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  • File : 1284132820.jpg-(29 KB, 376x300, nn_ellis_blackwomen_071126.vmodv4.jpg)
    29 KB Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:33 No.3529120  
    Black women of /cgl/:

    Do you ever get butthurt that white and asian girls are prettier than you and have straight, soft hair?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:37 No.3529125
    PT and Yaya
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:37 No.3529126
    Sometimes. But then I remember that I'm not ugly and a lot of White/Asian men go nuts over my delicious brown and I own a hair straightener.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:39 No.3529129
    no, whites and asians like to touch my curl fro
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:40 No.3529132
    lol no, white and asian girls are COLD they haven't got any soul to them.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:43 No.3529135
    >ain't got the same soul
    I like the cut of your jib, sister.

    Also, as a white guy, I never cut my hair because the black girls at my school thought it was pretty and exotic.
    They even liked it better than most of the girls, but that's because I was blond.
    I think I might have been the only one with girl length blond hair in the whole school.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:46 No.3529141
    Actually yes. I know this is a troll thread but as far as hair goes, yes yes yes.
    I'm halfway there (half white) and still have frizzy as fuck hair. My hair is literally frizzy up top half and pin straight under. I gave up on straightening it for now, put it up in a pony tail or let it curl after showers and might be wearing head wraps soon enough. I've chemically straightened it 5 times, since I was 12?, and it still won't behave.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:48 No.3529145
    Ew, mulattoes....

    Just say no to race mixing : )
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)11:48 No.3529148
    Psshh no.
    True beautiful sisters rock that shit natural.
    Tips for black chicks
    >get natural hair
    >be instantly loved by everyone
    >deck a bitch who asks to touch it
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:49 No.3529149
    No not really. I have good natural hair. No relaxer whoo! If I wasnt on my phone I'd post a pic. It's to my tits when it's straight and I have pretty curls when it's curly.

    Probably helps that I'm half ethiopian and a 1/4 Kickapoo.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:49 No.3529150
    >5 times since 12
    Uhm... you do realise that if you're trying to keep your hair tame via chemical straightenings you go for touch ups ever 3-4 months, maybe 6 if you can manage.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:50 No.3529153
    Go to sleep bats.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:51 No.3529154
    WHAT IS THIS!? Sounds like a poodle mix of some sort, not a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:51 No.3529155
    I did not know that. Do you recommend actual salon work or the kits?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:52 No.3529156
    As a white chick, I'm completely jealous of those cute braids little black girls wear. Why ladies bother chemically straightening their hair, I have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:52 No.3529157
    To be honest, I find super straight hair very very boring. I love curls, and my hair is curly. So that takes care of that.
    As far as being prettier? Pfft no. There is great beauty and great ugly in EVERY race.
    Although I do find mixed girls absolutely lovely.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:53 No.3529160
    I am a white girl and I would totally bang a black girl

    They might not have the best hair but they have the hottest bodies hands down.

    captcha: cinnamon ashaping
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:53 No.3529161
    White women are jealous of the fact we have curves. Same with Asian women.

    All girls are jealous of black girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:53 No.3529163
    This. Soft hair? Not always. Try having lanky hair that you can't give any volume to no matter what. I know that black hair is more difficult to look after and style but I wish I had it ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:54 No.3529166
    Lol. It's an Indian tribe. My mom is half black and half Indian. My dad is from Somalia but he's Ethiopian.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:55 No.3529167
    >They might not have the best hair but they have the hottest bodies hands down.

    Yep, most obese women in the US. Fucking hot!
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:55 No.3529168
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)11:55 No.3529170
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:55 No.3529171
    Nah, not always. I am mediterranean and I have plenty of curves. I am jealous of black skin and hair though.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:56 No.3529173
    >implying its difficult to manage natural hair
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:58 No.3529178
    When they're kids, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:58 No.3529179
    When, long ago, the gods created Earth
    In Iove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
    The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
    Yet were they too remote from humankind.
    To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
    Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
    A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
    Filled it with vice, and called the thing a nigger.

    H.P. Lovecraft
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:59 No.3529180
    I am neither of these things. Damn all the black girl with crazy proportions like Nicki Minaj...her body is...ridiculous!

    Thank god I'm not fat tho. I have really narrow hips that don't match my stupid DDs :( I want more curves.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)11:59 No.3529181
         File1284134365.gif-(587 KB, 200x136, Jackson_popcorn.gif)
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    >This thread
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 09/10/10(Fri)12:01 No.3529184
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    Oh, it's one of THESE threads again.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:01 No.3529187
         File1284134503.jpg-(20 KB, 340x340, 5722_albinos-black-people.jpg)
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    Soooo beautiful! I wish my children could have squashed noses, ape-heads, fat lips and all those other beautiful facial features!
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:01 No.3529188
         File1284134505.jpg-(303 KB, 1411x1498, natural-black-hairstyles2.jpg)
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    My black ladyfriends (all two of them) have awesome gigantic curly poofy hair that I would kill to have sometimes. Sometimes.

    I thought I had a picture saved but noooo.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:02 No.3529189
    Yes for the loves of the gods yes. BUT since you're mixed I wouldn't really go to an all black salon. If so try and find one that's in a pretty suburbanish area so they'll like have experience with mixed hair. Also if you can see some mixed people working there, that's a good sign. You may also luck out at an ethnic Hispanic salon. Obviously a white salon is a no go. THOUGH if you want to try the kits (which I don't recommend) get the kiddy ones. They'll be way more gentle and you're less likely to burn off hair. But tbh I'd recommend to you what I do (I am also mixed, more than just white and black though) I usually go to a salon and get it permed, then pending on the season/weather, go back for a touch up in 6-8 months. But I also straighten my hair on a tri-daily/weekly basis. Sometimes daily. Invest in a really good straightener though, full ceramic, my favorite is CHI. Use that on a regular enough basis between perms and you'll have trained your hair to be pretty straight. (at this point my new-growth comes in curly but my hair is so trained to be straight that if I pull it back and dry it the right way a straightener is not even necessary.)

    You can also look into something called Brazilian keratin treatments. HOWEVER with those i'd certainly recommend doing HELLA research and online (youtube!) and buying the products yourself and doing it at home.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:03 No.3529195
         File1284134614.jpg-(188 KB, 637x698, 1260480615434.jpg)
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    You mad niggers?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:04 No.3529196
    Easy to say that about a minority in the US. Keyword minority. derpderpderpado.

    cap: lovely infrastructure
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:05 No.3529199
    On the subject of LoveCraft.

