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  • File : 1286942362.jpg-(69 KB, 375x500, 1273457139262.jpg)
    69 KB Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:59 No.3654375  
    How was highschool for you /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:00 No.3654384

    Middle School was worse.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:01 No.3654398
    shitty, I went into independent studies after my sophomore year. I was the weird kid all through out elementary, junior high, and those first two years of high school.
    It was in a small town so everyone knew each since kindergarten.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:02 No.3654402
    Awful. I am so fucking stoked that it's in the past.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:03 No.3654406
    I was a band geek. All my friends were band geeks.
    Was a good time, man.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/13/10(Wed)00:03 No.3654407
    >> Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 10/13/10(Wed)00:07 No.3654431
    Pretty terrible, but I kinda made worse on myself. Anxiety, depression and social issues all decided to pop starting in 8th grade and got exponentially worse in high school.
    I missed so much school my senior year that they almost didnt let me graduate, even though I had enough credits to graduate the year before.
    Oh, it was a private Catholic school, too. Dress code was balls.
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 10/13/10(Wed)00:09 No.3654438
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    Fuck yeah, fellow band geek.
    >> B-O-Y !A2InUVAYQo 10/13/10(Wed)00:10 No.3654445
    freshmen year was cool
    everyone knew everyone and we all stayed close
    sophmore year everyone fell into their little cliques, still maintained a pretty broad circle of friends
    junior year discovered the game room, played halo, wolfenstein, and melee almost every lunch. started hitting the gym
    senior year, occasionally visited the gameroom, mostly hung out with close circle of friends.
    it was a good 4 years
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:10 No.3654449
    I almost failed b/c I missed so much. Luckily mom was willing to come and lie for me.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:10 No.3654450
    I was a weeaboo/goth mix like part of this board, I'm sure.
    I was anti-social, didn't like hanging out with people so I was on the computer 24/7, sloppy fuck.
    ..Yeah, my highschool years.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:12 No.3654460
    High school was awesome. It got better every year. Except senior year I became depressed which sucked balls. Senior year I was in super chill classes, had tons of friends, had a boyfriend who was wonderful to me all year. I wish I could've been able to enjoy it more.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:13 No.3654466
    Actually, it was pretty decent. I went to a public school. drove a pretty cool car that I bought with the money I had saved, and seemed to be able to talk to anyone in the school. there was only 1 incident I ever really had and that was with a guy that bullied people. I called him out on shit and he backed down. I still see the guy come into work every so often and he has become pretty chill.

    ...wait. forget to mention I nearly lost my arm in high school....that wasnt fun. other than that it was pretty okay. Too bad most of the people I hung out with kinda disappeared after we got out.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:15 No.3654483
    Pretty good. Complete 180 for the better from middle school. Made friends, weeabooism peaked then waned, experienced heartbreak, first cosplay, first con, came out of the closet to heaps of support because fuck yeah libral small town, got a shitty car but I didn't have to pay a dime, then all my best friends dropped out by senior year and I was the only one of them to graduate on time.

    I miss my Junior year the most though ; ;
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:15 No.3654484
    High school was good times. I formed a solid group of friends within the second day of school, all because a cool girl liked my Emily Strange t-shirt. Most of my friends were weebs and pretty much turned me full weaboo but I developed my own tastes. I couldn't do much in terms of extra-curricular activities because I had to bus to school from across the city, but I had some great teachers and good experiences. Four straight years of honours too.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)00:22 No.3654522
    individual studies with a highly decorated mentor so I never had the chance to attend in a institution with the masses.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/13/10(Wed)00:26 No.3654546
    First half sucked, second half was acceptable, a little fun I suppose.
    >> Mika 10/13/10(Wed)00:26 No.3654549
    Grade 9-11, I was that kid in OP's photo. Felt bad man.

    Grade 12 was swimming and being that kid that was always there but never noticed. Feels good man.
    >> Tim 10/13/10(Wed)00:31 No.3654568
    It was all right. I really regret not getting more involved, but at the same time, I can't really blame myself because I was really shy, had just moved from another goddamn country, and only read manga and watched anime like any other shut-in weeaboo faggot. It was stupid because I actually bought into the whole NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME trash when, now that I look back at it, that was never really the case. But yeah, it was okay. I had some good times and made some great friends. It could've been better, but it wasn't horrible.

    From the sounds of it, if I had gone to high school in Korea, it would've been worse. Basically, I jumped ship at the right time, so at least there's that to be grateful for.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:36 No.3654593
    Freshman/sophomore year. Awkward, generally unnoticed, had decent amount of friends and a social life, though.

    Junior/senior year. Get thin/discover girly shit, become relatively popular, gain nickname "Queen of the Nerds" because all the nerdy underclassmen look up to me, also was president of Anime Club during this time. Friends with almost entire graduating class by the time I graduate.

    Go to college, friends all move away, never make new friends, everyone seems to fucking hate me. Wtf. College sucks balls, I really miss high school. Only person left is my long term boyfriend, and really old friends I've had since middle school when they come back to town to visit and we hang out. I'm totally desperate to move the fuck out of Ohio.
    >> Duo Maxwell, professional troll !LogBsf56gQ 10/13/10(Wed)00:41 No.3654613
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    Cool, I had friends in every crowd, so I was never lonely, and there really wasn't anyone who actively disliked me. Did art, drama, field hockey, a little bit of everything. got good grades, never got in trouble, made homecoming court---shit was so cash. I miss it sometimes ;_;
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 10/13/10(Wed)00:43 No.3654632
    I was really upset about stuff during my first two years of high school so I hated it. I transferred and decided to change. Started wearing makeup, stopped drinking soda, exercised, lost 20lbs. Didn't really change the person I was though. Still was that kid everyone goes to to borrow a sheet of paper or ask for a pencil. Never bullied, but never friends with anyone either. Just the "Oh, she's nice" person.

    I think if I knew then what I know I would have made more of an effort to talk to people or joined a club or something. Actually I would have graduated early, but still.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:46 No.3654654
    Pretty cool, actually. (Junior high was shit for me, though.)
    I never was really popular, but I had my friends, we had fun together, and I got through high school.
    I was always the good kid that teacher's liked, and I got along with most people. There's not anyone that openly disliked me.

    I wouldn't repeat it, but it wasn't that bad.
    >> RedDickulous !!BvBZJIM+I1V 10/13/10(Wed)00:50 No.3654671
    For three years people were afraid of me. Senior year is when the Twilight craze peaked so I got some love then.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 10/13/10(Wed)00:50 No.3654675
    Pretty unkind. Was an oddball misfit that really didn't belong in any clique, but I was still the guy to come to with homework questions. Eventually found a group of friends whom all shared common niches but we weren't a clique of our own. My GPA steadily dropped from my middle school grades, and in doing so, I felt I had set too high a bar getting 4.0 GPAs in middle school only to begin struggling in highschool. Math and Sciences were always my strong points, but literature and geography/history were what brought me down.

    Got into a lot of heartaches because I had a skewed vision on what "love" was. I learned drama existed and that there were many flaws with the world we live in, and some people just make stupid choices and try to make others follow in their footsteps.
    >> Ukraine 10/13/10(Wed)00:52 No.3654678
    >Just the "Oh, she's nice" person.

