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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272303838.jpg-(219 KB, 1676x1025, 1271720129976.jpg)
    219 KB Other version Hime_Cherry 04/26/10(Mon)13:43 No.2874160  
    I know that there was a female version of this pic but I never saved it, can someone post it for me?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)13:51 No.2874180

    Sorry, was drooling over bearmode sexyman.
    >> Hime_Cherry 04/26/10(Mon)14:03 No.2874221
    Im sure we all drool over him >>;
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 04/26/10(Mon)14:32 No.2874281
    I prefer the ottermode
    >> Hime_Cherry 04/26/10(Mon)14:38 No.2874290
    I would have to agree, swimmer is my faveorite lol but I think a lot of people would agree.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:41 No.2874301
    1 Built mode and Bear mode, please.
    Swimmer mode is excellent, but I'd like to get a good grasp.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:45 No.2874304
    mmmm ottermode & ripped/athletic
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 04/26/10(Mon)14:48 No.2874309
    Okay, ripped/athletic looks good, too... although something between ottermode and ripped would be the best.
    Or a girl.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:52 No.2874314
    skinnyfat is my favorite. i don't like men with any form of breasts, that includes manboobs and overly defined pecs. and to be honest, the six pack thing doesn't do it for me either. i don't want to date the visible man, you know? i like a little mystery about how people's bodies work, so i can put the emphasis on how their minds work.

    builtfat, skinny, etc. are also acceptable. i just want basically a guy who's not fat enough to have man boobs and doesn't have defined, weird muscles that remind me of my brother's action figures.
    >> Hime_Cherry 04/26/10(Mon)14:55 No.2874320
    I saw the female version of this posted a couple months back >>; Come one please? XD
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)14:57 No.2874322
         File1272308254.jpg-(94 KB, 1076x727, umad1.jpg)
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    >Hard bastard mode
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:58 No.2874324
    Builtfat plz.
    I like to have some muscle under there but enough chunk to have something to hold onto.

    Seconding request for female version.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:59 No.2874325
    guy in ripped athletic looks like hes shadow abuseing to show his abs.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:59 No.2874326
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:00 No.2874328
    You misspelled faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:02 No.2874336
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:03 No.2874339
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    this you?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:03 No.2874340
    Between skinnyfat and swimmer would be A+.

    Or just OTTERMODE
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:04 No.2874341
    Change skinny to scrawny and otter mode to skinny.

    Only fatties love skinny guys to make them feel better.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:05 No.2874346
         File1272308750.jpg-(19 KB, 337x434, 55842690.jpg)
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    Everyone apart from "Heavy and pretty" and "chubby"
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:06 No.2874347
    Pick up your trip, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:06 No.2874348
    Why is that because no guy who looks after himself would ever fuck a fatass like you :)

    enjoy your skinny girlie boys just too insecure to go for the real men eh?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:07 No.2874352
    Not really. I like guys like ottermode and in between skinnyfat and ottermode, and I'm between the average thin and average curvy in the girls body picture, so I'm not a jealouz fattyez.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:08 No.2874354
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    >implying i need to defend myself from a neckbeard
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:08 No.2874355
    skinnyfat/builtfat/chubbyfat would be ace.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:08 No.2874356
    >i am 14-16 years old

    Come back when you find real men attractive, oh wait they don't like you do they? :D
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:09 No.2874357
    This thread is hilarious. Liking skinny guys makes you a fatty now? Awesome. So... Does liking fat/chubby guys make you skinny then? I guess I lost my handbook to being a bitch?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:10 No.2874358
    Sounds that you are the real whale here and rage because nobody likes fat people, not fat people but neither average or thin people. It is you who are alone and nobody will never fuck a fatass like you.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:11 No.2874361
         File1272309065.jpg-(27 KB, 402x600, 1_331383470l.jpg)
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    So you're a pedophile who likes skinny young boys?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:12 No.2874365
    >calling a muscular guy fat

    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:12 No.2874368
    16 is the age of consent in MI babi ;3 Mmm mmm

    That's what I love about high school boys, I get older and they stay the same age.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:13 No.2874369
    Gotta love when girls never give compliments online because they are so insecure about themselves being horribly ugly.

