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    36 KB ITT: Retarded jobs you've had for cosplay money Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)01:57 No.2972722  
    I'll start with mine. I tutored at school. I had one of the most retarded bosses ever. She had a master's and she had no fucking idea what she was doing. She lied about my wage, she didn't know the actual procedures quite often, she got pissed at me for not knowing procedures when she never called me to get tutored about them (She was always busy so I had to get an appointment with her to get procedure), and she made odd demands. I've never had to put up with so much bullshit for a side job that only gave me $300 max a month. My department was one of the most stressed out ones for the fact my boss was always on our asses about mistakes like we made them frequently. Everyone was glad to be done when the semester was over. Fucking retail had nothing on this job.

    So, /cgl/, what was the worst job you've ever had?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)01:59 No.2972730
    >worst job you've ever had?
    Reading this god awful thread
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)02:02 No.2972742

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)02:17 No.2972788
    Truth: Very few people like working at Jo-Ann's. Except the old ladies, because they rebel in their crabbiness.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)02:24 No.2972803
    I worked a catering job that was total shit. My boss and coworkers were dreams to work with, but the clients were just.. just awful.
    We were catering a wedding reception held on their massive property. They decided we had to use these HUGE probably 4-5" thich wooden platters to serve appetizers on. The smallest ones I could pick up, empty, by myself, but there were larger ones where it took AT LEAST two people to lift.
    We had to carry this shit up to the house, which was around some garden and up a not so steep but fairly long hill.
    Luckily, their Mexican groundspeople (one was named Jose, I don't remember the other) had a pickup, so we got to set them down in that, only for the party planner to get upset that the guests might see the truck and freak out about us having to get it out of there.
    Then, she misplaced the disposable plates they were going to use for the appetizers, so she came and asked to use our desert bowls, and expected our very small staff to have them washed and ready for the desert course, coming up very quickly.
    I should mention at this point that washing them was no easy task, as the place they had us prepping in was an ancient Chinese house that the groom had had disassembled and shipped to his property. It had running water and a tiny sink, at least..
    Dinner and desert went fine, and we sat back for a few minutes.
    One of us had the unfortunate luck to notice that the plates came with a label that said they HAD to be washed before they were returned, or else we would be fined.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)02:25 No.2972805
    The client wanted us to adhere to that so they didn't get fined, so we had to attempt to wash some 200 plates and bowls in that itty bitty sink (we ended up doubling up and using the hose outside as well).
    It was a 13 hour day and they were originally only planning on paying us for 10 (not to mention we had to go back the next day to finish cleaning).
    Our boss was very firm that they WOULD be paying us the correct amount, seeing as at the end we'd worked half again as much as we'd agreed upon.

    There was more craziness going on, but that's the basic overview.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)02:49 No.2972875
    Ouch. That's ridiculous. I've heard of bridezillas and catering's one of the worst to work at. Also, was it that fucking hard going to walmart to buy disposable plates?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)02:54 No.2972887
    Let's see.

    First I was an engineer.

    Then I was an engineer again.

    After that, I was an engineer.

    Today, I'm still an engineer.

    Those are some pretty ridiculous jobs.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)02:55 No.2972894
    Not the poster, but since bridezilla realised plates were missing when the appetizers were being served, it would be too late to even contemplate driving to walmart by then.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)03:03 No.2972919
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    You tie with computer science for shittyness in proportion to pay.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)03:04 No.2972923
    Stocking shelves. I'm 5'4" and have ZERO muscle. As in, I have trouble carrying a 10kg overnight bag.

    I was too short to reach the tall shelves. I strained my muscles from constantly standing on my tippy toes and pushing cans of tuna into place far above my head. I was dragging 18kg batches of flour along the tiles and it took me forever to unload cans, so they ended up putting me in the toiletries aisle where all I had to do was stock tissues and toilet paper.

    However, given that the hours were 8pm-2am, my sleep pattern was quickly fucked up and I had to quit after 2 weeks. It's a period of my life I'd like to forget. I remember the boss complained about the job's high turnover rate and how people were to weak-willed to have a career in stocking shelves these days. NOT LIKE BACK IN HIS DAY WHEN PEOPLE ASPIRED TO PUT CANS OF PEAS ON THE SHELVES FOR THE DURATION OF THEIR LIFE.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)03:06 No.2972926
    You're right, I'm pretty sure I'm undervalued at $74k/yr three years out of school.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)03:06 No.2972927
    Actually, yeah. They live on an island, so the nearest WalMart would be around 2 hours away (ferry times and such).
    But there were shops in town that she could have sent someone to.

