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  • File : 1271635486.jpg-(52 KB, 600x799, Weeaboo.jpg)
    52 KB Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:04 No.2840334  

    But it is related in a way. You see there is this really ugly, really horrible, really nasty, annoying as holy hell weeaboo that goes to my school.

    I used to be friends with this monster, until I grew up and realized she was a whiny attention whore and a weeaboo to top it all off.

    She thinks she's sexy so she wears skin tight clothing and he muffin top is always showing. Her bra is too big for her boobs so you see the lining and she wears skinny jeans and never pulls them up so her buttcrack just hangs out all the time. She also walks funny.

    She has tortured me all of my middle school life and just beginning high school I thought my high school was going to suck. But then, in my class she's also in, she announced she was moving to Texas. I smiled so big I had to look away so people wouldn't think I was horrible.

    It was a miracle! Sorry to all Texans in advance if you see her or have to deal with her. Anyway I was just wondering if /cgl/ has any stories of weeaboos being fking annoying as hell and then a miracle happens and they move or you get them back?

    If no miracles (sorry) then just weeaboos stories? They are funny...
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:09 No.2840345
    There's a weeaboo at my school who made some shitty shota animation and proceeded to show it off. She has no shame! It bothers me that she is aroused by looking at animated little boys. Typical.

    I have not met anyone with an interest in animation/anime/manga at my school that is not a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:12 No.2840364
    Oh well this is the only weeaboo...that I know.

    There is one more that I know isn't moving anytime soon but she doesn't LOVEEE anime like this girl that IS moving away. This other girl dresses like a whore and steals people's boyfriends while at the same time loving her anime related art.

    I could post a pic of the girl moving to Texas, but I would only do that if the people on /cgl/ don't try looking her up anywhere. She would instantly know it was me who posted the pics and ruin my life.
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)20:14 No.2840370
    Who are you? <.<
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:14 No.2840373
    My class used to put up a Renaissance Fair for the town every year. All the middle school classes got to put up a table and sell whatever they wanted, mostly it was jewelry or duct tape swords and shields and crap like that. They had to put up a banner on their table advertising what they were selling. Some girl from a grade below me was presumably in charge of drawing that banner for her homeroom. She drew the main character of Shaman King making a ^_^ v for victory pose. I don't know what this had to do with a Renaissance Fair.

    Also I played the king in a play, and was the assistant for a horseshoe maker. Horse clippings do not smell good
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:14 No.2840374
    Do it anyway. You can't be the only person who dislikes her. Besides, I know someone fitting her description who is also moving to Texas so maybe she's the same beast.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:15 No.2840375
    .. Unless she attends conventions, she's no problem of ours.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:17 No.2840386
    /r/equesting the fat chick with the double-ended horse dildo story.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:18 No.2840387
    Well, some art gallery opening at my college was over run by the anime club which was full of weeaboo. The fat weeaboo chick was the worst. Here's a list of what she did:
    - Made a penis out of food on her plate
    - Showed food penis to people. By showed I mean shoved her plate in their face and said "penispenispenis...."
    - Yelled about how she loved meaty balls, while eating the meatballs that were served.
    - Yelled about how she enjoys hot gayboy buttsex.
    - Harassed me because I have an anime character cellphone charm.
    - Got her entire club to do the can-can. Or tried. They were all quite fat so it wasn't happening.

    The miracle of this is that an art department head banned them from future gallery openings. It was rather embarrassing to me for many reasons but glad to know they won't be welcomed back.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:19 No.2840389
    I knew/know some pretty bad weeabos. And I mean, they aren't incredibly annoying, in small doses. But these girls cros-play (badly), cosplay just as bad, and if it weren't bad enough they are OBSESSED with yaoi. Typical highschool over-anime-loving gals, but they went as far as to write South Park fanfictions, and cosplay as them to reenact it.
    And to top it off, they were terribly immature. They loved the Disney Channel and sung Wizard's of Waverly place constantly. Luckily I only have to endure that when I'm invited to 'parties'.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:19 No.2840390

    I don't think you need to know my name, also i'm not stupid enough to give my name out on 4chan


    She DOES attend conventions but not regularly. She only has enough money to go one day(usually saturday) and sometimes she skips years.

    There are some people who I know DON'T lurk 4chan and would never even know of 4chans existance but they like her. She gained everyones liking when she came back from the mental hospital "not crazy" anymore
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:21 No.2840398
    Just post the damn picture, you wuss. If she finds out and tries to make your life a living hell, all you have to do is ignore her and it'll drive her nuts because you aren't responding. The worst she can do is sit on you.
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)20:21 No.2840399
    I just don't like when people take my pics and post them to places like, ED and 4chan...

    I also didnt read that my pic was unrelated. Call me stupid :P
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:24 No.2840402
    I hang out with this guy who's a cosplayer, he's not really a weeaboo, but all his friends are. So sometimes when I hang out with him I have to hang out with them. They're not all really fat or anything but they dress like and do the typical weeaboo things. I didn't know if my friend knew what a weeaboo even was or what he thought about them doing the really bad stuff.
    But anyway I guess the miracle is here that one day one of the girls said "DESU!" and he slapped her across the face and said "WE DON'T SAY THAT HERE." None of them said anything like that ever again.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:25 No.2840405

    Fine, i'll post some pics. The only full body pics I can find of her have other people in them so i'm editing them out (don't want to drag them into this)
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:30 No.2840416

    it sure didn't take much
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:31 No.2840417
    We have a LOT of weeaboos in Texas. I know this one girl who moved here from Oklahoma, who is like 24 but acts like a 14 year-old. She acts like Bleach is as srs business as the constitution. She buys clothes from Limited Too because they are kawaii, and show off her huge white ass.

    Makes matters worse, she has a lisp and is the kinda girl to sleep with 4 different guys at a convention.

    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:31 No.2840419
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:33 No.2840426
    Well I decided that there really IS no way she'll find out...but there is a part of me that says some idiot will find her, message her, she will instantly know I did this and try to get me expelled or something
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:33 No.2840427
    Lots of hambeast weeaboos in Texas.

    Does your weeaboo have long, brown hair and buck teeth?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:35 No.2840431
    So long as the pic isn't pornographic, she can't do shit to you. Even if it was, it's her own fault for being an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:35 No.2840432
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    Oh btw I am almost done editing them, but I wanted to say I can't find any of her in cosplay but...oh my god...I wish I did. Her cosplaying is just awful...

    Here's a face shot of her though
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:36 No.2840435
    This. Besides, if it worries you, post it and then delete the pictures after ten or so minutes.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:37 No.2840440
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    Finished, here's the first full body of two

    And thanks I will delete them after about 10 minutes or so
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:37 No.2840441
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:38 No.2840442
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    Last one, god I am so HAPPY she is moving far far away...

    Sorry again, texans
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:38 No.2840443
    Nothing bad here... other than her face
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:40 No.2840447
    Yeah the pics don't really show her cosplay or how she really looks. But she is awful...she justs wears all this clothing that does nothing but show off her muffin top and...just awful...
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:41 No.2840453
    No, she has short dirty-blonde hair and glasses.

    She doesn't shower, so she always smells like old chicken soup... trust me, if you knew her, you'd smell her coming.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:41 No.2840454
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    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/18/10(Sun)20:42 No.2840456
    OP is said girl.
    selfposter D=
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:43 No.2840459
    Everybody knows that self posters use fat girl myspace angles, silly boy.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/18/10(Sun)20:44 No.2840461
    =( orite.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:44 No.2840463
    If I ever found myself on 4chan...I don't know what I would do...