    No wonder you have to dress up as an animu character.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:13 No.2874372
    Fat men are not real men, they are a disgrace. This works for women too. They are all sick. Get over it now.

    skinny =/= young>>2874356

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:13 No.2874373
    Skinny guys can easily become those Otter/athletic types if you feed them.

    Skinny, or otter for me tbh.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:14 No.2874374
         File1272309250.jpg-(9 KB, 220x164, New me.jpg)
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    This is the OP hahahahahaha FATTY
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:14 No.2874377
    You are not muscular, you are a fucking whale. If not, you wouldn't rage over skinny guyz.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:15 No.2874381
    You're making no fucking sense at all clearly the fat is making you angry.

    >calling a muscular guy fat
    >i haet muscle ewww

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:16 No.2874383
    ugly and fat are you.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:17 No.2874386
         File1272309469.jpg-(34 KB, 399x360, 1272007030560.jpg)
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    Hope you're not suggesting i am fat.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:18 No.2874387
    Builtfat here, I approve of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:18 No.2874388
    >>2874355 here
    i'm not the same person as the others, i just like my men chubby. and tall, if that improves your opinion of my preferences.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:18 No.2874389
    really hot, why do you ask angry? oh right because you never get compliments in real life kk
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:19 No.2874391
    I'm not fat, and you are not muscular. You sound more and more like a jealouz fatty with every new post. Period.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:20 No.2874394

    Ottermode or ripped/atheletic. However if i was told i need to pick something more realistic i guess built/fat or chubby/fat.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:21 No.2874396
    >anyone who prefers muscular guys
    >durr fat
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:22 No.2874399
    Most real women prefer guys with muscles, what the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:23 No.2874400
    I'm not asking angry, I'm stating a fact. You are a jealous fatty. Get over it, now. It's an objective fact that every person that pass over 25 in BMI is fat, and fat people are sick. It's a disease, and the range can go between simple fat to bigorexia.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:23 No.2874401
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    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:24 No.2874402
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    I didn't know girls found twigs attractive, thanks for the update.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:24 No.2874403
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:24 No.2874404
    i am ok with all of them except for the fats. just gross.
    as for this i am somewhere inbetween average thin and average curvy.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:24 No.2874406
    No. Real women want normal men, not fucking sick guys with bigorexia/fatass/obesity.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:24 No.2874407
    post your pictures you fat bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:25 No.2874408
    not the person you were replying to, but everytime these surveys come up on imageboards, most women seem to want either skinnyfat or ottermode.
    maybe it's like how women have a very skewed idea of what men want. the feminine idea of female beauty is different from the male idea of female beauty. most people know that. why should it be any different the other way?
    not even going to get started on attractiveness spectrums, community, and queerness.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:25 No.2874409
    Guess I'm not picky then, I'd pick anything between Ottermode and Chubbyfat.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:26 No.2874413
         File1272309996.png-(13 KB, 386x330, 1234770696979.png)
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    Your standards are rather high for someone who cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:26 No.2874414
    Nonsense. Your fatass make you unable to think with logic.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:27 No.2874416
    > i am somewhere inbetween average thin and average curvy.

    do want.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:27 No.2874420
    skinnyfat has fucking boobs ew lol
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:28 No.2874423
         File1272310094.jpg-(136 KB, 1024x683, 1270714708904.jpg)
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    Time for some sexy women to cleanse all of the trolling in here....
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:28 No.2874424
    Big suprise some lard ass weeaboo finds some skinny faggot attractive, too bad girls past the age of 18 know muscular built guys are the way to go.

    What you gonna do when you're being raped infront of that skinnyfag? oh wait he would go into the fetal position while you got your snatch pounded.