    This right here. I was really sort of worried and lonely a lot through my early years. But I met my best friend and I stopped caring about what other people thought. Somewhat enjoyed my senior year after some massive baggage I had to drop.
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 10/13/10(Wed)01:08 No.3654732
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    Meh, it was alright I guess.

    My freshman year I got along with everyone really well, made a few close friends and then friends in all my classes because I got sick a lot and they helped me get notes and up to date. Was pretty cool. Also being in orchestra helped a ton...I had lots of friends from there, and the bassists became a second family...untillaterIrealizednoneofthemlikedmeallthatmuch.
    It was fun being an orch dork though. Just sayin.
    Went through some hideous drama with one of my close friends and her best friend because she was a psychotic crazy bitch during either freshman or sophomore year and school suddenly started downhill. The next two years I just felt...literally ill when I went into the school, that place was awful to me, since my senior friends all left and I kept staying home. My last year I did not give a fuck, all my friends were gone and I was way too far to catch up, so I was gone a lot or with a social worker, and despite my yearning for going for my GED my parents made me stay in highschool until one of the last days of school :l
    It was torture at that point, and now they're mad that I haven't gotten my GED sooner. Whatever though, that's life *shrug*
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:28 No.3654799
    Highschool was better than middle school, that's for damned sure. Most all of the teasing went away. Didn't have lots of friends, but was close with the ones I had. I was the crazy/odd/weird one amongst friends, and the "nice and sweet" girl who draws well amongst everyone else. (Quotes because it turned up in year book signing a LOT.)

    Unfortunately there were alot of groups that, while they didn't make fun of me, I didn't feel free to join. So lunch period was a pain in the ass. If I didn't have a friend to join, I ended up getting stuck with the out casts--special ed, wannabe delinquints, basically the harmless but slightly annoying and not quite all there types. Yes, the girl who was nick-named Loco became the most reasonable at the table. Oh, irony.

    Got good grades, did homework last minute. Felt awkward because I wasn't into the typical stuff like dating and such (friends starting joking that I was asexual--years later I find that term is more appropriate than I ever imagined), didn't like drawing attention to myself.

    Senior year a girl got called out for not having her book out for class and instead working on another class's work. She complained about me not having MY book out. Teacher flat out said that if she got MY grades he wouldn't have said anything to her. Later a guy who used to cheat off my work in middle school and was friends with one of my torturers in 6th grade comes up to me during a lab and said, "Don't worry, she's just a player hater," to me. XD
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:36 No.3654834
    High school > middle shcool
    >> Taco 10/13/10(Wed)01:41 No.3654854
    Middle school was really bad for me.
    But High school was strangely alright.
    I went to three of them. Two Mixed ones and One all black school. (There was literally like 10 non-black kids in the entire school, I was one of them)
    And I made friends easily in all of them, never had any drama or anything. People liked me, which I find weird because I can only think of how I annoying I was in hs and why people wanted to be friends with me.
    Wouldn't relive those days because I like college/being an adult better. Even though i have to pay for everything myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:44 No.3654864
    It was amazing. Got into a big group of fellow gamers, anime / internet nerds, etc. There were like 10 of us. We had our own table. Some of us were short, some were tall and muscular, we never got picked on and the school didn't believe a bunch of kids with perfect records would do anything wrong so we never got in trouble. We had lan parties in the middle of AP Java, and Cisco (Played quake). We just dicked around, got great grades and had fun. We had some people sit at our table once. We just stared at them collectively until they left. They were the regular ed kids that were loud, bothersome, stupid, they were pretty much stereotypically black.

    Good times
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:46 No.3654871
    amazing, went to an awesome private school of laid-back yet success-driven people. I got pretty good grades and went to state 3 years in a row for my sport. Never had a boyfriend because that just didn't happen much at my school, but I can't say I missed out, we had far too much fun and we still had dances/sadies/etc. Great times, great people. As stressful as the school made all academics, we got by with relatively few mental break downs
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:48 No.3654882
    oh yeah, I was known as the girl who knew everything about Pokemon and the Legend of Zelda, but my anime powerlevel was hidden completely for the most part/I just didn't really talk about it
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:49 No.3654895
    Strange. Is every post here high school > middle school?
    Mine's the opposite. :/
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:51 No.3654901
    This anon here

    A lot of you that were oddball misfits and such. We'd have taken you in just you could talk to someone or have a group. Even if you didn't like anime or computers and shit like that you could still join in a group that was intelligent and would welcome you. As long as you didn't cause arguments (Big ones, not small ones, we had arguments every day about stupid shit) and were pretty open-minded we'd have welcomed provided you weren't one of these annoying weeaboo fangirls or something like that. There was another table for you guys.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 10/13/10(Wed)01:55 No.3654912
    Since high school and middle school isnt mixed into two different things over here...

    It was cool untill a tragedy happened when I was still pretty young.
    Then I became a social outcast who never spoke to anyone.
    Up till the end of my last school years I was always the popular kid, despite being the biggest nerd ever. And I hated it when people talked to me. I did not want any friends.
    Finally I started bullying people at school in hopes that this would make everybody ignore me. It only made them love me more.

    tl;dr sucked donkey balls. And the fact that I never got any help to get over my mental problems have fucked me up a lot today. Its one of the reasons why Im scared of being the center of attention for one.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:05 No.3654941
    >It was cool untill a tragedy happened when I was still pretty young.

    you wet 'em?
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 10/13/10(Wed)02:06 No.3654946
    No silly, Im talking about real tagedy.
    Death and shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:13 No.3654961
    Hm. High school.

    > "Hey, high school is pretty cool, right?"
    > IRC.
    > "Hey, a bunch of people are going bowling, want to come with?"
    > IRC and games.
    > "Want to go to the movies with us?"
    > Learn C. IRC.
    > "Hey, dance tonight, let's go have fun."
    > Badass hacker. Also, IRC.
    > "We need another guy for basketball, head over to the park."
    > First microcontroller. Plus IRC.
    > "...should we ask Anon to go do stuff anymore?"
    > Horowitz and Hill, and IRC.
    > "Anon who?"
    > moar skewlz. Become engineer
    > ronery
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)02:15 No.3654967
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    Skipped high school. Shit was so cash.

