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  • File : 1276662576.jpg-(37 KB, 440x640, KuroShitsuji5.jpg)
    37 KB BeginTheOperation !!Ou3AWoHQpor 06/16/10(Wed)00:29 No.3113806  
    ITT: Con horror stories.

    One year, i was cosplay William from Kuroshitsuji(I was forced, but some weaboo chick), and I was just walking around.

    Suddenly, there is a scream of "KAWAII" and suddenly a mass of pink is tackling me to the ground. M glasses fly off and I can't see SHIT.

    And then I'm being beat to hell with a yaoi paddle.

    I left the con the next day.
    >> BeginTheOperation !!Ou3AWoHQpor 06/16/10(Wed)00:31 No.3113814
    ugh, so many grammar mistakes.

    >my glasses
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)00:35 No.3113834
    wtf. i hear alot about random hambeasts tackling people they dont know, but a fucking paddle? wtf is this shit? i wouldve called security soon as i had my bearings...
    >> BeginTheOperation !!Ou3AWoHQpor 06/16/10(Wed)00:36 No.3113840
    They banned glomping at the con because the same chick tackled a Kidd cosplayer down the stairs.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)00:36 No.3113843
    wtf... dont mean to sound like a soccer mom, but that really couldve killed someone
    >> BeginTheOperation !!Ou3AWoHQpor 06/16/10(Wed)00:37 No.3113847
    Yeah, the cosplayer almost broke her neck.

    Chcik hit her head real good on the stairs.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)00:39 No.3113856
    i wonder if glomp-chick had the same thing happen to her once upon a time... would be why shes so retarded
    >> BeginTheOperation !!Ou3AWoHQpor 06/16/10(Wed)00:40 No.3113862
    Wouldn't doubt it!

    So, anyone else got some horror stories?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)00:44 No.3113877
    I dressed as L (bad I know) did the hair and everything. It took me 2hrs to find a plain long sleeved white shirt that wasn't bulky as fuck!!
    anyways, after getting many nicely asked for hugs, this narutard dressed up as tenten shrieks, tackles me, almost knocked me to the ground (luckily I'm very sturdy). She continued to stalk me and glomp me from behind 10 more times that day.
    I called her my ten ten stalker.
    Then there was the time I dressed as BRS Rin(which consists of a bikini top and black short shorts) and this girl randomly comes up to me with a straight face and says"when you were outside the window my friends were talking about your ass, I thought you should know"
    I have no idea if that meant they thought I had a nice ass or what...
    >> BeginTheOperation !!Ou3AWoHQpor 06/16/10(Wed)00:47 No.3113888

    Though i like the idea of BRS Rin.

    I once cosplayed Kenny, and after politely asking random people to "kill" me, some bitch whacks me hard over the head with a yaoi paddle...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)00:51 No.3113906
    oh another time (same as ass girl), this 40 year old bald, pedo looking fatass was selling yaoi and was singing the penis song to me and my friends....
    >> BeginTheOperation !!Ou3AWoHQpor 06/16/10(Wed)00:53 No.3113914
    That's really, really disgusting.

    I buy my share of yaoi doujins at cons, but still..
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)00:57 No.3113926
    I got stalked by a thirteen year old girl for the duration of AX '08. She found out where my room was and everything, and even tracked down my CAR. I had to talk to security, because she was starting to get all Single White Female on me. Don't think it did any good.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)01:30 No.3114043
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)01:50 No.3114112
    You gonna get taken home.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)02:08 No.3114191
    you are all pussies and should feel bad about it

    man the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)02:48 No.3114362
    >man the fuck up

    you forgot to add "and get arrested for hitting teenage girls".
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)02:50 No.3114371
    >>Implying violence is always the answer
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)07:38 No.3114976
    I was cosplaying Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji and some Grell came and jumped on me.. my top hat fell to the floor and someone took a photo of it. Everybody kept telling me that this was in-character. But I didn't watch that stupid show, because I hate it. (just read the manga)
    After some time another Grell passed by and grabbed my ass.
    I'll never cosplay Sebastian ever again at a big convention. this just scared me, because I hate it when people I don't know touch or hug me.
    >> Yumi-chan !DXLMIG8feM 06/16/10(Wed)07:48 No.3114986
    Not a con, but a small meeting for Geek Pride in my city.
    I wasn't cosplaying, I went with some cute clothes I had ( shirt, plaid skirt and leg warmers ) and a friend of mine came cosplaying Nel ( older version ) from Bleach. There was a guy there supposed to be Alucard, with a really scary face, fat and smelly, who started to follow us around and try to touch us. And he was doing that to all the girls there. Did I mention he had a creepy face? Good thing he left early
    >> Beanz !!bySv7vaYW53 06/16/10(Wed)08:06 No.3115010
    Urgh, this >>3113877
    When I cosplayed sakuya, from okami, as you well know there's a hole at the back of the dress where her ass hangs out, rather than making it look shitty and putting a fake ass there, I wore flesh colour tights and a thong. So, although I should expect people to comment on my ass, I was sort of hoping with the restricting costume, that no one would go over board. Well, of course you always get one, or 5.. this group of final fantasy cosplayers, all fat/smelly/creepy were following me around for ages, giggling and the cloud constantly saying "DATARSE" a lot, as mentioned, i expected to get that, but the whole day? From the same people? Not to mention their attempts to grab my arse. I haven't done anything slightly revealing at all since.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)08:13 No.3115018
    I feel ya. I did a costume of a character I really love, but her torso is very exposed. Just her torso. No ass. No tits. Just stomach.