    Real women know muscle is the way to go.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:28 No.2874425

    I do prefer muscles, is why the first 2 i put up there are muscular. But just like any guy would prefer a size 2 big boobed lady, they probably date a skinny fat or semi chub one. I'm just saying I wouldn't count a guy out for having the latter 2 body types either.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:28 No.2874426
    i know right. i always tought of skinny fat as being skinny and weak. not skinny with fat wtf.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:29 No.2874427
    Are you gay by any chance?
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 04/26/10(Mon)15:29 No.2874429
    I'm between average thin, super-thin with a littlebit built... straaange
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:29 No.2874431
    I'm wondering this as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:30 No.2874432
    No. In fact, they are very low. Most men are between ottermode and builtfat where I live.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:30 No.2874434

    go move to fucking japan if you want some stick.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:31 No.2874439
    I'm guessing you're obesefat.

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:31 No.2874440
    Oh god, BEARMODE. DO WANT.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:31 No.2874441
    No. And I'm not fat. My BMI is 19. I bet yours is far away 25, you jealouz fattyz.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:32 No.2874443

    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:32 No.2874444
    But the skinny twigs are so kawaii desu! I also like to put them in skirts and wigs when I fuck them. I love it when they call me Onii-Chan when they're about to cum.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:32 No.2874447
    oh look its the /v/ troll, i still dont think thats you fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:33 No.2874449
    Whatever helps you sleep at night, fatty fatty two-by-four.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:33 No.2874450
    that's never been a problem for me, vendetta bodybuilderfag, i just don't get myself into situations where i may get raped. it helps that i'm not a whore.
    i also carry mace.
    the likelihood that i'll be raped, robbed, etc and need a man to beat the fuck out of someone for me is low. the likelihood that i'll want someone to talk to about things that are relevant to my interests is very high. as a general rule, i've found that skinnyfat, builtfat, and ottermode guys are more likely to be intelligent, well spoken, etc. whereas someone who spends a lot of time taking care of his body is likely to either neglect his mind or pretend he does to fit in with others who do the same. add that to the fact that very ripped guys in my area exhibit more douchey behavior and picked on me when i used to be fat and started going to work out to lose weight....

    i'm programmed by my experiences to prefer less muscular men.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:33 No.2874451
    Eh. Not quite.
    I don't want a stick, not by any means, but I don't want some over-bulgy mass, either.
    Ottermode is yum.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:33 No.2874453
    Read that as Jesus at first.

    Oh bitch you know I'm jealous. You're gettin' all that cock; explains where you get all that protein for working out. Rarw...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:35 No.2874458
    i feel like i understand you more now. and no im not the stupid bitch that keeps draging out the fight. even if i have different taste in men.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:36 No.2874463
    skinny fat here
    If I were gay I believe I would be refered to as
    a "otter"
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:36 No.2874467
    It's clear you're fugly as shit, enjoy your beta males.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:37 No.2874468
    Seriously? Really, you're going to go there?

    This is so phenomenally retarded that I can only pray that u trollin.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:37 No.2874471
    at least you realize how biased you are
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:37 No.2874472
    Agree with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:38 No.2874473

    Jealous males who are either fat or worked out too hard and finally realized that some women think overly muscled faggots are gross.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:38 No.2874474
    I didnt even read that sorry misfire.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:38 No.2874475
    >don't eat
    >do 1 situp


    It's not even a real mode you dumb bitch most guys wouldn't have a body like that because they arent living in a concentration camp.

    Post your picture already you lard ass fucker i bet you're some skinnyfag troll also.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:39 No.2874483
    where da shotas at
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:40 No.2874485
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    >add that to the fact that very ripped guys in my area exhibit more douchey behavior and picked on me when i used to be fat.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:41 No.2874488
    No, to everything you said. An Ottermode like the picture is built, do exercise, and could defend a woman perfectly. A woman can also defend herself perfectly, so there is no need of a men with a desease.

    Sorry to deceive you, but the truth is right the opposite. Too muscled men are disgusting for most women on earth, because they know that bigorexia is a disease and no sane woman wants a sick men. Those muscles are FAKE! Men like those aren't strong.

