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  • File : 1285073078.png-(521 KB, 600x1105, 12_Congoers.png)
    521 KB Scavenger Hunt Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)08:44 No.3566160  
    Alright Everybody.

    I am interested in a list of every type of con-goer imaginable. Everything from the basic to the really way out there you have only ever seen once, got the basics already (Hambeast, Creeper, Fangirls.) But still chime in, just interested in making a list and checking it off next con i go to...

    Sort of like a Scavenger Hunt with the lives of Con-goers
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:02 No.3566178
    The lonely nerd.

    Description: This is a con goer that has come solely for the purpose of finding a "boyfriend free girl" so to speak. Look for the awkward energy and a spark of hopefulness any time a member of the opposite sex even looks their way.

    Uniform: Cosplay from the most popular series of the moment as an excuse to talk to girls.

    Favorite anime: Anything moe, probably K-On. Has several waifus

    Warning: Do not make eye contact, they can stalk people for hours with only the most minimum of acknowledgment.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:09 No.3566184
    The Attention Whore

    Description: A woman with skimpy clothes who's there for attention.

    Uniform: Yoko or Sexy-no-Jutsu

    Favorite anime: is Yoko an anime?

    Warning: She will friendzone you as soon as you pay her attention.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:10 No.3566185
    The Crossplay Whore

    Description: This is a girl, dressed as a boy, making out with other girls, for the attention of other girls. But they're totally not a lesbian guys, OMG boys are hot.

    Uniform: Badly tapped down breasts and ill fitting men's clothes.

    Favorite anime: Death Note and Kingdom Hearts

    Warning: If you so much as glance at them their tongues will be down each other's throats, because everyone wants to see "hawt yaoi action" as portrayed by two morbidly obese teenage girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:17 No.3566194

    It's like I'm at a con. Right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:24 No.3566201
    The Furry

    Description: Anime has catgirls and mascots, so clearly it's all furry underneath. If you talk to them they'll tell you how every character is totally a fox, or a rabbit. On the inside. They'll even show you their shitty fan art of it.

    Uniform: Self made ears and shitty fox tail tied to the back of their ratty jeans.

    Warning: Keep them away from mascot characters.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:24 No.3566203
    haha i'm neither of these but then again i don't even go to cons
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:28 No.3566204

    o_o Then what are you.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:29 No.3566205
    The Gaiafag

    Description: Aged 11-17, they are "SO RANDUM LOL XD". Everything is so shiny and exciting to the Gaiafag that they nearly lose their minds at every turn. They love to screech at the top of their lungs and yell "CHEESE" "TACO" and "THE GAME" because "OMG I AM SO RANDUM XD"

    Uniform: A felt hat with cat ears, hot topic t-shirt and tripp pants, multicolored arm bands and/or beads.

    Favorite anime: Invader Zim

    Warning: Avoid at all costs. They will never shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:34 No.3566211
    The /b/tard

    Description: This congoer has only recently discovered 4chan and still thinks its a special club. They're here to "troll" all the "noobs" with out realizing all their out dated memes stopped being cool years ago.

    Uniform: Guy Fawks mask, cardboard sign that says "you just lost the game", boom box playing Rick Astly.

    Favorite anime: CP

    Warning: No matter what you say to them they are going to post on /b/ about how they totally trolled some fags. Ignore at all costs.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:35 No.3566212
    The Normal Guy/Girl

    Description: This Guy/Girl is just a normal guy into anime, manga and video games, nothing that interesting nothing that extraordinary, walks around buys some things poses for photos with some good cosplayers and ridicules every other Con-goer with his group of friends or other Normal Guy/Girl met at the convention whilst being ridiculed by every other member of the con for being Normal.

    Uniform: Average clothes, Jeans, Anime related T-shirt.

    Favorite anime: Doesn't have a favorite. They just enjoy Anime.

    Warning: None really.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:41 No.3566217
    The Hot Topic Lolita

    Description: This congoer just heard about this amazing new style called "gawfick low-lee-tah" from Gaia and all the kawaii anime characters that wear it. If you stop for five minutes she'll tell you all about it and how cute and sexy it is.

    Uniform: Ruffly, plaid, neon pink mini skirt, goth boots, corset top, lacy arm bands and tiny crown and/or top hat.

    Warning: Any attempt to tell them about Lolita fashion will only be met with scorn.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:42 No.3566219

    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:45 No.3566223
    The Slut

    Description: Female. Usually a Hambeast or dirty whore looking to suck out mens souls through their cocks, trolling the Cons for cheap thrills and attention of the lonely mostly virgin masses.

    Uniform: Sakura, Hinata, Rukia Cosplay. Anything easily recognizable and well loved by all

    Favorite anime: Whatever you are into sweety! *Innocent Giggle*

    Warning: Highly virulent carrier and transport vessel for every single STD known to man, ape and frog kind.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:46 No.3566224
    The Elite Cosplayer

    Description: This costume took them months of their time, and they are far too talented and attractive to speak to you. They're a big deal on the internet you know. Oh, they can stop for a picture but that's it. Have to get to the contest.