    But I am not her. I am just a classmate that is happy as the sunshine is bright that she is moving far far away

    I just went to her facebook and jacked a bunch of pics is all
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:44 No.2840466
    If you're saying it I know it isn't true
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:45 No.2840471
    and a shitload of saturation.
    Eh, this girl def. looks like a weeaboo. But none of the pictures you've posted are god-awful, OP, you shouldn't be worried. Thank you for warning us Texans.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)20:47 No.2840478

    Just doing my part. She cosplayed L one time and the wig was to small so her red hair hung out from a black wig

    and as you can see her boobs are huge. She didn't bind so they hung out as well

    It was horrible AND she wears it to school EVERY time we have a halloween thing
    >> Beanz !!LGOL5TaxXRC 04/18/10(Sun)20:59 No.2840522
    some boy in first year found out I cosplayed, was a gutsy little fucker and came over to me and said out right, some shit in japanese (I think it was introducing itself) and then started calling me a narutard for no apparent reason with desu on the end of most things, and he also had a one piece bag. Then protested how pirates > ninjas. So I had a bit of a go at him and made him cry. Felt kinda bad after.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:06 No.2840554
    OP pic is Krissy-chan?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:06 No.2840555
    There is this girl I used to feel bad for because people made fun of her and talked about her a lot...I found out why when she found out about my (used to be secret) love of playing the game pokemon. Now she finds me and won't stop talking about pokemon and it's making me hate the game. I just don't say anything or I say "Oh cool" or "Okay" the whole time.

    She also touches me a lot and I was hanging out with this girl I liked a lot and she started petting the girl's jacket but then gropes her boobs...

    She asked for my name once and I told her my name was the name of one of my friends and he took my name and now when we're around her we call each other that so she can't find us or something...

    It's horrible
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:08 No.2840563
    OP here again, sorry I just wanted to find a pic of a weeaboo and I searched "Weeaboo" in the google image search and I saved something on the first page and this was it
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:16 No.2840609
    Back in middle school I moved to Florida and became "friends" with this weeaboo who was obsessed with Inuyasha. She had Inuyasha everything, she even grew out her fingernails so they'd be long just like his. It was disgusting. She was also an ugly hambeast but that goes without saying. Anyway, so she invited me and three other girls to a sleepover party at her house. I was too young to see that this was definitely a bad idea.

    She first made us watch her burn disturbing Sims, but then we all went to bed. When I woke up, I suddenly found that I couldn't move, because the hambeast weeaboo was wrapping me up in plastic wrap. Yeahh... somehow I managed to sleep through all this, as she was already down to my feet. The other girls slowly woke up and just WATCHED instead of trying to help me.

    She then proceeded to drag me, wrapped completely in plastic wrap, down the hall and into her parents room. She left me there and walked back to her room, I assume. I managed to break out of the plastic wrap and call my mom with the phone in the room, begging her to come get me. I ran outside without running into the crazy girl again.

    My friends gave me my stuff the next day at school.

    I posted this before and someone said it was similar to something that had actually happened in an Inuyasha episode......
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:20 No.2840625
    I knew this greasy weeaboo who was some kind of middle eastern and pretended she was white.

    Had to put up with her throughout middle school and grade 9 highschool then she moved away.

    she was generally a piece of shit who mostly annoyed me because of her blatant lying about her WHOLE SELF. Nationality, name, etc. Anything ~japanese~.

    I'd write more but i'm too lazy. she also looked like shit daily with badly bleached hair and long black roots.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:26 No.2840647

    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:31 No.2840671
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:35 No.2840694
    Are there no cute weeaboo girls out there?
    >> Murrie !/rMxiN97Dw 04/18/10(Sun)21:38 No.2840710
    Not so much of a really much of a weeaboo story but this one guy who complains about not liking the college anime club was in my dorm room cause my roommate knows him. The fact that the club was planning some convention trip that I will never been interested in attending at. Went on how cosplay is so super lame and so uncool and only ugly people do it. I mentioned that I like to cosplay and I was planning on doing one this summer and oh boy did he change his opinion fast. Just very spineless of him.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:38 No.2840712

    That is completely crazy.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:39 No.2840719

    :D! I feel like I'm playing 'Name That Weeaboo attentionwhore dramafag!

    Do I win a prize? :'D
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:40 No.2840721
    Quick question, will anyone of your weeaboos ever evolve from their weaboo states? As in like will they ever realize the stupid shit they do is retarded and try to redeem themselves?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:40 No.2840723
    You shoulda called the cops, or kicked her ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:41 No.2840734
    You don't win a prize, but I am oddly warm inside that I am not alone in having the 'pleasure' to know this person.

    Feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:41 No.2840735
    Reading these make me feel so much better that my friends and I hide our anime love.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:43 No.2840743
    i went to high school with this weeaboo. she got picked on a lot, so i tried to be nice and talk to her. she turned out to be a real bitch. once i mispronounced a character's name and she flipped her shit. it was scary.
    also took her yearbook photo while wearing a naruto headband. lol
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:44 No.2840753
    None of the ones I know have.
    Any ideas on how to 'cure' it? Without being TOO mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:44 No.2840755
    OP here, mine won't (the one moving to texas)

    We have been trying for 4 years now to get her to figure this all out. We've even sat her down and told her about how she is an attention whore and a weeaboo. She came back a year later elling us she had changed and then went back to acting like she usually does.

    So not mine, what about everyone else's? I'm sure that inuyasha loving girl didn't change...
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:45 No.2840761
    Thank God I got into american comic books and 4chan, mainly /cgl/ first thru then to co and a, around 11th grade cuz I was basically king weeaboo, i acted extreme and crazy like taichi from comic party cuz i wanted to be that funny guy in a group.
    My den of weeaboos was mainly girls, which makes the sausage fest that is my college group almost unbearable. I was lucky to befriend rather skinny weeaboos, they never did anything truly unhealthy. Except for 2 they were known to be weeaboos, still are :/
    >> SilverMayo♪♫ 04/18/10(Sun)21:46 No.2840763
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    yay...more weeaboo in this texas :l God hope shes not rly bad as you say.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:48 No.2840773
    Assuming you aren't a weeaboo anymore, how did you come to realize you were acting retarded and change for the better? Is it like, something you have to see in yourself to change, or can someone open your eyes to it?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:50 No.2840785

    Actually i'm leaving out a bunch of stuff about her...there is just so much for me to tell about her and my headache is just to great to take the time to type them all...
    >> SilverMayo♪♫ 04/18/10(Sun)21:55 No.2840817
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    Fuck you OP, nvm that face makes me rage :l dont want her near here.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:56 No.2840821
    I still have friends back in high school that is a huge group consisting of weaboos and annoying fangirls, they do really awful things like calling each other kh character names (since I was like the oldest in the group and tried to reign in their behaviors, they called me ManSex/Xemnes), show off their yaoi porn in their notebooks, oh and not to mention roleplay their kh character's undying love for each other really loudly. Other than that and a lot of other really embarrassing things, they are nice people deep inside.. I guess. Just really....umm like they have potential to grow some sort of acceptable social behavior.
    Another question, what is really the difference between a weaboo and a really annoying and loud yaoi/non yaoi fangirl? It seems to me that the only difference is the whole wanting to be japanese thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)21:59 No.2840841

    She is moving to houstan...or right outside of houstan I don't care. She just keeps saying houstan so hopefully she isn't near you...