    Again, skinny =/= young. There are plenty skinny strong men over 40 where I live. Some of them are short in height too, but built and strong and could easily beat a faked muscled stupid guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:41 No.2874489
    actully I think otter in the gay slang is a smaller
    bear. so this term is in mis-us in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:41 No.2874490
    You've obviously not seen manly tears then i imagine.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:42 No.2874495
         File1272310970.jpg-(470 KB, 1317x2099, perfect.jpg)
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    The matrix.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:43 No.2874496
    ITT: butthurt 'nice' guys that worked out a bit now trying to make women want to be with them by being douches and being the 'alpha' male
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:43 No.2874497
    you know that otter mode isnt even a real mode because only people who do 24/7 sports workouts look like that and you have a 0% chance or ever meeting one.

    If i heard my girlfriend say that shit i would beat her around the fucking bedroom holy shit what an annoying fatty you are.

    Enjoy being sexually immature :)
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:44 No.2874500
    Serious question here. Serious.

    Didn't you used to be a fatty too MT? Just curious from past pictures I've seen you post.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:44 No.2874502
    well i hope she would leave you after you beat her.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:45 No.2874508
         File1272311153.jpg-(52 KB, 479x736, lmao.jpg)
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    I have never laughed so hard in all my life.


    Yeah i bet the thousands of woman he slept with thought the same thing.

    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:45 No.2874509
    Well,I hope she gets back in the kitchen to put all them tears in a pie for her man. Just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:46 No.2874510
         File1272311175.gif-(2.19 MB, 300x345, 1270654524031.gif)
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    This entire thread is making me lol so hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:47 No.2874512
    It's the truth, but it seems you prefer to think about it as a lie, so you can sleep at night. You fatty fatty two by four.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:47 No.2874513
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    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:48 No.2874516
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    Nope skinny all my life, picture was last year.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:48 No.2874518
    I like how you have to live vicariously through other males who have gotten laid. Brotip, guys with muscles don't get laid because of muscles, they get pussy because they aren't faggot retards. Such as yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:48 No.2874519
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:49 No.2874520
    Pass me the salt, Gus?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:49 No.2874521
    You're such a closet case
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:50 No.2874523
    What the fuck kinda insult is that, sounds like some shit a eleven year old came up with.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:50 No.2874524
    ITT: Fat women pretending they're ripped dudes.

    Spoiler: There are no men on /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:51 No.2874525
    Women wants him because he is rich and famous, not because of his body, you moron.
    We don't live in prehistoric times anymore. Women now prefer men with power and intelligence. Men who spend their time building fake muscles with no use at all are stupid, vulgar and don't get chicks unless they are famous or rich.
    >> Harley !!XSyTLyfFUjy 04/26/10(Mon)15:51 No.2874527
    The more I look at the picture, the more I want to hug bearmode.

    Also trying to figure out which mode my dad falls under. I'd say probably closes is builtfat.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:51 No.2874528
         File1272311503.png-(50 KB, 342x342, 1270406251546.png)
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    You're quite vulgar for a girl (obviously a guy) and i happen to be a Mensa member.

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:52 No.2874529
    This thread is a high school caf argue ment were both sides go
    until a fight breaks out and the reall men show up.(not the cowards with guns)
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:52 No.2874531
    They are fucking obese as hell by sure. Otherwise, they wouldn't be on 4chan. Wait. They wouldn't be on the internet in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:53 No.2874532
    I'm a female nuclear physicist, problem?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:54 No.2874535
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    how many of you read boylove shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:54 No.2874536
    It's real. Know loads of guys like those.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:55 No.2874538
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    What an ugly bastard really i bet this guy is a virgin too right?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:55 No.2874540
    5 gigs of it, bro.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)15:56 No.2874544
    Hmm.... I think you're fibbin' bro'. I remember you used to post a lot of pictures of you when you weren't necessarily fat, but you were on the chubby side. Back when you were huntin' down Ai-Honey. That may be you last year, but I'd like to see you back in highschool, man.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)15:59 No.2874548
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    Maximum i have ever been is 10 stone when i didn't work out.