    The worst part was as we had just finished serving desert the party planner came up and was all "lol, we found the plates btw. Silly us =D"
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)03:10 No.2972935
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    >> Nikopol !!w1E3mzAnLE5 05/19/10(Wed)03:12 No.2972937

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)03:14 No.2972941
    I specialise in an area of law called "personal injury" more familiar as "ambulance chasing". People who say "ambulance chasers" are scumbags of the planet making for a litigious nation blah blah blah McDonald's coffee cup blah blah fucking blah should come sit a week in my shoes.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)03:20 No.2972955
    Engineerfag. Occasionally get a wild hair to apply for law school and sit for the patent bar.

    I can actually make an order of magnitude more money. I'm compensated at nominally $37/hr right now. I could charge about $350/hr as a patent attorney. I know this because I know how much we pay ours.

    Decisions, decisions...$700k/yr day job is pretty rad.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)03:25 No.2972968

    you sound whiny and weak willed.

    i worked 2 full time jobs. one of which was macdonald's late night.

    go eat a bowl of dicks. it's not the store's fault you have no muscle.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)04:14 No.2973100
    I've worked for parks and recreation teen programs for about 2 years now. The job itself is pretty awesome (I basically chill out with kids and play pool, xbox, and monitor the shit they do on computers.) My coworkers are pretty chill, but my boss is a total dick. He has a hissy fit over the smallest situations, and will blow things way out of proportion. Example: Some kids snuck into the building while my back was turned because a kid was talking to me. They walked out of the room and wouldn't stop when I told them to. I couldn't leave the room I was in, so I told my supervisor that they snuck in and pointed them out to her. She kicked them out. They weren't in the building for more than 5 minutes. He calls me into his office and gives me a 30 minute lecture about how I handled the situation wrong. I was pissed.

    PART 2! I'm from a red neck town and some of these kids are the most ignorant things on this planet. One of them was completely convinced that Germany's flag still had the nazi symbol on it. He is 18. I have to deal with neo-nazis on a regular basis. One of them told me how he was pure blooded German, and a direct decendant from Hitler. I told him that Hitler was from Austria, not Germany, and he said."Hitler isn't Australian. That's stupid." There is also an 18 year old weeaboo who is barely a junior in high school who has to tell me everyday how amazing Bleach is, and how Baccano! was stupid and boring. I only have one more month before I quit.
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 05/19/10(Wed)04:22 No.2973122
    I've only had three jobs, two of them I'm working now. I guess I'd count Hooters as the worst of the three in terms of job content. But I still work there so...
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)04:26 No.2973128
    Sure, become part of the problem. Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)04:27 No.2973129
    I loved working at hooters, I made more then I ever have/will in my now job, from tips.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)04:30 No.2973135
    s t O P s P a m m I N g h T T p : / / W w W . A N o N T a l k . S e / F a G G o T s
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)04:45 No.2973156
    My first job was supposed to be a dream job. Itturned out to be a cubicle job where you were ignored the fuck out of, and where only the only person who had your back was some ditzy chick who can't stay in a successful relationship for shit, so she was always crying on the phone instead of working. I worked at a counseling center for black people. The fucking always looked down on me because I wasn't black. Like I was "the MAN WHO WAS ALWAYS HOLDING THE BLACK BROTHER DOWN." I'm a fucking 19 year old girl, what the fuck do you inherently have against me? /raeg.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)04:47 No.2973158
    >Bad hooters experience

    >Good hooters experience

    Please, please fulfill my curiosity. What's the difference in your bust sizes, I've got to know.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)06:19 No.2973325
    You know what they have against you? Counselling centres are supposed to be there to give people a chance to vent, not so they could have some smartarsed chick who thinks they know better tell someone who's in emotional distress and can't see their life straight how to live their lives. You by virtue of being white already causes them to be limited in the areas they can freely vent about. Obviously they're going to be pissed at you and you're going to be pissed back at them because you just don't fucking get it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)17:41 No.2974987
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)17:53 No.2975026
    My first job was baby sitting two kids for $2 an hour. I would work pretty much from the time that I got out of school until 11PM 4 or 5 days a week.

    They were immigrants from Egypt and would always talk in Arabic around me when they planning something. They would constantly spit on me, call their Mom to tell her that I was beating them, put the TV on the most retarded thing that they could find just to antagonize me and threaten to call their Mom again if I changed it, tell me that I couldn't eat while I was there, and one of them pooped on the floor once and tried to make me clean it up. Their Mother was also pretty much ALWAYS late paying me and would take fucking forever coming home so that she could flirt with with some married dude at her work.

