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  • File : 1275771494.jpg-(17 KB, 475x215, popcon.jpg)
    17 KB Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:58 No.3061074  
    >> gamma !g8Bjgpcu.w 06/05/10(Sat)16:59 No.3061082
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    >> Mika 06/05/10(Sat)16:59 No.3061083
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/05/10(Sat)17:00 No.3061089
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:01 No.3061097
    masa d. luffy > everyone here
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:02 No.3061098
    In before tripfags circle jerking each other.
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/05/10(Sat)17:02 No.3061099
    Where did Etna_Is_My_Wife go?
    >> Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 06/05/10(Sat)17:03 No.3061111
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:04 No.3061116
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:04 No.3061117
    ummmmmmm i like that one girl
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:06 No.3061121
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:07 No.3061123
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    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:07 No.3061124
    I am.
    >> Lothos !!JGMFZN+39s5 06/05/10(Sat)17:08 No.3061127

    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:08 No.3061129
    Maguma is the best male /cgl/er
    Misa is the best female /cgl/er

    They don't cause drama.
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)17:09 No.3061134
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    guess i'm not liked

    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/05/10(Sat)17:11 No.3061146
    You are loved.
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)17:12 No.3061156
    The fonz is a lone wold
    >> CheeseGAR !!CkvkCp3sxqO 06/05/10(Sat)17:13 No.3061158
    Hips. :3
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/05/10(Sat)17:13 No.3061160
    Lol it was the first thing I did when I got that game.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:13 No.3061161
    stfu quit trying to be hobbes. actually... I havnt seen hobbes post for a couple days and just started noticing you... o.0
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:13 No.3061162
    So pretty <3
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:14 No.3061167
    >"hay tripfags, who is most awesome?"

    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:14 No.3061168
    That IS hobbes.
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)17:14 No.3061170
    I don't look like hobbes or talk like him
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:14 No.3061171
    Volpin :3

    Sage for actually posting in this sort of thread
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)17:15 No.3061174
    i'm not asian
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/05/10(Sat)17:17 No.3061185
    No it isn't.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:26 No.3061226
    Hobbes has a very little patients when hes trying to trip on a diff name its always obvious its him
    Libra is just a fail troll that only mary jane likes.
    >> Hypnocrotch !!zGWV0gXq6gS 06/05/10(Sat)17:27 No.3061234
    Libra is Hobbes. It's a proven fact. Since the inception of Libra, have you seen Hobbes? Nope.

    sage for unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:28 No.3061240
    I'm new here but I would have to say me
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:30 No.3061249
    I am talking to hobbes on facebook and he said its not him... ask moose,god,coffee,wes and who ever ele has him on facebook
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)17:30 No.3061250
    I was calling a hobbes a nigger
    >> maryjane !Ga/e.JvMvQ 06/05/10(Sat)17:30 No.3061256
    When did I explicitly say I liked him?
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)17:31 No.3061260
    >> Anon-Schlong 06/05/10(Sat)17:32 No.3061264

    Does she still post? I miss her awesomeness.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:33 No.3061270
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:34 No.3061273
    hobbes is a /fit/ fag?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:35 No.3061278
    That is like asking who the coolest prisoner on the sex/child abuse cell block is.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:37 No.3061288
    Best tripfags are the attractive ones. Sorry, hambeasts.
    >> Albert Wesker !f9BXXA5KxI 06/05/10(Sat)17:38 No.3061295
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    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:41 No.3061306
    Attractive tripfags...? Is there such a thing? I know there are some who are in good shape, but I don't believe that I have ever seen one with an attractive face.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/05/10(Sat)17:41 No.3061308
    Im talking to hobbes right now, Libra isnt him lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:42 No.3061313
    coffee and hobbes go on tinychat
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:43 No.3061316
    >> Synergy !jewMODlZIA 06/05/10(Sat)17:43 No.3061317
    I'm the most attractive face and body wise.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:44 No.3061320

    lololol you's trollin. :3
    silly silly tripfags are losers.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:44 No.3061321
    If you listen closely you can hear the sound of a dozen or more tripfags watching this thread intently in the hopes someone mentions their name.
    >> sage Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:44 No.3061324
    >> Ⓗⓞⓑⓑⓔⓢ !BROLY2iTIo 06/05/10(Sat)17:45 No.3061328
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    the fuck is wrong with you faggots...
    I take leave from the summer faggotry and all you do is talk about me?
    ... going back to real life.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:45 No.3061331
    No you can't. I'm watching really quietly.

    >> Hypnocrotch !!zGWV0gXq6gS 06/05/10(Sat)17:46 No.3061332
    Nice try, fag.

    inb4 "come at me bro" and "u mad"
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:46 No.3061334
    Damn it, Libra. Leave already!
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)17:46 No.3061339
    as the cheetah watches the gazelle in the serengeti
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)17:47 No.3061345
    come at me bro we still have to fight
    >> Hypnocrotch !!zGWV0gXq6gS 06/05/10(Sat)17:48 No.3061349
    Hobbes can't, he was banned. Cried about it like a bitch too. HAHAHA
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/05/10(Sat)17:50 No.3061357
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    Knowing that you must have him added as well then. :I
    Yes, I've been talking to him and he's said he's taken a break from faggoting up cgl, but that doesn't always mean he's not just tripfagging as this idiot.