    Also, for anyone currently in undergrad, which I assume most of you are... According to my graduating class, and my personal experience, grad school is high school all over again. Prepare your anus.
    >> Tim 10/13/10(Wed)02:18 No.3654971
    What. Oh man, why on earth is that?
    >> Action Master Anonymous !SHQRhvg.V2 10/13/10(Wed)02:19 No.3654976
    actualy that picture the OP put sums up my time in HS.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)02:20 No.3654977
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    I was informed that I should make a corollary. My statement extends to med and law school, and any other form of professional degree involving further years of study. It doesn't apply to the passive subjects where you sit around procrastinating on your thesis or bullshitting your supervising professor for two to three years.
    >> Steampin !!x1+zdBEXeWt 10/13/10(Wed)02:21 No.3654978
    Mormons, mormons everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:21 No.3654979
    I was like that too, except I would sometimes venture outside of my house with friends.
    >> Tim 10/13/10(Wed)02:22 No.3654982
    Oh, you were talking about the workload, I presume. I thought you meant, like, socially. I've heard something like that about Med and Law school, definitely.
    >> Trippy !!4Q2WnIGPPQY 10/13/10(Wed)02:31 No.3655000
    >Go to orientation day, everyone thinks I'm a bit weird for some reason
    >School starts, make friends with soon-to-be popular girls in English class
    >Go to camp, get accused of stealing most popular girls top by her older sisters (obvious bullying attempt)
    >Become unpopular
    >Get invited to hang out with a bunch of year 8s
    >They decide they're too cool for me and kick me out of their group
    >Dye my hair black
    >Teacher thinks it's my natural color
    >Everyone starts calling me a goth
    >Make friends with a psycho goth fattie
    >Discover lolita
    >Wear awesome sailor lolita dress to casual clothes day
    >Get called a freak every day for the rest of the year
    >Get into fight with friend
    >Have no friends the whole year
    >Develop depression
    >Beg and cry to not go to school
    >Get my friends back
    >Make friends with the nerds
    >Hang out in the library at lunch time
    >Decide I'm sick of school
    >Don't bother in class
    >Start wearing makeup/looking better
    >Get more normal friends
    >Start becoming a little more liked (but still weird)
    >Get awesome boyfriend
    >Fall in love
    >My life is awesome
    >Switch schools
    >Boyfriend breaks up with me for no reason
    >Get majorly depressed
    >Get sick
    >Go to hospital
    >Fail year level for not attending
    >Decide 'fuck that shit' and don't complete years 11 and 12
    >Left now with image issues and bipolar

    Feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:33 No.3655005
    Oh, wow. I'm pretty sure I saw a picture of you recently and thought you were cute.

    Now I know to stay far, far away.

    You should wear that post as a warning label out of courtesy to others. Nobody should have to deal with a trainwreck like that.
    >> Trippy !!4Q2WnIGPPQY 10/13/10(Wed)02:36 No.3655007
    Haha I'm not a trainwreck, just very self conscious.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)02:40 No.3655017
    Uh, I did in fact mean socially. Everyone forms their own retarded cliques, there are asshats abound, the hard working ones are hermits, the intelligent ones are laidback and skate through, there are loners, there are attention whores, there are stoners, there are nerds.

    Also, for those of you considering this profession, I learned a few very basic truths in law school.

    1) If you are a WoW player, you will drop out your first year.
    2) If you are a Starcraft player, you will graduate.
    3) You can spend entire semesters doing nothing but playing Starcraft and Sins of a Solar Empire during class and never read, then crack a book two days before the final and ace it. (Though myself and one of the stoner clique members are the only ones I know who can vouch for this.)
    4) You can get away with procrastinating on a research paper for nearly a year and a half, then work on it 3 days before your deadline and still impress your supervising professor.
    5) If you don't engage in drama with anybody, you will be friends with everyone.
    6) Assuming 5 is satisfied, even if you are underage, everyone will make sure you make it to every Bar Review session there is.
    7) Everyone gets fat except for the slackers.
    8) Every day is crossfade day.
    9) The campus police are your friends, and will give you their phone numbers in case you need a ride home after getting smashed.
    10) If you get coldcalled and don't know the answer, say something about reasonableness, negligence, constitutional rights, 12b6, the parol evidence rule or contract formation and you will likely be right.
    11) Internships are dildos... until you roll a supervising attorney who practices more martial arts disciplines than you do, loves to IRL troll opposing counsel, wins nearly every hearing, swears constantly in a confident and poised way and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)02:40 No.3655018
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    hahha no
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 10/13/10(Wed)02:41 No.3655021
    I was the outspoken rebel nerd girl that fit in everywhere cause she liked all sorts of people in HS. No bullying, I stood up for the new kid, and I kept my smugface on when I was threatened for expulsion for saying my school was a piece of shit on my xanga for suspending a girl for her opinion saying that she needed "psychiatric evaluation." Got disciplinary probation for that one, and if I could do it all over again, I would.

    Fuck yea, high school.
    >> Trippy !!4Q2WnIGPPQY 10/13/10(Wed)02:41 No.3655022
    Do you even know what bipolar is?
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)02:42 No.3655023
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    I d'awwed. No wonder your eyes are so... abysmal. :3
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)02:43 No.3655026
    You are the one who is taking the term a bit too liberally.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)02:44 No.3655028
    Can not forget about the great body you once had
    >> Trippy !!4Q2WnIGPPQY 10/13/10(Wed)02:46 No.3655031
    They're so full of sadness and woe
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:47 No.3655033
    I dislike you.

    Please consider life in a hermitage.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)02:51 No.3655039
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    They are so soulrending and bottomless. Hnnnnnngh.
    If you were a Pokemon, your moveset would be Glare, Attract, Pain Split and Perish Song.
    >> Trippy !!4Q2WnIGPPQY 10/13/10(Wed)02:53 No.3655042
    And splash
    >> Otafool !!dN0tPiWvLV6 10/13/10(Wed)02:57 No.3655048
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    All my pre-college experiences were hell. I was bullied in middle school and diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in high school. I slept in the nurse’s office an average of 2 hours a day. I guess if you asked anyone from my high school, they'd call me a sweetie but probably wouldn't remember my hair color.

    College is amazing, though. On my way to a stellar degree, finally found a niche to keep me occupied, been in an amazing relationship for well over a year, and am working towards untainted happiness.
    >> Violin_Man 10/13/10(Wed)03:01 No.3655056
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    Fuck you band faggots.
    (Goes back to compose a score for a band)

    Freshman Year: Stranger, didn't fit in, got pick on. People picked on me and I didn't do shit. A meh year

    Sophmore Year: Same shit as Freshman year expect I got tired of gettin' pick on so I beat the livin' fuck outta this guy who was bullying me. Faggot also went to jail later that year. Sweet revenge.

    Junior Year: Almost lost my best friend because he didn't wanna hang out with me because i was like unpopular or some shit. Lots of drama and teen angst.

    Senior Year: Things got much better. I started to stand up for myself and went off on people who tried to pick on me. People put their personal bullshit aside and stop hating on one another.

    Overall Experience: High school was meh. Nothing special or grand about it. I'm glad that shit is over.

    Pic not related
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:02 No.3655060
    9th grade
    13 5'2, 128lbs, blonde hair

    IRL only, wont talk about how i met Aoi or shit k?

    >went to sister school instead of school i should be in because i felt like it
    >friends with everyone, switching between groups constantly
    >learned what false nails were, never looked back
    >no serious relationships, but a crush that will forever haunt me.
    >got drunk for the first time, hated it
    >turned 14
    >only went to school 3 days out of the week max

    >that summer i met a boy, he was 5 years older than me.
    >went to london, he cheated on me. didn't care. spent every day with him
    >switched back to original school

    10th grade
    14 5'2, 135lbs, brown hair
    >somewhat tried in school, lost touch with all friends and became obsessed with boyfriend
    >let go of myself because he told me looks didn't matter
    >turned 15
    >started to hate myself because of how badly i was letting myself go
    >became manic due to self loathing, parents were getting a divorce, took it out on boyfriend
    >got dumped for being a insane. thank fuck he left me
    >returned to what i loved, bought my first Lolita outfit

    >that summer i became really close with Aoi. got way into Lolita, decided "fuck school i'm still dropping out". spent all summer working on returning to being pretty.
    >> The Cosplay Cop 10/13/10(Wed)03:05 No.3655065
    Got into fights with various school bullies won some fights lost some fights.

