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    File : 1278931733.jpg-(83 KB, 400x500, otaku-clothed.jpg)
    83 KB Hygiene tips thread bigred 07/12/10(Mon)06:48 No.3256423  
    /cgl/ time to make a hygienic thread. Post your tips on smelling and looking great. As a former otaku stinker I want to educate current people.

    Trim armpits. It seriously cuts down on the odor coming from their.

    Shower everyday no matter what. It helps to clear the body, even if you dont stink. Also its a good habit to have.

    Anti-Persipirant & deoderant is a must for fellows. Even if you don't think you will sweat. Spontaneous shit does happen. Be prepared.

    Clear face. Wimmins love men to have naturally clear skin from acne. Most acne can be taken care of through OTC products anyway.

    Products I reccomend and use.
    1. Axe dry deoderant and anti perspirant. It has 24 hour protection and is the only axe product allowed in my house.
    2. St ives facial scrub.A clear face equals winnage.
    3. Irish springs body wash original 8 hour scent system. It lasts more like 20 hours, but the smell diminishes in range. i can still smell it on my body and I haven't taken a shower for 16 hours.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)06:59 No.3256459
    Use those listerene patchs for the mouth after every meal. Shit will smell good.
    >> Tim 07/12/10(Mon)07:02 No.3256468
    For guys, get rid of the neckbeard. Seriously. Stubble doesn't make you look hot or manly unless you take care of yourself like a male model, and even then, it won't work unless you have the right face for it. Save yourself the doubt and just get rid of it. Girls will talk to you more.

    Try your best to stay cool, or stay in cool areas. Sometimes, heat is unavoidable, but if you can, avoid it. Some of the gaming rooms at the cons I've been to have been absolutely unbearable because they don't bother to bring in some sort of ventilation or airconditioning in a room full of unhygienic people and heat-emitting machines. It makes things a million times worse.

    Stay away from smelly people, because it WILL rub off on you. It sucks when you go through a Patrick Bateman-esque routine only to have its effects completely negated by some fatty getting way too close.

    Um. That's all I can think of. You pretty much covered the necessary basics.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:03 No.3256470
    Make sure your armpits are dry after shower. The bacteria built up can cause odor.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:05 No.3256473
    As I girl, I have an important tip for boys - keep the hairs down there under control if you want your gf to enjoy giving you head.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:11 No.3256485
    Fuck that man, I ain't showering and scrubbing every day, I'll break out into an acne/scar fest and I'll run the water bill tower high.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:15 No.3256494

    Showers can be like 10 minutes bro, if your not stinking.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)07:20 No.3256506
    -Neutrogena Deep Clean Cream Cleanser, Oil Free
    -Clean & Clear Deep-Action Cream Cleanser
    Nivea for Men Energizing Face Scrub
    - Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash
    - Neutrogena Body Wash for Clean, Clear Skin
    -Bellvita Honey / Almond Shower & Cream Bath and Shower Gel
    -Adrien Arpel Honey and Almond Scrub
    -Dove Gentle Exfoliating Foaming Facial Cleanser
    -Pond's Fresh Start Daily Exfoliating Cleanser
    -Queen Helene Masque, Mint Julep
    -Escential Mint Scrub Mask
    -Nivea for Men Sensitive After Shave Extra Soothing Balm
    -Nivea for Men After Shave Balm, Fresh Cooling
    -Anthony Logistics for Men Continuous Moisture Eye Cream, All Skin Types
    -Nivea for Men Face Care Revitalizing Eye Cream
    -Nivea for Men Skin Essentials Protective Lotion, SPF 15
    -Gillette Complete SkinCare Protect Facial SPF 15 Moisturizer
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:23 No.3256512
    Shave your fucking legs, women especially. God, I can't handle having to see a woman with leghair/stubble.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:28 No.3256519
    My showers take 10 minutes on average, I ain't showering 70 minutes a day just because 'it's good hygiene hurdur'. 30-40 minutes a week is plenty.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)07:29 No.3256522
    That's respectable
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:29 No.3256523
    70 minutes a week*
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:32 No.3256531

    Mine take about twenty, but I'm not really sure why, I think I zonk out in the shower and totally forget time existsXD
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:33 No.3256534
    men should shave their legs too
    and arms
    and chest
    and ass
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:35 No.3256539
    That depends on where you live, how humid the air is there and how much phyisical activity you practice. If you live in a humid place, no, 40min/week is not enough =x
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:36 No.3256543
    this read like a chapter from American Psycho
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:40 No.3256546
    Oh yay, hygeine! As a beauty therapist this is one of my favorite subjects.

