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07/23/10(Fri)16:07 No.3319814 File1279915621.jpg-(426 KB, 1333x1865, YunaGunner.jpg)
 (LOL just kidding, reference is here.) 6.
Your sideskirt... Oh dear. Where to start? The blue is WAY too bright,
it should be a faded medium blue. The gradient isn't supposed to spread
over the entire thing; rather, it restarts at each "section". Each
section is longer, so more white shows at the bottom of the second, and
more at the third, while the first hardly shows any at all. Try looking
up some tutorials on gradient dyeing because you could use some work on
that. The lace you chose also doesn't look good. But... for now, the
best thing you can do is cut the ends of the skirt ties into strips.
Yours are just rectangle blocks, but they should be more like tassels
at the end.
7. Again, you probably don't have time... but
please, please invest in a pair of lace-up boots. Not Converse. Who do
you think you are? Yuffie?
TL;DR: Stop worrying about your
weight and worry more about the quality of your costume. Look at it
this way. If you're overweight but your costume is high-quality, people
will focus on the costume. But if you're overweight and your costume is
awful, you'll get bashed. Hard.
You're at a good starting point,
but there's a lot you can do to improve in the future! But for the con
in a few days, do what you can from the crit above, along with a few
other things:
- Look up a good makeup tutorial and practice it
before the con. You could use some more defined eye makeup (like some
liner and mascara, please), as well as a brighter lip color.
Do some crunches/an ab workout starting NOW. It'll help give you a tiny
bit more definition for the con. (On that note, on the morning you're
wearing this, do some situps.)
- Cut out the soda and salty
foods starting today. Switch to water and healthy snacks instead to
reduce face puffing and general bloat!
I hope that helps a bit! Sorry if it was super harsh, but hey, it's 4chan. |