so IDK if anyone was able to see them...

    Other than that, for my first con, I had fun! Got me a gunpla, met a lot of my friends from college and high school...
    I heard, however, that there was some dramu with the LARP. Anyone know?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:31 No.3785311
    That guy was also Flame Swordsman, the Yugioh card. He was pretty adamant about getting someone to match him.

    Really though, that guy shouldn't have been out of the house alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:32 No.3785315
    Well, my girlfriend and I were out of costume by then. It was our first con, and shit was so uncomfortable. Next time we go, we're spending more time on our cosplay so we can wear them longer :/

    Glad to have been recognized though :D What did you go as, or did you just chill? Oh, and yeah, I saw the Tsubasa peeps. Their cosplay was pretty good too.
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)22:34 No.3785326
    Ah...I saw him. He was interesting to say the least.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:34 No.3785330
    Was anyone there for the Chris Sabat Q&A? If so, I was the one who (regrettably) yelled 'Pedo!' when he was talking about Piccolo taking care of Gohan...
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/14/10(Sun)22:38 No.3785354
    Yeah, me and my peeps were talking with him for a little. As soon as he started talking, he started creeping on the Mokona in our group. I wanted to say something, but I had a feeling he was just trying to be nice at the time...
    That is, until I read this...
    I was actually hanging with the Tsubasa cosplayers, the ones in all black with the weapons. Didn't go in costume, though, but I was walkign around with a black bokken yesterday night and a GITS bag. :D
    OMG, though, there was this one really cool dude that chilled with us while we were taking professional (lol) photos last night, about a block to the left of the hotel. DISGUY was sparring with us with our weapons. I got that on video, too, and that shit was amazing.

    Also, did anyone happen to go to the Kamen rider Panel today? Was it any good?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:41 No.3785369
    I left around 11, with most of my time being spent in the Independence room buying last minute stuff, so I didn't see anything. Too bad, I miss watching Kamen Rider in Japan... ah, nostalgia. Thanks for the reminder, bro. I'm going to go torrent all the seasons now.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:50 No.3785407
    OHHH! I remember you guys, we ate at McDonalds together. :3
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:51 No.3785415
    >No, no, completely the fuck opposite of past years, it was rather sad. They took a huge hit on attendance.

    I had to agree with you on that, the economy is finally taking a toll of smaller anime cons such as this one. It's no wonder why there hasn't been much random events nor photoshoots happening as in the previous years. I also took a lot less pictures as usual due to this.

    This year's AUSA was decent. Not great but decent.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/14/10(Sun)22:53 No.3785428
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    LOL, no problem bro :)
    I mean, that's why I trip as Raito. Which one was the last one you watched?

    I saw Yaya in the Dealer's Room. You guys were right, she does not look like she should be cosplaying anymore. Her stuff looked okay, but come on.
    Didn't talk to her, so can't pass judgement on her personality.

    Also, dat gaming room. DJ Hero, I realized, is an addicting game, and I'm decent at it. Need some time to get it down, though, lol.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:54 No.3785435
    Oh, I wasn't with them yet :/ We met up around 6 or something. I knew Red from before he graduated and moved, and I was surprised to see him there. No planning involved, just total coincidence, haha. I'm saving this thread to show to him, since I can't contact him right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:57 No.3785453
         File1289793433.jpg-(504 KB, 764x744, 1265647357892.jpg)
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    I moved to America in the middle of Kamen Rider Ryuuki. Shit was so cash, then I saw a trailer of the American version.

    <-- my face
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:58 No.3785460
    oh man me too!!
    I know him from High School!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:58 No.3785461
    Was Yaya the late 20's/early 30's looking asian lady that tried to sell me an overpriced fox tail?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)22:59 No.3785472
    Uh, do you have his cell number? His little brother is clueless when it comes to this stuff, and I really want to show him this thread.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/14/10(Sun)23:03 No.3785491
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    She was the manager of the booth that you saw as soon as you made the first turn in the Dealer's Room. Said "Yaya Han" on her booth.
    If she had a foxtail, looked rather old, then yeah, probably. Her booth was full, IIRC, of tails.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:03 No.3785497
    She doesn't sell foxtails. So no.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/14/10(Sun)23:04 No.3785498
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    Have you watched any others as of late?
    If not, may i kindly recommend Kamen Rider Double? c:
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:06 No.3785512
    I tried watching 555, but I didn't really care for it. I would rewatch Agito any time though. Shit was so cash.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/14/10(Sun)23:07 No.3785519
    My apologies, I thought they were foxtails. :/
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:09 No.3785536
    Did she do the Cosplay Presentation panel or whatever? It was on the third floor I think...
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/14/10(Sun)23:17 No.3785587
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    The Stig. Hell yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:18 No.3785593
    This has been a surprisingly positive thread. I just got back a short time ago, and I had a pretty good time. It all felt very low-key, low-stress, which for me equals a good time. Biggest complaint: nerds who can't understand that hotel rooms are for sleeping/showering/changing, and NOTHING ELSE. Like.. HOLDING YOUR OWN DANCE PARTY or LOUD CONVERSATIONS AT 4 IN THE MORNING.

