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  • File : 1278850183.jpg-(71 KB, 719x405, 35644_434936838652_748163652_5637963_475(...).jpg)
    71 KB Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)08:09 No.3250499  
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)08:18 No.3250507
    sorry OP, no /drama/ in this thread because summer newfags don't know about boner.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)08:22 No.3250513
    holy shit is that him? That's robin?
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)08:23 No.3250516
    >> beethy !xVBeethyXI 07/11/10(Sun)08:25 No.3250520
         File1278851149.jpg-(60 KB, 450x582, epic-cosplay-fail.jpg)
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    >> beethy !xVBeethyXI 07/11/10(Sun)08:26 No.3250522
         File1278851194.jpg-(170 KB, 399x564, boner robin.jpg)
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    Fuck me this guy is fail

    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)08:28 No.3250526
         File1278851311.png-(99 KB, 293x280, 1278039799153.png)
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    >his ears
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)08:30 No.3250530
    This picture just looks really confused, rather than cute or happy
    >> beethy !xVBeethyXI 07/11/10(Sun)08:31 No.3250534
    What's the info /DRAMA/ has on this guy anyway?
    >> beethy !xVBeethyXI 07/11/10(Sun)08:42 No.3250562
    moar info
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)08:43 No.3250566
    he is cosplay devniants

    he put chico chans nudes online
    >> beethy !xVBeethyXI 07/11/10(Sun)09:00 No.3250613
    What? Elaborate please.
    He's the webmaster of cosplay deviants?
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)11:04 No.3250849

    yes he created cosplay deviants
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)11:14 No.3250883
    >Troy Doerner
    >Boner Robin
    >Runs cosplay deviants
    >Good buddies with Croom
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)11:40 No.3250968
         File1278862800.jpg-(248 KB, 531x800, Devious_Arrancar_by_Ninjanana7(...).jpg)
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    gotta give it to him, he's got a good gig going
    >i can make you internet famous
    >just pose for these "tasteful" nude pics
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)12:43 No.3251244
    This is a long shot I realize, but I am the least bit interested in Chico Chan nudes!
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)16:52 No.3252161
    for the love of go more!!!! Nana
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)16:53 No.3252166
    Doubt they exist anymore... although I'm sure someone saved them.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)16:57 No.3252177
         File1278881859.jpg-(66 KB, 310x228, 1277664171348.jpg)
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    At first i was like haha, its boner robin!

    Read how he runs cosplay deviants and hangs around with reasonably attractive girls in various states of undress while i'm sitting alone in my apt browsing 4chan despite looking a hell of a lot better than him...

    <- My face

    God damn it. I need to reevaluate my life.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)16:58 No.3252180
    he looks a hell of a lot like leisure suit larry
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)17:00 No.3252192
         File1278882048.png-(133 KB, 252x252, Leisure-Suit-Larry--Love-for-S(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)17:12 No.3252250
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)17:14 No.3252261
    who the fuck would pose nude for him??? he's a fucking demi-human he's so ugly!
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)17:23 No.3252317
    wellll holy shit
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)17:27 No.3252340
    as distressing as this revelation is, it should give us hope.

    If someone like boner robin can become big pimping daddy mcfly, ANYONE CAN.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)17:38 No.3252399
    ...he gives women money to pose nude for him...
    They're WHORING themselves.
    He is not a ladies man
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)17:42 No.3252418
    He's fucking Kim the Cheater who is sorta attractive
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)17:43 No.3252421
    Nice try boner robin, you ain't screw'in nobody but yerself!
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)18:40 No.3252679
    God, that was taken at supercon this year
    I feel bad for those girls...well unless he paid to get a picture with them
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)19:52 No.3253011
    They're his 'models'

