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  • File : 1277525765.jpg-(435 KB, 533x800, maryjaneissober.jpg)
    435 KB maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)00:16 No.3165651  
    I have some time on my hands so ask some questions and get some answers!
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:16 No.3165653
    Where is 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:16 No.3165655
    I thought you got banned. :/
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:17 No.3165660
         File1277525844.jpg-(21 KB, 319x400, mari-makinami-illustrious-plug(...).jpg)
    21 KB
    When are you going to make a better plugsuit?
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)00:17 No.3165664
    If I come over tonight am I going to get lucky?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)00:18 No.3165675
    Questions have question marks.

    Next May I'll do one of the Maris unless I can finish test plugsuit Asuka by Anime Evolution.
    >> TheWhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/26/10(Sat)00:19 No.3165679

    how do you sew a bowtie. Okay
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/26/10(Sat)00:20 No.3165685
    Will you ever do a joint cosplay?
    >> Mistry !/h.M3M4wis 06/26/10(Sat)00:21 No.3165695
    How do magnets work?

    Why is the sky blue?

    Is there really a god?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:21 No.3165698

    Yo motherfucker, you ignored me. The fucks up with that?
    >> TheWhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/26/10(Sat)00:21 No.3165700
    Get in line buddy. No cuts
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:21 No.3165703
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)00:22 No.3165707
         File1277526151.png-(40 KB, 350x342, bowtie.png)
    40 KB
    No because my cat is sleeping on my bed.

    I had a long time out. I've really gotten to know myself over the past week.
    Sew a long piece of fabric and tie it as the pic instructs you to.

    I have before. If anyone ever wants to do one with me again, absolutely!
    >> TheWhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/26/10(Sat)00:23 No.3165712

    Magnets work because a solid piece of soft iron will hold a directional charge in it. The front side of that charge is negative, the back end is negative. A very basic description.

    Sky is blue because its from the reflection of the ocean

    MaryJane is god.
    >> TheWhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/26/10(Sat)00:24 No.3165717
    I want to cosplay Amazing Horse with you
    >> TheWhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/26/10(Sat)00:25 No.3165726
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)00:28 No.3165745
         File1277526495.gif-(11 KB, 477x333, magdom7.gif)
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    I have no idea how magnets work. So I'll post a picture of my vagina instead.
    The sky is blue because it needs to contrast against my orange Asuka wig. Got to /fit/, God is probably there if he isn't here.

    This might happen if Koi wa Sensou can't happen.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:29 No.3165752
    > The front side of that charge is negative, the back end is negative.
    Literal double negative?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:33 No.3165789
    oops lol. mistype I guess.

    but not so much a charge per se. more like the lining up of atoms in a certain order. one side of those atoms having a positive and the other side a negative.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)00:34 No.3165794
    Who said we need a bed? You have a perfectly good floor. Or we can call for an ambulance.

    Koi wa Sensou MUST happen.

    Fuck yo doubles.
    >> JustGodlyEnough !0NA2aHr0bk 06/26/10(Sat)00:35 No.3165806
         File1277526950.jpg-(37 KB, 682x663, glhf.jpg)
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    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)00:36 No.3165816
    If its not too much to ask, PLEASE use a question mark with your question or I will not know its a question.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/26/10(Sat)00:37 No.3165824
    are you willing to have a cosplay change to do pairs?
    >> Thewhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/26/10(Sat)00:37 No.3165826
         File1277527053.jpg-(2.82 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0201.jpg)
    2.82 MB

    Lol ambulance FTW.


    earlier that night.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:38 No.3165828
    Please don't.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:41 No.3165845
    Why do you tripfag?

    I honestly have a really hard time believing that anyone does it aside from attention whoring/wanting to validate themselves to the big scary world of 4chan, but I kinda want to be proven wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:41 No.3165846
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:41 No.3165851
         File1277527281.jpg-(56 KB, 480x359, 1276954766124.jpg)
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    Why are you an attention whore?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)00:41 No.3165853
    What do you mean by a cosplay change?

    Please don't what?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:42 No.3165858
    Don't ruin my fandom anymore whore.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)00:43 No.3165868
         File1277527418.jpg-(35 KB, 500x500, 3697794433_16146fc096.jpg)
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    Because I'm an attention whore.

    Because I'm a tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:44 No.3165876
    Sluts like you go to /b/. Did you lose your way, little girl?
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 06/26/10(Sat)00:45 No.3165884

    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)00:49 No.3165907
         File1277527768.jpg-(57 KB, 640x480, eva_asuka018.jpg)
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    At what point did I become an S-L-U-T?!
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:50 No.3165914
    You always did seem to give off that vibe.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:51 No.3165918

    You're a slut for attention
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:52 No.3165922
         File1277527922.jpg-(57 KB, 472x472, 1115090_m.jpg)
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    Other tripfags aren't as bad as you are. You seem to only post in threads that are about you.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:52 No.3165924
         File1277527962.jpg-(25 KB, 400x400, yourenot.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:52 No.3165925
    Describe your sexuality
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:53 No.3165929
         File1277527987.jpg-(69 KB, 273x240, 1266645762400 - Copy.jpg)
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    English lesson!