    Uniform: Elaborate costume that is far too impractical to walk around in, but they're in the halls anyway.

    Favorite anime: Anything by CLAMP, or whatever no one else has done yet

    Warning: Take a picture and move on, unless you're praising them they don't want to hear it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:52 No.3566234
    OP Here.

    Thanks guys. If you want to post up the average ones and your descriptions. They are better than mine.

    Might even make a game out of this next time a major con comes around. Everyone takes pics of one of the Congoers and whoever gets the most wins. Would certainly spice things up
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:53 No.3566236
    The Grrl Gamer/Otaku

    Description: Look out smelly boys! This fandom isn't just for you anymore! They're here and they have tits and that means they're extra special and you should worship the ground they walk on. But EEEEW, don't hit on them! This of course includes even looking in their direction, "OMG that guy was all over me! How gross! Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean you can eye rape me! Jerk!"

    Uniform: Ill fitting "sexy" clothes with nerdy references because, you know, they're totally a nerd you guys!

    Favorite anime: Ghost in the Shell

    Warning: Any attempt to tell them to STFU will be met with screams of "Sexism!" And "Rape!"
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:53 No.3566238
    i'm still waiting for it to pop up
    something like a closet cosplayer, /jp/ neet
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)09:56 No.3566246
    She was coming on to ME!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:02 No.3566253

    You asked.


    That Guy

    Description: You know the one... That guy that traipses around on the internet asking about Cosplay and conventions. Hes always there shrouded in mystery knowing and seeing all.

    Uniform: Cheeto stained singlet, Bright yellow underpants and rainbow socks.

    Favourite Anime: Full Metal Alchemist [Possibly].

    Warning: Enigmatic.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:03 No.3566255
    The Mouth Breather

    Description: This congoer only emerges from his parent's basement once a year to go to this very con because "No one else understands them." Their days are filled with warcraft and cheetos, their nights with school girl anime. They know far too many details about their favorite shows because there is nothing else in their lives.

    Uniform: Sweat pants, baggy stained shirt, neck beard, extra fat and BO

    Warning: If you get stuck near them do not initiate conversation, nothing good can come from speaking with such a bitter soul.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:03 No.3566257
    Consider it's a /jp/ neet I'm going to guess fave anime (well series, not anime) would be Touhou.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:08 No.3566262
    The Doll Lady

    Description: This congoer believes that their expensive ball jointed doll is imbued with its own special soul and is possibly their boyfriend. They'll tell you all about this piece of plastic's personality and how much each of their tiny articles of clothing cost them.

    Uniform: Usually in "lolita" in a loose sense of the word or gothic look, never, ever put that creepy looking little fucker down, even brings it into the bathroom.

    Favorite Anime: Rozen Maiden

    Warning: They've probably had sex with it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:11 No.3566266

    Did you post in the horror stories thread about a chick and her 'Korean Boyfriend Doll' by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:12 No.3566268
    No, unfortunately such experiences are not unique, but I do know the copy pasta of which you speak.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:14 No.3566270
    The Fatlus

    Description: Loli-lovin', level grindan hambeast. If there's a J-RPG available in english he'll have it pre-ordered months before release to get that body pillow and art book of his waifus first no matter how shitty everyone tells him it is.

    Uniform: Junpei hat, Disgaea shirt, cheeto substance

    Anime: Anime? HAH! There's no date option in an anime.

    Warning: Never played Ar Tonelico? THEN YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT J-RPGS YOU BAKA GAIJIN
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:23 No.3566285
    The Hentai Guy

    Description: The guy into hentai who goes to a Animecons to pray that his Harem fanfictions will come to life.

    Uniform: Trench coat and May god have mercy on whoever knows what is beneath that trench coat.

    Favourite Anime: Katawa Shoujo.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:26 No.3566291
    i'm female but it fits.
    and i'd switch fma with "pretends he doesn't watch anime and is a vn/touhou elitist"
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:28 No.3566298
    The "Nice" Guy

    Description: This man hasn't possibly ever gotten laid, and he's convinced that the only way into a woman's pants is to follow her around like a subservient slave, though in reality this means every girl that doesn't find him too creepy to stand has permanent friend zoned his ass. He's seen often offering to buy girls meals, drinks, anime goods, tshirts, plushies, candy, anything that will get them to talk to him for five minutes more.

    Uniform: Out of date fashion, dirty white running shoes, fanny pack, possible pony tail.

    Favorite anime: Love Hina

    Warning: Do not accept anything from him, though free stuff is nice you'll more then pay for it in awkward advances and creepy leering.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:44 No.3566330
    The Girlfriend Guy

    Description: That guy who goes to a convention for the sole purpose of showing off his neat shiny girlfriend who is into anime to all the other fantards out there.

    Uniform: Matching outfits / Cosplay

    Favourite Anime: Whatever his girlfriend likes.

    Warning: Do not talk, look, smile or photograph his girlfriend he will see this as a threat and try to assert dominance, which can be countered with a single sturdy backhand


    The Girlfirend

    Description: The chick that is just sorta into anime, she likes it but not enough to attend a con by herself, she only got into anime because her boyfriend is into it but now shes here.

