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  • File : 1281640033.jpg-(406 KB, 881x597, Yoko_Commission_by_Aneris.jpg)
    406 KB Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:07 No.3415882  
    ever notice that black chicks at cons are awesome and some of the coolest people there, but black guys act like niggers? loud, obnoxious, perving on all the chicks, etc.

    why is that? you'd think anime fans would be a bit more sophisticated than ghetto gangstaz
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:16 No.3415921
    I've noticed this too, and I have no idea why its like that. The random groups of black guys in half-assed Bleach or Naruto cosplay seems to be at every convention doing the same perverted or obnoxious things. I guess they look at it as a way to easily pick up half-dressed chicks, or maybe just a chance to try out their pickup lines. Whatever the reason, it needs to stop.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:16 No.3415927
    It depends on where you go. I've seen some niggerish chicks out there at anime cons.

    Cons closer to the inner city are usually more subject to get people who act that way, it's kind of a shame.

    But then, Anime cons are rife with racial stereotyping, to the point where it stops being funny or uncomfortable and starts getting old.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:20 No.3415941
    Hmmm... I had no idea Yoko's real name was shanikkquwa
    >> Lighterbug 08/12/10(Thu)15:20 No.3415942

    oh my god,they are ALWAYS in bleach or naruto shit.Such a sad truth.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:23 No.3415954
    Black deadpool at metro was pretty much the best thing there, and he was a dude, so nay.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:24 No.3415957

    Actually, that's something I've come to find over my years living in NYC and periodically going into jersey.

    Naruto and Bleach, those two properties specifically, are WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more popular with black people than any other race. Don't ask me why though. Wanna know why Bleach and Naruto haven't completely dissapeared after getting cancelled from CN (or pushed back into obsolession on AS), it's because black people watch it enough where the ratings are just good enough to keep in on the air.

    That and you can easily buy bleach or Naruto stuff anywhere on the super cheap.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:25 No.3415962

    Yeah, but he was on his own right? There wasn't a halfassed wolverine and a shitty cyclops hanging out with him.

    He's the exception to the rule. It's not like it's all black people.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:25 No.3415963
    I know! It's either an Akatsuki jacket or some random Bleach captain. I think they just buy them at the convention so they can show up at gatherings and just stand around
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:26 No.3415965
    > black chicks at cons are awesome and some of the coolest people there, but black guys act like niggers?

    > black chicks are awesome and some of the coolest people there, black guys act like niggers

    its mostly universal.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:28 No.3415977
    and yu-gi-oh
    I remember in high school some of the hardest of core niggas would play yu-gi-oh cards and make it look really cool ._.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:31 No.3415986

    YES! You're very right! Yugioh as well. I remember when I was at animenext a number of years ago and saw a couple guys from jersey that I had met through a few gaming tournaments. After we all played the Ps2 Naruto fighting games for a good 3 hours, they went off to play YuGiOh. I went back to my hotel room to drink.

    New Black Stereotype?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:36 No.3416004
    There was one episode of My Super Sweet 16 where the black chick went all "supah kawaii Hera-jookoo" ... Did anyone else see it?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:39 No.3416010
    Yes I love it
    OMG I REMEMBER HER, god her party was so terribly niggabooish and tacky to look at, she had every one dress japanese HARAJUKU
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:40 No.3416015
    >>3415957 Naruto and Bleach, those two properties specifically, are WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more popular with black people than any other race.

    my people love some shitty shounen. these are guys who grew up watching Dragon Ball and haven't really progressed much for there.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)15:56 No.3416043
    I think it's because both shows are basically about gangs fighting each other, which is what black people relate with best.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)16:07 No.3416078
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)16:08 No.3416084
    I'm not so sure that it's only the guys that act niggerish, alot of the girls are the same way. Only instead of acting like gangsters the are most ghetto and usually dress in half ass revealing costumes from series they probably know nothing about. They're equally annoying.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)16:09 No.3416090
    oh lol....but that makes alot of sense
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)16:38 No.3416176
    Not entirely true, I was playing in the SSF4 tournament at my last con and the winner of the tournament(His name was Stephan) was a really really cool guy. We got to talking about are favorite anime and video games and I was quite impressed by his choices, he says his top three favorite anime were Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Serial Experiments Lain and Eden of the East. Most of the games he said he played were RTS and fighters and he was really good at Blazblue and SSF4. He was one of the nicest people I've met at a con.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)16:39 No.3416182
    I think black girls in cosplay at least try a little bit harder to not look half-assed. There are alot that that look pretty damn good in their costumes and don't act retarded at conventions.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)16:40 No.3416187
    You could say that about anyone.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)16:41 No.3416188
    I've met some pretty cool black guys at cons. Tre you mah nigga!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)16:59 No.3416225
    I think with black girls at anime cons, their obnoxiousness is directly proportional to their weight. i.e. the big ones are horrid niggaboos, the smaller ones are more down-to-earth.