    Played football.

    Joined police explorer program.

    Graduated and somehow became a "cop"
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:07 No.3655066
    11th grade
    15 5'4, 120lbs, black hair

    >go to school knowing i'm dropping out in like 2 months
    >stay up all night, text Aoi in 1st period, fall asleep until 4th period.
    >don't talk to anyone but Lilith and boyfriend from middle school who always tries to get me to do drugs
    >dye hair red
    >drop out
    >turn 16 and get my first brand outfit
    >can't get GED until i turn 17 so sit online all day and do nothing with my life except hang out with Sammy

    then i went back the last week of my classes year to see Lilith, go decked out in Lolita, everyone remembers me asked how i got so thin. i was then hardly 100lbs. get invited to more parties. say i'm not interested.

    and that's all.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:07 No.3655067
    the coolest of cool stories
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:08 No.3655068
    suck my pink frilly dick, Libra.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:10 No.3655074
         File1286953806.gif-(93 KB, 282x323, jewsrun.gif)
    93 KB
    send that story to Hollywood for a major motion picture
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)03:10 No.3655075
         File1286953825.jpg-(32 KB, 175x131, ahahahaohwow.jpg)
    32 KB
    Why in God's name would you have Splash? Silly Trippy, you're not a Magikarp.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)03:11 No.3655077
         File1286953870.png-(109 KB, 469x428, trollface.png)
    109 KB
    I bet he would, too.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/13/10(Wed)03:11 No.3655078

    This story sounds pretty fail.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:11 No.3655079
    the story of you sucking my pink frilly dick? okay.

    but if you mean about my life, LOL no. but my dad is writing a book about his life, and i'm a huge part of it. so if you want to read about me until i was around 10 be sure to pick it up when it hits shelves in... oh, right, never. because he's too lazy to get shit done.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/13/10(Wed)03:12 No.3655080

    What the hell is she talking about. :l

    Libra, any ideas?
    >> Hobbes !4vjNpP5wr6 10/13/10(Wed)03:12 No.3655082
    laughed at ROTC faggots, was skinny but played varsity soccer, got into alot of fights, only lost 1, slung pot, was semi popular was a really bad prankster ( throwing apples at people across the cafeteria and instigating fights with people, had a 3.8 gpa, rarely did homework, went to 1 high school dance and that was the last of it, spent prom night
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:13 No.3655084
    >because he's too lazy to get shit done.

    Did he write Avatar?
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:14 No.3655087
    i am a total failure. without my hardworking and amazing mother i would either be living in my dads house, or my aunts house.
    or my mothers parents. or my grandma. or... anyone really.

    my family is all really supporting, they would all let me sit and be a pathetic piece of not doing anything all day in one of their spare bedrooms.
    * w *

    but i am trying to do something with my life now. kind of.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:14 No.3655090
    ; MM ;
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:15 No.3655091
    Don't worry what she says because its all part of her bigger plans.

    The very cool story
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)03:15 No.3655092
    >implying James Cameron was lazy when he is actually just a hack writer who went insane and wanted to play with pretty new CG creation suites
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/13/10(Wed)03:15 No.3655095

    >i am a total failure.

    And yet despite this, you seem proud of your....I can't really call those accomplishments though.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:15 No.3655096
    no. but he DID distract my driving instructor well enough with his stories that even though i ran a red light i still passed.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:16 No.3655101
    i am proud of who i am became i am happy. that's all that really matters to me.
    i don't want, or need, to write my accomplishments down on a wall. i just want to be happy...


    looking at my life, HELL no, i am not proud of me with what i have done. i haven't done anything.
    but i'm still happy. and... well, why would i want to be anything else?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:18 No.3655106
    Good grief, you are seriously annoying.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)03:18 No.3655107
    They allow passengers when taking the driven in California now?

    You owe me a brofist if you go to ALA btw. I never forget.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/13/10(Wed)03:20 No.3655113

    You're a teenager. Can you honestly say you are truly happy and at ease with the universe?? Lmao.


    Do you think these bigger plans include any of the following:

    Unhealthy diets
    Social one-upping people from her past
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:20 No.3655115
    i am from Michigan, i only have my license for Michigan right now because i don't want to re-take the test.
    in Michigan you MUST have a parent or guardian in the car with you while taking the exam to get your license.

    i hope i'll be at ALA, when is it?

    OH and i'm not a total total failure.
    i've had two jobs, passed my GED on my first try without studying, and... uhm, i learned how to ride a bike when i was like 4?
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:21 No.3655119
    for now i am. why shouldn't i be?
    >> Anonymouse 10/13/10(Wed)03:21 No.3655121
    should be dead
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:22 No.3655124

    You dropped out of school to go be a lolita. Pretty much that's the definition of total failure. When you're an adult you're going to regret most of these incredibly dumb decisions.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/13/10(Wed)03:23 No.3655126
    Pretty bad man.

    Started off shakey got worse from there. I picked my school because my best friend went there. If and when I am a mother, I won't let that shit happen. I'll make sure my kid gets into a GOOD fucking school. I got no tutors or help to pass my 11+ grammar tests and I had no idea they were vaguely important. My Mums lovely but she doesn't get how important a good school is for someones mental health lol.

    I entered my school with the highest SAT scores of the year. So unsurprisingly everything was weirdly easy for me for a change. Intitially got picked on for being smart, "boffin" was a fun insult. At some point a few of the popular girls decided they didn't like me.

    Stress amalgamated in different ways. Didn't realise till after I got a mild body dysmorphic disorder and really took it out on my skin, wore heavy make up to cover it. Looked bad man.

    Had very few friends who stuck up for me, one did occasionally, as she was friends with one who picked on me the most. I did have some good friends though, a few I still talk to today. I also got a boyfriend when I was fifteen somehow which was nice and took my mind off things a bit. However he was quiet and never really stood up for me either. Bollocks to that, I want a MAN.

    Low moment I remember being in PE and one girl drawing on my back of my tshirt with biro. Tried moving didn't do much good. Yeah got paper and pens chucked at me. Got generally and deliberately excluded from most things. Just general women being evil. For some dumb reason I stayed to do my A levels and it didn't get much better and I developed CFS/ME and depression.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:24 No.3655127
    >i learned how to ride a bike when i was like 4?

