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08/13/10(Fri)10:47 No.3419784 File1281710862.jpg-(164 KB, 640x477, sambo2.jpg)
con I go to, my friends and I play "guess that Akatsuki/Captain"
because there are SO many black people who just wear the cloaks or
captain robes. I think it kinda sucks for black male cosplayers because
if you're a black female with an attractive face and figure, the fact
that you may not be accurate skintone-wise can be overlooked if you
costume is solid. It is rarely the case for black male cosplayers.
Sometimes it works though...sometimes.
That's because we
blakc males gotta spend a grand on rims and another grand on 20 pairs of
Nikes. We ain't got time to make them costumes and buy them.
to be quite honest, since some blacks are usually in poverty and low
class and all that jazz, I figure they can go to whatever the cheapest.
figure thing I can see go as a two way street. If a blakc male has a
nice body, they too can get away with cosplaying but at the end of the
day, fuck race and fuck skin tone. Hell, I don't get offended when I see
white people cosplay as black characters so why white and asian fucks
gotta get butthurt when they see a black person cosplay as a white or
Asian character?
>Also, the black guys have a tendency to "freak out" more about cosplay.
i haven't seen at the last tow cons I have went to. Usually because the
blacks I have seen at cons are niggers or immature. However, this video
is kinda funny when we're talking about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9GIVyDBwKU
But seriously, why? Don't fall into the fuckin' stereotype.
TL: DR *Us
blacks need to explore more than just the Shonen Jump b.s. - I wanna
see a fuckin' nigga cosplay as Ken from Fist of the North Star, not Son
Goku. I wanna see a sister cosplay as Lucy from Elfen Lied, not Sakura
from Naruto.