    Usually. I know a lot of small niggaboos.
    >> That_Violin_Man 08/12/10(Thu)17:14 No.3416269
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    WHITE POWER (Looks at his skin tone, sees nothing but black, has the "feels bad man" look on face)

    Ah damn...

    Anyway, it's time for Violin_Man/Snow_Storm's "Ask a Black Man."

    Well, I do not know why in the hell anime like "Naruto" and "Bleach" is popular in the black community. Seriously. IDK.

    Hmm for black guys acting ghetto in anime conventions, It's fuckin' sad. First off, that shit ain't funny and it only paint us in a bad light. Second off, you are at an anime convention, trying to act hood when you not even hood. Stop trying to impress people with your shitty store-brought Naruto cosplay while talking street.

    Now for the black chicks, this also I do not know why they're so chill. I think they don't wanna fall into the whole stereotype of "All black chicks are ghetto nappy hos and bitches". Also, I have yet to see a sister acting stupid or fangirlish.

    Fuck, ask me some questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
    >> sage Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)17:32 No.3416313
    yay! another troll thread about black cosplayers.... can we actually post cosplay instead of feeding these pathetic trolls.
    You are going to encounter racial stereotypes of all races at any con you go to.

    As for "perving" the chicks.... I see more white kids sneaking upskirts and other pictures at cons than I do black guys.

    I've seen far more white people doing shitty naruto and bleach and some asian as well.

    >>3415927 Cons closer to the inner city are usually more subject to get people who act that way, it's kind of a shame.
    Wrong... I rarely see this at AWA or DragonCon

    once again... the same thing can be said about white chicks.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)17:36 No.3416324
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)17:37 No.3416328
    Why do white kids always want to complain about stereotypical black people at cons instead of talking about the stereotypical/annoying white narutard?
    >> astute this !FAGGOTXBuk 08/12/10(Thu)17:42 No.3416342
    >implying vanilla weeabos are not the primary topic of /drama/
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)17:46 No.3416352
    All the black weeaboo girls I know tend to be the worst of the weeaboos. I'm not sure why that is.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)17:48 No.3416357
    All I'm saying is. There doesn't need to be a specific thread about this. Since stereotypical/annoying/weeaboish behavior can be observed in any race.

    The other threads aren't specifically targeting a certain race (unless the thread was started by that proudasian fag), maybe a certain weight class, but not a race.
    >> That_Violin_Man 08/12/10(Thu)17:51 No.3416364
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    Because scare white teenagers wouldn't dare go to a black guy with that shit outside a convention.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)17:57 No.3416380
    There are multitudes of threads about that.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:00 No.3416388
    >has never seen the daily "weaboo horror stories" threads
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:01 No.3416393
    >>3415921 implying that cosplay is about having the best costume and not about having fun.

    the stuff you listed is evident in all races
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:11 No.3416420
    this needs more pics of the girl in ops post.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:16 No.3416438
    Is there any possibility of turning this from a hate thread into a hot black chick thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:19 No.3416456
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:20 No.3416461
    Maybe but I don't have any black cosplay pics

    >> Teh-Vee !!guNu4JuWqtB 08/12/10(Thu)18:24 No.3416470
    Dark Cosplayer Posting:

    (85% Hispanic 15% black so...)
    I live in a neighborhood of niggers. You can say that word since they don't act right at all. Get a fucking green card and then you can blast your crappy music out of your stolen card. AND PULL YOUR GOD DAMNED PANTS UP.
    The black women are all bitches and whores. :|

    I honestly hate to be associated with them at all. So I hang out with Asian and Hispanic cosplayers. Nigger Ninjas are AWFUL. i hate them. They should wear some fucking deodorant. The black girls in cosplay that I've run into are mostly Goth or Furries so i avoid them too...creepy bitches in whorish clothes....