    Anyways. Pictures, anyone? What was the most interesting/unique/fun cosplay you saw this weekend?
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)23:24 No.3785631
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    Finally my friends are posting stuff. My fav Ukraine right now.
    >> Plutonian !!fyW0lESYsdg 11/14/10(Sun)23:24 No.3785633

    The Dalek girl. Best costume all con
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:29 No.3785658
    dem titties. no homo
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)23:30 No.3785672
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    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:32 No.3785681
    Dat Asian Theodore
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:32 No.3785682
    I had an awesome time but the other 3 people I was with, well we all had a really odd combination of costumes. I was Minato from Persona 3, my girlfriend was Princess Bubblegum, her best friend was Bat Girl, and her boyfriend was Spiderman. It was kind of weird walking around together being completely unrelated but otherwise it was pretty sweet. And the rave on Saturday was fucking awesome, I still hurt from it.
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 11/14/10(Sun)23:34 No.3785694
    I think we have the same friend on facebook :>
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:40 No.3785737
         File1289796004.jpg-(63 KB, 576x768, IMG_3842 (Medium).jpg)
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    I got a better picture of that dude.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/14/10(Sun)23:40 No.3785738
    Man, there were some drunk assholes hanging out right outside my door being loud, I guess they were from the room across the hall, and I was trying to sleep. Popped my head out the door, told them "It's 3AM, shut the fuck up."

    I heard a thump against the door after that.
    I found a pile of rice at the foot of my door in the morning. :|

    Sooo... Any pics of my Renamon? I only remember one each being taken of my Quote and Ike, damn. And once again I bring Zoroark to a con and don't fucking find time to wear it...
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:40 No.3785743
    Anybody else see the creepy fucking retarded guy walking around dressed as the Flame Swordsmen trying to convince every girl within a 4 foot radius to try on some Duck Princess costume he made?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:40 No.3785744
    If this is the same person, or even if it isn't, you sound like a Yousuke I met at the Persona shoot >.>
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)23:41 No.3785746
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    We do, I know who you are xDD
    nottosoundlikeacreeperandall. I saw your profile pic and it clicked.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:42 No.3785755
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    I got two pictures of that too.
    >> Godless !aqzLWEf/Kw 11/14/10(Sun)23:42 No.3785756
    Oh god anon, I pity your barfing experience so much. I am scared shitless of vomit and I absolutely can't stand to be around people when they do. I start shaking uncontrollably and freaking the fuck out (cold sweat, extremely uncomfortable, very nauseous). I'm not squeamish at all, but vomit gets me every time. I'm always afraid that some drunk fuck will do that at a con, so I am always on high alert. I wish it didn't bother me so fucking much...

    Anyway, I kinda milled around on the main floor without a badge. Nothing great seemed to be going on, I was just there to be in some photoshoots outside the con...I'm glad I didn't waste 50 bucks on a badge; I'm saving my money for Katsu/Otakon next year...I mean the only thing I was going to borrow a friend's badge was for the dealer's room which closed at 6 on Saturday (earlier every year, what the FUCK?) and I ended up missing out since it was like 7 :|
    Basically the only thing I regret is that I missed the SH shoot because I was busy!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:43 No.3785760
    This is completely unrelated to you asking if that's the Theodore you met at the Persona shoot, but I'm pissed I missed the shoot. Some dick kept telling me it was at different times and I never got a direct answer or location and the other few persona cosplayers I found knew nothing about the shoot at the time of me asking.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:43 No.3785761
         File1289796223.jpg-(59 KB, 576x768, IMG_4364 (Medium).jpg)
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    and another...
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/14/10(Sun)23:44 No.3785768
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    You see the dude at the far right? The one eating?
    That's scary...
    He looks like a kid version of me....
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:45 No.3785771
    So my autocorrect definitely changed Yousuke to Theodore...
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)23:45 No.3785773
         File1289796346.jpg-(81 KB, 540x720, 76488_451550321395_501541395_5(...).jpg)
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    I didn't see you at the con. :<
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 11/14/10(Sun)23:46 No.3785779
    Not creepy at all, that's what facebooks are for! It's certainly neat to know~!
    >> Ukraine 11/14/10(Sun)23:48 No.3785785
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    Haha I know, small world. And the last one I really have to post. Hope to see more from others!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:48 No.3785787
    Haha, I'm >>3785681 and I didn't even go to this con or cosplay Persona, just saw the picture and saw the good-looking Theo.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)23:53 No.3785812
    Thank you. I've felt that way ever since I was a kid and a girl threw up in first grade. I've gotten better about it, these days I won't panic if I'm around the vomit, as long as I know it's from drinking so I don't have to worry about getting sick and stuff, but to have been there, I just... I couldn't do it. I needed to get out, it was my number one priority. Someone else could take care of him. I managed to get to my best friend, who knows I have this problem, and we sat in the room for a little while. I changed clothes, even though I didn't get any on me, and talked about how much of an asshole this guy was. I mentioned it to some guy who had been there, later in the night, and told him I was the girl who fell. He said it was funny. Under normal circumstances, I may have agreed with him, but tripping because you're shaking from a panic attack is less funny.