    1. Yes, shower every day. Do it. Just do it. No exceptions. I take two a day.
    2. Brush teeth every day. Just because you can't taste it doesn't mean others can't smell it.
    3. Anti-persperant is a must. Always. If you don't automatically put it on when you get out of the shower, then start.
    4. Guys, if you can't be arsed to maintain a well trimmed beard, then shave regularly. Don't wait until you look like a bear to shave.
    5. Girls, keep your eyebrows in check, especially if you are prone to bushy ones. Don't shave them ffs, learn to use tweezers or wax.
    6. Girls, keep your nails filed neatly and keep them clean. If you bite them, just keep them short.
    7. Wash your hair regularly. Once every two days if you can't handle doing it every day. Don't just wash it when it gets greasy.
    8. If you're unlucky enough to have acne, do something about it. There are treatments for these things. If you're not washing and exfoliating your face twice a day you're not doing enough.
    9. If your used clothes smell, at all, don't wear them. The smell may be faint to you but chances are it's overwhelming to someone else. Guys, adult women also have a very keen sense of smell based on their hormone cycle, and they will be much more inclined to be attracted to you if you smell clean.
    10. Sleep in clean sheets. It makes a world of difference to your skin.
    11. Groom your hair every day. Juuust dooo iiiit. So many of us can tell when you haven't bothered to brush your hair, and it looks horrible.
    12. Please wash your hands after using the toilet -_- no really, it's scary how many people don't do this.
    13. Keeping a clean house will mean you will feel cleaner when you leave it.
    14. Hey guys, shaving your pubic hair makes your penis look bigger. Hey girls, shaving or waxing yours makes the world of difference to your sex life (no really, sensation ahoy). Get rid of that hair. Keep it that way.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)07:40 No.3256547
    I actually spent that amount of product because of American Psycho .
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)07:43 No.3256550
    My routine is much more rigorous than a beauty therapist standards.

    Take that society.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:43 No.3256551
    >implying washing your hair every day is good for it
    >implying exfoliating twice a day is good for your skin

    Boy am I happy I don't follow this advice.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:56 No.3256564
    No, those were the basics. A beauty therapist does regular manicures and pedicures, showers for half an hour twice a day, washes hair every day, washes, exfoliates, moisturises and tones face every day, does a good body scrub once a week, maintains eyebrows every day, waxes ALL hair off the body aside from head and eyebrows rather obsessively (arms, underarms, legs, even sometimes stomach, shaving will not do), and does face masks every few days. They also indulge in something like a seaweed wrap or sea salt scrub every fortnight or so, along with a good steam tent. Most of the time we don't spend helping other people with their skin and hair, we spend on our own.

    Actually if you have a clue about the ingredients in shampoo and know to avoid high levels of sodium laureth sulfate (in other words, not super foamy shampoos), washing your hair every day IS good for it.

    I never said exfoliate twice a day either. Wash twice a day (once again, no sodium laureth sulfate). Exfoliate with a non physical exfoliant (not one with beads in it that is, unless you pay for a very expensive one) once a day. That's for people with acne. Technically they should be doing much more (regular sulfur mask, occasional glycolic, correct moisturiser) but unless you're under the supervision of a beauty therapist you can do more harm than good.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)08:03 No.3256570
    Washing your hair every day is horrible for it... It strips it of its natural oils. Most people I see who wash their hair every day have this horrible fluffy, dry look to it. Not good!
    I won't recommend the no-poo method to anyone because honestly, whenever I hear people raving about that and then look at their picture their hair is greasy as shit. I do recommend that people wash their hair every 2-3 days, though. If you can, look into getting a sulfate-free shampoo. It cleanses your hair without stripping it down so it isn't so harsh. You can read more about that hear:
    Most of the time when people have super oily hair (or skin, for that matter) it's because whatever their using is too harsh so their body produces excess oils to make up for it. Try some gentler products, give your skin an adjusting period, and see how it works for you.
    Don't think that because you're not washing your hair every day that you shouldn't style it, though. And continue to shower! Just clip your hair up or wear a cap.

    Also, exfoliating twice a day is AWFUL for your skin. What the fuck! You should be doing it 1-2 a week AT MOST. If you exfoliate too often, it actually damages your skin, causing little scratches all over it. Your skin might even begin to produce extra oil in an attempt to heal itself. Seriously, that is horrible advice.

    It isn't necessary to shave all your pubic hair off. Body hair makes no difference in your cleanliness. You can have armpit hair, leg hair, whatever and as long as you're showering daily and overall staying clean, you won't be any dirtier than someone who shaves. I do recommend at least trimming, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)08:05 No.3256572
    I think it's better to just recommend those with acne go to a dermatologist. Skin operates on a very case-by-case basis, what works for one person could make another's situation worse.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)08:10 No.3256575
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    Me- 2
    female- 0

    This is a fuck yeah moment.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)08:22 No.3256593
    I now refer you to >>3256564 in which I stated don't use shampoos with sodium laureth sulfate and don't use a physical exfoliant.

    I do realise that I accidentally said exfoliate twice a day... I was thinking of facial washes with hydroxy acids in them, and should have been more clear, you have the right to call me out on that, but I do know what I'm talking about.

