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  • File : 1272434085.jpg-(107 KB, 800x600, awa-table.jpg)
    107 KB Artist Alley: Summer Edition Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)01:54 No.2881197  
    I know we have these threads periodically, but as Summer Con season is about to start, I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat. I've finally gotten around to getting an AA table after much nagging from my professors and peers that I should. But I have no idea what to sell. I've stalked the past few threads that have blown through here, but customers change, so it'd be nice to get a fresh update before I begin making my products.

    Soo, TL;DR, ITT: Artist Alley. What do you want to see? What are you SICK of seeing? What is your favorite thing you've ever bought from AA? Downfalls, upswings, comedies, tragedies, anything and everything! I'd love to see photos of AA set-ups, good, bad, and oh god whats.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)01:55 No.2881200
    no furries
    >> Phantom <3 !!RRi46t6xWH7 04/28/10(Wed)01:58 No.2881207
    I like buying poster prints and buttons. I never buy 8x10 prints because, frankly, I buy to display and when they're tiny it kind of defeats the purpose. But I think that's just me.

    Sorry for hijacking but I have a serious question, I heard that NYAF is charging $250 for an artist table. How is it even worth it to try to sell at that rate? I remember the one year I had a table at AWA I paid $50?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)02:00 No.2881211
    I like useful things, like hair stuff, bags, patches, etc.
    Sick of pins, laminated keychains, and furry. NO MORE FURRY PLZ.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)02:01 No.2881212
    A few people split tables. One of my roommates split a table at Katsu three ways, and she made $1080 just on her little corner of the table. Part of that was through commissions, because she's God-tier, but she sold out of a ton of prints. If you sell a lot, and split it, then I guess the profit margin becomes high enough it makes sense. But that's still a big risk. I know Ota tables are pretty pricy too, aren't they?

    AWA's a steal even now at $100, considering you get two badges with that. Hopefully they have a better venue last year than this year, exiled off somewhere.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/28/10(Wed)02:02 No.2881214
    Oh yay a thread I need.

    I'll be selling custom jewelry, charms and key chains. I have no idea how I want to do my table layout. Anyone have any suggestions?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)02:03 No.2881217
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    Questions for people who do this sort of thing:
    Do you make decent enough cash on these to live on?

    Since you are selling in multiple states, do you have to file for business licences in each, or just your home state?

    Why are furries so willing to pay for substandard art?
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)02:03 No.2881218
    Interesting thing is, I'm with you. Besides being squicked by the sexual tie to furries, I just don't think I have the skill to draw anthro.

    That said, though, they tend to have pretty deep pockets. To compromise or not compromise? FUUU.

    AWA actually won't allow us to sell pins OR keychains with characters that aren't ours. New rule, apparently. I call BS. But as that's the main cash cow for most AA tables, what other alternatives are there? Things like bags and patches are pretty difficult to mass-produce as just one person, unless I start screenprinting like a mad woman.
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 04/28/10(Wed)02:07 No.2881227
    You know what I love when booths have stuff like you are selling. Those peg boards. I love it when they hang up the charms and such in categories on peg boards. It'd be even cooler if you spruces up the board with some colored designs, like flowers or rough sketches of characters.

    I love these types of threads btw. If I hadn't gone into Theatre I was going to go into Marketing cause I love talking about this type of stuff.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)02:09 No.2881228
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    Let me see- I hoard images like a squirrel, I think I have one of a jewelry stand for you. If I can't find it, I'll at least describe it.

    This lady has hanging displays, on pretty... well, they're necklace trees. Kinda like these. They matched the aesthetic of the table. But instead of overloading them with TONS of jewelry that got tangled, she only put a few out. And when someone bought something, she just replaced it. Jewelry is a lot of small pieces, so like... A WALL of shiny is gonna be so overwhelming to look at, most people won't bother. There's another group that's at almost every con I've been to, and they always have these BIG glass display cases SO chock full with stuff, I don't even bother looking.

    So, TL;DR, lay out one of each piece- under something that keeps it from getting simply slid into someone's pocket, but not locked away so tight that they'd worry about inconveniencing you to unlock it. It's silly, but there you go. Now, let me see if I can find that booth.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/28/10(Wed)02:14 No.2881235
    Oh thanks! Yah, I agree with you on the clutter and that is exactly what I'm trying to prevent myself from doing. I can't wait to see the pictures.
    Thank you so much! That's a great idea about doing a design on the peg board! I'll get right on that.
    >> Tim 04/28/10(Wed)02:15 No.2881241
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    Uh. I know this pic is pretty shitty, but I remember someone asking for a cheap way to make one of those display stand things, so I drew this. Another tip would be to fix the clamps on the sides of the table.

    I like seeing /co/-related stuff and underrepresented fandoms in AA's, which is hilarious because if I REALLY wanted to buy /co/ swag in an AA, I'd just go to a comic convention. But seeing that stuff at a large anime con makes it more special somehow, haha.

    I'm trying to get into the habit of buying more prints because I like having decorated walls. Keychains are cool too, though I'm usually wary/weary of cell phone charms... Unless they're of characters I like. I think that might be the general rule regarding those.

    OH. one of my peeves is seeing bookmarks/charms/keychains that use really thin/flimsy laminating. It just doesn't feel as nice, you know? Use at least 10mm or 15mm laminating for that shit.
    >> Iris 04/28/10(Wed)02:19 No.2881253
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    My favorite was a Soul Eater pin at NYAF in 2008, before it got too popular. I still have it but it's broken. I don't remember who sold it but I want another one. That and a few prints. I think that's about it.

    Picture related. It's on the lower left hand corner.

    I would like to have >>2881211, necklaces and bracelets too. Cell phone charms would be nice. Or artist's prints on shirts?

    I don't mind pins and buttons but they all have too much of the same series.
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 04/28/10(Wed)02:19 No.2881254
    Yea, I agree with Doll about displaying the more delicate pieces in a more delicate way. Its almost garage sale season, I'm sure you could find some interesting things that you could use to display more beautiful jewelry pieces. Sometimes candle holders or even desk lamps have some structurally beautiful looks to them and a whole bunch of areas to hang jewelry from

    If you wanted to incorporate the peg board idea, you could paint the objects in similar colors. For example, if your stuff is colorful... maybe you would paint everything black and then splatter bright color paint splats (ala 90's paint spattered clothing) to the board and whatever other display things you have.

    This is making me wish I sold stuff at cons.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)02:20 No.2881257
    I want to do some /co/ things. I'm a DC girl, personally, but don't AAs get all wound up about selling things with American Copyright? I know that I've seen prints of Western properties at AAs before.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)02:23 No.2881269
    Something I probably love seeing the most is cheap, awesome jewelry! I'm a fan of the jewelry some people make out of chain mail links. They come in a million different colors and can make some really cute earrings, most people sell them for $1 or $2. So awesome.

    SICK OF FURRY SHIT AND OVERLY SEXUAL "ART". Inhumanly giant boobs bursting out of a shirt isn't art, it's trashy, thanks. Also, crappy "lolita" accessories. And cat ears. Ew.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)02:23 No.2881272
    I like little sculptural things (sculpted earrings, key chains, figures), hand-knitted items and pins. Everyone sells drawings and posters. I want 3-D stuff that I can wear or prop in front of my computer.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)02:24 No.2881274
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)02:24 No.2881277
    If you removed all the yiff, there wouldn't be any art left.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)02:26 No.2881283
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    Oh, personal Do Want. I can't make these things to save my life, as I seem to have the distinct talent of burning sculpey. So, you people who make these cute things...