    Uniform: Matching Cosplay / Uniform

    Favourite Anime: Whatever her boyfriend likes.

    Warning: [See The Girlfriend Guy.]
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:51 No.3566350
    I'm definitely the Chaperone. Reading too many convention horror stories has made me expect the worst.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:55 No.3566361

    Lol... The crazy thing is horror stories are what makes Cons so... Fun!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)10:58 No.3566371
    Last three cons I've been to I've fallen under that critieria. I buy some manga and figurines, take photos, hang out with a small group of friends and we sometimes go out to explore the city where the con's taking place. No cosplay, play a little bit of vidya, make fun of the bad cosplayers, praise the good and more obscure ones, sometimes go to watch anime or a panel if it's something decent. Once it's the last day or I get bored before it I leave.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:06 No.3566388
    The Alpha Nerd

    Description: What anime do you like? Well they read the manga years ago, before all you fagots ruined it. It's horrible now that EVERYONE likes it. They will obnoxiously correct you on any little thing to do with any series and constantly have to one up everyone around them. Did you buy a DVD? Well they have the box set at home. Did you get a poster? Well they have three wall scrolls at home. Clearly no one is a real fan except for them.

    Uniform: T shirt with the most obscure/newest series possible.

    Favorite Anime: Oh, you wouldn't know it. It's not out in America yet.

    Warning: No fun is allowed near this congoer.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:10 No.3566395
    The Pirate

    Description: This person paid fifty dollars plus to sit in the lobby with their laptop and hard drive with thousands of hours worth of pirated anime on it despite the fact there are rooms showing anime less then ten yards away. They always seem to be planted in the same spot, their laptop volume turned to maximum, doing the very thing they do every day at home.

    Uniform: Baggy, dirty clothes. Possibly been sleeping on the floor in their hotel room or the con halls.

    Favorite anime: Haruhi, Naruto, or what ever fan subs are popular right now.

    Warning: Look out for their power cords, they like to stretch them across the hallways.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:11 No.3566398
    >Thanks for your request.
    >It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
    >This thread has been requested 1 times now.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:18 No.3566410
    The Yaoi Fangirl

    Description: Did you know that every character in every series ever made is secretly gay and hooking up behind the scenes? Even the ones with hetero love interests, families and children. It's all to hide who they truly are because society doesn't understand. These congoers are often seen encouraging cosplayers to make out, but raging if a female character is present in the group.

    Uniform: Ita wa-loli, baggy tshirts and jeans with wolves on them, naruto head bands and of course, yaoi paddles.

    Warning: Can be deadly when enraged or excited. Their glomp attack is known to be devastating because of their extra mass, and their yaoi paddles are often used with out discretion. While an interesting creature to observe, make sure it is from a safe distance.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:18 No.3566413
    The Closet Case

    Description: This is a girl who denies any love of anime in public and only reveals her powerlevels when tricked or bribed by her closest friends. The only reason she came to the con was enduring months of begging from her friends; now she's in an uncomfortable costume that she barely agreed to and is shuffling through the dealer's room or artist's alley redfaced and stuttering because she can't stand the embarrassment of actually enjoying herself. Every once in a while she'll pick up something she might want or point out a cosplayer that excites her with a stifled squeal, then retreat to the bathroom, mortified.

    Uniform: Something from an anime she'll admit to having watched only after repeated questioning.

    Favorite anime: Any of the Gundam series, Franken Fran, or Cowboy Bebop

    Warning: By the end of the con will have out-weeabooed even the middle-school furry yaoi fangirls due to overstimulation.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:20 No.3566418
         File1285082408.jpg-(24 KB, 640x480, Futurama_Fry_Looking_Squint.jpg)
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    The Normal Cosplayer:
    Description: In a costume, usually of a fairly well known anime. Likes Shonen Jump, DBZ, Cowboy Beebop, Hellsing, and has heard of most of the harem moe but does not really watch them. Also enjoys gaming but is not good enough to spend more than a round in any of the gaming rooms.

    Uniform: Camera + Bag and Common Cosplay. Not good enough to enter into competition, but he/she wouldn't want to anyway with all the drama.

    Favorite Anime: Likes lots of anime, but probably Cowboy Bebop or Ghost in the Shell:SAC

    Warning: Most likely commisioned the costume, but hey, at least he/she ironed it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:20 No.3566419
         File1285082412.png-(520 KB, 743x720, 1282362533128.png)
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    The Elitist Fan

    Description: The one that thinks they know everything about anime. Only watches series they believe to be above average understanding. Moe? Only if you're a japanophile. Elfen Lied? Baccano? Fuck that shit, how about watching something by a true artist like Satoshi Kon or Studio Shaft.

    Uniform: They're too good for conventions and hambeast attention whore hobbies like cosplaying. They'd be at home wearing their Galactic Empire shirt - with only the logo of course, but you mainstream weeaboos wouldn't understand.

    Favorite Anime: Kino's Journey, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and either Bakemonogatari or The Tatami Galaxy

    Warning: Never mention to them that you watch streams. Or mainstream anime. Or anime in general.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:22 No.3566422

    >Not good enough to enter into competition, but he/she wouldn't want to anyway with all the drama.
    >Warning: Most likely commisioned the costume, but hey, at least he/she ironed it.

