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    File : 1274012438.jpg-(640 KB, 1200x1800, 2774.jpg)
    640 KB Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:20 No.2957696  
    Can we have another 'Characters you're afraid to/don't cosplay because you think no one would recognize you' thread?

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:24 No.2957700
         File1274012662.gif-(95 KB, 240x503, ashley.gif)
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    This. Also weird hair is hard to pull off.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:28 No.2957705
         File1274012917.jpg-(35 KB, 462x600, 1243373704130.jpg)
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    This and I'm not black is a contributing factor.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:29 No.2957706
         File1274012986.jpg-(180 KB, 656x718, 34.jpg)
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    this guy.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:33 No.2957707
         File1274013191.jpg-(42 KB, 420x593, 1261898717188.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:36 No.2957712
    Even people who have seen Trigun would have a hard time spotting it.
    >> MakiMONSTER !!aWATEsQxiAD 05/16/10(Sun)08:40 No.2957715
         File1274013615.jpg-(41 KB, 500x674, yugiandyuzuha.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:40 No.2957716

    I know, which makes me sad. :[
    >> MakiMONSTER !!aWATEsQxiAD 05/16/10(Sun)08:46 No.2957724
    I'd suggest getting a few friends to go as some of the other gung ho guns.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:47 No.2957727
    Cheer up though, atleast I recognized it.

    Could always go as Legato, he was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:54 No.2957735

    I had two of my friends who were all for it. One wanted to go as Livio and the other was going to do Dominique, but they decided on other things.


    <3 Yeah, Legato was pretty badass.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)08:56 No.2957737

    Man, I loved Tenchi!
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:00 No.2957738
    awesome, fuck that do it
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:03 No.2957742
    isnt this guy from Tekken ?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:07 No.2957744
    yea the only two i seem to remember is E.G. Mine and Midvalley the Hornfreak, which is weird but yea
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:07 No.2957745
    and maybe a little of Legato
    >> MakiMONSTER !!aWATEsQxiAD 05/16/10(Sun)09:08 No.2957746
    Aw, man. That sucks. I'd kill to have a Trigun group. Most of my friends just do j-rock cosplay.

    Tenchi was one of my first fave anime series. I've also been dying to cosplay Washu for years.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:14 No.2957748

    Trigun, albeit manga verse.


    I'd totally be apart of your Trigun group, but I'm pretty sure we probably live across the map from each other. That's how things always work out anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:14 No.2957749
    that's from parasite, correct?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:20 No.2957756

    DO IT
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:20 No.2957758
    who is she ?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:22 No.2957761
    battle angel
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:23 No.2957762
    thats probably like the easiest one, well for me that is
    >> MakiMONSTER !!aWATEsQxiAD 05/16/10(Sun)09:24 No.2957763
    That happens to me all the time. I live in Arizona and all my cosplay pals are either on the opposite end of the country or in the UK or the Philippines.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:24 No.2957765
    this is the only one im not sure of
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:24 No.2957766
    if you meant to tag >>2957706 instead, then yeah.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:28 No.2957768
    lmao yeah actually parasyte sorry
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:28 No.2957769

    Oh, you aren't too far! I'm in California.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:37 No.2957776
         File1274017071.jpg-(46 KB, 704x528, [SNS]Den`ei.Shoujo.Video.Girl.(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:40 No.2957778
         File1274017218.jpg-(232 KB, 533x768, 00.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)09:40 No.2957780
    >> MakiMONSTER !!aWATEsQxiAD 05/16/10(Sun)09:44 No.2957790
    Oh, sweet! I was supposed to go to AX this year but plans fell through. I might try for next year though. I'd probably be Legato or Elendira the Crimsonnail.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 05/16/10(Sun)10:09 No.2957816
         File1274018952.jpg-(153 KB, 445x699, souchi1.jpg)
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    It would give me a reason to make voodoo dolls and some nails that can be glued onto my teeth.
    But Im pretty sure people would just see a psycho who chews and shoots nails rather than a person in a costume.

