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  • File : 1274552918.gif-(204 KB, 420x315, 1269324208254.gif)
    204 KB Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)14:28 No.2986948  
    Con/hotel/trip there drama thread. Share your stories.

    Creepers can be included, too.

    Pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)14:31 No.2986953
    Can it be stories, too, or just drama?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)14:32 No.2986960

    OP- "Share your stories."
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:40 No.2987510
    There was a group of lolitas at Otakon last year and I simply asked one of them for a photo then I told her I liked her dress and that she looked really beautiful. A few hours later I run into her and she runs up to me and says hi then starts talking to me and won't shut up, she flirts with me pretty heavily and yeah she's cute, but I don't do the whole hook-up thing at cons, so I tell her I have to meet my girlfriend (who didn't exist, I just wanted to get the fuck out of there) at some restaurant. She then starts bitching about how I shouldn't have came on to her like that if I had a girlfriend.

    Then the next day I ask a Miku cosplayer for her photo and said batshit lolita comes up out of nowhere and tells her how I'm a perv and she shouldn't let me take her pic. She makes up all this BS about how I tried to get her to give me a panty shot and when she said no I tried to sneak an upskirt.

    Bitches be crazy, brah.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:44 No.2987513
    OP i dont wanna share a drama story because im not a female whore
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:44 No.2987514
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    >cute lolita
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:47 No.2987524

    If that's the case than why are you on this board?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:48 No.2987527
    to tell you to lose weight, stop the drama and gossip and do something with your pathetic life.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:51 No.2987535
    >>2987527do something with your pathetic life.

    We could say the same for you. At least we enjoy the drama, you're the one wasting your time with something you claim not to care about.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:51 No.2987537

    I've been the friend of the person who is like whom you describe
    (I have the friend who is batshit crazy and makes shit up)

    I used to do damage control for her. Before I realized she was a compulsive liar she came to me with red eyes and said a guy just tried to rape her.
    I freaked the fuck out cuz she was my bffl and I demanded to know who he was, where he was so I could kick his ass and then haul him to the cops as a mess.
    She starts saying dont, its not worth it, its ok, you can't hurt him, etc
    so after I coax the info out of her I go find this punk ready to kick his ass
    I find him and slam him against a wall, his friends come over freaking out...
    then I realize that those were my other friends
    they tell me to calm down.
    I tell them what happened and they tell me what actually happened:
    female friend and male start to make out, male asks female if she wants to go somewhere a bit more private. female says yes. male and female move and start to get a bit more heavy. male starts to rub female and asks if its ok, she says yes. thinks slowly continue till male is sure that female wants to fuck. male asks her if she would like to head back to his room for some fun. female agrees. both go up to the room and continue to make out and take off clothes. male gets condom. female flips out, gets dressed and leaves. male sits on bed confused.

    male goes back to friends. friends ask if got teh sexy tiem. male says no and tells story.

    his story is more believable. male is also the scrawniest person i have ever seen, no way he could force female to do anything. he was also covered in hickies from her.

    I almost put this kid into a coma without even realzing i would put him into a coma, for something he didn't do.

    female and I are not friends anymore
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:55 No.2987548
    i help the world better by telling you fat land whales to improve. also it's just fucking pathetic to 'enjoy drama' learn to improve yourself faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:00 No.2987559
    Well I was staying at a hotel room with my friends and friends of friends. I didn't meet some of them before but I knew they were weeaboos/horrible cosplayers from pictures and stuff, but I figured whatever it's only three days, I'll deal with it/ignore them.
    Second day, some of them cosplay Death Note, don't bind, shitty costumes and wigs, taking "yaoi" pictures. I was dying inside and getting annoyed at them running around with yaoi paddles and shit.
    They had the nerve to act like elitist cosplayers, saying shit about other people's costumes and the cosplayers themselves... After a couple hours I got fed up and just snapped and told them every bad thing about their costume. They tried to say shit back about me, but I was fucking god tier compared to them so they came up with shitty excuses. I left the group for the day and occupied myself at the con, but coming it that night was kind of awkward.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:07 No.2987578

    Similar con story to mine, actually. Only in this case I was the "almost raped" girl.

    So, we were at the con's rave and I was dancing with this guy, we ended up making out, yada yada yada. He asked if anyone was in my hotel room (a few of the people he roomed with were still in his) and I told him I didn't want to have sex with him since we just met. He was totally fine with that and we just kept making out, then walked around the mall the convention center was in for a little bit and talked. We ended going our separate ways and I told one of my friends what happened when I got to my hotel room. I told her how much fun I had and how I liked the guy and wanted to keep in touch with him after the con.

    The next day, we get together with their group again. We go to a sushi place near the mall and everything's fine and dandy. Suddenly, in the middle of a conversation about how we were surprised by how there was no Naruto skits in the masquerade, one of my roommates, who had over-heard me talking to my friend about the previous night, starts saying how my guy friend is a pig and how he forced himself on me.

    Naturally, guy friend assumes that she is under this impression because of something I told her, but I explained how all I said was that he asked me to go back to my room with him and I said no. Which was all that happened. The girl starts freaking out a whining about how she was almost raped before and how she could only imagine what I was going through. She then gets up abruptly, grabs my wrist, and tries to drag me away saying how she wasn't letting me stay anywhere near him. I go outside with her, ask her what the fuck she's doing, then go back into the sushi place as she storms off angrily back to the con.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:08 No.2987579

    But you're being dramatic right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:19 No.2987590
    It's minor compared to some of the shit people have put up with here, but here's mine.

    I did a last-minute costume for a friend so she could have a complete group for the con. To say thanks, she bought me a large bar of chocolate - good quality chocolate, at that. I was most pleased, and left it in my room for safekeeping.

