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    327 KB Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:29 No.2976321  
    why is /v/ able of starting a cosplay thread without drama bullshit and you know ONLY drama?


    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:30 No.2976325
    why is cgl able of linking a thread?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:30 No.2976326
    Add another >
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:32 No.2976334
    see? already drama
    >> saku !IBiDoof6j6 05/19/10(Wed)22:34 No.2976342
    here enjoy
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:34 No.2976343
    here you go, newfag.
    anonimus is lesion lawlz :D
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:37 No.2976357
    Because their drama is VIDYA game related. Silly anon.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:39 No.2976366
    so we can talk about vidya here? :3
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:46 No.2976392
    if you are looking for actual discussion about costume making and such, you are on the wrong board
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:47 No.2976395
    We usually talk about whatever we want to here. The mods are usually absent or purely apathetic.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:59 No.2976437
    /v/ is able to start a cosplay thread without drama because they are not cosplayers in general but video gamers, but /cgl/ cosplay threads are made of drama because the focus is on actual humans.

    Unless you report the thread or offending posts. Like for example one month ago, certain troll was permabanned.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:00 No.2976442


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