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  • File : 1275020064.jpg-(17 KB, 246x429, You wasterners = You psychos = You FAIL (...).jpg)
    17 KB You wasterners = You psychos = You HITLER = You FAIL in Cosplay Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:14 No.3013987  
    Evidence video =

    The racist, selfish and ignorant western cosplayers are no deferent than the maniacs and psychos who have fun by hurting other peoples especially when they say their reasons or intentions are to show their respect, love and admiration.

    The racist, selfish and ignorant western cosplayers must stop believing like what their western ancestor who believed they are the superior race who think they can do whatever they want including hurting peoples or hurting other race.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.

    Don't let the racist, selfish and ignorant western cosplayers having fun by keep ruining your favorite Anime characters. Band with other Anime fans on the Anti Western Cosplayers
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:15 No.3013993
    cry baby
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:16 No.3014000
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:17 No.3014002
    proud cute asian, please post your ip for us
    >> lilitu !!fzI5iLLTQ5R 05/28/10(Fri)00:17 No.3014003
    Please see >>3013392 .
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:17 No.3014005

    he won't do it, has no balls
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:17 No.3014006
    test 2
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:19 No.3014016
    he claims we have no balls, but won't post his IP
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:19 No.3014018
         File1275020359.jpg-(81 KB, 723x449, 1248544380146.jpg)
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    Hes just jealous his ugly indonesian ass will never be able to cosplay any good
    >> Honey.M 05/28/10(Fri)00:20 No.3014031
    Here is your face without circle lenses, makeup, and falsies:

    - ______________ -

    At least we can be naturally beautiful without surgery or any of that shit u dumb chink
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:23 No.3014041
    I don't have IP, I use proxy, mwahahaha
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:24 No.3014045
    bullshit, go to and post the number it says. do it or gtfo
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:25 No.3014051
         File1275020715.jpg-(43 KB, 460x500, wat..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:25 No.3014052
    Thats the ugliest thing in all of Indonesia
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:25 No.3014054
    You wasterners = You ugly inferior being = you FAIL in Cosplay = You don't have the DNA CODE to make Anime

    You Asians = You cute smart being = You SUCCEED in Cosplay = You have the DNA CODE to make Anime

    The evidence wasterners are inferior being can be seen at the fact of how wasterners keep insisting to Cosplay our Anime/Asian characters rather than their own cartoon/wastern characters because they are very ashamed and sick of their wastern face and wastern self.

    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:27 No.3014057
    dude, your statements are invalid until you post what it says on

    as a japanese citizen, i look down on you
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:28 No.3014060
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:29 No.3014064
    But im japanese....did you just lump me with the "wasteners" you hate so much?
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:29 No.3014065
    Is it not awfully ironic? I mean you all believe me to be Indonesian so why still look for my IP except you doubt me to be Indonesian. Have you realize that we Indonesian can be as cute as Japanese and other Asians even not as many? Mwahahaha

    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:31 No.3014069
    I don't think you know what irony is

    Also what kind of idiot would put ugly dark skinned Indonesians in the same league as other asians? Don't kid yourself. You're fucking ugly and hideous, and the Japanese hate you. They tried to rape your shitty country in world war 2 in case you forgot.
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:32 No.3014074
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:32 No.3014077
    I fail to see the irony....

    again, post the IP or shut the fuck up, you are a shame to my race and i do not want you trying to defend it either. We don't need some little offshoot half breeds defending our cosplay
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:33 No.3014080
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:33 No.3014081
    There's no such thing as Indonesian anime, you fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:33 No.3014083
    I have to say, everytime I see this thread it devolves into even more fascist lunacy. By the end of the week we'll all probably be compared to satan himself.
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:33 No.3014089
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:34 No.3014092
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:35 No.3014094
    But then we'd win because being "Satan" seems kind of awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:35 No.3014097
    >You HITLER

    Hahahaha wut?
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:36 No.3014098
    How is your father HITLER doing?

    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:36 No.3014100
         File1275021382.jpg-(30 KB, 500x334, funny-pictures-kitten-tastes-u(...).jpg)
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    This thread is now for cute animals
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:36 No.3014101
    You HITLER = You wasterners

    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:37 No.3014105
    I'M A WESTERNER! Please to be insulting me with something wacky. :D
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:37 No.3014106
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters and are hated by Japanese for massacring Japanese using nuclear bombs and mass raping Japanese.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:38 No.3014112
    Hitler was German,therefore not "western". Get it right. Jeez.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:38 No.3014113
    dude...just stop, you are a dishonor to yourself and i will repeat myself. we japanese do not need your help, you are some inferior half breed flat nose moneky fucks that where just our slaves.
    you are a shame to us and we don't want anything to do with you....please just stop. you are a coward as you have not fulfilled requests to post your IP to prove who you really are.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:38 No.3014115
    "Our Anime characters"? Sorry, anime does not belong to Indonesia and never will. Indonesians are nothing more than filthy dogs to the eyes of the Japanese. And I am not a westerner, I am Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:39 No.3014117
    Hitler was Austrian.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:39 No.3014119
    He is Indonesian, not Japanese.
    >> Honey.M 05/28/10(Fri)00:40 No.3014123
    I don't cosplay, I'm pale as fuck, I have clear skin, I have big pretty eyes,I have DDs, I'm a size Medium, I don't need makeup to look gorgeous, and I have blonde hair.