    Imagine my disgust when I got back to the room that night and discovered the two girls I was sharing with (one of whom I actually knew quite well, so I was doubly irritated at her) had started eating my chocolate. When I expressed annoyance at them they said that they "thought it came free with the room". Because so many £40-a-night hotels give away large bars of good quality chocolate free with the room, donchaknow. And neither of them offered to buy me a replacement bar, either.

    I fucking hate sharing with people.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:19 No.2987591
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    Met a girl
    Hit it off
    Asked her if she wanted to play some vidya back in my room
    We went back to my room
    I raped her
    She was a virgin
    Felt good man
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:29 No.2987609
    I complimented this girl and she was like 'yeah, I know.' I didn't know what to do
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:41 No.2987636

    cool story brah
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:42 No.2987641
    can sum it up to;
    there is a guy who always wants me when i'm in cosplay.... but not when i'm just normal me.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:51 No.2987662
    Future Drama thread in the making: driving seven brats to Dallas, meeting up with three others.

    One couple that fights normally, one couple that fights every two seconds, two brothers that fight a bit, two sisters that can't be together for too long without getting PMS (one of which constantly tries to break up the conflict-prone couple), and a pregnant woman.

    In one room.

    And I'm the one in charge. Christ, I'm going to die.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:52 No.2987667
    I was cosplaying Ellis with a friend of mine, who was Nick.
    This guy approaches us, compliments us, we talk about the game, ect.
    A couple other kids join us and ask us for pictures, we accept. We thought the conversation was over at that point, so we walked away.
    This guy starts following us, and I tell my friend and we decide to go back to the room for a little while
    One we get in the elevator the guy walks away.
    We come back down an hour later for a panel, and the guy's no where to be found. (And he is an extremely large man, hard to lose)
    so we get to the panel, and half-way into it, the lights are off and I feel something get really close to my face and whisper
    "you make a real sexy Ellis. Have you ever seen Left 4 Head?"
    I'm of course creeped out but when he mentions l4h I figured hes just fucking around because l4h is such a joke, so I laughed awkwardly
    then hes like "yeah, we could make a Left 4 Head 2 and I could be a Hunter and ride you all night"
    I turn around, and its the guy again, I freak out, and leave.
    I of course alert the staff, and then keep an eye on him, then he gets caught fondling some ugly chicks and gets banned
    most terrifying thing of my life
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:55 No.2987678
    inside of pretty things are often the worse things or nothing at all.
    >> Rein !!k+Pr2TXqiBY 05/22/10(Sat)19:02 No.2987707
    Shit, man. There ain't nothing worse in this world than habitual yarn spinning bitches. I've had one too many of these types in my life and when your pity runs out for them you just want to sucker punch them every time they talk. :V
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)22:53 No.2988446
    -shudder- I just took a shower and I feel like I need another one after reading this.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)01:29 No.2989088
    I always read these and had nothing to contribute. Recently had the worst con evar and know exactly who's not staying with me next run around.

    Soooo, for a con this past April, I booked two hotel rooms and got fourteen badges in a group order to save money. The badges that this con issues are not personalized, and six of the ones I'd ordered were for a group coming from out of state. As soon as I got them, I passed out the other eight to the local people who'd ordered with me and held on to the other six.

    We pulled an all-nighter in order to pick everyone up who needed it, so the first thing I did when I got to the hotel was drop my purse on the end of a bed, and pass out. I was woken up by the out-of-state crew who had just gotten there, so I go for my purse to find one badge missing. After momentarily freaking out, my boyfriend does something EXCEPTIONALLY nice and gives his badge to the other group so I wouldn't have to. I'm freaking out, but he comforts me, sure that we'll find the badge I'd lost before the next panel he wants to go to. Another friend, M, also staying in our room lost his badge in the time before we could find my boyfriend's.

    A third friend said that he saw a badge by the edge of the bed I was sleeping on, and it made perfect sense for that badge to be the one I'D lost, since my purse was a hobo bag style, and there was no zipper pocket inside. It slid out while I was sleeping. HOWEVER, M snatched up the badge, insisting that it was his. Even though the three other people in the room at the time KNEW it must be the one I lost, we couldn't say shit, since the badges aren't personalized. -_-
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)01:33 No.2989105
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    SECOND thing that M did was slightly infuriating, but as he said he'd pay my boyfriend back, he was cool with it. We'd bought room snacks and personal snacks. Boyfriend's personal snacks were very expensive for what they were, so he was hiding them. When we left the room, M found the box, ate ALL SIXTY of the snacks, then faux-apologized when he got caught. Still hasn't paid the ten bucks back.

    THIRDLY, our hotel is rather fed up with us, but it's the only one that can fit the con in the area, and the conchair likes it, so apparently they negotiated something out. When I checked in with both rooms under my name, I had to sign a piece of paper that said I claimed legal responsibility for the people staying in my rooms. Because of that, I asked all of my friends NOT to bring any weed into the room. They had cars that they could leave it in, smoke it in, and that way it wasn't my problem. We were doing a loud room/quiet room system, and when I stepped onto the balcony of the quiet room, the smell of marijuana was so strong I could hardly breathe. I let myself into the loud room, located right next door, and there are five people on the balcony, two of whom had just finished smoking. These were M and a friend of his who was not yet eighteen. He had just made me responsible for his stoner high-school friend. I raged hard.

    Have a couple platypuses . . .
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)01:33 No.2989109

    Final day of the con, there are weather conditions so horrendous that I feel it is unsafe to drive in them, particularly because the car we were in was about thirty years old and on a donut. >.< They're doing specials on the rooms, though, since the weather's so bad, so I made an executive decision, since about 50% of the people in the room were unconscious or otherwise incapable of walking a chalk line.

