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  • File : 1283914999.jpg-(64 KB, 800x800, injury.jpg)
    64 KB Covention/Cosplay Injuries Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:03 No.3519410  
    /cgl/, What's the worst cosplay/convention-related injury you've ever had? For me I've only had problems with difficult footwear and blisters at cons (not a big deal at all), but have any of you passed out from dehydration or anything crazy like that?

    Share your stories!
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:19 No.3519474
    Nothing's happened to me as of yet, but last Fanime my girlfriend almost scared me to death.

    See, she has type I diabetes, and has had it nearly her entire life. On Monday, we and my best friend were making one last go-around in the Dealer's Hall and Artist's Alley, when she started acting really tired/out of it. I asked her if she was all right, and she told me she was just getting a low blood sugar, and she's fine for now.
    A few minutes later, she was leaning on someone's table for support, so we booked it to Johnny Rocket's to get some food in her. A burger, a diet coke, and half a milkshake later, she wasn't feeling any better. I was worrying, my best friend had to carry my stuff so I could keep my girlfriend walking upright until we got to her car. I offered to drive, and asked her what hospital to take her to if she passed out, and she gave me the name of some hospital in Oakland that I've never heard of.
    We had barely made it onto the freeway when I noticed she was out. I panicked a bit, but kept driving, glancing over at her every few seconds and trying to find a spot to pull over and call her parents.
    However, just before we got to the exit to get to her place, she stirred, looked at me, and smiled before closing her eyes again. Turned out she'd just fallen asleep.
    But man, I've never been so fretful ; ;
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:21 No.3519479
    be prepared for fattie hambeasts glomping people
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:26 No.3519506
    Irons are hot. Especially when they are on and fall on you.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:27 No.3519514
    Oh man, workmate for cons always has the worst luck.

    Night before last day of con his drink got spiked. His friends thought he had passed out drunk, despite the fact that he isn't old enough to drink and was in a licensed bar or something. He still showed up bright and early to work after being in the hospital for most of the night.
    Last day of con he then accidentally rubbed hand sanitiser in his eye. Because of his lowered immune system or some shit it got so bad. He finally listen to us telling him to go to the doctor and get it drained and go home. Pus and stuff had built up behind his eye where the sanitiser managed to travel.

    That guy has the worst luck I swear.
    >> GeronKizan !!5d7NTvGVO5u 09/07/10(Tue)23:32 No.3519536
    I got hit by a taxi cab at Otakon 2006. Went to the hospital for three hours and was back at the con by late afternoon. All that happened to me was reactivating an old football injury (twisted ligament in the knee or something). All they did was give me a high dosage of ibuprofin and that's it.

    I guess I got lucky.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:33 No.3519538
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    Glomped by a hambeast, tore stitches on my back, tubby removed from convention.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:33 No.3519543
    I've never been seriously hurt, but a tree fell on my car while I was at a convention. I choose to think this was somehow related to cosplay.
    >> Shin-1chi !iT50bLRHGo 09/07/10(Tue)23:34 No.3519546
    fractured and dislocated my left ankle at the AX'05 dance jumping off the stage after showing off with a Jedi lightsaber. five years, five screws, and a metal plate later and I'm still convinced that had it been a Sith saber, I would've landed it.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:38 No.3519566
    I sewed myself to my costume. My finger threw my machine. Of course I was sewing light blue- so the splotches or red/ brown blood were very obvious.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:41 No.3519584
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    Once, I chipped my front teeth and split my chin chasing down a bitchy gay boy who doused my boyfriend in male attraction pheromone perfume. I slipped in a puddle of spilt coffee and fell. It ruined my costume too.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)23:49 No.3519622
    I forgot to wear a condom while raping someone, could have caught something nasty man.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/07/10(Tue)23:51 No.3519636
    I look at people and they break.
    >> Eri !/YbHGiyNtI 09/07/10(Tue)23:58 No.3519663
    I've blacked out a few times, being constently ill will do that to a person.