    In all honestly I only "act black" when there's some stupid bitch asking for it. Otherwise I like to think I'm a pretty classy person, con wise anyway lol..
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:27 No.3416479
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:29 No.3416484
    This spic sounds like he needs a nice vacation at Az.

    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:30 No.3416488
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:32 No.3416499
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:33 No.3416506
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:34 No.3416507
    I can agree with most of that you've said, but black cosplaying girls being goths or furries? Wtf cons do you go to?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:34 No.3416511
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:35 No.3416512
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:37 No.3416517
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:39 No.3416524
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:39 No.3416528
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    >> Teh-Vee !!guNu4JuWqtB 08/12/10(Thu)18:40 No.3416529
    Goin to Texas in December, Babes. <3
    I have to deal with New york Faggotry. :(
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:43 No.3416536
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:43 No.3416537
    So do I, that's where I'm from. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I have yet to run into a goth/furry black girl. The worst I've dealt with are angry black girls that are angry at their boyfriends for looking at half-dressed women.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:44 No.3416541
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    >> Teh-Vee !!guNu4JuWqtB 08/12/10(Thu)18:47 No.3416552
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    Avoid the community. :(
    The NY community collected itself a year ago and tore itself apart over a lying Asian, a creepy russian, and Pedoyasha. :(
    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:49 No.3416562
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:50 No.3416571
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:52 No.3416576
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:53 No.3416579
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    Moar delicious chocolate!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:55 No.3416590
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)18:55 No.3416594
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:01 No.3416619
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:02 No.3416624
    This thread is giving me jungle fever!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:02 No.3416626
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:05 No.3416633
    i love this thread now.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:07 No.3416640
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:07 No.3416643
    A brick has been shat
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:15 No.3416659
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:15 No.3416662
    >lying Asian, a creepy russian
    Reni & Jack?
    /oldfag is curious
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:16 No.3416667
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:17 No.3416670
    That Violin Man, I love you.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:22 No.3416690
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:24 No.3416696
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:25 No.3416698
    so choice.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:27 No.3416703
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    While we're on this, any good cosplays of Shinobu from No More Heroes or the Fortune from Metal Gear Solid 2? I've only seen one decent Shinobu and never seen a good Fortune.
    >> That_Violin_Man 08/12/10(Thu)19:29 No.3416716
    I seen several good Shinobu cosplay but never any Fortune cosplay.

    I KNOW I ask this question all the time but what anime fandom doens't have black people cosplaying?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:41 No.3416765
    I haven't seen any good shinobu's, not posted here anyway. I did find one on another site, but I didn't save it and can't find it anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:43 No.3416770
    Thanks, anon! So much better than anything I was expecting! Who is this glorious person?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)19:47 No.3416787
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    Nerdy black chicks are so rare and so hot.
    >> Teh-Vee !!guNu4JuWqtB 08/12/10(Thu)19:48 No.3416790

    If you have a Facebook you Can PM me and I'll tell you.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)20:04 No.3416856
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)20:12 No.3416909
    Heh, and out myself?
    I'm on to your wily tricks...

    No, srsly, not gonna do that, but I left cut my ties in the community right before Reni's first NY show [over a year ago I think?] and was so sad to have missed it. I knew she wasn't Japanese, but I did think she was cute with a good voice. If only I knew what the future held lol.

    Jak was a fun if slightly crazy Russian. Not much of a cosplayer but a jrawk fan.
    >> Teh-Vee !!guNu4JuWqtB 08/12/10(Thu)20:30 No.3417000
    I'd tell you who they were but I'd rather not have some whiny children coming to me b'awwwing about how I talk about the bullshit they brang and how they ruined everything. :/

    I haven't heard of a Jack so maybe he's dropped off the map? ^^

    >>More Good female black cosplayers yes?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)20:41 No.3417072
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)20:43 No.3417085
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)20:52 No.3417134
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)20:53 No.3417139
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)20:53 No.3417144
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)20:54 No.3417149
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)20:59 No.3417173
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)21:00 No.3417182
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)21:09 No.3417232
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    >black cosplayers
    >hmm, this will probably be the same old reposts of reposts

    wow, new content!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)21:15 No.3417262
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    wonder why there are more cosplays of Christie from Tekken?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)21:17 No.3417278
    >anime fans