    I can't wear rings, though I try to wear these since they're so cute. They roll around and bump into things. Necklaces are nice, and bracelets are a nice change. But it sucks to have a cute outfit put together with sweets jewelry, but no earrings remotely matching that work with it. I've looked at Etsy, asked around at cons, EGL_sales_comm, etc. No dice.
    >> Tim 04/28/10(Wed)02:26 No.2881286
    I guess it depends on the con. From what I've heard, East coast/central cons are fucking anal about fanart on Artist's Alley tables...I think one policy I heard was that fanart couldn't take up more than 1/3 of the stuff at your table, and that individual prints of characters counted into that or something or other.

    I'm a West Coaster and I've never really had a problem with it. I know some of my AA bros that travel a lot more haven't had much of a problem with it either, but yeah, it'd be safer to check with the AA people ahead of time.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/28/10(Wed)02:26 No.2881287
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    >inhumanly huge boobs bursting out of a shirt isn't art

    Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hey now.... Pic related, some of my art.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)02:27 No.2881291
    Since OP mentioned AA set-ups, I'm going to hazard a guess and say that they were labeling good parts of a nice AA set-up, something like the following:

    1. Approachable-looking table attendant
    2. Nice banner with name of artist and website
    3. Proper stand for banner
    4. Nice stand for necklaces
    5. Postcard-sized art laid out nicely ont he table
    6. Books organized neatly
    7. Postcards organized in a neato spinny thing
    8. Prints organized in bins
    9. Examples of art hung on grid for display.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)02:30 No.2881302
    Nice coloring!
    I don't mind the boobs. Boobs are boobs. Sometimes booths need boobs. Even if it's not my thing, as I do Cutesy Oh God What art, it DOES sell well. My roommate I mentioned earlier sold a print of Yoko to Marine passing by who had NO idea what was going on, but he saw tits and bought it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)02:33 No.2881309

    oh, okay, thanks
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)02:40 No.2881322
    Here's the little article/entry thing it was attached to:
    >> BatsuSai !50F7GPuDeM 04/28/10(Wed)02:43 No.2881333
    I prefer seeing tits to all of the badly drawn shonen-ai and yaoi garbage that accounts for a lot of the tables in my area. Goddamint I have to start working on prints for my table. *sigh*
    >> Tim 04/28/10(Wed)03:04 No.2881374
    Ah, I just remembered!
    ^ They sell clear bags for storing/displaying artwork. I know they're a fairly well-known site, especially in the AA community, but I figured it'd be helpful anyway.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/28/10(Wed)03:11 No.2881388
    Ooooh thank you for the links you guys!
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)03:17 No.2881398
    Very /cgl/ related question. One of my friends really dislikes the idea of AA and Cosplay mixing. As a cosplayer and an artist, I feel like the two can peacefully coexist. I always like when the artists behind the tables are cosplaying.

    What about you guys? Do you feel like an artist cosplaying loses some of their professional presentation? Do you think it puts this as a hobby and not a career?
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/28/10(Wed)03:22 No.2881406
    I'll be cosplay Videl from DBZ and my cousin will be doing Android 18. For us it's just a hobby and not a career; we don't try and make a living off from AA tables. I just use the profit to support going to more cons. My charm commissions are paying for me to go to AX this year.
    >> Tim 04/28/10(Wed)03:36 No.2881434
    Honestly? I think it helps the sales. People might not even look at your table, but they'll see you cosplaying and THEN notice your table and then buy stuff. Okay, not always, but it's good for publicity
    >> Let's Make A Sandwich !BFSAmMiCh6 04/28/10(Wed)09:00 No.2881781
    Those grid-y cube things like in the OP are God Tier. I think you can get a whole set for like $10 at Target if you don't feel like messing around with clamps and PVC pipe.

    Seconding this. I usually only get 8x10 prints if I really like the print but am broke/can't afford anything bigger. But selling really good fanart of a series with not a lot of merchandising love in 11x14 or larger sizes, while kind of a gamble, can really pay off at a big enough con.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)11:12 No.2881986
    Mornin, thread!
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)13:08 No.2882261
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    Since the Mori and Dolly-kei threads seem to be booming, I want to know... I've been making these pretty little headpieces/pieces (Not exactly the same as these, but close.) Would they be welcome at an AA? I figure if Steampunk hats can get in, these can.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:53 No.2882398
    Things I HATE seeing--buttons with art that is obviously NOT the artists. I'm talking just print out things like the Objection! logo or sailor moon characters and other dumb shit and sell it for a buck.

    I guess I can see why some have such strict rules on buttons/keychains if they're trying to combat this... :-/

    I also hate seeing the guy with the webcomic who hasn't even drawn more than two month' worth, the art sucks, but is there promoting it... why? I just feel bad for him sitting by himself trying to talk to people who could not care less... until he starts trying to do gimmicks like puppets, or dancing, or stand-up comedy, or whatever to get attention. Then i get very annoyed.

    The little felt top hats with lace glued on. I rage.

    Things I love--handcrafted jewelry, big prints--as anon mentioned before, I want to display them!, quality crafts--I love little sculptures, if you are actually talented in sculptey, I don't think that market's been over-exploited yet. Sewn items I avoid because I can do that myself, and people always think you're overcharging if they too can sew... they forget that time and skill is money. So annoying.

    Overall, though I did focus on more negs (sorry) AA is one of my favorite parts of a con. I love seeing all the different stuff. Good luck to all you anons!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:57 No.2882410
    - hey check out some of the stuff pumped out by Shonen jump that ISNT Naruto, Bleach, etc etc.

    small fandoms are small, but if I found a shit ton of things like KHR and Bakuman, I'd buy it all.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)14:03 No.2882440
    The only reason I'm reluctant to tackle Shonen series is the HUGE casts of characters. KHR in particular. Even if I got a comprehensive list of the characters, people come over and go, "Aw, who don't you have ____?" There's always someone that's going to get left off. Same thing with Hetalia.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:06 No.2882451
    Just explain you do main cast only. Easier to do, and more of a profit

    Yes, something like KHR is um.... a pretty big task considering she averages about 10 to twenty new characters an arc, but there's a consistent 7 main characters, and about two that aren't main that are grossly popular when it comes to fanart.

    I'm sure people get disappointed, but pumping out too many NONmain characters would yield to things being leftover.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:08 No.2882460
    er, kind of like Naruto. A MILLION characters to choose from. But doing the main cast still gets profit.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)14:21 No.2882517
    The question is, since I'm unfamiliar with the series (I couldn't ever get into it... I tried!) I don't know WHO'S main. And whenever I ask someone who's into it, the answers always change.

    I do like and appreciate small fandoms though. Not so tiny that people don't know what it is, but small that here's not a whole ton of competition. For myself, I am a HUGEASS Nabari no Ou fag, and if I see anything- pretty much ANYTHING Nabari-related, I buy it, even if it's not the most well-drawn thing in the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:27 No.2882541
    I pretty much feel the same way, especially when it comes to fandoms like KHR, NnO, Bakuman, etc.

    Um, I'm actually in charge of the few KHR panels, so I'm HOPEFULLY giving you the best answers here:

    Tsuna (protagonist)

    Ryohei isn't very popular, so he wouldn't sell very well.

    There's also a set of main villains, but just the main characters would work just fine!
    >> Tim 04/28/10(Wed)14:29 No.2882553
    >Ryohei wouldn't sell very well
    Ryohei is for the niche fans. The character has passion like fire AND SO DO HIS FANS! I think he's one of those "General public won't care, but his fans will buy anything of him" sorta dudes.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:31 No.2882565
    I knew that, but if we are talking just fanart/ making a profit from fanart/ things that would sell well, to a general audience he wouldn't
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:32 No.2882570
    Vendor here. You do indeed need different business licenses for each state you plan to sell in. Its normally just a bit of paperwork you need to remember to fill out. You can either continue reporting $0 in sales after the con each month, saving the license for when you go the next year; Or you can cancel the license and get a new one next time.