    Some guys asked me for a picture. I pose or whatever. It's all good. Then he asks me to turn around. I'm like, OK, fine, cool, back shot. Look over my shoulder. Picture. Done. THEN he asks me to bend over and stick out my ass.

    Haven't worn that costume since then, but I'm wearing it this weekend because god damn it I like that costume! And I have an entourage of male friends now so I feel pretty safe.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)08:30 No.3115030
    I'm pretty confident about my body and I decided to cosplay as Yoko. It was a lot of fun. Got some attention from cute guys and people complimented me. I made nice photo's with friends and had a nice day, met new friends etc. But... this huge 40 yo fat guy KEPT stalking me. I saw him everywhere I went and than he kept talking to me "Hey we meet again", "Hey the cutie is back!", "Do you want me to buy this for you?", "Where is your hotel?", "We should cosplay together the next time". He also tried to hug me and touched my boob "Poke poke poke LOLOLOL" stuff like that. That was when my rage boiled over and asked him to stop following me and to leave me alone. He said he didn't follow me and he was sorry but I didn;t listen and walked away. I complained at the staff and I saw them talking with that fat guy. Dunno what they told him but he left me alone FINALLY.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)08:32 No.3115033
    I had a good experience cosplaying. Shy cute girls would ask to take a picture with me. It was my first time cosplaying and it made me feel good. Im really afraid to cosplay because of these stories.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)08:33 No.3115034
    How do you almost break your neck?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)08:41 No.3115041
    We'll need to see a picture of you in costume to determine whether or not his constant observations were justified.

    It's too easy to pass judgment on people without knowing all the details.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)08:56 No.3115054
    I never been to a con before, but what's stopping you from slapping the shit out of these people who invade your personal space?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)09:09 No.3115081
    Sounds like you're a bitch, really. That all sounds like pretty normal con stuff. Maybe the little poke was a bit much, but when you're Yoko, you need to be prepared for that stuff. And just because you saw him more than once doesn't mean he was following you, get over yourself.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 06/16/10(Wed)09:14 No.3115091
    It's called the law.
    Yet there were times where I really didn't care
    >> Rayoe 06/16/10(Wed)10:08 No.3115156
         File1276697338.jpg-(1006 KB, 2304x3072, troll2.jpg)
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    This shit scares me. Im going to my first con in 8 days, lol. I hope I don't die or anything. Though randomly getting tackled I think would be funny. But that's just because around here we all fuck around and play rough.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:43 No.3115622
    I think she meant she almost landed on her neck at the bottom of the stairs or something?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:48 No.3115638
    You'll probably be asked to leave, cons have decency. You can't just run around in the nude.
    >> BeginTheOperation !!Ou3AWoHQpor 06/16/10(Wed)13:51 No.3115646
    There were these two Kingdom Hearts cosplayers in bath towels.

    Mentally scarred me, yes it did.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:51 No.3115647
         File1276710663.jpg-(42 KB, 640x480, 1276451563418.jpg)
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    I would let you "tackle" me if you catch my drift
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:53 No.3115653
    The mental imagery... Ugh. Need mind bleach.
    >> BeginTheOperation !!Ou3AWoHQpor 06/16/10(Wed)13:53 No.3115655
    The Sora has mantits.

    >> OMG !aTripfagiw 06/16/10(Wed)14:02 No.3115673
    Goddamnit I don't want to relive AX '08.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:07 No.3115690
    Ugh. I used to be a hambeast who randomly hugged teh bishies. I never tackled anyone, and this was before the days of the yaoi paddles which are just plain NOT OKAY, so hopefully I didn't emotionally scar anyone :( Since then I've lost a few kilos and moved onto Western comics. Still feel so shameful looking back.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:20 No.3115741
    Are you serious? It sounds normal at first, but I can see how it's kinda creepy when he starts randomly asking if she wants him to buy her stuff and where her hotel is.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)19:52 No.3117032

    Attention whore sluts getting attention for being sluts and then crying about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)06:01 No.3119856
    What the fuck are you talking about? The guy was 40 and he was drooling over a girl cosplaying a 14 year old.

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