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    File : 1279673537.jpg-(100 KB, 778x584, DSC03711.jpg)
    100 KB What's your cosplay community like? Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)20:52 No.3306038  
    Here in Los Angeles, most cosplayers, if not all, know each other and have hang out's such as Little Tokyo. Mostly because they are fucking Weaboo's trying to get as close as they can to Japan without knowing how things really are in Japan.

    Cosplayeres here in Los Angeles, sad to say, are the worst cosplayers in the world. While they might try and charm you with their skills on the sewing machine, it goes much far worse than you think. Most of the cosplayers i met in Los Angeles are broke ass Weaboos who you would question "How the fuck do you have money for cons when you never have fucking money in your pocket?"

    Picture related: These two are 2 of many cosplayers in Los Angeles who make my city look very bad. Along with them there are a lot more who don't have a job and believe they live in an actual world similar to what you read in a new chapter of Naruto.

    I'm here to say that if your an outsider planning to visit our Anime community that it's best not to befriend anyone and i mean ANYONE in Los Angeles. If your an Anime fan, keep it a secret otherwise you will be added to the list of drama that evolves around the cosplay community here.

    Are there any residents outise Los Angeles who can share their story with us?
    >> KingOfTheWorld !fmJRnC5rvE 07/20/10(Tue)20:53 No.3306042
    i wouldn't know seeing as i don't cosplay. I just hang around for the dram and free booz.
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 07/20/10(Tue)20:55 No.3306056
    Costa Rica: Small and friendly.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)20:55 No.3306057
    You already posted this vendetta thread before
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/20/10(Tue)20:56 No.3306060
    you at this shit again? Go home kid.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 07/20/10(Tue)20:56 No.3306063
    There is no cosplay scene in West Virginia.

    Mainly cause getting supplies is nearly impossible unless you order online. There is one con, Tsubasacon, or the "Con-Time-Forgot." Its cute, goodish area, lots of food, but damn if I didn't feel like the oldest one there at the ripe young age of 23.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)20:57 No.3306070
    Go kill yourself plz.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)20:57 No.3306074
    I live in LA, but my friends are in the Bay Area as I moved down here last year. I even went to Fanime this year and skipped out on AX. Fanime has always been more fun, and when money gets tight, I'm always going to choose Fanime.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)20:59 No.3306081

    This thread is aimed at you to you know lol
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/20/10(Tue)21:03 No.3306100
    haha I'm sure it is. keep on trollin son.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:04 No.3306108
    ...Is that Proud Asian on the right?

    Regardless! My cosplay scene here in Oregon is made of 14-year-olds in Pokemon Gjinka outfits. Especially here in Eugene, where it's nothing but Bleach Bleach Bleach Naruto Naruto Naruto Death Note Death Note Death Note D.Gray-man D.Gray-man D.Gray-man. Not to mention everyone's a crazy pot-smoking liberal here, and if they're not pot-smoking liberals they're gun-totin' Republicans. it makes for fascinating conversation, but alas there is no anime in my town. Nor do I have an LCS, which sucks balls because I couldn't get Lantern rings last November.

    Portland is just as bad, so I've heard, but at least they have Fabric Depot?
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 07/20/10(Tue)21:07 No.3306125
    The cosplay community that I know here in Utah is fucking awesome.
    If any of you guys are reading this, I love you. <3
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:08 No.3306130
    sadly this is true. ive been to little tokyo a lot and i get fucking annoyed seeing these stupid kids cosplay for now occasion at all. i know dis 1 bisexual girl who always cosplays that soul eater shit even if there is no damn event going on. worse part is the drama they create. fucking wish they would be taken to japan so they can see what it really is out there and theyd regret every being a fucking weaboo ever again.
    >> Britfag !!VN4BeP6O8RP 07/20/10(Tue)21:08 No.3306134
    The cosplay scene in my area of Blighty is pretty much as it is anywhere else;

    It's full of teenagers, who are overly HAPPY HAPPY, spouting off stupid shit like KAWAII, constantly doing Carmell Dansen, and generally being fucking annoying twats.

    And of course, it's all done in either a shitty bought costume, or one that looks like it was once a pile of shiny poly-cotton but was then attacked by a sewing machine, and hastily thrown on.

    Luckily though - you do get a few people who aren't like that, and pride their costumes, but of course - like myself - they stay the fuck away from the community.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:11 No.3306152

    lol the gurl in this pic uses duct tape for her miku zatsune lol
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:12 No.3306159
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:12 No.3306164
    No it's a proud asian cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:15 No.3306180
    The Dallas Fort Worth area has a nice cosplay group. I didn't go to meetings much but I was never repulsed by anything they did.