    Son you must be trollin
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)15:59 No.2874550
    >manly tears posting celebrities to prove his point as to why women should be with him
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:01 No.2874555
    Very interesting to see you missed the point entirely.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:01 No.2874558
    Then you aint the original MT! 'Cause I remember saying to you that you looked like the type of boy who didn't get attention from the gals until he started to work out. C'mon, post them old highschool photos, I know you have them. I've seen them ;3
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:01 No.2874560
    >implying you're not ai honey

    Goddam that girl has been around.
    >> Wolf !awoooO.scc 04/26/10(Mon)16:02 No.2874563
    Why don't you bros just let the women like what they want to like. You just look like a douche when you try to defend what body type you probably are while putting down other bros in the process.

    There are plenty of women out there, all with different tastes. Stop being insecure about how you are and do something about it or realize that variable preferences exist.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:04 No.2874565
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    I've never spoken to you before troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:05 No.2874568

    First, that bodytype is usual when a guy isn't a fucking whale and actually do exercise everyday and eat healthy food. And works. For example, men who works constructing roads or buildings.

    Second, you have no girlfriend. Your immaturity reveals it.

    Third, I'm sexually mature. I'm not a teenager, and over 21.

    Fourth. You are a generic 4chan obesewhale. You are not worth of even exist.

    I'm aswering him with his own words. I lold very hard with this thread, please kind anon let me get fun :D
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:05 No.2874569
    Wut.... I was referring to how he always trolled her and called her ugly.

    So... I'm Ai Honey now...? Blarg....
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:05 No.2874570
    I see all the blood goes to your oh so fit body and not your brain, my point is women want to be with Bale and Jackman, not because they're fit, but because they have charm. The initial draw is their body, yes, but if you ain't got the charm you're shit out of luck. And you don't have it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:05 No.2874571
    ITT: Skinny nerds trying to troll muscular guys
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:06 No.2874576
    This was back before I was tripping sweetie. Back when a day didn't go by when you weren't trolling Ai Honey. C'mon now. Don't be fibbin'.
    >> Mika 04/26/10(Mon)16:07 No.2874577
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    Stop using logic in this thread.

    It is god tier hilarious right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:07 No.2874581
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/26/10(Mon)16:07 No.2874582
    Actually, out of a small picture of a group of girls he mistakenly picked me out as the only one he thought attractive and regretted it forever more.

    Also if me and Jactater are the same person I have some SERIOUS multiple personality disorder going on.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:08 No.2874584
    I never called her ugly but i have trolled her before, you're thinking of miyu who i constantly call a transexual and even made tons of photoshops about ages ago.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:09 No.2874586
    Y'know... I could totally see it, though Ai.... Honestly... I'm not real, but just the other side of Ai. XD I'm laughing so hard right now.

    I'm not surprised he picked you out, though. Even I thought it was pathetic at how hard he would try to put you down.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:09 No.2874587
    skinny faggots in this thread think they are otter mode because their ribs show XD
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:10 No.2874590
    Sup ai honey


    >both write the same
    >both sageing
    >same time delay
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:12 No.2874601
         File1272312735.png-(339 KB, 792x534, 1271641766744.png)
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    No.... YOU ARE AI HONEY!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:12 No.2874603
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:14 No.2874612
    You're clearly the same person you even finish a sentence at the same time.

    You can't troll the untrollable.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:14 No.2874613
    What's your diet like if you don't mind? just a quick rundown is cool
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:15 No.2874622
    this thread is completely pointless and hilarius. fat and overly massive-muscled guys are as loosers as nerds: they will die alone and nobody will never love them. i can almost feel pity for them. almost.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:16 No.2874625
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    don't worry, guys. girls who don't like yaoi will go for you which is a good thing.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:16 No.2874630
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    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/26/10(Mon)16:17 No.2874633

    .. actually I always liked Manly Tears. He comes from an island of convicts and doesn't afraid of anything.

    I guess it would make sense that if I had multiple personalities the other one would be my arch nemesis.

    anyway what is going on here what a clusterfuck.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:19 No.2874643
    Ok so how do you remember something that happend a year ago that nobody else does?