    Of course most artist alleys boothers just don't do this, and don't file taxes and what not. Which is fine till you get caught, the IRS is a nice and friendly government entity.

    Also, don't be a dick when your at your booth, And Be at your booth. Every con we go to I scout the AA for new talent, which is generally just my walking around browsing portfolios and asking for business cards. I've had artists bitch at me for wanting business cards because 'they never get call backs so why should they bother.' Which pretty much makes me toss their information into the trash. Its the same vein as having your fangirly fans/friends sitting at your booth squealing about the latest fanwank you drew while your getting a soda/bathroom break that makes you look alot less serious and professional. That isn't to say that you shouldn't ever leave your booth, just putting a sign of 'Be back in five minutes' and asking a neighbor to make sure no one steals shit is worlds better.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)14:37 No.2882590
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    Thanks so much for the list! It's great to have it outlined. I know a few people who are like DRAW GINO but he deems like a minor character, so yeah.

    Also, yaaay, fellow NnO fag. There are so few of us. It's like an endangered species. Pic related, it's my NnO tower of art on my wall.

    To keep on-thread, I actually like 8x10 prints; Since I have a small dorm space, I like having a bunch of little prints instead of huge ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:39 No.2882597
    I didn't realize larger prints were popular. I was thinking about doing a few, but I figured most fans were more interested in the 8.5x11 size prints.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:42 No.2882608
    Dino is the most popular Non-main character in the series (even more popular that 1/3 of the main cast); but if you do only main cast it would save you the heartache of explaining to people why you did the MAIN cast and then one "minor" character.

    I watched it years ago, and felt that it could have been big, but seeing as how it came out around the same time as the Naruto dub (and I mean NnO in japan), it didn't get labled as anything as a competitor of it. :/
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:44 No.2882612
    it also wasn't YAOI enough to get a niche fan of yaoi fangirls.

    I personally prefer the smaller prints.... bigger ones crinkle easier when traveling.

    WHICH GOES FOR THIS. I much prefer if an artist has rubber bands, than for a plastic sheet cover, when it comes to larger prints. Those fuckers get bent up just walking around the con, so being rolled up saves space in my bag, and protects it from being horribly crumpled.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)14:50 No.2882632
    This is true. It'd also probably fleece me out as not an actual fan. I know it's done all the time, but is it a deterrent to have an artist do something for a fandom they aren't into?

    I was watching Nabari streaming, as I was a mangafag. I flipped desks everywhere at the way JC Staff just kinda... gave up on it and its quality went to hell. And now the Manga's FINALLY picking up after a year of limbo and... well, this isn't /a/. Anyhow.

    This- If it's over 8x10, please give us bands!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:51 No.2882637
    dude, i love nabari no ou. in fact i'm planning to cosplay makoto and itsuwari (them creepy twins) with my sister.
    doll, you're one cool chick.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:54 No.2882644
    Since I enjoy sewing, have unusually long fingers, and since I haven't seen anyone else doing it at a con yet...

    What does /cgl/ think of tailored gloves? Like, an AA booth at which you could get your hands measured, specify the material and the length (wrist-length, opera-glove length, etc), and then come back and pick up a pair of awesome gloves later?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:55 No.2882649
    damn. OP's pic is a really nice set-up :|

    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:55 No.2882650
    No, I see it like how I see those that work dealers room. Not every dealer sells something they KNOW, let alone all the characters name.

    If anything, just explain that you have friends that wanted to see you draw from it, and decided to give it a shot. *shrugs* I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

    I know you'll have the fan that says, OH. CAN I HAVE ONE TSUNA PLEASE? Just kindly ask them to point it out. If they are butthurt about it, then so be it. Nothing you can do.

    It's the same as if some artist did FF7 and didn't actually play it.
    Is the NnO manga any good?
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)14:57 No.2882657
    Pleaseplease take photos I will scream forever. Seriously, Nabari reduces me to a fangirl and I can't even explain why.
    >> Tim 04/28/10(Wed)15:01 No.2882671
    Ehh... I dunno. It's kind of time-consuming and it'd probably be a lot of work on you- probably more than the pricing's worth. Might be better to sell that sort of service online.

    Of course, if you've already got a booth and you already sell cosplay accessories or whatever, you can always put up a display that advertises the service. You could take a couple of commissions at the convention itself, but finishing them a couple of hours later would be difficult, especially since you'll constantly have people coming to your booth in that time.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:02 No.2882673
    i will! it might take a while though since it's hard to find a con. maybe because it's awesome~*~
    the manga is good, at least i think so. if you can work your way through reborn then you can definitely read nabari.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)15:03 No.2882676
    That's true... I'll at least know the characters that I draw so I can pick them up by name.

    The NnO Manga takes for goddamn EVER to get cranking. To be honest, I'd pick up abouuut.... mmm. 20 or so? The anime follows almost verbatim till about Episode 16 or so before it decided to take it's little gallivant off to Hell. It also takes a while for Kamatani's art to get to what it is now. Her art used to be pretty jacked up.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/28/10(Wed)21:49 No.2883910
    Wow, derailed this with my NnO fangirlism. Anyway, AAs. Get back up there.
    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)00:34 No.2884542
    >> lilitu !!fzI5iLLTQ5R 04/29/10(Thu)00:42 No.2884572
    I would totally by one of those! I personally love anything cute, and I really like floral headbands to jazz up my hair with. I usually make my own but if I see something I like I buy it.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)00:43 No.2884576


    Can I ask does anyone know how/where to print out poster size? i've just been going to kinkos and printing out on 11x17... orz
    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)00:53 No.2884619
    Ew. Kinko's. For most chains, it depends on the store, but every Kinko's I've been two (three different places, three different cities) has been shit. What's their deal?

    For poster sizes, you'll probably have to check out some local print shops that offer poster printing services, as most office supply chains don't. The cheapest ones will probably charge by the square foot. If you can't find places in your area to print, you can always try online. is having a 60% off sale on their poster printing services, which is pretty sweet. Another place I know of is (formerly Paper-forest, I think). They're pricier, but I've heard great things about their print quality. Oh, and you can use Deviantart's print service. Again on the pricey side, but awesome quality.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:49 No.2884899
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    NYAF is most overpriced artist alley among anime cons. Don't make NYAF your first or your standard, it's just not worth it for 95% of the artists there.

    That said, this was my set-up at Anime boston, it's 2 feet wide and attempts to make the most of a small footprint. My PVC setup is entire freestanding and able to be assembled and unassembled easily. To boot it requires no clamps or tape and it's virtually impossible to knock over. I think my experience in engineering probably helps, but most AA displays are frankly really slipshod.

    I really like those wire panels that interlock though. I want to get me some of those.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:56 No.2884939
    Most of the East-coast cons are starting to put in Fan Art restrictions after Ramy and Silvia Shi started spamming AA with their shiny-desu crap, they almost got Otakon's AA shut down a few years ago because they were using the official logos for Death Note and Bleach on their prints.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:57 No.2884944
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    I hate seeing Kingdom Hearts/Bleach/Naruto/ anything you'd see in most Artist Alleys. I've yet to find one artist who does good OC or even decent doujins that doesn't involve two males.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:02 No.2884959
    Those wire interlocking cube shelves/panel things are on sale at Target this week, actually. $14.99 for a 6-cube thingy.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:02 No.2884961
    I get mine usually done at Staples, but I make sure they don't have any issues with their printers first.