    You are both slut and slutty

    Slut or slattern is a pejorative term meaning an individual who is sexually promiscuous. The term is generally applied to women and used as an insult or offensive term of disparagement, meaning "dirty or slovenly."


    slutty - Of or resembling a slut

    You are a slut. How does this make you feel?
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/26/10(Sat)00:53 No.3165932
    You have an idea already set but somebody tells you that they want too do a pairing.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)00:55 No.3165942
    I'm Ron Burgandy?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:10 No.3166026
         File1277529018.jpg-(85 KB, 453x604, 2430733.jpg)
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    Can we do a joint cosplay missy gonzales?
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)01:10 No.3166029
    I'm a God walking amongst mere mortals.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/26/10(Sat)01:15 No.3166064
         File1277529302.jpg-(25 KB, 450x351, Michael-Jackson027.jpg)
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    Oh you, stop kidding yourself. ;3
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)01:17 No.3166087
    B-but... my bedroom smells of rich mahogany!
    >> Thewhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/26/10(Sat)01:17 No.3166090
    I have been thinking about this for a lot longer then you know. I can't help my feelings for you despite the difficulties that our distance represents. But you are worth it and I want to give us a fair shot.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:19 No.3166106
    It's ok you can be skitty
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/26/10(Sat)01:23 No.3166136
         File1277529828.jpg-(24 KB, 400x316, michael_jackson.jpg)
    24 KB
    Well mine smells of gold, wait, that could be because my bedroom IS gold! :D
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)01:26 No.3166156
         File1277529997.jpg-(55 KB, 500x415, ron-fucking-burgundy.jpg)
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    Really now? I own many leather-bound books. Suck it, bitch.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/26/10(Sat)01:33 No.3166198
         File1277530412.jpg-(15 KB, 303x400, michael_jackson_bad_era.jpg)
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    Oh really? That's a cool story, bro.
    I own Neverland, so you can suck it yourself, bitch.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)01:38 No.3166230
         File1277530729.jpg-(25 KB, 391x311, Ron-Burgundy-Hates-ESPN.jpg)
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    Woah, memes up in here.
    >> Spider-Man !!Yn9wloUS2lr 06/26/10(Sat)01:39 No.3166234
         File1277530755.jpg-(26 KB, 400x300, spider_man.jpg)
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    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)01:39 No.3166235
         File1277530756.jpg-(46 KB, 685x482, bedroom.jpg)
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    I post in threads that are relevant to my interests.

    I'm a straight female but have an aesthetic adoration towards women. I'm not convinced I could ever develop a healthy relationship with another girl though but they're fun to fool around with. Girls excluded, I generally don't fool around with people I'm not in a relationship with. Sexual relations are pretty much out of the question, I'm boring and monogamous that way.
    In bed, I'm pretty much down for anything. I love serving my partner, being dominated and letting someone take what ever they want. Being dominated by me is like being dominated by a child who is hell bent on getting what they want and teasing you. I have a hospital fetish, I enjoy costume play, bondage and boots. I have an affinity towards rough sex, giving head, cock worship and getting railed. Please don't put my vagina in your mouth. I think that's gross. Please don't put anything in my bum. I'm not old enough yet.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)01:39 No.3166239
         File1277530780.jpg-(48 KB, 288x371, AnchormanRonBurgundy.jpg)
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    Also, I got one up on you, broski. Y'know what I mean by that?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:40 No.3166244
    Are you going to be totally fucking annoying when you come to Vancouver?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:42 No.3166272
    If you don't like getting femme-head it's because you haven't found someone who can do it right. Fact.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/26/10(Sat)01:43 No.3166277
         File1277530993.jpg-(23 KB, 445x372, Michael-Jackson-p04.jpg)
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    ...Damn you and your shenanigans. I don't actually
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)01:44 No.3166285
         File1277531075.jpg-(42 KB, 431x366, YOU'RE_DEAD.jpg)
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    You're dead.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:45 No.3166297
    Why am I somehow unable to hate you, despite your attention-whoring and probably sluttiness?
    >> Combat Butler 06/26/10(Sat)01:46 No.3166303
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/26/10(Sat)01:49 No.3166316
         File1277531347.jpg-(52 KB, 564x700, michael-jackson-sad-clown-davi(...).jpg)
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    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)01:53 No.3166342
         File1277531611.jpg-(46 KB, 720x480, asukaisthemostpopulargirlinsch(...).jpg)
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    I am slutty. It make me feel like a sinner and I get it up to that.

    If I have an idea but no progress, I might consider it providing I know the series/character and I think I could pull them off well and that its a decently challenging costume to make.

    Ohayo tomodachi desu! ^_________________^

    I don't intend to be. Its real life, not 4chan.

    I am interesting perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:56 No.3166361
    lol you actually go out in your cosplay? that's sad
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:56 No.3166364
    I don't know if I should let you come to the beach party
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)01:57 No.3166371
    Night out with weeb friends, didn't want to do my real hair.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)01:59 No.3166385
    Three questions.

    1) Will you be my Suou?
    2) Should it ever come to pass that we hit it off and hook up, do I merit a free pass to change your mind in regards to having someone go down on you? After I have proven my tongue skills elsewhere on you, of course.
    3) How bout them inverted hospital beds, eh?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)02:31 No.3166569
    To all three questions:
    I would if I could.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)02:31 No.3166571
    Where can I find a girl like you?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)02:32 No.3166575
    On the internet.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)02:35 No.3166594
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)02:42 No.3166621
    You're just too good to be true
    Can't take my eyes off of you
    You'd be like heaven to touch
    I wanna hold you so much
    At long last love has arrived
    And I thank God I'm alive
    You're just too good to be true
    Can't take my eyes off of you

    Pardon the way that I stare
    There's nothing else to compare
    The sight of you leaves me weak
    There are no words left to speak
    But if you feel like I feel
    Please let me know that it's real
    You're just too good to be true
    Can't take my eyes off of you

    I love you baby and if it's quite all right
    I need you baby to warm the lonely nights
    I love you baby, trust in me when I say
    Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down I pray
    Oh pretty baby, now that I've found you stay
    And let me love you baby, let me love you.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)02:50 No.3166667
    I'm enjoying the rest of the bottle of wine that catalyzed this thread's predecessor.
    Not out of the bottle though this time.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)02:53 No.3166676
    yup, just keep adding to those dark circles under your eyes
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)02:57 No.3166687
    Why are you such a self centered attention whore? Do you really think that you're so interesting that their should be a whole thread dedicated to people asking you questions? You know they invented a website for that, right?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)02:57 No.3166691
         File1277535456.jpg-(34 KB, 640x480, becomeonewithasuka.jpg)
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    Thank you, I'm glad you like them!
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)02:57 No.3166692
    why are we asking YOU about cosplay??
    your plugsuit is shitty and wrinkly
    and your skin looks extremely wrong with that red asuka wig.
    just sayin...
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)02:59 No.3166699
    no seriously, they are getting worse yo, why the fuck are you wrecking yourself like this
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:00 No.3166706
    It's not the wig. She just has shitty skin from years of abusing her body.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:03 No.3166717
    true, true.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)03:27 No.3166808
    I'm bored, how about you fucks ask me some questions too? Partial hijack up in this bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:32 No.3166823

    Why are you desperate to fuck Maryjane?
    >> Spider-Man !!Yn9wloUS2lr 06/26/10(Sat)03:36 No.3166838
         File1277537787.jpg-(250 KB, 500x657, tumblr_ktokc5dyBh1qzeovdo1_500.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:37 No.3166840
    It's called honesty. You should try it sometime.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)03:45 No.3166863
    I'm not desperate, per se, though I certainly would jump on the chance (and on her).