    But if she is there is one short thing I can tell you without typing out some long story. She picks her nose...and eats it. In class sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:01 No.2840849
    I tried to cure one of my friends back in highschool, I told out straight that she was a weaboo and should learn better social behavior and propriety skills. The only thing she took from my conversation was that she learned how to justify that she wasn't a weaboo simply because she doesn't want to be jap. Thank god she still listened to me when I told her not crossplay as a little boy. She's somewhat reigned in her outrageous behavior, I guess. They won't change unless they want to, you can't force 'em to. I used to be one and thank god I grew out of that phase. Give them time, if they're young of course, they might, big emphasis on the the might, grow out of it. From what I hear of thing, quite a few of cglers used to be weaboos and fangirls/boys.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:05 No.2840867
    differnt anon, well I grew out of my phase when I entered highschool. I realized that I was an awkward social outcast due to my obsession with having nothing to due with anything that wasn't anime-related. A big change to my overall mindset was needed and thank god I've grown out of it. Hit a few bumpls along the way but I glad to say... thank god I don't have many pictures of my weaboo days.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:05 No.2840870
    I know this weeaboo hambeast. She's a friend of a friend of a friend who rooms with my circle of friends whenever we go to conventions.

    She constantly insists on cosplaying skinny chicks fro Dead or Alive, like Ayane.

    Hambeast + Ayane cosplay = Bleach to eyes.

    She's quiet and tolerable when she's with one or two people she's used to being around. But when you put her in a room with five+ people, her outside voice becomes her normal voice. Every word that comes out of her mouth comes out as a scream. It's irritating.

    She's always complaining about her weight, saying that she's so fat (she is), and if she's standing next to someone skinnier than her, god forbid someone mention the word 'bigger' in reference to her. She will burst into her usual tirade of 'You're calling me fat so now I'm going to go sit and my car and bawl and think about driving off a cliff BAWWW.'

    She claims to have tried to commit suicide once, and dragged everyone she knew into. Even this girl who went to live in Florida for a few months. She made this whole show about turning off her phone and disappearing for a night to make everyone think she went and drove off a bridge and offed herself. Then soon after, she blamed one of my good friends, saying that that had told her to kill herself. Which they didnt.

    Every time someone of the opposite gender approaches her, she acts like they're going to rape her and runs around behind someone and tries to hide behind them. At a convention once, she though it'd be a great idea to have a photo shoot in this back alley at 1 in the morning. Keep in mind that this was on 6th street in Austin, which is pretty much drunk hobo central. =__=

    I'd post more. But I'm starting to lose interest. :/
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:10 No.2840890
    Hold up there, anon. I think I know who you're speakin' of. Ikkicon. Bob Ross. Fireflies. Any of this a-ringin' a bell?

    I'd say the weeaboos name, but she's a minor so.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:15 No.2840904
    So is Krissy.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:18 No.2840909

    Oh God. Yeah. I'm pretty positive you know.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:22 No.2840920
    Ahhhhhhhh yes, yes.
    I wouldn't say she's a hambeast, but she is fat.
    I think therapy has been helping a little, but she still has weeaboo "UGUUUUKAWAIIDESU" fits all the time.

    I hope next con we go to, the same shit doesn't happen again. I'm not up to talking her through a depression for 12 hours again.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:35 No.2840973
    What do you guys think a "hambeast" is?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:37 No.2840981
    Someone like that fat Ciel with the back fat //lack of pic

    Morbidly obese, not just chubby or even overweight--fat all around. Like, well, a pig.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:39 No.2840988
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    the thing on the far left.
    >> bombyNeko 04/18/10(Sun)22:39 No.2840990
    An extremely obese mass of flesh that is collectively thought of as human. To qualify for hambeast, the being must be 100 lbs. overweight, but the minimum can travel downwards if the hambeast tries to "show their stuff" when there is glaringly too much of "it."

    got from urbandictionary
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:40 No.2840999
    Does she think the black choker holds the fat back and makes her look sexy?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:41 No.2841000
    Fuck!!!!! Us Texans don't need another one!
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 04/18/10(Sun)22:42 No.2841002
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:45 No.2841020
    I didn't even see the choker behind all dem rolls.
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)22:47 No.2841030
    Less than a year away to be an unminor :P
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)22:49 No.2841043
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:06 No.2841117

    I'm so glad she is any and most likely all Texans problem now

    But remember, she will be in houston. Actually kind of just outside of it...but still.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:13 No.2841157
    I wasn't ever particularly weeaboo (my big fangirl phase struck in middle school during the height of Harry Potter books, so I was one of those dorks waving sticks around and having 'duels') but I hung out with a lot of them in highschool. They were okay for the most part, keeping their shame hidden in the classroom during anime club meetings, and the most obvious one was this redhead dramadyke with a naruto headband on at ALL times. But the worst .. oh lord. To call her a hambeast is sort of unfair, since we're both pretty big, but she didn't have the sense to dress to her body type no matter how often I tried to help. She wore old lady shirts, massively baggy jeans, never any sort of make up, a fox tail stuck in her jeans, and a fox ear headband. She insisted she was some kind of kindred fox spirit, and always called me Neko Nini-chan and oneechan (that means 'little sister', right?) even though I was both older and taller than her. Then one day we're hanging out in my patio and she's finishing off gnawing on a steak and mumbling about 'shards' of the gods. Thinking she's going nuts, I ask her questions and she proceeds to tell me that long ago, the gods were split into shards and that they all reside in people all over the world now. She 'sensed' the second largest peice of Aphrodite in me, told me about the reaper that had been burned into her, that my boyfriend had some dark god's shard in him and to keep him away from her and other dark gods and on and on. Later that night I woke up to her groping and touching me, moaning "Aphrodite" in my ear. Shoved her out of my room and I went into homeschooling because all my classes were with her and there wasn't room to transfer me. Last I heard from a friend, she was saying that I had seduced her (I snore so very sexily) and SHE was avoiding ME. I also later found out that all that shard stuff was from some anime or another that I don't remember the name of. Ughh.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:14 No.2841168
    This is horrifying. You win thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:19 No.2841190
    If this is real, this is sad as fuck. If one of my friends told me that shard shit, I'd laugh in their face and tell them when the 3rd impact occurs, it'll be their fault human instrumentality wasn't achieved.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:22 No.2841201

    Its very real. If that happened now, I would laugh, but at that time I was going through some issues "find myself" spiritually, and that included exploring various religions like Buddhism, Shinto, Wicca and she had said a Wiccan friend told her. I was more confused than anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:26 No.2841219
    Ah. That would have made it difficult.
    Did she turn out to grow out of it, or do you know?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:35 No.2841270

    I haven't a clue, actually. I think she'd be about twenty by now, so hopefully she has. I'm going to call some friends and ask. Report soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:36 No.2841277
         File1271648178.jpg-(307 KB, 1680x1050, 1211758494152.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:38 No.2841288
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:38 No.2841291
    Sweet. Because I've never had the pleasure of meeting someone that nuts in real life, but have never heard of one growing out of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:39 No.2841295