    Why are the photos on cosplay deviants of such low quality anyway?
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)20:24 No.3253148
    Girls usually get their boyfriends with shitty cameras to take the photos.
    Then some cosplay deviants guy airbrushes the shit out of the awful photos.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)20:45 No.3253266
    Spoiler: that "kid" is almost 30 years old.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)20:45 No.3253271
    By definition he's a pimp. He collects profits by whoring out a group of women. As far as commercializing cosplay and turning a profit from it, kid's got it made.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)20:58 No.3253355
         File1278896307.jpg-(170 KB, 900x1355, Aizen_sama_calls_by_Ninjanana7(...).jpg)
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    >for the love of go more!!!! Nana
    got you covered bro
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)21:01 No.3253382
         File1278896497.jpg-(317 KB, 531x800, Pink_Life_040.jpg)
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    siterip yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:47 No.3254047
    I's want more of that Sakura dammit!
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)00:37 No.3254676
    I've been trying to /r/ an up to date site rip forever now and no one seems to take interest, its like the one thing anonymous simply wont deliver.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)02:18 No.3255283
         File1278915495.jpg-(228 KB, 680x994, oh god ahh.jpg)
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    he looks like a 17 year old with progeria and you are telling me he's fucking 30!? Has reality lost all meaning!? we are supposed to have laws of physics and nature, and this weird headed kid is violating all of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)02:21 No.3255300
    It's because these sluts are ugly as fuck and only you ronery neckbeards want it.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)02:33 No.3255348
    Eh. Troy's a pretty awesome dude, all things considered. I try not to let anime people all that far into my life, but he's one of the least shit-rotten people in that community. I know he has old drama, but yaaaaawn. And his girlfriend is pretty hot. It works for her, I guess, they've been together forever, it seems like.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)02:36 No.3255368
    so the girls from these pics are actual chicks from anime cons?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)02:56 No.3255486
    Ehhh! I'll be honest, I've seen and somewhat spoken to most of the deviants at cons (especially at FSC ) and they're not all that hot. x.o; Some are just annoying while some are just fun ( I think Nana is dominican so thats a plus!).
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:21 No.3256507

    If you count 23-24 as "almost 30," then yes, he is.

    He's actually not a bad guy, just has a lot of hate on here, like everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)07:26 No.3256515
         File1278933960.jpg-(154 KB, 900x1355, Embrace_your_hell_by_Ninjanana(...).jpg)
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    this chick looks fairly good. and they have this asian chick with excellent tits. gave me the yellow fever. much improved from their early years
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)09:10 No.3256639
    Cancer (He mentioned it when he had an LJ a while back) will do that to ya. Either way, more power to him for keeping a business up. Must be making money if they can afford to buy a booth at Gencon next month and Dragon*con right after that.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)09:30 No.3256664
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)10:42 No.3256816
    actually very different setup from a pimp. He is a pornographer. All girls are doing pinups i don't think he does any hardcore porn as of yet. pimp he would be having the girls have sex with men while not on camera.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)11:01 No.3256885
    This is classic revenge of the nerds guys C'mon!
    You guys hated on the nerd .
    Then the nerd blew up .
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)11:20 No.3256944
    seeing as routes to cosplay deviants I wouldn't be surprised if a hardcore site was either planned or already in progress.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:10 No.3257917
    i like cosplaydeviants. their quality in models looks, and costumes, and photography has gone way up in the last 6months to a year.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:16 No.3257950
    I personally like Troy and working for him, he's a doll and so is Kim. Old drama is old so let it go. It doesn't matter what my boss looks like, its still fun working with him.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:22 No.3257979
    bitches be crazy
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:31 No.3258036
    What's it feel like knowing that he is taking advantage of your looks, selling your image, and making a profit while doing basically nothing?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:37 No.3258063
         File1278963448.jpg-(10 KB, 176x171, 31697_1453623976232_1102285160(...).jpg)
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    he does no such thing, everyone has this misconception that he takes advantage of us for our looks in order to make a quick buck while we work and he does nothing. he puts alot of work into the site, so to say he does nothing is offensive to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:42 No.3258087

    Eh, sure hun. You believe that.

    For me, it's the fact he's being hypocritical while running this site. Wasn't he the one bashing Chico-chan, and any cosplayer, for having nudes/taking risque cosplay shots online? I do believe he was! And now he's suddenly a smutpeddler.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)15:51 No.3258139
    i don't know who chicochan is. i don't know about all the /drama/ of troy's past, all i know is i like the site, i like the stuff that i've seen come out of it in the last half a year or so, i think it's good content, a good niche for the market, and an interesting idea that people are interested in. and i've shot around 5 sets for them as a photographer, and their checks always cash, just like the checks i get from any other modeling site i've worked for.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:04 No.3258218

    ummm. are you 12? you just pretty much summed up what a typical business model is, for every single person that starts ANY type of business. these girls aren't "getting taken advantage of". they're models. they like to cosplay, and the lifestly/hobbies surrounding anime, cons, and general geek/fandom. HOORAY for them for getting paid to strut their stuff, and enjoy themselves. and HOORAY for troy, for putting it out there for other fans of the niche/genre, to enjoy! what do you do for a living? let's say you work at mcdonalds. don't you get PISSED that every time you sell a 1/4 pounder, you're getting paid your measely minimum wage, while the owner of the store sits back and counts his money, and never, ever has to come into the store to lift a finger to do anything? it's called BUSINESS 101. the models make money, the photographers make money, the editors, etc. make money, and the owner of the site makes money. i'm sure in the beginning, troy had to put out a lot of his own money, and make plenty of sacrifices to get the site going. now that it's doing so much better, OF COURSE he's going to get better looking models, better looking photography, pay those models and photographers more, and pay himself more.