    Either way I want to beat the shit out of him more than I wanted to with Hobbes :/

    Oh wait.
    >> Hypnocrotch !!zGWV0gXq6gS 06/05/10(Sat)17:52 No.3061368
    Nope, just overheard someone in there sayin' that he was banned on sight. Pissed off a few people in there.
    >> Ⓗⓞⓑⓑⓔⓢ !BROLY2iTIo 06/05/10(Sat)18:01 No.3061412
    its grilled cheese or nothing (Canada has awful S/H)

    Libra you couldnt come at me if your life depended on it lol
    TK bans me on site even though I do nothing wrong lol but ya like i said break for the summer.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:04 No.3061433
    >saying you have to take a break from trolling
    >taking a break from a shit activity
    i can't imagine what you do on breaks besides shitty photoshopping
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:07 No.3061445
    Penny because she doesn't start drama and isn't a faggot
    >> Hypnocrotch !!zGWV0gXq6gS 06/05/10(Sat)18:09 No.3061453
    Naw, she's a total fag.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:09 No.3061459
    Volpin because he makes awsome shit and doesnt dramu
    >> Grimmory !apRfGPAl1U 06/05/10(Sat)18:12 No.3061473
    I'm putting in another vote for Volpin.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/05/10(Sat)18:13 No.3061476
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    In tc yes, this is facebook though.
    And yeah, he did he get's banned on sight now. Tis a lulzy thing :3c

    Fuck that shit. Iwantmypopcornnigger.
    Bring the grilled cheese as well though, cause I'm a fatty.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:13 No.3061477
    lurk moar
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)18:14 No.3061483

    Volpin was creating drama yesterday
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/05/10(Sat)18:15 No.3061491
    The Stig.

    >> Decade !!gjbGqChDNdq 06/05/10(Sat)18:32 No.3061548
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 06/05/10(Sat)18:38 No.3061567
    Woopie, more circlejerking.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:38 No.3061569
    Like when he sucked up to Zal even after she made fun of Jimi being missing
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)18:39 No.3061573

    well thats nice
    >> Masao !HmACx9WwRY 06/05/10(Sat)18:40 No.3061576
    Volpin because I didn't even know he posted here until a few days ago.
    >> Radio !xvm3ubBTFI 06/05/10(Sat)18:40 No.3061581
    But that was the first time in.. what, ever?
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 06/05/10(Sat)18:41 No.3061584
    Yeah okay, you know what, fuck off.
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)18:43 No.3061591
    come on sis lets fight
    >> Volpin !jKicgoGHZw 06/05/10(Sat)18:43 No.3061593
    You started the thread, chief. All I did was point out the social issues at play, I wasn't taking sides.
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)18:45 No.3061602
    You didn't even have to post
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:46 No.3061605
    He just has this boyish charm that's refreshing
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:46 No.3061606
    he needed to tell you off, though. but not to cause drama
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:47 No.3061610
    Libra is now the troll /cgl/ hates and Hobbes is someone we can tolerate.

    In 3 months we will have a new tripfag that /cgl/ hates and Libra will be tolerable.

    Place your bets:
    1:10 is that Libra is trollan all of you hard core.
    1:100 is that Libra's trip will be Hijacked
    1:10000 Is that Libra is Jimi
    1:100000000 Is that Libra is Zal.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:47 No.3061612
    Also he takes it in the ass with a smile in his face. What a sport!
    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)18:48 No.3061615
    make it 1:Google
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:49 No.3061622
    Libra, I invite you to the tc. lets discuss.
    >> Volpin !jKicgoGHZw 06/05/10(Sat)18:49 No.3061623
    True. But then again, if we're getting in the matter of "need" then this entire hobby and board are irrelevant. I posted because something seemed interesting enough for me to bring it up.

    Isn't that the same reason you started the thread in the first place, or was there some sort of "need" there?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:50 No.3061624
    I really don't want to believe that.
    But damn :c
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:52 No.3061637
    I like how whenever a thread about tripfags pops up, there's suddenly a flood of new, never before seen tripfags that spring up.
    Also, you're all fags except for Volpin and Decade.

    Sincerely, currently anon tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:52 No.3061639
    2nd This
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:54 No.3061645
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    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:56 No.3061650
    everyone else is shit tier
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)19:01 No.3061674
    Hobbes. Faggot troll is pretty cool guy, starts dramu on /cgl/ and doesn't afraid of anything.

    >> Libra♎ !!WvjqTqDrspv 06/05/10(Sat)19:06 No.3061692
    I reposted the thread because it was hilarious that /cgl/ got so worked up about some silly dispute
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 06/05/10(Sat)19:43 No.3061840
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    You reposted it because you're a faggot.

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