    "its most hideous form as loathsome Asiatic hordes trail their dirty carcasses over streets where white men once moved, and air their odious presence and twisted visage and stunted forms till we shall be driven either to murder them or emigrate ourselves... It is not good for a proud, light-skinned Nordic to be cast away alone amongst squat, squint-eyed jabberers with coarse ways and alien emotions whom his deepest cell tissue hates and loathes as the mammal hates and loathes the reptile, with an instinct as old as history."
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:05 No.3529202
    >Doesn't understand what the word 'proportion' means

    It's not absolute numbers, it's percentages you retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:05 No.3529203
    Uhm, because it is.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:06 No.3529206
    Okay! Thanks for the information! I do have a ceramic? porcelian? (I forgot) straightener but straightening in the summer with no AC was a fucking pain. So I ditched it all together and figured head wraps were a better solution.
    I'll try and look around for places to chemically straighten...there are hardly any black salons or "mixed" salons where I'm moving back to so kits might be a priority.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:07 No.3529207
    Uhm... You're shitting me right? I think you don't even know what you're talking about.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)12:09 No.3529215
    this had potential to be a great black chick hair/cosplay thread but nooooooo /b/ just had to show up
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:11 No.3529218
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    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)12:11 No.3529219
    This is why we can't have nice things.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:11 No.3529220
    Wishing for it was bad enough. At least a handful of people wished for the same thing...BUT THIS THREAD IS JINXED!
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 09/10/10(Fri)12:20 No.3529229
         File1284135631.jpg-(4 KB, 126x126, 1259715860763.jpg)
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    It always ends up this way.
    Just once I'd like to have a normal fun thread like this without it getting shit on.

    Until then...IhavepopcornandachairandIwillwatchtheshitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:21 No.3529230
    No problem. Yeah I realise kits are a necessity to some. Just be extremely careful. And honestly a kiddy grade box perm is really potent enough. Though you may need 2-3 boxes per session just in case, depending on hair length. also don't be disheartened if it's not as straight as you like afterward, either way you'll need a straightener. and with kiddy perms you can touch up in 3 months and worry less about damage. Yeah keratin treatments are great, though I haven't tried one personally yet. My mom got one and really like it and my next door neighbors got it and liked it. It doesn't fully straighten though. It pretty much just fills the hair with protein and tames it a bit. So a "Q" curl would end up more of an "S" curl. Also the MAIN thing to keratin treatments or perms is how straight you 'pull' the hair when the chemical/treatment is in. If you research enough they should mention it, but a lot of people don't realise that. The hair takes mostly whatever form it's in with the product in. Porcelain is fine too. But you want to make sure the plates are FULL cermaic/porcelain, not just with a cheap coating. Which most are, even though they say 'full ceramic plates' they really mean 'fully coated ceramic plates'. Ceramic plates with a tourmaline coating is even better. Also you want to be using a heat protector when using hot tools etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:22 No.3529231
    photoshopped to hell and back

    last one is kinda cute, but I like alien-looking people so that's just me

    Also, I'm not a black mix, but I have awfully frizzy curled hair (straight because of chemicals) and I'd kill to be either a black girl with a huge 'fro or a white blonde girl with soft blonde hair (or maybe fucking asian, anything's better than this)

    About being prettier? Sorry, love, I've seen more beautiful black girls than whites. The ones around here have that asian-like lid, angular face with strong cheekbones and wonderful lips face-set that just makes everyone go hnnngggh.

    (Though the old ladies look really weird. Ew.)
    >> cont'd Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:22 No.3529232
    But anyway, if you can bother getting into a salon at least once, for the first time, let them do it. [because atp your hair is prolly what we'd call 'virgin' because it's been so long since your last perm] But yeah, let them do it properly, and then you can upkeep it at home every few months with a kiddy box kit until you think you can handle it mostly with the straightener. also you can start off with perms and upkeep with keratin treatments. which is less damaging if you get the right kind [without formaldehyde] etc etc. But yeah, whatever you decide just hit up google hard lest you end up ruining your hair. good luck!
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:22 No.3529233
    Not really, no. Because I'm mixed, I don't have to spend a billion hours curling my hair. I can just wash, mousse and go. Bitches be mad.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:22 No.3529234
    I love cherokee and mixed girls, they're beautiful :)
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:23 No.3529235
    >last one is kinda cute
    I thought the same thing. Just kinda big nostrils, but whatevs, we all have hang ups.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:26 No.3529240
         File1284135964.jpg-(37 KB, 402x536, 2007-light-afro.jpg)
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    Also uhm.. can we post purrdy black/mixed with black girls in or out of cosplay? COOL, GREAT, THANKS!
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:26 No.3529241
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:27 No.3529242
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    I love this girl's hair especially.
    >> PurpleLEDfishHo !0IdnXyR.Wo 09/10/10(Fri)12:33 No.3529253
         File1284136392.gif-(920 KB, 300x233, 1269321180907.gif)
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    Fuck no. I see plenty of ugly ass white/asian. Plus I love being mix.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:43 No.3529283
    I love this hair style, specially when they have both sides braided up and the middle part left as a curly mohawk. Or they have hearts braided into the sides D: I'm too white to look cool in braids.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:43 No.3529285
    I'm Asian and I think black girls are hot as hell

    I never see a hot black guy though
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)12:44 No.3529287
         File1284137050.jpg-(181 KB, 283x424, natural-black-hair-blue.jpg)
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    My hair is like this a few days after a twistout.
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)12:50 No.3529301
    That is SO cute. If my hair was like that I'd go crazy with hair accessories.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:50 No.3529302
         File1284137457.jpg-(20 KB, 240x320, travis_mccoy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:51 No.3529305
         File1284137518.jpg-(106 KB, 539x808, 1279856906822.jpg)
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    I'm a light skinned black girl. It wasn't until I was 16 that I realized that this was something to be envied by darker skinned people

    I still wished I had dark, dark skin and curly, black hair, even though apparently I'm prettier. grassisalwaysgreener.jpg
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:54 No.3529308
         File1284137659.jpg-(79 KB, 396x594, 1281780527800.jpg)
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    What about The Most Perfect Man?
    Or Dule Hill from Psych. Other than those two, I'd have to agree.
    Oh, wait, there's that one guy from Yo Gabba Gabba. I would hit that.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:54 No.3529309
    Travis mccoy is black?! :l I feel full on pants on head retarded for always thinking he was just a dark skin white guy.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:55 No.3529312
         File1284137750.png-(260 KB, 345x379, supes.png)
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    >her tits
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:58 No.3529316
         File1284137912.jpg-(163 KB, 375x500, 1281922079368.jpg)
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    ITT: Troll thread turns to fap thread.