    I'd rather put up with someone being a gigantic nigger than someone being a gigantic weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)21:22 No.3417311
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    forgot to proofread
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)21:23 No.3417319
    oh... who is she?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)21:38 No.3417381
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)21:51 No.3417429
    you don't know her? that's honey bunny. she was one of the USA reps for WCS about 4 or 5 years ago. she's also >>3416576 and >>3416590
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:09 No.3417538
    Really now? Are you seriously going that low as to talk about someone behind their back?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:10 No.3417553
    Welcome to /cgl/, it happens alot
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:10 No.3417555
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    bump for moar
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:12 No.3417561
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:17 No.3417592
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:18 No.3417599
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:20 No.3417611
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:22 No.3417618
    You must be new here. Very new.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:24 No.3417627
    Not really. I just know who that person is in reality and i dont remember her doing that.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:24 No.3417630
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:25 No.3417632
    My friends hold an art table where they happened to do free requests. These two black chicks mooched off of us all day asking for stupid things like Spongebob fighting Naruto characters and they wouldn't fucking go away.

    It was terrible. We had to hide from them.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)22:30 No.3417653
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)23:05 No.3417796
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    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/12/10(Thu)23:06 No.3417803
    You kidding? They all act like the fucking whitest kids I know.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)23:08 No.3417817

    YES. Good halibels. that's what I like to see.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)23:41 No.3417961
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)23:44 No.3417973
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)23:45 No.3417980
    I hate black chicks at cons, such attention whores
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)23:46 No.3417982
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    wax, please?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)23:50 No.3417995
    >Implying all cosplayers aren't attention whores
    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)23:54 No.3418011
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/10(Thu)23:54 No.3418012
    Yay for black women who cosplay right<3
    >> Big Fat Iori 08/13/10(Fri)00:05 No.3418076
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    That Mai is gorgeous. Dem thighs.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)00:32 No.3418217
    As an aspiring delicious brown female cosplayer the direction this thread has taken please me greatly. that said, residing in the NY area, it makes me sad to hear the community has 'fallen apart'.

    She is GORGEOUS, I'd like to see her in some skin tone/face accurate cosplays. She would make a really great yoruichi, however common that copsplay is. Her face is very angular.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)01:59 No.3418743
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)02:24 No.3418834
    i like how this thread went from casual racism to cute girls. stay classy, /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)02:34 No.3418866
    wish more threads ended up like this, full of hot chicks.
    >> Con Subzero !oBw50RtmZA 08/13/10(Fri)02:49 No.3418916

    it's so coooold in the d...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:16 No.3419020
         File1281683784.jpg-(43 KB, 427x640, 805421.jpg)
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    Hey guuuise...ammidoinitrite?????!!!111111
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:19 No.3419033
         File1281683989.jpg-(21 KB, 400x311, sad-cat.jpg)
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    It's amazing how easily a thread like this can be ruined...
    >> deleted 08/13/10(Fri)03:28 No.3419075
         File1281684492.jpg-(113 KB, 332x500, 2650534.jpg)
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    whats that? you want more??
    here sad cat...
    i has a one piece sanji.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:30 No.3419080
    *whew* Thank god I hate One Piece or this would really make me want to end my life. But nice try!
    >> deleted 08/13/10(Fri)03:32 No.3419085
         File1281684746.jpg-(91 KB, 480x640, 2499121.jpg)
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    well let me try want some Alucard?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:35 No.3419093
    Just looks a vampire pimp, nothing strange about that
    >> deleted 08/13/10(Fri)03:37 No.3419101
         File1281685061.jpg-(64 KB, 427x640, 1454961.jpg)
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    i must win this war....HOW ABOUT THIS?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:41 No.3419110
    Umm... exactly what is this supposed to be? Definitely no rage inducing
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:41 No.3419113
    damn being black makes everything look more pimping
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:45 No.3419127
    I actually think they did a stellar job for not having his skintone.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:49 No.3419131
         File1281685761.jpg-(148 KB, 479x720, 39044_122327824481151_11573727(...).jpg)
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    Should this thread now be about good black male cosplay?
    >> deleted 08/13/10(Fri)03:52 No.3419140
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:52 No.3419142
    that sounds lovely :3c
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:54 No.3419151
    gimme a month and ill fix your shinobu problem
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)03:59 No.3419167
    If only I had some black guys in my Black Cosplay folder, as of right now it's loaded with just women =/
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:02 No.3419176
         File1281686563.jpg-(16 KB, 361x309, Double_D_1.jpg)
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    ITT: White people being white people.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:05 No.3419183
    woah... thats the best halibel i've ever seen! and I've seen alot
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:05 No.3419186
    Tell the Japanese to make more black male characters that are not raging steroetypes or utterly marginalized.
    You have no idea how much of a pain it is to find decent cosplay without a mask for a black guy.
    But at the end of it all, I also don't expect you to be all that concerned. I've seen the advice threads, they are generally full of terrible characters that would only be done for the sake of ease and skin tone, and sometimes you want more than to just share the same skin and hair type as a character.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:08 No.3419192
         File1281686922.jpg-(375 KB, 683x1024, 4853251111_20f01cb5ab_b.jpg)
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    I lol'd. As a fellow niggaboo (I'm seriously using this shit now) and one of the cosplayers posted on here (One of the take your pick) I have to agree with a lot of what has been said here.