    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:40 No.2841307
    How did you get this pic? I thought it was private on facebook?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:42 No.2841320
    ur boyfriend aint private
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:42 No.2841324
    ...seriously, Miku wig with Ciel? :|
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:43 No.2841330
    My gray one hasn't come yet. So, I used the Miku wig as a substitute til I get the gray one. :)
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:44 No.2841337
    And how do you know Henry?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:44 No.2841338
    Why is she so fucking lazy with her cosplay?
    It so obvious that shes using her shitty Miku wig.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:44 No.2841340

    Holy fuck... as much as I love lesbian rape, that is one fucking horrifying tale.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:45 No.2841341
    If you don't have the right wig, don't wear the cosplay. Here I was thinking that you were getting smarter about what to do but you proved me wrong. And next time, bind. Ciel doesn't have tits.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:45 No.2841343
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:45 No.2841346
    I'm waiting on my actual Ciel wig to come :/
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:45 No.2841348

    ...please tell me you're not the person with the fail cosplay of miku wig with ciel
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:45 No.2841349
    I agree.
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:46 No.2841351
    I'm his 1st girlfriend. At least thats what he said.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:46 No.2841356
         File1271648808.jpg-(19 KB, 380x250, 1257489620024.jpg)
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    >As if there weren't enough shitty trap!Ciels already.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:46 No.2841358
    Then don't cosplay as Ciel.

    It's that simple. You can wait till you have the right wig. Have some pride in your hobby. If you're cosplaying shouldn't it be done right?
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:46 No.2841359
    Isn't Ciel a girl?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:47 No.2841360
    perhaps you two need to sit down and talk?
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:47 No.2841363
    Nah I'll just beat her up :P
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:47 No.2841364
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:48 No.2841366
    Can't tell if troll or not.
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:48 No.2841370
    I haven't watched much Kuroshitsuji but I know that Grell is a girl.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:49 No.2841375
    Okay, you're not even trying now.
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:50 No.2841378
    I was so eager to wear my pretty new dress though ;__;
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:50 No.2841379


    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:50 No.2841383

    lol, ITT kids on 4chan admitting they're underage and shouldn't be here.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:50 No.2841384
         File1271649035.jpg-(193 KB, 381x601, 1255149269607.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:50 No.2841387
    If you had waited for the wig and gone out with it instead of the Miku wig to a different con, you would have felt a lot better.
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:51 No.2841388
    What do you mean? I know Grell is a girl and Ciel is a girl because they made girl dolls out of them for Pullip and Dal dolls.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:52 No.2841397

    No, stop. Seriously, if you're going to cosplay, do it right. Have some pride, for god's sakes.
    If your wig doesn't come in time, wear a different costume. You can wait to wear the costume until you can do it RIGHT.
    Also, anon above is right. Ciel doesn't have tits, bind that shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:52 No.2841398
    Whatever. It's your dress/cosplay/costume. You can do what you want. But everyone else will judge you for everything you do. You post the pictures.

    ...not sure if troll
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:53 No.2841406
         File1271649234.jpg-(18 KB, 353x219, story.jpg)
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    You... FUCKMOOK.
    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:55 No.2841410
    Well I don't really care what other people think since my costumes are better than most on this board. :)
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:56 No.2841415
    shut the fuck up you fat bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:56 No.2841418
    Agreed. Do what you want, but don't bawwwwww when we call you out for the shittiness of it all.

    Maybe you should actually read Kuroshitsuji before making retarded comments on the gender of the character you are cosplaying.

    Though, Grell is a girl, I'll give you that. heart.
    And penis.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:56 No.2841420

    >> Krissy 04/18/10(Sun)23:57 No.2841424
    Thank you for telling me that. You see I am such a fat whore bitch I dont know when I am being stupid
    >> Henry 04/18/10(Sun)23:58 No.2841425
    Ok first of all, I wont, why because I don't know who the fuck you are, So~ If YOU really ARE my EX, then tell me, where do I live huh?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:58 No.2841426
    Yyyyyeeeeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh either you're trollin' or you're 12.
    Or mentally special.
    >> Krissy !tsGpSwX8mo 04/18/10(Sun)23:58 No.2841430
    Im the real Krissy here, Krissy
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:58 No.2841434
    dayton ohio
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:59 No.2841435

    Bitch, plz.
    >> Krissy !tsGpSwX8mo 04/18/10(Sun)23:59 No.2841437
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:59 No.2841438
    your troll is rage worthy, i hope you aren't that bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)23:59 No.2841440
    Post it on dA.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:00 No.2841444
    Then why are you here?

    And no, don't say '4 teh lulz :D', because that's just fucking stupid.

    What's the real reason why you're here in this thread? Egotism? I'm betting it's egotism.
    >> Krissy !tsGpSwX8mo 04/19/10(Mon)00:00 No.2841447
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:00 No.2841448
    She doesn't watch anime or manga because she isn't a weeaboo but she cosplays from them. :D
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:02 No.2841460
    Krissy if you want to save your sanity. Please walk away from the computer. Don't read this thread it'll only depress you.
    >> Krissy !tsGpSwX8mo 04/19/10(Mon)00:02 No.2841462
    Like I said, I just cosplay as sluts to get to sleep with my boys!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:03 No.2841467
         File1271649802.jpg-(20 KB, 512x384, wtfdwag.jpg)
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    You're bad at trollin'.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:03 No.2841468
    OP is a lot more bitchy and personal than most weeaboo stories; what'd she do, steal your boyfriend?
    >> Krissy !tsGpSwX8mo 04/19/10(Mon)00:03 No.2841473
    I take enough meds that I don't get depressed anymore. I can't hardly ever cry either. Which is good.
    >> Henry 04/19/10(Mon)00:06 No.2841486
    _BUUZZZ_ Wrong! The correct answer was the snotty go getter! *puches you* TRY AGAIN YOU SLUT!!!
    >> Krissy !tsGpSwX8mo 04/19/10(Mon)00:06 No.2841490
    You're just jealous cause you dont sleep with over 20 guys a year.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:07 No.2841492

    No, but she stole 3 years of my life and tortured me with her attention whoreing and "look at me i'm cutting myself in class" related bull
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:08 No.2841505
         File1271650110.jpg-(20 KB, 313x330, 1270946289676.jpg)
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    You're like really bad at trolling.

    Here are some reasons why you suck:
    1. Making up medication jokes so people will feel bad because there is something 'wrong' with you.
    2. Knowing that your fat.
    3. Having a low self esteem because you know you're fat then people will feel bad for you.
    4. Going on 4chan because anona-mens will lick your clam.
    5. Saying you play video games and watching anime so more otaku-freak-men will suck your clam-meats.
    6. GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:08 No.2841507
    Wow... what a winner.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:09 No.2841514
    Not that it makes this person any better, but 'oneechan' is actually an affectionate term for 'older sister,' so yeah. 'Imouto' is 'little sister'.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)00:10 No.2841518
         File1271650222.gif-(2 MB, 269x299, 1269319840243.gif)
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    we fly high no lie you know this
    >> Krissy !tsGpSwX8mo 04/19/10(Mon)00:13 No.2841542
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:16 No.2841564
         File1271650577.jpg-(204 KB, 1280x960, claM.jpg)
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    This thread is now about clams.
    >> Krissy !tsGpSwX8mo 04/19/10(Mon)00:16 No.2841568
    This thread is now about my vagina
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:16 No.2841570
    >>2841270 here

    Uh, wow. Drama storm. I just got off the phone with a couple of friends who stayed in contact with her and it didn't seem like they wanted to talk about her but from what I gleaned off them, she hasn't grown out of it. It sort of sounds like she's just gotten worse. One says she has a boyfriend who calls himself King Reaper and is either as batshit nuts as she is or has fallen into her world. I'll make more calls tomorrow because its getting late and I'm really curious now. I'm not actually a regular on /cgl/, I'm a drawfag who wandered in for ideas but I'll try to report further if this thread is still here tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:16 No.2841571
    barnacles are better
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:18 No.2841577
         File1271650683.jpg-(261 KB, 600x600, fingernail_clam.jpg)
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    Clams are better.