    You're a dramafaggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:23 No.3566425
    The adorable child

    Description: This child is usually under the age of 5 and has no idea what a con even is. Usually is either carried around or in a stroller driven by their parents.

    Uniform: Some kind of usually cute costume and a bewildered expression.

    Favorite anime: whatever is on

    Warning: Strollers are tripping hazards and lane blockers, parents carrying children will also move more slowly. Don't knock them over or the adorable child may become a cranky child.

    Cranky child

    Description: This child has no idea what's going on, doesn't want to be here, is probably tired, hot, hungry or any combination of all of the above and still their parents are dragging them around.

    Uniform: Sometimes an uncomfortable uniform, an obviously upset expression.

    Favorite anime: I want to go home!

    Warning: Give them a wide berth- their parents aren't likely to remove them from the con anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:23 No.3566427
    Has anyone noticed that we have skipped Weeaboos and Hambeasts?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:24 No.3566428
    The Regular Dude.

    Description: They're there but you don't ever really notice it unless you were hanging out with them or you knew them. Well, unless they're wearing a cosplay from whatever they're fond of without being neckbreathing, screaming fangirls about it.

    Uniform: Whatever they'd wear on the street, or whatever cosplay they feel like. Nothing grand or eye catching, usually, but still nice quality.

    Favorite anime: Varies from Dude to Dude.

    Warning: Fangirling or being an elitist near them may result to you getting laughed at or them moving far, far away from you for the rest of the con.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:25 No.3566431
    Would give a thousand internets to someone if they made a scavenger card with all of these, just like the OP's pic.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:25 No.3566433
    >uncomfortable *costume

    whoops, derp.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:26 No.3566436
    I'll do hambeast right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:27 No.3566438
    The Japanophile

    Description: This congoer is only here as a substitute for glorious Nippon. They speak in broken Japanese phrases, say they don't need to read the subtitles on the anime, and call everyone "chan". They insist you call them by their "real" more "kawaii" name "Sakura", and heaven help you if you forget to add "chan." They're going to Japan someday to be a beautiful aidoru/mangaka/seiyuu and don't you try to stop them, they've only just begun to shine.

    Uniform: Ill fitting kimono or yukata, possibly with full geisha make up, or what they think geisha make up is. They will always have pockey, mocchi or some other amazing treat from the orient they are stuffing in their fat face.

    Favorite anime: Genshiken

    Warning: You will not understand anything they say, even if you speak Japanese. Theirs is a language all their own.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:30 No.3566441

    OP here.

    Im working on it bro. Just without the pictures. Any who keep a lookout over the next few days for it. Probs gonna be a series if they keep coming in like this
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:33 No.3566447
    The Hambeast(s)

    Description: A common convention occurrence that comes in two special flavors: male and female. You'll smell them coming from meters away and won't be able to move once they get in your way.

    Uniform: For the male hambeast form we have a pair of cargo shorts and an old faded shirt either featuring the likes of Trigun or an outdated and unfunny internet meme. As the girls? "Tee-hee, don't hit on me you silly boys" they chortle as they prance in their bright pink lolita that looks like cupcake vomit or mediocre cosplay that can barely contain their fleshy mass. Goffs are also a common occurrence, not like you'd be able to understand their deep meaningfulness.

    Favorite anime: Bleach, DearS, anything featuring cutre or sexy characters because anime is soooo kawaii desu ^w^

    Warning: Avoid sleeping in hotel rooms with them unless you want to have to step around their dirtied undergarments covering the floors and watch them wolf down all of the food you bought beforehand.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:34 No.3566451
    The "Moe" Girl

    Description: This girl thinks she knows what the anime boys like, and she is going to "Nyu" "Nani" and pouty face it up until everyone loves her. She speaks in a sweet sugary tone, pretends to cry at the slightest provocation, makes cat like motions with her hands, and is trying so terribly hard it is actually physically painful to watch.

    Uniform: Maid outfit, cat girl, school girl, anything they think a man will think is cute

    Favorite Anime: DiGi Charat

    Warning: Being near this congoer for more then five minutes may cause you to compulsively strangle her.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:44 No.3566470
    I think I hate this one most of them all.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:44 No.3566472
    The Westener.

    Description: The OBVIOUSLY western white guy at the convention. This guys catchphrase is "Hey is this anything like Comicon?" Bane of all Fantards and Neckbeards. If this were the 1920's this congoer would be lynched and strung in the mainhall for everyone to clap.

    Uniform: Any Marvel / DC cosplay.

    Warning: Do not befriend, they are likely to be ran out of the convention by angry Neckbeards and Narutards.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:45 No.3566473
    The Party Animal

    Description: This con is just one long party you're not cool enough to get into. This congoer goes from room party to the dance to room party to drinking in the back of an anime screening to another room party to passing the fuck out. They are constantly inebriated off of something, be it booze, weed, or ecstasy, and by the end of the weekend they'll be so ragged they can barely stand.