    Truth is if I weren't aiming my advice specifically at people who have very little hygeine skills in the first place, I would have offered completely different advice for people with acne. Everyone's face does react differently, you need it analysed under a woods lamp and have a professional look at it to have any real hope of ridding yourself of it, but the least than can be done is basic washing for all those people who couldn't be arsed to go to a dermatologist or senior beutician. I'm assuming these people are smart enough to stop or change products if it causes their acne to worsen.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)08:23 No.3256594
    I don't really know what you're talking about. I was just critiquing that person's list, not detailing my own regimen.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)08:25 No.3256598
    Oh and I didn't actually say shaving your pubic hair off makes you cleaner, although as a woman I have to admit being waxed makes me feel much cleaner. All I said was it makes a difference to your sex life. I included it because shaving and waxing is considered a part of your hygiene routine.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)08:28 No.3256604
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    Don't fear me
    >> bigred !M6R0eWkIpk 07/12/10(Mon)08:36 No.3256612
    activated charcoal helps with nerd odor in a room or a con. putting some in a hotel room, if rooming with an odor wizard really helps.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)08:39 No.3256617
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    herp derp
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)09:16 No.3256648
    printing this!
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)09:36 No.3256673
    Ive got a lot of heavy weight hairy guy friends.

    Axe does not cover the smell. Yes it looks and smells mainly to you, it doesnt not to us females. Use old spice. Our dads use it, our grand fathers used it, because it fucking works.

    Stop asking or begging for hugs. You smell bad

    Shave every other day, shower ever day. Lift the rolls of fat to get water in there. Seriously.

    Stop wearing the same clothes everyday. Everything you've been doing to make yourself try to smell better, will be undone by clothes with sweat on them. Specially that hoodie.

    Before you go to bed, spray fabreeze in your shoes to air out the stink.

    Yes it sounds like a lot of work. I assure you, most people do this every day as a common curtsy to people around them. If you dont like putting effort into losing weight, then you must put the effort into smelling less.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)09:42 No.3256691
    >spray fabreeze in your shoes to air out the stink.

    Freezer works best.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)09:52 No.3256702
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    HeartCatch PreCure! ED × The Blues Brothers
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)09:54 No.3256708
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)09:55 No.3256709
    this looks interesting.
    New Line Here
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)10:11 No.3256730
    Use vaseline every day. The bitches love the smooth skin
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)11:30 No.3256980
    Hygienic wipes are cool to keep around at cons or when traveling. You can clean yourself without taking a full blown shower.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)12:02 No.3257111
    I'm a girl and I'd like to add a little to this-
    1. Irish springs smells so bad. Maybe it's because the smell reminds me of my grandpa, but I can smell it on a guy a mile away. This isn't a problem since I am in a relationship, but still, stick to Old Spice, they have new bodywashes that don't smell like old men.
    2. I do not shower every day. Every other day though, mainly because I'm not sweaty or fat enough. Honestly, if you don't smell or feel gross, you shouldn't shower, it dries out your skin, your scalp, and can cause dandruff. Humans weren't made to shower every day, and I always smell good (but I'll leave that to me being a girl I guess). So leave that to your own judgement- honestly, girls do not find it gross, I swear to god. As long as you're not oily, smelly, or greasy.
    3.) Acne is not that big of a deal, as long as it isn't disfiguring. My skin is very clear thanks to OCD washing and care of it, but if you're a guy and you go overboard with the skin products like most girls do, I'd be questioning your sanity and sexuality. A few pimples here and there do not make me (or my friends) like a guy any less. Chill, just wash your face every day when you wake up and before bed and that's good enough.
    4.) Unless you're a teenage boy, don't use Axe. It fucking stinks. Every fucking girl I know hates it, we all hate it, it smells terrible. It makes me think of my 14 year old boy cousins. Use Mitchum, it's so good you can skip a day (which is their slogan I think..)
    5.) St. Ives has unfine scrubbers, which can tear and damage the skin, especially acne-prone skin. Use something with scrubbing beads.

    Just my 2 cents, I hope I have helped somebody- of course these are all my opinions and the opinions of my girl friends but they are true in my experience.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)12:06 No.3257124
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    Can i touch you?
    >> ho-oh !A1cWqbwej. 07/12/10(Mon)12:11 No.3257141
    >My skin is very clear thanks to OCD washing
    >I do not shower every day.

    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)12:15 No.3257154

    How would a guy freaking out about his skin make you question his sexuality?

    Your post is filled with sexist crap.

    I do agree that Old Spice is god tier though.
    >> LeHamster !7sv2iPuhuM 07/12/10(Mon)12:16 No.3257163
    I don't get this whole acne thing.