    I hope it never happens again, I haven't panicked over vomit so much in at least three years. I was really antsy all night, some guy wasn't feeling well, ended up dry-heaving, but I hid behind a pillar until someone told me he wasn't actually throwing up. But at least now I have a battle scar from the war against drunk assholes.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:00 No.3785833
    Haha, I was a bit confused for a minute. It sucks you missed the shoot D: I mean, it wasn't incredible or anything, but it was fun. Which Persona are you from? We had mostly 4, so it would suck even more if you were from a different one. I mean, I can't say I helped the problem, I was doing Chie, but it was kind of funny because there were absolutely NO girls from P3.
    Originally I was told it would be at the bar at midnight, but as I went to head over to it, I ran into them at the front of the dealers room. Some girl had pictures from every half second of me holding a kick... Low blood sugar combined with shitty balance didn't make blurry pictures, but if you look at them all I definitely look a bit, like, DERP. Especially because I apparently managed to correct the height of the kick back to its original chest height within half a second. So it went from falling slowly to back where it started. Was kinda weird.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:02 No.3785840

    !!!! our pkmn group never ran into you guys again after the masquerade! sadface
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:03 No.3785847
    I was just kind of hopeful, as they made the shoot rather amusing, haha. There was a point where they went through everyone, it was like, "Dat Chie. Dat Yukiko. Dat other Chie. Dat other Yukiko. Dat Junpei. Dat Akihiko. Dem photographers." It doesn't make any sense that it was as funny as it was, but I could barely stop myself from laughing, and I tend to be pretty good at that.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:05 No.3785855
    Were you at the masquerade? I was in the skit with who I assume are the Red and Gold you were talking about. I was the Marill.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/15/10(Mon)00:05 No.3785857
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    YAAAAAA I saw them on the escalator and I didn't take a picture of them ;-;
    Did anyone see a Larxene and Axel cosplayer early on Saturday? I was hanging out with them, but I didn't get their names :<
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:08 No.3785873
    Well shit then, if most of them at the shoot were from 4 I guess it wasn't too bad I missed out. I was Minato from P3, a decent amount of people took my picture. I was hoping to find on floating around on the internet somewhere, but I'll probably raid google looking for pictures from the con in a week or so to see if I can find myself in any. I was going to head to the shoot but completely forgot about it and hit up the rave. Right when I got back to my room at 4, I realised I missed it.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/15/10(Mon)00:09 No.3785875
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    Anyway, how was the Masquerade? Anything especially eye-catching, funny, etc?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:10 No.3785882

    that zoidberg!misty thing was creepy...
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:12 No.3785891
    I thought the Zoidberg costume was great, then they started blaring Pokemon music and I instantly let out a loud "Fuck." I guess it's just me, but I'm sick of pokemon skits. And the fact that it was a fat chick going from Zoidberg to Misty made it even more horrible to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:15 No.3785910
    How long did you have Renamon out? I would have wanted to see that
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:16 No.3785919

    and it didn't make any sense at all
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/15/10(Mon)00:17 No.3785926
    Like 2:30-4 Friday, and around 11-12:30 Saturday.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:18 No.3785930
    That is also another key point. What the fuck was going on man.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/15/10(Mon)00:20 No.3785946
    Wha? Are you serious?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:22 No.3785953

    no pics. but basically zoidberg came out and the pkmn theme song started playing, zoidberg started stripping and underneath was a chubby misty.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/15/10(Mon)00:23 No.3785960
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    wat. Was it that chubby Misty that I was seeing around the con, that wasn't particularly good? o_o
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:24 No.3785962
    Well, there WAS something EXTREME, if you get what I'm saying....
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:26 No.3785970

    i probably saw 5 horribly done chubster mistys that entire con so i can't really say... hahha
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/15/10(Mon)00:38 No.3786028
    Not really getting it, I didn't get to see it...
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:40 No.3786035
    Honestly there were like 3 disgusting fat mistys running around the con, and 2 or 3 not fat, but seriously ugly ones too.
    So it could be any one of the ones you saw.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)00:51 No.3786064
    I had a fucking amazing time at this con.