    Those same 50% decided to leave the hotel not 3 hours after I'd booked the room for another night, upping the price for the remaining few of us who were not so obsessed with smoking marijuana that we were willing to drive through a disaster zone to do so. Two of the people in that room also never paid me for the other nights in the hotel, and one of those two still owes me for his entry fee to the con.

    tl;dr Lesson learned. One room next year, and no stoners allowed.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)05:20 No.2989824
    Never pay shit for other people unless you trust them with your life.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)05:36 No.2989856

    I'm trying to think of who this could be and the only ones that are coming to mind are poodle_parade, legsdiamond, or a_dropofcolor. It would have to be someone cute but sufficiently bugfuck, and all three fit the bill. What was she wearing? In general terms, I mean.
    >> Kitsu !!VDPMfPfr1E9 05/23/10(Sun)05:45 No.2989874
    Travel horror story. First con was AnimeNEXT 2002, the first one in Secuacus at the Crown Plaza.

    Most of the month was pretty much rain every day so as we're traveling out to the con we're all being pretty careful since the car we were in wasn't the best ever. Ends up all being a waste because about a mile before our exit on rt. 3 an SUV comes to a unnecessary dead stop (traffic was moving all around him including in front) and we end up sliding into the back of him. The guy pulls over to check out the damage and then takes off like a bat out of hell. The front end is pretty messed up but our car is still drivable.

    We get there and hang out for the rest of the day. While leaving we end up hydroplaning a couple feet and in the process water gets into where the engine is. We don't notice this until it seizes up a mile or 2 down the road near a hospital. A really nice cop ends up not only using his car to push ours into a parking lot a few feet away but also gives us a jump and we continue on our way.

    The damage ended up actually not being that bad since it was mainly the fender that were screwed enough to replace.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)05:46 No.2989877
    I took a long road trip from MO to A-kon once with folks who'd never been to a con before. After a freaking long drive, we hang out, play some vidya, and crash for the night. The next morning, I'm up at eight, fed and well rested, chatting with the one other person in the group who'd ever been to a con before. The others roll out of bed at ten. Whatever, I'm cool 'cause nothing ever happens at the con until noon, so we're good...except it takes the local girl driving three hours to get us to the con, and it's sweltering hot, and the line for registration is still ass-long. We manage to get everyone in, and they don't want to read the schedule and, like, do shit. No, they want to hang out in the hallway and stare like tourists. I must have lost them half a dozen times slaloming through the crowd like a pro while they tried to tackle it head on as a group.

    Moral of the story: don't go to a con with fucking newbies, or otherwise force them to conform to the skills of the most experienced in the group and leave the laggers behind. I left to watch shitty animu since the programming blew donkeys, and by the time I found them four hours later, they'd done nothing but circle the pathetic, tiny little dealers' room a dozen times.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)05:46 No.2989878
    I met this girl on saturday night, we danced at the rave, made out, would've hooked up if she wasn't staying with her folks.

    We're still on speaking terms.

    Feels good man.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 05/23/10(Sun)05:51 No.2989891
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    >>and I could be a Hunter and ride you all night"

    would have made more sense if he said Jockey.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)05:54 No.2989903

    this was mtac :3
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)06:01 No.2989915
    I have a travel horror story: one year I decided to take the Amtrak to Otakon.

    Actually, I was taking it to Western PA, then joining friends to drive down to Baltimore. My itinerary was a four hour train ride to Chicago, three hour layover followed by eight hours to Cincinnati, then a four or five hour layover and another eight hours in to our friend's stop. It was a total of some 20+ hours of travel, then half a day's rest before the drive, all to be repeated in reverse.

    I'm a super-spazz, so I figured the best way possible to keep me from missing my train connections would be to pay the extra fee for paper tickets to be printed and mailed to me before the trip. I got them in, made sure they were all there, and promptly zippered them away in a very safe part of my suitcase. The trip out went well, even if it was hellishly long. I met up with a friend who traveled with me from Chicago on, so it wasn't so bad. I enjoyed the con, rode back to Western PA friend's house, rested up, and then got ready to do the return trip.

    Everything was fine until Chicago. In Chicago, my travel buddy's train departed before mine did, so we said our goodbyes and he left while I grabbed some food and got in line for my own train. When my train started lining up for boarding, the conductor came down the line to preapprove tickets for boarding, and when he got to mine, he kind of frowned.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)06:02 No.2989917

    "You can't get on this train," he told me. "Your train left yesterday."

    I freaked. Apparently they'd misprinted the tickets, and because I'd only checked to make sure destinations and train numbers matched (since identical flights on different days have different numbers, I'd assumed trains would, too, which I have since learned is so not the case)., I'd completely missed their fuckup: I was still in Western PA when the train on the ticket left. The conductor said he'd wait for me and I ran to the counter to switch it out. I got to the counter and they printed the ticket, and when I got back to the dock, the train had already left without me, so I had to wait another three hours for the next train. Since my phone was dead, cue me having a minor sobbing fit in the bathroom while I waited for my phone to charge long enough to call my mom and let her know that after an already exhausting 18 hours of travel, it was still going to take another eight for me to get home.

    I fucking hate Amtrak.
    >> Rein !!k+Pr2TXqiBY 05/23/10(Sun)06:56 No.2989989
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    Oh my god, that's just terrible! I'm sorry that happened to you. I can *sort of* relate to something like that.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)14:05 No.2990750
    Hope you learned a lesson anon.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)15:57 No.2991124
    Driving from NJ to ACen one year, we decide to leave late at night, have the drivers do shifts, and arrive at the hotel in the early afternoon the Thursday of the con. The sky opens up for us and we spend a couple hours in POURING rain (all of which was on my wake shift, I was one of the half of our crew that couldn't drive so I was tasked with keeping the driver awake for his shift). But even before that, when it was just drizzling, we were driving along near two trucks. On at least one of them, the driver was clearly nodding off, as he kept drifting out of his lane and swerving back in. This is terrifying when you want to pass them, but can't because TRUCKS ARE FREAKING HUGE. SO we hung back and watched, and eventually the two trucks were so close that we couldn't believe they hadn't collided yet... only for them to suddenly pull off to the side of the road and all of us in the car to smell rubber burning.