    To top it off when I quit their Mom told everyone that I beat her kids even though the only time I touched them was to carry one to kitchen on one occasion.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)17:54 No.2975029
    You my dear, are retarded. I'm a Mexican who has several mixtures in me including black. All races have been heavily discriminated against, in all periods of time. Jews have had it the worst of all races. Blacks have no real reason to bitch at her that she's keeping them down when she's a white girl working a fucking regular desk job. I understand those blacks are distressed, and are more inclined to say shit they don't rationally mean, but that doesn't mean you gotta be an asshole about it.

    Reverse the situation and it's a black person calling in a white counseling center. Do you think that black person would enjoy being called a nigger and being told they ain't worth shit? If she was well qualified to get that job, that means they saw something in her they didn't in other black people. I've known white people more sensitive to racism than myself. I'm pretty sure she's not limited in anything. Maybe you are, asshat.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)17:56 No.2975036
    That's pretty fucked. You should've set up some cameras and quit the second she was late with payment. $2 is below minimum wage. Way below. That was like minimum wage in the 80s.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)17:57 No.2975041
    Keeping the show birds of the zoo. A cockatoo tried to kill me, the vultures would ALWAYS attempt to corner us in their cage and then stay there looking at us and the most amazing thing you had to do was cleaning bird's poo, trituring mice and cleaning up food trays. Oh, and washing the cages and talking to the birds, that would hate me and the others because we were not "the real keeper".

    The toucans, the hawk and the eagle were the only nice animals of that section of the zoo and only the trainers were allowed to touch them. We, part-timers, were only authorized to touch the birds that would bite your eyes off if given the chance.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)17:58 No.2975042
    Considering it's a babysitting job it doesn't matter.
    >> bombyNeko 05/19/10(Wed)17:59 No.2975050
    I was a waitress at a country club restaurant for a while. It was terrible. I served nothing but these perverted old men or these stuck up middle aged women.
    And they left horrible tips even though they were far more demanding than normal restaurant customers.
    I had to stick with that job for an entire summer because my dad is a member of the club and didnt want me to make him look bad by quitting my job.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)18:00 No.2975054
    I am so sorry, I would have wanted to pet the toucans too. :(

    The hawk and eagle were nice? wat
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)18:02 No.2975058
    She was a waitress. They only make $2.50. I'd feel like a shitty person if I asked for more from someone that's trying to raise 2 kids.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)18:08 No.2975074
    You quoted the wrong person
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)18:08 No.2975078
    The eagle was a former mascot from a soccer club so she was used to being touched. And the hawk was just a nice guy. And the howls were not bad too, they would just look at you with superiority.

    In general I got the impression that the psitacide category is evil. They are just too smart, so they learn the methods to annoy you and apply them. All. The. Fucking. Time.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)18:12 No.2975088
    No I didn't.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)18:13 No.2975095
    I work with special-ed kids who hit, spit, scream, call me bitches, try to run away, try to kill each other, never wash their hands, pick their nose and eat it, and are all teenages so they're bigger and stronger than me.

    for $12/hour

    why the fuck did I go into education.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)18:31 No.2975168
    I've never had a paid job.

    Hi Cass.
    >> Big Wes !SRZG1QZfQU 05/19/10(Wed)18:53 No.2975273
    Bouncer. Worst job I've ever had. You have to stand there and not enjoy yourself while dealing with drunk chicks that get kicked out and keep hitting you until they either a.) vomit all over your shoes or b.) their taxi shows up. Taxis are slow :(

    Worse is I'm one of the top Bouncers in my friend's private business where he contracts people for private birthdays, fundraisers, events in general. And I have to pay the rent somehow so I do it D:
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)18:57 No.2975298
    please try and find a better're better than that.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)18:59 No.2975307
    as in you deserve better.
    >> Big Wes !SRZG1QZfQU 05/19/10(Wed)19:00 No.2975312
    Trying. If nothing else, Quality Assurance position opening up literally a mile or two from where I live. Across the hallway from my first Developer I worked for.

    Or, if my uncle will friggin call me back, I may be able to work for him.
    >> itaqueen !!X6z69cvOfjB 05/19/10(Wed)19:04 No.2975329
    aww bb, you deserve much better ; ~;
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)19:16 No.2975384
    My job is to be the exemplary student/daughter of the household.