    She's extremely cute, we have similar interests, she's not an unintelligent/socially awkward/backstabbing bitch, she seems like she'd be a fun date, it's quite entertaining conversing with her, we share similar fetishes and overall her personality is pretty awesome. Personality is the biggest issue for me with respect to women, if they aren't chill I won't even consider them.

    Anyway, I would hit it hard and rough until she is satisfied and passes out, then make her breakfast in the morning, because I'm cool like that. Hope that answers your question.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)03:49 No.3166883
         File1277538591.jpg-(38 KB, 720x480, annoy.jpg)
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    No I didn't. Thank you for thinking of others.

    Plugsuit was made from shitty 2 way stretch PVC. Lesson learned. I'm not claiming to be God-tier, I'm claiming to be another opinion.

    Yeah, this.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:52 No.3166898
    when will you stop being a whore and gtfo?
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)03:54 No.3166903
    I'm not a whore! He said he loved me!
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)03:59 No.3166919
    Where are all the questions? This shit is fun, I want to answer more.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)04:00 No.3166921

    You only post with a trip when she's posting
    >> Spider-Man !!Yn9wloUS2lr 06/26/10(Sat)04:02 No.3166933
    How many damn Asuka pics do you have?

    And are you going to grow that hair out?
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)04:02 No.3166935
    I post with a trip all the time, look at the DtB thread, various lolita bashing threads, the AIM thread, so on and so forth. FYI libra/hobbes/mj are the reason I got a trip to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)04:07 No.3166953
    >/cgl/'s dumbest underage troll and an attention whore

    That's not helping your case
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)04:10 No.3166966
    Who said I was trying to? Also, without trolls and attention whores, the Internet would be a very dull place. /cgl/ especially.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)04:26 No.3167019
         File1277540798.jpg-(32 KB, 720x480, loveletters.jpg)
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    I will GTFO as soon as I stop being a whore I guess?

    As many as I could get from 13-year-old's websites before GeoCities went down.
    I am growing my hair out now for Mari but I'd love for it to be Asuka length/color so I can have my hair pulled instead of the wig.

    I'm flattered that you think I can maneuver 3 trips at once!
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)04:45 No.3167061
    Thats not what I meant
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)04:48 No.3167076
    I'd say your next best bet is probably a con then?
    Why, whats so great about me anyway?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)04:50 No.3167086
    you reply to me :D
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)04:51 No.3167093
    I have little to none experience in sewing, how do I start as in what kinds of things should I start with making?
    >> queston 1 of 2 Radar_exe 06/26/10(Sat)04:55 No.3167109
         File1277542527.jpg-(2.18 MB, 2736x3648, CIMG8498.jpg)
    2.18 MB
    i have been working on making the best vivi
    ( final fantasy 9) costume i can and yet i feel that it can be made better, i want you to tell me what can/ needs to be fixed,changed,made better or flat out removed....i'm the short one in the pic......

    this is the guy i am always compearing my costume to.......
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)04:57 No.3167116
    the only difference with his is the fact he put stuffing in it so the costume would be much more smooth. Otherwise I think you did great. The guy beside you failed though
    >> question 2 of 2 Radar_exe 06/26/10(Sat)04:58 No.3167118
         File1277542730.jpg-(1.89 MB, 3648x2736, CIMG8115.jpg)
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    and who can/could i cosplay well
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)05:06 No.3167136
         File1277543195.jpg-(126 KB, 800x600, charmedimsure.jpg)
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    If you're starting off with sewing all together and want to do so for the purposes of cosplay, I'd recommend starting with closet cosplays that require minimal alterations- not in terms of the fit, but in terms of for example, sewing a colored patch or pocket onto a jacket. That way you can familiarize yourself with the territory and at the same time, be productive to your cosplay agenda.
    I recommend sewing from commercial patterns before drafting your own. Go to the library or book store to find books on sewing techniques. They're going to be a valuable resource for you throughout your cosplay career.

    As far as materials go, start with non stretch weaves first, then move onto novelty/evening wear non stretch knits, stretch weaves, knits, vinyl, leather/fur and eventually latex.

    If you're a girl, the first thing I'd recommend you make from scratch for cosplay is a basic sailor fuku. You can buy the socks and shoes and the pattern would be a slightly modified version of basic commercial patterns. The fit doesn't need to be skin tight so if you fuck it up, it will be somewhat forgiving and it would require you to make it out of a decent weight cotton or polyester weave.
    If you're a guy, try doing something like a robe or something you buy the pants for. I recommend this because pants can be a little iffy to make and if you encounter fit problems, they can be harder to fix.