    >because you're the sameperson
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:19 No.2874644
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    *high-five* Still hate you.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:21 No.2874651
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    Because I remember going, "What a dick." Then one day you just stopped posting. You're just a figment of my imagination... Aren't you...?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:21 No.2874652
    the truth is nobody will go for them, no matter how they look like. no charm, no smart, no money = loooooooooseeeeeeeeeeeeers. that is why they are single. no matter what you say, women won't change their minds.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:21 No.2874653
    >like someone who complimented you once

    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/26/10(Mon)16:26 No.2874669
    In all fairness we do seem to be remembering things entirely differently.

    Speaking of which who are you voting for? I bet it's BNP because you hate everyone and are possibly a Nazi.

    I don't dislike you, you just confuse me because I don't know what your angle is. Hate and similar is an emotion I save for very few people.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:27 No.2874673
    Maybe you should refute that argument because you clearly just contradicted yourself here.


    >The initial draw is their body

    Thanks for proving my point, i thought muscles were pig disgusting?
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:29 No.2874679
         File1272313751.jpg-(55 KB, 750x600, hank-hill-pimp.jpg)
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    It was a joke from a movie Ai...... I don't hate you...

    =_= Gawd.... This is why we can't ever be friends.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:30 No.2874682
    >implying i vote at all

    Let's see who i will vote for hmm let me think.

    Douche, Asskisser or that other douche, but yes you clearly know me.

    >In all fairness we do seem to be remembering things

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:31 No.2874683
    There's no contradiction, you merely seem to think that muscles = getting laid. Five seconds draw in, after that they don't mean anything and you're on the same level as some skinnyfag.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:32 No.2874687
    You just admitted muscles are a positive so clearly you did.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:34 No.2874688
    The entire point I've been arguing is that muscles are not the be all end all of attracting women, when you seem to believe otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:34 No.2874690
    there was this skinny guy in high school and he called me a skank. That's why I only date obesefat guys. They're so nice to me
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:35 No.2874693
    My bf is builtfat; I love it. Mah muscular teddybear.
    He used to be ottermode; and he had DAT SWIMMER BOD, too. He grew up, though. lol
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:35 No.2874696
    Funny thing is this is obviously true, apparently you become a douche because you have muscles but you can't be one if you're skinny.

    Clearly i win this debate.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:37 No.2874701
    But i think both look good whats the problem?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:38 No.2874711
    I know way more muscle!douches than I know skinny!douches.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:39 No.2874717
    Manly Queers
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:39 No.2874720
    Nice guys~

    >implying they arent pretending to be nice for one thing

    Hook line and sinker it seems.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/26/10(Mon)16:41 No.2874726
    .. I apologise for not getting your obscure reference to a movie I haven't watched? UMM.. also I knew you were joking anyway, herp derp.

    I guessed that to be your answer but I figured I'd ask anyway. Pretty much the same view.

    .. just it would've amused me if you voted Nazi.
    >> Jetty 04/26/10(Mon)16:41 No.2874727
    Ottermode or Builtfat would be my preffered.... I'm really not that picky, but I don't find really thin guys attractive really. =/

    I have this thing were I'm kind of turned off if a guy is shorter or skinnier than I am.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/26/10(Mon)16:42 No.2874731
    I know two douche-y guys and neither of them have muscles, wat.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:44 No.2874738
    hobbes made me warm...... but hes gone forever Q_Q
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:45 No.2874744
    I didn't know BNP was even an option.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:46 No.2874749
    nobody likes you manly why dont you fuck off you cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:47 No.2874756
    Because he wants cosplay pussy, and pussy in general, but doesn't know how to go about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:48 No.2874757
    I thought you actually cried when Hobbes flashed you with his 6 pack. Cause you never replied back...
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 04/26/10(Mon)16:48 No.2874759

    What the Hell are you doing? Watch that movie dammit!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:48 No.2874760
    Not at all, really, but I'm not going to argue with someone over something useless. Particularly when they don't know me or who my friends are, or the douches/non-douches I make an example of. Lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:48 No.2874761
    Who's hobbes?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:49 No.2874764
    I honestly would have liked to have seen Hobbes' reaction at this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:50 No.2874766
    The funniest guy /cgl/ has ever seen.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/26/10(Mon)16:50 No.2874768