    Got my Kuwabara doll signed by Christ Sabat while I was cosplaying a genderbent Hiei. everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)01:00 No.3786098
    I barely remember the con. I woke up saturday morning somehow wearing a pink bathrobe and only a t-shirt and boxers so I stayed in them all day. Then before I got really drunk again I think Chris Sabat told me to put pants on and then I chatted with him in McDonald's later that night whilst I had the munchies.
    Though waking up today/yesterday being ditched by my ride sucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)01:00 No.3786102
    Glad you had a good time. Like, seriously. For some reason I genuinely enjoy hearing people say they enjoyed something even more than they thought they would, especially cons. It's how they're supposed to be.
    >> Godless !aqzLWEf/Kw 11/15/10(Mon)01:10 No.3786134
    WOW, I am not alone! I was weird about it since 1st grade too...I don't know what else to call it other than a phobia, I can't stop pacing and get SO nervous when someone tells me they have a stomachache. The funny thing is I get them all the time, but I never get sick...just uncomfortable. Weird how it works. Anyway, glad your buddy was there to help you out after. No one knows I get so weird about it, it's such a strange thing to get short of breath over :< (And I'm tired of being so afraid of being in public and having it happen randomly even though I can't ever remember that occurring.)
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)01:15 No.3786149
         File1289801732.jpg-(66 KB, 800x563, slow_like_honey___lust_by_tea_(...).jpg)
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    did anyone see this lust at the con? just found this pic on devart while looking up con pics. i wish i saw her. that smoke is sexy.
    >> Flameingblack !VbgHzCcguw 11/15/10(Mon)02:16 No.3786435
    Came to CGL just to talk about AnimeUSA. Went with my little brother's college fraternity, so I had to meet all new people. Two of them were gay, and since I was really out-going and friendly towards them (Versus telling them to fuck off, I guess?) they kind of latched on to me and probably think I'm gay too, even though I told at least one of them I wasn't quite a few times.

    The first night we got to DC late from WV. Locked the keys in the goddamn car so we had to call a locksmith. $170 down the drain, with that money we could have easily spent the extra money to stay at the hotel the Con was at. We ended up going home early because someone from the group started to whine about not wanting to be there, and it being too late. It was a re-occurring theme that weekend.

    Stood in line for what seemed like forever to get out badges, saw Zero Suit Samus, who I'd continue to creep on, but never got the chance to take a picture with.
    >> Flameingblack !VbgHzCcguw 11/15/10(Mon)02:17 No.3786441
    The next morning we got there, we went to the maid cafe really early in the morning. There were twelve of us, so we got seated out near the balcony. Hotel management kept kicking people right the fuck out of the balcony because we were eating. Honestly, it didn't bother me at all until some girl tried to argue with Hotel Management right there in the door, with the goddamn door wide open blowing cold air in. Fuck them. And then they sarcastically came by and said "Sorry for ruining your meal." Better be sorry for interrupting my meal, you dicks. Having people bitch about our 12-Man group was also a reoccurring theme during the weekend.

    Since Samus cosplayer was now some sort of purple demon, I found new girls to creep on. This time it was two or three different groups of Final Fantasy 13 Cosplayers, specifically Lightning and Vanille. I finally got a picture with the best looking Lightning there, but I got totally cockblocked by her "group" full of other characters from other FF games, that I had never seen before, ever. I'll just crop them out. Whatevs.

    Went up to the Host cafe with our entire group, fought with two hambeasts because we reserved for a birthday. Technically we weren't allowed to reserve, but the leader of our pack was super charismatic and weaseled us in, without being an obnoxious dick. The two hambeasts again sarcastically told us "Sorry for the inconvenience." multiple times, while they continued trying to sneak themselves in, even after the manager of the cafe told them to fuck right off.
    >> Flameingblack !VbgHzCcguw 11/15/10(Mon)02:20 No.3786456
    Phones went dead, got separated by my group so just hooved it by myself for awhile, ended up talking to quite a few different people that night, including our waitress from the Maid Cafe who wasn't on duty any longer, and said that the job sucked. I also talked to just about every person that was in that place by themselves. Not because I was ronery and wanted to try and bring a girl back to my hotel. Just because people look dumb and probably feel awkward sitting in a corner by themselves while everyone is having fun. Most of the time, the girls got up and left, rather than sitting there and talking. I meant no harm, didn't care one way or another about what they looked like. Just didn't want to make them feel like losers.

    Went to the 12012 concert, that was great. Saw some titties. Went to the burlesque, it was cool too. Went to the rave, almost got grinded on by Godzilla but blew her off, and started tripping the fuck out when the Stormtrooper was walking through the crowd towards me. Like, it was seriously making my brain go "What the fuck is going on"

    Said guy from our group earlier started to whine again because we wouldn't leave at 10AM in the morning for him, so he could get back to college before 8PM. But fuck him, he's an aspie or something, and shouldn't have gone with a group in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)02:24 No.3786474
    Anyone go to the "How not to be a Weeboo" panel? I felt that there were two people in there that really needed to take the advice, one was speaking out loud and as if he was above everyone else. dork.

    It was unorganized, and I felt as if the guy with the squid on his head should have just did the panel himself. The tiny guy and the big guy doing the presentation were nervous as hell.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)02:27 No.3786491
    and fuck those bitches and the neckbeard for not mentioning Legend of Dragoon on the 'ten rpgs better than FF' panel. Especially since they were hurrdurr overlooked because of ff7 over some titles.

    game wasn't mentioned in the panel anywhere, not even honorable mention, and it's not even a very obscure game.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)02:28 No.3786498
    > cancer vapor
    > sexy

    I don't think so, Tim.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)02:32 No.3786508
    Video rooms were AWESOME!
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)02:38 No.3786527
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    >Mfw I was probably the only person at the Friday RPG "Square to Bioware" panel that had probably ever played Baldur's Gate I & II other than the panelists.
    And I'm a 90s fag. That game came out when I was 7.
    Also, can we stop referring to "Fallout 3" as "Fallout"? There is, in fact, a Fallout 1, which is just called Fallout.
    /vidya rage
    Aside from that the panel was pretty cool.

