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  • why do we let spammers get away with this shit?
    edit: :(((((
    edit dos: bounty on chris beer's verified identity/info/dox/whatever is in the $four figure$ range. e-mail me if you have anything.
    edit tres: the stuff on ED is fake. i said *verified*.
    edit cuatro: chris beer is easyvouch — *not* sharecash.

    File : 1276927914.jpg-(95 KB, 349x395, 1271078784639.jpg)
    95 KB Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:11 No.3128214  
    Hey /cgl/ /co/ is full of Toy Story 3 spoilers. can I chill here for a bit?

    also, pixar cosplay thread?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:15 No.3128230
    You post a Junji Ito picture and expect me not to be too enticed by it to actually follow through with your request?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:18 No.3128242
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:32 No.3128315
    bonnie has a totoro and mameshiba plush

    consider the movie RUINED
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:35 No.3128327
    Don't forget all the nods to spirited away
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:43 No.3128356
    For some reason this makes me angry.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:44 No.3128361
    you mad that disney made nods to the man who made nods to the original disney?

    or maybe you just gettin trolled?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:46 No.3128374
    never seen spirited away. was it the ghost house thing?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:47 No.3128390
    something about a dead girl on a slide or something...
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:49 No.3128400
    haha what? what nods did miyazaki make to disney?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:50 No.3128409
    I think he's referring to the fact that the whole animu style is based off Disney's early films.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)02:51 No.3128413
    no, miyazaki has stated repeatedly that disney was his inspiration
    >> SuperNova 06/19/10(Sat)03:10 No.3128504
         File1276931438.png-(887 KB, 1024x576, spirited_away_05.png)
    887 KB
    Wtf, dead girl on a slide? Naw, it's about a girl who crosses into the spirit world with her parents, and after they're turned into pigs, she has to find a way to rescue them/ survive the spirit world so they can get home P:
    >> Lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 06/19/10(Sat)03:11 No.3128507
    No Im pretty sure it's about a dead girl on a slide
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)08:00 No.3129100
    Miyazaki has been compared to Disney but is not happy about it. Around 3 minutes into to this clip there's an interview with him.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)08:18 No.3129115
    Well, since it's by Shintaro Kago and not Junji Ito....
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)11:06 No.3129362
         File1276959974.jpg-(147 KB, 500x645, vice.jpg)
    147 KB
    Aaa, glad someone else caught that.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:51 No.3130357
    They show Pom Poko in that clip at least twice and Miyazaki didn't direct it...
    >> Zom !tBNP1LKL7A 06/19/10(Sat)16:54 No.3130370
    Wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:56 No.3130377
         File1276981012.jpg-(95 KB, 1024x564, princess_mononoke_033.jpg)
    95 KB

    Isn't all the nods from Princess Mononoke?

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