    I'd say keep it /cgl/ related but we already had a huge thread about that. I'd like more fap material
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)12:59 No.3529319
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:00 No.3529320
    Fuck Toccara and her gravity defying huge perfect tits. The slut. ;_;

    also lol, DJ Lance.

    What about the Old Spice guy?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:00 No.3529323
         File1284138049.jpg-(74 KB, 425x239, 6a00d8341c51c053ef0133f1f7c21a(...).jpg)
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    forgot pic
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:01 No.3529325
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    The Most Perfect Man has been stated.
    I want him to be movie star famous, not stuck in Tyler Perry shit famous.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)13:01 No.3529326
    unf. I'm straight has her hair but given the chance I'd tap the fuck outta that.

    I like the flower clips you can get from claires. And headscafs, headscarfs everywhere
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:02 No.3529327
    I know what you mean, I wish I was darker. I grew up being extremely light skinand got made fun because I was light skinned, jelly of dark skin.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:02 No.3529330
         File1284138162.jpg-(150 KB, 600x800, 6a01053589fa57970b01156fab07b5(...).jpg)
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    He's kind of like a brown Mac from Always Sunny. Idk, I see the resemblance. I'd hit them both, oh so tenderly.
    >> Fuwa Fuwa !8ZqIJh0fLk 09/10/10(Fri)13:04 No.3529333
    The most beautiful woman I know IRL is my hairstylist, and she is black. My God, I can only ever dream of being as gorgeous and stylish as she is.
    No matter what I'm wearing, next to her I feel like an awkward teenager who's wearing makeup for the first time and messed up. Hard to explain the feeling...
    Sage for going OT.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)13:04 No.3529334
         File1284138285.jpg-(48 KB, 500x333, Bleach-Yoruichi-cosplay.jpg)
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    She is such a pretty color

    I like how she went with black hair instead of purple. I really think the key to good black cosplay is finding a wig color that works well with your skin tone. I know that's not 1000% accuracy but it beats looking like a retard black sailormoon with cornyellow hair.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:05 No.3529337
    Jesus christ, DAT ASS, how does she find pants that fit?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:06 No.3529341
    Didn't know that's what Mustafa was going by. I hope to never see him be in Tyler Perry work. This ruins my day. But hell, at least it's jobs.
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)13:07 No.3529342
    HNNNG! I am so jelly, I just went marmalade. ;__;

    >I like the flower clips you can get from claires. And headscafs, headscarfs everywhere

    Yes those, and I love the big clips, and flower head clips and headbands. I think a fully volume curls being glorious behind a cute headband is just the best thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:09 No.3529349
    Well in the manga.. her hair black lolololol. Also purple is actually a colour that looks great on brown people. Just if you're fairly dark skinned don't get a bright purple shiny wig.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)13:09 No.3529351
         File1284138564.jpg-(43 KB, 467x640, 1162747629981.jpg)
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    Tyler Perry plays are really funny to me. The movies where ehh...

    This chick, fucking flawless
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:10 No.3529353
         File1284138642.gif-(1.99 MB, 359x235, 1279427071734.gif)
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    Normally, I'd say fix the screen resolution, but you really need to hit F11 to full appreciate that pic.

    Light skinned darkie, who's also not /cgl/'s beloved skinny body type, but Christ do I love the way her chubby thighs move. If I had a dick I'd stick it between them.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:13 No.3529356
    the plays are slightly better, the house of pain or what ever his tv show is shit from satan's ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:14 No.3529359
         File1284138898.jpg-(95 KB, 480x720, 1281880746489.jpg)
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    Talking about this picture here? I also hate the hair and color, but she's got the legs down better than most white/Asian scout cosplayers do.
    I always assume that they drew straws or something. That's the only reason she could have possibly thought orange and blonde would look good. Almost ANY of the others would have been better.
    I'm pretty sure he is in a TP film. I remember something about him taking his shirt off for it, and Perry being all embarrassed because he's a fat sack of shit. I may have imagined it though.
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)13:17 No.3529366
    Okay, I'm probably going to sound like a moron, but may I ask who is this beautiful woman?

    Agreed. Although sometimes I felt the plays were just a little too "Over the top acting" "Under expectation budget". The house of Payne is TERRIBLE, with maybe one or two funny lines her episode. He needs to work on his movies a lot, and not rehash the same themes over and over again. Also, endings how do they work.

    But I'm going to be honest, I really only watch T.P. just to see him dress up in drag as an old woman and give people shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:18 No.3529368
         File1284139112.png-(355 KB, 492x640, 1111xv0.png)
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    I just realized the black folder I'd taken time to cultivate disappeared.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:18 No.3529369
    Hnggh I love this chick in the music video, I loved the part where she rode the kiddy horse ride.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:19 No.3529371
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:19 No.3529372
    I got this from /s/ and they said it was someone from Canada. I forget who now.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:20 No.3529374
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    I only saw that one movie where she eventually throws hot grits on that abuser guy. So much lulz. But a really fucking terrible movie.
    Yeah, he's going to be in Coloured Girls. I don't think it's out yet. What an obnoxious play name though, the full thing. Fully equipped with like, ebonics spelling lol.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)13:22 No.3529381
    DEM LEGS! stop making me lesbian /cgl/.
    I wasn't talking about her in particular, I've seen many a black sailor moon with BRIGHT IN YOUR FACE YELLOW hair that always looked silly to me and ill fitting that persons color. Had Mrs. Venus here gone with a black wig she would have been perfect (and not completely unaccurate given the Live Action show didn't change the girls' hair)
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:22 No.3529382
    What music video?
    I'm in fucking love oh jesus oh god. So much want.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:24 No.3529385
    To be honest the orange against her skin colour bothers me way more/looks much worse than the shade of blonde she chose. and what a smart move going with a dull/matte wig. But I'm also in general fond of brown skin x blonde hair.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:26 No.3529387
    ;-; I forgot her name and the music vid, but the music video is just her ripping off her coat, walking in a store to buy juice and everyone in the store watches her sexy dance/walk around the store while going daaaaamn and there is rap music in the background.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)13:27 No.3529390
         File1284139639.jpg-(40 KB, 1280x800, ciara.jpg)
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    What does /cgl/ think of Ciara? Didn't really notice her much, until THIS video came out.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:29 No.3529395
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    Oh, God, yes I remember when I heard, "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf" was coming out.
    Can't wait for every white person to ask me if I'm excited for this most likely ham handed and shitty movie. I hate you TP.