    That one Asian guy who was wearing a white, frilly dress all weekend reporting in.
    I had a fantastic weekend. Rapped with Parappa, hung out with bros, and got quite a large number of people to think I was a woman at first glance.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)02:42 No.3786541
    Were you the one that was carrying around the LCD screen at the Rave? I didn't know whether you were being serious about being a girl (Because you had a mustache going) or if it was all a joke.

    Either way, next year I've convinced about six people from the group to go as Elvis impersonators the first night. Once everyone starts to notice and go "What the fuck is Elvis doing at an Anime convenction?" we're going Saturday night as Elvis, but with Cosplay items. Like, Elvis with buster sword, yellow spiky hair, and classic Elvis sideburns.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)02:50 No.3786566
    Nope, no mustache. Just a dress and some heels. White, flower pattern in black. Very fancy.

    I only went to the Friday rave, and even then I spent it just dancing with random people for hilarious good times.

    And despite wearing a dress, I am in fact quite happy being a man and do intend to keep it that way for some time.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)02:55 No.3786586
    Then you weren't on the same level creepy as that guy was. I think I remember him being asian-looking.

    The guys that were obviously guys and wearing dresses cracked me up. especially the dude with the tattoo of the female symbol.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)02:58 No.3786595
    Yeah, I try to keep the creep level down to a minimum when it comes to my cross-dressing hobbies. Or just, you know.
    Generally a good idea to always not be a creeper.

    And I do think I know the guys you are talking about.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)03:25 No.3786673
    After going to the same hotel from Katsucon's old location, I was pretty bored since it was the same thing with a different con name. Kudos to Anime USA for showing recently aired shows since most cons don't do that because of licensing issues and such.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)03:26 No.3786675
    i found some of the people hanging out front, OBVIOUSLY drunk as fuck and/or stoned, hilarious. Like that dude in the top hat with the beard and his friend in the pink robe. I passed by them outside the Hilton and they were freaking out asking if I saw an owl on top of the building.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)03:41 No.3786704
    Yeah, I ended up seeing a lot of recent shows like SYD, Occult Academy, and Panty & Stocking and had a great time, even though I'd watched all of the series up to current already. Ended up watching Invader from the Sea (The Squidgirl Anime) and had a fun time, too.

    Those places are also the best way to get in quick naps.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)03:46 No.3786711
    I'm not feelin the smoke, but shes hot. Too bad her boobs were halfcropped out of the shot. someone figure out who she is and ask her if shes got some better boob shots.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)03:50 No.3786724
    You're concerned about her tits, when there was a reasonably attractive Zero Suit Samus walking around wearing absolutely nothing under a thin leather/latex outfit?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)07:23 No.3787196
    Any more pics?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)09:45 No.3787415
    what about cosplay/skit awards?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)10:39 No.3787489
    Fuck the economy.

    This is the first year I've missed AUSA. It's one of my favorite cons. I'm sad that a lot of other people chose to skip it too. Hope it doesn't fuck 'em over too bad.

    I really hope none of the awesome midsize cons like this that actually try to have decent programming go under and leave the shitty huge cons like Otakon that just depend on having a ton of people going because zomg, everyone else goes around. >:/ Of course this recession can't last too much longer... (wishful thinking)

    Can we have moar photos please?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)10:44 No.3787498
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    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/15/10(Mon)10:44 No.3787502
    Me and my friends were in the line for the Rave, and those POSes cut almost EVERYONE. Could smell the weed from a mile away.
    They got kicked out, I think. The white dude with corn-rows was standing outside of the hotel on Saturday, with some kind of sign on cardboard that said "C'mon, son!"
    No idea what that meant.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)10:45 No.3787507
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    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)10:46 No.3787509
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    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)10:48 No.3787511
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    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)10:49 No.3787516
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    I did not expect anyone cosplaying as this character from Lucky Star.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)10:51 No.3787518
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    Gimme that Sandwich!
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)10:51 No.3787520
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    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)11:51 No.3787683
    What were the RPGs they did list? I wanted to go, but went to the masquerade instead. That was a mistake...
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)12:18 No.3787723

    Ball staff weren't informed by the Guests Department that there would be a concert to start the ball until they were at con.

    Programming also cut the ball from 3 hours to 2 hours total... and the band refused to leave the stage because they were told they had an hour long set.

    Thus, the whole ball actually only had 45 minutes of dancing.