    Any shelled invertebrates are welcome.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:19 No.2841587

    Wow...I knew it. They never get better...

    Only if their weeaboo phase was when they were 12 or something then they grow out of it but this person hasn't gotten better and i'm sure she never will
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:19 No.2841588
    Scallops > Clams > Oysters

    Shrimp and crab are the god tier.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:19 No.2841592
         File1271650784.gif-(27 KB, 338x239, lobster.gif)
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    Hey gai whats up?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:19 No.2841595
    thread is derailing, so I have a story.

    One of my Spanish teachers in High School was a japanophile. Because of this, he has a pretty Japanese waifu and a pretty half-Japanese daughter. For her Senior year, this daughter did an exchange program to Spain. The family that took her in had a daughter who, apparently, was a complete weeaboo.

    The reason they picked my teacher's daughter for the exchange program? The kid saw her picture and thought "Hey, she looks asian! She must like anime! Let's take her!" Now, the daughter's last name was Gray, so unless the weeaboo was really good at discerning asian features, she probably just went with her because she looked generically asian. As it turns out, my teacher's daughter HATES anime (probably because her dad OD'd her on it at a young age or something) and ended up finding another family to stay with for the rest of the year.

    She told us this story when she came into our class to talk about Spanish culture and I sank into my desk in shame at the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:19 No.2841596
         File1271650796.jpg-(18 KB, 420x420, 34884.jpg)
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    Clams are really cool.

    Sometimes dolphins will swim in clams.
    That's just how they roll.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:20 No.2841601
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:21 No.2841611
    Fuuuuuuuuuuck. Oysters are always beating clams.

    Crabs and shrimp are pretty bad ass... They have those claws.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:22 No.2841615

    I've heard stories of this kind of fail. Most of the time, though, the exchange student is FROM asia and the family that takes that person in is some family with a child weeaboo and the asian person forever hates america
    >> Krissy !tsGpSwX8mo 04/19/10(Mon)00:22 No.2841616
    This thread sucks, so I'll be back tomorrow.


    Probably not though since you all suck ;)
    >> vendetta-chan 04/19/10(Mon)00:22 No.2841618
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:22 No.2841620

    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:23 No.2841623
         File1271651000.jpg-(73 KB, 432x289, asian_clam.jpg)
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    This thread is totally not derailing.

    Here is a picture of an Asian Clam. The coveted clam of the weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:23 No.2841625
    thats just amazing
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:25 No.2841641
         File1271651134.jpg-(57 KB, 713x686, GeoduckPhoto_BIG.jpg)
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    Fun for the whole family!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:26 No.2841648
    This girl who worked with me last summer was a HUGE weeaboo. She wasn't allowed to wear her anime tees or Hot Topic shit to work, but she constantly babbled in Japanese, even throwing in random words when she was talking to customers. She pretended that she couldn't help it because she was "such a fluent Japanese speaker" and it just slipped out, but really she only did it because the confused look on people's faces made her feel smart and cool. She had this huge binder full of her "art" that she left in the break room, with a note inviting people to look through it and critique it for her/commission her for drawings. I looked through it once, and it was full of badly traced Inuyasha art colored with crayon, and shitty drawings of herself and her mall-goth friends as furries and chibis. Almost every single picture involved someone doing a V-sign or making an XD face.

    She was hideously obese, with filthy stringy hair and bad skin. She thought she was adorable and friendly, but really she was just annoying and WAY too loud. She ended up getting in trouble for spewing Japanese to customers and annoying people by yelling and dancing around the store, so she quit to follow her dream of studying art at the local community college.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:26 No.2841649
    You're just jealous of the mighty clam.

    Because it's so much more interesting than that filthy vagina of yours. I'm sorry for your jealousy. Maybe if you had less of a backbone, lived in the sea, and had more of a protective shell people would like you more.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:27 No.2841660
    The mighty clam looks down upon her.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:29 No.2841669
         File1271651349.jpg-(34 KB, 600x450, geoducksideview.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:30 No.2841688
         File1271651445.jpg-(13 KB, 320x345, 1985-runningClams.jpg)
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    Clams will sometimes grow legs and run away when near a weeaboo.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/19/10(Mon)00:31 No.2841696
    Uncircumcised penises... OHGAWD!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:32 No.2841699
    i see a vagina at the end of that sea-dick
    >> Daguru !!+XW7npOcO0b 04/19/10(Mon)00:32 No.2841702
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/19/10(Mon)00:32 No.2841704
    H-have you seen an uncircumcised penis bra'?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:33 No.2841708
    Ugh, i HATE geoducks
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:35 No.2841713

    Why do these stupid things look like penises?
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)00:36 No.2841717
    dude i didnt know i was circumcised till i got into middle school where we all changed in front of each other
    i was like wtf is wrong with your penis.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:36 No.2841718
    Why do penises look like geoducks?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:37 No.2841723
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    >> lolita-kitten. 04/19/10(Mon)00:47 No.2841800
         File1271652443.jpg-(32 KB, 600x450, l_8e1634570c355586d52dc726302e(...).jpg)
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    those fuckin shoes D:
    auuuugh. no.

    And we keep talking about hambeasts but I havent heard mention of any male weeaboos.
    THIS mother fucker...lives in the town nex tot mine...and calls himself "Blaine" (his names probably dave or some shit).
    Hes the type of "badass" who worships japan, wears a coat everywhere and owns lots of "authentic" samurai swords. Oh, and hes into all the wrong and horrible anime and shit. Hes a total Narutard.

    I honestly think hes going to commit murder one day, he gives me the fucking creeps.
    >> lolita-kitten. 04/19/10(Mon)00:48 No.2841806
    THATS the real question.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)00:49 No.2841812
    99% of people here used to be weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:00 No.2841860

    He even looks like a serial killer.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:00 No.2841863

    but we grew out of it. these people did not.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)01:01 No.2841868
    u give me the creeps for being a fat loli.
    >> lolita-kitten. 04/19/10(Mon)01:02 No.2841871
    Yeah, but the important part is that we grew out of it...
    Some never do....

    I knooow. D:
    >> lolita-kitten. 04/19/10(Mon)01:03 No.2841875
    Nice try, I've never posted a picture of myself here.
    Go berate some else to bring up your confidence level.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:05 No.2841890
    What is Krissys real facebook?
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)01:09 No.2841905
    lolita = fat girl in costume
    kitten = baby cat which is what lonley women own.

    my conclusion is
    your a fat lonley woman that dresses up as sailor moon.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:09 No.2841912
         File1271653799.jpg-(88 KB, 720x540, badciel.jpg)
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    What a terrible Ciel dress
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:14 No.2841931

    What a terrible Ciel cosplay altogether
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:15 No.2841936
         File1271654149.jpg-(15 KB, 205x244, uhhhhhh.jpg)
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    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 04/19/10(Mon)01:16 No.2841937
    OH. MY. GOD.