    Uniform: Sunglasses at night, shirt optional, frat boy grin

    Favorite anime: DBZ ...Honestly, they mostly play halo. They just think anime chicks are easy.

    Warning: While they can be fun in small doses, they're often over powering and loud over an extended period. Have fun with them during one room party, but don't invite them to do anything else.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:46 No.3566476
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:46 No.3566479
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:46 No.3566480

    Dont we all?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:52 No.3566488
    The Protester

    Description: Did you know that god hates fags? How about that we're all doomed to hell for liking our child pornographic Japanimations? Jesus is our only hope and they're here to tell us. Though they're not allowed inside they can be seen in a small cluster just outside the convention center, usually surrounded by a group of cosplayers taking amazingly hilarious photos.

    Uniform: Proper attire, protest signs, megaphone, look of righteous disgust

    Favorite anime: Jesus saves!

    Warning: No warning, go have fun with these guys, it's always hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:53 No.3566491
    The Weeaboo.

    Description: 12-17 year old age range. Devout lover of all things Japanese - by which we mean mainstream anime, cuz all Japanese people love that stuff, right?

    Uniform: Naruto headband, Bleach wristband, and a Death Note shirt because THAT'S HARDCORE, like ELFEN LIED AND SOUL EATER YEAHHH.

    Favorite Anime: Anything Shonen Jump or Big 3 related - except for One Piece bcuz OMG 4KIDS KIDDIE SH*T, AMIRITE

    Warning: Avoid mentioning anything from before 2000 or in the recent seasons. Birdy? What's that, some shit about animals? Why don't you watch a REAL anime, like Fullmetal Alchemist or Code Geass?!?1
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)11:57 No.3566500
    The Hater

    Description: This person was dragged here forcibly, and they are not happy. They may be a younger or older sibling, a boyfriend or parent. They're stuck in this hell hole and they are going to complain about it. It's clearly too hot, crowded and full of annoying fags. They're hoping that if they make enough fuss they'll get to leave.

    Uniform: Completely normal clothes.

    Favorite anime: We ALWAYS do what YOU want to do!

    Warning: Try to tune them out completely and just remember that as bad as your con experience may get, at least you don't have that bitch following you around.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:00 No.3566507

    Description: Them. The volatile and virulent concoction that occurs at every. single. fucking. convention. Not a single entity but a collection of every single female congoer. All there for different reasons. The Hambeasts for any leftovers that fall from the top rungs. The Cosplayers hanging out with those beneath them for the all important ego boost and the small collection of weaklings that need stronger alpha females to support them. Once you are inside there is no escape.

    Uniform: Every female example shown above.

    Favourite Anime: Every Female example shown above.

    Warning: If you do not get out whilst you have a chance then may god have mercy on your soon to be killed, crushed and destroyed soul. You shall not be forgotten kind soul as you bought everyone else time to escape... Them...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:02 No.3566512
    The Wildcard

    Description: This congoer thinks their kookiness makes them fun, cute, spontaneous and unique. They do things that deny explanation. They may lay down in the middle of the hall, take a stranger by the hand and lead them in circles, or do a hand stand and then flop down on their back. They'll then simply stare and you wide eyed and leave, hoping that their little bit of mysterious fun will stay with you, when really all you wonder is what they've been smoking.

    Uniform: Generic cosplay or raver gear

    Favorite anime: *Wide eyed stare*

    Warning: When you see them once avoid them the second time. They'll never be normal.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:07 No.3566524
    The Staffer

    Description: Recognized for their haggard, beleaguered look and black tshirts, this congoer thought they were getting a free ride and ended up with more then they bargained for. They thought they'd get a cool weekend hanging out with cool people and watching doors. Instead they've had to break up fights, listen to petty complaints, answer insane questions and generally get harassed until their ready to climb a clock tower and all for the privilege of sitting right where they are.

    Uniform: Staff tshirt, five oclock shadow, bags under eyes

    Favorite anime: I think I hate anime now

    Warning: Only approach with a real, dire concern. They have been known to snap and get ban happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:12 No.3566535
    Ausfags going to bed. Keep the thread alive boys and girls
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:16 No.3566550
    Holy shit you just described my friend. Last con we were at, she purposely wore a "moe" maid uniform and hung out in the maid cafe for attention, and whenever someone would nicely ask her "Hey, do you work with the cafe?" She'd make an "UGH" noise and roll her eyes, then look at me and be like "I just don't GET why all of these guys think I work here! They think I'm CUTER than the actual maids?" loud enough for them to hear, then turn to them and say "nyahh~ Nope, I'm sowwy! I don't work here~!!"
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:16 No.3566551
    The Con Virgin

    Description: This comes in two flavors, terrified and terrifying. The terrified virgin wanders around wide eyed, gasping at all the strangeness around them. Was that a man in a skirt? Did that girl just tackle someone? This figurine costs how much?! The terrifying virgin promptly loses their mind five minutes into the con and are soon trying to instigate caramella dansen sessions and screaming at people how "supa kawaii" they are. They soon overload on pocky, crash, and pass out.