    I guess the only real complaint that I have against them is that they're all in love with Nintendo and I honestly don't give a shit outside of Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:16 No.3306186
    Hey, that's better than the 'kingdom-hearts weeaboos who have now moved on to Hetalia' people we have in Seattle.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:19 No.3306207

    meguma stfu pl0x u know u hate to admit that op is describing your kind. in fact i can name the ppl u owe money too as well. ur loud n obnoxious everytime u go to la.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:19 No.3306210
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    Pittsburgh: 14 year old girls who love Kingdom Hearts and college students enrolled in the Pitt Japanese program who wear fucking cat ears to class. It is fucking college you hambeasts. Yinz should have some class.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:26 No.3306251
    i went to a huge high school and there was just one girl who wore cat ears every single day. we referred to her as 'kitty bitch'.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 07/20/10(Tue)21:36 No.3306317
    There's a small handful of actually decent cosplayers in the area. I didn't see them at Tekko though :<

    But then again, I think the only fabric store there is JoAnn's. Limited supplies.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:42 No.3306365
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    Seriously guys...? Shits getting old. Just let these people do whatever the fuck they want, ignore their shit and go on with your own. You honestly have no life if all you do is worry about other people's flaws and problems.
    >> Tearatone !T4VTNxSe0k 07/20/10(Tue)21:45 No.3306387
    Does Orange County count as Los Angeles?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:51 No.3306429

    U MAD?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:56 No.3306466
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    Tekko has gone downhill. The only reason I still go is because the convention center roof is amazing. But yeah all we got is JoAnns. I have to order all my shit online. It is going to be very expensive.
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 07/20/10(Tue)21:56 No.3306467
    I have not really 'met' the cosplay scene in Connecticut, but I'd love to. I've contemplated the idea of finding out where everyone is and renting out a rec center in a convenient location to have a costume working party so we could all bring our shit together and help each other out.

    I suppose actually going to CTcon would've been a good idea to meet people. Whoops.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)21:59 No.3306483
    I live in inner city Cleveland. You can all go fuck yourselves.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/20/10(Tue)22:02 No.3306506
    Name them. Name them all.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:03 No.3306512
    I've heard of a cosplay community in NYC, but not a part of it. Kind of want, I think? They always look like they're having fun.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:05 No.3306525
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:09 No.3306559
    There definitely is one. Well, more than one, really. You have the uguu~ types and the functional cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:12 No.3306572
    Long Island: Primarily bad cosplayers who are in high school and exclusively like Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:13 No.3306581
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:15 No.3306595
    I met that girl. That bitch is crazy...
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:16 No.3306604
    I'm in Toronto and our cosplay scene is alright. We have awesome people who work to plan gatherings and photoshoots during the summer for everyone. At Center Island gathering 2 weeks ago about 200 people showed up.

    When I first started cosplay people were really friendly and I met a ton of people. Now I find it a bit harder, maybe just because I am older now. People don't seem as friendly.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:17 No.3306622

    The fact she had an unwanted kid is proof of this. plus she's dating this guy because his friend wasn't available.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/20/10(Tue)22:18 No.3306623
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    Come on Name them. Don't worry, I'll wait!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:18 No.3306628
    Are the functional cosplayers in major powerlevel suppression?
    I think I've seen the uguu type- it looks silly but they all look happy. I'd like to know more people with shared interests- is there a club or gathering place?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:21 No.3306639
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)22:23 No.3306653
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    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)04:38 No.3308521
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    I was in Little Tokyo on 7/12, and I have got to say you guys have the DUMBEST weeaboos ever. EVER. Why the hell do they attempt shit-tastic cosplay (use a wigcap next time, assholes!) and think they look good?

    Ohyeah, to the creature that was eating at Orochon for lunch with it's father and female friend. ARE YOU A BOY OR GIRL? I have a bet going you were a girl. My hubby says you were a guy, trying to be bishonen and failing horribly. Also your nerdspeak made us laugh WAYYY too much. Holy fuck, i'm so glad I was never that bad as a fan.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)04:41 No.3308531
    Cosplayers in Seattle: Suburbanite circle-jerk.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)05:15 No.3308621
    Cosplayers in Portland, Oregon;

    A lot of us already know each other from our small, local convention/forums. There are a large amount of amazing, motivated cosplayers, but every place has their own handful of retards.............