    Apparantly 99% of /cgl/ had it at one point in their lives. Is it really that common in America? I've only seen a few people who had what you'd call " acne" where I grew up.. I never had more than one single tiny pustle at a time..
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)12:17 No.3257166
    >Shower everyday
    The skin dries out!
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)12:19 No.3257178
    I wonder this myself too! I only knew 2 people throughout my whole childhood and teens where I grew up...
    >> LeHamster !7sv2iPuhuM 07/12/10(Mon)12:23 No.3257192
    Think we can blaim it on the fast-food culture? ^^
    >> ho-oh !A1cWqbwej. 07/12/10(Mon)12:24 No.3257195
    I would say it's pretty common. But not like....the pig disgusting kind. I get a few pimples here and there around the time of my period.
    But I knew one person who had it really bad on his cheeks, but he was also recovering from snorking coke, so he scratched at them a lot. At least that was his excuse lol.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)12:28 No.3257209
    AX SUCK .It middle school shit .Invest in some cologne
    >> LeHamster !7sv2iPuhuM 07/12/10(Mon)12:34 No.3257222
    I personally prefer dove deodorant.. yes.. the rollers for women. Yes, I'm not a women, but the scent is very neutral. I prefer it when people smell neutral.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)12:36 No.3257226

    America is an industrial nation.

    industrial nation needs industrial food.

    industrial food is engineered for faster growth and immunity to climate change and insects.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)12:37 No.3257231
    use lotion afterward.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)12:39 No.3257234

    Girls don't like disgusting smelling breath. INSTANT turn off.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)12:40 No.3257238
    Hey is that oil spill fixed yet?
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)12:42 No.3257244

    My bad breath smells like kittens and peppermints
    >> The Cosplay Cop 07/12/10(Mon)12:44 No.3257251
    When using cologne do not under any circumstances drown yourself in it. Seriously when you are walking past a girl she will either think one of two things about your scent:

    "Damn he smells nice" or "Damn he put too much cologne on, what is he trying to cover up?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)13:01 No.3257294
    If you're over the age of 5 and don't already know this shit....

    >> The Cosplay Cop 07/12/10(Mon)13:07 No.3257312

    I take it you've never been to an anime convention?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)13:17 No.3257353
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    Protip:Don't use axe deodorant unless you want to smell ilke a high-schooler. Don't ever use spray on deodorant.

    this shit is god-tier
    >> thanos !!ffXzJkpAo70 07/12/10(Mon)13:26 No.3257402
    going to let you in on my secret.

    If you're a dude - use women's deoderant.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)13:29 No.3257416
    lol I use women's body sprays sometimes because it smells so damned good
    >> Kabuki Mouse !mg0D1lMhlQ 07/12/10(Mon)13:49 No.3257525
    I don't think too many people in the year 2010 are wearing Ranma 1/2 shirts.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)13:52 No.3257534
    Sorry your reading comprehension sucks. I meant if he had 50000 skin products like I do, as a girl.
    OCD washing of my /face/.
    >> ho-oh !A1cWqbwej. 07/12/10(Mon)13:56 No.3257546
    I sweat that stuff off in like 2 minutes
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)14:07 No.3257589
    Exfoliation is good. Even if you don't have bad skin, it helps cleanse off dead skin and makes you look healthier. Just don't over do it - a couple times a week is the norm.

    Here's a personal one. Get someone to check out how you smell with your deodorant/cologne/whatever. Just because it smells good in the bottle doesn't mean it will smell good after it's been baking on your skin for hours. Something that smells good on your friend may not smell good on you.

    Splurge and get some decent cologne, not body spray. You can pick up small bottles and the drugstore or Walmart for less than $20 if budget is an issue. They are generally more pleasant than the stuff like Axe, and you have to spray less.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)14:16 No.3257632
    You dont want a man, you want a shota
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)14:17 No.3257638
    No wonder you look like a fairy.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)14:27 No.3257687
    Oh my God THIS!

    I used to date a guy who didn't brush his teeth and smoked a pack a day. I gagged in his mouth last time we kissed and I had to break up with him. That shit is unforgivable.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)15:35 No.3258054
    and you are A+ female?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:44 No.3258094
    No, I'm a solid D- actually. I'd be a C- if I shaved my legs/underarms and waxed my eyebrows/mustache but I won't because I don't subscribe to society's standards.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)15:47 No.3258111
    -D for looks

    F for personality.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:51 No.3258140
    I hope you're not being serious.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:55 No.3258165

    Sorry, America is no longer an industrial nation and hasn't been for a while. It's only about a fifth of the current economy. The other three-quarters is supported by services, which is why it's so vulnerable to anything that hurts the spending power of the middle class.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:57 No.3258178

    Have to be careful with overusing alcohol-based mouthwashes. Individual body chemistry and mouth flora might react badly to the alcohol, ironically causing even worse halitosis. Luckily, there are readily available non-alcohol options for mouthwashes.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)15:57 No.3258182
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    >no longer an industrial nation

    I would explain why you are wrong but I know you will not listen.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:01 No.3258198
    Tip for girls: Shower daily (obviously), but don't wash your hair daily unless you have *very* oily hair. Shampooing too often strips your hair of all of it's natural oils and makes it dry and brittle. I have very thick hair that is prone to dryness, and I shampoo 3 times and condition 4-5 times weekly.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:01 No.3258201

    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:04 No.3258220

    >Never pass up an opportunity to pee.