    Hope this helped.
    >> Spider-Man !!Yn9wloUS2lr 06/26/10(Sat)05:19 No.3167159
         File1277543944.jpg-(259 KB, 1600x1200, halflife2.jpg)
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    You are kidding, right?
    >> Radar_exe 06/26/10(Sat)05:23 No.3167170
         File1277544209.jpg-(1001 KB, 2736x3648, sakura-con-2009-vivi repost.jpg)
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    i look like mr.freeman, i've never realy thought about it.....
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)15:00 No.3168336
         File1277578802.gif-(34 KB, 276x278, keith.gif)
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    That was the first thing that came to mind for me too.
    If you've got the general build (especially the arms), I'd recommend Keith Howard.
    >> Anonymouse 06/26/10(Sat)15:04 No.3168352
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)15:12 No.3168390
    maryjane when did you first watch Evangelion? Your Auska cosplays are, from what I've seen, your most popular but is she your all time favourite character?
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/26/10(Sat)15:18 No.3168415
    Do you have pictures of you in that rei plug?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)15:20 No.3168422
    CHRIsBeAR PooLtaRd,_REmOvE_yoUr Clown_OF: HttP://tiNyURl.Com/3AXVE5D at shnorsuqaasla hn fz v kn pnj w w idtl
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)15:38 No.3168502
         File1277581082.jpg-(46 KB, 428x640, 2365183.jpg)
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    I first watched the first 2 DVDs in 2003 or 2004. I watched the whole series in summer of 2008. Asuka isn't my favorite character- Rei is. First time I watched Evangelion I had a mega hate on for Asuka. The only reason I cosplayed as her in the first place was because I wanted to make another plugsuit. While I was making it, I was watching Evangelion in the background and I started to realize that I the reason I hated Asuka so much was because we shared several less desirable characteristics.

    Yes I do.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/26/10(Sat)15:43 No.3168522
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)15:52 No.3168552
    dude your rei cosplay is fucking creepy.
    why is it that whenever i come on cgl i see you posting shit about yourself? no one fucking cares; you make shitty cosplays and you don't even look good as the characters. and the only reason people keep talking about you is because you spent your fucking life trying to get attention from people on the internet who DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU. thats just fucking sad
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:01 No.3168585
    Okay, so who is this girl? I've never heard of/seen her before, and can't find her acp/coscom via google.

    Why does she matter/have a thread about her?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:04 No.3168599
    because she's an attention whore who starts threads about herself. thats the only reason anyone even knows she exists.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)16:06 No.3168606
    Why do you find it creepy?

    Emmjay @ Coscom
    A lot of mine are there.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:08 No.3168613
    As far as I can gather she's your average butterface attention whore. She used to have an eating disorder, and she seem to have a gaggle of devoted fanboys with really low standards. Their are always thread about her because she makes them herself.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:20 No.3168670
    because your face is fucking creepy and you look like a skeleton.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:34 No.3168764

    Here's a question: how do I make a costume like that?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)16:36 No.3168772
         File1277584587.jpg-(152 KB, 557x800, rei.jpg)
    152 KB
    >>face is fucking creepy
    >>look like a skeleton
    Hrm, sounds kind of like Rei

    I believe it was because I posted my upskirts.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:39 No.3168783
         File1277584746.jpg-(48 KB, 425x640, eer.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)16:43 No.3168800
         File1277585028.jpg-(58 KB, 360x247, DSC_0130.jpg)
    58 KB
    Sticker on window, not flying bus.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:46 No.3168809
    Not the person you were responding too, but your features are way too sharp for Rei. You should stick to characters with prominent noses.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:47 No.3168814
    Yeah, exactly. Attention whore.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)16:50 No.3168824
    Any recommendations then? From anyone?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:54 No.3168840
         File1277585657.jpg-(46 KB, 288x292, wicked_stepmom.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:54 No.3168842
    yeah rei is supposed to be really skinny but she still has a womanly figure. tip: being anorexic causes you to lose your boobs, ass, thighs, and arms. then you just look like your about to drop dead from malnutrition. that sure as hell does not sound like rei. and her face doesn't look like dead cat that's been sitting in a dumpster for a week
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:55 No.3168847
    haha, i almost shat brix
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:56 No.3168854
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)17:00 No.3168865
         File1277586017.jpg-(71 KB, 750x600, 1267128949644.jpg)
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    At least Asuka's pride kept her from seeking attention in such useless ways. Go do something useful to verify yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)17:00 No.3168868
    The bad guys in old Disney movies always have a jew nose. Not cool Walt Disney, not cool.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/26/10(Sat)17:07 No.3168882
         File1277586445.jpg-(75 KB, 406x406, 1277396372498.jpg)
    75 KB
    The only reason why I could see Rei having a womanly figure is because of her maternal significance to Shinji.
    Therese a lot of other evidence though that supports Rei having symptoms of an eating disorder and looking like a rail: Shes still a kid and wouldn't necessarily have "filled out" yet, shes extremely self deprived and isolated, her actions are mechanical so I would guess she would eat in a very mechanical fashion as well (like just enough to get by, nothing indulgent or for celebration or pleasure), she doesn't eat meat and she arguably refers to herself as "the woman who does not bleed" which for the purposes of supporting my argument, I'm going to interpret as amenorrhoea.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)17:18 No.3168930
    If you had cosplay sex dressed as Rei with a Shinji, would you consider it to be incest roleplay?

    >> Maryjane's Boyfriend !!ndaereTCDKp 06/26/10(Sat)17:24 No.3168947

    Just when I thought there was no longer a reason to load up /cgl/

    Welcome back, babe.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)17:28 No.3168955
    Brix were shat.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)17:34 No.3168974
         File1277588092.png-(730 KB, 493x718, example.png)
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    What the fuck does any of that have to do with you not looking like her? really i didn't ask for a description of her entire background. and that proves nothing seeing as how she DOES have a womanly figure as skinny as she may be. cosplaying is supposed to be the characters if they were real people and since it's impossible to be that skinny with boobs and ass, it's wayy more realistic if you have the boobs and ass but an acceptably skinny waist. but it just doesn't work if you try to be that skinny because you're going to end up just looking like a flat twig.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)17:40 No.3168992
    >implying someone can actually look like one of the inspirations for Bayonetta
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)17:41 No.3168993
    Rei is slender, not as stacked as Asuka, but does have a more womanly figure than the average 14 year old.

