04/27/10(Tue)17:44 No. 2879214 File1272404679.jpg -(113
KB, 400x533, tumblr_kw93zb6l9F1qai03qo1_400.jpg ) >>2879156 for
real. i was getting kind of tired of lolita, i mean i still liked it
but it had lost a lot of its charm and the enthusiasm just wasn't there
anymore. i discovered dolly kei and it was so charming. grimoire's
interior played a part too because it's so eclectic, and they intertwine
lots of things i'm into: vanitas, taxidermy, broken dolls, wild
vegetation taking over, cluster, warm light, religious paraphernalia... dolly
kei itself is a mix of so many influences that i appreciate, antique
dolls, eastern european folklore, fairy tales, interesting textures,
rich colours, fur, vintage oxidized jewelry...of course, like i said,
there's also stuff i dislike: paisley, boho, frumpy things, shapeless
layering, 70s crap, etc. but the good thing is, you can work around
that. there's no checklist for a coord, no rules. you can pick things
left and right and really make it your own. there's a lot of room for
interpretation and no compulsory elements: hemlines can be any length,
it can be form fitting or poofy, you don't have to balance colours
perfectly, you can layer a lot or keep things simple, you can easily mix
patterns, and work new things into it: Lily for example has a really
distinct style with less warm colours, more black, shorter skirts, more
modern elements, and odd additions like snakeskin print tights. that's
why, paradoxically, it has really reinvigorated my love for lolita. i
was drifting towards classic anyway but having dolly kei as an
inspiration and cross-over possibility opened a window to not have it
grow boring and generic too quickly. now i'm thinking up more
unconventional coords using vintage garments, more colours, slightly
altered silhouettes, i'm having all kinds of new ideas. it really
brought back that spark from when i first started lolita. jesus
christ i didn't mean to make this a novel, lol sorry.