    Neil Armstrong folks
    >> rome !vCVVZzlOFQ 10/13/10(Wed)03:24 No.3655128
         File1286954664.png-(219 KB, 542x476, 1279843879791.png)
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    PFT, I was prom king.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:25 No.3655131
    possibly. most likely not. i can go anywhere from here. other than really high end jobs, but LOL me working full time at a desk job of any kind. no.
    i watched my dad fall apart from it, and i watch my mom every day with piles and piles of work on either side of her.
    well not anymore... but i don't want a desk job.

    let's just say, i'm safe. i don't need to worry. so don't worry about me, k?
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:26 No.3655136
    i know right.

    to be honest i'm lying. i didn't know how to ride a bike until i was 8. or 10.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:26 No.3655137
    Almost the faintest twinge of sympathy.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:26 No.3655138
    Where, on the moon?
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)03:27 No.3655140
         File1286954843.jpg-(49 KB, 600x500, yougotafriendinme.jpg)
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    Some fucking handholding in Michigan, man.
    ALA is January 7th-9th. Be there.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:27 No.3655143

    Still make an obscure indie film

    She has a cool story to tell
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/13/10(Wed)03:27 No.3655144


    I wish I had stuck up for myself so much but I just couldn't. I was a sensitive kid (I still am sensitive to some things) and they just ground down my self confidence. It's how I know I have quite a bit of self confidence now because I remember what I was like haha. It's also why /cgl has never bothered me much.

    So yeah I have got a lot better. A lot of the scars have healed, they don't bother me anymore. The fact that all the girls who used to bother me are fugly amuses me. Karma bitches.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:28 No.3655146
    Pretty chill. I practically won the lotto when I got some crazy scholarship to a private all girls school. Was in the softball team, yearbook staff and a handful of clubs. Had a large group of friends spread over different crowds that were mostly drama free. Ended up going to my first con and cosplaying due to being egged on by a cute nerdy chick. Good times were had.
    tl;dr College sucks, wish I could go back to high school.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:28 No.3655147

    Darling the only places you can go with a GED are the shit jobs no one else wants. And not all "high end jobs" require you to be sitting at a desk all day.

    Unless you plan on being a call girl. Then by all means.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:30 No.3655155
    >implying the variable of "connections" does not count
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/13/10(Wed)03:31 No.3655159
         File1286955063.jpg-(6 KB, 300x168, Simon.jpg)
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    H-hey..I would've been your guys's frie-

    >realizes at the age of 14-15, he was the equivalent of Simon episode 1 of Gurren Lagann, probably not too far in height and body type and attitude either
    >socially worthless

    ... :/ Tough break nigga. There's always fubu.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:32 No.3655164

    Connections only get you so far when you're a dumb girl who dropped out of high school because she valued being "pretty" over an education.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 10/13/10(Wed)03:32 No.3655165
    Spent all of HS thinking I was going to the shit end of the stick when it comes to private schools. Stuck in the same class with the same people and unbearable teachers (half of which didn't even have credentials) and supplies worse than most public schools are given.

    Switched schools Senior year to a much better private school. Promptly tested out of any math, science, elective arts and English classes they tried to throw at me. The office had to throw darts at a board to be able to give me a full schedule as mandated by the state. This was all while having skipped from fourth grade to sixth, so I should have been a Junior anyway. Spent my Senior year hibernating in the back of my classes and getting As and Bs.

    I had friends in HS, but they were more like acquaintances. I read Time magazine and DC comics for entertainment and other girls snuck in CosmoGirl. The guys were all music-obsessed potheads, surprisingly brilliant dumbfucks and/or /sp/ortsmen. We all tolerated each other.

    So, now I'm in college and I'm taking 400-level courses to be challenged.

    Fuck you private schools, you made me too smart.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:32 No.3655166
    i plan on nothing, dear Anon.
    try it. it works amazingly if you do it right.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:33 No.3655169
    U JELLY?
    you know nothing of my life, other than the two second of snip-its i posted.
    so why you judging?
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:34 No.3655174
    okay, you have my word.
    let's share a snow cone.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:35 No.3655177
    >Connections only get you so far

    What? Did you honestly believe that? Knowing certain people can make all the difference in life
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)03:35 No.3655178
         File1286955317.jpg-(33 KB, 303x404, yohasakura.jpg)
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    Picture related.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:36 No.3655180
    wtf is that and how is it related to me?!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:36 No.3655182

    Nope, cuz I'm barely older than you and have a damn good job and am already working on buying my own house and not mooching off of others. Because I, ya know, finished school and went to college.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/13/10(Wed)03:37 No.3655186

    >Knowing certain people can make all the difference in life

    ^this so much
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 10/13/10(Wed)03:38 No.3655187
    Actually highschool was pretty awesome for me, I hung out with the punk kids, the metalheads, the jocks, the nerds, pretty much everybody.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:38 No.3655188
    that's nice, you're doing what works for you and i'm doing what works for me.

    hurray for not everyone being the same~
    >> HAPPI !!1JaYLEa+Lm0 10/13/10(Wed)03:40 No.3655201
    Middle school
    >all mexicans
    >2 white kids (one of them me)
    >1 black kid
    >always called wuera, hated that shit

    High School
    >9th grade huge weeaboo tiem
    >got over weeaboo phase in 11th
    >All black/mexican school
    >2 white kids (one me again)
    >called wonder bread once
    >got told i blended in with wall
    >failed a few classes, couldn't finish high school
    >went to adult school, got High school diploma fuck yeah

    I'm almost 20 now, everything is so much better. no more immature black kids calling me names. now its just black men tryin' to holla at me everytime I get off the trolley lol
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)03:41 No.3655202
         File1286955684.jpg-(53 KB, 285x638, yohasakura.jpg)
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    What flavor?

    Yoh Asakura from Shaman King. Signature phrase, "Everything will work out." And it usually does.
    >> Steampin !!x1+zdBEXeWt 10/13/10(Wed)03:41 No.3655204
         File1286955712.jpg-(34 KB, 316x320, Ferris-Bueller-p02.jpg)
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    >The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him.

    Charizard confirmed to be Ferris Bueller in high school.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:44 No.3655208
    >now its just black men tryin' to holla at me everytime I get off the trolley lol

    Whyy did I find it so funny
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:44 No.3655213
    cherry, duh.
    or the blue one, raspberry?

    and lol oh, well it's true!
    i live with two things in mine "being happy is most important" and "if you act like it's going to happen it usually does"
    confidence and happiness make a world of difference. i have had some HIGH expectations in my life. wanted things that are OUT OF THIS WORLD and gotten nearly all of them.

    did you know i flew to London just to see Harry Potter open a week early when i was younger? just for that i traveled to another country.
    of course, my mom was silly and got the dates confused, it opened early in the states not the other way around, and not for another week. but still. my life is a dream.
    i am so thankful for it.
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 10/13/10(Wed)03:45 No.3655214
         File1286955907.jpg-(24 KB, 300x400, ferris[1].jpg)
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    Well I never crashed my bro's dad ferrari.
    >> HAPPI !!1JaYLEa+Lm0 10/13/10(Wed)03:45 No.3655215
    cause it really is lol
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:46 No.3655217
    I thought you lived in a nice neighborhood filled with wonder breads?
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:46 No.3655218
    guuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl, you lookin' fyn over there wit yo white ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:48 No.3655219
         File1286956093.jpg-(117 KB, 685x800, 1251588108618.jpg)
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    >social outcast for first two years
    >suddenly everyone knows my name
    >make friends with geeks, nerds and bandgeeks
    >discover art class
    >getting 95's in classes like art, music, computer tech, and shop.
    >get called 'goat lady' because I live on a farm and raise goats
    >still have no fucking idea how I made friends with anyone
    >got punched in face in grade 8 because I spoke 3 languages
    >got in fights every year, always defending my friends
    >somehow graduated and not killed myself despite depression