    The problem with most non office print stores is that they charge ridiculous prices which destroy any profit you might be making.

    Kinkos is also usually the worst print store you can work with. I don't know what their problem is.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:05 No.2884978
    Online? which ones? the Target website has them listed at $45 for 4.
    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)02:10 No.2884993
    ...Woah. That's actually a pretty sweet set-up! So ergonomic.

    Just PVC piping, right? I think making that horizontal 'T'-based with PVC is the cheapest way to go and seems pretty sturdy. Dunno why I didn't think of it before. But, er, it's pretty tall. Did you just use the regular connectors to attach each PVC segment to each other?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:26 No.2885061
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    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)02:28 No.2885066
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    You are the man. Thanks!
    >> Kitsu !!VDPMfPfr1E9 04/29/10(Thu)02:37 No.2885096

    Most east coast cons? I know Otakon has had to due to partially the Ramy thing and partially because of some studios causing a fus. The only other one I know of is Katsucon just because Tex is an anal retentive fool who has openly stated he hates A. crafters and B. fan artists.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:44 No.2885133
    Otakon, Katsu, Boston, and AWA all have notes about fan art needing to be checked in some way. Some cons are more or less strict about it, usually larger cons = more restrictions due to studios not liking it.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:50 No.2885158
    Also for a firmer dry fit, wrap tape around the PVC pipe before putting it into the joint. Simple masking tape is often more than thick enough to create an incredibly tight seal.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)08:36 No.2885777
    dying thread? :/
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)10:02 No.2885871
    No, it's only available in stores. It's listed in the weekly circular. :)
    >> Tittyfish !oCGJ.ggqF. 04/29/10(Thu)10:26 No.2885897
    What do you guys find is the best price range to offer items in. I've only done one AA before, and tried to keep most my products in the $4-$8 range. I made a decent profit (covered the table and hotel room) I had mostly just necklaces and magnets and things. I'm gearing up for my next AA table and wondering if I should bother with more expensive items. It is a REALLY small con, so I'm thinking that may play into it?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:46 No.2886077
    nice thread
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:51 No.2886094
    Honestly, I have never witnessed someone buying just a plain art print at an artists' alley. Put it on something people will use or like. Yeah, your art is awesome, but the hell am I gonna do with a print of a fairy that cost me 15 dollars?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)12:01 No.2886114
    You know what I want to see? Less prints, more art on things I can use. What did I buy from AA last con I went to? Mugs with art on them, I fucking love that Snuffkin mug, use it every morning. Anything but ALL PRINTS. I only have so much wall space, you know? Plushies, t-shirts, mugs, plates, stickers, blankets, pillows, pencil cases, decals, magnets, pens, somethings, ANYTHING that I may actually USE is fantastic. It may cost a bit more to make, but you can charge a lot more for them too, you know?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)12:04 No.2886120
    Question: Because there are already Kingdom Hearts Cell Phone Charms, would it be considered 'in competition' with those products if I made some to sell?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)12:14 No.2886148

    Artist here. Don't go to Kinkos. Their print quality is shit and they overprice. Have you ever noticed when you go to Kinkos, your art gets printed out all oversaturated and too dark? That's because 1) they don't calibrate their printers and 2) the printers they use are pretty much big color copiers, meaning you're pretty much getting a big color copy, not a print.

    For the sake of your customers and your own reputation, try to get prints on photo paper from either professional printing places (expensive) or online (less expensive but you take a chance of the quality not being good). I was lucky enough to buy a print account from deviantART back when it was lifetime printing for a one-time fee of $25. I'll let you in on a little secret - is the company deviantART uses. If you want to avoid the monthly bullshit fee from DA, just order through ezprints. Their base prices are very good, and the quality is good as well. Another good printing site is, and if you want, you can even get giclee and metallic from them.

    If you're really serious about printing a lot of stuff and don't want to deal with shipping/no proofs/etc, you can buy your own printer with archival inks. Epson is pretty much the industry standard - the higher models are going to run over $1000, and are wider format, but you can get a more affordable model for under $300.

    tl;dr: Don't go to Kinkos, they give shitty, uncalibrated color copies instead of good prints. Order from ezprints or iprintfromhome, or buy your own printer
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)12:53 No.2886289

    THIS! Prints are wonderful, But I think I've only ever bought one before. I like to see bags and jewelry and things like that, but I realize the cost/profit ratio may not be as favorable. I've considered having hand painted totes or like, DS cases, things like that, but I'm not sure of the demand on items like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:00 No.2886306
    Not sure if it's been mentioned or not, but have business cards with you. Good for networking and it'll help people remember who you are/what you sell. If I get a print or charm from you, and my friends love it, I can show them your website or something instead of "Oh some random artist table at a con". Doesn't have to have a lot on the business card besides pictures of your product, your name, and contact info. Do like a msypace/facebook/deviant art if you don't want to put your phone number or whatever. Email works best, too.

    Business cards are awesome, everyone should have some.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:02 No.2886312
    As an aside, you can always try asking for a sample before you place your first order. Email the company and ask if they will do a test print of some material you send them so you can evaluate the quality.
    Make sure whatever you send them isn't huge (they're doing this for free) but large and detailed enough for you to evaluate the results.
    Doesn't always work, but it doesn't hurt.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:07 No.2886321
    I'm sick of seeing angel wings. But you should probably sell them since I see them everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:40 No.2886404
    This too. Business cards are ridiculously cheap and easy to make. Zazzle and Overnightprints have good prices (Zazzle often has discount codes you can use), and if you only want a few, buy some business card paper and print your own. They don't have to be fancy, just have the most important info (name, email, website).
    >> BatsuSai !50F7GPuDeM 04/29/10(Thu)14:02 No.2886477
    Holy shit. I never considered doing mugs and things, but I don't think I have EVER seen that in an AA around here. I am very much going to Michael's and getting things for some mugs and plates. Thanks anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)14:10 No.2886505
    this thread is amazing. quick someone request it to be archived.
    >> Tittyfish !oCGJ.ggqF. 04/29/10(Thu)14:28 No.2886587

    I've been looking into doing etchings on glasses and beer mugs using the etching cream. I'm wondering if my stencil would be reusable. It'd be more pain than its worth if not. Anyone have experience with that?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)16:51 No.2887051
    As someone who's been in AA for 6 years now, the biggest thing you need to keep in mind is CUSTOMER SERVICE. So many artists I know, despite the fact that their art is gorgeous, are either too shy to talk or so loud and hyper that they're intimidating. You'll make a lot more money if you make your customer feel welcome and if you're helpful to them; give them a small rundown of table prices, no longer than a sentence or two. If they're chatty, you can ask them what their favorite series is, what kind of art they're looking for, how the day is going for them, ect ect; I find that the more personal connection the customer has with you, the more likely they are to actually buy something.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/29/10(Thu)17:12 No.2887143
    As a customer, this. A SUPER HAPPY KAWAII DESU artist kinda turns me off, but someone who has their nose down in their sketchbook and only looks up to take money is just as bad, if not worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)17:22 No.2887160

    Depends. If you're making something identical or close enough to, then it's illegal because of copyrights--AX and a few other cons call it "psuedo-merchandise" but I'm not sure if that is an official term.

    But if you're making something that's clearly your own take on the characters, that no one would mistake for the official item, that's cool.