    If my grades are lower than A, my allowance/pay is cut short.

    Only because my older sister didn't want to take over the business. So I have to go through the whole hereditary job thing.

    That is, if I apply the same method my sister did and lunge the ball to my younger cousin, but that would be shitty to do.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)19:21 No.2975417
    What is your family business if no one wants to take over? Embalming corpses or what?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)19:25 No.2975432
    They are in Health and Science Research, so we have some labs and a study centre for both professors and students to go to.

    My sister isn't that...excited about science.
    >> lilitu !!fzI5iLLTQ5R 05/19/10(Wed)19:28 No.2975447
    Working at a movie theater. I sucked hard, they got pissed if you would get a new piercing (even if it was just on your ear), tattoos that could be scene when in uniform, and if you died your hair (even just high lights) and all of the shift leads were assholes who wouldn't show up to work half the time and never got fired. People would quit constantly. Also there was this girl who would do nothing but eat and never work. She only got fired because they caught her stealing from the registers. I will say though that cleaning the theaters was actually kind of fun.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)19:32 No.2975462
    You best be doing that shit nigga. Health sciences are gonna expand greatly for the next 30 years as old people die off.

    I imagine so. A friend of mine had his iPod "disappear" when he left it behind in a movie theater. He was the last to leave. Yup.
    >> Big Wes !SRZG1QZfQU 05/19/10(Wed)19:32 No.2975464
    Yes, my liege. I will get a more lordly position for you.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)19:33 No.2975469
    Not being able to get piercings, tattoos, dyed hair... isn't that normal for workplaces to not let you do that?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)19:37 No.2975486
    Maybe in the deep south/middle east. Or an (uptight) office job.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)19:43 No.2975514
    I'm on the rather large size, so no doubt that's what made my experience better, also I'm good at flirting.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)19:46 No.2975529
    My last job was working at a copy shop and wasn't bad itself so much as it sucked that I was on call.
    I'd go almost a month at a time with no work because our bigger branch decided just after christmas that we weren't finishing the jobs we got fast enough, so they took most of our work.

    Oh, and we got in trouble with the larger branch if we used the internet, even during our breaks.
    >> lilitu !!fzI5iLLTQ5R 05/19/10(Wed)19:47 No.2975538
    I work at a pharmacy now and they don't really care. One girl has pink high lights is covered in tattoos and piercings, another one had a bunch of facial piercings, the one of the managers ever have colored hair, tattoos and piercings. I mean I understand if they don't want you to get facial piercings and tattoos, but getting pissed because I got a second hole in my ears is seriously ridiculous.

    We had to turn in ipods and cell phones, but if we found anything less then a $20 bill we got to keep it. Plus there were no cameras in the theaters and some nights you could get a couple of paid half hour breaks on top of your lunch and regular break. Normally when I had to clean it was with this guy who was totally a "Southern Gentleman" and he would insist on doing all the heavy lifting for us girls.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)19:51 No.2975560
    I'm working at a church to save up money for brand. I'm an atheist.
    >> Harley !!XSyTLyfFUjy 05/19/10(Wed)19:52 No.2975566

    Or Disneyland.

    My current job(which it's my last day today actually) has a business casual attire. You can come in wearing jeans, sandals, short sleeves, etc.... But there's still some codes you have to follow, like no shorts, piercings other then your ears, overly visable tattoos, etc... You could have dyed hair(since our graphic designer sported some green in his black hair) but if I had come in sporting a head of pink hair on a day other then Halloween, they'd have probably made me turn back around and go home until I made it normal looking.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:11 No.2975657
    Hatsuu in a Hooters shirt, DO WANT!!

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:19 No.2975682
    Oh fucking lol. Someone's a sellout.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:22 No.2975691
    I worked at a meat market. It wouldn't have been such shit if not for the people who worked there and the customerbase.

    I'm not very tall -- I barely break 5'3" -- so lifting huge racks of Flintstonian ribs is hard for me. But I did my best, showed up on time, went out of my way to make sure that everyone was taken care of (even when I was thrown out onto the floor to fend for myself with NO TRAINING and had no idea how to work the scales, and was being called a "stupid cunt" to my face by the customers I was helping), made sure to check in regularly with the butchers in back to see if there was anything they needed me to do or put out.

    The owner's son talked about my breasts frequently enough to be unnerving and treated me like I was stupid -- telling the owner did nothing, because that was his son, and he can obviously do no wrong. The butchers are very verbally abusive to the floor staff and deli workers there, and one of my fellow floor workers got angry at me for being polite to her. No, I don't know. I worked there full time for $8.00/hr while I went to school full time, hardly ever slept enough, and never said a WORD in complaint the entire time I was there.

