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  • File : 1280708553.jpg-(168 KB, 700x900, 1276913988861.jpg)
    168 KB Otakon Masq Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)20:22 No.3365523  
    I didn't go. Video, comments, concerns?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)20:23 No.3365529
    TOTAL shit. There was like 3 good skits. The rest were god-awful. You're lucky you didn't go, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)20:24 No.3365533
    it was awful

    there was like 1 or 2 decent skits, and the opening skit was a rehashing of a skit from ANEXT pretty much word-for-word.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)20:26 No.3365547
    A lot of live singing. And it was all horrible
    >> LeastHomosexualCupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 08/01/10(Sun)20:28 No.3365558
    What were the 3 good skits? I didn't go either
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 08/01/10(Sun)20:29 No.3365565
    >TOTAL shit. There was like 3 good skits. The rest were god-awful.

    So... it was like every other convention masquerade.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)20:30 No.3365570
    Who won BoS?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)20:34 No.3365595

    The Vocaloid one with the million girls dancing to "Ji," that Korean song. Okay, but... ehh, I dunno. Not the best.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)20:35 No.3365604

    I always enjoy Tiki's Street Fighter skits, though I wish they would do it as an exhibition so it could be longer since they're just using the same idea year after year
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)20:52 No.3365698

    one of the few good skits
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)21:54 No.3366110
    I guess I'm a minority--I thought there were some fairly entertaining skits. Nothing blew my mind, but I got some laughs here and there.

    But there were A LOT who didn't know the meaning of the phrase 'short and sweet', ffs.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:06 No.3366181

    ff13 characters do an old spice type commercial, brilliant
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 08/01/10(Sun)22:18 No.3366246
    BlazBlue skit was god-tier...was laughing the entire time.
    >> Ema Skye !6Nzsd1nmvM!!Fz917wQDle5 08/01/10(Sun)22:19 No.3366256
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    Is... is that a beard made out of kittens...?!

    How could they get to stand still so diligently?!
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:23 No.3366288

    They were asked by Otakon masq staff to perform it as an exhibition skit. They then performed for the competition in the final skit and won Best Overall Craftsman.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:26 No.3366308
    If anyone has video of this, it will bring me GREAT joy.

    Captcha: brand adds
    >> S 08/01/10(Sun)22:27 No.3366319
    I wasn't at Otakon, but thanks for uploading this picture. It's one of my favorites, but I lost it after I had to fix my computer.
    >> BigDumbHippy 08/01/10(Sun)22:28 No.3366330
    I heard the guys from X Japan never showed up to do their set at the halfway point
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:31 No.3366349
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:40 No.3366406
    there was a GaGa Skit?
    What series was it for?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:41 No.3366412

    There was a Pokemon/Telephone one that was one of the few high points of the masq, imho.

    And there was a really dull Utena/Bad Romance one.

    All in all, an especially shit masquerade.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:42 No.3366426
    Apparently the Utena skit was supposed to win best Journeyman, but they got disqualified because they have at least two Masters in their group.
    Or so I've heard.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:43 No.3366430
    I'm probably the only one, but I enjoyed the Kefka skit. It was so appropriate.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 08/01/10(Sun)22:50 No.3366482
    I really liked the telephone skit, their dancing was good and their ending was top tier finisher.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:53 No.3366504

    I really agree. The choreography was clean and obviously rehearsed and the ringtones were clever. A solid skit.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)22:56 No.3366519

    Hey I was in your hotel room last night :D
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:06 No.3366568
    I just got back from the con, like, an hour. I didn't expect to start seeing these threads until morning. Also, I didn't go to the masq. because I'm not retarded. There's a ton of other shit to enjoy at Otakon. The masq. feels so fucking useless to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:07 No.3366575
    >I just got back from the con, like, an hour.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:09 No.3366589
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    Phew, thank god I didn't go. I was heavily debating on it, but my crew wasn't all that interested and I wanted to get in line for the cosplay burlesque show. :)

    Happy to hear I didn't miss anything.

    (Pic is from Otakon 08. Haven't uploaded new Otakon pics yet.)
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:10 No.3366591
    well, i can tell you the cosplay burlesque was the just about the greatest thing i have ever seen in my life
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:12 No.3366607
    So you're commenting without even being there. Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:14 No.3366622
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:15 No.3366634
    What did they basically do at the burlesque show?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:17 No.3366646
    Dear god... Had this guy sneak up on me in a conversation, about scared the fuck out of me.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:19 No.3366664
    it's Gee, you retard
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:24 No.3366716

    Girls and a few dudes took their clothes off to music with a geeky twist. I expected it to suck, but I was actually pretty impressed. The Tetris, Axel and WoW dances were especially good.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/10(Sun)23:26 No.3366742

    No, you're the fucking retard. I am Korean, it's written "ji" in Korean. Sorry I'm not an ignorant American who assumes everything is written the way it sounds in English.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/10(Mon)00:03 No.3366994
    >> Anonymous 08/02/10(Mon)00:14 No.3367060
    I enjoyed it, too.
    You heard wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/10(Mon)01:52 No.3367656
    >> Anonymous 08/02/10(Mon)02:06 No.3367727

    >Search Girl's Generation Ji
    >Did you mean: girls generation gee Top 2 results shown

    Fuck off, it's Gee you gook
    >> Anonymous 08/02/10(Mon)04:13 No.3368095
    vid of BiS skit?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/10(Mon)04:20 No.3368129
    >> Anonymous 08/02/10(Mon)12:05 No.3369294
    Is there video of that skit? I'm curious as to what they looked like.

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