    Wish I could show the full pic on a blue board, bc she's got some pretty titties.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)13:30 No.3529399
    >But I'm going to be honest, I really only watch T.P. just to see him dress up in drag as an old woman and give people shit
    So much this. Just make a movie about Medea giving people shit, none of that 'child of god, turn back to jesus mess'

    Protip: do not take your white boyfriend to see tyler perry movies. While you make think its funny, it only leads to terrible awkwardness
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:31 No.3529401
    If you don't give me the name of my future waifu, I will straight up hunt you down.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)13:34 No.3529405
         File1284140053.jpg-(26 KB, 305x321, mode-pose.jpg)
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    IMO best ANTM picture ever
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:35 No.3529407
    Is he really that bad with white people? I haven't seen too many of his movies, since they're all pretty terrible. His extreme weakness with editing sticks out farther than his racism towards whites. Seriously, who honestly looks at the movie they made and thinks, "Oh, I just had an incredibly painful and sad scene where a guy finally owns up to the fact that it was his fault his friend was gang raped and became a hooker because he didn't help her. I should immediately cut to a scene of slapstick involving Madea!"
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:35 No.3529408
    Wasn't it the original title, though?

    With that said...As much as I hate that I can't get my damn hair to grow past my neck and that it turns into a big ass helmet if away from a hairdresser too long, I have no need to be jelly when I have ass and legs for days and I'm 5'2" for crying out loud.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:36 No.3529409
    I always thought she was really pretty. Liek her face, it melted me. But I forgot about her easily. But until I saw this video i never realised how, errm, talented she is. Like fucking lord, she is so roughly sexual. Also her slightly mannish frame and muscles totally fucking work for her. I am female and that video makes me wish i were male, and had a shot, so I could love it when she rides me. O:
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:37 No.3529411
         File1284140230.jpg-(85 KB, 450x600, 1279426959941.jpg)
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    I like the way this thread went from D-rate /b/ trolling to black hotties, black hotties everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:37 No.3529412
    Lol I took my white boyfriend to one TP movie, the one where the old white woman dies and her son is cheating on his white with a black woman and they have a son and he leaves her because he was using her....that was an awkward night.
    Not a TP move but Something New was a cute movie for the white boyfriend and me.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:38 No.3529417
    Because of the demographic he's going for. They don't want to be bogged down by too much of an actual plot or emotional investment. and no, that's not a jab at black people, it's a jab at the general majority of movie-goers. I hate.
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)13:38 No.3529418
    >So much this. Just make a movie about Medea giving people shit, none of that 'child of god, turn back to jesus mess'

    Are you me? Because at this point, I think you are me.
    Actually just like YESTERDAY I was talking about this, wishing T.P. would make a Madea only movie. Just about Madea and Joe, cracking-wise and shit. Double points if she hands somebody their ass.

    Sadly the only thing that came close to his was "Madea goes to Jail." Mmm, some golden moments there. And then had to sideline it with that stupid prostitute storyline.

    I like you. Let's be friends.

    Show it anyway. Or, links?
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)13:39 No.3529421
         File1284140346.jpg-(36 KB, 509x541, alek-wek.jpg)
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    At least in Medea goes to Jail he has a heavy handed use of the "rich white blonde antagonist" trope.

    Katt Williams though is fair game, honkys fucking love katt williams

    I fucking LOVE alek wek
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:40 No.3529426
    Yeah it was the original title. doesn't make it any less obnoxioussuck though. Lol.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)13:43 No.3529433
         File1284140621.jpg-(39 KB, 1280x800, ciara2.jpg)
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    The best part about that frame of hers is that it gives you the impression that she can break any guy. The dance moves just make it more evident. She has a case of the Man-hands at 1:48, but I can get past that.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)13:47 No.3529438
         File1284140823.jpg-(69 KB, 450x600, 306018.jpg)
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    <3 friends!

    wow nice cups lady
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)13:49 No.3529445
         File1284140999.jpg-(49 KB, 267x400, janelle_monae.jpg)
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    aalyiah 2.0
    this is a complement

    have some janelle monae, and it seems she's somewhat of a geek too. win
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:57 No.3529460
    Yeah I know. Shit makes me jelly. Though you honestly can't get as fucking fit as she is without getting mannish hands. It just doesn't help that she has pretty short fingers and short nails. But whatever, i would take her on her worst day. also there was this Japanese tv segment I saw where she deco'd a phone, it was the cutest ever. Can't find it now though. But here, have some Ciara adorable anyway.

    Janelle Monae <3
    Rocks that pomp so hard.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)13:58 No.3529466
    I saw her in SoHo a few weeks ago. Love her hair.

    Aaliyah 2.0? I can see that in a few ways.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)13:59 No.3529468
         File1284141596.jpg-(7 KB, 200x200, janelle-monaeh.jpg)
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    Janelle Monae seriously has one of the prettiest faces ever. So cute and sweet looking. Iwish she'd have her hair like this though. The afro pompadour thing is lame.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:02 No.3529474
         File1284141763.jpg-(61 KB, 480x640, 1281665533101.jpg)
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    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)14:03 No.3529476
         File1284141805.jpg-(88 KB, 427x640, nicki-minaj.jpg)
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    Friends! ♥
    I hope i see you around more often.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)14:04 No.3529479
         File1284141846.jpg-(14 KB, 400x400, kuri.jpg)
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    Can't believe I forgot about Crystal Kay

