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  • File : 1276358996.jpg-(6 KB, 184x184, 1251532150410s.jpg)
    6 KB JustGodlyEnough !0NA2aHr0bk 06/12/10(Sat)12:09 No.3096494  
    Is there a male counterpart to this whole lolita business?

    If yes, please show me some.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:10 No.3096497
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:10 No.3096499
    Question gets asked every flippin day now. : (
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:11 No.3096500
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:11 No.3096504
    Srsly, dude, there was a kodona/EGA/ouji style/dandy thread just a few days ago. Granted, it didn't make it for very long, but it was there already.
    Just go on google and search any of the terms I just mentioned and ??? profit.
    >> JustGodlyEnough !0NA2aHr0bk 06/12/10(Sat)12:13 No.3096508
    Meh. You all seem helpful/bored enough to toss some light on the sitch so I'm good. I kinda figured it'd be something along those lines.

    I was worried it was gonna be more ruffly.

    Thanks tho.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:14 No.3096511
    Google ouji/dandy/aristocrat. There ya go.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:16 No.3096521
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:16 No.3096522
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:19 No.3096531
    Ew I saw that on d_l. His clothes look like they don't fit him (I'm talking about the pants and the BTSSB coat he was wearing underneath, not the jacket in this pic) and the RHS look awkward in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:20 No.3096535
    I think he needs tighter pants and a less costumey coat.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:21 No.3096536
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:21 No.3096539
    What he really needs is some makeup or something for his face.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:24 No.3096546
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:24 No.3096547
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:25 No.3096553
    Personally I think makeup on boys is disgusting, unless they're a drag queen. I don't know why, I love wearing makeup myself! Maybe because they always end up with cake face and sloppy eyeliner.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:26 No.3096555
    His outfit is pretty damn terrible there. Is it a woman's jacket?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:28 No.3096561
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:32 No.3096580
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:38 No.3096596
    It if looks disgusting they obviously have no idea what they're doing.
    >> JustGodlyEnough !0NA2aHr0bk 06/12/10(Sat)12:46 No.3096624
    >ask for male version of lolita

    >receive a bunch of girls wearing boy clothes.

    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:03 No.3096681
    Yes it's a women's jacket and that's what I was talking about in my other post: it doesn't fit him. His shoulders are obviously too wide. In fact, almost all his clothes look either tight or uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:05 No.3096691
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:07 No.3096698
    Dandy, Kodona/Ouji, Gothic Aristocrat.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:08 No.3096699
    lolita is anti-male
    we're all lezbos, sorry
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:10 No.3096707
    Since 50% of all men couldn't dress themselves to save their lives, the standard "male lolita counterpart" look is "top hat from ebay + black suit + jabot made out of mommy's old scarf". Start there, and slowly work your way up to EGA (elegant gothic aristocrat).
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:21 No.3096751
         File1276363290.jpg-(72 KB, 349x490, Kodona1.jpg)
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    Lolita is based off of Victorian/Roccoco dresses

    So a male counterpart would be based of men's fashion of that era too.

    It's not rocket science.

    And like everyone else said, it's called Dandy/Ouji/Kodona/EGA

    Kodona is like little boy clothes though, and girls tend to wear it more. Though the picture is a boy
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:23 No.3096758
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    >> gary !MQsmJtrRss 06/12/10(Sat)13:34 No.3096793
    is there a style that doesn't have a alot of black in it? i notice that it's all gothish. i like the color of that coat there. the blue one. but i think the buttons are a little too big and they would look better if they weren't white. i could be wrong. i'm newish in the whole lolita fashion thing and fashion in general.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:40 No.3096813
         File1276364456.gif-(93 KB, 550x750, 09-05-14-kanon.gif)
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    Well you could make it your own. It doesn't have to follow any specific rules aside from making it look elegant and well-put together, like that of a Victorian gentleman. Usually though, I don't know what you mean by it has too much black?

    Vibrant oolours look kind of odd in men's clothing, unless you wanted to wear a toned-down red blazer or something?