    Also, anyone have a picture of the girl in a tight, blue, full length dress at the ball?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)12:55 No.3787817
    The ball was pretty awesome. I danced with Cobra Commander and Jareth back to back.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)14:00 No.3787978
    Anyone see a cosplay(s) that impressed them a lot?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)14:15 No.3788019
    Saw a Yoko from Gurren Laggan that was pretty good. DIdn't get a pic though since my camera was in my hotel room.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)14:24 No.3788048
    If anyone could upload some Persona pictures I would love you forever.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)14:25 No.3788052
    If anyone would upload any pictures I'd love you forever.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/15/10(Mon)14:29 No.3788068
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    I got one. Straight off the camera, haven't processed anything yet...
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)14:32 No.3788077

    Anybody have pictures of the girl in the big pink ballgown? She looked so cute...
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)14:49 No.3788144
    Volunteer here. I mostly worked video rooms (sorry about the technical problems, that was not my dept and had a lot to do with the hotel wiring). Caught some people fucking in one of them.... Even security was fun because I got to talk to people and help resolve problems. I had a great time probably because I went in with no expectations, I got to stay and attend for "free" and I got compliments left and right from staff for being proactive and competent. The most annoying part was wearing a gross, sweated-in by some other person, red security vest that was too small. All the people I interacted with were more or less decent and would move out of the way when asked and stayed in line politely.

    I'm sorry you had bad experiences with the staff but most of the people I was with in video, tech, and artist operations were great and I wish I had asked for some contact info....especially the girl from con ops who was dressed as a maid on the first day and talked to me while we waited for stuff to open.

    And fuck flame swordsman guy.
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)15:11 No.3788213
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    Ok, so I found two photos I managed to snag before my camera broke. Enjoy the only two I have.
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)15:12 No.3788220
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    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)15:17 No.3788236

    Sup, Red here, how did you guys get on here before me holy shit. And why not just ask for my number on facebook gosh.

    Glad you enjoyed the music, I plan on doing this again my next con, hopefully with more than just 7 tracks. Lost my own mp3 player and hijacked my roommate's.

    Was anyone at the impromptu photoshoot at 8 on Saturday outside the hotel? We had some hilarious shots and I'd at least like the Red vs Gold or Red and Gold vs Team Magma.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)15:24 No.3788256
    Anyone go to the Con Horror Stories panel?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)15:29 No.3788268
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    >>3788236 <- This Red's roommate
    I cosplayed Jigglypuff

    The Vulpix in the picture is my sister.

    AUSA was quite fun in my opinion, met some cool people, even if they were 15...
    >> Beloved Of Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 11/15/10(Mon)15:32 No.3788275
    I hit that Pikachu like the fist of an angry god
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)15:42 No.3788296
    I was waiting in line with a bunch of friends. One of them with aspie was dressed horribly, horribly, like a member of Team Rocket. I cannot stress how horrible the costume was.

    The Vaporeon and Pikachu walked by us, looked at him, pointed, and give him a big "NOPE"

    Probably the funniest shit that happened all weekend. I wish I could give that Vaporeon a high-five.
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)15:42 No.3788301
    I seriously loled.
    I stood in front of him in line for a badge and had the pleasure of hearing him explain what a troll was to a girl who asked what anime he was from.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)15:52 No.3788334
    Too bad the hotel made them put pants on
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)15:53 No.3788342
    There was a Yoko who's butt was hanging out of the bottom of her panties, and I saw her walking around the first two days. I don't remember the PokeGirls having anything worse than that.
    >> Beloved Of Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 11/15/10(Mon)15:58 No.3788360
    old maids and puritans
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)15:58 No.3788361
    They didn't, but they were told to change, although when we did our pokemon photo shoot Saturday night, they smuggled out the costumes under their pj's
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)16:10 No.3788376
    would you want to put your bare flesh on a chair that sits in a back room with vermin running about? those thing never get cleaned and hold on to all the filth that unwashed nerds put down. i saw where those chairs were stacked, believe me you'd want to put down plastic. and the floor is even worse.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)16:13 No.3788385
    I came in contact with a lot of creepers at this con...
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)16:15 No.3788395
    Post more pics!
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)16:20 No.3788418
    Found a lot of pictures from the event. Still never found ANY of that Zero Suit Samus that was working one of the booths on the middle floor.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)16:24 No.3788439
    I don't know exactly what that girl was cosplaying as, she had some sort of really tiny red cloth covering her bobos, and that was about it. Saw her a couple times, and the first night she had absolutely nothing holding her top up. The second night she had glued her top to her chest.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)17:05 No.3788630
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    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)17:14 No.3788678
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    Here you go.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)17:24 No.3788716

    me too- i got asked out to the ball by some
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)17:27 No.3788723
    Clearly male.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)17:28 No.3788728
    Posted my... awesome reasoning on facefuck. And we're just that awesome enough to get here before you (I was lurking on here the minute after I got home looking for a AUSA thread).
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)17:48 No.3788790

    Said Flame Swordsman guy, good lord... this guy.
    Friend and I were getting on an elevator to get back to our room and when the door opened he jumped in front of us to get on and then tried to say there was no more room... We got on anyway and he yelled at my friend to not crush his shitty cardboard costume. He then preceded to complain over and over again that he wasn't going to go to the ball because no one wanted to go with him. Also he only got on the elevator to go up ONE FLOOR! After he got off he complained once more about no one wanting to go to the ball with him and a girl in the back of the elevator made the comment of 'Gee, I wonder why.' and my friend brought up a story of how he about saw Flame Swordsman and Chris-Chan about get into a Aspergers fight years ago at Anime Mid-Atlantic. Fun times.