    Katsu 07- blacked out toward the end of the dance off, come back too to my friend holding onto me and moving me to a heavily AC'd room and 2 other people from the ninja team running to get food in me. the friend who had held me up and stopped me form falling and busting my head open was screaming at me to not "scare her like that anymore". Funny thing was before the dance off my other friend I was rooming with slipped and busted her ass down like...15 steps twisting her ankle. we both got stuck in our hotel room for 2 hours but excaped and finagled our way back down stares, on the way I fall on the steps in the starewell and land on a broken guiness bottle. that whole day sucked massive dick.

    Katsucon 08- making my way up to my room in the fucking corner of the hotel(felt like I was in the Shinning) I felt an 'attack' coming on half way up the elevator but just tried to breath lowly and not freak anyone/myself out. by the time I actually made it back to the room I was so happy someone was there, he saw me and lifted me onto the bed and pulled my top and cincher off me and put a cold cloth on my forehead. I remeberd where my meds were and thank god he understould my mumbling.

    >> Eri !/YbHGiyNtI 09/07/10(Tue)23:59 No.3519671
    AUSA 08- Dance off again, I'm tired and go to bend down and try and cool off. As i do so a team memeber goes to stretch and his fist and my face make contact. i go flying back up dizzy and blood lip. Friend who the ankle busted girl fom katsu was a judge and she looks at me and panics, grabs a friend whos EMT and as soonas he walks over to me I faint. So there I am in the fucking corner bleeding fomr the mouth and barely able to keep my eyes open. I can hardly breath. 5 more EMT's later I'm shuffled to my hotel room and hooked up to EKG and O2 half stripped on the bed. the only person the let in was mowner of the room and my brother who brought me food and baby asprine since I forgot my meds at home that time.They also let in Dyme(b/f at the time) and he was in a panic himself.

    The one EMT who's my friend is always checking me at con's and the one women who always get's stuck with me when ever I black out (at this point we call it time traveling) recogonizes me and asks me if I have my stuff with me. Nice lady though.

    Katsu 09-Dubbed "bad katsu" for so many reasons. I'll leave it at that.

    I'm pron to over heating and heart palps, because I'm an idiot.

    Moral of story: Eat and Don't over exert yourself.
    >> Green-ranger !!TmS5pQnYWpa 09/07/10(Tue)23:59 No.3519672
    Not entirely con related but I was glomped by a girl in a lower year than me at a train station once.

    Her head hit the centre of my upper back at about a million miles per hour, I put on a strong face but by god I thought she'd paralysed me for a few moments there.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)00:06 No.3519711
    Not really that exciting, but I wore shoes that were too small for two days straight at a con. I couldn't feel my big toe for like a week.

    I have now retired those shoes.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)00:10 No.3519734
    >Moral of story: Eat and Don't over exert yourself.

    Moral Dilema: Girl blacks out during sex Cum or call for help first
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 09/08/10(Wed)00:18 No.3519767
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    Yeah, this. This is the only con injury I've ever gotten. Here we go, story time.

    Waaaay back in the day, the very first year they had Oni-Con, I was dressed as... we'll just say a "popular character", because I try to forget that shit ever happened (it was an awful, awful costume). I got into an elevator with this HUGE woman dressed as Shippou from Inu Yasha -- she was easily 6' and 300lbs. Now, I'm not short, I've been 5'8" for years, but around that time I was pretty underweight. She freaked out when I got in, and went, "OH MY GOD. IF WE WEREN'T IN AN ELEVATOR, I WOULD SO GLOMP YOU. I'll just have to surprise you later!"

    So I laughed nervously, and after I got off the elevator, I forgot all about it. My naive younger self didn't think she was actually being serious. She was. Several hours later, with no warning whatsoever, she came at me at a full gallop, took a flying leap, and slammed into me. The costume actually involved a full face of odd colored makeup, and her shoulder hit me in the face and slid down, which wiped off a ton of my makeup onto her costume. I was so stunned, all I could say was, ".... you know that stains, right?" She just went, "I DON'T CARE I JUST GOT TO GLOMP YOU HEE HEE" and ran off.