    Your women are all chinky eyed without surgery, dark skinned as hell, and most achieve to look like the type of girl I am.

    You azns have some deep rooted insecurities!
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:41 No.3014126
    Whoops, my mistake. I think I need to research history again.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:41 No.3014128
    post pictures plz, i need some fap material tonight
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:42 No.3014130
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters and are hated by Japanese for massacring Japanese using nuclear bombs and mass raping Japanese.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:42 No.3014131
         File1275021759.gif-(34 KB, 276x278, 1228855711936.gif)
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    I can name more American Anime characters than I can Indonesian.
    Actually I don't know of ANY Indonesian anime characters at all. At least not off the top of my head.
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:44 No.3014137
    It is good you westerners stick to your own race and stuff.

    See? I spell westerner when talking to you because I respect anyone who stick to their own race.
    >> Honey.M 05/28/10(Fri)00:44 No.3014138
    Remember how Japan raped Chinese, Koreans, and Vietnamese?
    And how those faggots continue to murder endangered mammals (whales, dolphins, etc) without any remorse?
    You should bring those into the argument and I think that nuclear bomb was more than fair.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:45 No.3014144
    Guys, SERIOUSLY. Quit feeding this troll. Just let the board 404, don't encourage it, don't go along with it.
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:45 No.3014145
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters and are hated by Japanese for massacring Japanese using nuclear bombs and mass raping Japanese.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:45 No.3014146
    Giggles galore, especially since I'm Canadian ... Good going, my extremely ugly wide nosed dull slanty eyed half breed friend!
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:45 No.3014148
    You are jealous that Westerners have more characters who have the same skin color, unlike your Indonesian skin.

    Indonesians don't look like Japanese.

    White people look more like Japanese than Indonesians do. ^_^

    JEALOUS ^_^
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:46 No.3014156
    Useless, this topic have been posted almost 1000 times and still can not be ignored because this are TRUTH.

    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters and are hated by Japanese for massacring Japanese using nuclear bombs and mass raping Japanese.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:47 No.3014160
    Jealous cry baby. ^_^
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:47 No.3014165
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters and are hated by Japanese for massacring Japanese using nuclear bombs and mass raping Japanese.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:48 No.3014167
    Filthy dark skinned mongrel Indonesian dog. go back to worshipping mohammed and allah you dog
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:48 No.3014171
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters and are hated by Japanese for massacring Japanese using nuclear bombs and mass raping Japanese.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:49 No.3014176
    god damn this is a fat fuck of a troll by now!
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:49 No.3014180
    Westerners will always be better at cosplaying than you.

    You're jealous! ^_^ You are the ugliest bug in the whole country of Indonesia.
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:50 No.3014182
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters and are hated by Japanese for massacring Japanese using nuclear bombs and mass raping Japanese.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)00:52 No.3014188
    Keep being a jealous cry baby! ^_^
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:52 No.3014194
    In the end you psycho racist wasterners are FAIL cosplaying our Anime characters and are hated by Japanese for massacring Japanese using nuclear bombs and mass raping Japanese.

    Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.
    >> Proud Cute Pure Asian ^_^ 05/28/10(Fri)00:58 No.3014219
    It is already lunch time, I will be back later.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:05 No.3014243
         File1275023101.jpg-(34 KB, 500x375, cute-puppy-pictures-edward-pup(...).jpg)
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    If this thread has to exist, can we make it about puppies?
    >> sage 05/28/10(Fri)01:06 No.3014249

    Also, what the hell? This guy just sits on the computer the whole day, trolls here, on youtube and everywhere about shit nobody cares about, eats, returns, eats and returns. I don't think he even has baths or goes to pee...probably constipated because of the long hours spent sitting surfing the net.

    And you anons paying attention to such pathetic loser, pfft.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:08 No.3014257

    Even Singaporeans hate you. Go fuck off, you worthless Indonesian.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:08 No.3014261
         File1275023335.jpg-(21 KB, 500x375, why-so-serious.jpg)
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    this now a puppy thread
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:10 No.3014268
    I'm asian and I HATE YOU
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:11 No.3014270
         File1275023469.jpg-(128 KB, 340x324, PUGGLE.jpg)
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    yeah aight
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:13 No.3014274
         File1275023581.jpg-(15 KB, 400x299, cute_puppy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:13 No.3014277
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:14 No.3014282
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:15 No.3014284
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:16 No.3014288
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:17 No.3014292
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:21 No.3014306
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)03:38 No.3014763
    lulz shit tier "pure"asian... brown asian motherfucker, come back when ure pure japanese or korean, no yellow rotten teeth chinese or brown-like-a-spic indonesian/malasian.

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