    Here OP the best of both worlds
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:05 No.3529482
    dat dem heels...I love this girl. Bow wow's short ass fucked up by cheatin on her. Whatever, "Lottery Ticket" was his karma for that fuck-up.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:06 No.3529485
    These kind of threads make me laugh. I am a light skinned/mixed black woman, i have travelled all round the world, and i have only ever met one or two asian/white chicks who were better looking than me. I dont mean to brag, but its a fact. I get hollered at by white, asian and black guys alike, and last year married my fillipino/white fiance. So my hair in its natural state is somewhat coarse...So fucking what?! Unlike asian girls i am tall and have big eyes, unlike white girls i have naturally golden tan skin and beautiful curves. Yeah, when a black chick is ugly, they are real ugly, but hot black chicks are God tier and sexier than asians/whites could ever be. Not to mention black girls actually cultivate a personality.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)14:08 No.3529490
         File1284142127.jpg-(17 KB, 460x382, pompadour.jpg)
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    Lame as it may be, with her style, she wears it very well.
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)14:10 No.3529496
    C.Kay makes me jelly as well. I want her singing career.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:11 No.3529497
         File1284142282.jpg-(54 KB, 1280x800, n_minaj_dat_ASS.jpg)
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    Ah, Nicki Minaj. Lyrically, she can do no wrong in my eyes. Her looks can be touch & go at times.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:12 No.3529501
    /r/ing more Nikki Minaji
    there is no guy in the world who can deny the harajuku barbie.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:13 No.3529505
         File1284142412.jpg-(54 KB, 343x374, blue_screen_01.jpg)
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    >hot black chicks are God tier and sexier than asians/whites could ever be.
    Ehhhh, as a black guy I respectfully disagree.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:15 No.3529513
    My boyfriend thinks shes 'disgusting and fat', though i suspect this is just his way of hiding his true feelings ie wanting to bone her. Nicki is seriously perfection.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:16 No.3529515
    House slave.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:17 No.3529519
    Is that the G-rated way to call someone a "House Nigger"?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:17 No.3529520
         File1284142653.jpg-(84 KB, 420x600, nicki-minaj-b2.jpg)
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    It's pretty much the opposite for me. Lately all of her looks have been darling in my eyes, but i'll admit, while I like her her music is kind of pretty shitty and her lyrics are ever worse.
    Why would you use old skanky looking Nicki? I'm all about her new image.

    She is perfection. I have been told I resemble her, and while I realise this is just a huge case of 'You have brown skin and I find you attractive so in my head you look like this other celebrity with similar skin colour whom I also find attractive' it still flatters me a bit. As long as they mean current Nicki, and not oh sogross wonderwoman Nicki.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:19 No.3529525
    Hey, thats just his opinion. My brother will swear up and down that arab women are the sexiest on the planet, that white chicks are bland, asian chicks are ugly, black chicks are too ghetto, and latinas all look the same. I disagree with his sentiment, but different folks find different things attractive.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:20 No.3529527
    MTE. I'm mixed too and literally all kinds of guys are attracted to me. And I have a better body than all the skinny white bitches I know.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:22 No.3529533
         File1284142923.png-(306 KB, 500x500, tumblr_l7run3KCNv1qzmzjeo1_500.png)
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    Your boyfriend needs to be fucking slapped. And not in a sexual manner. Her ass is one to be triffled with, like intimidatingly huge. But she is not fat nor disgusting, looking at least. lol.

    Not taking sides but you post on 4chan, your opinion is moot. oldestcardinbookbutstilltrue.jpg
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)14:25 No.3529543
         File1284143145.jpg-(61 KB, 480x640, 1769887.jpg)
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    I don't listen to the popular stuff and I haven't for a while, so when I saw Minaj my mind went straight to "Oh great a black lady gaga" and its kinda stuck.

    My Chick Bad is kinda catchy though, and the Your Love video was cute with the whole samurai love story bit...
    As for perfection ehhh diff strokes, diff folks

    One day I will cosplay day
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:26 No.3529545
    Heres how i see it, every race offers something different.
    White chicks have the most versatile selection of eye/hair colors. They also have very refined facial features.
    Asian girls are tiny with cute faces and personalities, and lovely black silky hair.
    Black females are strong and have great sense of humour, they have jaw dropping curves and age really well.
    Latinas are fiery and passionate, great cooks, exotic looking with big old asses.
    They are all beautiful in their own way.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)14:28 No.3529548
    >Latinas are fiery and passionate, great cooks, exotic looking with big old asses

    Cool stereotypes, bro. Come to my house and see how 'passionate' I am.

    In bed.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:31 No.3529550
         File1284143483.jpg-(10 KB, 251x223, 1193321020969.jpg)
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    >you post on 4chan, your opinion is moot.
    The fuck? We can't even have one conversation without some archaic /b/ shit being brought up.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:31 No.3529552

    amirite? amirite!?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:33 No.3529556
    White girls are self entitled bitches and whores who cant fathom anybody being attracted to a girl of another race, they look shit without makeup, their bodies are whack (they cant carry curves well, so try to be anorexic) and they age like crap. Most of them are goldiggers, though its perfectly acceptable for a sweet little white girl to be a gold digger, because she deserves the best, due to being born of the superior race.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:34 No.3529558
         File1284143678.gif-(41 KB, 310x247, yoshi deals.gif)
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    Namu namu namu.

    But seriously, it's safe to assume that 9.9/10 posters on this site prefer White or Asians. Especially /cgl/ers.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:36 No.3529561
    Asian girls are incredibly fake in both personality and looks. They are naturally very ugly, with their tiny eyes and flat noses. Hence why they wear so much makeup, which transforms them from a plain jane asian bitch, to a super duper fake white wannabe whore. They also all rook same.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:36 No.3529562
         File1284143774.jpg-(53 KB, 486x485, what is this.jpg)
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    Wow. I hate you. Also umad.jpg
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)14:36 No.3529563
    Yes, in my arms. And my pussy.

    My problem is that whoever believes those stereotypes (despite my qualification for all of them, especially dat ass) never lasts long in a relationship. They get bored once they see beyond the stereotypes.

    Or they go ahead and go for some white chick. I don't want to be nothing but titillation for a man, I want him to like me for who I am.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:38 No.3529569
         File1284143903.jpg-(122 KB, 720x556, southparkgp7.jpg)
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    >This thread
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:38 No.3529570
         File1284143923.png-(337 KB, 700x2345, whitechicks.png)
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    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)14:38 No.3529571
    dude wtfamireading.jpg
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:39 No.3529572
    Black girls usually grow up without fathers, so they learn to become whores at an incredibly early age, opening their legs to any 'thug' they can, and bearing at leat 3 kids apiece by the time they are 21. Said kids will all have different baby daddys. In terms of appearance, they wear shiny, silky wigs and weaves to hide their own undesirable nappy hair, and everybody laughs at how insecure a person must be to actually try to hide their hair. They have wide noses and are usually fat, aggresive and loud.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:41 No.3529579
    What angry, closed minded black Muslim women actually believe.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)14:41 No.3529580
    That's nice, cracker.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:41 No.3529581
    i'm asian and i must have fapped to that misa chick like a thousand times
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:42 No.3529583
    Latinas are fat bitches with attitde problems. Granted, they look good in their youth, but when they hit 25 it all goes southwards, and they start growing excess facial hair and their already large hips widen to epic proportions. They are usually very trashy and cant dress for shit.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)14:42 No.3529584
    Historia genial, hermano.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:42 No.3529585
    Based on Maury and real life, this is true. Black men don't know the word "responsibility". So many babies by different mothers and most of them are on welfare. Then they complain why the general populace has a low opinion of blacks.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:44 No.3529589
    You guys should be linking to >>3529556
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:45 No.3529590
    Arab women are superficial and bitchy princesses who think they deserve the best. They all have plastic surgery to hide their incredibly ugly hook noses, and wear about 20 coatings of facial paint and eyeliner just to go to the grocery store. They are frigid and cold, and will not fuck you unless you have something to give them ie diamonds.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)14:45 No.3529592
         File1284144311.jpg-(10 KB, 262x192, b.jpg)
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    Salvaging the thread with more hotness
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:46 No.3529599
    this is true.