    Basically are you trying to sell based on your own merits, or going "hey I saw something that looked kind of like this, I'm gonna copy it and make a quick buck off some weeaboo too cheap to buy the real thing?"
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)17:54 No.2887262
    If I wanted to buy some of that wire clip together shelving stuff OP picture has, what would I look for?

    And googling "wire clip together shelving" and variations there of don't work, before I get that.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)18:12 No.2887319
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    another person who's going to be doing an AA booth in winter (Sac Anime's)

    Would anyone be interested in bear keychains like this? I've made ones that look the the bear monsters from persona as well
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)18:37 No.2887421
    THis thread is extremly insightful. And it's good to see everyone working together in a general effort.

    But anyways, I honestly get intimidated by some sellers at times. I mean, I want them to be friendly and personal, but there are just some that are way to overbearing and scare me away. So make sure you're approachable.
    >> Kitsu !!VDPMfPfr1E9 04/29/10(Thu)18:57 No.2887500

    Well shit, I'm going to assume AB's rules were loose since I kinda was a lazy ass and assumed the rules hadn't changed much since previous years.

    I do 3d Kingdom Hearts charms (casted organization symbols in various colors) and I really haven't been affected too much by over-saturation. The fandom is definitely dieing down so unless its something you're interested in making because you enjoy it it not get the results you're expecting.

    If you're looking for a walk in place Staples can be hit or miss. It's worth checking out at least to get some test prints done. I've been getting the circles printed for buttons from there for the past almost 2 years with minimal issue.
    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)19:55 No.2887827
    >Sac Anime's

    Oh my god. Goddammit, where is that "No. No no. No no no" Pictures for Sad Children comic when I need it. Okay, a reaction image will have to do.

    Please. God. Okay, maybe it's a little bit personal, but PLEASE do not put yourself in the shithole that is the Artist's Alley at SacAnime. It is seriously worth it to not go. The rest of the con might be okay, but the Artist's Alley, from an Artist's point of view, is complete shit. I've been working their alley on and off since about 2005 and it's never been good.

    Here, look, this is what summer has to look forward to- $45 for a 6'x6' space. Fine. That's okay. But it doesn't come with a table. You can bring your own, sure, but do you have a collapsible table at home you can just drive over to the con? No? $50 for one at an office supply store. The Radisson will be renting out tables for $30, which is racking up your price to $75 JUST FOR THE TABLE SPACE. Don't forget that badges are not included in the table price.

    Also note that the AA will be off to the side where the gaming and console rooms are. Less traffic. Awesome. And don't forget the fact that SacAnime is a family-friendly con, which means underaged cancer everywhere. Which means anything that isn't KH/Vocaloid/Naruto/Bleach is not going to sell. If you're into that, though, fine, good luck. You are almost guaranteed to not break even.

    And that's just the financial side of things. Don't even get me started on the incompetence of the staff. If something goes wrong, anything at all, God help you. The AA coordinator will be too goddamn busy with his own booth in the Dealer's hall to give two shits about you.
    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)19:58 No.2887847
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    Hah. Forgot reaction image. Not that it's necessary. This is just a well-hidden bump.

    Well, I mean, maybe things will change for the Winter, but I highly doubt it. The hotel just isn't suited for holding an AA at all. As a result, artists only get shafted, and that's it. Sure, the alley is fun, but is it worth $75? Hahahahaaa. No. Find a better con.
    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)20:07 No.2887898
    Wire display grids worked for me. Also try Wire display racks or stands.
    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)20:13 No.2887926
    Make a very small amount of your expensive things for the small con and see how they're received so you know how much to make for a bigger con.

    $4-$8 is a good price range for individual items. It's also helpful to offer specials and discounts (i.e- 2 for $5 or buy one get one). If you're selling things at a discounted price, you can always go a little over (for example, lots of artists sell prints at like 3 for $15 and that seems to go over pretty well).
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)20:25 No.2887962
    What do you guys think about original comic books in addition to prints? I'm kind of lame and unable to make many other things to sell.
    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)20:30 No.2887975
    To promote yourself as an artist/getting exposure? Awesome. For sales? Not so much. Unless it's a doujinshi with effeminate male characters and a flowery romantic plot OR you're already well-establish somewhere (web-presence, etc.)
    >> Kitsu !!VDPMfPfr1E9 04/29/10(Thu)20:36 No.2887987

    You'll get a couple people who will take a look but don't expect any type of sensation. You may want to do some fan art mainlu to grab people's attention/bring them in and then have the comic as well to show your own work.
    >> Tim 04/29/10(Thu)21:50 No.2888322
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/29/10(Thu)22:51 No.2888571
    Evening, thread! Aww, you've gotten so big!

    The pressure is on us at my school to make mini-comics to sell at cons, but from what I understand, they just don't do well at anime cons. What about other conventions?
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/30/10(Fri)02:10 No.2889158
    Get back up there, you.
    >> Tim 04/30/10(Fri)02:21 No.2889200
    I guess it'd really depend on the con. I'd think that they'd be a little more well-received at comic conventions, and from what I've seen, they usually are, but then again the only comic cons I've been to are WonderCon and SDCC, both of which are huge and have their own dedicated "small press" zones separate from Artist's Alley.

    There are a bunch of cons that are actually devoted to independent publishing, so if you ever want to get your own stories out there, that would be the place to go.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)02:25 No.2889206
    Where can go to get an overall beginner's guide for this?
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/30/10(Fri)02:29 No.2889216
    Hmmm. Alrighty, I'll keep those in mind. I always feel a bit out of place at regular comic conventions, since I tend to do more manga-styled art.
    >> Tim 04/30/10(Fri)02:38 No.2889225
    There are a bunch:
    Pretty good intro to alleying. Covers general information like how to get a table, ideas on what to have, general advice.

    >Artists Alley Information Compilation
    In b4 Gaiafaggotry. Advice from users based on person experiences at cons. Surprisingly helpful if you take the time to browse through a lot of the posts. It's been made easier to navigate, which is good. Covers some more specifics, such as printing costs, where to get stuff printed, what sells, etc. The guild is pretty decent too.

    By the same general users who did the Information Compilation. Still could use work, but it seems like they're trying to gather logistical data on popular conventions, which can be really helpful if you're planning how much stuff to bring. Occasional meaty articles here and there.


    OR, you can just forgo all of that and use /cgl/'s own guide which, from what I've seen, is probably one of the more comprehensive and helpful "guides" I've seen on Artist Alley stuff. It's so helpful and friendly, you'd hardly believe it came from /cgl/!
    >> Tim 04/30/10(Fri)02:38 No.2889228
    Woops, forgot the actual link for the Artist Alley Information Compilation. Here you go:

    >> Shushilover !uhdacqdci6 04/30/10(Fri)03:07 No.2889293
    Draw non popular anime fan art, and you will see money roll in. Yeah, Naruto, Bleach and Vocaloid will get always make money, but you will never stand out in AA. Someone is going to buy more and be more impressed with fan art of a series they never see and love. If I saw a well draw fan art of Naruto, I would never buy it, but say if I saw well drawn fan art of Suigintou, I would buy that shit in a second, and see if the artist has any other fan art I would like. Also, please, for the love of god, when people walk by your table, don't stare them down or try to talk to them, its fucking pathetic.

    Item wise, I only buy prints personally. I never buy key chains or the shitty items people make because they can't draw. Even when I do see something that I want that is not a print, say a crocheted stuffed dog, the seller always overprices it, so I won't buy it.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/30/10(Fri)03:13 No.2889301
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    >I never buy key chains or shitty items people make because they can't draw. Always overpriced.

