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  • File : 1274480991.png-(67 KB, 1434x1105, robocop-1.png)
    67 KB RoboCop Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:29 No.2983894  
    So guys, here's the deal. I'm in art school and I'm doing this project on RoboCop right. The thing is I'm adapting it for the stage and that includes costumes.

    tl;dr RoboCop costume. Tips?

    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 05/21/10(Fri)18:47 No.2983936

    This is my dream cosplay...

    And unfortuinately, the only cheap way I can think of building, at least most of, the armor is through papercraft. I know they have a Robocop helmet and gun pep'd over at the 405th forums, but I'm not sure how far they've gotten with it.

    Good luck OP!
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:47 No.2983938
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    I got some specs. Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:51 No.2983950
    Thanks! You wouldn't happen to have a link to those, would you?

    I have access to a plastics workshop at school so I can vacuform and carve light weight plastics, I'm just concerned how this will relate to a proposed stage costume? I know the actual suit was horrible to move in and incredibly hot. I want to try and cancel out a bit of that for the actor on stage. I'm just at a little bit of a loss as to how I'm going to do this.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:51 No.2983956
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    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 05/21/10(Fri)18:54 No.2983965
    Oh man, I want to read your script right now. Any song and dance numbers? RoboCop was such a good movie, and it's sequels were pretty damn good as well.

    Unfortuinately I am at work, but it 2 hours I should be home and can provide links, if you don't find them or someone else posts them first.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:57 No.2983975
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    I'd really appreciate it. No script samples right now, but I can give you a poster?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:58 No.2983983
    in exchange for all of his help, you should make Mr. Freeman a Celty helmet.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)19:02 No.2983993

    Lol man, that would be awesome. I wish I had more experience working with suits and armor. I'm really more of a seamstress than a prop maker and this is a huge challenge for me.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 05/21/10(Fri)19:04 No.2984002
    Oh man, I'd fly to anywhere to see this thing. I really would.

    I am actually working on my own, but I gotta get Count Mecha ready for AX first before I can begin work on it.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)19:06 No.2984007
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    If the proposal goes well, I'm considering pitching it to a West End theater in London.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 05/21/10(Fri)19:39 No.2984110
    I can't get visions of the following scenes:
    Boddicker and his goons singing and dancing as they gun down Murphy.
    A song and dance number of putting RoboCop together.
    The ED-209 singing "You have 30 seconds to comply" and being an over the top panic with dramatic music playing.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 05/21/10(Fri)19:40 No.2984116
    *Can't get the visions out of my head

    Damn I can't even focus because I love this idea so much...
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)19:51 No.2984152

    Lol, right!? I'm not even starting the project until next year but it's all I can think about. I've got a scene for the Kaplan brother's song "Murphy, it's you", as well as several sequences for the cocaine factory and boardroom scenes. This morning was planning the Directive 4 scene. Can you imagine?

    Look, this is 4chan and all, but I'm really interested in finding someone to be a sounding board for the project as well as someone who knows about armor sculpting techniques. Would you be interested?
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 05/21/10(Fri)19:56 No.2984159
    It seems rather early on to say an immediate "yes", but I will do what I can to help you for now.

    It would be very pretentious of me to say I have armor building techniques when I haven't even done Freeman's armor yet, or any real armor for that matter. But I can say I can devote some time and resources to help you in your project.

    I'll link you to my 405th profile when I get home, and from there I can give you some more of my personal info so we can bounce ideas back and forth to eachother.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)20:04 No.2984189

    That's really kind of you, thanks.

    If anything, it would just be nice to talk to someone who actually likes RoboCop. My house mate is so sick of hearing me talk about ED209 puppets and ccvt on stage.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 05/21/10(Fri)21:20 No.2984483
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    For whatever reason, 405th is giving me a 403 forbidden error, not sure why.

    Anyway, here's the RoboCop work in progress papercraft files:

    And here is the program to open up and look at them:

    Using the program to open the files is pretty self explanatory... scaling and turning them into wearable armor is a bit of a detailed process which involves a lot more than one post on 4chan, and 405th has some great tutorials to get newcomers started, once it comes back up that is.

    Not sure if you have a coscom account or not, but I feel like I can put that here without any trouble: Feel free to contact me there and we can discuss all that is RoboCop.

    Also, here's a pic of the only RoboCop cosplay I've ever seen, and I have no details on it whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)21:26 No.2984507

    1) Yes, I have a coscom account. I'll ping you there in a sec.

    2) this paper craft is going to take over my life I can already tell

    3) that guy is my hero... but why the suit from R2?
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 05/21/10(Fri)21:30 No.2984517
    >3) that guy is my hero... but why the suit from R2?

    My only guess is that it was a cast version from the suit used in R2, which is why the helmet looks a little funky...

    It's also a possibility that it's a production shot and it's a different actor in the suit as a double or something....
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)22:12 No.2984618

    I think it could very much be a production shot with the stunt double. But only thing is the glove's color but I think it's just the over exposure of the photograph.
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