    I think one of us has it on video.

    Not a drama story but it's one of those things that's entertaining to look back on.
    >> Tim 05/23/10(Sun)16:03 No.2991163
    I mean... It was chocolate, bro. I understand completely and sympathize with you.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:10 No.2991194
    Got a ride home with a furry. She thought it'd be funny to put on her furry mask and stick her head out the window on the highway.

    Also thought it would be funny to take off her furry mask, open all the windows, stick her head out the window, and spit. Wind blew spit back onto me and my friends in the back seat. Fucking ew.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:26 No.2991258
    I flew to Baltimore for my first Otakon. For some reason, I thought it would be a great idea to wear a pair of thigh-high boots with very high heels on the flight. First of all, taking them off at security was a pain... but the worst was yet to come.
    My first flight ended up leaving the airport late and I had a very short layover in Detroit. By the time we got there, my second plane was doing last call. Also it was at a terminal on the opposite side of the airport.

    There was a very buff marine on the same plane as me who happened to be going to Baltimore as well. He saw me heading the same way he was and grabbed all my luggage (a very large suitcase and a smaller carry-on). He smiled at me and said "If we run, we can make it!". With his help (and encouragement) we just barely got on the plane before they shut the gate.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:28 No.2991265
    What is Hobbes Facebook address?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:28 No.2991266
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    How the hell do you people end up with so many morons?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:35 No.2991301

    That's kind of d'aaaaw.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:36 No.2991302
    I told this a couple of weeks ago in a thread similar to this, but anyways....

    Going to a con that starts on New Year's Day with my guy friend from my home town and my new good friend from college. She offers to drive so I wouldn't have to take my mom's car. Anyway my friend Eli and I are waiting on Eddie ready to go the day of the con at like 10 AM to take a two and a half hour drive to the con. He shows up at 11:10 and was like sorry guys! I'm a bit hung over, but I'm fine! So we are like...great, lets hit the road. Anyway, all of a sudden like 20 mins down the road he's like I think I'm going to be sick...FUCKING PUKE IS MY WORST FEAR...he throws up about 5 times on the way to the con and I'm having the worst panic attack of my life. Eli is more worried about me than her and she's raging because at one point he rolls down the window and throws up out the car and get gets all down the side of the car. Needless to say it took near 4 hours to get to Austin because of our frequent stops.

    Then when we get there my boyfriend who already lives down there decided to pick a fight and we blow up at each other and I have an asthma attack in the bathroom because I was crying like an idiot and worked myself up. I have a migraine all weekend from the frenzy I work my self up into during the car ride and it progressively gets worse as the weekend goes by. Not to mention the con sucked ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:45 No.2991340
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    Pic related?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:49 No.2991367
    I thought of this rage comic when I read that too.

    Same furfag, or is this yet another bit of disgusting behaviour that's prevalent among furfags?
    >> Vendetta-chan 05/23/10(Sun)16:56 No.2991403
    that is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:58 No.2991410
    I was expecting him to have picked you up. I am disappointed with this story.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)16:58 No.2991411
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    Awww ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:02 No.2991426
    >So, we were at the con's rave and I was dancing with this guy, we ended up making out
    lol you got yourself into that one
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:05 No.2991434
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:06 No.2991439
    hey.. he's kinda of cute...
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:18 No.2991477
    HA HA....women

    I wish some drama would happen, but sadly the people staying with me are all close friends with no psychological disorders or addictions.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/23/10(Sun)17:18 No.2991479

    Selfpromoting anonymously
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:19 No.2991483
    fuck that sucks. Especially when the conductor said he would wait and then just leaves - if he couldn't wait he should have just told you but just damn.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:25 No.2991506
    Me and three other friends were walking around the plaza area where most of the food places at the con are. My friend says she wants to go into a jewelry store - no idea why, she just wants to. Well we're bored and the next panel we want to attend doesn't begin for an hour, so we decide to go for the hell of it.

    We go in there, look around randomly, when one of the jewelry store clerks starts talking to one of my friends. And the guy starts flirting with her and says offhandedly that she should take off the rest of her outfit considering what she's already wearing. He looks like he's about 50 and she's 18-19. So yeah she gets pissed and we storm off. Fucking creepy bastard.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:25 No.2991510
    Two years ago I was at a con cosplaying Yuki Cross. There were a lot of other Vampire Knight cosplayers there, but all the others were either generic night class girls or one of two bad Kanames, so, as the one Yuki, I ended up in a ton of photo shoots. Later in the day, my friend and I were on our way into the dealers room when someone grabs me by the shoulder. A large african american girl in a "found" Yuki cosplay drags me through the crowd by the arm, all the while my friend is chasing us, completely freaked out. She drags me into a corner and starts to scream at me. "NOT ALL OF US CAN AFFORD NICE COSTUMES OR BE THE RIGHT WEIGHT OR THE RIGHT RACE. HOW DO YOU THINK THE REST OF US FEEL WHEN YOU WALK AROUND LIKE THAT?! WHY SHOULD YOU GET TO WEAR THAT NICE COSTUME..." etc. She goes on like this for about two minutes, at which point my friend has caught up to us. Finally she stops screaming and goes "Aw, you guys are so cute together! Can I take your picture? : D"

    We posed for a picture out of pure confusion, then ran off. I haven't worn my Yuki cosplay since.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:30 No.2991530
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:58 No.2991642

    So, because everyone else was too lazy or dumb to pick a character that suited them and put the effort into making it look good, you get yelled at?