    Fuck it, I'll do it anyway.
    >> Vernedead !!iyD2mcO/mkZ 05/16/10(Sun)10:12 No.2957825
         File1274019169.gif-(444 KB, 200x150, 1272281160849.gif)
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    Tetra vaal
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)10:20 No.2957843
         File1274019646.png-(405 KB, 480x351, missioncheifcarol.png)
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    Mission Chief Carol, but its harder than balls finding reference pics.
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 05/16/10(Sun)11:28 No.2957924
         File1274023700.jpg-(1.23 MB, 2320x3152, 39.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:03 No.2957968
         File1274025785.jpg-(40 KB, 800x500, winner.jpg)
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    My friend and I want to do Akira and Bertran also. High-five.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:11 No.2957984
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:15 No.2957993
         File1274026557.jpg-(84 KB, 366x500, 344547041_ea13483a70.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:19 No.2957998
    I would recognize the hell out of you.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:22 No.2958000
    your answer is, go cosplay this to comic con
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:24 No.2958005
         File1274027068.jpg-(309 KB, 973x700, 000.jpg)
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    I want to cosplay at least six characters from this series, but I know that anyone who isn't Isaac and Miria would never be recognized.
    >> RunaFragment !!9bA3rIvYwXq 05/16/10(Sun)12:25 No.2958006
    I know quite a few people who know and love this series. DO IT!
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:26 No.2958008

    any chance someone will say what it is, then?
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 05/16/10(Sun)12:30 No.2958014
    You'd be surprised at how many people who go to cons know Baccano.
    I recently cosplayed Graham, alone, with no group, and was recognized by a shit-ton of people.
    Dooo iiiit.
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 05/16/10(Sun)12:34 No.2958025

    *A* I wanna see.
    >> Kafka 05/16/10(Sun)12:36 No.2958030
    I'll always be thankful that I watched the English dub, just to hear Jacuzzi say that.

    I know tons of people who have seen, and loved, Baccano. I don't think you'd go unrecognized. A friend of mine is working on a sweet Firo right now. Who were you thinking of cosplaying?
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 05/16/10(Sun)12:49 No.2958063
         File1274028547.jpg-(37 KB, 480x720, derrrr.jpg)
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    I still need to do a proper photoshoot, but untill then, have this.
    No make-up, and piss drunk makes for girly poses and manfaces.

    Polite sage.

    This looks awesome. Even though I wouldnt recognize you, I would still take your photo.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:07 No.2958118
    Ouka from Shadow Hearts 2.

    And Xam'd cosplay would be awesome, too.

    Seriously guys, just do it, you'll probably make at least one person at the con very happy.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:08 No.2958120

    c'mon Hatsuu, what is this >>2957924?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:09 No.2958125

    nm, answered. really need to get around to playing that...
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 05/16/10(Sun)13:28 No.2958157

    Graham from Baccano...much love given to you for doing this
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:30 No.2958164
    I recognized it the second I saw it. I say go for it.
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 05/16/10(Sun)13:45 No.2958191
         File1274031941.jpg-(399 KB, 1264x2720, 20.jpg)
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    Aaaah, I bet it's a ton of fun running around as that maniac! A photoshoot with that would be awesome!

    It's a very good series! The first one is a Historical/Horror/RPG, the sequel is more mainstream but still very close to the roots of the first one and the third one is hilarious. The battle system is really interesting too, and the music is lovely.

    Also, do you remember the game Koudelka for Playstation? The first SH is an indirect sequel.

    I would've liked to do Lady along with Killer but the boob area is too awkward. I love those too though, they made me cry.

    Okay I'm done derailing, I think. Sorry.
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 05/16/10(Sun)13:48 No.2958196
    *those two

    Oh how spelling can change the meaning of a sentence.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:56 No.2958409
    What's the name of the series? Somehow I feel like I know it very well
    >> <3 05/16/10(Sun)14:58 No.2958413
         File1274036318.jpg-(3 KB, 158x120, suzuno.jpg)
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    I'll probably have to have a Tatara with me and even then that'll be iffy.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 05/16/10(Sun)15:00 No.2958419
    Its not really from a specific serie. The character is Souchi, created by Junji Ito.
    He appears in several of his manga's; Souchi's Diary of Delights / Curses. P:
    Only translated mangas he appears in are (New) Voices from the Dark.

    Thank youuu :>

    It was hilarious. Its my fav. cosplay of all time, cause its so much fun to wear.
    I have an old dusty garage with a few broken old cars in it, and Im thinking thats a pretty good place for a photoshoot :>
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)15:11 No.2958461
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)15:13 No.2958464
    I keep seeing this guy all over the place, but who is he?!
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)15:13 No.2958466
    OH GOD DO IIIIIT. I spazzed when I saw that tiny little picture - I even recognized her from the itty bitty thumbnail. DO SUZUNO! Please, you will be recognized and loved by anyone that watched that series. Promise.