    Feels...ok, man.
    >> Steampin !!x1+zdBEXeWt 10/13/10(Wed)03:50 No.3655224
         File1286956202.jpg-(17 KB, 424x228, cameronincar.jpg)
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    Technically Cameron was the one who crashed the Ferrari, but points for brohood anyway.
    >> HAPPI !!1JaYLEa+Lm0 10/13/10(Wed)03:50 No.3655225
    no libra, I live in the ghetto of the ghetto :C
    haha omg thats exactly what they say too, ilu<3
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 10/13/10(Wed)03:51 No.3655227
    How the fuck you learn about lolita?
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:51 No.3655230
    gurl when u comin' ovar?

    not really, but i REALLY need to get some of my shit from where-you-live-vil so i might be down there pretty soon.
    we should hang out
    >> HAPPI !!1JaYLEa+Lm0 10/13/10(Wed)03:52 No.3655232
    Friends mostly :)
    then researched it myself
    >> HAPPI !!1JaYLEa+Lm0 10/13/10(Wed)03:53 No.3655238

    wait, you're coming to SD? o_o
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:54 No.3655239
    yeah, Aoi left some stuff at his mothers and i need to get it. like, my dog stuff and my towel.
    and i always tell him to tell her to bring it but she never does.

    so i need to get it.
    >> HAPPI !!1JaYLEa+Lm0 10/13/10(Wed)03:56 No.3655244
    lol i didn't know aoi's mom lived here :P
    ok, just let me know on FB when, hopefully its not during when I have class though ;__;
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)03:57 No.3655248
    you didn't?

    i have class tuesday-saturday. so it will be on a sunday or monday.
    most likely sunday because Aoi's mom works.
    i think...?

    i don't know anything about that woman.
    >> HAPPI !!1JaYLEa+Lm0 10/13/10(Wed)03:59 No.3655253
    lololol well now I do
    a sunday works for meh, monday no :(
    but yeah, just let me know :3
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)04:01 No.3655259
    Not nearly as bad as middle school, but pretty hellish. I didn't make it any easier for myself by having to be know-it-all in my classes, either. I felt like I could make up for my lack of friends by constantly proving I was the smartest person in the world, but I just ended up alienating people.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)04:04 No.3655264
    kk i will <3
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)04:04 No.3655267

    where's the part in your story where you stole the choker? that must have been a significant event, it's such a pretty choker.
    >> Strawberry ShortCrew !6KMyhHELLA 10/13/10(Wed)04:06 No.3655271
    Shitty. Finished my freshman year in PA, ran away from home to live with my dad and did my sophomore year in NH. Moved back to PA for my junior year, and moved to AZ halfway through my senior year, to once again live with my dad. PA state test scores didn't transfer to AZ, so I had to graduate 6 months late.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)04:09 No.3655279
         File1286957398.jpg-(105 KB, 630x623, ohboyherewerego.jpg)
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    Pic related.

    You left out the part where you succumbed to the appeal of the hipster lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)04:10 No.3655280
         File1286957413.jpg-(24 KB, 400x400, Couragewolf20.jpg)
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    I wasn't popular, wasn't unpopular. Had a solid group of friends and a healthy social life. I identified as one of those old-school emo kids with the black-rimmed glasses and the shaggy hair.. was also pretty much in love with the internet, trollan day and night. Smoked too much weed in my last year of high school and didn't get into the university course I wanted, but it all turned out better than expected!
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)04:10 No.3655285
    it's right before the part where i fucked a 50 year old for $1000 and right after the part that i sacrificed a goat to Aoi, my lord and master.

    good enough for you?
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)04:11 No.3655288
         File1286957516.jpg-(51 KB, 227x194, 1285878098558.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)04:12 No.3655292
         File1286957548.jpg-(39 KB, 469x428, trollface65.jpg)
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    pics or it didn't happen.
    oh wait, there actually are pictures of you wearing the choker. ~lolz~
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)04:13 No.3655295
    omg no way really?! i thought they were all photoshopped.

    wow, my mind is /blown/.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)04:16 No.3655299

    lololol blown, loves it. you go charlotte charms.
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)04:21 No.3655309
    all for you, my lovely anons.

    tripfags are good too <3
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)04:23 No.3655314
    Uneventful. I've never been enough of an 'anything' to be labeled as a specific group. Mostly because I hide all my powerlevels. Except for drama with my gf of the time. Not even groups-of-friends-splitting drama, just "you guys broke up... again?" drama, nothing really of note. I didn't hate it, but I don't miss it either.

    College... college I miss.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)04:27 No.3655320
         File1286958425.jpg-(86 KB, 604x453, 9632_272735450649_563455649_91(...).jpg)
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    HS was fun as fuck man. We ran the school, lol.
    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 10/13/10(Wed)04:48 No.3655368
    High school........

    9th grade, 14 ,5'11", 175 lbs
    I was fucking insane and hyper. Thought Andy Milonakis was the coolest motherfucker because he was a fat silly kid like me. NOPE. Fat fuck 30 year old retard. was in marching band, sucked bad, got better later. swim team star this year. the only kid who would do the 200 and 500 free. always a c student, Didn't do any assignments or homework because I knew that shit already. school has ALWAYS been daycare.
    10th Grade, 15, 6', 180lbs
    still fucking insane hyper, but not as bad as the year before. got every grade letter possible on every report card, different grades in each class each quarter. did it for fun. Got in my first fight, my only fighting knowledge was power rangers and batman. I got a black eye, he lost 5 teeth. swimming was still good. saw my first pair of titties. awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)04:57 No.3655388
    fairly suprised no one asked me about how I may have lost my arm.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)04:58 No.3655390
    it happened when you were reaching for the honey jar to cover your ice cream. we all ready know. jfc stfu about it all ready.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/13/10(Wed)04:59 No.3655392
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/13/10(Wed)05:00 No.3655393
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)05:01 No.3655395
    I was home schooled so I spent a lot of my time working instead, if I wasn't working, I was at the facility they hosted our mentors and "state work checks", for ASB.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)05:03 No.3655403
    >>implying everyone is as fat as himself.