    Uniform: Generic anime tshirt and jeans

    Favorite anime: Bleach/Naruto/Death Note

    Warning: Avoid either flavor, it's always awkward the first time.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:16 No.3566553

    Alright, someone described my con experience.

    I was dissapointed that I couldn't relate to any of the one's in OP's pic.

    I find it obnoxious how obsessed people get with a particular anime. They might have not even seen that anime or only watched half of it. Maybe they watched the whole thing but have no idea what it's about because they just like the way the character looks.

    Whatever happened to watching anime because of decent entertainment and creative plot, character creation. You don't need to be obsessed to enjoy an occasional anime.

    Oh well, carry on. I take my leave of /cgl/ for another few months.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:18 No.3566562
    could someone make up a fusion of the gamer and the elitist cosplayer, that would perfectly fit me and the people I attend cons with. possibly some hater in there too.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:19 No.3566565
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    What a fucking cunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:22 No.3566574
    The AzN

    Description: Anime is part of their "traditional heritage", even if they're from the Philippines (ESPECIALLY if they're from the Philippines). Usually attends in packs. usually be found in the gaming room playing DDR or some fighting game.

    Uniform: White T-Shirt, Hawaiian shirt, cargo pants

    Favorite anime: GTO, Initial D, Gintama

    Warning: Spending too much time with them will cause you to develop an unhealthy appreciation of k-pop
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:28 No.3566589
    >>3566574 ESPECIALLY if they're from the Philippines

    If they're from the Philippines, odds are 1-in-1.5 that their parents watched Voltes V.

    So, yeah. It kind of IS their heritage.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:29 No.3566593
    Especially Initial D, they're all about that shit
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:30 No.3566595
    The Mary Sue

    Description: It's not this special snow flake's fault that everyone is so attracted to her. She's just so kawaii that all the guys can't stop hitting on her. OMG did you see the way that employee handed her that soda? It was like he almost raped her! She's just that pretty and sparkly, there's no way anyone would look at her and not fall in love with her.

    Uniform: Hair that has never been cut, pewter necklace with multi colored marbles, skirts that are too short, possible hot topic ensemble or shitty cosplay of their amazing OC with no wig because her natural hair is so pretty you guys!

    Favorite Anime: Twilight.

    Warning: Do I really need to say? This girl thinks the whole world revolves around her and her special magical sparkles. Stay away from her unless you want to be pulled into a terrible fan fic.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:30 No.3566598

    What that guy asked for


    The Ultra Gamer.

    Description: What is HE!? Doing here? Is the general reaction of seasoned congoers as the Ultra Gamer wanders in with his gaggle of less skilled WoWfags. He attends every year to see the sights maybe try out the new streetfighter clone in the gaming lounge, even though he is at a anime convention he loathes everything Asian except for Street Fighter and Starcraft.

    Uniform: High End Dantes Inferno Cosplay. Including Moulded Steel scythe created in Belgium.

    Favourite Anime: Anime is for Scrubs!

    Warning: Do not engage in conversation it will inevitably end with a 4 hour conversation over the subtle divergences between Street Fighter vs Mortal Combat. If engaged in gaming match loss means eternal ridicule and winning means an endless stream of complaints about his controller and that he is better at home. Just ignore if the chance is presented
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:32 No.3566602
    The Real Staffer

    Description: Recognized for their surly attitude and black tshirts, this con goer like to bitch and moan about how they actually have to work, and often think that they're the con private security firm but have neither the training or authority to do so, often if you ask them a simple question they'll get all pissy

    Uniform: Staff tshirt, five oclock shadow, bags under eyes

    Favorite anime: I think I hate anime now

    Warning: They have been known to snap and get ban happy but they most likely don't have that kind of power

    Note: Their non-existent powers have no effect on
    The Bystander
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:35 No.3566612
    The White Guy Boyfriend

    Description: OMG you guys, this congoer bagged a for reals Asian girl and he's showing her off. It doesn't matter if she's Chinese or Korean or if her face is terribly unfortunate, or she's so annoying you want to claw your eyes out, she's REAL ASIAN and she's his girlfriend, though by the end of the con she's probably going to dump his ass for this stupid shit.

    Uniform: Trying to dress cool, always has his hand/arm on said human accessory.

    Favorite anime: Genshiken

    Warning: Do not get jealous of this fagot, that makes you ten times worse.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:42 No.3566630
    The Creeper

    Description: This congoer comes for one reason only: to have an excuse to be in some proximity to the object of their sexual desire. Whether it's taking unwanted photos, standing too close, making awkward blatant advances the creeper seems to care not for success, their only hope seeming to be to get a reaction out of their query.

    Uniform: Expensive camera, moe tshirt, body pillow, hug me sign

    Favorite anime: Strike Witches

    Warning: Though creepers are the most skin crawling, they are generally physically weak and harmless in the face of larger male opposition.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:45 No.3566638
    I could keep writing these all day, but I need to try to sleep. Keep this thread alive while I'm gone, /cgl/.
    >> Fuwa Fuwa !8ZqIJh0fLk 09/21/10(Tue)12:46 No.3566639
    The Brand Lolita:

    Either over 20 with a decent job that allow her to afford brand or is a spoilled daddy's girl.