    She has curves. No, not fat folds like some fatties who cosplay her may argue. A twig skinny Rei would look more accurate than a burrito-butt fatass Rei.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)17:47 No.3169017
    i never said hambeasts would look better i said someone with at least some curves would be more realistic and not fucking creepy.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)19:05 No.3169389
         File1277593552.png-(1.85 MB, 975x1382, gothloliasuka.png)
    1.85 MB
    Will you cosplay this for me someday?
    If you do, I will love you for all eternity, even beyond the grave.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/26/10(Sat)19:08 No.3169405
         File1277593726.png-(1.9 MB, 975x1382, gothlolirei.png)
    1.9 MB
    Or this.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)19:40 No.3169501
    Which /cgl/ identity do you find the hottest? That's anyone who's come here. Tripfag or otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)20:35 No.3169714
    Do you enjoy tentacle rape? What about rape in general?
    >> shibomi 06/26/10(Sat)21:32 No.3169946
    Do you have a website where you archive your cosplay photos? I really like them~
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)21:44 No.3169998
    >>3168993Rei is slender, not as stacked as Asuka, but does have a more womanly figure than the average 14 year old.


    Rei has a bigger chest than Asuka
    >> shibomi 06/26/10(Sat)21:55 No.3170046

    Secondly Asuka's test plugsuit seems to be all the rage. Will you ever consider cosplaying in it?
    >> shibomi 06/26/10(Sat)21:58 No.3170053
         File1277603902.jpg-(405 KB, 600x848, Shikinami_Asuka_Langley_by_cha(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)22:00 No.3170061
         File1277604052.jpg-(27 KB, 341x355, sg.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)22:02 No.3170065
    Why are you faggots bumping this thread? She hasn't replied for hours
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)22:02 No.3170068
         File1277604153.jpg-(74 KB, 400x602, gwen2.jpg)
    74 KB
    Do you think Peter would've settled for you if Gwen lived?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)23:43 No.3170514
    Do you like kissing upside-down arachnids in the middle of rainstorms?
    >> Spider-Man !!Yn9wloUS2lr 06/27/10(Sun)01:05 No.3170944
    God I was tripping out there for a second.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)01:11 No.3170974
    If I see you at a con, how much money will I have to give you to have sex with you?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)01:26 No.3171023
    It's not fair that girls like you exist and have no interest in people like me.
    Here's my bullshit, nonsensical question for you:
    Favorite illegal activiy?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)01:28 No.3171025
    OHHHHH called you a fucking mary jane!
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:00 No.3172551
    Will you autograph my dick... with your tongue?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)16:17 No.3173260
    Aaaaaaaaand I'm back.

    Probably not. If I was doing cosplay sex as Rei, I'd rather do it with a Gendo anyway.

    I see no objections to making either one of these.

    Based on looks alone? Hard Gay !!MyGqtRSdUik.

    I can't say that I have any experience being raped with tentacles however so long as they are defrosted, I have few objections to incorporating an octopus into my sex life. I find fantasy rape to be a turn on.

    Most of them are here: >>3168606
    I'm thinking of doing it next May if i don't do Mari. Its not likely to happen this summer because I haven't had the time to experiment with latex yet.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)16:38 No.3173358
    Wanna hear a cool story? My name is Maryjane.
    My mom's maiden name is Watson.
    My mom's first name is Gwen.


    None if I find you physically and intellectually attractive and am under the influence of alcohol enough to forgive a one night stand. Uh, other than that maybe like $35?

    I'll share with you one of my favorite illegal pastimes if you help me figure out this "girls like you" and "people like me" business.

    Only if you autograph my tongue with your dick.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)16:40 No.3173364
    Meant overall, but regardless, pics of Hard Gay please.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)16:43 No.3173373
         File1277671418.gif-(46 KB, 208x417, HARDGAY.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)16:44 No.3173374
    You are a whore. Why?
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)16:48 No.3173385
         File1277671723.png-(151 KB, 1000x862, bitchesandwhores.png)
    151 KB
    Because there are only two types of women in this world, and she's not the other one.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)16:49 No.3173392
    I didn't ask you faggot, asked OP
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)16:52 No.3173401
         File1277671921.jpg-(26 KB, 360x372, RonBurgundyNotAmused.jpg)
    26 KB
    Someone sure has their panties in a bunch.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)16:53 No.3173410
         File1277671983.png-(81 KB, 500x431, baw.png)
    81 KB
    Because there are only two types of women in this world, and I'm not the other one.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/27/10(Sun)16:53 No.3173411
         File1277671990.jpg-(11 KB, 327x388, 1265183066442.jpg)
    11 KB
    Oh these threads are always so sadly entertaining...
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)16:57 No.3173429
    saged and reported for pathetic and flat pig slut who has to whore about on 4chan.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)16:58 No.3173437
    >saying flat like its a bad thing
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)16:59 No.3173440
    >ignore the rest of the obvious bad things
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)17:01 No.3173448
    >I don't have a mental problem that leads me to be attracted to children
    >I like breasts on my women
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)17:01 No.3173450
    >>saged, reported, cried, told my mom, called the local news to do a story about it, etc...
    You know you can ask questions that aren't about me, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)17:02 No.3173458
         File1277672555.jpg-(53 KB, 426x640, pf4764-asuka-in-plugsuit_9.jpg)
    53 KB
    mj, plaese do this one
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)17:02 No.3173459
    I am a girl pretty boy, and I have the feeling you would be very attractive after consuming large amounts of alcohol.

    do you like girly pretty boys?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)17:05 No.3173471
    I'm thinking of doing Yamashita's Rei and a friend of mine is going to do Asuka. Not sure when but it will happen for sure.