    The few arab bitches that aren't born with hook noses and awful skin are even more spoiled and self absorbed. I know this because I am one.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)14:46 No.3529600
         File1284144414.jpg-(101 KB, 500x367, Racism Bingo.jpg)
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    ITT: Racism, racism everywhere

    Geez, /cgl/, please go meet some friends that are not white and realize how stupid your assumptions are. All races have shitty stereotypes that make the rest look bad, but equating the entirety based on some bad apples (and racist stereotypes) makes you a close-minded bigot who's missing on some great friendships.

    Unless you're trolling. But if you're trolling and actually believe it, you're a sad human being.

    They won't because white girls are perfect princess who should be protected at all costs.

    >This is what white supremacists actually believe
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:49 No.3529608
    Same with fucking Armenians and Persians.
    Women from that part of the world are the ultimate bithes and whores, i swear to God. Also you missed out hairy as hell.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:50 No.3529610
         File1284144611.jpg-(139 KB, 623x437, Alicia_keys.jpg)
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    How bout Alicia Keys?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:51 No.3529616
    Sup, some of us do have friends of all races. That doesn't mean we will ignore their people's faults.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:51 No.3529617
    I'm normally not attracted to women, but I'd go lesbian for her.

    Bitch is fine.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)14:52 No.3529619
    Their people's faults are not their faults, unless you're cool with them blaming the Crusaders and Colonialism on you.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:53 No.3529620
    She used to be so wholesome ;_;

    Also I now hate this entire thread, please disappear, not gonna sage or stop posting though. Lol.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)14:53 No.3529621

    You have to consider, the board is full of weeaboos.

    By default, they're less intelligent than normalfags. You can't give people in this thread the benefit of the doubt.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)14:55 No.3529628
    This is true. Thanks, Masa, this brings things into perspective
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:56 No.3529631
    Again, we could be fine with individuals but nobody truly believes everybody is equal. There are also cultural pointers. That's like we can't say Jew are not cheap. Sure, a few might not be but on the whole, they are cheap as hell.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:57 No.3529635
    Native american chicks are...well i dont know because ive never met any. The white devils did a good job of wiping the poor motherfuckers out. But Pocahontas was totally hot.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:57 No.3529636
    More tripfags circlejerking.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)14:58 No.3529641
    Aboriginal chicks are subhuman. That is all.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)14:59 No.3529644
    That plus piano skills equals a woman I'd take home to Mama. Damn you Swizz Beatz! You don't deserve her!!!
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)14:59 No.3529645

    Circlejerking is a red herring on your part.

    Doesn't take away from the idea that people's reasoning in this thread is either lacking or superficial at best.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:00 No.3529646
    Same with Jewish women, apart from the makeup part. But they overcompensate their lack of makeup with expensive designer everything. They are also fucking nags, and they never fucking shut up. Their voices are whiny and annoying.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:01 No.3529649
    Who cares? You're only here to attention whore anyways.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)15:02 No.3529651
         File1284145348.jpg-(21 KB, 400x600, JEWS.jpg)
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    As a citizen of New York City working in the service industry and living in a semi-jewish neighborhod, I can vouch for this.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)15:03 No.3529656

    Has nothing to with the thread. Whining about attention whores is only going to give them more attention in the long run.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:05 No.3529663
    Sure, it does, attention whore. Bump.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)15:06 No.3529665

    'Kay. Lol.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)15:07 No.3529668
    from the gossip i hear, she doesn't deserve him either
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)15:08 No.3529669
         File1284145687.jpg-(42 KB, 460x600, paula-patton.jpg)
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    ....moving on. Paula Patton is another sexy one. Alan Thicke's son got his claws into that one.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)15:09 No.3529673
    You mean the homewrecking? Yeah I'm kinda on the fence about that too.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:10 No.3529676
    I thought that was Zooey Deschanel from the thumbnail.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:11 No.3529679
    They are the same thing.
    Not everyone throws nigger around willy nilly, even on 4chan.
    As a black dude, this thread makes my dick happy. Especially with how it started off. And the cosplayers are even better.
    All I want is a cute brown cosplayer to call my own, but fuck if I can find them. However, I can see beauty in all kinds of colors and folks. Never understood people who couldn't, really. But then, that might be residual bitterness from all the times I was told, "I don't date black guys."
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)15:15 No.3529690
    Really? I know plenty of brown girls who cosplay.

    I should throw some your way.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:19 No.3529703
    I would thank you, but the odds that any of them live near me is low.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)15:21 No.3529707
         File1284146466.gif-(2.54 MB, 308x186, hater_vuvuzela.gif)
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    >"I don't date black guys."
    Hearing that used to really piss me off. Nowadays I shrug it off and keep it movin, with my "Haters Gonna Hate" swagger.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:25 No.3529723
    Most of the time, I'm the same way.
    However, hearing it 8 times in one week, on top of being dumped left my ego cracked and vulnerable.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)15:25 No.3529725
    Sometimes we get the same thing too. Only passive aggressively. They don't tell us they don't date black chicks, we just see them hanging out with a white girl and assume all is lost.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:29 No.3529738
    This amuses me, as one of my boys is constantly asking me to hook him up with a black girl, but gets shot down most of the time because he's white. It's funnier because he has sworn off white girls
    Older black women totally dig him, tho. Never understood that, either.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)15:33 No.3529751
    If it's a girl I really, really had my eyes set on I'll put on my swagger as a facade. Until I get in my car. Then I'll B'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW into my airbag. A parking lot security guard shared a six pack of Newcastle with me because of that.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:35 No.3529761
    There's a difference between curly hair and pubic hair.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:38 No.3529771
    >"I dont date black guys"
    ALL MY HATE! Interracial relationships FTW, i mean seriously what about all the white guys on 4chan that want an Asian chick only to be fucked over b/c most of the time Asians only date/marry Asians. And it not b/c its their choice mainly its b/c of family. I'll keep trying to date outside of my race as long as i live, not saying black chick aren't hot its just i like something different sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:41 No.3529781
         File1284147674.jpg-(31 KB, 339x604, 1281666626317.jpg)
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    That's pretty strange, since almost every where I go, I see black guys who refuse to date black girls. If you moved to the areas I've been in, you'd probably have them all over you, since black girls generally don't want to date anyone but black guys, but they only want white girls. Not that I'm whining. I like girls.