    I gave notice and quit when I got a job cleaning offices at night (for less money! That's how soul-crushing it was for me), and they still give me dirty looks when I see ex-co-workers in public.

    Hard work? Fine, I got this. Fuckmooks who are abusive to me? No, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:24 No.2975698
    I worked at a Joann's and despite some of the insane customers the managers and co-workers were very pleasant. They give good hours and were pretty flexible if I needed time off. The pay isn't terrific, but before I was working at DSW for 2 dollars more an hour and wanted to kill myself.

    And the old ladies at Joann's are actually very sweet :)
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:25 No.2975703
    yes...yes I know.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:34 No.2975744
    telemarketing. i only got about 450 a month, and i always felt shitty when someone hung up on me, even though i knew it was inevitable. ugh.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:36 No.2975755
    Oh I was going to look into getting a job at DSW. Is it really bad there?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:39 No.2975776
    Depends on the store. The local store is nice, the one two hours away ought to be flooded with period blood.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:40 No.2975778
    You're dealing with thrifty bitches who want cute shoes. And these stocks are limited. I don't work there, but I'm pretty sure that's something to be afraid of.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)20:44 No.2975802
    I work at Chuck E Cheese's. I also have a pretty strong stomach so I always end up being the one picked to clean up shit and puke. But I can't stomach the smell of the kitchen. I can't even eat foreign food in the store, or go in on a full stomach. Fucking disgusting.

    At least I'm too short to wear the suit often.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)21:00 No.2975880
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    I feel your pain.
    I worked at this one place that was absolutely horrible. Sold some shitty magazines for double the price. They forced everyone to take their breaks at the same time (break room was like 15x20 for 100+ employees and one microwave, btw this is also your lunch break so make those 20 mins count). We were to sell to anyone we could (a good example is a single mom with three kids working a minimum wage job, the sale btw...). I'm pretty sure half the employees were crackheads and one or two of the managers were ex-cons. I could go on.
    Felt horrible whenever I made a sale. Longest month of my life.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)21:55 No.2976140
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:18 No.2976260

    You're selling out your beliefs and basically prostituting yourself, for a cute Japanese dress? Bro tip: you have no right questioning the intelligence of anyone you deal with at your work.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:35 No.2976349

    >basically prostituting yourself

    Sir, you just went full retarded
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:38 No.2976365
    It may vary from store to store, my experience was pretty bad. I worked there for 7 months which was considered REALLY long for an associate. I was also the youngest person on the team at 16 at the time, most of my co-workers were 20-30 and I would see them for maybe a month before they put in their 2 weeks.
    Customers tend to be rude, managers are ALWAYS screaming into the headsets for you to get sign ups when 99% of customers are registered. Hours are horrible since they hire tons of people to keep up with the turnover. I didn't need the money as a highschooler but I was only scheduled for MAYBE 8 hours a week... There are so many employees that if you ask for time off or put in request forms they just get lost and never heard of again. They've since raised the pay to hang onto employees, but it was still hell to get up and know you were just going to be bitched at even though you were working hard
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:59 No.2976439
    When I moved into the city to go to college, I got my first paying job(volunteered back home) at a scrubs uniform store. My boss turned out to be a bitter, old crab. Long hours, no breaks, only 1 lunch half hour. I had a bit of trouble with my car in the second month of working there and ended up being 5-6minutes late twice in one week. And even though I called and told the store manager that I would be a few minutes late. I was almost fired. She said young people were stupid and had no work ethic. Gave me a lecture about all the mistakes I'd ever made and how she wouldn't want to take me after the summer was over. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I did work very hard for her for barely any money.
    Another time, I counted inventory that we got back from the embroiders and about 20 shirts were missing. The embroderer was a friend of my boss and said that she'd given everything back and it was either all there or she'd never got it. So, I was blamed for miscounting at some point even though I gave evidence by saying that the boxes were labelled by me 1 through 6 and only 5 boxes had returned. She told me to not come back the next day(basically I was fired). But the embroiderer actually found the box the next day and my boss called me and told me to come in. That old bitch didn't even apologize to me even though she called me a thief because she thought I stole the shirts. I hope I never have to go there again.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:03 No.2976450
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    >full retarded
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:41 No.2976610
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:41 No.2976611
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    I worked as a carhop at a sonic.
    I'm a waitress now and even that feels easier to me, because I don't have to be on fucking roller skates or work till 12 with creepy men touching me.