    Also, had to hear Flame Swordsman sing Dare from the Transformers movie badly when we were at the maid cafe on Saturday. According to my friends he also sang the song at the karaoke contest the night before and was mad he didn't win...
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)17:48 No.3788791
    Anyone else get attacked by the Flying Squirrel on the 10th floor on friday night?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)18:13 No.3788893
    he asked me- but i said no
    he seemed a bit off
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/15/10(Mon)18:21 No.3788937
    I wonder how mad he was that he won nothing at hall cosplay. God what an annoying fuck to deal with. Wait outside the room til I call you, don't hover in the doorway, and nobody cares about the two awards you won at shitty tiny cons!
    >> Silly Motherfucking Chen 11/15/10(Mon)19:24 No.3789295

    Also >>3785311
    This guy came up to me, took a picture with me, and the next thing he said to me was "I'M THE FLAME SWORDSMAN FROM YUUU GEE OHHH"
    Somebody needs mental help
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)19:39 No.3789363
    Everyone was laughing so much, they were really trying to hide it. I don't even know how you didn't just laugh in his face.

    And now I can tots stalk you. Hurrdurr.
    >> Silly Motherfucking Chen 11/15/10(Mon)19:47 No.3789402
    I still need to find pictures of that stupid blue dress.
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)19:50 No.3789431
    I haven;t seen anything. But then again you might have been tagged under the wrong thing and I just missed it.
    >> Silly Motherfucking Chen 11/15/10(Mon)19:53 No.3789452
    HERP DERP I'm GWENDOLIN from ODIN SPHERE and also Lady Gaga
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)19:54 No.3789459
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)19:55 No.3789465
    Did someone get engaged/married at the formal ball?

    All I saw was some girl in a poofy dress being carried by the threshold
    >> Silly Motherfucking Chen 11/15/10(Mon)20:00 No.3789514
    I'm PICASSO THE NEWEST OF ALL OF THE NINJA TURTLES and also Santa and you're a sock monkey
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)20:10 No.3789579
    Also, I was glad to hear when the host club catered to lesbians. It was the best.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)20:11 No.3789584
    My best friend and I were unloading the car, and we dropped our stuff in the lobby while we were calling someone else in the hotel and waiting for a luggage cart. He didn't stop talking. Not once. I don't even remember most of it, he mentioned he would be The Flame Swordsman, asked me if it knew who that was (I was on the phone), so I smiled politely and nodded. Later in the night I asked my friend if she remember him.
    "That guy who was talking to... Well, AT us."
    "Oh. Him. Fuck that guy."
    He didn't even stop talking as we walked away, but didn't follow us. I thought the fact that I was ON THE FUCKING PHONE would have shown him that not only did I not want to talk to him, I was actually in the middle of something. Don't flatter yourself that we put our stuff down near you. It was just heavy.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)20:21 No.3789643
    Not that many pics huh?
    >> Silly Motherfucking Chen 11/15/10(Mon)20:22 No.3789647
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    Because obviously this no-penis zone is welcoming a sausage fest

    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)20:25 No.3789661
    I'm excited for this one
    >> Kabuki Mouse !mg0D1lMhlQ 11/15/10(Mon)20:28 No.3789678
    Costume and wig is beautiful. Girl wearing it is not.
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)20:29 No.3789685
    Oh snap son, they got a lot of nice shots. Stop looking so cute.
    >> Silly Motherfucking Chen 11/15/10(Mon)20:37 No.3789708
    All I can find is terrible pictures of it, maybe next time i do it I wont look so goddamn awful.

    I wont stop being adorable until we do Fuwa Fuwa tiem
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)20:38 No.3789721
    FUCK YES FUWAFUWA. Moetiem is now tiem.
    >> Silly Motherfucking Chen 11/15/10(Mon)20:42 No.3789741
    Moetiem is all the time
    >> Ukraine 11/15/10(Mon)20:47 No.3789777
         File1289872066.jpg-(19 KB, 480x270, Blush.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)21:23 No.3789984
    Saw a guy trip and bust his ass playing DDR.

    Whole weekend was worth it just for that.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)21:48 No.3790121
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 11/15/10(Mon)22:26 No.3790312

    Con Horror stories panel was quite good
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)22:26 No.3790314
    Won a $200 headset from a $1 raffle ticket.

    Felt good man.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)22:30 No.3790332
    found this just now on you tube
    >> Anonymous 11/15/10(Mon)23:44 No.3790676
    Man I want to end up in one of his videos at some point.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/16/10(Tue)00:33 No.3790962
    Damn, that was fast. When I was shooting with him, even he complained that there wasn't much good cosplay around to work with.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)00:34 No.3790976
    it might help if he were willing to shoot anything besides tiny girls.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)00:38 No.3791006
    I spot EBK taking an ass shot.
    >> Pirate-Loli !07vf9OgAW6 11/16/10(Tue)00:50 No.3791084
    Oh god that's me. I look so awful...
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)01:43 No.3791395
    Whoa hey, that's me.
    Cool beans.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)08:28 No.3792404
    Moar pics anyone?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)10:44 No.3792572
    All those girls doing Love & Joy? I <3 them. And they're super nice. You're all jealous that I know them. And rightfully so.