    Post a pic of yourself and I will let you know how attractive I find you to be. Then I will get my drunk on and re-evaluate you.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)17:06 No.3173473
    what is your aim?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)17:08 No.3173478
         File1277672904.jpg-(121 KB, 800x600, ilovemyself.jpg)
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    To have a gangbang with all the male tripfags on /cgl/

    Actually though, its SurgicalDollie.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/27/10(Sun)17:10 No.3173487
    >To have a gangbang with all the male tripfags on /cgl/

    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)17:14 No.3173496
    >pathetic when she's pretty cool
    >pig when her previous eating disorder made her skinny
    >slutwhore when she doesn't deliver tits and fails to sleep around

    >implying I am attracted to children
    >implying grown women can't be DFC

    I get first dibs, right? I hate sloppy seconds.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)17:17 No.3173503
         File1277673455.png-(557 KB, 3360x2100, wallpaper-141028.png)
    557 KB
    Come to fuckkin' Canada and you can have anything you want.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)17:18 No.3173507
         File1277673519.jpg-(9 KB, 300x214, laserdildo1.jpg)
    9 KB
    That will be a long and hard journey.
    Here, take my sword.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)17:19 No.3173509
         File1277673572.jpg-(12 KB, 300x300, axe.jpg)
    12 KB
    And my axe.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)17:23 No.3173518
         File1277673821.jpg-(68 KB, 538x576, bo.jpg)
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    And my bow.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)17:27 No.3173533
         File1277674056.jpg-(44 KB, 392x400, david_bowie_10.jpg)
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    And my Bowie
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)17:28 No.3173535
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)17:58 No.3173629
    You = Awesome
    Me = Boring to 99% of people
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)19:31 No.3174131

    In that case I'd have to say running a freelance pharmacy.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)19:32 No.3174137

    Have you heard of formspring?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)19:36 No.3174151
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)20:24 No.3174371
         File1277684671.png-(98 KB, 1336x910, b90d8fc96a692ffab915b741353880(...).png)
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    I'm considering cosplaying Quote. I've been considering many ways to make the things on his ears.
    Continued in next post.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)20:25 No.3174380
         File1277684758.jpg-(211 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0442.jpg)
    211 KB
    I've considering painting, and adding an antenna thing to these headphones.
    The upside would be they look like cool headphones.
    The downside would be the headband of the phones are hardly at all accurate.

    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)20:27 No.3174394
    Also, the game once mentioned that the language on his hat was foreign. Since this was a japanese game, what should I write on the hat in any other language?
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)20:47 No.3174490
    His hat pretty obviously says "FATAL FURY" broski.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)20:55 No.3174550
         File1277686531.jpg-(994 KB, 1600x1200, 10876470.jpg)
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    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/27/10(Sun)21:00 No.3174576
         File1277686829.jpg-(25 KB, 852x480, 1275851620763.jpg)
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    >> Hard Gay !!MyGqtRSdUik 06/27/10(Sun)21:03 No.3174591
    What the fuck? When did I become a part of this discussion?
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)21:05 No.3174610
    Hard Gay is always relevant. See >>3173373
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:10 No.3174643
    What the hell are you making your skirts out of? It looks so stiff.
    Why do you shorten Asuka's skirt? It was perfect the length it was.
    >> Hard Gay !!MyGqtRSdUik 06/27/10(Sun)21:13 No.3174661
         File1277687588.jpg-(68 KB, 479x720, 30910_10150196623660644_845630(...).jpg)
    68 KB

    <--- (Yeah, I think she's insane too)
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)21:16 No.3174688
    You just had to make me want to cosplay Hard Gay even more, didn't you?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:17 No.3174692
    wWw.aNOxntxALk.SE remove_all X_tHErE And_telL MOOt_to eat_A bUCkET_of NigGer_DiCKs
    f roju bjxk qeqpzkhzu rcpumewuh
    >> Hard Gay !!MyGqtRSdUik 06/27/10(Sun)21:18 No.3174701
    Do it, suffer as I have suffered.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/27/10(Sun)21:26 No.3174736
    Did all the weeaboo girls want in your hotpants?
    >> Hard Gay !!MyGqtRSdUik 06/27/10(Sun)21:30 No.3174755
    Some, but my balls definitely wanted out of them.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:31 No.3174765
    Is there any point for an average sized person to even bother with cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:34 No.3174780
    The solution is to do what you want, and don't go on 4chan if you're worried about haters. Problem solved :)
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:37 No.3174797
    Whaddya mean by average?
    You mean fat?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:37 No.3174803
    Depends what you mean by ave national ave is fat
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:45 No.3174859
    Within the healthy BMI range, but at the mid-high end.
    And thank you for being a great example of what I mean- sometimes a person just wants an idea of who to dress up like for the hell of it, but everyone gets so caught up in "hurr fatty fatty fat fat" that it's like, well shit, is everyone going to be like that?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:48 No.3174876
    If you're concerned about your looks, focus on construction. If your costume is really well made, accurate, and appropriate - showing off your strengths while concealing or downplaying weaknesses- shit won't matter.

    Pretty much the same for fashion, actually.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:48 No.3174879
         File1277689716.jpg-(7 KB, 141x160, kim jong irr.jpg)
    7 KB
    >avoids the statement
    >changes nothing
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:51 No.3174899
    If I gave you flowers at a con, would you give me a hug? :>
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)21:59 No.3174952
    Good advice, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)22:02 No.3174983
    No problem. Just have fun with it, and stay conscious of what works and what won't : )
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)22:02 No.3174985
    So, by average, you meant fat.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)22:07 No.3175009
    I'm writing this in response to >>3174985 because I believe you'll read it.

    Keep in mind that your perceptions of your body will often be worse than they are.
    If you need to exercise, or get in shape, do it solely for that reason alone in itself: to get in shape. Get healthy, not skeletal. Bear in mind that there's some genetic predisposition which will affect the way you look, regardless of how fit you are: Judge your success more by your endurance and how it increases, less by your appearance.

    Fuckers on here will troll you. Its common. I'm an exception. I shouldn't be posting because I don't troll. Ignore that shit and do what you need to do: take it personally but don't lash out and don't give up.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/27/10(Sun)22:09 No.3175015
    She already knows all of that
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)22:10 No.3175022
    Eh, I have a bad habit of telling people things that are overtly obvious.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)22:16 No.3175057
    Thank you (again? It's hard to tell when we're all anon)
    The trolls do make cosplay a discouraging hobby to approach, it's sad but true.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)22:18 No.3175069
    Yes, again.
    Fuck discouragement, I'll do what I do, and I'll do it well. : )
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)22:19 No.3175071
         File1277691540.jpg-(112 KB, 480x640, tangled wig extension.jpg)
    112 KB
    How do I fix this? I've tried combing it out but it just started making it worse.
    >> Workpants !HAsJ5UfiV6 06/27/10(Sun)22:23 No.3175093
    I DUB THEE, The Bane of Trolls.
    Take your name, and continue to issue unbiased helpful advice, Bane of Trolls.
    You're doing a good job.
    >> Bane of Trolls !!PnTysSaoU2f 06/27/10(Sun)22:35 No.3175197
    Deleted my old post so I can tripfag this and saged.