    So I went upstairs to reapply half of my makeup, enraged. Before long, the half of my face she hit was swolen, and the next day I could barely stand up because she had basically sprained my back. It stayed ridiculously painful for at least a week afterwards. I never saw her again, so I didn't get to bitch at her about it. Fun times.
    >> Ukraine 09/08/10(Wed)00:18 No.3519768
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    Decided it be a great idea to not break in the heels for my Lisa Garland costume. My feet were hurting, and when I finally took off my shoes, my shoe had blood in it from the cut. Not fun. Learned that I need to break in my shoes beforehand.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)00:21 No.3519779
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)00:21 No.3519782
    Last weekend I was cosplaying as Robin and wore real, sharp bracers. Got off the ground and accidentally stabbed my knee. Didn't think anything of it until I got out of my costume and discovered a HOLE in my knee. Bled for two days straight.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)00:25 No.3519804
    About 3 years ago at Animazement me and a few other people were practicing for the costume contest, we had some silly skit that had us fighting and while we were practicing (with bokans and me with my weapon) the guy I was fighting with was supposed to his the staff part of my weapon. INSTEAD the rat bastard hits my fingers so hard he broke my middle and index finger. We still went on to do the sketch but fuck man I was pissed.
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 09/08/10(Wed)00:27 No.3519815
    First con I went to, Otakon.. 06/07 I think. Was "in awe" of everything, didn't see that first step, and tumbled. Kinda funny seeing a fat man tumble down the stairs.

    Sugoicon 08 - Passed out in the "rave" and got trampled. Hurt like a mother when I finally came to.

    MTAC 09 - Dressed as Chouji and going to Jack in the Box with a Shikamaru and Ino. Walking to the place, and the ground had a gopher hole that I didn't spot till I heard the snap. Broke/fractured my ankle. Shit hurt so damn bad. Still got the scar from where a bone chip came through the skin D: That's what I get though, yeah?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)00:28 No.3519819
    > Moral of story: Eat and Don't over exert yourself.

    The funny thing is, before I went to my first convention [SDCC], someone told me, "Pack snacks, bottled water... whatever you have to do, just make sure you take time to eat."

    I thought it was weird advice and kind of laughed it off. Then came Saturday of the convention. We went from about 9am until about 10pm without really eating. Since then, I always make sure I bring along plenty of things to snack on and plenty of water to stay hydrated.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)00:30 No.3519832
    Wore too small of shoes and went to the "rave" to please my now ex-boyfriend. Got home at two in the morning, as we were staying at a place 40 minutes away from con, and I had to drive. The day had been highly stressful for a hundred reasons, and just as we're going in the door, my ass of boyfriend steps on my foot. Heard a popping noise. Pried off my shoes ten minutes later (my feet were so swollen I could barely get them off) and discovered he'd broken two of my toes. I hobbled through the rest of the weekend.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)07:28 No.3521309
    I wear huge heavy terrible costumes and my life is pain.

    Halloween 2007 - Ragnarok Online Crusader. My first armor project, and I'm such a fucking genius I made it out of plaster bandages surfaced in wood filler. Wore it aaaaaall day at school. Heastroked out during my last class, and when they took it off I had massive bruises all over my chest from the weight of the breastplate and pauldrons.

    Otakon 2008 - Second try at armor! Yojimbo from FFX. 80lbs of fiberglass, 20 of that on my head and the rest rubbing horribly across my collarbones and top thoracic vertebrae. Bruises everywhere.

    ANext 2009 - Cosplaying as Ash from Kuroshitsuji and got garotted by my jabot. The end of it got caught in my wing harness, and I dropped the wings while taking them off. Crushed trachea FAAAAAAAAIL.