    Everyone con I go to, my friends and I play "guess that Akatsuki/Captain" because there are SO many black people who just wear the cloaks or captain robes. I think it kinda sucks for black male cosplayers because if you're a black female with an attractive face and figure, the fact that you may not be accurate skintone-wise can be overlooked if you costume is solid. It is rarely the case for black male cosplayers. Sometimes it works though...sometimes.

    Also, the black guys have a tendency to "freak out" more about cosplay.

    Example: my friend and I were walking as Sakura from SSFIV and Sheva respectively, and this group just stops us goes "OMG A SAKURA! OMG A SHEVA" and goes on and on about how they are "gay" for Sheva and Sakura (guys gay for females...lolwut). ANYWHO, after they take pics they go "Now we would all like hugs from Sakura than Sheva in that order" and we were like "uh...yeah, we need to get somewhere." It's really embarrassing.

    Also....has anyone noticed that they all tend to wear the same "niggaboo" attire (Tripp pants, Naruto headband and/or rave goggles, Hot Topic arm warmers, KH/Naruto/Bleach shirt). Shit never fails.

    TL;DR More black cosplay (nix white dude)
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:09 No.3419193
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:18 No.3419207
    Oh hey, I met you guys as Juri at Otakon!

    And I know exactly what you're talking about, black guys always gave off this fanboy creeper vibe. I'm not saying it's only the black guys, but the tend to roam in huge groups so its a little overwhelming to be stuck in the middle of all of that.

    As for guys being able to choose cosplay and match skintone, at some point they should just give up on trying to do that. There are only so many black anime characters, and by so many I mean like.... maybe 10.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:19 No.3419208
    >taking notes
    >comparing to my own behavior at cons
    >looking good
    >see freaking out
    >do this occasianally
    >feels sorta bad man
    >make mental note to curb enthusiasm at cons from here on out
    >.................................................. still feels sorta bad
    >sigh, get back to glueing, this Big Daddy outfit won't make itself
    >sigh again when I remember that no one will believe a black guy is under the helmet
    >remember that cosplay is about having fun
    >it's about having fun
    >it's about having fun
    >it's about having fun
    It's about having fun, right?
    >> S 08/13/10(Fri)04:23 No.3419214
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:25 No.3419220
         File1281687930.jpg-(37 KB, 400x378, 2007-08-23-big-daddy-costume.jpg)
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    Pretty much, yeah. With a Big Daddy costume you'll be all set! .... Unless you made it out of cardboard, then I hate you
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:26 No.3419222
    >As for guys being able to choose cosplay and match skintone, at some point they should just give up on trying to do that. There are only so many black anime characters, and by so many I mean like.... maybe 10.
    Wish it was so easy.
    Women can skate on that if the craftmenship and their own personal beauty is good enough (see thread).
    Guys never get that kind of latitude.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:29 No.3419229
    So what should they do? Just keep cosplaying the same characters over and over again for the sake of being accurate?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:32 No.3419237
    It's the alpha Daddy, so I got some pleather and a formed underbase. I hope it turns out good.
    I know cosplay should be fun, but sometimes the people involved murder my spirit. A small pool to choose from and knowing full well that people will talk acid about me for "butchering their character" goes a long way towards sapping your spirit.
    I might just go brolita and at least take personal amusement from it all.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:42 No.3419256
    << White guy