    (My roommate and I want to do Tatara and Suzuno, so we might be a liiiittle biased... but seriously, the both of them need more cosplay attention. Anyone that recognized you would be happy to see those characters.)
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 05/16/10(Sun)15:13 No.2958467
         File1274037201.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1267675161678.jpg)
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    As someone who spent her high school life writing a 500 page fanfiction based on the Byakko Arc, I would totally recognize you an fangirl in the process.
    >> <3 05/16/10(Sun)15:29 No.2958538
         File1274038183.jpg-(14 KB, 226x170, suzuno2.jpg)
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    Hnngg I love you guys
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)16:12 No.2958635
    You don't know how badly I want that to be a bigger picture ;_; And we love you, too... now do it =)
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)16:41 No.2958728
         File1274042516.jpg-(68 KB, 464x469, Ar-Tonelico-II---Cloche.jpg)
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    Or Saki from AT3. But that would be even worse...
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)16:52 No.2958775
         File1274043126.jpg-(149 KB, 690x1136, qmangaabyss_boku_kara_kimi_ga_(...).jpg)
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    I always want to cosplay cute shoujos, but they're always (for the most part) generic.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)16:55 No.2958788
    I'd recognize you, although I haven't played the game. I'd just know it because I like the design and have considered making it myself.
    >> sonteen12 !c/Bmteb9h. 05/16/10(Sun)17:04 No.2958826
         File1274043876.jpg-(85 KB, 575x600, 68264.jpg)
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    I hear ya.
    Always wanted to be an Otomen.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)17:20 No.2958900
    Hey, that's not "Alive in Joburg"
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)17:39 No.2958971
         File1274045984.gif-(70 KB, 574x413, 1-1811607688.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)17:40 No.2958972
         File1274046001.jpg-(89 KB, 400x560, imgver.jpg)
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    noboy would recognize it or they would probably mistake me for being Kanna from Bakumatsu.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)17:44 No.2958987
         File1274046241.jpg-(14 KB, 191x234, 1261244966174.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)17:44 No.2958991
    In response to OP's pic...

    HNNNNNGH I would be all over whoever did a Zazie the Beast in a heartbeat. Fuck, I'd do a cosplay partner thing as his chick form. I've always wanted to do him, but nobody would recognize me, sob sob.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)17:53 No.2959036

    It's Laura Rolla, aka Loran Cehack as a trap. It's from Turn-A Gundam. I don't think it's that obscure, but then again, I'm from /m/.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)17:55 No.2959047
    I cosplayed as Flint from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum's Elite Four. Only a few recognized me, and the majority of the other Pokemon cosplayers' excuse was, "Oh, I haven't gotten to the elite four yet."

    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)19:02 No.2959450
         File1274050956.jpg-(65 KB, 429x400, WHATAFAG.jpg)
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    I really like doing costumes of characters in alternate costumes, like from covers and stuff...

    But everyone usually assumes you're doing a bad "LOL ORIGINAL DESIGN VERSION"

    So I don't do them anymore, but some things look really fun/cute. :<
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)22:40 No.2960502
         File1274064037.jpg-(83 KB, 600x800, elena.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)22:43 No.2960520
    I recognize Zazie
    >> Hibiscus T. 05/16/10(Sun)22:45 No.2960528
         File1274064356.jpg-(28 KB, 300x671, 269121-ashton_large.jpg)
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    I dont care if the majority doesn't recognize me, its that one or two people who come up and do recognize what I'm cosplaying that make it worth it.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)22:47 No.2960537
         File1274064468.png-(174 KB, 350x350, wc_cover_0.png)
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    I would shit bricks if anyone recognized this.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)22:49 No.2960546
         File1274064577.jpg-(49 KB, 400x570, alita9.jpg)
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    that particular outfit would be REALLY FUCKING HARD to do accurately.
    the jacket alone appears to be made out of some sort of woven organic polymer, and i dont know how that would even work in the real world

    some of her non last order outfits would be way more recognizable too

    pic related, i'd cosplay as her too if i weren't out of shape and the wrong gender

    I guess i could do Zechs if i worked out for months
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)23:01 No.2960601
    I would recognize you, and I would love you forever. You and Gyoro and Ururun.... or whatever the shit name they gave them in the PSP remake.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)23:03 No.2960610
    Omg, I would love you if you cosplayed that.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)23:04 No.2960614

    I havent played the game, but I'd still know who you are!

    Really need to get around to playing it someday...
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)23:05 No.2960621
         File1274065526.jpg-(110 KB, 333x500, 3399202506_3d12793418.jpg)
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    Also, not quite thin enough, and short wigs look shitty and way too big over long hair, which I am not willing to cut.

    But maaaaan.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)23:06 No.2960626
    I recall playing that game! Never beat it and can't remember the name, though.

    DO IT.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)23:09 No.2960640
         File1274065786.png-(861 KB, 1027x768, wc_ss1.png)
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    Better picture. It's called the white chamber and it is ~awesome~.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)23:10 No.2960644
    Might have to beat it one of these days, it was pretty good.

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