    Meetups used to be fucking awesome. Now they're filled with retarded weeaboos and no one goes to them anymore.
    >> bochero !TA0T5gpKEQ 07/21/10(Wed)05:26 No.3308633
    I know a scene exists in Nor Cal, but I've never really heard anything about it other than it exists. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 07/21/10(Wed)05:28 No.3308636
    That's like 1/50th (at most) of actual Los Angeles cosplay community. Not a lot of cosplayers go to Little Tokyo that often. Some of us would rather go to Frank & Sons or just hang with friends at local theater for awesome movies.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)05:40 No.3308654
    Las Vegas, Nevada-

    Disgustingly perfect rendition of every weeaboo stereotype you can imagine, no joke. Lots and lots of shitty cosplayers, but the good ones we have happen to be pretty awesome.
    >> Amon !!3PGbZAnr8AY 07/21/10(Wed)05:42 No.3308657
    although i'm in compton, i roll out to most cons i can in the so cal area...
    i'm trying to get a posse rolling to disney cali adventure to see the aladdin show before it ends
    cuz i have a pass and some ppl expressed interest in the legendary status that the genie there has on jokes...
    i've never run with the LT crew or most of the ppl that get flamed here, so low profile status achieved there, lol...
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)05:44 No.3308662
    The Netherlands;

    If you know someone's online nickname better than the name of the cosplayer themselves, you don't want to hang out with them, period, unless you're an attention whoring weeaboo yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)05:45 No.3308663
    How's Tippy doing, mang?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)05:48 No.3308669
    I hate Adelaide's cosplay community. Watch 'cosplay meet 2008 video 7' on youtube and you'll understand.
    >> Tim 07/21/10(Wed)05:58 No.3308675
    Bay Area is pretty chill. We've got a fair amount of resources, and our smaller cons are pretty friendly and fun. There are a lot of really good cosplayers around here, but for the most part, they're nice, laid-back people who just like to fag out over their fandoms.

    The rest of NorCal... Not so much. Beastcub, Aki, and Koi Cosplay. What else can you say?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)06:02 No.3308680
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    Are they cosplaying at Frank and Sons now, too?? Good god, that's pathetic. It's been about 2 years since I popped inside there.

    BTW Las Vegas cosplayer here, and have only bothered to attend that shitty little con that was in Henderson in June. I saw the expected Narutards and dumpy lolis, actually it was pretty mellow. GRANTED, I was there for all of 15 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)06:20 No.3308701
    Maybe you should check out Anime Vegas? It's decent compared to that.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 07/21/10(Wed)06:23 No.3308710
    Uh no. Not every cosplayer cosplays at public places. Some of us can be normal, you know.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)06:26 No.3308714
    I've met these two. They're not nearly as bad as some of the savages that live in SoCal. If I didn't like LA so much, I'd move to Seattle or something, because I'm tired of seeing the same melting pot of shitty people at every con.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)06:27 No.3308716

    As_Previously mEntiOnED, theSe_MEsSSAgEs_will_ConTinue_unTIl_You_pERmanentLY_STo
    p attACKinG_anD_FuCkInG_witH Www.ANONdeRPTalk.sE_(ReMovE_THE_DERp), rEmOvE All ILLegAl_CLoNEs of It ANd_Lies_ABouT_iT_aNd dOnaTe_At LEasT_a_MILLion USD TO SYSoP aS cOmPeNsATion_fOr thE_massive_dAmAge yOu RetarDS hAVe cAuseD.
    ckftvb d m amz sbvsz mb viyu sp
    >> Sonic Boom !!by8KD6/ixnJ 07/21/10(Wed)06:34 No.3308728

    >>...Is that Proud Asian on the right?

    That was my first thought O.o

    I live in Baltimore. The con scene here is pretty awesome: Otakon, Katsucon, Anime USA, Philly Comic-con...and if I'm willing to drive moderately far: Anime Boston, New York Comic-con, Conneticon, New York Anime Festival, etc.

    I haven't been to them all, but my personal favorite as far as the crowd was Anime Boston. It just seemed like most of them were college aged, which was pretty spiff. (I like the Otakon venue best, though).

    I pretty much only go to like two cons a year though.