    ... Um.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)18:00 No.2991651
    I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
    >> dalaran !!sBwzHMBjVU6 05/23/10(Sun)18:21 No.2991714
    the fuck?
    i am ashamed of my race.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)18:28 No.2991751

    . . . Uh . . . wut . . .
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)18:34 No.2991774
    lol black people
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)18:43 No.2991810
    I've come to the conclusion that most people (or at least the ones I've met) who like Vampire Knight are absolutely crazy. I had another girl the year before try to flick some of the buttons off my jacket while I posed with her, the only reason for which I can think of is that she had the $30 costume from ebay that, well, didn't look anything like uniform.
    I haven't worn my cosplay since '08, but I'm going to give it another shot this year since the hype seems to have died down a bit.
    >> dalaran !!sBwzHMBjVU6 05/23/10(Sun)18:50 No.2991833
    they are nuts.

    i knew two girls who were big fans of that manga, and they went to otakon and came back bitching and whining and insulting all the other cosplayers who wore the day school outfits. because apparently the day school outfits are stupid and everyone does them, and only super cool elitist cosplayers can pull off the pure white night school uniform.

    was so annoying to listen to.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)18:56 No.2991846
    Oh wooooooow.
    I've only met one other day class cosplayer ever, EVERYONE does night class. The best part is how they almost always do the girl's uniform, when only two night class girls have ever been given a name and I've never seen anyone irl attempt to get their hair right. They're always "myself-if-I-were-in-the-night-class" cosplays.
    >> dalaran !!sBwzHMBjVU6 05/23/10(Sun)18:59 No.2991855
    i can't hate on those people because when I want to seifuku or cosplay a school uniform i don't do a character i'd just go as 'generic stock character with maybe a typical japanese personality' etc.
    >> Vendetta-chan 05/23/10(Sun)19:04 No.2991876
    lol that was my first cosplay.
    The next year I cosplayed the vampire version of yuki, complete with Artemis in scythe form.

    I lol'd at all the other VK girls that just glared at me from a distance
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)19:14 No.2991912
    Two fucking hideous lesbians fingering each other in the back-seat during the car ride home from a con.

    Worst. Drive. Ever.
    >> dalaran !!sBwzHMBjVU6 05/23/10(Sun)19:16 No.2991920
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)19:17 No.2991923

    Vampire Knight is essentially Twilight: The Manga, the fact that the fans are batshit insane really isn't that big of a surprise.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)19:21 No.2991942

    I tried to read it once- it was so damn predictable that I had to actually exit off the page and say to myself "what the fuck were you just reading?" and then move on with my life.

    Okay! Con shenanigan story time.

    Once I was rooming with a few other friends, and we had brought some spraypaint along to finish props with out on the balcony. Well Saturday night one of us got a little more than tipsy and was the first to fall asleep, so we stripped the sheets off her bed, rolled her onto some newspaper, opened the balcony door and turned on the AC, and spraypainted her blue. When she was dry on one side we rolled her over onto more newspaper and spraypainted her back blue. Then we waited for that to dry, put all the covers back on her and went to bed.

    Her scream in the morning was enough to wake up most of the floor. It was a good thing the paint was latex-based or she would have killed us with a loofah.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)19:23 No.2991950
    It's sad because for the first year it was published in Shojo Beat it was really entertaining... then it got progressively stupider and I stopped reading. I always felt like the author got bored after the first volume and rewrote everything as she went.
    >> dalaran !!sBwzHMBjVU6 05/23/10(Sun)19:26 No.2991960
    holy crap never thought of it that way.
    you're absolutely right.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)19:27 No.2991967

    Well, like I said... my suitcase was very big. I don't remember wtf I took with me, but it weighed a ton. He lifted it like it was nothing, along with my carry-on and his luggage. If he picked me up along with all that, he'd have to be scary steroid huge with many arms.

    >> dalaran !!sBwzHMBjVU6 05/23/10(Sun)19:29 No.2991976
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)19:38 No.2992017

    What the hell is it with cosplayers and never fucking standing up for themselves? I would have chewed her fat face off.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)19:44 No.2992041
    Because I only had a few hours left at the con and would rather have fun than get into a fight with someone who is obviously unstable. I didn't see her the rest of the day, so all was well.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)19:52 No.2992083
    last year at a con while rooming up with a bunch good friends, 2 of which were a good couple, was a good and fun con. I had to take a shower and the couple were the only ones in the room at the time. Not thinkin much of it I took a shower and realized I forgot a towel I brought with me just in case (which was in the room), but its a hotel so they have towels in the restroom obviously, but I thought "maybe i should NOT use the hotel towel and get mine, in case someone else might need it" but then figured aw fuck it.

    The rest of the con went by smoothly for the most part, later the girl of the couple told me they were nervous of me getting out of the shower early, cuz yes indeed they were fucking. IF i would have left to get MY towel (granted i dunno how i'd have done it without using the hotel towel anyway to cover myself) i'd have seen some good cosplay sex.

    oh and i dont remember the characters name that she was cosplaying, it was one of the girls from rayearth

    fuck me for not going with my instinct and getting my goddamn towel.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)19:55 No.2992096
    oh yeah, that's right, this is why I don't go to cons as an attendee anymore

    all you new fans are fucking insane and its fairly amazing that you don't accidental kill yourselves simply due to general incompetence at life
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)20:12 No.2992148
    lolifag here

    A month before the con I get one of my dream dresses and I wear it the first day of the con. I'm a little upset because I didn't get my picture taken that much but don't mind because lolitas in general don't get their picture taken as much as cosplayers anyway. The next day one of my friends wears my dress and gets her picture taken by everyone. I secretly rage.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)20:19 No.2992169
    Clearly you're an ugly whale and your friend looks better in it.

    But then again what lolifag isn't an attention whore who thinks she's better than us "normal cosplayers"?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)20:20 No.2992173
    was just going to say this.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)20:29 No.2992208
    I didn't say I was better than cosplayers? In fact I said that they were more popular.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)21:11 No.2992400

    Was the day your friend wore the dress on a saturday? People tend to take more pics on a saturday then any other day.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)21:16 No.2992435
    Actually it was, I figured Friday was more popular so I wore it then.