    Whoa now. I can draw but I also sell my custom made charms. Pic related, I did this for $10. My prices range between $2-$24 depending on item and detail.
    >> JustGodlyEnough !0NA2aHr0bk 04/30/10(Fri)03:14 No.2889307

    pretty rad if I may say so myself
    >> JustGodlyEnough !0NA2aHr0bk 04/30/10(Fri)03:15 No.2889309

    and in addition to rad, reasonable.
    >> Shushilover !uhdacqdci6 04/30/10(Fri)03:22 No.2889321
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    Key chains are okay, I would just never buy them, lol. I hate when people make those sushi sets or little tea sets that are not usable. Reminds me when I was a little kid, and you had those plastic food pieces for your fake shopping carts, all it did was make me hungry. Nom Nom Nom.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/30/10(Fri)03:23 No.2889322
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    Thank you, I appreciate it. I try to be as reasonable as I can with my prices, but people have to realize that SOME charms take a lot of time and effort. Especially ones like this Milotic... Thing kept BREAKING. It's my most expensive charm I've done, $12.

    So to Sushilover, please do not turn away from keychains/charms because not all of us artists are trying to make a living/steal from their work. I get a majority of my "payment" through the satisfaction of knowing people actually like my work and want to own a piece of it.
    >> JustGodlyEnough !0NA2aHr0bk 04/30/10(Fri)03:28 No.2889328

    I grew up in a gypsy family. My mom earned a living making miniature horse tack and my father is a jeweler by trade. I understand perfectly well how much work goes into little trinkets and how easily stuff can go wrong and ruin a lot of work. -_-
    >> Tim 04/30/10(Fri)03:30 No.2889333
    I don't think Shushilover has some personal vendetta or don't buy charms in fear of being ripped off. They're just not interested in charms. However, unlike some of the people in this thread, they prefer prints. It's just personal taste.

    I've seen some of those random tea sets and stuff and... I don't know what to think of them. They're so cute and the ones I've seen are pretty well-made, but a lot of the time, they're just plastic toys glued onto other plastic toys in an appealing way. Maybe if you made a keychain out of them or something, but the ones I've seen just..sit here looking pretty. Kinda strange, I guess, but people buy them. Yeah, like many other here, I prefer things I can actually use. I'm a sucker for bookmarks, but I also really like keychains too.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)03:31 No.2889337
    This is so true. Especially for older series that some people "grew up" on, but aren't as in now. I sold some Outlaw Star and Saiyuki stuff, a year ago. Shit practically flew off the table.
    >> Shushilover !uhdacqdci6 04/30/10(Fri)03:34 No.2889344

    Haha, I'm not saying artists are making a steal off of it, just, I don't see keychains ever on my top list of purchase. But in no way does it turn me away from a booth if it had art prints. And the things I do generally want, that are not prints, like a crocheted stuffed animal for example, are priced at like 35 dollars, which is out of my price range for most anime con related items. I'm just saying, and when I go to AA, all I'm looking for is art prints. lol
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/30/10(Fri)03:36 No.2889346
    That's kinda cool. I'd love to learn some skills from a jeweler. Shits hard.
    Oh I understand; just the way it was worded made me feel a bit butt-hurt. I understand where they are coming from. As for the miniature food sets, MOST of them are aiming towards Dollfie owners. At least that is what I am told. For posing with etc etc.

    I agree with you,I only buy useful things. I sell keychains and cell phone charms; I don't sell miniature food to just look at.

    ANYWAYS sage because I'm just butthurt ;___;
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/30/10(Fri)04:12 No.2889451
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    >MOST of them are aiming towards Dollfie owners. At least that is what I am told. For posing with etc etc.

    Yeah. I'm a BJD Lady, five years running now. Thing is, a lot of people make these that... Well, they aren't the RIGHT size. And they're often shoddily made. If you are REALLY good at making miniature food, pleaaase bring it with you. I'm sick of seeing "sushi rolls" that look more like wads of white stickitack.

    Speaking of miniatures and BJD; anybody here sell things like that? How do they do? I've been making these sorta... woodlandy-type accessories- and I'm wondering if the BJD market at cons is still as strong as it used to be.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)09:09 No.2889696
    thank you people so much,
    was actually scared there would be some shitstorms
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)10:46 No.2889806
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)11:02 No.2889822
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    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)11:15 No.2889844
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    Do people still buy these hats? It seems like everyone and their mom makes them.

    The favorite thing I bought from an artist alley is a mini lolita top hat. It was one of those "OMG YOU MADE THAT?!" Items.
    >> Tim 04/30/10(Fri)13:12 No.2890027
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    I think so, but I'd like to see a little more variation aside from animal ears. I really like the design in the pic, though, because that folded-over ear thing definitely takes more time than just triangles on a head.

    Know what I'd kill people to see/buy in an AA? Cap caps. It doesn't even have to have the red and white band (which might be a stupid idea in the first place). But yeah, that's another thing. Cute, flattering hats/caps that have interesting or familiar designs on them instead of just animal ears would be cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)13:14 No.2890031
    Those look dumb.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)13:23 No.2890051
    I'D BUY EM.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)13:31 No.2890067
    I am about fucking SICK AND TIRED of seeing overpriced fleece hats. I'm tired of seeing the hats in general, and when I realize that the people selling have a $40 price tag on them, it's even more annoying.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)13:33 No.2890072
    agreed! i bought two meters/yards (can't remember) of very good quality white fleece a while back and it cost me 30 bucks, i could make at least five hats with room for error. WHY MUST THEY OVERPRICE THEM?
    >> Tim 04/30/10(Fri)13:40 No.2890090
    Maybe because people are stupid and don't buy fleece when it's on sale for like, 2/3s of the year and end up overcharging because of that.

    I agree, though. $40/hat is fucking stupid. I'd pay $15~$20ish. Considering how popular hats area anyway, it's really not that hard to turn a profit without overcharging.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)13:40 No.2890091
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    Gas to get to fabric store
    Time it took to buy
    Time it took to make
    Skill involved in making them
    Artist Alley/Dealer's room registration fee
    Time of person sitting at the table.

    In other words, overhead.
    That's what you get when you don't make it yourself.
    So, go make it yourself. That's what people in this hobby do anyways. Leave the $40 hats for talentless people to buy.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/30/10(Fri)13:55 No.2890132
    This. Even though I can sew, sometimes I pay anyway because I just don't want to deal with the hassle of making something I can just buy from another seamstress. Not with my own cosplays, of course. More for doll clothing/accessories/lolita etc. I consider all of the time and finagling that making the same hat would take, compared to just picking it up right there. And, for fleece hats with more fancy bits, like face details or tails or dangly things, that's far more fiddly and time-consuming.

    That said... Where do people live that they can wear these fleece hats all the time? I'd roast.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)13:56 No.2890135
    fuck you guys

    I'm still waiting on this AWA thing

    why are they taking so fucking long?
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/30/10(Fri)13:59 No.2890143
    I just got mine- first con table ever fff. Apparently, news is, this guy is going through them in batches of 30 applications. He'll sort through 30, send out a mass email, sort through another 30, another email... Last wave before the most recent one was... April 15, I think.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)16:12 No.2890506
    How do you guys price your time?

    When I'm working on commissions, I usually go with $5/hr (which is way less than minimum wage, do you think I should raise it?), but what if you're working on art or charms or other things where it either takes less than an hour or you're not working for a solid hour?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)16:32 No.2890565
    For pricing, I set my time as $10/hr (which is what I charge for commissions as well), and the cost of materials. Do the math.

    So if it takes 1/2 hr + 50¢ in supplies = $5.50
    Maybe a little more added to each item if the AA table or hotel is ridiculously pricey.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)16:40 No.2890593
    Derp, I was the girl that talked about KHR earlier, so I needed to write this before I have someone having a cow.