    Outside of cons I don't see many cosplayers. Pretty much just myself (in this area, at least). I do have some close cosplay pals but they all live out of state, up north around NY.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)09:47 No.3309032
    i'm part of the la cosplay community and do that exactly...hang out at frank n sons/the movies. it's embarrassing to be near the lower life forms that reside in little tokyo all the time.

    i think she's full on lesbo.
    >> That_Violin_Man 07/21/10(Wed)10:05 No.3309095
    Greater St. Louis area, including the Metro East (Southwestern part of Illinois that boarders with St. Louis includes areas like East St. Louis, Edwardsville, Fairview Heights, etc.)

    Can't really say much about our cosplay community expect there is some drama between fans of two conventions which both shall remain nameless. From a source, the community does have an ego and pride factor with them but you get that from any convention and cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)10:19 No.3309136

    Fellow Torontonian here, our cosplay community is pretty relaxed. We have some real standouts, great organizers, little to no drama (because we're Canadians, eh) and most people end up hanging out outside the cosplay scene since we've got similar interests.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)10:26 No.3309150
    There was that one bit of drama involving a photographer who took a picture of this that one group Ottawa cosplayers (the ones that dress up as DC superheroes) out of costume (with her permission) and then got harassed at his home by some underage /cgl/ browsers who thought he had more candid shots but other than that we're pretty good to one another.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)10:35 No.3309167

    lol, I remember that thread!
    They went to his house and he chased them off. Never change /DRAMA/
    >> Fagfag !..PuSSyNRg 07/21/10(Wed)10:44 No.3309181
    Cosplayers in the Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia region... there are practically none. Though the ones who do exist around here are cool, I guess. Only two fatties, but one knows how to make awesome cosplays. I avoid the 'group' now because I can't stand one of the girls in the group, stuck up cunt.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)16:54 No.3310650
    Boston cosplay scene is awesome if you exclude all the Hetalia fags
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)16:55 No.3310652

    BY THE WAY, these 2 plan to make a trip to Anime vegas 2010. DO NOT LET THESE TWO AND ANYONE FROM LOS ANGELES WHO TOOK THE SAME CAR TO VEGAS BRAINWASH YOU INTO BEING YOUR FRIENDS. They will steal every penny you have.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)16:59 No.3310664

    LOL, i told you, Little Tokyo is the home of the retarded cosplay community here in L.A. It's a god damn shame too because we get a real bad image when out of towners at Anime Expo have to associate with us.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:24 No.3311041
    Yeah I used to live in Little Tokyo...big mistake. Mainly because I wear lolita daily.><;
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:28 No.3311057
    Hold up now. Lolita fashion and cosplay are 2 different things. When there are Lolita gatherings and Lolita related events, these 2 groups never blend together. It's like water and oil in Little Tokyo so don't fret.

    If anything the males in the cosplay community in L.A. will try hard to get Lolita's attention by always doing something so stupid. Later they'll ask you for money cus' they know you have money for wearing such fashion.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:30 No.3311070

    >implying we find you attractive
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:32 No.3311083
    In Jacksonville, Florida we have a sorta big cosplay community but if taking a survey 8/10 would say they bought there cosplay online. Ive only met a hand full of people that made cosplays and came out really good!!
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:32 No.3311084
    don't even mention lolita's cus they are also victims of the weaboo fags in little tokyo.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:38 No.3311109
    ok I waited a while before making this judgement, but I have met quite a few Hetalia cosplayers, and all I have to say.. is that they are the people that give cosplay in the so cal area a bad name. My experience and hearing from people in a few other states that i talk to, that they are the most dramatic cosplayers
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 07/21/10(Wed)18:40 No.3311114
    My cosplay community in the DC/MD/VA area is based on anime conventions, I know that DC and MD has anime clubs and societies, but a cosplay community in my opinion...I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:40 No.3311117

    They only cosplay Hetalia because of the yaoi, and because they are fucking miserable lesbians/bi's who escape reality.

    They are loud and rude, especially that Zanny chick who manages those Hetalia gatherings in Littl eTokyo and Griffith Park.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:44 No.3311127

    theres a worse one further down from LA, i had a run in with her AX while escorting my friend who was dressed as germany ( i helped her with her flag and basically played bag bitch. the other girl was an italy ) all she did was talk shit about the other hetalias, and start non stop drama through out the con, she was like picking fights with cosplayers too. its apparently the only cosplay she owns
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:45 No.3311132
    >dressed as Germany
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:46 No.3311137

    i lol'd

    See this is what i mean, drama dram drama. I bet that Hetalia cosplayer only lives in a cosplay world where she can bitch and talk smack about other cosplayers. I wouldn't wanna be near someone like that at any con.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:47 No.3311143
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    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:47 No.3311146
    >implying you'd not mind being around other Hetalia Fags
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:48 No.3311151