    Well, now I'm going to piss anywhere I please and blame you.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:05 No.3258225
    As a guy, I'm glad there's a ton of 'use old spice' in this thread. Love that stuff, pretty much only use that newish island one. I've gotten quite a few compliments on it already.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)16:08 No.3258235
    I highly recommend that you research the u.s agriculture system.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:09 No.3258244
    >>30-40 minutes a week is plenty.
    >>3-4 minutes a week is plenty.
    >>3-4 minutes a month is plenty.

    This is the slippery slope that otaku fall down. Save money on hygiene, spend more on [insert hobby here], live in your own crusty dried semen and sour dried sweat, wonder why girls/guys don't talk to you.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)16:10 No.3258248
    You sound like an arrogant asshole
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:15 No.3258274

    I'm not listening derp derp derp. Also,

    Also, this thread is now about the u.s. economy
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:16 No.3258282

    u mad? touch a nerve?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:17 No.3258295
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    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)16:18 No.3258300
    I know my macro and micro, but oh well you won't listen.

    >u mad? touch a nerve?

    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:23 No.3258326
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:24 No.3258333
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:24 No.3258339
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:26 No.3258348
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:33 No.3258377
    wtf guidos are doing in here?
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)16:34 No.3258384
    The irony.

    -F minus females who want A+ males who act like guidos.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:36 No.3258397
    idunno if its been mentioned in the thread yet, as i havent read through it all, but your diet affects the stink (or lackthereof) of your body sweat. junk food, fatty shit, greasy shit, chocolate, and whatnot will make you sweat and stink because your body is trying to expell all that shit out of your skin, even if its not hot out. this is also one cause of really bad acne. you dont have to wash your face in fried chicken to get acne, just eating it too often will do it.
    >> La Fin 07/12/10(Mon)16:37 No.3258402
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    I trim all of my body hair weekly and shower 1-2 times a day.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)16:42 No.3258432
    Thats pretty hetrosexual compared to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)17:08 No.3258634
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    Ranma ½ T-shirt
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)17:10 No.3258646
    I didn't know you were gay.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)17:28 No.3258722
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)17:28 No.3258723
    I have incredibly dry skin so my tips are more geared for that.
    1.) get a brand spanking new sock and put plain oatmeal in it. Tye it off and scrub yourself with it in the bath. It helps make your skin feel unbelievably soft.

    2.) If you are a girl and tend to get dark hair on your face outside of eyebrows- bleach or wax that shit. It doesn't look good period. Pluck any thick dark hairs as well.

    3.) Avoid any soap, lotion or wash with too much perfume in it. Perfume dries out skin a lot more than it's worth. Also soap with perfume in it should not be used on the vagina as it can give you an infection.

    4.) I don't care if you are girly, tomboy or have a dick- get at least one manicure and at least one pedicure in your entire life. You don't have to paint the nails. It feel amazing and it'll boost your confidence.

    5.) Try to have some access to lotion of some kind at all times. It sucks to have dry hands and arms. I use baby lotion. It's gentle and effective.

    6.) At least once a day use a combination of baby oil, baby lotion, and vaseline on your hands. It'll help make them soft. (but then again, I have severe dry skin. keep this in mind.)

    7.) Avoid washing your face with a regular towel. Germs, oil and dead skin will build up and it will end up making you break out.

    8.) Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once. Tooth decay is gross, period.

    9.) Brush or rinse with hydrogen peroxide, it will help whiten your teeth.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)17:36 No.3258752
    Diet has not been proven to have any correlation with acne. Rosacea, yes, but not acne vulgaris.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 07/12/10(Mon)17:55 No.3258833
    I like men who smell like vanilla and cookies.
    sandalwood is a great smell too.
    I don't like Old Spice.... just my two cents.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)17:57 No.3258837
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    Let's do it like hunger. Till dawn breaks light
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)19:40 No.3259269
    and yet there were no medical reports of extreme acne before white sugar was introduced to regular diets....
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)20:16 No.3259420
    thanks for the advice. If only we could create fliers and hand them out at anime conventions.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)20:17 No.3259428
    People just refuse to believe it because they don't want to drastically change their eating habits.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)20:21 No.3259446
    If you sweat a lot, get Certain Dri antiperspirant. I'm really sensitive to temperature changes and I used to get fucking huge underarm stains in the summer. Shit really works bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)20:26 No.3259475
    Just throwing it in there that old spice makes me so much more inclined to give my boyfriend head.

    In general, just find a scent that works for you. No one smell works for everyone. If you're not going anywhere and have a lady friend, mix some, experiment. Said boyfriend wears a tiny spritz of cologne on top of his deodorant for occasions, and it's fantastic on him. Not so great on his buddy...
    >> bigred !M6R0eWkIpk 07/12/10(Mon)20:36 No.3259545
    Damn, the femanons love the old spice. i might buy some tomorrow and change over. Thanks for the deoderant advice.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)21:41 No.3259991
    second on the old spice. It smells really manly and makes me want to be more submissive.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/12/10(Mon)21:42 No.3259997
    I don't need that to put you into submission.
    >> The Cosplay Cop 07/12/10(Mon)21:50 No.3260037

    I usually get good complements when I use old spice's "after hours" body wash, so go with that.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)22:57 No.3260546
    oh snap. OP's pic is from catsonmars. I use to frequent their forum and they were pretty hardcore anti otaku. that pic was made in 2002 by 25 year old otaku. So when they were in high school, ranma was the shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)23:18 No.3260704
    febreeze is good to carry when at an anime convention. Spray it on areas with stinky people.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:10 No.3261037
    The healthier your digestive tract, the healthier your skin. Pretty on the inside and out. Fuck the dermatologists who tell you that your eating habits aren't the cause.