    taking advantage? no. i disagree.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:10 No.3258246
    Ok well stupid /drama/ aside. I've been considering applying but am worried about the various risks. Since you seem to be a model can you tell me What kind of protection is taken for your identities? I don't want a future employer to google search me and see me naked. Do you really get all the extra stuff they say on the application thing costumes, con badges and hotels and stuff? is it worth the money?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:16 No.3258283
    Post naked pics of yourself on the internets, you can pretty much guarantee someone you know will see them.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:17 No.3258293
    We all have alternative names when to comes to our modeling. And frankly my boss already knows I pose nude for the site and doesnt care. "How does posing nude affect the establishment of Subway any way?" were his exact words. lol. And yes the costumes, con, hotel, and everything else stated is true, though there are certain rules behind those things its still true.


    who the fuck is chico chan and why is s/he relevant?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:20 No.3258310
    new set is epic.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:24 No.3258334

    What rules?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:25 No.3258343

    Well no wonder he doesn't care, considering you work at Subway. But someone with a real job where you have to turn in a resume and not an application might have other opinions on that.

    Chico-chan was his, or his GF's room mate, who they had a falling out with and in an act of maturity stole her nude photos off her computer and posted them online. They bashed her any chance they got. They criticized her and several others for doing stuff far tamer than the CD site, calling them sluts and saying how it was so degrading and other things.

    And then turned around and opened a fapsite?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:31 No.3258366
    in regards to this chico chan stuff, agreed. stealing someones nudes and posting them is wrong, and not cool at all. but in regrds to the bashing people for tamer stuff, then opening up cosplaydeviants,
    meh, people change. i used to go to church and wore osh kosh bigosh overalls, and thought deer hunting was awesome, and drink kool aid. then i grew up. well i still drink kool aid, but my piont is, peoples viewpoints, opinions, etc. can, and DO change. let it go. old news.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:34 No.3258386

    EVERYONE will be nude on the internet within the next 10 years anyways.

    as for the site, cosplaydeviants, well, it's as "private" as you want it to be. some girls throw around their personal facebook pages, names, etc. on the site on the forums where members can see it, etc. and some only have their model name, and maybe a model facebook link with no "ties" to anything personal at all.

    as far as the site itself though, nothing personal is made public at all, it's all very detailed in their contract, so if someone's nudes or info gets out that is tied to their actual name, or address, etc. it's either because the model wasn't careful enough, or talked too much about the wrong stuff, or something along those lines.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:34 No.3258387
    old news is old, love the new stuff cd has
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:35 No.3258393
    >>What kind of protection is taken for your identities? I don't want a future employer to google search me and see me naked.
    I have 3 tattoos that are removed from every set and 1 mole on my stomach that is removed by my photographer. My actual name isn't anywhere on the site, so a Google spider will find nothing. And if I ever want to deny it I can simply say "No that girl doesn't have this mole, or these tattoos." The site protects the girls, even went out of their way for me at the last event I worked as far as having an escort for me.

    >>Do you really get all the extra stuff they say on the application thing costumes, con badges and hotels and stuff?
    Without giving away which model I am I will say this. I got a free trip to Cancun Mexico for 5 days while I only had to work two. Troy told us that the extra 3 days were vacation time as a thank you for working the event. My flight, hotel, and badge were all paid for. Costumes were provided if we didn't have one too. I can't wait to work another event!

    >>is it worth the money?
    I've shot 4 sets, each one taking about 1.5 hours. I also was paid 100.00 for my costume on top of my 200.00 for the set. Which means I make about 200.00 an hour good money if you ask me :)

    It's all about how confident you are, the community is fun. The other models, while competitive at times can be fun, especially event girls. In the end it's up to you
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)16:38 No.3258413
    haha i have 2 jobs love. One "real" as you say, and subway.

    anywho that situation had nothing to do with me so why bother with it? I mean you can sit there and dish me all the dirt you want about troy. It doesnt have anything to do with me. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with you either. so why bring it up? Its in the past isn't it?