    Thanks for not being a dick.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)21:27 No.2992508
    this is 4chan, etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)21:31 No.2992528
    True but it's always nice when someone isn't one.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)21:35 No.2992543
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    A few years ago I was invited to go to a con by a hambeast and her (also monstrous) boyfriend. I chose to go because it was my first con, and even though they were horribly weeabooish I just went along with it because it seemed that they really liked me and they also rented an artist's alley table and invited me to make some art and stuff to sell at it.
    So anyway, they wind up forcing me to work at the table by myself for 2 out of the 3 days without being able to take any breaks (I was able to sneak off once to get an artbook). Pretty much scared shitless and on the second day I got rescued by some people from the school I attended that were also there.
    Found out that the two were complete assholes that not only attempted to use anyone that they hung out with, but were also theives that stole from me, my other friends, and other vendors.
    On the second night when I came back to the hotel room it was covered in so much of their filth and food I couldn't even walk over to my stuff. I wound up sleeping on the floor near the doorway. For all the work I did at the table they gave me $15.
    So yeah, worst con experience I ever had.
    >> Rein !!k+Pr2TXqiBY 05/23/10(Sun)21:45 No.2992586
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    >> M-F 05/23/10(Sun)21:46 No.2992593
    This is why one should always know where their towel is. ~_^
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)21:48 No.2992605
    The other stuff, okay, I guess I can MAYBE understand not saying anything about. But seriously? They're fingering each other in the back of your car. You fucking say something.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:22 No.2993145
    Lets see. Longer story, but hilarious non the less. Jacon 04. In celebration for graduating high school, my friends and I all decide to take a trip down to Orlando to have one last big Hurrah. This group includes, a class Victorian, an Asian guy, and two of my best friends who I consider like brothers.

    While at the con I made the passing mention that X would be an interesting thing to have for the rave. My asian friend just stops everything that he's doing and turns and replies, " I know a guy." Which, would make since because he used to live in Otown. Minus valedictorian, everyone agrees and chips in the money for my Asian friend to go get some.

    He disappears. All during the day we try to get ahold of him and can't. We go to the rave, and have a good time, however sometime around 12 mid, we go back to the room to see if our friend has shown up.

    All we hear is a KNOCK............ KNOCK. At the door. Its him. My friend and I (along with the victorian, I'll get to him shortly) start asking where he's been, what happend, etc. And he just stares at us blankly like he was just born.

    He took it... all.

    It is at the point we make this revelation that he smiles, falls into the hallway and starts making carpet angels.

    End of part 1
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:27 No.2993167
    Start of part 2

    My friend and I try to drag him back into the room, before security or someone who would call security sees the episode in the middle of the goddamn hallway.

    Two people did see, and started making their way over to us. Both were dressed in loli outfits iirc. One was bigger than the other, but not terribly a hambeast, just... plumper. The thin girl was relatively hot.

    Anyway, my asian friend turns to them and starts talking pure jibberish.


    It is at this point, the skinny one, kneels down next to him, and starts talking pure jibberish back.

    They start talking in jibberish. I mean a full conversation. She then turns to us, as if this hasn't happend, or that if it did, they were speaking english and says. "Hes high as fuck isn't he?"

    No shit.

    "yeah," I reply. "he was supposed to get us some stuff, but apparently he decided to play human courier without a baggy."

    And without skipping a beat she says to us. "Well, I got some pot if you guys want some."

    Both me and my friend turn to each other and mentally say "Fuck it, why not."

    End of part 2
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:29 No.2993173
    I would have fucking married that girl
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:31 No.2993181

    I just laughed so fucking hard. Like, you have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:31 No.2993184
    Start of part 3

    It should be interesting to note that we left our asian friend with a person not equipped to handle such situations. We will get to that later. More importantly, the story at hand.

    So my friend and I follow the two girls to their room.
    The thin girl opens up the bedside drawer and pulls out one of those cookie tins, you know the kind you get at christmas? Maybe about 10 inches wide and about four or so inches deep? One of those.

    It is filled, compacted with pot. I cannot stress that word enough, compacted. If fluffed, it would have been about 1.5x the size it was stuffed into. Compacted.

    My friend and I turn to each other, and mentally note: Dealer.

    So we all get high, which was good, we all have sex, which was better. My friend leaves before I do. And I leave sometime after that.

    I get to the room....

    End of part 3
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:33 No.2993193
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    bracing for epic
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:38 No.2993221
    I see nothing, the room is dark.

    Oh, I hear however. I hear very clearly, even in my pot addled mind.


    Its friend number 2. Sitting very Bond villain like in a chair in the dark.

    I dont have time to respond before he yells out: "DO YOU KNOW WHERE X FOUND Y. "
    X being valedictorian (not trying to use names)
    y High asian guy


    You see, we left the high guy with the class genius, at some point, he had gotten himself into the closet, couldn't realize it was a sliding door, and tried to claw his way out. The valivictorian freaked the fuck out and called friend number 2.

    Actually he tried to call all of us. But we were too busy getting high and having sex.

    Were great friends, (No were not, we couldn't stand the fucker.)

    I let this all sink in a moment and Friend number 2 responds.

    "Ummm I dont think thats a good idea, I'm probbably more fucked up than him right now."


    Who was I to argue?

    So a guy high on pot, and a guy high on X, try to find a missing con badge in the middle of a hotel, at about... 3? or so in the morning.

    Ohhhh this is going to be fun.

    End of part 4
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:41 No.2993240
    This is getting good.
    -grabs popcorn-
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:47 No.2993266
    Part 5

    So, X and I have made the decision that we both know the girl with the pot, and that she may have the badge. We just need to remember how to get there.