    Berries yogurt green tea and water. Eat them more, and no a blueberry pie does not count.

    floss your teeth. If your gums bleed when you floss it is a sign of gingivitis and is probably why your breath smells even after your brush. Get that tongue too. All the way back. Oh yeah, scrub it deeper. Mmmm gag on it. taste the mint baby.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:12 No.3261059
    This. Of course dermatologist don't want you to know it's as simple as changing your diet. Then they would be out of jobs and everyone would be at the nutritionist instead.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:13 No.3261070
    >febreeze is good
    THIS, if your'e staying in a hotel you have no idea how great this shit is. Fucking sloppy ass motherfuckers at AX09....
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:20 No.3261130
    one here for the ladies and the statistically few gentlemen: ever notice some unsightly cellulite on your rear? Well that means your collecting fat there. But(t lol) why you wonder? Because you aren't using the muscle enough and sadly as child bearers that is where we pack the fat. Sitting around all day watching your animu husbando will not help this. In fact that is probably part of why you have it. By sitting around all the time you aren't using those muscles and keeping that area toned thus allowing it to be a packing plant for gross dimply fat layers on your butt. Do some butt workouts and you can seriously diminish the appearance, though if you got shitty genetics you will probably always have a little bit o' the cottage cheese.

    Don't know what kind of workout to do? Use your google-fu.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:25 No.3261164
    when you poop...wipe all the way. Like alll the way. There have been times in class when I got stuck next to the kid who smelled like college. If the toilet paper is still brown, go for a second round.
    If you don't have toilet paper then use one of your stupid funny saying shirts. It will help you get laid more when used that way.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:40 No.3261255

    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:42 No.3261267
    People get this wrong?

    Fuck, I wipe until I see red.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:44 No.3261272
    Run a clean sheet of TP from your tailbone to your asshole for good measure, if you've been shitting a lot.

    It's rare that you'll get anything up there, but I do it just because I'm paranoid.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)02:00 No.3261832
    fatties who can't wipe it off completely . try hygienic wipes.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:03 No.3262333
    When your having coitus with a S.O, try putting a towel on where it will happen. Some people secrete special juice and it can ruin your bedsheets.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:16 No.3262422
    >Implying cosplayers have sex.
    >> thanos !!ffXzJkpAo70 07/13/10(Tue)03:18 No.3262448
    thats more the girlish frame and hairs fault.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:39 No.3262608
    Oh god... bad advice... haha. Showering doesn't dry out your skin, unless you're scrubbing with supermarket brand liquid soap every time you do so. Girls do really need to shower every day, whether you sweat or not there are areas of your body that desperately need a daily rinse. If you are prone to dry skin just use some lotion, but ALWAYS shower every day. Getting intimate with a girl who hasn't showered in over 24 hours is a little wrong.

    Also, any scrub at all with scrubbing beads will tear up your skin. There is no way to make these beads perfectly spherical, so they all do damage. The safest exfoliants to use on face or body are hydroxy acid based ones.

    True, if you use cheap supermarket brand shampoo. Using a good quality shampoo with less sodium laureth sulfate is fine for every day washing. And wtf... NEVER condition your hair if it hasn't been washed first! No matter what the condition of your hair! Never do this! Conditioner is used to seal the hair after being cleaned. If your hair feels dry, give it a really good brushing which helps move oils from the scalp down the hair shaft.

    You clearly don't understand what cellulite is... Of course exercise reduces it, reducing FAT reduces the appearance of cellulite, but fat is not the cause of it. You can help treat cellulite with certain types of massage.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:40 No.3262631
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    I recommend this stuff. Wet the "stone," apply to clean skin, and it forms a layer of salt to block bacteria.

    It works wonderfully for odor, but is not an antiperspirant. Fair trade-off for me because I had never before found a deodorant that completely blocked the smell. Because I'm paranoid, I carry a stick of normal roll on stuff on my purse, but I have yet to use it.

    Walgreens should have it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:50 No.3262708
    I do this.