    Mukuro actually inhabits a girl named Chrome's body. She's a main character.

    Do you have a DA? Good luck on your first table!
    >> Tim 04/30/10(Fri)19:46 No.2891297
    ...Honestly? I look at other artist's prices/skill level, then pick a number that sounds nice to me. It's no a very good way of pricing, I'll admit, but I'll change it if I actually go anywhere an achieve *~*~PrOfEsSioNaL*~*~ status, not to mention I tend to do really quick drawings/sketches that usually take less than an hour. Maybe I'll do by the hour pricing if I ever take up more time-consuming commissions.

    $5 is pretty low, though. Changing it all depends on your skill. Also, are we talking about drawing commissions? Crafts?
    >> Tim 04/30/10(Fri)20:10 No.2891354
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:20 No.2891372
    Just price things the same price as you think your time is worth.

    Price actually correlates with how well you are treated by the customer too, it seems like the higher you price the nicer your customers are to you. Also the higher tendency to buy multiple things from you.

    (but it could just be that with a higher price, they have to really like your work if they want to buy from you.)
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:40 No.2891415
    I do costume commissions for friends, but when I build up a bigger portfolio of work, I'd like to go public, so to speak.

    If I do raise my prices, it will probably only be to minimum wage (~$8). I'm not incredibly confident in my skills, and I love sewing and prop-making so much, it hardly feels like a job!
    >> Tim 04/30/10(Fri)23:43 No.2891867
    I dunno, at least for costuming or prop-making, you should probably stick with minimum wage no matter how amateurish you think you are. I mean, I don't really know your skill level, but if you can make things that look reasonably good, then that's well worth minimum wage or more.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)00:31 No.2892032
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    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)00:34 No.2892046

    I should probably go tell my manager to get some balls and start selling the weird ass food he likes, instead of what people will WANT to buy, huh? AWESOME LOGIC.
    >> Mistry !/h.M3M4wis 05/01/10(Sat)00:37 No.2892059
         File1272688679.jpg-(76 KB, 640x480, Photo 35.jpg)
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    How about a cat? Here, have a nice little cat.
    >> Tim 05/01/10(Sat)00:38 No.2892067
    I... I do? I like comic stuff, which is arguably more mainstream than animu (to an extent. Not my fault that everyone loves Batgod)

    I do like that Daft Punk idea, though, and people like Daft Punk. Might give that a go.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)00:38 No.2892068
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    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)00:39 No.2892073
    If that's all they cared about, then they shouldn't give a shit about getting an artist alley table and trying to sell stuff.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)00:44 No.2892089
    If you plan on raking in a ton of cash, cater to the interests of what's currently popular (eg. FFXIII, Durarara!, Vocaloid) as well as watch pretty much stable (one or two naruto, kingdom hearts, advent children ect) buttons/bookmarks.

    Your best bet is to cater to just about everyone, have your main/best stuff of display but maybe have a binder with more stuff that people can look through. A good selection will draw people in so don't just have one or two fandoms or one or two sizes of prints. Include button bookmarks and whatever other shit you can come up with.

    Also be friendly, personally it turns me off when I go up to a table and the artist is dead silent or pretending I'm not there. Don't be obnoxious and try to convince people that they absolutely MUST BUY YOUR STUFF BEFORE THEY LEAVE (this is terrible, never ever do this) or press the conversation but seem open to talking and be friendly. When somebody comes up to your table say hi and ask how their day is going or something. Just don't sit there like a bear has come up to you and is prepared to shit on your stuff if you make any sudden movements.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)00:46 No.2892101

    I think you're missing the point of what I'm trying to say. I do believe, If I were to buy a table, I would not wanna draw things I can't stand nor know anything about. Thinking from this point of view, I don't think other artists should have to either. It should be about the art, and finding people who like it enough for what it is, to buy it. Now, I'm not saying turn down commissions or any jazz like that, just share art you find comfortable with sharing, stuff THAT YOU LIKE DEVOTING YOURSELF TOO.

    It's doesn't always oughta be about business Mr. Corleone. Christ.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)00:52 No.2892134
    There's one thing that REALLY annoys me in artist alleys.
    Not the yaoi, not the copied art, not the 12 year old fangirl fanficiton.
    Every time I go there to browse, the people behind the booths want to chew my ear off and guilt me into buying their stuff.
    No offense, their stuff isn't terrible, just, I don't like being bothered when I want to just scout for things.
    I like clay charms, plush (not pillows, plush), and such, not a fan of paper goods.
    >> Tim 05/01/10(Sat)00:58 No.2892157
    If you hadn't said that bit about being courteous and friendly instead of demanding at the end, I'd almost think you were Ramy coming here to share his secret to AA wealth with us. :P

    I guess going with popular stuff is always a pretty safe way to go. So many people do it, though, that it's a lot harder to stand out in a crowd. It kinda... Starbuckses the whole thing, you know? "Oh, there's a booth with DRRR! But there's another over there! And another! I won't have to buy it from this booth because there are five others that have the same characters woo."

    From personal experience, though, doing the popular shit has never flown well for me. I have yet to sell a single Vocaloid print. On the other hand, I'm dwindling on my Toki Wartooth prints. It all depends, honestly.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)01:30 No.2892234
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    How much would be a good price for something like this? As in, how much would you want to pay for one?
    They're made out of bicone swarovski crystal beads and end up pretty small (about an inch). I never timed myself making them, but maybe they take a half hour or an hour per ball? This one here was done from a pattern (only changed the colors to match my uncle's deceased cat), but the ones I would make would be "freehand." Since I'm not doing these seriously enough to order masses of beads online, I just buy them from Hobby Lobby, which are $6 for 30 when they're not on sale, and these usually take 70 or so beads, for a range of material cost.
    I was thinking some day, I could make a bunch of little animals/Pokemon and have my own booth.
    Sorry if the pic's quality is crap, they don't seem to photograph well.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 05/01/10(Sat)03:18 No.2892588
    That's what I'm afraid of when I tackle a large, popular group. I feel like...for example, my art is frilly, so it works very well with Kuroshitsuji, so I'd do work from that. But not as well with something like... I dunno, Soul Eater. Is it better to play to your strengths for sales, or tackle something popular that has more guaranteed buyers?
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 05/01/10(Sat)03:29 No.2892622
    BROTIP: If you're selling stupid little 1 inch hastily-hand-cut stickers for a fucking dollar each, please make sure they're actually stickers. I bought a dinky little printed sticker and it turned out to be just fucking laminated cardboard. Worst dollar I ever lost.
    >> Tim 05/01/10(Sat)03:42 No.2892677

    I think they're really pretty, but because they're so small, I probably wouldn't go over $10 for one... Which sounds like it wouldn't even cover material costs. Is that 70 beads per charm thingy? Seems like a lot. Maybe if you worked with cheaper materials?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)08:45 No.2893105
    I think the answer is, try to draw (relatively?) current/popular stuff... that you like at least a bit? No one is ONLY into the ridiculously obscure stuff. Don't do Naruto if you fucking hate Naruto just because it sells.

    Also, original and interesting art of said popular characters. If you look through fanart for series like Vocaloid or Hetalia, it's the same characters but there's a lot of different interpretations and interesting ideas. Though I guess here the advice is be a good artist...
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:37 No.2894047
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)16:38 No.2894301
    The real issue is that Art Alley is not the place to be trying to get sales. The philosophy behind artist alley is that it's a place for creative fans to share their talents. Don't go there thinking you're going make money. Some artist can make money at cons, but they are in the vast minority.