    After reading this thread all i can say is, "I must find a hot nerdy black girl now."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:44 No.3419263
    >The same old general whining about role models crap combined with the expectation of foreign cultures to conform to your personal wants.
    Jesus Christ...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:44 No.3419265
    Thus you see the quandry.
    While doing a character you love is all well and nice, shit changes when you parade in front of others. >>3419237 is absolutely right. I've been cursed at, openly, for cosplaying some characters because "they aren't coloreds!".
    I hope they were joking, but I haven't cosplayed since then. Learnt something, I guess
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:47 No.3419272
    >same old ignoring the difficulties of others because you don't personally experience them
    What part of I don't care now did you miss?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:52 No.3419282
    Odds are they weren't, but either way there may still be people who think that outside of /cgl/.

    I ask the question because my brother is a much darker complexion than I am but also likes to cosplay. So far he's been either black characters (Jan Valentine, L4D Louis), or masked characters. I would love to see him attempted a non-black character, but at the same time I dont want to deal with the usual "that character isnt black" bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:54 No.3419287
    Probably the part where you actually said "I don't care now,"

    Did you get it?
    The joke is that you didn't say that.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)04:59 No.3419308
    >I also don't expect you to be all that concerned
    >get mad because I paraphrased myself
    I figured that someone would immediately spout some inane drivel like you just did.
    As I said, I don't expect you to care or emphasize in the slightest, I just stopped cosplaying. It wasn't fun and only seemed to draw out the worst in people.
    I hope the guy putting together the big daddy costume doesn't turn in his kit like I did, but it looks like he is finding out the hard way the nature of his peers.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)05:05 No.3419316
    >I dont want to deal with the usual "that character isnt black" bullshit.
    From my experience, it's impossible. The only difference is how up front the people are about it, and at a con, people are infamously open.
    If he truly likes the character, has a thick skin and believes he can do it justice with craftmanship and deed, encourage him to go for it.
    If he is lacking any of those, he will have a difficult time of it, and even then, craftmanship means astoundingly little at times. Just make sure he knows what he is getting in to, and the possible ugliness at the end of the tunnel.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)05:11 No.3419325
    >>I also don't expect you to be all that concerned
    Which was completely irrelevant to what I said.

    It obviously escaped your understanding, but it was readily apparent that post was in response to your childish "Tell it to the Japanese" bullshit.

    But hey, some people don't think it's right that others take their opinions as their own opinions. That's their problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)05:57 No.3419372
         File1281693433.jpg-(70 KB, 480x640, tenc5110.jpg)
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    Every black male con-goer that I've come across have all been cool and chill, and I've been going to cons since '99.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)07:10 No.3419488
    Truly spoken like a person that is completely unaffected by the issue.
    Your input is nice, even if you have no idea what it means.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)07:51 No.3419537
         File1281700302.jpg-(139 KB, 500x375, nycc09-3263833345_9d8a8399ec.jpg)
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    >"niggaboo" attire (Tripp pants, Naruto headband and/or rave goggles, Hot Topic arm warmers, KH/Naruto/Bleach shirt).
    are there really that many of us dressed like that? I was never into the baggy look, so those sorts of things my eyes have filtered into background noise.

    >people complain about comments from others, etc
    you can't please everyone. some people you'll never be able to please.

    >not enough black male characters, etc
    I've seen a lot of the character suggestions and many of them haven't been done, or are done rarely. Off the top of my head, there's the Egyptian arc(s) in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters. The two guys from Samurai Seven. Scar, Miles and other Ishbalans from FMA Brotherhood. Two of the cyborgs from Cyborg 009. Hell, there's about half a dozen guys from G.I. Joe. Go old school. Token bad ass black guy from M.A.S.K., or the main character from C.O.P.S. Brown Hornet from Fat Albert. Someone other than John Stewart from the Justice League.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)10:46 No.3419783
         File1281710803.jpg-(62 KB, 480x640, 1279260487191.jpg)
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    this thread went from gay to awesome, then back to full retarded.....

    Less talk more cosplay.
    >> That_Violin_Man 08/13/10(Fri)10:47 No.3419784
         File1281710862.jpg-(164 KB, 640x477, sambo2.jpg)
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    >Everyone con I go to, my friends and I play "guess that Akatsuki/Captain" because there are SO many black people who just wear the cloaks or captain robes. I think it kinda sucks for black male cosplayers because if you're a black female with an attractive face and figure, the fact that you may not be accurate skintone-wise can be overlooked if you costume is solid. It is rarely the case for black male cosplayers. Sometimes it works though...sometimes.

