Funny people in the background of cosplay pics.
>>2886489Why does that Envy have red hair?
>>2886495It's best not to question things you need not know about.
this is the best thread ever.
>>2886495It's Wrath..
moar plz
Foreground intrusion acceptable?
I'm dumping my favorites.
>>2886560lol looks like he's trying to hide a hardon
>>2886573Looks like Captain Obvious has arrived.
>>2886615i laughed more at the wheelchair guy then the old lady
The Lightning cosplay, or even shot, wasn't that good in the first place. But still, dammit dinosaur lady!
The next con I go to, I'm photobombing every picture I see being taken.
lol this one is my fav
>>2886710I'm tempted to do the same....
>This entire threadAlso>>2886710>>2886737Do it.
/r/ing the pic of this couple kissing and Roy and Ed are photobombing in the middle of it.
>>2886857Ryan Stiles dad likes the 14 year old titties.
>>2886556That slack-jawed yokel ruined this image.
bumping for more, please!
On a slightly related note: Has anyone ever gotten someone angry at them for photobombing?
>>2886637the girl in the dino costume looks cute...photobombing should be what I do at the next con.
>>2887798fuu I lol'd
>>2887803My new otp!
This makes me laugh every time.
We're here to pump YOU up!
/r ing the picure of the Todd taking a pic, and the rocket grunt in the bushes behind him taking a pic of him.
Just makes me think of this Yellow Pages commercial: "Photo Crasher" me that guy wouldn't go nuts at a con.
>>2887872Which part, the girls on the side or the guy right behind "Laughing Man" laughing?
>>2888413That fucking guy.
>>2888314You just made my night. <3
>>2888460I think I might use that dude's face as an icon. Not sure what expression it is but it's funny.and this thread has totally made my night. I haven't laughed this hard in awhile!
I know it's photoshopped but it's still hilarious.
I love this one :'D
I had no idea this genre of cosplay pictures existedMakes my night good
captured at sakura-con...Makes me giggle
>>2886479WHO IS THIS AND WHERE WAS IT TAKEN? he.... looks really, really familiar....
>>2886573Yes, Anon, that's the joke.
>>2887798>>2886569So full of win! This made my day!
i'm looking for it right now, but at AX last year I was taking a picture with some dude and a guy in a fucking bunny suit came up behind me and got in the picture
>>2886525Holy shit, i know these people...
I looked through every con pic ive ever taken and not one was bombed
I photobombed so many pictures at Sakuracon, but the fuckers that took them must have deleted them because I haven't seen a single goddamn one.
>>2889224I'd say best one so far.
I've seen fuckers that bomb whole photoshoots. There was this gaddamned Waldo that wouldn't get the fuck out of the way at a Brawl shoot. People finally asked him to step out, and a few shoots later he was like "DUUHHERPHERP I AM NEEDED" and ran back in.
Something about seeing photobombs gives me warm fuzzies inside.
>>2889513lol brawl
>>2889513an occasional photo is cool, an entire shoot's a bit annyoing, but hell it's fuckin waldo
>>2889247gotta hit dat shit just right.
>>2887790I still don't get this one. Is it the guy at the background?
>>2890681guy at the cashier?
>>2890841holy shit moar
>>2887501Fuck, I think I know one of those derp face girls
>>2890586reason #12 to love maguma!
>>2886560Does the guy in the background have a boner?
I would.
>>2888687They're standing just outside the ExCeL Centre, so it was London Expo. Last October's one, according to the date stamp. No idea who the guy is though.
I'm going to make it my goal to appear in the background of every photo being taken at my next con.
>>2893091Should place cardboard standees of yourself around the con area.
>>2893099I lol'd
>>2895389>>2895426Anime North? 2009...?