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  • このサイトについて - 翻訳

    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next week
    update: first upgrade complete. next ones come ~tues/wed next week.

    File : 1279502572.jpg-(74 KB, 540x720, this place.jpg)
    74 KB Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:22 No.3295147  
    You guys have experience with this kind of thing...

    There are a bunch of Anons from other boards meeting up in London Waterloo at 13:00 tomorrow. I'm scurred. What do when meeting new people?

    Also, I was thinking of going as Spike. I figure it's not distinct enough for people to care too much, but still might be fun to do. Thoughts?

    Pic is where they're meeting.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:24 No.3295155
    >Suck it and See
    Oh you Brits.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:25 No.3295163
    Get off of /adv/ and /r9k/ please.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:27 No.3295178

    I only saw it on /r9k/. If s/adv/irgins are going it'll suck
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:28 No.3295187
    They are going, apparently. Have fun with them whilst I'm chilling at London Aquarium :)
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:30 No.3295208

    well fuck.

    I have to think about this now, I kind of want something fun to do tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:32 No.3295217
    Just go and stalk them from a distance, that's what I did at MCM Expo to a bunch of /b/tards.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:33 No.3295232

    was it fun?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:35 No.3295242
    Yeah it was actually, they ended up going in a porn shop "for teh lulz" (no kidding, they shouted it out and everything) so I had to stop for sanity's sake.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:37 No.3295258

    they seemed really cool though!

    Agh, fuck it, I'll just sleep all day. Have fun at the Aquarium.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:38 No.3295264
    Have fun fellow arcanine!

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