    Kanon from Umineko is also a good Kodona
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:43 No.3096824
         File1276364617.jpg-(19 KB, 181x350, 98967m.jpg)
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    You could also wear something like what Battler wears.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:44 No.3096829
    but that just looks like a normal suit?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:46 No.3096834
    Most mens' clothes tends to be black, blue, or gray, but I've seen some red before also. Check out the atelier boz site and it should give you some ideas.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)13:47 No.3096839
    Don't listen to anon.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:10 No.3098498
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:14 No.3098513
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    >> Femboner !p1MMKx.oZU 06/12/10(Sat)21:21 No.3098544
    OMG its D! I love asagi so much
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:27 No.3098570
    Isn't that supposed to be Jack Skellington?
    ... I don't think he has anything to do with Ouji/Kodona/Dandy/etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:31 No.3098596

    Well, shit. Some lolita had it in her collection of photos, so I just assume he was a very bad aristocrat.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:33 No.3098604
         File1276392784.png-(639 KB, 446x596, strawberryformal.png)
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    Knew I should have included a password to delete the image, god damn.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:34 No.3098614
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:37 No.3098623
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:38 No.3098627
    Holy tooth pick legs. Do not want.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:43 No.3098639

    this dude has style! i think he pulls the look off perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:45 No.3098645
    Except for his face, hair, and body. Then yeah, good ou
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:45 No.3098646
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:46 No.3098648
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:47 No.3098651
    its called "brolita"

    just google it, motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:51 No.3098661
    Why are you in my columbus? Get out of my columbus.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:51 No.3098662
    And these all look like flaming pieces of shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:53 No.3098668
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:55 No.3098675
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:56 No.3098676
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:56 No.3098677
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:57 No.3098679
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:58 No.3098681
    These are really awful examples.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)21:59 No.3098685
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:00 No.3098687
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:00 No.3098689
    these are great examples
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:01 No.3098691
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:01 No.3098692
    sadly the male side to lolita is either done very poorly or just does not exist at all
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:01 No.3098693
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:02 No.3098695
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    I have fallen and cannot get back up.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:03 No.3098699
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:04 No.3098701
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:05 No.3098704
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:05 No.3098706
    is something squirting out of him?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:06 No.3098709
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:08 No.3098712
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:09 No.3098714
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:10 No.3098716
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:10 No.3098718

    He's looking better now! I'm so glad he took the crit about his hair, it looks much better now, less greasy!
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:11 No.3098723
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:11 No.3098724

    This guy always freaks the fuck out of me, his head is too big and rugged for the rest of his body (Kinda looks like the guy from RHCP) and most of his outfits are fucking HIDEOUS.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:12 No.3098727
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    Oh my god, he looks even worse in other peoples un-shooped photos. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:15 No.3098735

    Agreed. That flat emo look just wasn't working for him.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:16 No.3098739
    My boyfriend and I lol'd so hard at that comment. We actually looked up a picture of Anthony Kiedis and compared their faces. You are so right.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:16 No.3098740
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:17 No.3098745
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:18 No.3098749
    this thread is bad and you should all feel bad
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:18 No.3098750
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:19 No.3098753
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    You love it. You want me.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:20 No.3098757
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:20 No.3098759
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:21 No.3098762
    Okay think I'll quit while I'm ahead because this thread is just getting ridiculous. I don't know if it's people trolling or people honestly thinking that those fashions, even to the slightest degree, resemble some of the pictures posted here, but they definitely don't.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:21 No.3098763
         File1276395675.jpg-(99 KB, 432x720, 31860_121162661257905_10272314(...).jpg)
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    Military aristocrat, baby.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:22 No.3098769
    What is this S&M bullshit? Ew.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:22 No.3098772

    The people in those photos honestly believe they are ouji and aristocrat. They are manly itas. Mitas, if you will.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:22 No.3098775
    Soooo, did this turn into a troll thread? Why are so many horrible outfits being posted.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:22 No.3098776
    That's Shadow, right? I can't even tell anymore. After seeing his face irl, he seems to be everywhere and especially in my nightmares.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:23 No.3098777
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:23 No.3098782
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:24 No.3098786

    Nah, it's Sephy Hakubi. A cosplayer who dabbles in aristo.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:25 No.3098791
    I'd hate to see his cosplay, then.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:25 No.3098792
    because there are no good kodona/dandy/aristocrat outfits
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:26 No.3098793
    He would look ok if the jacket wasn't two sizes too big.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:28 No.3098803
    I think it's because there's things that are more or less illegal in lolita, like black and white striped tights/socks, that are still supposedly okay in boystyle. There hasn't been as much discussion about what is and is not okay in boystyle. The rules are not as defined.