    Thanks man. I'll only use this when I'm certain I can
    >issue unbiased helpful advice
    And only then.
    >> Workpants !HAsJ5UfiV6 06/27/10(Sun)22:57 No.3175340
         File1277693848.png-(206 KB, 339x600, 1271723802790.png)
    206 KB
    It looks wonderful on you.

    Hey MJ, I need to dye a hat bright red. It's a beige brown kind of colour. It has some latex trimmed areas. Wat do?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)23:05 No.3175383
    That wig looks pretty fucked, dude. You can try Motions Oil Sheen spray, though. (sage for posting in an MJ thread)
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)23:52 No.3175601
    Would you get wasted with me if I promised I would not take advantage of you?
    >> sage 06/28/10(Mon)00:06 No.3175647
    The sky is blue regardless of the ocean.
    "The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.

    However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue. :
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)00:11 No.3175666
    MJ, you should stop wearing panties with your costumes. That'd be hot.
    >> I Trust My Eyes to Dr. Rahmani, You Should Too !!LROcZ/hqdx5 06/28/10(Mon)00:12 No.3175668

    So much sausage. well, actually it'd be more hotdogs and cocktail weenies but...
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)00:14 No.3175684
    Vienna sausages, more like.
    >> Suika Ibuki !iboOzeKyiM 06/28/10(Mon)00:17 No.3175698
    soft and prone to disintegration?
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)00:21 No.3175710
         File1277698908.gif-(1.7 MB, 200x114, heiminahawt.gif)
    1.7 MB

    Another stupid question for you MJ.
    If I come to Canada in my Hei cosplay, would I be able to convince you to cosplay Mina and re-enact this fight scene with me?
    >> Bane of Trolls !!PnTysSaoU2f 06/28/10(Mon)00:52 No.3175837
    You're a gentleman and a scholar.
    >> Thewhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/28/10(Mon)01:28 No.3176017

    Hello Bane of Trolls. I just wanted to tell you that. I love your cosplays. And you should do another Lain. Because it was wicked cool.
    >> Thewhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/28/10(Mon)01:37 No.3176044
    Haha, lol.

    There are at least 3 people in this thread I know. I probably know at least 4, but I am not sure who posted the remark about uninviting to the beach party.

    Needless to say. We all need lives. And I think there is a pretty long line up for this gang bang.

    MaryJane Do you prefer Olive Garden or Mongoli Grill? If someone was to take you out for some tasty food on Sunday. Pure speculation.
    >> Thewhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/28/10(Mon)01:41 No.3176071

    Are we all trip fags simply because we know we are going to be posting in this thread with half of the people from our Neighboring cities?

    This makes it 4 maybe 5. Since one person wasn't a trip fag.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)01:43 No.3176084
    The answer is always Olive Garden. Don't be a fucking tard.

    <3 you whoracle.
    >> Thewhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/28/10(Mon)01:46 No.3176096

    Yeh I would fuck you also. <3 But only if I was drunk and you gave me a back rub first.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)01:47 No.3176101
    I'll be the first to admit I'm good with my hands... but bro... No homo.
    >> Thewhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/28/10(Mon)01:49 No.3176114

    Its only gay if our balls touch.
    >> Bane of Trolls !!PnTysSaoU2f 06/28/10(Mon)01:50 No.3176121
    Thanks bro : ) I will once I can make her FUCKING HAIR CLIP GODDAMNIT THAT THING.... FFFFFFFF.

    Probably yes.
    Though I don't actually know Masao or Libra.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)01:53 No.3176128
    Crossing swords is pretty ghey.

    This makes me sad. I wish I were a Canadafag like you guys. I live in NorCal though. Soon to be SoCal.
    >> Bane of Trolls !!PnTysSaoU2f 06/28/10(Mon)01:55 No.3176139
    LAME MAN. I wanna meet you someday. Maybe if I can save enough to travel to a Cali con.
    >> Thewhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/28/10(Mon)01:56 No.3176147

    That makes you even further from Canada. Maybe I'll have to take her down to Seattle next time. Oh wait thats during her school year LOOOOL.

    Maybe, my plan for next year is Kawaii con in Hawii. I looked into the costs and it won't be much more expensive than Sakura-con. I am already a legend at sakuracon. If I miss out a year on it, it'll make me even more hated/loved. "hey where did those 4 guys go?"
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/28/10(Mon)01:58 No.3176160
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    >>Oh wait thats during her school year LOOOOL.
    You bitch.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)01:59 No.3176168
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    Or I can come to Canada. You guys can all put me up for a night or two each and your payment will be the shenanigans we get up to. Plus some SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS YEEEEEAAAAAH
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)02:01 No.3176173
    That looks more like Taiga than Asuka.
    >> Bane of Trolls !!PnTysSaoU2f 06/28/10(Mon)02:02 No.3176177
    Sounds good man! I'm a square (also I'm young) so I won't be drinking, but I don't care.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)02:05 No.3176194
    That's cool, I'm underage at least for the US. I only drink when there's money involved since it does nothing for me, unless we're talking nearly pure alcohol.

    Also don't worry, I won't rape any of you in your sleep. Maybe masturbate to your prone form /shinjimode, but never rape. Unless you're into that.