    I heard her saying that she attends like 4-5 different cons like AX, Sakura Con, A-Kon and CCI so you might run into them eventually. Basically she was bragging that shes a con whore
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:48 No.3311152
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    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:51 No.3311163

    sounds like about pretty much everyone at little tokyo :/
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:52 No.3311172
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    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:53 No.3311180
    it's funny how some ppl implied that this thread was posted before but it got so much feedback so far.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:55 No.3311189

    the same italy whos flag is stained with red shit and basically dirty as all hell and tattering at the edges?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)18:55 No.3311192
    Cosplayers in ATL: We have a lot of awesome cosplayers. But we also have a LOT of shitty Hetalia-loving, bandwagon-jumping lesbians too. A lot of cliques and a lot of clique drama but that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)19:03 No.3311238
    It's more funnier to know that they totally ignored the fact that this topic is different from the last. Same pictures, different topics, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)19:07 No.3311259
    My group of cosplay friends here in Socal are pretty chill but I agree there is an outstanding amount of derp here..
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)19:14 No.3311281
    i agree. theres alot of cool people in the socal area, but then theres people where your just like "really.. grew up and stfu". theres alot of groups in the socal area right now who are being harassed and attacked by this one cosplayer because they have no life apparently
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)19:31 No.3311337
    I live in Alberta.
    It's full of drama.

    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)19:57 No.3311453
    Missouri has some PSYCHO cosplayers, including one girl who frequents Naka Kon and AFW claiming to be the "twin cousin" to Usagi Kou
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)20:18 No.3311529

    oh god that girl! the one that ebays all her outfits and claims to make them
    >> Nana V !eunR1F910s 07/21/10(Wed)20:22 No.3311546

    Ha! you think LA is bad? you should check out the NYC cosplay scene. They dont use machines they use hot glue and shit they buy from stores.

    and there's always someone in an akatsuki cloak wearing a headband claiming to kakashi with no wig on and darker then wesley snipes.

    not to mention wearing the convention bought cosplays with no wig...
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)20:29 No.3311574

    Every time I go to a con in NY I rage at what I see. Not just because their costumes are terrible, but because their attitudes are just as bad.
    >> wow! 07/21/10(Wed)21:38 No.3311855
    i know these two and yes. Stay away from them and no that's not an asian that's a bootleg asian.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)21:46 No.3311893

    Where are you centered at?

    I'm in Hampton Roads, and there isn't a lot here. A lot of highschoolers who walk around in cat ears and college clubs with some decent cosplay.

    God, there's this one girl, complete fucking nutter. Buys all of her costumes and "lolita" online for two or three times what they're actually worth, then brags about her tremendous cosplaying abilities and lords her "experience" over everyone else.

    She's also tried to convince us that her Japanese boyfriend is a international trade tycoon in the Yakuza and that someone TOTALLY TRIED TO KILL HIM A FEW MONTHS AGO OH GOD DON'T YOU FEEL SORRY FOR ME?

    I mean, there's no real proof the guy exists, but I'm willing to accept the idea of her dating a well off man in the shipping industry in Japan. But there's a line you draw when pretty much everything about the guy seems fake.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)21:53 No.3311924
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    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 07/21/10(Wed)22:05 No.3311966
    Feels super bad. But yea, there's the uguu crowd and the other crowd.

    Uguu crew consists of the hot glue, lucky star dancing in union square, narutards and cat ears kind of cosplayers.

    And the other are the more experienced cosplayers who have been around starting since BAAF 01' - and beyond, while nerdy, keeps their PL low.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)22:08 No.3311975
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    Just because your 13 doesn't mean you know the "cosplay scene" as far as I know after living in LA for 19 years there is no cosplay scene. You resemble the very foundation of a teenager that just went to Little Tokyo for his first time and since now it's no longer considered to be "rebellious desu" to go to Little Tokyo, you decided to see a fantasy world. A world were you rule supreme because your SO original, but for you to say we all know each other is like saying that LA consist of a population no bigger then 5000 people. So please next time you decided to generalize everyone into a group, STFU. If you bring up Animu Expo, no not everyone is from fucking LA there.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)22:13 No.3312001
    Suppressed like you wouldn't believe. I can count on one hand the amount of normal cosplayers from Long Island I know. Anime fans are a different story, as there are a surprising amount with a fairly good percentage of regular people, but cosplayers... Not as lucky.

    I like to think that this is all NYC consists of. There are few notable cosplayers from this area.

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