    Because of this, everybody thinks their vision of boystyle is the only right one and everybody else is doing it wrong...yes, it's similar to lolita, but more difficult to argue your case about.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:30 No.3098810
    what about shadow is ugly? just curious what not to do
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:34 No.3098828
    The biggest rule of dandy/kodona/ouji as far as I can see is "don't be fat." It's even more important than not being fat in lolita.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:38 No.3098841
         File1276396702.png-(789 KB, 500x750, l_44dcfcd0ef3a45c29a3e650be10e(...).png)
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    There is one.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:39 No.3098846
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    Also because most of the guys in these photos are boyfriends who aren't really interested in fashion, but got dragged along to a meet. If its someone who really cares to dress up, they need to pay attention to the small details while still having the OVER ALL look of aristocrat/dandy/whatever
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:39 No.3098848
    if only there were more
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:41 No.3098853
    >>3098841 that a guy?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:41 No.3098856
    At least there is one.

    Wouldn't the Lolita dress their BFs BETTER than a normal Dandy would dress himself? Since they know the fashion and the idols and what it's supposed to look like?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:42 No.3098859
    Yes. He's a MySpace celebrity.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:42 No.3098863
    Charlotte. God dammit. Get out.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:43 No.3098868
    Uhm his hair looks a bit silly, number one. Secondly, the thing tied around his neck doesn't look right without a higher collar. Tripp pants don't go with ouji/kodona/aristocrat/etc. I also think that's a girl's jacket and it looks awful on him. All around, I don't think I see one thing right in his outfit. I don't mind if a guy wears these styles and is chubby. If they dress well, no one will be paying attention to their size.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:44 No.3098876
    Not Charlotte, I just that boy is just fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:45 No.3098879
    You would think so, but how many lolitas can actually dress themselves? Definitely not all of them.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:45 No.3098883
         File1276397150.jpg-(13 KB, 251x251, FAILD.jpg)
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    this is what gives trips a bad name.
    your not a military aristocrat (DUELIST BTW)
    your just a fail.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:46 No.3098885
    This all looks fine to me, personally, but I know which of it /cgl/ likes and dislikes.

    Maybe we should start having more discourse about the "rules" of EGA/dandy/ouji/whatever.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:46 No.3098886
    That's true.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)22:53 No.3098916
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    >> gary !MQsmJtrRss 06/12/10(Sat)23:02 No.3098940
    ok. i'm now more scared than ever to try doing the male side of lolita after seeing you guys make fun of these. maybe that person the other day was right. maybe i should dress like a girl.
    >> :D===< !!itV7lbZeak7 06/12/10(Sat)23:05 No.3098947
         File1276398316.jpg-(27 KB, 334x500, atelier boz outfit WITHOUT dol(...).jpg)
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    Anyone remember me?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:12 No.3098972
    Don't let people in here scare you. It's impossible to please everyone, so just do what makes you happy.

    The one thing I can suggest though is if you're gonna do it, go all out. It's half assed, sloppy attempts that get made fun of.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:16 No.3099003
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    Slight kodona/ouji/aristo etc dump commencing.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:17 No.3099008
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:18 No.3099011
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:18 No.3099016
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:19 No.3099019
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:19 No.3099024
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:20 No.3099026
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:20 No.3099029
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:21 No.3099033
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:22 No.3099040
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:23 No.3099043
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    And finished.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:27 No.3099070
    Every time I see a thumbnail of this>>3099040

    At first I think it's him>>3099033
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:54 No.3099204
         File1276401264.gif-(11 KB, 490x350, sausages.gif)
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    He looks ridiculous. I think it's mostly the mini top hat and the sleeves that look like sausages.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)23:57 No.3099230
    well. who is this lovely young man?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)00:00 No.3099242
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)00:02 No.3099258
    it's a girl
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)00:04 No.3099277
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)00:05 No.3099287
    Moitie does that with a lot of shirts, not just the EGA ones.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)01:14 No.3099644
    that shit is gayer than 8 guys fucking 9 guys
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)01:24 No.3099680
         File1276406650.jpg-(426 KB, 1084x1600, gothinspiration.jpg)
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    Technically not Aristo or anything, but this guy and his lady always look amazing
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)01:25 No.3099684
    that's fantastically beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)06:56 No.3100760

    This thread was hilarious. Thanks, guys.

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