    We do this by going to random rooms and knocking on doors.

    Hey, it looked like her door.

    They all did.

    After about ..... 10 doors with no pot girl. X decides he may have left this badge at the rave. So we go down stairs and most everyone is gone. Hell everything is being rapped up.

    I said around 3 or so because I can't remember when the rave ended that year. You'll excuse me if my memory is a little... fuzzy during that time.

    X walked into the middle of the room, and proceeded to do something I can only call...sobering.

    He stared blankly and said.
    "I was here. If I was here. Then it must be.... there."
    And pointed behind him. He then proceeded to turn around, not moving his finger, and walked forward, went over to the speaker laying on the ground, and proceeded to pick up his ID.

    The. Fuck.

    I would say this story went on in any great way. But that would be a lie, events that wouldn't have happened. This, in itself even to me now, 6 years later feels more like a fairy tale each day. I only have a few friends with me to confirm it to be true.

    So I hope you enjoyed. No, I don't smoke anymore, stopped sometime in college, can't really say it was the same after that night.
    >> Grimmory !apRfGPAl1U 05/24/10(Mon)00:56 No.2993302
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)00:56 No.2993303
    That's not drama, that's fucking win
    >> dalaran !!sBwzHMBjVU6 05/24/10(Mon)01:02 No.2993329
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:05 No.2993342
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    I think I might need to cap this.
    >> Vendetta-chan 05/24/10(Mon)01:09 No.2993360
    I hard...
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:11 No.2993366
    Very first Oni-con, I went and stayed in a room full of people I didn't know. Couple of them were on staff. One girl swore up and down that she was totally cool with people and she could get VIP access to the Duel Jewel and Camino show. Another one of the girls was a mad DJ fangirl. I, on the other hand, had no idea who any of them were.

    Sat night it was drinking time. One of the staff guys I was with got completely trashed, threw up in a hallway and got drug back to the room. The head of con security knocks on the door and tells us we have to dispose of the alcohol. Those guys drank what was left and threw up. I only knew that because when I walked in to pack Sunday morning, the whole room smelled of vomit.

    I spent my Saturday night outside chilling with the Duel Jewel guys. Never once saw that girl who claimed she knew everyone. I look back on it now and wish I wouldn't have been dressed like such an idiot though.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:17 No.2993393
    That is fucking hilarious. I lol'd hard IRL.
    >> 1/2 bonk 05/24/10(Mon)01:26 No.2993441
    This is more of a weird creeper story.

    Anyway, at Ohayocon this year, one of my friends wore her fucking awesome Dead Haku costume. I saw her from halfway across the food court and wanted to get a closer look. She was eating with some of the rest of her group so I stood by the end of the table and just chatted. I was wearing my Harry Potter costume and robe, looking like a million bucks, and I think StripperVash was there and cracked some shit about it. After a few minutes bullshitting back and forth, this awkward girl in Hottopic Lolita with cat ears came walking up to me. She kind of stared at me and asked for my photo and I let her take it before I went back to talking with my friends.

    The girl didn't leave. She just stood there, staring at me. My friend, Dead Haku, asked her if there was something she needed. She kept staring at me. "I'm just going to stand here and watch you talk, Harry." she said, in this sort of dazed voice.
    >> 2/2 bonk 05/24/10(Mon)01:27 No.2993442
    I was all, okay, whatever, she's fucking nuts. What else is new?

    She kept standing there as I was talking to my friends and then suddenly LATCHED ON TO ME. She threw her arms around my shoulder and just hugged me really tight and was all, "I love you, Harry!" I was making this face of abject horror, because a hambeast was wrapped around my Harry Potter costume and I had my wand in my pocket digging in to my chest, and all of my friends at the table were just staring.

    I mouthed "help me" and looked at my friend, Dead Haku. Dead Haku is fucking fierce and she looked at the hambeast, put down her burger, and said "I don't think Harry likes that. Could you please leave us alone?"

    The girl let me go and then looked at Dead Haku like someone had just shot her mother. I've never had to handle a situation like this before, so I just kept opening and closing my mouth without saying anything.

    The girl whined and said, "You're mean! I don't like you." And then she moved toward Dead Haku and added, "And since you're such a meanie, I'm stealing one of your fries."

    And the hambeast, WITHOUT ASKING, took one of Dead Haku's fries right off her plate.

    We were all, who the fuck does this? And there was a general "hoshit" vibe once it went down.

    Dead Haku went off on the girl, calmly telling her how wrong it was that she had the AUDACITY to touch her food AND hang around even after we politely asked her to leave.

    The girl made another face and went "Hrrumph!" and turned to me and said "Your friends are rude, Harry, but I still like you!" and then flounced off.

    I stood there feeling the most embarrassed I had ever felt for another human being actually existing. Girl was fucking nuts.
    >> Pokemon Trainer 05/24/10(Mon)01:27 No.2993444
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:32 No.2993461
    And you just stood there and took that shit without even saying anything?

    Get some fucking spine.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:36 No.2993474
    Seriously. Good for your friend for standing up for you, but as soon as someone starts touching you without your permission, it's "What the sweet hell do you think you're doing, back the fuck off you crazy bitch" time.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:50 No.2993527
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    I'd have been all...
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:03 No.2993566

    hahaha oh my god. amazing.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 05/24/10(Mon)02:09 No.2993576
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    fuck, I think I need to as well. I have not read something so amazing in a long time.
    >> bonk 05/24/10(Mon)02:12 No.2993585

    I was just so like, terrified of this girl suddenly touching me. I've never been glomped before and I was all, "Hey, could you stop that?" and she just didn't let go.