    That's because we blakc males gotta spend a grand on rims and another grand on 20 pairs of Nikes. We ain't got time to make them costumes and buy them.

    Actually, to be quite honest, since some blacks are usually in poverty and low class and all that jazz, I figure they can go to whatever the cheapest.

    The figure thing I can see go as a two way street. If a blakc male has a nice body, they too can get away with cosplaying but at the end of the day, fuck race and fuck skin tone. Hell, I don't get offended when I see white people cosplay as black characters so why white and asian fucks gotta get butthurt when they see a black person cosplay as a white or Asian character?

    >Also, the black guys have a tendency to "freak out" more about cosplay.

    That i haven't seen at the last tow cons I have went to. Usually because the blacks I have seen at cons are niggers or immature. However, this video is kinda funny when we're talking about this:

    But seriously, why? Don't fall into the fuckin' stereotype.

    TL: DR
    *Us blacks need to explore more than just the Shonen Jump b.s. - I wanna see a fuckin' nigga cosplay as Ken from Fist of the North Star, not Son Goku. I wanna see a sister cosplay as Lucy from Elfen Lied, not Sakura from Naruto.

    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)10:48 No.3419786
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)11:04 No.3419807
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    >>3419784 Cause all black guys spend money on bullshit or are poor....

    Whatever dude.... No matter how you look at it, there are people at cons that will portray the stereotypes of any race there. If black guys acting a certain way bothers you, ignore them and move on; I ignore the annoying white narutards just fine.

    The "greatness" of a costume isn't the point of cosplaying. It's supposed to be about fun. So who cares if they aren't 100% accurate. If they had fun that's what matters. All you pseudo-elitists just want something else to complain about.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)11:06 No.3419809
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)11:07 No.3419810

    Way to miss the joke.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)11:13 No.3419820
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)11:33 No.3419847
    Once, I woke up to a black man playing Smash on the hotel TV and complaining loudly about how much of a whore the 9-star CPU Peach was.

    Also, he kept on squeaking out "AY! AY! AY!" every five fucking seconds, and it was giving me a pounding headache.
    >> That_Violin_Man 08/13/10(Fri)13:16 No.3420065
         File1281719771.jpg-(12 KB, 267x255, 1281605933856.jpg)
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    You have completely missed the point...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)13:33 No.3420110
         File1281720823.jpg-(44 KB, 665x674, 1267296573490.jpg)
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    Less talk, more pics!
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)14:09 No.3420193
         File1281722974.jpg-(33 KB, 450x319, nigger-joes-tar-soap.jpg)
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    Isnt Mr. Terrific all flattopped out?
    I am black and I cosplay,Havent dont a costume in years...
    But I dont see how I fit in this thread...
    So judge me as you see fit.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)15:04 No.3420325
    more pics
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)17:41 No.3420824
         File1281735697.jpg-(106 KB, 600x900, 1274672173378.jpg)
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    >> That_Violin_Man 08/13/10(Fri)18:39 No.3421001
    That he is.

    But yeah, I think we need to post more pics. Sadly, I don't have any black cosplay pics. All I can do is comment and say "that's cool" or something.

    Question: Is there any Static Shock cosplay?
    >> Dick Dastardly !qUPPRZIVks 08/13/10(Fri)18:42 No.3421014
    stupid thread is stupid. MOAR TITS
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)18:52 No.3421044

    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)19:22 No.3421098
    more pics need to be in this thread.
    >> deleted 08/13/10(Fri)19:30 No.3421122
    there is...but none of it is that good.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)19:43 No.3421169
    i'm not from USA.
    I'm in loveeee.. Need more
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)19:54 No.3421200
    I did not find a single female in this thread atractive
    until this picture was posted, well done.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)22:26 No.3421734
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)22:41 No.3421788
         File1281753694.jpg-(130 KB, 720x540, 1280704026345.jpg)
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    There's a whole Lightning / Cloud village in Naruto that is black. But my thoughts are, if it looks good, do it. Color is just a footnote in an otherwise great cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)22:43 No.3421793
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)22:45 No.3421796
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)22:49 No.3421812
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)23:50 No.3422022