    Also wipe until I bleed.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)05:42 No.3263309
    for the men. Make sure your balls smell good, so wash up. If you want somebody to suck your cock!
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)05:56 No.3263351
    This so much!!!! :3
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)06:42 No.3263461
    Clean your vagina ladies. Its repulsive. Put some soap in their and wash. Also clean your vagina from all the cum you get.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)06:51 No.3263481
    >implying putting soap IN the vagina won't just cause more problems like yeast infections
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)06:52 No.3263482
    Don't fucking put soap in your vagina, that's like asking for an infection. A VERY small amount of MILD soap can go around the outside, and just use water and your fingers for the inside.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)06:53 No.3263487
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)06:58 No.3263498

    Does this work??
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)07:12 No.3263547

    If your vagina reeks so much that soap doesn't work and can make it smell worse. I don't know what to suggest to such unhygienic people. Maybe you need a gynocologist to look at it?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)07:35 No.3263591
    >Poster is probably a man, who doesn't understand vagina.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)08:20 No.3263652
    Are you a troll or just an extremely stupid person? ha.
    >> That_Violin_Man 07/13/10(Tue)11:38 No.3264019
    1. Buy a SHITLOAD of breath-mints and gum and toothpaste. Just do it. Hell, do what I do and chew two pieces of gum, take a mint strip, and some tic-tacs. (Of course, I kinda am addicted to breath mints and gum, so this is kinda a bad thing for me)

    2. Go to your local barber. You got a huge nasty beard but don't wanna get gone? Trim it. Believe me, it will look nice. Also, cut your hair low, very low. Get your hair cut at least twice a month or so and get a retouch.

    3, Shower. Shower. FUCK-IN-G SHO-WER! Two or three showers a day man. Fuckin' do it.

    4. Scented deodorant works wonders.
    >> That_Violin_Man 07/13/10(Tue)11:44 No.3264036
    Not really hygine related but...

    Not cosplaying but going to the con anyway? Wear some nice clothes. I say, clean pressed blue jeans, a nice polo or fitted shirt and a sports coat. Walk with a cane to trick people into thinking you are Dr. House.

    I;m a big guy so obviously a size 20 pants and a Medium polo shirt ain't gonna fit me. Are you like me and self-conscious about your body size? First off, work out more often and second,
    wear clothes that can kinda hide your body. For me, long shirts help me out look a bit slimmer.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)11:44 No.3264037

    soap + vag = itching, burning, irritations, infections.

    ladies, take it from another lady: WARM WATER ONLY, especially inside!
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)14:58 No.3264753
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:58 No.3265992
    Fat dudes need to wash more. As a fatman I have the right to say that.
    >> The Cosplay Cop 07/13/10(Tue)19:07 No.3266048

    I;m a big guy so obviously a size 20 pants and a Medium polo shirt ain't gonna fit me. Are you like me and self-conscious about your body size? First off, work out more often and second,
    wear clothes that can kinda hide your body. For me, long shirts help me out look a bit slimmer.

    I recommend going to Casual Male to get your clothes if your are a big guy like me.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:56 No.3266338
    Any microscrubbers that can work on hyperpigmentation and zits? Black femanon here who still has a bit of scarring to get rid of and zit flareups as a result of going back on the Nuvaring after a couple years.

    If nothing else, I'll stick with my Clean and Clear washes with benzoyl peroxide (I use the Advantage 3 in 1 scrubber and Continuous Control) and try my luck with the Clinique Even Better Dark Spot Corrector.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/13/10(Tue)20:13 No.3266430
    Dietary change will greatly reduce zits.

    You eat mutant food everyday and you don't even know it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:29 No.3266883

    Lay off the fried foods, sheanice. it will mess ur face up gurl.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)23:17 No.3267409

    White dude here but a lot of my black wimmin friends reccomend a line called black opal. It's made specifically for black women by black women. So it will help with your skin.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)23:39 No.3267560
    Archive for the needing neckbeards out there, bro?
    >> bigred !M6R0eWkIpk 07/14/10(Wed)00:07 No.3267716

    OP here. Yea, put in one vote on an unnamed 4chan back up site.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)00:08 No.3267723
    you can't be this stupid
    >> bigred !M6R0eWkIpk 07/14/10(Wed)00:17 No.3267765

    I'm on pain medication and my mind is fuzzy. this sentence took around 2 minutes to write. sorry man
    >> Raptor Jesus !!GmuC8tJhrH5 07/14/10(Wed)00:25 No.3267807
    Proper Hygiene for guys (for anime cons):

    1. Was your balls. I don't mean slap some soap on those bitches and call it done. I mean fucking scrub those things till they shine like mint silver dollars!
    2. Wash your pits, use deodorant*. If you sweat a lot put that shit in your bag go into the bathroom and apply more. Nothing wrong with wanting to smell good.
    3. If you don't brush your teeth, have the goddamn common courtesy to chew gum.
    4. Wash your cloths**. If you don't know how to do your own laundry, buy some cloths at the con and change in your hotel room.
    5. Fuck bitches, smoke trees, get money.
    *Protip: Don't use axe or other spray on shit, that fucking stuff lasts like 20 minutes in a con. Get some clear roll on.
    **Protip: Putting a shirt/pants in the dryer for a few minutes gets rid of all the wrinkles.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)00:29 No.3267821
    >5. Fuck bitches, smoke trees, get money.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)00:31 No.3267828
    stOp ATtACKINg wWw.aNODoNUTsTaLK.sE_RePlace DOnUts_witH N
    kifz l z u rqyj j hh z hsucpk mo uz wmgrb csu
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)00:31 No.3267829
    Wash your sheets and blankets once a week. You sleep in that and your face touches that pillow case. Keep your face and that pillow case clean. If not, enjoy your acne.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/14/10(Wed)00:37 No.3267848
    A clean towel on a pillow is better.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)00:46 No.3267883
    Pubes tip for the bros.