    ANYWAYS. This thread started out shitty, became hot, then fizzled into more HURR DURR NIGGERS SPICS GLORIOUS WHITE/NIPPON.

    More darkies, please. I rarely see these threads, so I want them to count.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:41 No.3529783
    Lol, I dated an chinese girl once.
    We broke up because her parents threatened to cut her off totally when they learnt I was black.
    Good memories. Now she resents her parents to a massive degree.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)15:43 No.3529788
         File1284147797.jpg-(131 KB, 500x333, wholovesorangesoda.jpg)
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    >not saying black chick aren't hot its just i like something different
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:45 No.3529799
    For my part, there aren't that many black girls where I live, even less that are geeky to any degree.
    I can't move because finances.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)15:52 No.3529821
    Lol actually I grew up constantly hearing "EWWW NIGGA, YOU AIN'T HOOD ENUFF!" from black girls I asked out.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)15:55 No.3529831
         File1284148521.jpg-(49 KB, 438x600, paula_patton.jpg)
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    Moar Paula Patton.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)15:56 No.3529837

    This picture is wrong, homie.

    The dude adding the orange soda has white hands and arms.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)15:57 No.3529840


    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)15:58 No.3529847
         File1284148699.jpg-(34 KB, 400x300, Tiny Owl.jpg)
    34 KB
    Fuck, they're Midwest. Sorry, bro.

    Have a cute owl.

    This. I didn't travel half of the world to deny myself some genetic my pants.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)15:58 No.3529853
    You should beat them. They're into that thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:00 No.3529857
    Lol, you too?
    Feels bad, dude. My parents taught me to NOT be "just another nigga". And all the black girls I tried to date when I was younger only wanted one.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)16:02 No.3529867
         File1284148936.jpg-(36 KB, 300x368, Baby_Scops_Owl_III_by_makibird.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:02 No.3529870
    >Do you ever get butthurt that white and asian girls are prettier than you and have straight, soft hair?

    No, because im black and asian and was lucky enough not to have kinky hair.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:03 No.3529871
    Yes but why would you even want those types of girls. One day you'll be asking yourself, "Hey, that kid doesn't really look like me."
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)16:04 No.3529876

    That's what hip hop dancing on Maury Povich is for when he announces you aren't the father.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)16:06 No.3529881
         File1284149164.jpg-(34 KB, 259x389, Charizard III.jpg)
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    Biracial babies can be pretty hot, not to mention genetic diversity is beneficial to offspring.

    Pic related.
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)16:07 No.3529889
    Please get out. Never to return.

    Also interracial couples always make me smile.

    -shrug- I just liked the image really. I also don't like green hair on just about anyone, but I heard she did a take on barbie or something like that which I want to see. Brb making a trip to google.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:07 No.3529890
    Why do you keep posting that dumb faggot every day. You're fucking annoying.
    >> Freek-O-Suave !bQZuI.nr1c 09/10/10(Fri)16:09 No.3529894
         File1284149351.jpg-(62 KB, 300x176, ballin_everyday.jpg)
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    Yep. Not to sound stereotypical, but when I got my first car, they started talking to me. Yet when I was a dude with a MetroCard, I was nobody.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)16:09 No.3529896
    >Implying Charizard is gay

    There's a French-Japanese news archon who's really cute, but her name escapes me. Considering she's White and Asian, it should be right up /cgl/'s ally.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)16:11 No.3529904
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:11 No.3529906
    She's trying to make her online buddy into a forced meme. Too bad it's not that easy.
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)16:13 No.3529911
    Tell me you have that .gif.
    I've seen it before but didn't save it because I was too dumb at the time.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)16:14 No.3529913

    I'm sorry, Charizard was the first example I could think of a cute guy who's biracial. I'll refrain from using him next time.

    There's something appealing about biracial people, and it's usually because unlike a lot of white people who lack chins, they possess chins. Genetic diversity is always a plus, and I don't understand people who date only in their race.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:15 No.3529918
    Or you could use google for a popular gif but maybe you're too dumb like you said.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:16 No.3529922

    CALL US @ 1-481-381-4709
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:19 No.3529938
    Light skinned girls might look nice but any advantage over black girls or even real super dark skinned girls are spoiled with their shitty attitudes and assumption that they are somehow better than other black girls. Seriously that kind of mentality is as niggerish as you can get.
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)16:23 No.3529951
    Y u mad though?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)16:23 No.3529955

    Because tripfags.
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 09/10/10(Fri)16:37 No.3529994
         File1284151036.gif-(403 KB, 200x150, 1263019269849.gif)
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    Gif related.

    Ooh la la. We can be little biracial kiddies together...:3c
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)16:49 No.3530030
    You know what sucks, wanting friends so badly that you imitated (poorly) that ghetto chick culture only for your 'friends' to keep you around only so they can have you do their homework. And guys. Pssh what guys. Growing up absolutely NO ONE black, white, or otherwise wanted a nerd black girl.

    >grow up
    >get hot
    >join anime club

    delicious sweet sweet irony
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:53 No.3530046
    Holy fuck, I met her at A-kon.

    She's fucking retarded, but her legs are pretty hot.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:54 No.3530049
    Charizard is half black?!?!??!!!
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)16:56 No.3530057
    It happened to me too. Because you know, all Spanish chicks are Mexican and draw their eyebrows with Sharpies.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)16:58 No.3530059
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 09/10/10(Fri)16:58 No.3530061
    Half Irish/Half Mexican.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:00 No.3530068
    then how is he biracial? I thought he was just a tan white guy.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:08 No.3530091
    So much chocolate in this thread...
    >> MicroMax !!DIZ8PGoEfnH 09/10/10(Fri)17:23 No.3530140
    Yeesssss!!! So beautiful!!!!
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)17:24 No.3530141

    Technically you, like me, would just mark white.