    Too busy waiting for Scott Pilgrim why isn't it out yet god damn.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/26/10(Mon)16:50 No.2874769
    Thaaaaaaank you! The joke isn't obscure at all. Them British people and their inability to watch good movies. Hmph!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:51 No.2874770
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:51 No.2874774
    moot personally banned him didnt he?and i never saved any of his pics :|
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:52 No.2874775
    Hi Hobbes.

    Go watch Step-Brothers and not that hipster trash.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:53 No.2874782
    I didnt even read that sorry misfire.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:53 No.2874783
    Hobbes is once again taking over a thread and isnt even here. no1 fucking talk about him. ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:53 No.2874784
    Both you and the other anon are deeply wrong. Their initial draw is their face, which is the part of people that express emotions. A muscled men with monkey face that express they have no brain make women run for their lifes. And in the case of famous and rich people, well, it's obvious that those two are the initial draws.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:54 No.2874786
    >Michael cera range of acting
    >Awkward and nerdy
    >Awkward and nerdy
    >Awkward and nerdy


    I don't even know who he is and really i don't care bro, sounds like a low class troll to me. (he is you)
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:56 No.2874791
    That sounds like a lie.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:56 No.2874793
    actually I am not hobbes. matter of fact i hated the troll. but you came in with that thread of yorus a couple days ago stating you was the fittest cosplayer then hobbes and god come in and troll you and then he flashes you his old ass picture and you never replied.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 04/26/10(Mon)16:58 No.2874799

    You've got time then. I am also waiting for this movie. I even reread the comics, shitdamn.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)16:59 No.2874809
    I don't even cosplay you autist and i don't care if someone is "bigger" but clearly nobody on CGL has proved me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:59 No.2874810
    He banned hobbes (who's been here a week) and not other tripfag trolls who've been here months and years?
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/26/10(Mon)17:00 No.2874812
    Are you implying anything by Edgar Wright is anything less than awesome? Right that's it I'm taking Spaced back, ungreatful sods.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:02 No.2874815
    If moot would ban anyone it would be me, he's already complained about me in a sticky a month ago and he said "people are constantly sending me messages about this guy"

    Not like i don't constantly dodge permant bans every day.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:02 No.2874818
    lofi requested to moot to ban hobbes i guess i remember him saying something about it in cglchat
    and manly i also remember god and hobbes tag teaming your fat ass.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 04/26/10(Mon)17:03 No.2874821

    Why you throwin around 'autist'? You clearly are severely autistic. We all know it, you know it, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:04 No.2874824
    /r/ some pics of hobbes and manly please.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:04 No.2874828
    Why is a fat faggot even in this thread talking about another guy's six pack?
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:05 No.2874829
    You sound incredibly bitter, clearly you are one of them.
    >> God !!tth/tv+hsYe 04/26/10(Mon)17:05 No.2874830
    Hey guize, what's goin on in this thread ;3
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:06 No.2874834
    You blind?

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:06 No.2874839
    sorry Hobbes is perma banned and God just posted right above me.
    dont get mad dude that you toned your fat and trying to flex it infront of these fat wimminz then some other dudes that actually have a real cut and build come in and destroy you.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:06 No.2874840
    Hobs isnt even muscular i think the guys a troll
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:08 No.2874848
    eh he was a otterfag...still a shit troll.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 04/26/10(Mon)17:09 No.2874853
         File1272316166.jpg-(45 KB, 290x290, 1268192320220.jpg)
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    Poor aspie... can't even read...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:09 No.2874855
    back to the point of the thread.
    healthy people will be more appealing than people with clearly physical signs of a mental and physical disease. remember we want healthy babies. that is the only reason why women search for men; once we give birth, our husband means nothing to us. so toned men are hot to 99% of women. fat, obese and bigorexian men can throw themselves from mount everest and do a favor to human species.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:10 No.2874858
    A troll asking for another troll to be banned? How does that even work?
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:10 No.2874860
    You have no idea how infamous i am in /v/, don't even pretend anyone gives a rats ass about you because nobody does.