    And the latest, the worst, the most ridiculous:

    Otakon 2010 - Adam Kadamon from Angel Sanctuary. Costume involved huge quantities of petticoats, casa satin, ridiculously thick wig, and stilts. And not having slept in a week by the time I finally got the costume on. And Baltimore summertime weather.
    Almost passed out from heat exhaustion during the 15 minutes I actually wore the thing in the Baltimore Convention Center. Heatstroke and dehydration were not what almost killed me about this costume though. What almost killed me was a blister on my shin from the stilt straps. Which somehow got massively infected.
    Dinky little blister became cellulitis became HUGE ABSCESS OF DEATH and 103* fever and a bone infection in my tibia and two surgeries. And I am sadface, because I had so wanted to use those stilts for another costume.
    Inb4 "caused by bad hygiene", I use Hibiclens as body wash :<
    >> AschenDog 09/08/10(Wed)18:59 No.3522927
    Jesus Christ. Next time pick something more simple, or your next costume may kill you.
    >> !CIRNOHuh0E 09/08/10(Wed)19:21 No.3523008
    I still have bruises from the "rave" at Sakuracon 2010. (yes, STILL)
    I fell because some hambeast girl was thrashing about like a rabid cow (which apparently do exist) and pushed me right over. Luckily I just kinda fell to my knees (ha).
    Then I fell again on the way back to the hotel, just because I wanted to have a matching bruise on the other knee. And probably because I'm clumsy.
    Everything else is just costume-crushing, wig-destroying glomps, no real harm done.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)19:23 No.3523016
    I tripped over the hem of my dress coming down the stairs at AX 2005 and fell flat on my face...but not before nearly breaking my wrist. It was sprained so badly I had to go in for an x-ray to make sure that I hadn't fractured it. I'm graceful like that.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)19:24 No.3523020
    I bound myself using sports tape but I didn't put it on very well so when I took it off I had huge blisters and missing skin all over my chest. It was painful enough that I couldn't bind the next day. Also got a sunburn the same weekend. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)19:28 No.3523038
    Some bitch was running down the escalator and slammed into me. I nearly fell and my petticoat (I was wearing a huge gown) got caught in the escalator. I managed to yank it free but it pitched me forward.

    The steel of my hoopskirt broke through the casing and stabbed into my kneecap. I managed to stagger out of the way because people were stepping on me, and my friend yanked my skirt up to dislodge the steel. Except for a few people who offered to call an ambulance, there wasn't much help available. I made a tourniquet out of my ruined petticoat and had a nasty wound for a month.

    Never think your bare legs or a thin pair of bloomers are fine under a hoopskirt.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)19:28 No.3523039
    advice for anon, dont marry a diabetus bitch, you are only helping to spread that fucking disease to your sons, think in the future, asshole, also you will have to suffer shit from her every time and spend a lot of money in hospitals and shit, let her die and help the humanity to become a better race
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)19:33 No.3523050
    fucked myself up multiple times

    cosplaying akito, just left the con on the way to the carpark
    "hey i'm tired as fuck and still have akitos strap flail things attached, lets grind this rail on my blades, that'll be hilarious"

    long story short i ripped my straitjacket and broke my collarbone.
    >> AschenDog 09/08/10(Wed)20:35 No.3523283
    Now even your injury matches the character.
    >> Mr Kroot 09/08/10(Wed)20:38 No.3523298
    Didn't happen to me, but one of my fellow ops got hit in the face with a giant stick of pocky and started bleeding. No, that is not a euphemism.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)20:43 No.3523317
    I had a pair of high heels that were a little too small and weren't a very good brand on for two days straight, now I have permanent marks on my feet because of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)20:44 No.3523321

    I'm not an asshole, I swear, I'm someone who has some pretty hard stops when it comes to my physical limits as well, but you've GOT to take care of yourself. Seriously, this happens all the time to someone at every con and LARP and similar event I've ever attended, and it's scary and infuriating and frustrating for you, your friends, the EMTs, and staff at the event.

    Drink water, eat, sleep, take care of yourself. You're an adult, there's no reason that you can't stop dancing for 30 seconds to get water or take 5 minutes out of skit practice to eat a granola bar or some hummus.