    people do change, frankly i used to be one of those "omg no cosplay shouldnt be made into a nudey site!" then i applied and got accepted and it changed my outlook on many things. then again my experience isnt always the same as everyone else's
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)17:32 No.3258741
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)20:51 No.3259653
    Boner Robin stole Chico chan's nudes and posted them on cosfu when they got into a fight. He was called out on it and never denied it. Not sure about the saying people shouldnt be nude I think they just got into a fight. either way I dunno what made him start cd but I know it made alot of people in fl mad
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)21:09 No.3259790
    Most of the cosplays on there look bought or low quality...which makes the site sort of crappy. Not worth the money at all. Plus some of the nipples just look terrible and make me want to throw up.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)21:15 No.3259836
    If you have to work a second job at Subway, your other job isn't "real."
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)21:16 No.3259845
    >>3258386 if someone's nudes or info gets out that is tied to their actual name, or address, etc. it's either because the model wasn't careful enough, or talked too much about the wrong stuff, or something along those lines.

    Which will ALWAYS happen. All it takes is one chick that hates you for your looks, a spurned boyfriend, a nosy co-worker, or bragging to anyone.
    Someone will always find your nudes and almost always it will cost you. Even if you don't see it. You'll lose respect points from bosses even if they are "cool with it and think its freeing and edgy" Someone will pass on being nice to you because you're one of "those girls". Someone will make up some reason of you not fitting their girlfriend mold because "stable chicks don't take their clothing off"

    If you HONESTLY do not give a rat's ass about what anyone thinks of you and what they can do as a result, go for it ! You got nothing to lose and you will be fine.

    But even chick in >>3258393 who has her mole or tattoos removed is now at risk, because she revealed it. All it takes is one person to know someone's tats were removed and a decent suspicion.

    If you do not want something found, don't put it on the interwebs. Some dude will find it, post a comparison, and everyone will know.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)21:18 No.3259852
    We already have shit like TinEye anyway. It'll only be a short time before you can search a face.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)21:50 No.3260035
    This thread is so lawl.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)22:53 No.3260517

    If I remember correctly, I think he said he started CD as an April Fool's prank but got a lot of fans really fast, so they expanded.

    I say, whatever he did in the past is just that: in the past. What's done is done. He's running a successful adult cosplay site? Good for him. To each their own.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)22:56 No.3260539
    ever so slightly off topic.... but why did /cgl/ change to /drama/ ? Who does the subtext refer to?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/10(Mon)23:23 No.3260747
    Heh, when he gets well established, but not too well established, we can have the character license holders come down on him like a ton of rocks.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:26 No.3261172
    Troy didn't just post nudes. He made a huge LJ post about how drama was destroying the community, how people needed to stop going on cosfu and being cruel to each other, and praised himself for striving to be above it all.

    Then, when cosfu had an anonymous forum, he posted up all of chico chan's nudes. The admin looked up his IP and proved he was the one doing it. The hypocrisy and being a two-faced motherfucker is what pissed everyone off.

    Not to mention that for years he and Kim publically bashed people who did "revealing" costumes.

    By the way, guys. Pass the siterip around in private. Troy comes on here frequently and starts CD threads just to find out who has rips of his site, then goes after them.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:41 No.3261263

    Who is this chico chan everyone here speaks of? Just gimme a normal pic, I just want a face to go with this supposedly "infamous" name. lulz
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:45 No.3261280
         File1278996339.jpg-(33 KB, 293x458, 1220454895239.jpg)
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    she has been packing on the pounds and it verging on hambeast status now
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:47 No.3261290
    bonner robin king of /CGL/
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)00:50 No.3261303
    He is the top 1 pimp, you can get great cosplayer girl sluts for a good price, bonner robin is the best
    >> EDG Has Yoga FIYAH !!FIU9eTniawB 07/13/10(Tue)00:54 No.3261332
    Troy is awesome. Nuff' said.
    >> Nana V. 07/13/10(Tue)01:23 No.3261530
    People change whats so bad about being successful?

    and Kim is a doll, i don't know why people always look at people's passed drama's to start up well new drama. let it go >.>
    >> EDG Has Yoga FIYAH !!FIU9eTniawB 07/13/10(Tue)01:25 No.3261539
    Love you Nana!
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)01:28 No.3261562
    could not be more wrong
    he's rounded to the nearest 10th he's not almost 30
    >> Nana V. 07/13/10(Tue)01:31 No.3261594
    love you more! EDG nyahaha
    >> EDG Has Yoga FIYAH !!FIU9eTniawB 07/13/10(Tue)01:36 No.3261640
    :D <3
    >> Nana V. 07/13/10(Tue)01:41 No.3261678
    >>3261640 <3 <3