    Watchu doin' on /cgl/ nigguh? I know who you are. PP in the house, bitch... Unless they gave out more than one headset. In which case I'm screwed and you will be completely confused.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)10:46 No.3792576
    hi, Ukraine IS THIS A PIC OF YOU?
    great cosplay by the way
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)11:57 No.3792665
         File1289926662.png-(196 KB, 249x367, YAY3.png)
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    Hello there~ I'm that Axel, actually. Our names are Kelly (Axel) and Kristen (Larxene)~

    If anyone has pics, we'd love them because neither of us had a camera
    >> Ukraine 11/16/10(Tue)12:05 No.3792676
    Pfft I wish it was. I haven't worn Ukraine since...last year I think?
    >> !wat//x.h1U 11/16/10(Tue)14:19 No.3792908
    Oh, sup. I dunno, bored and I figured all the AUSA threads would be in here.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)14:49 No.3793016
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/16/10(Tue)16:22 No.3793361
    Herp, my bad on my last post.
    I saw Kristen later on that day, but I didn't see you later on in the day :< I enjoyed hanging out with you guys, but I wasn't able to find out how to keep in touch with you guys after the con >_<
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:37 No.3793663
    So Yaya, Twin Bee and Yuffie (man) Bunny were there. I saw Twin Bee all over the damn con, and heard no dramu from the others, boring
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)18:07 No.3793796
    I'm the guy that knew Kristen through school, Ryan's older brother. You guys were staying another couple days, right? How's that been going?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)18:20 No.3793867
         File1289949608.jpg-(59 KB, 482x720, 149823_456179083316_539878316_(...).jpg)
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    Hello, does anyone happen to have pics of Leon S Kennedy from Saturday? pic related.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)18:31 No.3793925
    You sound fat.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)19:53 No.3794235
    all the usual east coast dramu whores were there, though I didn't hear of any drama.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)20:08 No.3794266
    What no drama?!?! Inconcievable!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)20:51 No.3794405
    >>3793361 is me, if you add me, I'll have Kristen add you~!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)20:53 No.3794412

    We just got back home, actually. We had an awesome couple day. The con was awesome, we went to Baltimore. overall, a very good trip. How about you?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)21:04 No.3794451
    Is that a Matt and Mello in the background?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)21:14 No.3794478
    It very much could be.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)21:19 No.3794497
    I second this request, please and thank you. <3
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)22:32 No.3794705
    i heard Reznor and his brother was there
    along w/ Erisaka

    no drama really?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)22:36 No.3794716
         File1289964984.jpg-(307 KB, 1024x774, axel-larxene.jpg)
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    I was Larxene. My FB is here for whoever was wanting to keep in touch:

    And yes, anyone who got pics, I would very much like them. Lots of people took pics with us, and almost none have surfaced. I suppose it's still early, though, but I thought I'd ask. :D
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)22:44 No.3794741
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)22:50 No.3794769
    Northern Virginia sucks balls. However I will be staffing Katsucon so I guess I'll see most of your there.
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 11/16/10(Tue)23:01 No.3794823
    Thanks! :D
    Yeah, NoVa really doesn't have much going for it (at least, where I live >_>)
    Why can't there be great arcades or anything like that?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)00:23 No.3795122
         File1289971399.jpg-(595 KB, 1552x1036, b2ca9a31b4d3c38597ebddef3d6968(...).jpg)
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    heres a project javior leon karser wesker and hunk i think?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)00:50 No.3795229
    part 2;feature=sub
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:01 No.3795268
         File1289973697.jpg-(36 KB, 500x250, reagan.jpg)
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    According to an older friend of mine who grew up in McLean, NoVa HAD arcades and cool stuff like that...but that was in the late 80s. After having myself lived in Washington for 5 1/2 years, I'm convinced that the lack of fun in the Washington Metro area is due to the boring nature of people who have come to D.C. and can't enjoy a damn thing if it doesn't involve campaigning, protesting, or bitching about George W. Bush. It's a cancer of yuppies, hipsters, congressional slaves, and government workers with the character of a sheet of toilet paper.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:24 No.3795516
    Another good video as usual. Man he sure loves Evangelion cosplay.

    Do you think this is it for his con videos for AUSA or do you think he'll pull out another one later this week?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:26 No.3795524

    He sure does love using the same 5 people over and over
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:55 No.3795724
    So? They look nice and the music is fun, he did a great job...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:06 No.3796428
    Thanks anon! :)
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:32 No.3796455

    I present to you a video log of his victims.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:45 No.3796535
    Oh man, glad I didn't stick aroudn by him after the photo he got
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:59 No.3796566
    i wish i had known he was going to be shooting at AUSA
    i would have loved to have been in a video
    they r so well done
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)15:44 No.3797283

    How was the AMV contest?
    >> Ukraine 11/17/10(Wed)16:24 No.3797491
    I doubt this is intentional, but every time he takes a photo with someone he puts the sword in front of them.

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