    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 04/19/10(Mon)01:17 No.2841941
         File1271654249.jpg-(67 KB, 400x406, 1258256118117.jpg)
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    I love it.
    >> lolita-kitten. 04/19/10(Mon)01:19 No.2841947
    keep trying to boost that low self esteem hun.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:19 No.2841949

    Because she loves to make us rageeeeeeee
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)01:20 No.2841951
    hey my pics are on here
    feels good man
    havnt seen your hambeast body yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:21 No.2841956
    I have a weaboo friend who talks in a a high pitched anime bitch squeal all the time, looks at shota gore and such. The worst part is that every time I see her dad, he tells me I'm sexy and remind him of his dead wife. When I was in highschool, I wore lolita over to her house and stayed the night, he kept going on about how I looked like a maid and bought me a penis shaped doughnut in the morning. I never went over there again. only reason I talk to her now is because I know I can talk to her about anything and not be ashamed of it. Like talking about the GLOW IN THE DARK CONDOMS my boyfriend bought today.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:22 No.2841963
    Ugh..what a trainwreck. Would it have been so hard to IRON the damn thing and put a petticoat underneath it?
    >> lolita-kitten. 04/19/10(Mon)01:24 No.2841975
    Maybe I'm someone smart who doesn't want to put their face on 4chan for all the sweaty neckbeards too see maybe?
    You can keep doing it though..if you want THAT kind of attention.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)01:26 No.2841981
         File1271654805.jpg-(28 KB, 311x311, newhere.jpg)
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    if you've lurk more you would understand this board has never seen my face.
    oh wells.
    but hey im not fat bashing here
    you got enough problems being fat and all.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:39 No.2842036
         File1271655569.jpg-(61 KB, 400x350, raeg.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:41 No.2842043
         File1271655682.png-(316 KB, 335x472, Picture 3.png)
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    get the fuck over yourself.
    Just because you have low self esteem doesn't mean you have to try and push it off on everyone else by being an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:44 No.2842062
         File1271655899.jpg-(278 KB, 600x550, 1271095107589 (1).jpg)
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    You rather fail at lolita. The skirt is all wrong and you look generally disheveled as well. Where's the perfection? Where's the grace? You look like you just rolled out of bed and even then that's pushing it.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)01:48 No.2842074
    fucking fat i knew it lmfao
    and that hair
    i didnt know women went to super cuts lol
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:50 No.2842081

    Same Poster from:
    She's not fat, so much as out of shape. I'd say around maybe ten pounds overweight for her height. There's no definition though, she should walk more or do some crunches. Plus the wide waistband is unflattering.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)01:51 No.2842085
    i dont know what kinda women you like dude but in shes fat
    and nasty.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:52 No.2842087
    oops. Dyslexic moment there reverse the posts please. I posted the fugoshi pic.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:53 No.2842095
    Not a man. Just being honest, I never said she was attractive. AT ALL! I just think she's not a fucking whale.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)01:54 No.2842099
    she aint a whale but shes still fat dudette.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)01:59 No.2842117
    >>2842099 I call it chubby.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:00 No.2842121
    chubby is the polite way of saying fat.
    >> Jynx !r02sLb16Pc 04/19/10(Mon)02:06 No.2842140
         File1271657189.jpg-(45 KB, 500x380, 1267155725194.jpg)
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    This thread is so silly.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:08 No.2842145
         File1271657310.jpg-(65 KB, 634x576, MTS2_Dr_Pixel_549836_SizeCompa(...).jpg)
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    Naw dude, there's a fine line. I wouldn't tell a chubby girl she's fat, but I'd tell a fat girl she's fat. Third girl's chubby, fourth is fat in this crappy picture.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:09 No.2842152
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    if a girl doesnt look like this pic shes a fucking hambeast to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:12 No.2842159
    That's because you have the balls to be meaner than me.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:14 No.2842167
    its kay we all can be mean. :3
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:16 No.2842179
    But... I'm an admirer of lifestyle lolitas who are always supposed to be nice and pretty.

    I still love the delicious dramu that's always on here though.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:17 No.2842182
    I'm not even wearing lolita in that picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:18 No.2842184
    That's about as mean as I'll get. Even on 4chan T_T I'll think rude things about people but never actually say it out loud.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:19 No.2842186
    cause your weak.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:20 No.2842196
    ORLY? The headbow and teaparty shoes say you are trying to. So does the skirt, socks, and the rest of your outfit.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:21 No.2842200
    Well I not a dumb "lifestyler lolita"
    I wear actual lolita maybe once a month because I find it pretty. I have other shit to do then to delude myself into thinking that lolita is something other then clothes you wear.
    And I'm 110 pounds. If you think thats overweight I really would hate to see your anorexic ass. if you even have an ass at that point.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:22 No.2842202
    sure you are
    and your probably a crazy bitch too.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:23 No.2842206
    So? I know that already, I embrace my will-less personality rather than try to be an internet tough guy.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:25 No.2842215
    lol i dont consider myself a e-tough guy cause i act like this irl
    sept with more charm.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:26 No.2842220
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    In taking Hobbes' advice and telling it how it is, I say you are only trying to defend your fugly ass and trying to claim you weren't making a sorry attempt at lolita.

    Pic related, it's the Uniform equivalent to the shit you're wearing and calling "Not lolita"
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:27 No.2842221
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:28 No.2842226
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    Oh god, it looks kinda sorta like lolita, it SHE MUST BE TRYING TO BE LOLITA.
    As I said, get over yourselves, you take this shit waaay to seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:30 No.2842232
    keep telling yourself that.
    getting more and more lost in the pathetic attempt to never grow up, become anorexic and mooch off your daddy for the rest of your life.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:32 No.2842241
    haha not you 1 skin tones
    2 wrists
    3 the inside part of the elbows
    ya soz who you trying to fool?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:34 No.2842255
    Hahahahahaha! Got emancipated at age 16, been living on my own, working full time for six years since. Sure I live in a shitty appartment in the bad side of town, but feels good man.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:35 No.2842258
    damn negro.
    at 16 thats hardcore
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:35 No.2842259
    holy shit go back to gaia if you have something to prove. your tryhard is showing.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:36 No.2842262
    >holy shit go back to gaia
    for a second i thought that was directed at me
    never been to gaia what is it?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:38 No.2842267
    I don't know how to explain it to someone who's never been there.

    it's basically a cesspool of newfaggotry and 14-20 year olds trying to be internet badasses and charm people with their imagined intelligence and wit.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 04/19/10(Mon)02:38 No.2842268
    >to texas
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:39 No.2842273
    Lol, white as wonderbread actually and getting emancipated isn't that hard where I live. You just need a C average GPA, a job that makes more than a thousand two hundred a month, and a good reason to leave. May have changed now, but I doubt it. One major downside was I couldn't get into ANY trouble with the law, because I'd be tried as an adult in court.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:40 No.2842279
    actually I think one anon explained it pretty well a long time ago.

