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  • File : 1285377635.jpg-(13 KB, 304x277, 1285376685965[1].jpg)
    13 KB Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:20 No.3581354  
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:26 No.3581365
    I will be disappoint if there is no decent creepypasta.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:28 No.3581369
    >but who was yaoiiii????
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:35 No.3581392
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:36 No.3581395
    This isn't a very good raid. /x/philes, I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:37 No.3581401
    >my board is fucking lame, let's see what's on /cgl/
    >> Hobbes !0avvS37aVg 09/24/10(Fri)21:40 No.3581409
    /waits for creepypasta
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:41 No.3581414
         File1285378895.jpg-(117 KB, 400x533, 2006_06170103.jpg)
    117 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:42 No.3581419
         File1285378945.jpg-(17 KB, 384x512, 1260304832406.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:43 No.3581424
         File1285379030.jpg-(63 KB, 640x480, b0184727_19101521.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:45 No.3581429
         File1285379100.jpg-(35 KB, 640x480, 1281301228666.jpg)
    35 KB
    >mfw I enjoy /x/
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:45 No.3581430
         File1285379108.jpg-(100 KB, 480x720, o0480072010367154616.jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Amerifag + 1Enoch 1:5 All shall be afraid, and the Watchers be terrified. !s1xD08yV3o 09/24/10(Fri)21:45 No.3581431
    /x/ isn't raiding you, /b/ is.

    they are false flagging, as all kikes do.
    >> Tiggs !SBBUSHtGIU 09/24/10(Fri)21:46 No.3581434
         File1285379160.jpg-(99 KB, 900x675, Slenderman_Skirt_by_LotD.jpg)
    99 KB
    i want this
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:47 No.3581444
         File1285379241.jpg-(480 KB, 1063x1417, P1010291.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:48 No.3581450
         File1285379321.jpg-(233 KB, 1417x959, P1010380.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)21:58 No.3581479
         File1285379934.jpg-(42 KB, 375x500, 428.jpg)
    42 KB
    Uuuhm, ok, then?

    I approve this thread. Happy because Takulu got posted
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)22:59 No.3581807
         File1285383593.jpg-(64 KB, 480x394, downhomelaundry.jpg)
    64 KB
    come out to play, /x/
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:02 No.3581813
    12 posts in 2 hours and 40 minutes.

    Worst. Raid. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:02 No.3581814
         File1285383740.jpg-(1.82 MB, 700x4204, Ash.jpg)
    1.82 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:02 No.3581815
         File1285383759.jpg-(46 KB, 403x359, 1282459200886.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:03 No.3581821
         File1285383808.png-(49 KB, 1007x993, Ash.png)
    49 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:04 No.3581825
         File1285383871.jpg-(2.42 MB, 540x4250, BlueTears.jpg)
    2.42 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:06 No.3581836
         File1285383977.jpg-(488 KB, 1259x1877, Glitchlett.jpg)
    488 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:07 No.3581847
         File1285384078.png-(151 KB, 1554x742, HeartGold.png)
    151 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:09 No.3581855
    what is the grifter?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:10 No.3581862
         File1285384240.jpg-(304 KB, 562x1265, LavenderTown.jpg)
    304 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:12 No.3581870
         File1285384320.jpg-(1.09 MB, 1500x4000, Pokemon.jpg)
    1.09 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:13 No.3581878
    Thanks for boring old creepypasta.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/10(Fri)23:13 No.3581879
         File1285384411.png-(884 KB, 942x1280, PokemonBlack.png)
    884 KB
    >> Con Subzero !oBw50RtmZA 09/24/10(Fri)23:14 No.3581882
    aren't /x/ the fags who masturbate to photoshopped pictures of ghosts and post mortem photography?

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