06/19/10(Sat)20:47 No. 3131200 File1276994846.jpg -(61
KB, 800x600, wtf.jpg ) >>3131122 Probably
not.>>3131125 IAWTC. BC is
teh best. Much superior to Saudi Alberta. If I could live anywhere in
Canada, it would be BC. My best friend lives there. We're going to AE
2gethur.>>3131137 Uh...
wow this takes a lot of thinking which I'm not entirely capable of at
the moment. Just because I'm listing them doesn't mean they are the
worse or because I didn't enjoy them but... Kay, STFU Maryjane, deliver: 1)
Guy I was engaged to a few years ago said that he would either eat me
out or fuck me. I didn't want to lose my v-card at the moment, but at
the same time, I promised myself I'd never let a guy go down on me
because its disgusting. I let him go down on me anyways and I hated
every second of it and I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't let go
of me and he told me he hared it too. 2) Same guy. Tried to lose my
virginity to him to shut him up. He was threatening to leave me
otherwise. He came as soon as the head of his dick touched my labia. I
lol'd. I was so happy he never got the dignification of sleeping with
me. 3) Stayed with that guy for 3 years because I was in love with
his dad. His dad used to take me out for dinner and said that if he was
my age, he would date me. LOL MORMONS. 4) Let a guy piss on me. I
should be ashamed but I really enjoyed it. 5) I masturbated once.