    U mad or something man?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)05:04 No.3655404
    you got me man ;A;
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/13/10(Wed)05:06 No.3655409
         File1286960784.jpg-(39 KB, 638x480, luffy_smile.jpg)
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    >mfw coffee was the token asian kid in white suburbia/niggerhoods
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)05:07 No.3655410
    fuck asians man. hung out with them for the longest time and only provided drama and terrible exgfs.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)05:13 No.3655421
         File1286961217.jpg-(59 KB, 640x433, 1285366483712.jpg)
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    Posterboys for a shitty metalcore band. Or maybe a Linkin Park tribute.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)05:14 No.3655426
    grade 7 - 10. Shit, absolute shit. I took 6 months of school because everyone bullied me and I was too scared to go to school

    Grade 11 - 12. Finishing grade 12 in 3 weeks. Changed schools at the start of grade 11, didn't hide who I really was. On my first day I came to school with my anime badge bag, my combat boots and my hair freshly dyed a new shade of red and now I get along with everyone. Life is sweet :)
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/13/10(Wed)05:14 No.3655427

    Lol...asian people are weird, man.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)05:17 No.3655433
    TRUE. We even had a band

    Fruit Cup Brain Freeze

    xFCBFx forever
    They even fucking use sticks to eat. What the hell.
    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 10/13/10(Wed)05:21 No.3655442
    11th grade 16, 6' 1 1/2" 180lbs
    Calmed down considerably, no longer the swimming star since this fetus faced kid showed up from out of the blue.
    my high school marching band got invited to the Rose Bowl Parade 2008 ( my school got invited back for 2012, I get to go again, alumni are welcome to join, shit yeah). saw some AWESOME tits ( truth or dare in the steam room, saw em, told 2 friends when we got back home, she yelled at me saying that everybody thought she was a slut. I just walked away, I always try to ignore or avoid drama), made out with this one chick who was apparently dating a good friend, they never said they were dating so I said they could be mad at me. we're still friends. grade still sucked, I didnt give a FUCK.
    cont with the craziest shit ever to happen to me
    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 10/13/10(Wed)05:27 No.3655447
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    12th grade 17, 6'3" 185
    Grades we're still bad, still didnt give a fuck, I knew I wanted community college because I still didnt know what i wanted to be, plus its cheaper and close to home, I knew i wasnt ready to leave home. Decided I hated swimming, so I started slacking on my club team. I didnt quit until april 2010. Learned about Kamen Rider, still love it (duh). there was this freshman chick with a HUGE rack and a nice ass. we would walk and talk on our way to band everyday. went to new york on a band trip to see 5 broadway shows and chill in new york city for week. had to room with this fucking asshole the whole trip though. the kid was the golden boy of the school, fucking ass to every body, a fucking bully. his sister was cute but quiet, very shy. came back from the mall across from the hotel only to walk in in him beating his sister. she had her top off and she had a fuck ton f bruises. tried to tell the band director and principal, they didnt listen, told me to stop making up stories. ended up in a friends room the rest of the trip.
    Cont with more bullshit
    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 10/13/10(Wed)05:29 No.3655448
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    same trip me and the freshman chick and i fooled around because she said she was done with cody (her BF). It was fun, Untill cody approached me on the bus and asked how his GF was. I said we didnt have sex but we did do stuff. he told the principal and I was suspended for a week, Came back to people calling me a Pedo ( which is funny cuz there was only a 2 year age difference). The assholes sister was the only one nice to me my first day back. we talked a bit, got kinda close too. she told me that hes been doing shit to her since they were little. The mother fucker came up to me about a moth later giving me the pedo shit again. I fucking decked him.he started on about how i fucked that girl, I said i didnt fuck her and how does messing around with a girl 2 years younger make me a bad person?! at least I didnt try and rape my own sister. That made him go nuts, she started crying and the principal heard the whole thing. The ass and his sister left the school, and people started talking normal to me again and shit was fine and dandy.

    fucking high school
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 10/13/10(Wed)05:43 No.3655464
    Decade get the fuck up on out this thread and finish your fucking project you procrastinating son of a bitch.
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 10/13/10(Wed)05:46 No.3655466
    I didn't know you lived in Michigan. That explains perfectly why you're coming to Youmadcon now, haha.
    I always figured you lived in like...Nevada or some shit...don't ask.
    Anyway, that's pretty rad, notgonnalie.
    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 10/13/10(Wed)05:46 No.3655468
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    Nigger there is only so much I can do without resin.
    Fucking hell, I guess I'll make the other Kuuga shoulder then.
    >> Soviet India !!YgdPAF9828E 10/13/10(Wed)05:50 No.3655471
    High school was always difficult for me. Eventually I stopped giving a shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)05:58 No.3655478
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)06:38 No.3655536
    i went to an amazing highschool, where they didn't care to much if you skipped class, teachers were nice peeps, students were awesome, and the school was mainly focused on performing arts and visual arts. people were great, and shit was tight
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)06:41 No.3655539
    i miss Youmacon. i'm really sad i didn't go in 09 when i had a chance.
    i went to a friends house instead to avoid an ex.
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 10/13/10(Wed)06:44 No.3655543
    Ahh, I see, I'm sorry to hear that :<
    I wish I had done that in '08...had the worst panic attack ever that time...lfdlsjfls.
    BUT! You get to go this year, so it's all good c:
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)06:45 No.3655544
    no, i don't. i never get to go to Youmacon again. i live in California now.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)06:48 No.3655546
    It was hell.

    I was completely alone and nobody was my friend despite all my efforts. I had one or two friends till the 11th grade, when progressively everyone stopped talking to me for no apparent reason.
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 10/13/10(Wed)06:49 No.3655547
    ...But I thought...ohhh...I think I got names mixed up ;A;
    I'm so sorry. Maybe one day you can make it back though? If not there are plenty of cons in cali that are plenty more badass, y'know?
    >> Charms !DukVzV1j4A 10/13/10(Wed)06:51 No.3655550
    it's just... sentimental value. Youmacon was my first real con.
    and then AX is getting shut down. i met Aoi IRL for the first time at AX, and it was my first Cali con.
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 10/13/10(Wed)06:53 No.3655553

    I'm still experiencing highschool. All girls school= drama all day like I never left /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)07:01 No.3655559
    Horrible. HORRIBLE. My god.
    High School was full of
    for the white kids- having sex behind dumpsters next to the school, snorting stuff off toilet seats, and trying SO hard to be "edgy", dating drama.
    For the black kids- try to scare everyone, yell in the class the whole time, and getting in fights.
    For the teachers "teaching" DOING NOTHING ALL DAY, Treating the black kids differently because they were scared of them, and did I mention doing nothing all day? Seriously. They failed people out if they didn't like them, they didn't teach you ANYTHING but expected you to know what the hell you're doing when an assignment comes up.
    I'm very quiet and timid. Never been into drugs or sex because I don't really care. The black girls would make fun of me all day, and the white people were just total losers. I didn't want to be associated with anyone.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)07:16 No.3655579
    High school was a big step up from junior high.

    Freshman year: Trying to make friends, but still majorly depressed from terrors of junior high. Afraid of social situations, want a boyfriend SOBAD.
    Sophomore year: After being cheated on and dumped by first boyfriend ever, now suspicious of all friends. I eventually date one guy who is very interested in me. He is a popular type from another school, a year older. I am suspicious. (also, 4chan discovered)
    Juinor year: Happy. Still dating popular guy. I am learning to go to social events and enjoy them. I go to an art school during this summer and decide art school is total bullshit.
    Senior year: Still dating the same guy, things are good. Friends and I have epic amounts of fun daily. Shit was so cash.