    I have tried sex with many different pubic configurations. I have a hairy dick, like small hairs even at the foreskin.

    1. shave your dick entirely. Shave off those little hairs on the sides and on the bottom. Pretty much you want to be bald on any part of your dick that protrudes from your stomach.

    2. shave the pubes that grow on your legs off. I don't know if all guys have these, but being rid of them is nice.

    3. Now for the actual pubes right above the dick, get an electric razor, grooming scissors, whatever. 1/4 inch is the best that I have experienced. Long enough to not itch, and short enough so that they don't get pulled when the girl is on top.

    shave dick
    leave your balls alone
    shave leg pubes
    1/4 inch for everything else.
    >> Libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 07/14/10(Wed)00:49 No.3267904
    or you can always go for the laser removal.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)00:51 No.3267914
    Be a man.
    Wax that shit off
    prickly feeling hair is disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)01:23 No.3268073
    ITT: Metrosexuals and people that have never actually been in a relationship. HERPDERP.
    - Some women like a hairy guy…just not TOO hairy.
    - Some people like beards and moustaches…but not really neck-beards..
    - Shaving pubes is awesome, but keeping them near it fine too. If you’re a girl that likes to sex a lot, the hair can help lessen friction, which prevents soreness.
    - If you shave your ass, do it right or the pain will kill you. Shaving bumps on the ass are horrid. Keep asshairs to a minimum, but I would advise against removing completely in the ass crack area. When you sweat, you will have nothing to stop the droplets from rolling down the crack, which will irritate your skin and cause problems.
    - Buy powder. It smells good and prevents/ soaks up moisture.
    - Don’t bathe in sprays, perfumes, or cologne. Leave that to the beaners.
    - Brush your teeth and go to the dentist. No one wants to hang out with someone who looks like a crack head.
    - Washing your hair every day isn’t’ really good for it. The natural oils are useful, and you should use a brush to spread them to the ends. However, if your hair is greasy, hop in the shower right away. The grease will rub off on your pillows and sheets and transfer to your face and body, causing acne.
    - If you have crazy acne, go see a dermatologist. Fuck.
    - Irish Springs and axe smell fine when used correctly. Previous post was a nigger. And honestly, if you apply the right amount, it shouldn’t matter anyways, since people shouldn’t get that fucking close to you. Smell is a preference, so pick something you like and that will LAST, not what will please a bunch of fags on the drama board.
    - If you eat KFC, your sweat will smell like it. Be careful what you eat.
    - No matter what the situation, you need antiperspirant AND deodorant. Not just one.
    - Don’t skimp on hygiene products. You’ll regret it.
    - Keep mints on you. They’re tasty and portable.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)02:36 No.3268339
    If you want any from animu fangirls. than read this topic. So pertinent.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)05:21 No.3269095
    Carry around activated charcoal/carbon. Those things can absorb odor like crazy. Good for a stinking room.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)05:56 No.3269160
    if you dont have oily hair, you can wash it just every other day...with your daily shower. just give it a good gentle brushing and massage your scalp. if your hair isnt disgustingly oily, you can condition it afterwards.

    also, get your teeth whitened.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)06:07 No.3269182
    Man people are really serious about trying to get laid at cons.

    Hell could a fat dude who maintains good hygiene and wears nice clothes actually get some at a con?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)06:15 No.3269187
    As a woman, I agree with this. If it smells neutral, it's good by default. So far, I've only come across one man scent I didn't hate - which was a deodorant that smelled extremely much like apple that I wouldn't expect my boyfriend to use.

    I'm very thankful he uses Dove, because otherwise he'd be kicked out of bed within three whiffs.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)06:19 No.3269189
    Except I'm not an Otaku and those 30-40 minutes now are 2 times as much as I used to shower.

    I used to shower when my hair got greasy. Now I shower every 2 days to avoid my skin from drying out, let dandruff shampoo do it's work, not smell god awful and still only spend a mediocre amount on water.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)06:30 No.3269196
    Dear smelly fat people:

    This may seem more complicated than it is (being a hooj thread and all), but really, shower daily (make sure water hits your entire body - face, pits, feet), wear deodorant, brush teeth, and you'll be fine. I have been told I smell awesome by many people of both genders and my morning process is like 10-20 minutes at most, it's really not that challenging.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)06:38 No.3269207
    So femanons, which smells of men products do you like?
    >> Tim 07/14/10(Wed)07:14 No.3269232
    Old Spice is the only answer.

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