    That said, there are arguments both ways in regards to the strategy of "popular fanart" vs. "obscure fanart" ("original" artwork doesn't sell no matter what unless you do something fairly generic or you already have a fan-base large enough to support you).

    My experience as a branding designer puts me under the philosophy of "Be yourself, don't be afraid to be different, and play your strengths.". You're more likely to make in impact on people and if you make that impact you're much more likely to spur people into buying from you.

    That said, one of Artist Alley's biggest commercial successes is like it or not, the controversial Ramy and Silvia duo. Their strategy is to produce large quantities of fanart at mediocre quality, following any and every trend they can find. They know that they will have something for everyone who visits their booth and they can push more sales by putting up large displays (the larger the better) and spreading out to multiple locations (either multiple tables int he Art Alley or having tables in the AA and Dealer's Room). It's really a sort of "Walmart" approach to saturating the consumer with a one stop shop that is easy to find. While I personally don't think their strategy is really healthy for AA or the consumer in general, it has proven successful on a scale that no other artist has matched.
    >> Tim 05/01/10(Sat)19:43 No.2895064
    Depends on why you want to be in the AA to begin with. Popular stuff sells, sure, but it's really not as rewarding, selling stuff you don't actually care about, as obvious as that sounds. I'm addicted to AA's because I always come away with friends that have similar interests as I do and I get to meet and talk to fellow fans. I can usually least break even at most of the cons I go to, so making money isn't really that big a deal for me anymore (though it's a definite perk)

    'Course, you can always do both. A couple of popular prints here and there mixed with some obscure stuff that you actually like. The popular prints will get the attention of the general public, while the obscure stuff will bring over other fans. I think that's another advantage to prints- they're good advertising. They're big and eye-catching, and even though people don't actually buy them, they bring people to the table.
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 05/01/10(Sat)20:26 No.2895161
    Very true indeed great post

    Then again when artist do make bank it's quite envious. There's this big Chinese guy who goes to the major cons in CA who has a very distinctive /co/ art style and he makes on average over 500 a con. Then there's the speed commission artist who draws pictures using markers in less than 20 minutes and charges 25 per character. I wouldn't be surprised to see if he makes a good amount of bank as well
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:28 No.2895347

    LMAO. Applause for them? Sure, I"m sure they're doing great... Except that they're banned from like every con on the East coast now.

    Having shitty morals and borderline illegal business practices never pays in the long run. Your fellow artists aren't stupid and they WILL rat on you for breaking copyrights or con rules.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)22:50 No.2895638
    I don't know of anywhere that has officially banned them, but then again if they had been banned, it would probably be a quiet blacklisting that just got their applications ignored rather than a public disclosure.
    >> Tim 05/02/10(Sun)00:36 No.2896070
    The Chinese guy (can't remember his name, but he goes by 'Brick by Brick' studios or something?) has been doing the con thing for a while, so he's got a pretty established fanbase to rely on along with doing really mainstream stuff (/co/ characters, Family Guy, etc.). It also helps that he's a completely awesome, chill dude who's really easy and fun to talk to. I asked him for advice on alleying when I first started out and he told me to try to get a table everywhere and be a pain in the ass to the people who won't give you a table (in other words, bigger/more competitive places like Comic Con, AX, etc). Persistence is the key for him. He's been doing it for so long that everything's a breeze for him now.

    The marker guy... Hyperbooster, right? He's the same way. Been around a lot, has an almost obnoxiously good/large display, and is generally a chill guy. I think both them do well by virtue of a well-developed and loyal fanbase at conventions, even if their art isn't the best.

    Funny thing about Hyperbooster. I think he's starting up his own con in the Bay Area sometime in the fall.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)02:42 No.2896374
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    Would anyone be interested these?
    I'll be selling them for $15 a pair, using real crystals.
    bad idea y/n?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)02:44 No.2896385
    Those are pretty. I'd possibly buy a pair. Where would you sell them?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)02:46 No.2896397
    Fanime 2010.
    I'm working on a Sheryl Nome earring too, hopefully other anime related jewerly, but there aren't much out there that I could think of.
    >> FemBoner !p1MMKx.oZU 05/02/10(Sun)02:46 No.2896400
    Link them to any manga or anime, and you'll practically sell them out like hotcakes, bonus points if you actually have pictures of characters(popular) wearing them.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)02:51 No.2896417
    >Those grid-y cube things
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 05/02/10(Sun)03:05 No.2896459
         File1272783929.jpg-(117 KB, 728x1125, sm_comic_11_07.jpg)
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    Wow! Very pretty. I'd wear them!

    This- these remind me of the Dark Moon earrings!
    >> FemBoner !p1MMKx.oZU 05/02/10(Sun)03:11 No.2896480
    Oh hell yeah!!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:34 No.2896538
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:56 No.2896605
    Thanks for the info. I already knew that it sucked for where they put the artists, I always make sure to stop by and see people since their pins are usually more affordable and they have some prints that are better than real posters.

    I do have a table, and enough room to bring it thankfully. I'm still debating it. It depends on if the rest of my group will help me make stuff. I'm better with crafts than digital art, so was planing on some mini top hats, keychains, cell charms, earings, lolita bows, Some hats or bags, and then just some small prints.
    As much as I'd like to make buttons- I know I'd end up using them all myself because I love putting them on hats to wear lol.
    >> Tim 05/02/10(Sun)04:01 No.2896616
    Put them on hats and then sell those! YEAHH FUSION-HA!

    Nnghhh well, if you're already registered and everything, then I guess there isn't much you can do. Best of luck! You'll definitely be needing it. If you can break even, you'll probably still be better off than most of the artists there. From what I've heard, some of the better ones have jumped ship.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:14 No.2896657
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    Fuck yeah artist alley.

    I've been to a few and its probably the funnest shit I've ever done. The people are super nice and a lot of times people just wander by and drop off cupcakes/cookies/ect. This year I've mostly just been sellin' posters and buttons since our actual little comics are just too damn expensive to print and we barely have enough to print out everything else. But we end up gettin' a profit, which is nice. Doing posters of other series like Gurren Lagann and FLCL n' all that kinda sell nicely, and takin' requests on-the-fly and having them done within an hour sell nicely too.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:17 No.2896671
    Haven't bought one yet, it was full so I was thinking of doing winter. Going to double check that winter's doesn't fall at the same time as another CA con though like last time.
    Also might do some scarves and mittens w/ cute animals/pokemon/heartless on them or some ear-muffs like in the loli accessory thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:55 No.2896808
    Wait what? You guys complain about a $50 table charge? A table in AA will set you back the equivalent of $305USD (and that's early bird pricing!) where I live. You Americans have it easy...
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 05/02/10(Sun)05:38 No.2896902
    Thanks for reminding me his name. To answer your question, Hyperbooster is actually making a con himself in the Bay Area. He already had a small promo event where he got a few vendors as well as Phoenix Ash and Glass Feather to play. It was fairly successful and I will say the dude's got drive. One thing I will say is that he's being pretty smart with his con plans in which he's keeping everything rather small and focus to test the waters a bit.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)06:57 No.2897023
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:12 No.2897046
    Which characters and series seem to sell the most?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:13 No.2897048
    5 requests so far.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:20 No.2897055
    This. I haven't been to a convention in a while, one of my friends got a table and asked me to sell with them. Don't know what's popular anymore. I know the base things like Final Fantasy, Zelda, Pokemon, maybe Sailor Moon (is that nostalgia cool now?) - but aside from that and a few other random series that I watched, I'm lost.

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