    4chan is where smart people go to act stupid. gaia is where stupid people go to act smart.

    though that really isn't true nowadays...
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:41 No.2842285
    when i say negro i dont mean black its just me saying nigga lol
    inb4 hobbes lol
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:41 No.2842286
    its called different lighting and a summer tan... its the same person. Giver her a break and stop acting so butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:41 No.2842287
    it's not like it's hard to not get in trouble with the law so I don't see why that would be a problem.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:42 No.2842294
    quit trying to samefag we all know your the fat girl.
    wanna know what gave you away?
    the butthurt. yup
    l2 troll nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:43 No.2842297
    Oh, I thought it was where stupid people went to act weaboo and brag about their weaboo stuff and shitty fanfiction. I must have been missing such a flaming drama pit all these years.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:44 No.2842300
         File1271659440.jpg-(107 KB, 1108x613, weeaboo.jpg)
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    this is gaia, hobbes.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:47 No.2842317

    Curfew laws still affected me. I had to be really careful coming home at 3 AM because I could be brought in and fined a shitton of money for violating curfew.

    Not to mention, no crazy high school parties with drugs.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:47 No.2842318
    that font is really gross.
    same with the color.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:49 No.2842322
    just because i also don't agree with your shitty ideals doesn't make me samefag. and i use butthurt because it describes exactly what your acting like right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:51 No.2842325
    Your writing style is exactly the same, along with your tone. If you're going to samefag, at least TRY to make yourself sound different.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)02:51 No.2842326
    sure sure
    turn off your computer samefag your wasting my time when i could be shooping :|
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:55 No.2842333
    omg I love shopping!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:55 No.2842334
         File1271660137.jpg-(10 KB, 150x150, 20090120_231239_evil_hobbes_st(...).jpg)
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    Meh, I'm out of here now. I've got to get up at five for class in the morning, enjoy your drama Hobbes. I know you're loving this aren't you? <_<
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:58 No.2842345
         File1271660333.jpg-(10 KB, 320x240, 04-14-10951727.jpg)
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    ITT: Hobbes is successful troll
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)02:59 No.2842351
    Of which CGL seems more than happy to provide.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)03:00 No.2842352
    hell ya ciao
    when am i not?
    so do I but im photoshopping.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:04 No.2842367
    Bye! I look forward to your trolling soon
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)03:07 No.2842372
    sarcasm appreciated bai.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:09 No.2842381

    Actually, I wasn't being sarcastic. you're one of my favorite tripfags because you're only here for the drama and make that perfectly clear.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:11 No.2842388
    not to mention that you aren't an attention whore. In fact, there's not one face shot of you if your claims are true. And it takes a lot of persistence to get you to even post a picture that may or may not be of you.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:14 No.2842396
    wow how much more butt you gonna kiss
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:14 No.2842397
         File1271661286.jpg-(74 KB, 500x500, 8038254_m.jpg)
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    >>Complain about weeaboos
    >>Weeaboos who complain about other weeaboos
    >>Complaining in a Board dedicated to weeaboos
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)03:18 No.2842408
    lol idc i love all compliments
    i feed on your emotions :3
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:30 No.2842456
    Because there's no /co/splayers on this board, right.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:37 No.2842480
    First of all, whatever the girl in OPs pic doing isn't an actual style. It's not FRUiTS, it's not Decora, western Raver, lolita, cosplay, or anything. No one who knows anything would walk outside like this, she probably just took the picture for fun and was making fun of people like /cgl/ in general.

    Secondly, you're just jealous that we have interests and friends while you're stuck with mindless games of Halo with 13 year olds from Germany.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:41 No.2842501

    I'm actually want to do a psychological study on this phenomena. It appears that most people grow out of it, since it can me a typical teenage phase in which they have trouble with identity. The ones who usually don't change at all have some sort of major psychological disorder or maybe mildly autistic or have aspergers, same thing actually. It's in the nature of aspergers to resist change and follow a constant routine. I think their weabooism is that routine that gives them comfort to express their insecurities revolving around their stunted social interaction. Plus it's very hard to persuade an aspie to change from a routine. I have aspergers, but with a lot of hard work, I have turned my weaboosim into more of a interest in accurate japanese history and culture without being obnoxious about it. I was a weaboo in high school, but nowhere as bad as some of you people have seen. I guess it was because I over came my resistance to change and moved on. A lot of older weaboos I know, are college drop outs. I think this is because they actually have mild autism and have not gotten the help in school or the diagnosis to let them realize what is wrong with them and make the appropriate changes to their lives to cope with it.
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !Nigger/OcE 04/19/10(Mon)03:43 No.2842511
    i scimmed through 2 sentences of your post
    how long did it take you to write that?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:47 No.2842537
    2 mins
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)03:47 No.2842539
    There was a girl in our Japanese culture club for one semester who was a disgusting, dirty weeaboo. We called her The Narutard. She was taking the introductory Japanese course and would regularly start babbling on in "Japanese" during class... even though she was really just making up words. Eventually, the professor got so fed up with her that she just started making fun of her, saying things like "Oh, we need a cage to put you in!"

    She constantly talked/squeed/danced during screenings. Every time an "attractive" anime guy came on screen? Squeeing. We actually had to make a rule that you could not get up and dance in the middle of an anime screening, because she would do so every time some music played. This was terrifying, because she was a WHALE. The club went out to a Japanese restaurant once, and she ordered a whole sushi boat (meant for two or more) for herself. Then, after she was finished, if someone still had food, she would ask if we were going to finish that, and if not, could she have it? Before we ordered (she was there with her father, I would have to add..), she asked our club president if she thought they would let her order sake. President said yeah, if she was 21. The Narutard pouted because she wasn't, saying how she really wanted a cup of nice cold sake. She was then informed that sake is generally served warm and shut up for a while.

    She insisted on giving people Japanese nicknames because she "wasn't good with American names". Her "name" was Sakura, and once got extremely offended and mad at me because one of my friends called me Sakura (not a name I ever told her to call me, mind you, it's just the name of a character I had recently cosplayed at that time) and had a fit about how "MY name is Sakura, your name CAN'T be Sakura!" ...As if thousands of Japanese girls don't have that name? Yeah.

    Luckily, she was only around for that one semester, but her fat, disgusting memory will forever haunt us...
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)04:19 No.2842639
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    I have "borderline" aspergers (Not really sure how it works, but I was dignosed at 8), but I wouldn't called myself a weeaboo.. Well not compared to the way I used to be.

    Back when I was 13 I would say "Kawaiiiii" and squee... And other stupid, stupid, pethetic things.

    I was like that for a while, and although I still collect Models and Manga, I'd say that I do in a way someone will collect car replicas (Profit!) and just books in general.

    I've stopped obsessing over all things Japanese (OMG, that guy looks JUST like sasuke!), Stopped pretending I understand japanese songs, and just trying to act normal.

    It's hard, but I like to think I'm better off than a boy I know, one who suffers from both Aspergers and ADHD; obsessive star trek/sci fi fan (What's really the difference between a trekkie and a weeaboo? We say "Kawaii" they say "Kapla!")

    Anyway, believe it or not "weeaboos" will eventually grow out of it, they'll realise that while everyone around they matures they just stay the same; It's then they'll grow as people and away from the obnoxious behaviour they've been towing around all their lives..

    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)04:25 No.2842655
    >We say "Kawaii" they say "Kapla!"