    Hey MJ maybe I should come up for our birthday. HAHAHAHAHA
    >> Bane of Trolls !!PnTysSaoU2f 06/28/10(Mon)02:06 No.3176201
    Monogamous with a girlfriend who'd kick your ass, so don't get caught if you fap ; )
    Huzzah for drinking illegality.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)02:08 No.3176208
    Fear not, the Run Fu is strong with this one.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)02:10 No.3176216
    your my role model mary jane <3
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/28/10(Mon)02:30 No.3176291
    I would use the headphones you have as a base and take a paper-craft approach to making the entire green things (not just the antenna on the top) and then secure them to your headpiece. I'd make them out of glossy construction board, or I'd make them out of craft foam and then spray paint em. Paper-craft would be effective in this case because they are very geometric shapes.
    Pretend you're Japanese and make the hat say "Fatal Fury". People are more likely to call you out on having an incorrect hat than to be incorrect to the cannon of the book.

    I bought the school uniform at a con so I could wear it to karaoke afterwords. Japanese size rarge was not intended for girls like me with 45" legs.

    QFT, thats damn sexy and you know it.
    >> Thewhoracle !Jn/pzNDLPI 06/28/10(Mon)02:30 No.3176292


    I dun live in the same city as any of these people. I am actually quite far away. 2 1/2 hours far.
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/28/10(Mon)02:32 No.3176300
    >> batkid 06/28/10(Mon)02:36 No.3176311
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    I have no idea where to start. I want to make something like robins vest thingy in this picture. If you could help me out, that would be great.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)02:42 No.3176330
    Jagerbombs, classy. For a fratboy. :P
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/28/10(Mon)02:45 No.3176338
    Yes. >>3174876 Thisthisthisthisthis.

    I used to work in a flower shop for 3 years in highschool. I hate flowers. I would give you a hug regardless unless you were sticky.

    Try swishing it through water and then try brushing it after you towel dry it to the point of being damp. Might work.

    I feel so privileged to be a part of this thread. Workpants is also a CHAMPION.

    What material is hat made of? /r/ a pic por favor.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)02:47 No.3176353
    Do NOT brush it damp, anon. Brushing a wet wig is recipe for more knots, corkscrew curls, torn fibers and general disaster.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)02:52 No.3176371
    wanna go to Disneyland with me
    I'm at the Paradise Pier right now but my annual pass is blacked out so I just went to the Dodgers vs Yankees game instead
    >> libra !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/28/10(Mon)02:55 No.3176383
    want to be my daddy?
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/28/10(Mon)02:57 No.3176392
    I probably would regardless of what you promised me.

    Thank you for your suggestion. I will take it to heart.

    I would cosplay as Mina and re-act what ever you like.

    Hypothetical answer: Mongoli Grill cause I'm a weeb.

    Canada is one big party going on in America's attic. Except Calgary which sucks like 8 balls at once.

    Thats because it is. I have other reaction pictures than just Asuka. Thanks for noticing.

    I hope you're under the age of 10.

    Idea: lets read "The Game", do some fuckkin' JAGER BOMBS, lift something heavy, do more JAGER BOMBS and then clean our cars. Deal?
    >> Maryjane's Boyfriend !!ndaereTCDKp 06/28/10(Mon)02:57 No.3176394
    Godfuck, I always stumble back in here just as I'm about to go to bed.

    Oh yeah, questions

    MJ, give me your AIM? lol
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)03:00 No.3176403
    I have a question, if you'd be so kind to reply to. I just painted on a pair on converse for a cosplay. What can I put on it to make the paint stay? The paint that's on the fabric is fine, but on the non-fabric it kinda chips away.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/28/10(Mon)03:00 No.3176405
    To bed with me for the night.
    >> Maryjane's Boyfriend !!ndaereTCDKp 06/28/10(Mon)03:03 No.3176415

    Lock the door, don't want Masao going all Shinji on you.

    Night, babe.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)03:05 No.3176418
    Well, I suggest making a dressform so you can get that fitted look for one thing.

    My google-fu turned this up quite by accident, so it may help you/be close to what you need.
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)03:18 No.3176463
    Add me too, broski. masaohayabusa

    Good-night, sweet princess; And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. Alas, mine lids flutter in the ebb of consciousness, that I may join you in slumber.

    Whene'er thy lovely form rises from repose, pray allow me query thee this. What naming day gift, in this world or the next, wouldst a maiden of your calibre hold dear to her heart forevermore?

    If by Shinji you mean slip in quietly without disturbing her, wrapping her in a warm embrace, and falling asleep cradling her to my chest, then yes, she should lock her door if she doesn't want me to go Shinji on her.

    And to all, a good night.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)03:38 No.3176540
    How do you make a consafe weapon that doesn't look like ass?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)03:41 No.3176566
    Bring a real one and don't get caught.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:36 No.3177076
    Make use of your bodytype. A tall, thin Mario looks awful. A shorter, stocky guy doing the same looks great.

    If you're a bigger guy, go to villains. Depending on build, you can hide a lot of bulk under what should be heavy armor and shaping clothes (girdles are helpful for those smaller beer guts).

    Masks are your best friend in hiding a plump face. A lot american comic villains use masks without wearing the tights. Look to them for slightly more effort costumes.

    If you're a broad shouldered guy, capes will look great as long as you contrast a little at the waist.

    Bigger than average? More rounded than squared? Dr. Robotnic or The Kingpin. You may not ever be able to pull off a skinny little bishi, but us bigger guys can do just as well.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)14:46 No.3178349
    I have an important question for you.
    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
    >> Maryjane's Boyfriend !!ndaereTCDKp 06/28/10(Mon)14:50 No.3178371

    >Good-night, sweet princess; And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. Alas, mine lids flut-.... blah blah blah


    >Add me

    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)15:00 No.3178428
    NO U

    Talk to me faggot, I'm on right now.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)15:08 No.3178478
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    You seem like a bro-ette MJ. I'm pretty sure most other people would've already went "Fuck this shit" and left. If nothing else I respect that.

    How does this make you feel?
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/28/10(Mon)15:26 No.3178585
    <Masao Hayabusa> They put too much milk in this latte.
    <delusionalguywhothinkshe'smj'sbf> that isn't milk >_>
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)15:27 No.3178596
    Why would she leave? She's getting fucktons of attention. Use your brain.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)15:45 No.3178700
    I did, and I think attention isn't worth the grief.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)15:48 No.3178718
    MJ has not realized it's not worth it yet, thus she is still here.

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