    Then in the next part, you write "White of hispanic origin" to some degree. Usually all my mutt friends just fill in "Other" and are done with it.

    Ah w/e, someday we'll all look the same dull middle ground shade but will have pretty kids.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)17:29 No.3530156
         File1284154157.jpg-(19 KB, 400x280, code_geass_nina.jpg)
    19 KB
    >pretty kids
    >tell my breeder(two kids four and two years old, no GED, just made 20) black friend I have a white boyfriend
    >'oh you guys will have such pretty kids with such good hair'
    >"Oh i'm not having any kids"
    >her face

    I fucking hate that good hair shit. If you know how to rock your kinks, you can be godly
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 09/10/10(Fri)17:29 No.3530160
         File1284154199.jpg-(147 KB, 403x396, 1277420083067.jpg)
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    >Have pretty kids.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:33 No.3530173
    Feeding the troll even more, but I'd love to have black, curly hair, rather than the ugly grayish-brown straw that's hanging from my head.
    Also, afros are the most awesome hairstyle known to man and I'd love to have one. Yeah, seriously.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)17:48 No.3530236
    It depends on what your definition of 'race' is.

    Hispanics are racialized in the United States, but the truth is that Hispanics are of European descent and thus Caucasian.

    (Not all, however. There are Black Hispanics.)

    But under the United States affirmative action laws and the census, they qualify as a racial subgroup due to marginalization status.

    However, 'Hispanic' is technically an ethnicity, not a race, as Hispanic haploid groups = Caucasian haploid groups.

    TL:DR; semantics

    Apologies to Charizard if I came across as identity policing.
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)17:51 No.3530253

    If you're interested in haploid groups. These are the European haploid groups present in the United States and Canada.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:52 No.3530255
    "Hey Mom would you mind if my boyfriend was... you know... black?"
    "WHAT of course not I'm not racist I'm an open minded person and I think if we all just get along and yadda yadda and the world will be a better place I don't care if your boyfriend is black I swear!!"
    >show pics of goth boyfriend
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)17:58 No.3530288

    Whatever Moose. I plan on having sweet lookin' kids. Keep believing in that love thing, see how that'll work out for you.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:59 No.3530292
         File1284155961.jpg-(30 KB, 367x451, 1268780923031.jpg)
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    mfw niggers try to cosplay anything
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)18:00 No.3530295

    >Written by genetically inferior white basement dweller

    Please to be continuing to suck eggs, anon.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/10/10(Fri)18:02 No.3530310
    wats going on in this thread
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)18:02 No.3530311
    Your friend sounds like my mother.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)18:03 No.3530313

    Genetics, race, and ignorance.

    Flex for us, God. Show us the pinnacle of human performance.
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 09/10/10(Fri)18:04 No.3530326
    Pfft. I don't plan on having kids, so it works out.

    My 70 cats are a different story though. NOTHIN' BUT LOVE FOR THEM~

    0/10. Are you even trying?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:04 No.3530327
         File1284156284.jpg-(42 KB, 344x226, nbc_the_more_you_know.jpg)
    42 KB
    that was helpful
    not trolling
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/10/10(Fri)18:07 No.3530339
         File1284156433.gif-(544 KB, 160x120, AmericanPsycho.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:08 No.3530346
    lol this sounds like all my friends when they find out I wont pop out mix babies.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)18:09 No.3530352

    Knowing you, 20 years from now you're going to be 8 kids deep and a body like aunt jemima's.
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 09/10/10(Fri)18:25 No.3530420
    I'm not mexican, therefor I won't have 8 kids. D___D
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)18:28 No.3530433
    I really wish this stereotype would die. I had to send so many guys packing because they had some impregnation fetish and thought Spanish = Mexican and thus I would carry their babies to term.

    Feels bad man.
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 09/10/10(Fri)18:30 No.3530445

    Annnd here comes my pancake craving.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)18:31 No.3530448

    Apparently with Juri, nothing says I love you like a well timed falcon punch after a missed period.
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 09/10/10(Fri)18:33 No.3530458
    I'm sorry! D:
    I didn't mean anything by it, I actually thought I had gotten it mixed up with something else to be honest...but I see what you mean with it wanting to die.

    I hate pancakes. They make me so sick after I eat them because I drink too much milk with them @~@
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)18:35 No.3530467
         File1284158108.jpg-(44 KB, 640x480, 2664.jpg)
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    >Watching Moose backtrack and apologize for being a dumb
    >my expression
    >> Juri !iN.MY.aRMs 09/10/10(Fri)18:37 No.3530477
    Why did I just imagined Shambler as Captain Falcon doing it?

    But yeah, fuck missed periods.

    It's cool, don't worry. Just bad memories. Need to get over it and not apply them to unrelated parties.
    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 09/10/10(Fri)18:41 No.3530501
         File1284158488.jpg-(3 KB, 110x126, 1271631895548.jpg)
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    >apologize for being a dumb
    >being a dumb

    ...Oh really?

    I guess. Hopefully things are better now though c':
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 09/10/10(Fri)18:42 No.3530513
    >troll thread
    >hot black cosplay thread
    >hot black chick thread
    >troll thread again

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:43 No.3530514
    Oh hai, is it tripfag AIM tiem?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:46 No.3530531
    Your whining and poor spelling is just as annoying

    sage thread, move on, shut up
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:47 No.3530538
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)18:49 No.3530550

    >> Moose !!burAVy4z0ue 09/10/10(Fri)18:51 No.3530564
    You're just saying that because you goofed, dummy.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/10/10(Fri)18:56 No.3530584

    I'm really not.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)19:01 No.3530607
    for christ's sake...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)19:02 No.3530611
    Not so much having to do with looks, but black people are all sorts of nasty to me because they have such horrible personalities. Black women and black men always seem to be competing for attention. They are loud and totally obnoxious. They are overly sensitive because of their "inherited background" and think everyone is out to get them. So they won't listen to a single word you say because they believe they are always the victim and are always getting attacked.

    On top of this, most blacks are held down socially by their "fellow blacks." They have to bring themselves down mentally and bring themselves up sexually instead. So you get stupid people who are always flaunting their bodies.

    You black people are not logical at all.
    >> Ambassador D'Vinn !!oECrAN3BRzc 09/10/10(Fri)19:04 No.3530623
    Hi guys what's going on, /lit/izen here. Is this /cgl/? Seems kinda cool. Why'd you all have the name as DRAMA for so long before? I-
    >see this thread
    Thanks for the scrumptious pics, though.

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