    I did ask politely but I was kind of dumbstruck. I'm nowhere near as forward as my friend is, I didn't want to just go off on her because I wasn't sure how.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:17 No.2993602
    Otakon '09 was my first con. I got followed around for a few hours by a PB&J Time banana "cosplayer" in a Guy Fawkes mask.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:12 No.2993755
    bump for more horror! I don't wanna sleep tonight!
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:18 No.2993777
    Hey, it's your parent here. Just wanna tell you to stop being a dumb whore and do something productive with your life. The cartoon costume shit has to go.

    Your Mom
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:25 No.2993789
    >> Brokoto!!! 05/24/10(Mon)03:40 No.2993825
    I don't have any Con stories. Just tourney stories. :( Ill share if you want otherwise I'll continue to lurk.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:57 No.2993862
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:04 No.2993880
    >> MakiMONSTER !!aWATEsQxiAD 05/24/10(Mon)04:07 No.2993892
    My first con was Acen in 2007. The original plan to get to the Hyatt was to all pile into two vans(there was about a dozen of us) and pitch in for gas. One of the more outspoken members of my group decided it was too expensive to pitch in for gas and wanted to take the Amtrack from Dearborn(I used to live in Michigan) to Chicago. Turns out, it really WAS cheaper so four of us wound up taking the train.

    So the Thursday travel day rolls around and we make it on time and everything's great. That is until the train breaks down. It doesn't last long and the train is on it's merry way again........for maybe two whole minutes. It breaks down again. This time the heat is starting to get to one of my friends and he almost passes out.

    After a few hours, the train gets running again and we make it to Chicago at close to 4am. We were supposed to be there and get picked up by the van crew at around 11pm. Not only that, customer service had shut their lights off to make it look like no one was there so that no one would bitch to them. Outspoken friend didn't put up with that and wound up reaming them. Nothing good came out of it, though. We had to take a taxi to the hotel.

    We later found out, after calling Amtrack, that they should have at LEAST paid for our taxi.
    >> MakiMONSTER !!aWATEsQxiAD 05/24/10(Mon)04:21 No.2993924
    The story doesn't end there! Getting home from Acen was just as bad.

    We left earlier than planned on Sunday to get to the train station. It turned out that we ended up needing that extra time because we got lost. So we got to the train station and hey, guess what! It's the WRONG STATION. Thank you mapquest, directions, courtesy of outspoken friend's mom.

    We all were panicking because by the time we found the right station, the train had been gone for five minutes. So we decide to try renting a car, no big deal, right? Wrong.

    The oldest member of my group was 21 at the time and too young to rent the car, despite outspoken friend's mom making reservations and being told that our friend was old enough. So we couldn't get a car.

    At this point, it was looking like we'd have to stay another night and we really didn't want to do that. Our last option now was to fly back to Michigan. Outspoken friend's mom made some calls and we ended up lucking the fuck out. There was a flight to Detroit that was boarding right as we got to the airport and we were rushed through security to get on the plane in time.

    At the end of the day, we made it home at the exact same time as we would have if we'd caught the train.
    >> Aladdin 05/24/10(Mon)07:35 No.2994299
    Katsucon this year: Me, Coffee and two really close friends of ours head up to DC by Amtrak. Our bro drove us to and fro all the way to the station, and we all snacked on Coffee's mom's delicious handmade wraps (I'm a sucker for any momma's cooking). Get to the station, wait like 2 hours for the train to get to the station, the four of us board and get seated relatively close to each other: Coffee and I together in one section, our two friends just diagonally across from us.
    We spend most of the ride shooting shit, swapping music, and watching kungfu movies on our laptops. Finally when Me and Coffee finally crash (5 in the god damn morning) we both hear an infernal wail from hell. Its some black guy's 8 to 1 year old baby who apparently -just- woke up. The entire car wakes up until he gets the damn tyke to go back to sleep. We end up crashing at about 6-7 am.
    Get to Katsu, have a decent time, make some new friends, get smashed without eating (bad bad fucking idea), go out on a date (not too bad), and buy my friend who taxi'd us an Experiment Lain artbook.
    Train ride back: Amtrak didn't give a fuck about anything, fucked up seating assignments, families split apart, couples split, people assigned to multiple seats, people going apeshit about it. We all move into the food cart and stay there for most of the ride. Not terrible but Amtrak doesn't give a shit about it's customers.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)09:00 No.2994394
    Bumping for more stories.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)09:01 No.2994395
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    screencapped this story for anyone who wants it. enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)09:55 No.2994545
    Wow I'm glad you guys enjoyed that.

    No, for me I had a great time, however if you look at the POV of friend two or the Valevictorian, the dramallama visited them, and in the case of the genius, came in his face.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)10:23 No.2994677
    Bump for moar. I love these treads.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)10:24 No.2994681
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)13:59 No.2995482
    bump for more!
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/24/10(Mon)14:06 No.2995519
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    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/24/10(Mon)14:13 No.2995552
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    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/24/10(Mon)14:19 No.2995570
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    More for: >>2994395
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/24/10(Mon)14:30 No.2995626
         File1274725844.jpg-(70 KB, 571x480, hit this shit nigger..jpg)
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    Moar weed
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)14:32 No.2995635
         File1274725923.jpg-(80 KB, 920x491, eN81aKh2p1ccxYnA.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)14:33 No.2995644
         File1274726035.jpg-(87 KB, 880x544, yGLxmMe8SfHY9zjv.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)14:35 No.2995654
         File1274726130.jpg-(107 KB, 870x1080, 1272679156404.jpg)
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    You're a really good story teller. Do you have any more?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)14:35 No.2995655
    > Morons
    > Anime fans/Cosplayers
    Your question is answered.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 05/24/10(Mon)15:13 No.2995820
    This shit is why I don't particularly care if other people do drugs. As long as I'm not involved it makes for some pretty funny stories.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)15:25 No.2995882
    See, it's fun when A) you're high or B) you're not rooming with the people who are fucked up, but I've been in the valedictorian's place more than once, and it's annoying as shit.

    sage for no story

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