    Eww. She's wearing something she made for someone else? Against her naked flesh?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)23:53 No.3422046
    Oh no! Not breasts!
    It's not like it's her crotch. It's like wearing someone else's shirt.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)00:06 No.3422092
         File1281758817.jpg-(183 KB, 800x1195, nycc08-DSC_0068.jpg)
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    >Is there any Static Shock cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)00:13 No.3422118
    Fucking YES Static Shock!
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)00:35 No.3422220
         File1281760505.jpg-(43 KB, 450x600, 1521380.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)01:11 No.3422365
    Woah, hottest Morrigan I've seen yet!
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)01:16 No.3422380
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)01:22 No.3422401

    wow, that's really good
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)10:21 No.3423445
    dont wanna sound racist but black people dont look good cosplaying unless the character is black
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)11:02 No.3423485
         File1281798123.jpg-(27 KB, 180x229, 0014.jpg)
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    That is not racism. That's just your opinion on their similarity to the character.

    Also, learn basic grammar for Christ's sake.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)14:56 No.3423886
    best thread i've seen in cgl in a while
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)15:56 No.3423988
    any Jefferson Twilight cosplay? Dr Quinn from Sealab?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)17:17 No.3424104
         File1281820626.jpg-(126 KB, 450x373, 1250886963610.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)17:26 No.3424141
         File1281821187.gif-(81 KB, 477x352, lir.gif)
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    >dont wanna sound racist but
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:22 No.3424900
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:13 No.3425087
         File1281845588.jpg-(116 KB, 540x720, 1275942054474.jpg)
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    I'm still wondering if this dude is cosplaying anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:21 No.3425118
    wow really?
    he's cosplaying Genjyo Sanzo from Saiyuki.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:22 No.3425124
    I love me some Cryhog
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:38 No.3425200

    holy shit dem boobs

    >> That_Violin_Man 08/15/10(Sun)00:39 No.3425203
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    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)09:00 No.3426258
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    i think this is the same person
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)09:03 No.3426261
    derp, same character, but not same person. not even close. knew i should have put on my glasses before posting.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)09:59 No.3426304
         File1281880746.jpg-(95 KB, 480x720, venus.jpg)
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    dem stems
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)11:38 No.3426447
         File1281886697.jpg-(145 KB, 576x760, blosaka.jpg)
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    This thread is suddenly delicious
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)11:44 No.3426451
    I saw this girl in person at Tulsa. I actually really liked her Sailor Venus cosplay (much better than some of the others that day)
    Plus she was pretty tall and had nice legs, a trait that many of the sailor scouts had.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)19:16 No.3427230
    more of her?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)19:24 No.3427251
    >anime fans
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)19:45 No.3427292
    You're a fucking dumb bitch cunt. Get some money and move out the ghetto, you dumb bitch.

    Lower class America doesn't represent an entire race, dumb bitch.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)19:48 No.3427299
    this. kill it with fire.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)19:51 No.3427304
    Should of cosplayed a scout with black/brown hair. Blonde looks horrid on her.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)21:27 No.3427644
         File1281922079.jpg-(163 KB, 375x500, 1265873800711.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)21:31 No.3427659
    dont wanna sound mean but ugly people dont look good cosplaying unless the character is ugly
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)21:45 No.3427710
         File1281923147.jpg-(26 KB, 600x480, lonely .jpg)
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    that is not true dont be such a jerd.
    >havent cosplayed in years
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)21:47 No.3427716
         File1281923232.jpg-(75 KB, 419x640, PoDW - Tula.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)22:49 No.3427919
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/10(Mon)01:59 No.3428608

    Happy trail is happy ^_^
    >> The Cosplay Cop 08/16/10(Mon)02:18 No.3428672
         File1281939527.jpg-(40 KB, 450x432, nikond300.jpg)
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    >That's because we blakc males gotta spend a grand on rims and another grand on 20 pairs of Nikes. We ain't got time to make them costumes and buy them.

    I'm a black man an I spend my money on something useful that can get the attention of the ladies at the con without resorting to using shitty cosplay idiot tactics.

    I use a nice camera and complements. It goes a long way with my image. (plus having a badge kinda helps too...)
    >> Anonymous 08/16/10(Mon)04:31 No.3429078
    >> Anonymous 08/16/10(Mon)09:01 No.3429554
    Three of black guys and a white guy at London Expo this May were in Sailor Moon uniforms, all fairly ripped, it was teh lulz and they were great guys =)

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