    In terms of clothing, can be divided into the basic groups:
    -OTT, wearing AP's latest and most wanted prints;
    -Classic, wearing DAT DRESS from VM/MM that you would die to have but would never fit;
    -Gothic, showing off her Iron Gate for your envy;

    In the internet, these three tear each other's outfits apart, but IRL pretend to be the best friends, potentially for lack of option. They look down on the Hot Topic Lolitas and are very harsh when it comes to handmades, accepting them only rarely and never as an equal.

    Warning: Ask for pictures, you'll get a sweet yes, turn your back and they'll start talking about how you were too close, ugly, smelly, fat with a bad hairdo, and touched their brand outfits almost ruining them.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)12:47 No.3566643
    The Muscle Man

    Description: This is a con goer is actually quite the oddity, spends an equal amount of time in the gym as he does watching anime, often scares the crap out of most people
    Uniform: Spartan cosplay

    Favorite anime:Fist of the North Star or "None of that faggot shit."

    Warning:Will most likely steal your girl and your booze
    >> Fuwa Fuwa !8ZqIJh0fLk 09/21/10(Tue)12:55 No.3566655
    The Handmade Lolita:

    Never underage, usually a girl that works hard and has big dreams of opening her own clothing line. 90% of the time, she's too old and not talented at all.

    Tries hard to befriend The Brand Lolitas in the hopes they'll comission her stuff, but fails to realize they won't pay over $50 if it doesn't have a designer tag.

    While the younger ones are usually quite social, they're taken by peer pressure during the con and acts weird and a bit too fetching.

    They think all brand lolitas were SO NICE IRL!, and has no idea it is them who finally agree in something and tear their handmade dress apart anonimously on 4chan.
    While The Brand Lolitas have no idea it is them who white-knight them to death people on the same site call them bitches and start spilling drama.

    Warning: Will criticize any cosplayer who sews their own outfit saying they can't sew to save their lives. Fact is, their handmade dress isn't that great either.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:00 No.3566661
    The Jaded Cosplayer

    Description: This breed of cosplayer has been around since "before anime was cool," and they will never miss an opportunity to regal you with tales of "the good old days" when the con was in a different hotel and when people "actually cared about the characters they were cosplaying as." They can be seen standing around the con looking bored and grumpy, or found on post-con forums or LJ posts threatening to never return because COMIC/SCI-FI CONS ARE SO MUCH MORE MATURE, but you can always count on seeing them return to the same conventions every year. Some will never enter the convention at all, insisting on spending the entire convention doing private photoshoots half a mile away, or simply hiding in their hotel rooms. Most will try to avoid paying for registration, stating it's "not worth their money."

    Uniform: Steampunk costumes, comic costumes, sci-fi costumes, retro bullshit, anything unrelated to current anime.

    Favorite anime: "I CAN'T REALLY -GET INTO- NEW ANIME."

    Warning: Some of the most drama-filled cosplayers you will encounter.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:02 No.3566665
    Forgot to add under uniform:
    - "original" costumes
    - If they're wearing anything from a current or popular series, it's usually because their friends asked them to fill out a group, and they will complain about this endlessly. "OH, THE THINGS I DO FOR MY FRIENDS."
    >> Fuwa Fuwa !8ZqIJh0fLk 09/21/10(Tue)13:05 No.3566669
    The Rising Star Cosplayer:

    Underage cosplayer with good costumes, good wig and quite some money. At their local con, they're a sort of celebrity and win everything. But never gets really famous because their parents won't allow them to attend the big ones in another state, and instead of just saying so, they spend months saying they'll attend only to say they'll do something better and less nerdy instead (while crying inside for not attending) in the last minute.

    Hangs out with the The Elite Cosplayer, who only attends that minor con because they'll be fawn over and because they'll stay for free at the Rising Star's home.

    Warning: Pretend to be friends with everyone but talk behind their backs with their Elite friend, who doesn't really care, but gets a kick in listening to drama.
    >> Soviet India !!YgdPAF9828E 09/21/10(Tue)13:09 No.3566674
    The NEET

    Description: They're only there for the figurines and doujinshi. Usually very thin. May forget to eat. Shy, doesn't make eye contact.

    Uniform: Neutral, conservative clothing.

    Favorite anime: Tsukihime, Umineko.

    Warning: Can talk about Touhou and VNs for hours.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:11 No.3566677
    throw in touhou and that's me. better than your previous NEET description
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:11 No.3566680
    Reminds me of someone I met, had to do it

    Know it All

    Description: Attends every lolita related panel, meetup, and booth, but isn't wearing lolita. Says everyone else is doing it wrong and whispers scathing comments to anyone around her about the panel hosts' outfits. Knows more about the 'real lolita lifestyle' than you, but is wearing a skirt that goes up to her cooch.

    Uniform: A simple cosplay that presents no challenge so they could spend hours on the little details and brag about it.