    One time a girl went out to a car, handed the guy his drink and then realized he had on no pants or underwear with a hard on. He was a creepy old man watching little children on the patio. We had to call the cops, but we never heard if they caught him or not.

    And that doesn't even begin to describe how awful and gross and smelly that job was. Ugh.

    Ice cream splattered on your clothes, Stupid ass high school bitches ( my store was renowned for its number of pregnant high school carhops) and at least twice the cops were called because of cat fights. People would lie to your face about what they ordered and then try to call you dumb and insult you and shit just to try and get free food because "you messed up my order! Just because i SAID medium coke doesn't mean I didn't want a CHEESEBURGER!"

    I mean for christs sake, its fucking fast food get over yourself you fat hambeast! I'm just trying to pay for college here!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:43 No.2976623
    oh yeah and people thought it was really funny to shit in the sinks in our bathrooms.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:48 No.2976648
    In fact once when I had bathroom duty, we had run out of plastic gloves and my manager tried to make me clean it up bare handed because he didn't want to drive his lazy ass to the store.

    When I finally did clean it up, I caught one of the other carhops sneaking alcohol into her water bottle. This carhop got fired from her job as a stripper for trying to blow customers in the back alley, and only got the job because she was fucking the manager.

    Sorry about the post flood, but Oh my GOD did I hate that job.

    My entire last day I answered the speaker as characters. Stupid fat ass didn't get my royal with cheese joke. :( He just got pissy because HE ORDERED A CHEESEBURGER THIS ROYAL THING BETTER NOT COST EXTRA.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:06 No.2976731
    how is it prostituting? She has no faith. I work at a fast food restaurant but I'm a health nut. Am I also selling my soul for taking money from something I don't believe in?

    Besides that, prostitution wasn't a terrible job until pimps came around.

    In fact most prostitutes in the 1800's received better pay than women working in the factory and suffered less abuse.

    It wasn't until the pimp came along that prostitution became what it is today.
    Sorry, just read about the Guerrilla girls in art class....
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:39 No.2976876
    Dunkin Donuts, was not hard but just mind numbing.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:44 No.2976899

    I think you took the "prostitute" bit a touch too literally, dear.
    >> LeastHomosexualCupcake !!yJFzTx6OIRd 05/20/10(Thu)00:47 No.2976918
    the royal with cheese reminded me: some guy asked for a 'liter of Coke' with his order and I busted up laughing. He was like, 'WTF?' and I told him about Super Troopers and he was offended that I laughed at him and completely bypassed the fact that it's a fucking movie.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:55 No.2976962
    But I was a receptionist, not a counselor. I was always polite, did what they asked with a smile, always tried to help out. Surprisingly, it wasn't the patients that were mad at me, it was the patients wives or parents or other person who brought them there. A lot of anger was about being shameful of needing counseling. I just wish they didn't think I was judging them all the time. I'm just there to fill out timecards, and pass out mints and such. And having to deal with my snarky-ass boss.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:58 No.2976973
    Hay kati.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)01:01 No.2976997
    I am a babysiter for homeschooled kids... About twice a week I watch around 25 kids, about half of whom have some mental problem. They spit and shit, they fight like fucking cats, they never ever stop when I tell them to (And I'm fucking 6ft and scary) I have to help them with crafts and shit, GLUE, SISSORS, TAPE, GLITTERS, ECT. And you wanna know the best fucking part? I DON'T GET FUCKING PAID. EVERY FUCKING WEEKED I EAT THE SHIT OF 25 7 YEAR OLDS AND THEY'RE "ORGANIC ONLY" BITCH MOMS AND I DON'T GET PAID
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)01:12 No.2977038
    uhhh why are you doing it then?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)01:12 No.2977042
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)01:13 No.2977043
    2976997 Me again (Sorry I'm on PSP) Anyway, but yeah how I make money now is I make lolita stuff (cake rings n' shit) and I'm selling manga and crap I don't want no more.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)01:23 No.2977098
    Because, I been going to this group since I was about 10. I'm 18 now. one day my dad offered for me and my big sister to babysit but I ended up being the only to do it cuz sis is lazy. but still great. But yeah, I still hate those fucking kids. Next I'm gonna go watch kids at summer camp (Again for free) WISH ME LUCK, FFFFFFFRRRRRRAAAAAAAGGGGGGGAHHHHH
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)14:13 No.2978901

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