    I think you'll find it's spelt "Qapla'"
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)04:28 No.2842670

    Well done proving their point.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)04:34 No.2842680
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)04:37 No.2842689
    They don't think people from space are superior in every way or resent their own country?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)04:39 No.2842693

    you mean their own planet?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)04:42 No.2842702
    actually they are saying Q'aplah
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)05:03 No.2842735
    When I was a high school Freshman there was a guy in my school's anime club who always, always sat in the very back corner, hunched over some paper and generally ignoring everyone. Supposedly he was a Senior who had been held back a year or two for some reason or another. Well, a few of my friends and I assumed he was harmless and just a little shy (we were 14. enough said.) so we decided to approach him and try to get him to open up a little. So the the next time we had anime club we all approached him. Worst. Mistake. Ever.

    The guy was tall, for one, and he wasnt exactly a hambeast, but he wasnt skinny. He was... borderline hambeast. And he smelled like SHIT. No, literally, he smelled like he'd just shit his pant. We tried to ignore it, and asked him what he was drawing. Turns out he was drawing all the girls in the club as furries. In porn positions. Very badly.

    After digging around, we also found out that he lived with his mom, who refused to let him leave the house for ANYTHING except school. And since no one has basements where I live, I would assume this is a close equivalent to being a basement dweller. Once he asked if any girls (specifically) wanted to write/ draw a manga with him, the only thing was that they'd have to go to his house. Needless to say, that didnt happen.

    The next year, he kind if dropped off the face of the planet, and then when I was a Junior, he came back dating this other hambeast named Sarah who insisted everyone call her Blue because that was the color sharpie she used to dye her hair. They made such a cute couple, drawing porn furries and sucking face in the middle of the cafeteria. /pukes at the memory

    To this day, five years later, I still have a hard time looking at furries and sometimes, when I encounter a smelly hambeast and I'm not prepared for it, I freak out. It suckss.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)05:08 No.2842741
    Damn, a high school student living with his mom? What a fucking loser
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)05:11 No.2842743
    Took me awhile to realize you wernt serious lol that means its off to bed
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)05:22 No.2842764
    Part One

    So this kid walks into my work with his friend, never seen him before (dressed like a typical weeaboo), first thing he does when he see's me is say konichiwa. Yes, I understand I'm asian and I could very much be mistaken for a jap, but his ignorance to automatically assume such was beyond my understanding.

    My conflicted expression was obviously over his head because the next thing he said was, "What nationality are you? Is it japanese? You look very japanese to me. Oh my name is such and such btw. What's yours?" Then looks unto me with an expectancy of a super japanesie name. To which I reply, "It's (insert english name here) and I'm not japanese."

    He looks so disappointed and instead of apologizing for his assumption he just goes off saying, "Well I still think you look super japanese. I wish I were japanese. You're so lucky. Do you like anime?Oh btw that's my friend over there." He points to the guy who is obviously very much embarrassed walking away from us quickly and urging the weeaboo to join him. I'm sure to save from further idiocy on the weeaboo's part. He then says, "Well I hope to see you again and maybe we can be friends. Sayanara."

    I felt bad for his friend you actually had some common sense and looked like he felt really bad for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)05:23 No.2842769

    Part Two

    A few days later same weeaboo comes back in again greeting me with a I'm trying way to hard "KONICHIWA" this time though with a different friend. His friend automatically looks at him and goes, "Really? You know how a offensive you're being right now. It's really rude you know. You should apologize."

    Weeaboo replies, "Oh, I had no idea. I don't think I was saying anything wrong. Do you think I was? (questioning me) If I did I'm sorry (not looking sorry at all more like mad at his friend)." I'm on the clock so of course I said no it's fine with a smile. They leave arguing with each other once out of my earshot.

    I dread having to see him again. It's inevitable since I live in small hick town with only three places to shop at, my store being one of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)06:19 No.2842848
    Used to be friends with this weeaboo faggot.

    She insists on calling herself Neko-chan (even in public for Christs sake, she introduced herself to people as 'Neko-chan' before, and was all proud that her mother was starting to call herself that).

    She's CONSTANTLY rambling on and on about nothing else than cosplay, Japan, Animu or her cosplay friends. Unless it's her shit photography, which has been 'put on hold for cosplay-desu'. Start a conversation with her on anything but those or her 'questionable sexuality' (because it's currently 'in' to be a lesbian, thus she is), and you've grown too far apart or she gets a fit of her disease.

    She claims she's got this disease that makes her tired and fat, when all she does is sit on the couch, eating chocolate (which she's allergic to according to her), stay up til 3 am when she needs to get up at 7 am, playing on her laptop. Or making a cosplay if it's two weeks before a con.

    If her sexuality or weeabooism wasn't under discussion, it was whining and bitching about how awful her loving parents who gave her everything she wanted (camera, laptop, free housing, paid health care, convention costs, etc) was, to people who's parents had died or physically/mentally abused them, then when someone brought that up they 'didn't understand'. The only times her parents screamed at her was when she was too lazy to pick up her own god damn stuff or help out in the household.

    After a massive bitchfight of me being too put up with her shit, especially after her taking credit for leading a meeting that was actually nearly completely lead by 3 others (her saying she had to do everything/they did nothing) when one of those 3 was a friend of mine who's mother died 4 days prior, we barely ever talk and I'll be happy once I'm out of the same city so I don't have to sit on the same train as her towards a convention.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)06:33 No.2842857

    I'm really glad that the nerd / weeaboo crowd in my high school was so small and antagonized by the rest of the public that we never really had any screwballs to such a degree as this. The people who were more or less obsessed with Japan really only kept it to themselves and it was only readily apparent if you actually got to know them, or just put two and two together when they asked a healthy 5 questions a minute in Japanese class.

    Goddamn, three years of that shit lasted me half a year in college.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)06:39 No.2842866
    I know a chick who changed her name to Maki-chan.... :/ Maki-CHAN. WTF. *hits head on desk*
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)06:42 No.2842873
         File1271673758.jpg-(30 KB, 581x320, 1271372327927.jpg)
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    oh my god.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)07:03 No.2842898
    You grow out of it as soon as you move out of your own home to go to university or whatever, where it is essential to make social connections with 'normal' people.

    Well, if you don't learn how to make proper social interactions by then, you almost deserve the tiny social circle you do have with other shallow weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)07:06 No.2842904
    i know a pair of TWIN weeaboos that are the biggest ones i know of that have made it to university level.... i want to slap the stupid out of them every time. Good thing they are terrified of me. i usually can tell them to shut up and they run away.... my poor friend has to actually room with them and she is too sweet to tell them how retarded they really are.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)07:11 No.2842912
    PS. they insist as only cosplaying twins too... so if you see some terribad cosplay of any twins (host club, vocaloid, princess tutu, etc) ... it miiiiight be them. b/c the are also HORRIBLE at cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)07:14 No.2842916
    I was never a huge weaboo (or so I tell myself, ahaha...ha...) but I hung out with a lot of people that were in the last two years of high school so I adapted. I was quiet, but super-nerdy and everyone knew it. I occasionally used random Japanese. Never wore cosplay to school (they did) but I watched anime and read manga enough that it actually interfered with my schoolwork.

    I'm finishing my first year of university now, and I think you CAN grow out of it. For me, it was living on my own and learning to balance schoolwork and casual interests. I still like some anime and manga, but it's something I do in my spare time, not my life.

    Counterpoint to this, however- one of my highschool friends is also in university, and if anything, she's gotten worse and more obsessed now that she's not under her parent's roof. I suppose it really depends on the person. :|
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)07:31 No.2842939

    true dat

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