    After high school: all friends leave for far away schools. I attend local university, that shit is boring. I get a job, move out from living with my parents because they are crazy. Friends from high school think I am not cool because of my lack of partying and clubbing and bar hopping. Still with boyfriend. <3
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)09:23 No.3655734
    I have new outlooks on life...

    Freshman: Was the shy girl who sat in the corners as often as she could, but having my last name in the 'a's I was required to sit in front. I had things thrown at me all the time, and I was bullied horribly. They conspired against me to tell the school that I was going to bring a gun to school and kill everyone because I was 'crazy' for being so quiet. I would never hurt anyone... Was driven to the point where I couldn't really turn to anyone without them questioning me, so I attempted suicide three times. Almost got put in therapy. Got it all worked out but kept under watcful eye the rest of the three years.
    Sophmore: Just as bad as freshman, and tripped, punched, flicked, laughed at, and of course, more things thrown at me by the same group of girls. The 'popular' ones. I was an easy target.
    Junior: Called an 'uncaring, unloving, and ungrateful' bitch, for dumping my boyfriend of one year for being controlling to the point of me being miserable. Found solace with a group of friend that accepted me, yet lost a lot when I broke up with my boyfriend. Ended up going out with my best friend at the end of the year.
    Senior: Drama club, speech team, art club, good grades, and soared over the same girls that once bullied me.

    It was an experience. Not that college is much different.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)10:15 No.3655794
    Freshman and Sophmore year sucked. I got A/Bs but hated going, had no friends blah blah blah, see psychiatrist.

    Last two years, C/Ds, still hated going, no friends, blah, blah, blah depression.

    College, slightly more friends, A/Bs, Blah, Blah, Blah, life is so boring.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)10:18 No.3655796

    so I attempted suicide three times.
    ALMOST got put in therapy.
    WHAT? I assume these were very half-hearted attempts?

    Shit, and I got put in therapy and on meds just for crying about having no friends & hating myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)10:39 No.3655814
    Freshman: I was too shy to talk to most of my seniors because I thought I'd be annoying them, so I mostly just hung out with my junior high bros. Made a couple new friends, although I stopped talking to my then-before best friend, which made me kind of sad I guess. Joined the D&D and anime clubs, at the end of the year I was voted the president of the latter, which really took me by surprise.

    Sophmore: Became best bros with my older cousin, so I started hanging out with the seniors that were into anime/vidya. Unfortunately this bit me in the ass when a couple asked me to go to Anime Boston with them (babby's first con for me) and it was a complete nightmare ending with them stealing a bunch of my stuff and nearly scamming money from me. Rest of the year was fantastic though.

    Junior: First year without my oldbros. Got stuck in a lunch without any of my friends, so I'd go in the library to eat, or worse, the stereotypical bathroom stall. Had to retake an english class after my guidance councilor fucked up my schedule. Ex-best friend dates one of my best bro, later breaks up with him to try and get someone else.

    Senior: Anime Club (still president, now alongside the aforemented bro), and joined Student Council, Drama Team, and the Yearbook Club. Befriended some freshman, became the only senior in band. Outside of that shit completely sucked, ex best friend created a massive shitstorm (involving Livejournal hurrrr) of drama that ended with nobody in school talking to her anymore.

    College is much cooler, I just talk to older folk and everyone's chill. High school is an unfortunate joke though.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)10:52 No.3655833
    I was more well known than I thought. I was pretty quiet, skated, hung out. I had good grades and tested a lot higher on smarty pants tests than anyone expected. The school I went to was full of super rich, very smart kids but I held my own pretty damn well. My graduating class was 500. I was in a band, my teachers usually liked me, but I didn't drink or get high. So I was rarely invited to hang out with the cool kids. The first year was hard because we just moved to town and I didn't know anyone. Sophomore year was a lot better. The police came to my house a lot because my Mom's husband was always drunk. We used to push each other, that was a big reason I didn't drink. The school had counseling meetings for students in families like mine. I was was from the wrong side of the tracks. A lot of kids when they turned 16 received BMW's and Sports Cars. Some kids had Porsche's. My mom was a housekeeper and her husband was a town drunk. But it was so big no one really noticed. I worked since I was 14 and ate at Denny's many a night. The police moved me out of the house when I was 17 because of the violence and I lived with friends until I graduated. No real fights with other students, no one picking on me. I was pretty angry though looking back on it, I hung around one girl who was dating someone else. Much to my regret, cause when I did start dating it was surprising how many girls wanted to go out with me.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 10/13/10(Wed)10:59 No.3655845
    HS was just so much fucking better than middle for me. Middle school was fucking god awful. Was ronery as herr, had lost all the friends I gained in elementary school (in which I was the boss of the fucking playground motherfucker,) bullied all the time and lots of fights. Then we moved so I could start over and it was even worse, but I got into fewer fights.

    High school, by comparison, was amazing. Only a few people ever gave me shit and they could just kiss my ass for all I cared, the cocksuckers. I had one girlfriend who started off like an angel and turned into a devil in my freshman year. The devil-girl cracked me out of my hikkikomori shell that I hid in during middle school and made me into an outgoing person, which I thank her for. In my senior year I started dating a girl who I had already dated (many years ago, even before the devil) again. We've since broken up, but to this day I think she's the closest thing to an absolutely perfect human being that has ever been put on this planet Earth. Beautiful, intelligent, funny, wild in the sack, and loving like nobody's business but my own. I'm a little sadfrog that we're not still together actually; she was really something else. But, the way I see it, is that fate brought us back together once, as if by the magic in some fairy tale, so I'm sure fate will reunite us again many years down the road.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 10/13/10(Wed)11:11 No.3655865

    As for college... well, I like it a lot. It's fun. Frat parties are a blast, no matter what all the awkward fucks on the internet will tell you. Fortunately, I've fallen in with a wonderful group of MTG/D&D players. Some watch anime, some don't. Some play video games, some don't. It's got a lot of 'elite' players also... IE: We have one guy who was one of the world's top 8 at MTG, supposedly, and another guy who was among the top for Pokemon, Street Fighter, and SSBB. We also have a pro Starcraft player, and I used to be in a top 50 GvG team myself for Guild Wars. Most of them are fellow novelists, so it's a good resource in that regard as well.

    Unfortunately, I've already succeeded in making myself look like a jackass. Fortunately, I think I'm basically fixing that. Unfortunately a lot of the group is hipsters and /DRAMA/queens... you'd love them, /cgl/, I promise. The sheer amount of drama that goes on in this group is literally beyond compare to anything I've ever seen in my entire life... particularly concerning an almost thirty year-old M2F transgender person. But, again, fortunately that's balanced out by the cool moments that we have, and they're not all so dramatic.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)11:14 No.3655871
    I had fun all the way through. Made good grades and sort of glided by. My teacher's liked me because I participated and because I was in mostly APs or language/art/orchestra (I was 1st or 2nd violin first chair until Junior year) classes they were relatively small and I became friends with a lot of people from different social groups.

    I don't understand why people say high school is suppose to be 'horrible' I was kind of fat and didn't care about personal style until Sophmore year and I still made friends and had lots of fun.

    Now I'm in college and still pretty peppy.

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