    Listen to your body, don't make people worry and fret over you for preventable shit like this. It's not cool.
    >> S 09/08/10(Wed)20:46 No.3523330
    broken arm
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)20:52 No.3523350
    put bags of water in your unbroken in heels, put your heels in the freezer, wait full day, take out and defrost for an hour, take bags out = broken in heels!
    >> Dadderface !!yguiewhe/xA 09/08/10(Wed)20:56 No.3523363
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    First con ever and first cosplay ever at ACen '06. I was cosplaying as Commander Amarao from FlCl and somehow everyone in my group forgot spirit gum, so I wasn't sure what to use to wear my nori eyebrows. I (stupidly) listened to my (now very very ex) girlfriend's advice and allowed her to adhese them with rubber cement. As you can imagine, that didnt go so well. One eyebrow was fine, the other must have had a blemish somewhere for the rubber cement to seep into and irritate because boy oh boy did that fucker burn. I complained (ex) girlfriend told me I was being a baby. Got back to the hotel room and upon tearing off my nori, took a chunk of blistered flesh with it. Pic related, its my dumb-ass right afterward, trying so hard to not let it all get to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:03 No.3523377
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    A few days ago I twisted my leg and bruised my back because I fell and hit the corner of a wall directly after an intense high five.

    Ohhh Kumoricon~
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 09/08/10(Wed)21:09 No.3523388
    How the fuck are you niggers too dumb to feed and hydrate yourselves?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:15 No.3523409

    Because most people in this thread don't allow themselves enough money to buy any more than mickydees. They wait all day to eat, spend money on shit they don't need, then when it's time to eat, refuel with the worst shit on earth.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:16 No.3523415
    A hambeast knocked me down during a Masami Okui concert. AND DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE.

    Yes, I hold a grudge.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/08/10(Wed)21:17 No.3523420
    basically this.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:18 No.3523425
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    shut up God, you don't even eat.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:19 No.3523426
    Otakon 2009 I injured my shoulder really badly when rehearsing a masq skit on Thursday night. It made doing the skit really difficult on Saturday because it was sore and really swollen and people on here have made comments about my fucking up certain moves and it makes me sad to watch the video of it because I know I can do it better than I did. My partner was trying to be really careful not to make the injury worse so certain moves we just look kind of timid. :<
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/08/10(Wed)21:20 No.3523429
    I throw babies in my protein shakes
    >> Fuwa Fuwa !8ZqIJh0fLk 09/08/10(Wed)21:21 No.3523431
    I fell off the stage on Anime Friends 2008 while singing on karaoke. Except my dignity for having my bloomers exposed for the whole world to see, nothing was hurt, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:30 No.3523453
    I broke my hand once at a con. Just a boxers fracture. Pool parties can be brutal.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)22:42 No.3523679
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    "You're an adult, there's no reason that you can't stop dancing for 30 seconds to get water or take 5 minutes out of skit practice to eat a granola bar or some hummus."
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)23:26 No.3523845
    Hummus is delicious and there is no reason to not eat it often.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)23:34 No.3523882
    I don't know yet but I just went to Dragon Con and I came back and my entire body except for my face is covered in this itchy rash
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)23:35 No.3523885
    That's what she said.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)00:00 No.3523967
    One time before a con, I had an ingrown toenail that I had got lasered off on my big toe a few days before. It sounds like no big deal, but that shit was actually super painful. I had to apply this liquid to it and I had this huge bandage that made it hard to walk.

    I thought my toe would fall off by the end of it all. Three days of walking plus having to walk up and down a ton of stairs since we were on the top floor and elevators took two hours.

    At least I didn't wear the platforms like I had originally planned.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)00:02 No.3523973
    I passed out at Otakon a couple of years ago. I didn't cosplay that year, but I still ended up overdressing and copllasped from heat exhaustion.
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 09/09/10(Thu)00:06 No.3523994
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    >>(felt like I was in the Shinning)

    >> Tim 09/09/10(Thu)00:08 No.3524001
    I uh. I cut my finger while cutting out extra business cards. With an x-acto knife. I was bleeding profusely.

    When I went to the con's front desk, they offered me string.

    captcha: cligisly unsatisfactory. YES THAT WAS EXACTLY IT.

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