    Not like i care if anyone gives a shit about me but just saying you mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:10 No.2874862
    Everybody can see you're jealous of Manly Tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:13 No.2874872
    damn getting mad at /fit/trolls that arnt even here to troll you. thats sad. lol
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:15 No.2874876

    You're so angry you can't even keep your spelling straight son.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:15 No.2874878
    ye sthat argument is made but really ,
    adding the human mind to this adds great deals of complex factors into the equaltion,Like wemon see perfect male for mating and mate then with service render the perfect male should be able to continue on to other mates.this is not the case .
    >> God !!tth/tv+hsYe 04/26/10(Mon)17:15 No.2874880
    Watchout guize, people know him on the internets. He's serious business, brah.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:18 No.2874884
    sorry i dont really care for proper punctuation on the internet lmao
    anyways dude go be mad somewhere else and take your fat body with you.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:19 No.2874888
    No i was saying this because i think moot would range ban me before some two bit /cgl/ troll.

    Anyone can troll /cgl/ it takes zero effort but /v/ is a diffrent story, already conqured /fa/ and /v/
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:21 No.2874895
    dude its so sad you'r raging over Hobbes...i mean the guy was funny but damn hobbes bro.
    just let it go lol
    inb4 samefagging the other anons.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:22 No.2874900
    Are you saying this guy is fat?
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 04/26/10(Mon)17:23 No.2874904
         File1272316985.jpg-(13 KB, 282x310, 1269362281950.jpg)
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    Because I will always be jealous of a low rent Rain Man that looks like a fucktard from a shitty island. My fucking dream.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:23 No.2874906
    Glad you agree.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:25 No.2874912
    i think God could take manly in a fight irl.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:25 No.2874913
    those guys look dumb and ugly as hell.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:26 No.2874917
    I don't even know who Hobbes is and your spelling and grammar is so fucking awful it's pretty obvious you're a really awful troll.

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:27 No.2874923
    Samefag and same lower case.

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:28 No.2874929
    bullshit. you had an epic fail.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:29 No.2874931
    Hobbes was a troll that came from /b/ to /cgl/.
    He made /cgl/ his new troll grounds. Was banned 2 times from /cgl/ and I guess he got them appealed.
    He pissed off another troll named Lofi but Lofi had connections and got him perma banned by a admin. and someone did get his facebook and msn but i forgot who.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:31 No.2874935
    You know i am only replying to see if someone would prove me wrong but clearly you can't and won't.

    Clearly Intellectually checkmated by someone who is apparently a retard. (A retard who is in Mensa also)

    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 04/26/10(Mon)17:32 No.2874941
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    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:33 No.2874944
         File1272317610.jpg-(15 KB, 488x135, lol.jpg)
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    I've been permantly banned over 460 times.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:33 No.2874946
    For a guy who is in mensa and thinks so highly of himself, you sure sit on the internet and brag a lot huh?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:33 No.2874949
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 04/26/10(Mon)17:35 No.2874951

    See, and that just further proves how autistic you are. You're that obsessed with showing a bunch of nerds your abs?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:35 No.2874952
    Woman acting like camwhores = WELCOME!
    Guy showing his abs = GTFO, FAGGOT!
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:36 No.2874954
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    Thought you said i was fat and didn't have abs, thanks for the compliment.
    >> God !!tth/tv+hsYe 04/26/10(Mon)17:37 No.2874960
    Seems like that mod got it right.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 04/26/10(Mon)17:40 No.2874973
         File1272318041.jpg-(131 KB, 500x333, haha.jpg)
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    If that's true why are you still replying to me, haters gonna hate.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:42 No.2874977
    Like you're one to talk. You spam /fit/ shit here every day.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:42 No.2874978
    Manly is the hero this board deserves
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:43 No.2874982
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:44 No.2874987
    stop responding to tears. he is trolling you.

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