    Favorite Anime: Advent Children

    Warning: If you see someone impatiently tapping their feet and checking their nails and the panel hasn't even begun, do not sit next to them.
    >> Soviet India !!YgdPAF9828E 09/21/10(Tue)13:16 No.3566689
    My previous description? I mentioned Touhou in the warning since it's not an anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:23 No.3566696
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:30 No.3566706
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    >>3566562 = me

    not bad, that's pretty accurate. especially the warning. Should add that most fighting games are for casualfags, and that my type is more likely to games which eat at your life, like MMOs (but not WoW, thats just gay), Bioware, entire franchises and series and so forth. oh, and ofc cosplay from them and bitch at people who arent accurate at an OCD level, or havent played the game. We're all from vidya really, but because we have vaginas we crave /DRAMA too.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:31 No.3566707
    >Kino's Journey
    >Legend of Galactic Heroes

    ... Is this me? Except I like to cosplay...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:31 No.3566709
    You're trying too hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:33 No.3566711
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    >Implying that NEETs like the Tsukihime and Umineko anime adaptations
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:35 No.3566714
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    Same here, but when I was trying to think up elitist anime the ones that usually cause a lot of PRETENTIOUS drama in /a/ came into my head.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:35 No.3566715
    This is me thought I don't really care about retro animus or original designs and I've never been involved with any con drama.
    I used to get pissed when fanbrats did annoying shit in front of me or to me, but now I just ignore it.

    Also, I think you're just mad because there are people at your conventions who aren't cosplaying as nayrutoo.
    >> Fuwa Fuwa !8ZqIJh0fLk 09/21/10(Tue)13:35 No.3566717
    Ok, now that I've stereotyped the worst in me and my friends, I shall comment my personal experience with the types.
    I would be a Brand Lolita, except my only other Brand Lolita friend usually does cosplay instead in cons. I only hang out with other lolitas in the major cons, but I've been losing interest in them, My close friends would be considered Rising Stars and they always show up with Elite friends. I also have some Staff friends who I met online ages ago and rarely talk to, with whom I gratefully have normal conversations about how is life going in some non-noisy corner while been served free tea and water.

    I hang with them most of the time, except when the cosplayers go change and the staff has to do something... and as that might take an hour, I go around the booths trying to check if there's something worth buying and it's there that I always meet... The Kid and his/her desperate Chaperone.
    Seeing the kid going crazy over manga and anime, I can't help but butting in, and talking about the series I know that they might like. I diss the ecchi/hentai series or the series with too much fanservice and usually can convice the kid to buy something age-appropriate, except for the violence, which is impossible to filter while keeping the kid interested.
    The Kid then glues into me and The Chaperone looks quite grateful, while telling me how their son first heard of Naruto and how he's been obssesed with it ever since. I spend the rest of the day with them even when hanging out with my friends. Some parents have even ditched and left the kid with me a few times xD

    My friends make fun of me saying I adopt a new kid every con, and I... have fun with that. And I'm happy when they go calling me "Onee-san" lol The Kids are my favorites in any con <3

    >> Fuwa Fuwa !8ZqIJh0fLk 09/21/10(Tue)13:36 No.3566721
    FFFUUU, evil wrong captcha stole my sage.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:36 No.3566722
    It'd be better if it wasn't oriented towards cosplayers, it's more of an oldfag anime fan thing. A lot of these cosplayer/lolita ones just smell like jelly or whiteknighting to me.
    >> Soviet India !!YgdPAF9828E 09/21/10(Tue)13:37 No.3566723
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    Most of us don't even watch anime. Having a 'series' category would make more sense.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:37 No.3566724
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:37 No.3566726
    >Also, I think you're just mad because there are people at your conventions who aren't cosplaying as nayrutoo.

    Not really. Just annoyed that a lot of my friends are becoming this type - the type that sits around complaining about EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON AT THE CON and yet continues to come back every year.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:39 No.3566730
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    ...I actually don't know either. Maybe something like CLANNAD or Fate/Stay Knight? Yeah I think the series thing would be better because most VN adaptations aren't very good.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:40 No.3566733
    FSN's anime adaptation was pretty bad lol. I've heard CLANNAD was good though.
    >> Libra !!DJgjz+hvEg4 09/21/10(Tue)13:41 No.3566734
    The blah blah

    Description: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

    Uniform: Cosplay kawaii school days.

    Favorite anime: kawaii desu

    Warning: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:41 No.3566736

    *night, jeebus what's up with me today
    >> Fuwa Fuwa !8ZqIJh0fLk 09/21/10(Tue)13:42 No.3566739
    Just remember nobody is forcing you to read.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:43 No.3566740
    The Faggot

    Description: He discovered being gay/bisexual trough anime. He mostly had female friends and thus got a lot of attention for being a "RL yaoi boy". Even tough he might look like the last douche, he thinks of himself as super kawaii uke - or even a trap. Usually way too confident for his hideous looks.

    Uniform: usually crossdressing, cat ears and tail, often on a leash

    Favourite Anime: Gravitation, Sensitive Pornograph

    Warning: He thinks of any girl out there to like him because he is what they ALL ever wanted to be. Might have even more fetishes than the usual lolicon/standart creeper.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)13:50 No.3566760
    When did this thread fill with butthurt?

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