    Also I dont appreciate people stealing photos from my facebook and posting on here. for your own personal fun. just sayin'
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)01:47 No.3261730
         File1279000042.jpg-(169 KB, 598x900, Funny_Bunny_by_ChicoChan.jpg)
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    Fuck guy, are you so useless you can't even do a google search?
    >> EDG Has Yoga FIYAH !!FIU9eTniawB 07/13/10(Tue)01:49 No.3261749
    I need to add you on FB. D:
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)02:11 No.3261921

    hey, hey! this is america, I got the goddamn right to be lazy and demanding at the same time!!
    plus, i did a google search using chico chan, and nothing...
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)02:14 No.3261938

    Really? Cuz I got her dA as the first result. If I put "Chico chan cosplay" I get her dA and her ACP.
    >> Nana V. 07/13/10(Tue)02:17 No.3261973
    yes you do >:3
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)02:55 No.3262251
         File1279004103.jpg-(103 KB, 752x900, 3.jpg)
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    lazy bastards.....

    i present chico-chan
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)02:55 No.3262258
    please don't post the gross ones
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)02:56 No.3262265
         File1279004194.jpg-(132 KB, 900x996, DSC00734.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)02:58 No.3262277
    sorry anon, i bare titties
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)02:59 No.3262283
    I don't get it. She's nothing special, but she's not a total hambeast either. Pretty average.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)02:59 No.3262289
    I'd fuck her
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:03 No.3262329
    that's because anon hasn#t posted the gross one with her tits hanging freely yet
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:03 No.3262335
         File1279004633.jpg-(28 KB, 385x500, lindze.jpg)
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    this is a cosplayer leaked nude photos thread now
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:09 No.3262374
    StoP_fucKing ATTACkiNg WWw.anoLAwLTAlK.sE_ReplaCE_lawL WiTh_n
    eaml cp dayyfdj zsy rawshcjpgy eostencahxohishbnnjz
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:12 No.3262400

    ok, what the fuck is this anontalk shit?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:13 No.3262405
    People always give that same excuse. "I MET THEM AT A CON AND THEY SEEMED NICE SO THEY'RE PERFECT."

    You don't even know her, so don't pretend to be an expert on somebody. People who buy costumes and enter them for costume competitions then lie about it are not as much of a "doll" as you advertise.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)03:25 No.3262488
         File1279005953.jpg-(22 KB, 468x312, 1265773935069.jpg)
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    Hi, you must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:13 No.3262878
         File1279008817.jpg-(493 KB, 800x533, Wtf sailors.jpg)
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    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!IL7JcqyVsYA 07/13/10(Tue)04:16 No.3262893

    Well there's something you don't see every day.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:17 No.3262895
    I met boner robin and his bitch, I'm sure they thought I was a nice guy.

    ...I'm not a nice guy. :D
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:20 No.3262910
    Man, If only he had clef palette ... Then it would be fucking hilarious
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:21 No.3262915
         File1279009319.jpg-(227 KB, 704x792, 1269748124909.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:23 No.3262932
         File1279009437.jpg-(21 KB, 400x400, Clef Palette.jpg)
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    I think you're looking for CLEFT PALATE...pic related, it's a clef palette. Jesus christ.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:24 No.3262935
    Mamma mia, Sailor Mercury sure has nice boobs!
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:24 No.3262936
    .......... REALLY?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:25 No.3262940

    yeah but fake?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:27 No.3262956
    Nah man, That's a treble clef.

    It circles the G with its tale and you plays the Guitar with its.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:31 No.3262985
    Must be a good story.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:33 No.3262998
    For real dawg, They love it all the time.
    All the time for $20.
    I mean, you just use it, Till it come to an aim.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:34 No.3263001
    I know what a treble clef is. I was going to superimpose one onto a painter's palette in photoshop but I was lazy so I just found a rainbow one. /shrug
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)04:35 No.3263011
    But that bass clef is where it gets tricky.
    That nigger puts that colon in between an F.
    Shit blew my mind when I figured that out.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)06:32 No.3263432
    I love the two on the ends (Venus and Jupiter). big tits and dfc. time for my morning fap.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)06:33 No.3263434

    stOp_fUcKInG_ATTAcKINg wWW.AnOlAwltALK.sE_RePLacE lAwl_wItH_n
    kabmwj rnxp isbygb ya ivnegmhqoim ppsqpk v xhfutaw

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